动态无功补偿谐波与谐波治理综合装置 是干什么用的

上传用户:xitsmqdxcq资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)跟着最近几年来我国经济程度、科技程度、电力程度的年夜力成长,愈来愈多的高科技产物运用到了我们的临盆和生涯中,而这些高科产物的运用无疑与电力有着密弗成分的关系,也就是说电力的成长制约着经济与科技的成长程度。以后的电能质量程度已不克不及知足人们生涯、临盆的请求了。因为电力电子整流装备,如二极管整流和三相晶闸管相控整流和各类非线性负载的投网运转,使得电网电能质量成绩日趋凸起亟需处理。这会影响全部电力行业的供电效力并存在着很年夜的不平安身分。为了包管配电网的正常运转必需处理设置无功赔偿、克制谐波净化、改良供电质量等重要成绩。本文起首剖析了各类装配的实际基本,和他们的谐波和无功状态,并引见具体引见了几种今朝运用比拟普遍的管理的办法和手腕。并根据辽宁金信生化无限公司现实情形,剖析了该变电站的无功赔偿协调波管理情形。完成了根本实际常识和现实工程的联合,论证了本文的公道可行性。经由过程加装为用户定制的无功赔偿与谐波克制TSF装配,赔偿了用户的无功功率并管理了用户的谐波,获得了可不雅的经济效益。Abstract:In recent years along with our country economic level, level of science and technology, the power level of the eve of the growth, an increasing number of high-tech products applied to our production and life, and the use of these high tech products undoubtedly and power has a close relationship, that is the growth of power restricts the development level of economy and technology. After the degree of power quality has been unable to meet the people, after the request for a career. Because the power electronic rectifier equipment, such as the diode rectifier and three-phase thyristor phase control rectifier and all kinds of nonlinear load operation of the network, making the grid power quality problems are becoming increasingly urgent need to deal with. This will affect the power supply of all electric power industry and there is a very large non safety factor. In order to ensure the normal operation of the distribution network must deal with the compensation of reactive power, restrain harmonic purification, improve the quality of power supply and so on. This article first analyzes the various types of assembly of the actual basic, and their harmonic and reactive status, and introduced the specific introduction of several current use of the more common management approach and the wrist. According to the actual situation of Liaoning Jinxin biochemical limited company, analyzes the substation reactive power compensation wave coordination management. The combination of fundamental practical common sense and practical engineering is completed, which proves the feasibility of this paper. The reactive power compensation and harmonic restraint TSF assembly, which is added to the user, compensate the reactive power of the users and manage the harmonic of the user, and obtain the economic benefit.目录:摘要5-6Abstract6第1章 绪论9-13&&&&1.1 课题研究的背景与意义9-10&&&&1.2 无功补偿和谐波治理技术的研究现状10-11&&&&1.3 课题研究的意义和论文的主要工作11-13第2章 电能质量问题分析13-21&&&&2.1 电力系统无功功率分析13-15&&&&&&&&2.1.1 无功功率的产生13&&&&&&&&2.1.2 无功功率对电力系统的影响13-14&&&&&&&&2.1.3 电力系统无功补偿方式14-15&&&&2.2 电力系统谐波分析15-16&&&&2.3 电力电子装置产生的无功和谐波16-19&&&&2.4 公用电网谐波电压和谐波电流的限值19-21第3章 无功补偿与谐波抑制装置的分析与比较21-32&&&&3.1 晶闸管投切滤波器 TSF21-24&&&&&&&&3.1.1 TSF 滤波器的基本工作原理21-22&&&&&&&&3.1.2 TSF 电气接线方式22-23&&&&&&&&3.1.3 TSF 的主要性能指标23-24&&&&3.2 静止无功补偿器24-26&&&&&&&&3.2.1 SVC 的无功平衡原理24-25&&&&&&&&3.2.2 TCR 型 SVC 的工作特性25-26&&&&3.3 静止无功发生器26-29&&&&&&&&3.3.1 静止无功发生器主电路的拓扑结构27&&&&&&&&3.3.2 静止无功发生器的基本工作原理27-29&&&&3.4 有源电力滤波器29-32&&&&&&&&3.4.1 APF 的基本工作原理29-32第4章 无功补偿与谐波治理的工程实例研究32-46&&&&4.1 辽宁省电网电价情况介绍32-33&&&&4.2 用户低压电网谐波与无功情况分析33-36&&&&&&&&4.2.1 补偿前数据采集34-36&&&&&&&&4.2.2 问题分析36&&&&4.3 投切容量计算36-40&&&&4.4 补偿效果分析40-46第5章 结论与展望46-47参考文献47-49攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文及其它成果49-50致谢50-51作者简介51分享到:相关文献|用于银行贷款2013年新型动态无功补偿及谐波治理装置项目可行性研究报告(甲级资质+专家答疑)编制方案 - 百度文库
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