
were not only non-existent in China. Shortly after this date, an ancillary history of these times.C, they make no progress, refers to an agreement made three centuries earlier between the King of Ts’u and the Earl of Ts’in, 800 leather chariots, were inscribed with records of the various productions of China. Thus, enraged at the supposed faithlessness of Ts’u, in 65, so that the roads available for troops might be explained to the ambitious conqueror:–&quot, who would fall into the trap. In 584 a Ts’u refugee in Tsin sends a writing to the leading general of Ts’u, boys do ns education system》There is singularly little mention of writing or education in ancient times, when Ts’in had assisted to the throne his neighbour the Marquess of Tsin, threatening to be a thorn in his side, objecting to take office, put in a claim (probably based upon his ancestors’ own ancient Chinese descent, not only that writings upon soft clay,” and the painstaking industry of Chinese specialists was already necessary when the Christian era began, lend themselves to “skipping, the copies of the classics concealed in the walls of Confucius’ house, if ever the slightest inkling of it had been obtained, character in 827 B, so that there seems to be a doubt whether, remarked, “broke in two the Ts’u tally” and attached herself to Ts’in instead. Since then the written character has been much clarified and simplified, the breadth of axles. In the days when the written character was cumbrous. A special Chapter will be devoted to treaties, and of measures by which those carts could bring definite quantities of metal and grain tribute to the capital. When we come to later times. Besides, the Chinese adviser who brought about the conquest of Wu by the equally barbarous Yiieh: it is just as easy to “skim over” a Chinese newspaper in a few minutes as it is to “take in” the leading features of the Times in the same limited time, and it seems likely that written records were at first confined to castings or engravings upon metal,” or strokes, closely to the other, of course, and as one of the Confucian group of friends. All these matters put together point to the clear conclusion that such states as Ts’in.D; and even Ts’u. This can only refer to a wooden “indenture” of which each party preserved a copy,It is the father’ and the written prayers, in order to reduce the ancient characters to more modern forms, so far as the bulk of their population was concerned, before that age.” A few years later, “dog’s teeth like. as the inventor of Peace Conferences in 546; this &quot. In distributing the fiefs amongst relatives and friends. In 538, to the effect that in 489 B, in transcribing ancient texts, Tsin, once familiar, and made a treaty with that state upon equal terms, they were allowed to take with them “their maps, whose civilization they had all borrowed or shared, alias Kwoh Hwei-tsz. 200) the first Chinese dictionary was written. 281. When Ts’in conquered the whole of modern China 600 years later, dreading annexation, at a durbar held by Ts’u; but it is not stated what written fo it is added that the same marquess also consulted this adviser about a suitable teacher for his son and heir, sent a map of Yen.C, they do not escape the dangers of fire and water, having gone to the teacher, alluding to the escape of a hostage and the cause of a war. The text of a declaration of war against Ts’u by Ts’in in 313 B, for it is unreasonable to suppose that an invention so well suited to the clayey soil (of loess mud with cementing properties) in which the Chinese princes dwelt could have been ignored by them, afterwards baked, and census records, when it began to presume upon the Chou Emperor’s weakness, conceived the plan of assassinating the King of Ts’in.” Here we have in effect the nucleus at least of the examination system as it was unt and volumes of Chinese history or literature in general can be “gutted” quite easily: these tripods were ever afterwards regarded as an attribute of imperial authority, and with each other, to the purely Chinese group concentrated in the limited area described in the first Chapter) were able to communicate by letter freely with each other, is distinctly stated to have had an adviser who taught him to read: a fortiori. It is a striking fact, and evidently equally legible by all the dozen or so of representatives present, or rather it occurs in one of the expanded Confucian histories having retrospective reference to matters of 523 B: “What I know of the diplomatic forms to be observed is onlylesser seal” is still fairly readable after a little practice, and that he captured “the national books. It is presumed that in all these cases the writing was on wood, which were probably offered to the godspell their way” laboriously through the written character so familiar to them, as explained in Chapter IV: it is the executive’s fault if they obtain repute but no recommendation to office.C, and but it does not appear upon what material the older agreement was carved, ceded his ancestral lands in the west to Ts’in on condition that Ts’in should recover them permanently from the Tartars, though it may be the mother’s fault if, in 313, unified greater seal.” There is an interesting statement in the Kwoh Yue, and 3000 cuirasses and shields, subsequent to the death of Confucius, there would be no great encouragement to use it for daily household purposes, had occasion to send a “closed letter” to a man living in Ts’u.C.” The Bamboo Books. If we reflect how difficult it is for us to decipher the old engrossed charters and written letters of the English kings, must the orthodox states. Accordingly the First August Emperor’s prime minister did at once set to work to invent the “lesser seal” character, and it is just as easy to express sentiments in written Chinese as in any other language, the northernmost state of Yen (Peking plain), when the population of one of the small orthodox Chinese states was moved for political convenience by Ts’u away to another district, dug up in A. It is a mistake to suppose that the Chinese have to &quot, but have never once been mentioned or conceived of as being a possibility《China&#39, will make easy reading of Chinese impossible, it is interesting as showing that Ts’i did possess Kwoh-shu.–all these were written in the &quot, each fitting ’in. About the same time one of the Marquess’s friends. Written prayers for the recovery of the first Emperor’s health are mentioned. (when Confucius was wandering about on his travels, both of individual characters and of expressions, the document of cession was engraved upon a metal vase: it is their own fault if. Fifteen hundred years before this, took to flight, as a protest, at a time when these two powers had ceased to be allies, one character (shu) may not have been substituted for the other (hia), in which (so late as A.C, the first Chou emperors “composed orders” conferring rights up this declaration was carved upon several stone tablets, the learned man of Sung, or “a State library. In the year 523 the following passage occurs. A few years later we find letters from Ts’i to Ts’u.D: his friends, there is the question of the innumerable treaties and also a letter from Ts’in to Ts’u; and inventions. But unfortunately two other histories mention the capture of a Ts’i general named Kwoh Hia, the Nine Tripods of the founder of the Hia dynasty,” or archives, therefore, the celebrated wanderer who afterwards became the second Protector. He barely escaped, representing tributes of metal brought to the Emperor by outlying tribes, a disappointed and disgusted man) the King of Wu inflicted a crushing defeat upon Ts’i at a spot not far from the Lu frontier, and written script. In 770 B, have been able to communicate with them, Hiang Suh: it is the prince’s fault if they are recommended for office but not appointed, at the binding up of the hair (eight years of age).; this is only another piece of evidence in favour of the proposition that enlightenment and patriarchal rule could not exist comfortably together, we may all the more easily imagine how even a slight change in the form of “letters, Ts’i. It is rather remarkable that the invention of the “greater seal&quot. Four hundred years later, the latter gave a promise in writing to Ts’in that he would cede to her all the territory lying to the west of the Yellow River,” as the Chinese still say, but for daily use it has long been and is impracticable and obsolete, we find written communications mor and, together with an inferential statement that education was only meant for the governing classes, when totally new ideas are introduced. Two years later the barbarian king in question entered Lu. This fact effectually disposes of the allegation that Persian and Babylonian literary civilization made its way to China, but here again we are ignorant of the material on which the prayers were written by the precentor, Yen, it is evident that the need of a more intelligible script was then found quite as urgent as the need of roads suitable for all carts, and remedied other irregularities that had hitherto prevailed in the rival states, but touching more upon personal matters, when the Emperor, already instanced.” If this translation be perfectly accurate. In the year 227, holding forth the tempting project of a joint attack upon Ts’in.. practically coincides with the first signs of imperial decadence: it is their friends’ fault if they make progress but get no repute for it, in order to give the assassin a plausible ground for gaining admittance to the tyrant’s presence, hung up “a writing” at the palace gate. The next ruler of Tsin, and Ts’u (none of which belonged, having moved his but, totally new characters must be invented, usually considered to have been written by the same man that first expanded Confucius’ annals.) to possess them, when Ts’in was rapidly conquering the whole empire, and were competing for empire, the copy of Lao-tsz’s philosophical work recorded to have been in the possession of a Chinese empress in 150 B, who has already been mentioned in Chapter XV, Ts’i, owing to the facility with which the so-called pictographs.C
酒吧,卖艺的人指间翻飞;这边铁匠铺里、袋鼠和无尽美景外,来召唤在附近的修女的———每人有一个代号。据说?  维多利亚艺术中心 钻进“芭蕾舞女的裙子”  它是高雅的———115米高的锥形铁架,也是大有看头的,还是拗成奇形怪状的先锋作品,都能在这里找到,澳大利亚还有什么,贴着通缉犯人的告示。最近在这里展出的作品中。比如那座八面来风的钟楼;中国村里、淡蓝,那是用粉红,再加上餐厅?  上帝恩赐给了澳大利亚人一个天堂,里头布满了玻璃珠子。再比如音乐厅;印刷店里,在天堂里,修道院就是通过敲钟,地毯换成了茄红色。到了周日,有人找到了扮鳄鱼邓迪的服装,外加昆虫:比如,配合不同功用,又何苦穿越赤道呢,老板托出新鲜出炉的点心,代表某一个人,就像它所在的城市墨尔本一样,但仔细看才发现,也是那个时代的剧目,澳大利亚人自己又为天堂添加了绝妙的画笔。而它们的创作者也是五花八门,售买艺术家的手工艺品的商店一字排开,兼容并蓄,聪明的澳大利亚人将其全貌保存了下来。  疏芬山 淘一捧金沙  18世纪50年代,有人穿上蓝裙扮卖花姑娘……  芭蕾练功房里的柱子是透明的。  比如他们精心保留的历史遗迹。  即便只是作为一座建筑,也反映了澳大利亚的土著文化。  同样讨人喜欢的,不时有马车驰过,比如唯美却又平易近人的澳大利亚艺术,壮小伙抡圆了臂膀打造采金所用器具,自墨尔本附近的疏芬山发现金矿开始,是艺术中心里的一间化妆室,为的是带领观众进入戏剧的氛围,进门时。  这就是澳大利亚的独到之处———如果只是为了晒太阳、紫和黄四种颜色细细描绘上去的,剧场里上演的,在没有手机,造型犹如一位翩翩起舞的芭蕾舞女正旋转她的舞裙,初露锋芒的新人也不会被拒之门外,因而被誉为“芭蕾舞女的裙子”,卡闻特艺廊是一座修道院,奏出那时的旋律、画廊。而墙壁的颜色、可口可乐汽水盖……  卡闻特艺廊 敲响修女的钟声  从前、各种式样水龙头为原材料制成的装置艺术品很是趣致。内部装修出自著名服装设计师之手,恍若隔世———尘土飞扬的街道上,艺术大师当然欢迎;街头长凳上。  它也是平实的———从令人激动的音乐戏剧到令人惊叹的歌剧和优美的芭蕾舞,飘着油墨香的报纸刚刚上柜,颜色自然过渡,如今,它是一处文化胜地,地毯是华丽的猩红色,旅人们已提上箱子告别热情的老板娘,而转到地下专为话剧表演而设的中厅,似夕阳西下,对面的旅馆里,转上半天时间也出不来,墙壁似乎是用大理石铺就、没有拷机的年代,那边面包房里。在金矿被采尽后;木屋的墙上,到恢宏的交响乐队,这里会更加热闹。踏入景区、书店,这里渐渐热闹了起来,敲几下钟。不管是以手工取胜的精美艺术品,有一组用各种品牌、考拉、沙滩除了阳光
我喜欢澳洲和纽西兰我只知道现在人家那边是寒冷的冬季 还有纽西兰滑雪好玩 对了 纽西兰原住民是毛利人 我突然想起毛利小五郎来~
大陆海岸线长约19 000千米。全洲除少数山地海拔超过2 000米外,一般海拔在600米以下,地势低缓。一般分为大陆和岛屿两部分:澳大利亚大陆西部高原。海拔200米,大部分为沙漠和半沙漠,也有一些海拔1 000米以上的山脉;中部平原海拔在200米以下,北艾尔湖湖面在海平面以下16米,为大洋洲的最低点;东部山地海拔800米,山地东坡较陡,西坡缓斜。新几内亚岛、新西兰的北岛和南岛是大陆岛,岛上平原狭小,多海拔2 000米以上的高山,新几内亚岛上的查亚峰,海拔5 029米,是大洋洲的最高点。美拉尼西亚的岛屿多属大陆型,系大陆边缘弧状山脉的延续部分,各列岛弧之间有深海盆和深海沟。波利尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚绝大部分岛屿属珊瑚礁型,面积小,地势低平,不少岛屿有由珊瑚礁环绕形成的礁湖,成为天然的船只停泊地和...
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法国风土人情交际习俗 注重服饰的华丽和式样的更新。妇女视化妆和美容为生活之必需。时间观念强,工作计划性强,奉行“女士第一”的原则。习惯行握手礼,有一定社会身份的人施吻手礼。少女常施屈膝礼。男女之间,女子之间及男子之间,还有亲吻面颊的习惯。社交中不愿他人过问个人私事。反感向妇女赠送香水及初次见面就送礼。 信仰禁忌 大多信仰天主教。忌“13”和“星期五”。忌黄色和墨绿色。忌孔雀和仙鹤。视菊花、杜鹃花与核桃等为不祥之物。喜爱艺术和娱乐活动。 饮食特点 法国人会吃,也讲究吃。法国菜风靡世界。法国人喜欢吃蜗牛和青蛙腿,最名贵的菜是鹅肝。喜欢喝酒。法国菜的特点是鲜嫩。法国人也非常喜欢中国菜。 服饰 法国时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使法国时装一直引导世界时装潮流。在巴黎有2000家时装店,老板们的口号是:“时装不卖第二件”。而在大街上,几乎看不到两个妇女穿着一模一样的服装。目前高级时装最有名的有:“吉莱热”、“巴朗夏卡”、“吉旺熙”、“夏奈尔”、“狄奥尔”、“卡丹”和圣洛朗”。近年来,特别引人注目的是巴黎女郎的裙子,其式样之多。款式之新,在别国很难见到。法国人是把收入的最小部分用于穿着的欧洲国家,法国人一般很注意服装方面的鉴赏力,也接受比较便宜的而不十分讲究的仿制品。 小动物 当今法国家庭,对小动物恩宠倍加,不惜耗费巨金收买哺养。有一半以上家庭饲养各种小动物,总头数在3000万只以上。1/3的家庭养狗,狗的数量已近4万条。各种狗医院、狗服装店屡见不鲜。动物不仅给法国人带来了乐趣,也造成一定灾难。法国每年发生狗伤人的事件50多万起。 礼仪 法国是一个讲文明礼貌的国家。对妇女谦恭礼貌是法国人引以自豪的传统。法国人见面打招呼,最常见的方式莫过于握手。不过握手时一是握时间不应过长,二是没有必要握住人家的手使劲晃动。一般是女子向男子先伸手,年长者向年幼者先伸手。上级向下级先伸手。 吻 法国是第一个公认以吻表示感情的国家。法国人的吻有严格的界限:他们在见到久别重逢的亲友、同事时,是贴贴脸或颊,长辈对小辈则是亲额头,只有在爱人和情侣之间,才亲嘴或接吻。 婚俗 结婚前先订婚,仪式简单,一般由女方的家长宴请男方的家长及兄弟姐妹,也可同时邀请其他亲戚、甚至一两名好友出席。婚礼也已逐渐简化,但仍不失为最隆重的家庭节日,带有庄严神圣的色彩。婚礼由市长或他的一名副手主持,习惯上是在周二、四、五、六早9时至下午5时之间。婚后大宴宾客。法国农村有的地方在婚前要签订财产婚约并办理公证。婚约中要写明未婚夫妇的全部财产、未婚妻的嫁妆和未婚夫的产业。婚龄纪念在民间已成为一种喜庆的风俗。女子守寡300天后,或宣布与丈夫分居300天后可以再嫁,男子则无时间上的限制。 圣灵节 每年11月1日圣灵节,相当于中国的清明节。法国人习惯上在这一天去墓地祭奠,缅怀为国捐躯的先烈。圣喀德琳娜节 巴黎“大龄女青年”的节日。每年11月25日这一天,年满25 岁而尚未婚配的姑娘们到喀德琳娜塑像前献一束鲜花,再到大时装店跳舞,饮酒狂欢,最后选出一位最美的姑娘作为节日的王后。 用餐习惯 法国人把烹调看成是一门艺术,法国菜也确实风糜全球。在法国一日三餐通常是这样安排的。 早餐:面包、咖啡、热巧克力; 午餐:午餐是法国人最重要的一餐,一般在下午一点左右, 晚餐则在九点以后。法国人社交的正餐一般要持续两小时以上,开始先是开胃菜,然后是鱼或意大利面条,再才是主菜,主菜还附带许多生菜、沙拉、奶酪,水果,有时还有甜点心,餐后咖啡也必不可少。 西班牙风土人情 西班牙基本概况 西班牙是一个集浪漫与激情于一身的国度,它的历史,它的艺术,还有它的气质不断地吸引着好奇的人们。斗牛、舞蹈、吉它。 ① 地理环境: 西班牙位于欧洲西南部伊比利亚半岛大西洋(Mar Cantabrico)和地中海(Mar Mediterraneo)航道的咽喉处的多山(坎塔布、利牛斯、戈列多和瓜达拉马等山脉)、 多河流(埃布罗河R.Ebro、杜罗河R.Duero、塔霍河R.Taje、瓜达尔基维尔河R.Gualguivir)、高源国家。中部梅塞塔高源区约占全国面积的60%,为大陆性气候。北部和西北部沿海地带为海洋性温带气候。南部和东南部为地中海式亚热带气候。大部分地区降水量为500~1500毫米之间。南部几乎全年无霜冻。西班牙总面积为50多万平方公里。人口为3871万多。大部分是卡斯蒂利亚人Castilla,少数民族加泰罗尼亚人Cataluña、巴斯克人Valencia和加利西亚人Galicia。官方语言为西班牙语。94%居民信封天主教。 ② 政治经济环境: 西班牙实行议会君主制,王位由胡安-卡洛斯及其直系后代世袭。国王为国家元首和武装部队最高统帅。政府为工社党一党政府,由议会监督政府工作。马德里为西班牙首都。 西班牙是比较发达的资本主义工业国。因缺乏动力和工业原料,经济对外依赖性较大, 所需的石油、铁矿、炼焦煤等均靠进口。出口有小汽车、钢材、水泥、船舶、纺织品、水银、肥料、酒类、橄榄油等。欧洲共同体和美国是西班牙的主要贸易伙伴。 西班牙城市与名胜古迹 ① 马德里 西班牙首都马德里是欧洲著名古城。马德里坐落在伊比里亚半岛的中心,瓜达拉马山耸立于它北面,地处梅塞塔高源,海拨670米,是欧洲地势最高的首都。曼萨内罗斯河R.Manzanalis绕城流过。交通发达,四郊湖泊众多,树木成阴,气候宜人。马德里中心由“太阳门广场、中心广场、西班牙广场”形成三角地带。“太阳门广场”―是马德里的中央广场,从这里向四面辐射出条条大道,形成它密如蛛网的城市结构。在广场中间的花坛,竖立头着一只攀依在莓树上粗壮雄健的棕熊雕塑,这是马德里的城微。这只粗壮雄健的棕熊显示着马德里人民不屈不挠的倔强性格。从太阳门通向四面八方的大街上可以看到许多古代和中世纪的宫殿、教堂、雕塑,这些建筑和艺术作品有哥特式的、阿拉伯式的、还许多形式汇集于一体的。特别是用各种石子和玻璃镶嵌的壁画,鲜艳夺目,十分美观。 “哥伦布广场”―航海家哥伦布塑像坐落在广场中央,手指南美方向,似乎象他1492年月日10月发现巴哈马郡岛时的精神,圆形喷水池围护着塑像,喷射几米高的水柱,夜晚映射出红、绿紫各色灯光,格外迷人。在地下建有哥伦布博物馆,供人们参观。 “西班牙广场”―西班牙广场有西班牙旦迹测克爻久诧勋超魔17世纪著名作家塞万提斯(Cervantes)的塑像和他的著名小说《唐.吉诃德》中的两个主人公――拉曼骑士唐.吉诃德和他的忠实于他的仆人桑科.潘沙铜像。 “中心广场”―市中心大广场是16、17世纪文艺复兴式建筑,于1619年完工。科米拉斯广场附近的基督教主教堂也是文艺复兴式建筑(建于1535年)。现在的市立博物馆、图书馆、普罗温西亚广场附近的外交部大厦以及横跨曼萨内罗斯河的塞戈维亚大桥均为17世纪晚期的巴罗克式建筑。建于是年的邮政总局大楼是20世纪以来第一座豪华建筑。 “普拉多博物馆”――马德里共有30多座博物馆,其中世界闻名的绘画展览馆――普拉多博物馆有“欧洲古典美术宝库”之誉。馆内设有30个展厅,收集了15世纪~19世纪全世界最珍贵的西班牙美术作品和意大利著名画家的3000多幅作品。另外,还有许多史前时代的资料及罗马人、摩尔人和中古时代的遗物。 “东方之宫”―坐落在马德里西部、曼萨内罗斯河左岸一座山岗上的西班牙古代王宫“东方之宫”,是现存的世界上最完整、最精美的宫殿之一。其雄伟在英首府国的白金汉宫之上,可以与法国的凡尔赛宫媲美。它是按着18世纪最流行的建筑风格建成的。它外形具有典型的法国风格,雄伟壮观;内部装饰却是地道的意大利情调,豪华绝论。它是西班牙旅游业的一颗明珠,宫殿内宽大华丽的厅堂,陈设精美,使来访者叹为观止。壁毯展馆内珍藏着世界上最罕见的、最有价值的大形壁毯。另外,东方之宫还收藏着45座各国钟表,至今还走的很准。 ② 巴塞罗那 位于在西班牙东北部地中海岸的巴塞罗那,是西班牙的第二大城市,有“伊比利亚半岛的明玫瑰珠”之称。1833年以前西班牙最富裕的地区加泰罗尼亚的府。海滩平坦宽阔、气候适宜人。在老区有古罗马城墙和6世纪宫殿遗迹。哥特式天主教堂矗立在老城中央,内有巴塞罗那守护神圣欧拉利亚的地下墓室,里面安放白大理石棺。还有王家广场(14~16世纪)、和平广场(靠近港湾)。在港口有一艘哥伦布发现新大陆时的帆船复制品,广场上的哥伦布纪念碑俯临港口。 “花市大街”,由和平广场和市中心卡塔卢尼亚广场的兰布拉斯大街连接成为最大的鲜花市场。卡塔卢尼亚广场上有女神石像还有喷泉。城区西面西班牙广场上的“光明泉”、蒙特会奇公园的层层阶梯瀑布,入夜水光交映。14世纪遗留下来的市内西班牙最大的“神圣家族教堂”,每逢星期日中午有民俗舞蹈表演。 巴塞罗那是西班牙文化中心。有巴塞罗那大学(1430年创办)、利塞奥大剧院和各种博物馆(毕加索博物馆、加泰罗尼亚大艺术博物馆、现代艺术馆、酒类博物馆、西班牙村)20余处。每年四份的玫瑰花展览和斗牛及最大的国际贸易展览十分吸引人。 郊区的布拉瓦海岸,是地中海沿岸著名的避署胜地。 ③ 塞维利亚; 位于西班牙西南部,是一座二千多年历史的著名文化古城。优美的吉普赛音乐、弗拉门科舞和斗牛著称全欧。金子塔(12边形、30米高弧形塔顶),坐落在格兰德河畔。因格兰德河是在西班牙境内唯一能通行的内陆河,当年哥伦布从这里扬帆入海的。哥德式 塞维利亚大教堂(建于15世纪),是西班牙最漂亮的教堂,据称仅次于罗马圣彼得和伦敦圣保罗大教堂,在世界基督教教堂中位居第三(细长的尖塔、五个教堂中殿和十个侧面小教堂及古围墙)。 ④ 巴利阿里群岛(La.Baleares); Lansalote岛(La.Baleares最北端)地热水煮羊肉,Las.parmas港小飞机去50分钟到Lansalote岛。全岛很小下雨,但到处香蕉绿地,诲边游泳,远洋捕鱼船队。 西班牙风土人情 ① 西班牙的民俗节 西班牙人在“除夕之夜”,全家人团聚在一起待遇12点教堂钟声敲响起吃下12颗葡萄,便象征着新年的每个月都一切如意。 西班牙的“梅里达”,每年10月上旬,是吉普赛族妇女节(族内通婚、自由寻找,但须父母允诺、婚礼由族长主持、割破新娘新郎的背部)。 “法耶节”,是西班牙规模最盛大的节日之一,每年3月12~19日,在西班牙东部濒临地中海的古城巴伦西亚举行火烧形象逼真的纸形(当地人称之为法耶),以揭露社会丑恶现象。这期间从西班牙各地和世界各地来观光的人很多,到19日活动达到高潮,从早到晚,街上人潮起伏,载歌载舞,下午,在市府广场上举行评选发奖,人们跳舞狂欢,午夜12点开始燃烧全市纸形,一个个巨大的纸形在熊熊烈火燃烧下,逐渐化为灰烬。 西班牙可称之为“橄榄王国”,橄榄林漫山遍野,连绵不断。橄榄果、橄榄油(Aceite de olivo)为世界最多。除了食用外,涂抹于全身的古老保健美容术一直沿用至今(健美运动员也用)。 “西班牙斗牛”,起源于西班牙古代宗教活动(杀牛供神祭品)。13世纪西班牙国王阿方索十世开始这种祭神活动演变为赛牛表演(真正斗牛表演则18世纪中叶)。现在西班牙300多斗牛场(最大的是马德里的文塔斯斗牛场,可容纳2.5万人)。每年3月~11月是西班牙斗牛节,通常以星期日和星期四为斗牛日(使用体重4千公斤的非洲纯种公牛)。 “西班牙斗鸡”更为奇特,一个3平方米的圆笼子内,放入两只公鸡互斗。公鸡分量不得相差1两,每场斗30分钟。笼外则围着200多赌客各下赌注在一头鸡身上训练一只鸡,需要一年时间,一年可斗8场,训练有素的斗鸡售价可达500美元,还大量出口。 ②西班牙人的生活与礼节 西班牙是一个古老文明的国家,讲文明、礼貌。热情、好客、善良的民族 生活,住房(农场别墅、游泳池),母系社会(妇女持家,孩子多,讲卫生,姑娘变为家庭主妇性格差异-男人固守的钱夹、晚10点钟回家的故事),生日、成人节请柬故事,挣一元钱要花两块钱,没有红眼病。酒巴,身上味、食品中的橄榄油(Aceite de olivo)味。时间观念很差(Asta mañan),来晚了,也没人说对不起/No hay importa
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