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免费下载到手机My cat Hiro is quite the licker. He’s always licking my hands, my face or my hair. And Hiro isn’t the only licker among the cats. Some do it to wake you up in the morning or because they are hungry. Some lick your hair, some prefer your fingers. But why do they lick?
Hiro, licking my finger.
The first things kittens experience before they open their eyes is their mother licking and washing them. Grooming is a sign of love and caring but they also get a lot of information through licking. They start to explore the world through their tongue. Kittens also learn to associate licking or being licked with the safe, secure feeling they have around their mother when they are still little.
This could mean that if a cat is licking you, he is grooming you and also accepts you and wants to take care of you–he loves you. Grooming is a form of social interaction.
Some cats might like the salty taste of your skin, but it could also be the hand lotion you just put on. Or the taste of your shower gel. They may also be trying to get rid of the weird taste you have on your skin.
When your cat keeps licking you–even keeping you awake at night–you might consider options to stop this behavior.
Spray a bit of bitter apple or citrus fruit on your face. Cats hate the taste (watch out for your eyes).
Make things more appealing to them. For example: You can place a warmed blanket by your feet. They may prefer the warmth of the blanket to licking your hands.
Praise good behavior. You can do this with treats or just simple petting. But every time your cat licks you, you ignore him. If he doesn’t lick you for about ten seconds, you praise him.
You can also distract your cat. If you figure out he is grooming you because he is bored, go play with him.
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Mind awake, body asleep?
For the past few months, since Nov, I've been having this problem with waking up. It just started suddenly and happens a few night a moths, once to three times in the same night.
Usually its morning, after a full nights sleep, when it happens. My mind will wake up. I'll be compleatly conciouse. I can think, remember, everything as when I'm fully awake, but my body stays asleep. I feel literaly paralyzed, in a coma. Everything is dark. It's just like I'm laying there with my eyes closed but I can't move or screem now matter how hard I try. Usually I freak out and lay there for a while trying to wake my body up somehow till my husband hears me wimpering, cause I'm trying to screem for him, and he wakes me up. I know it's not just a bad dream and I'm scared my body might never wake up one day. Can anyone help on what this is or advice or something?
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Feb 18, 2008
Hi, its strange what you are facing, too much stress mentally and physically coupled with disturbed sleep seems to be. Are you able to move your body parts normally or it is laboured. how do you feel in day time and do you have day sleep, if so do you feel the same. Seek a sleep specialist attention for a sleep study. Keep updating your views and visits. Take care.
Feb 19, 2008
I really don't have Any sleep problems other than that. Sometimes I'll take a nap in the day but it's not really needed. It's always been after a full nights rest.
If I try really really hard for a long time i think my arms or fingers might twitch but other than wimpering when I try to screem I cant get controll of my body. Last time I tried breathing really fast to wake up my hubby and it seemed to work but when no one is there I wake up by just suddenly snaping out of it and opening my eyes and I'm ok.
I will try to see a doc about it and post back.
Feb 19, 2008
Hi, thanks for your feedback and hope you to get well soon, its better to seek medical advise ratherthan keep suffering. Also good idea to consult a neurologist also. Your input will be of great help for some of viewers with similar problems, keep updating on visits. Take care. Good luck.
Feb 20, 2008
It sounds to me like you suffer from &Sleep Paralysis&.
I've had this problem for years, and I'm quite sure (at least for me) it's stress related as it&&started happening when I started having panic attacks. I was horrified the first few times it happened, but I'm pretty much used to it when it happens now. One thing I noticed is it rarely happens to me unless I'm laying on my back. Do you usually sleep on your back?
Feb 20, 2008
Hi, its good idea that all readers can also give your opinion or share your experience as one or other person may benefit from suggessions posted. Keep updating similarly. Take care.
Mar 11, 2008
Hi malliemut,
You know what, I used to have the same experience around 10 years back. I used to wake up, but my body would be stiff. I would then realize that I might have slept for just 5 hours, 2 hours less that usual,
I would smile at myself, remember the things that make me happy... and get enough time to let my body wake up in the mean time. Within the next 5-15 minutes, my body would also wake up and I would get up like any other normal day. I personally feel that this is something which you can take care of yourself, by teaching your mind to mind to relax when it happens the next time. You may feel that you do not need any medical assistance at all.
Best Wishes.
Mar 12, 2008
Hi malliemut, hope you are doing well? Also to deep_aquarian, thanks for sharing some of your experience and your positive inspiration for all those who are suffering from similar sort of problems and struggling to get out of these sleep paralysis. Stress is one of the common reason and one need to focus on relaxing both physically and mentally. Never to get frightened, as this does not cause any harm or injury to self, try to relax and focus on moving any one part of body like limbs slowly. Doing morning-evening walk, stretches, have nutritious diet with lot of water or other liquids, having hot shower and listen to soft music before going to bed could be soothing to mind and body so it may be of some help. Seek medical attention from your doctor if it continuous. Take care.
Feb 19, 2009
Your Body is in a state of Paralysis.I am in college and have been studying this.Don't call me crazy, but people use this disorder as a blessing some how.Its called an &OBE& or Outer Body Experience.Try looking up this condition and go from there. Not a serious condition, but some people use it in different ways.Hope this helps.
Apr 01, 2009
Hello! i know exactly what your going through, i have had it for about 2 years, however, there is a technique to waking up during this sleep paralysis, i have never had to endure this, yes its scary the moment i get it, but you can get up for is what to do.
concentrate on moving your pinky, its small and doesn't require alot of energy, after you are able to move it, start moving your hand and then the whole arm and you wake up POOF! people get so scared they have it that they try to move all at once! not going to happen at all. calm down, observe, try to move your pinky and they progressivly you wake up :)
Jun 18, 2009
wow i have the exact same experience... my roommate hears me mumbling but in my mind i am trying to scream is really crazy. at first i was afraid of it, but after awhile i sort of experienced with it and everything i see is blurry as if I was dreaming but im not, and in my mind i am trying to move my arms and i think that i am doing it but then i realized my arms have not moved an crazy
Jun 20, 2009
Yes thats sleep paralysis, ive had it for a few years. for me it doesnt happen a lot and im glad because im terrified everytime it happens. ive tried making noise, ive tried relaxing, and ive tried moving one limb at a time.....doesnt get me out of it....i have to force my body to move out of its paralysed state. i know it wont hurt me and im aware of that when im in that state but i still cant help being scared sh**less.
A couple of times ive hallucinated with it and when it happens its usually after a nightmare, but some times i wake up, still groggy and not paralysed and then slip back off to sleep and in an instant my body is stuck.
I wouldnt say its cause im stressed tho, im at uni on a nursing course but i dont feel stressed even with essays i have to do, so what else can trigger it??????? cause it happened the other morning and i was really afraid...i tried moving my leg, which i managed, then my hand, which was a bit hard to do but i couldnt move any other part of my body so i had to force it out of paralysis, which feels awful to do.
What do people do to help improve this condition?
Nov 09, 2009
This awful thing happaned to me. It first started as only what I can explain as hot white fire balls leaving my head and drifting off to space, this was immediately followed by seeing a cat by my bed and then the cat would jump up and jump across my body and then the feeling of being electrocuted. I felt that I was awake but I couldn't stop whjat was happening to me. It happaned quite often in the beginning and then it stopped. It happaned again last night. There was something walking over my body and as it crossed my body I felt I was being confined and could not breathe. I can remember screaming no-stop , I couldn't even open my lip to suck in air. I got this strange feeling to just relax and let it go but am afraid I will never wake up. I read it could be from stress and that very well may be it. Has anyone had this same experience?
Nov 22, 2009
Hi, i have this it is a medical condition called ISP, ( Isolated sleep poralysis,) what happens is when you relax into sleep the motor functionality of the brain shuts down-goes to sleep but other parts are stil active, the only way to diagnose it is to see a sleep specialist.
Hope this helps.
May 30, 2010
im 20 and I have had it since i was a little kid. the whole concentrate thing works best. i start with my toes and it eventually wakes me up. its crazy because i hear everything going on around me, but can't get up. i also notice my mind feeling this drawing feeling as if i want to go back into the sleep, but i feel like i will never wake up so i fight it.
Jul 17, 2010
I also have this exact thing. I find that the best thing to do INSTANTLY when I slip out of it is to immediately get up and go do something to keep myself awake. I'm usually in an overly drowsy state and will immediately fall back into the paralysis if I continue to lie down. I find this is the worst feeling ever-- even though when it happens I am aware that it has happened before and that I'll be alright. The worst is when it happens out of nightmares and i'm convinced I'm going to be attacked but I can not move. But yeah, If I keep myself awake for a half hour to an hour, especially if i get up and walk to another room for a bit, I won't slip back into it when I go back to sleep.
Aug 23, 2010
I still have these episode often. In my mind it seems like I can at least lift an arm or open my eyes. It also seems like I have to use all of my energy to make it del like I'm moving but am not. The only thing I can control during this sleep paralysis is my breathing.
It is very scary, so scary in fact that in frightens me enough to not want to go back to sleep, though I am sleep deprived. I do have a very stressful life. Was orphaned at 13 was living in homes. Then homeless after 18. I'm pretty stable&&from the stress now. But it seems to be when I'm most exhausted and in need of REM&&my mind pulls this crap again.. Opiates seem to help very much :]
Aug 23, 2010
I still have these episode often. In my mind it seems like I can at least lift an arm or open my eyes. It also seems like I have to use all of my energy to make it del like I'm moving but am not. The only thing I can control during this sleep paralysis is my breathing.
It is very scary, so scary in fact that in frightens me enough to not want to go back to sleep, though I am sleep deprived. I do have a very stressful life. Was orphaned at 13 was living in homes. Then homeless after 18. I'm pretty stable&&from the stress now. But it seems to be when I'm most exhausted and in need of REM&&my mind pulls this crap again.. Opiates seem to help very much :]
Sep 11, 2010
Oh boy, I wish you could send me your problem per post...I'm trying for ages to achieve the mind awake body asleep phase (sleep paralyis) without success...This is just one step away from having an out of body experience (or astral projection)...Some people are lucky and don't want it, and others are struggling to get to this phase for years...
Oct 09, 2010
Hi.. I get the same thing too.. Its like your Paralysed and cant move and sometimes i try to move and believe i actually have moved but i havent. I do call out or anything i just shut my eyes and go back to sleep and it goes away.
But I worry because sometimes it feels like someones there. Once it fel like there was someone next to me playing with my hair and i fel my hair moving on my back but i woke up and my hair was in a ponytail as it was before i fell asleep.
And sometimes it feels like there is someone there and sometimes like they are poking me in the side.. harder and harder and i get so freaked out and try to scream and i cant. It does happen when i am lying on my back.
I do fall back to sleep but wake up and cant go back to sleep due to being so scared. and Sometimes i am so tired and I wake up from this and think to myself 'I have to move on my front or it will happen again' and i am sooooo tired that i believe i am on my front and go to sleep but i am really on my back and it happens again. The first time it hapened i didnt tell anyone and it happened for about a week, then I told my sister and she thought i was joking so she fell asleep on her bsck and it happened to her and she got so freaked out. But it doesent happen to her anymore.. Just me and i wish i could stop it but I guess I have to sleep on my front.
Its nice to hear others stories too.
Oct 09, 2010
OH and also i sometimes see things spinning or moving and its scary too :S
Oct 18, 2010
Have you had any traumatic or life changing experiences lately?&&A loss of a job, a death in the family, a car wreck, or anything of the sort?&&Have you had your blood sugar levels tested lately?&&Extreme hypoglycemia may cause this type of paralysis, if your glucose levels are dropping to abnormal levels in your sleep.&&
Regardless of what is causing it, panicking will push you deeper into your coma-like state.&&It's like panicking when you're in quick-sand.&&It will just sink you faster.&&You need to stay calm and relaxed, aware of what is happening, and realize that you will eventually be able to move in time.&&Confide in the fact that your paralysis will not be permanent.&&You'll eventually snap out of it and don't need to be scared, but you should still seek medical attention.
Don't be surprised if doctors can't find the cause.&&You may have to figure this one out on your own, but a sleep study is definitely in order.
Nov 21, 2010
Well lets see now. I've had this experience about 8-10 times now.&&The very first time was so frieghtening for me.&&I am 25 years old and have had 2 anurisms and that was scary, so having this sleeping thing after that is really hard to bare.&&Only twice recently have I been able to move my fingers but my eyes are open slightly. and the last time it happened I was at my Girl friends job. I was napping on a couch and the tv was on I could see it then what appeared to be my girlfriend walked in and stood next to the tv. Then about 10 minutes later I accually woke up I was scared and I went to where she was working in the next room.&&I scared her when I walked in because of the awfully frightened look on my face. the crazy part was that she said that she was just about to go and check on me right before I walked into the room where she was, was this like OBE-premenition????
Dec 15, 2010
Hi I'm 39 and I get this occasionally both when going to sleep and when waking. The worst is when I get it going to sleep, I think I'm asleep but then the mattress will start pushing up into me like there is someone under the bed puching it very hard all over, it is really scarry. At most I try to scream but nothing happens, and then I wake properly. It can happen again when I try to go back to sleep.
The waking experiance has only happen once and I saw an image of a womans head right in front of me, strangely enough I didn't freak out but was more interested...go figure
Feb 05, 2011
I'm 17 and just experianced this today for the first time. I immediatly began researching it because it scared me so bad I cried. I was lying on the couch with my brothers and dad watching the TV. I had been asleep for a couple of hours and I had turned over onto my back to sort of start waking up. I felt like my eyes were just closed and not sleeping because I was fully aware of the conversations they were having and the ballgame on TV. I heard my brother being a typical little brother talking about how he was going to rub an orange on my face to wake me up. At this point I was ready to spring up and stop him but I realized I couldn't move my arm that way laying across my chest. I realized I couldn't move anything. My whole body was tingling and I felt him start to pull his little trick. I was screaming in my mind &Chase! Stop Chase! Chase!& over and over but nothing was coming out. It lasted so long that I started screaming help and could feel myself start to panic.&&A couple minutes after Chase was done pulling his prank and me completely being unable to react, I finally opened my eyes and was able to sit up. Of course I immediatly thought it was a dream and started explaining this to my dad and brothers. They of course looked at me like I was crazy, but everything I described really happened while, as they said, I was &fast asleep&. This was possibly the most weird experiance I have ever had. My mom has had many &out of body experiances& these past few years, so I was able to share it with her. She told me thats how it began for her. I really hope that I don't experiance this frightening thing again, but it looks like I will.
Jun 11, 2011
Im 14. ive had this since i was about 13,the few times it happened , after i started screaming and crying, butt now im kind of used to it.&&i hate it. when it happens to me, i know its gonna happen cause it feels like someones lying on top of me and i cant move, and i sometimes just relax and wait till it stops and sometimes i try to fight it and get frustrated, when im really tired it will get stronger and i can barely fight it off. it doesnt happen every night, but most nights, usually about 2 or three times, then i would get up and watch tv untill i fell asleep. email me if you have any suggestions or simlar experiences ***@****
Jul 05, 2011
Yup, I had this &Space traveling& thing too. Its kinda weird... I got it when I drifted off in a nap..and suddenly woke up to find myself trapt in my body unable to move. But whats weird about that I guess I was &dreaming& that I was moving my arms and legs...and apperently my eyes were opened and saw that my arms...and legs were moving...BUT THEN! I began to try to scream...which awoke me but my eyelids were close? so how could of I have seen my &invisible arms and legs&?
Sep 25, 2011
What works for me especially if your still tired after the paralysis, is to just turn on your side and go back to sleep. For me its not comfortable to want to just go to sleep when its still going on, because you feel almost claustrophobic in a way.&&Its like what someone said earlier about how laying on your back. For some reason I get it a lot when i am laying on my back. Probably the same for everyone else.If different positions don't work then you should probably go see someone.
Sep 25, 2011
Hi this has just started happening to me recently. But with me my eyes open and say if i have the T.V on i can also hear everything around me but yet my body wont move. Is this normal??
Oct 23, 2011
I am so delighted that I found this discussion it is soooo reassuring to know that I am not alone.
The worst incident for me came about two weeks ago and I am still shaken up by it. While I was sleeping I might (3) small animals which I am going to say were lion/cubs and they jumped on my bed. One of them I felt behind me on my pillow and then I felt his breath on the back of my neck this really frightened be but gets better.
One of them laid his body across my body while I slept and then it was like he was looking into my face as if to say 'what is she doing???' as a innocent child and then I felt his breath breath directly into my face...this was the final straw I was horrified and as I always do I forced myself to open my fear of being taken as a 'quack' I am fearful to say what happened next.
I have had this happen to me for many years now. I am not a 'stressed' out person as I have great control of my stresses. I am self employed and a very incontrol type of a person. This condition typically always happen to me when I take say a afternoon nap of some sort and I go into a very deep sleep. I do have a sleep disorder if you want to call it that but I have several friends who are also self employed and for us talking all time of the night to the early morning is typical. We simply live by our own set of rules. I don't consider myself to ever sleep but I tend to take 'little mini naps' but this has been the case for many years now -this is just who I am.
I don't attribute this to lack of sleep nor stress as some of you have mentioned nor I do not believe medical expertise is the answer.
I remember several years ago when I was living in LA I woke up, sat up in my bed and there standing in my room was this little girl. I could not move my body but was able to move my eyes. I watched her walk around the side of my bed and then she walked back around to the front and started coming up under the sheet of my bed and then some how as always I forced myself to move & I screamed. My roommate at the time tried to convience me I was having a bad dream but this was no dream and as noted I sat up.
I too have experience feeling someone breath on one time I opened my eyes to see the pillow next to me sink in as if someone had laid there head on it, I've also seen like a body? an impression of some sort moving from under my sheets...and I can go on & on with many more incidents.
I have been told that I have a very special mind, I have been diagnosed by Doctors that I am some sort of a genius as I have had several tests on my IQ. I had a rough/violent upbringing so I myself have my own demons with accepting that this is who I am. I have been sad for many years because I wanted to know if there are 'others' just like me. This gives me hope.
I just had another IQ test done about 3 weeks ago which I excelled & please I am not hear to glout as I am sad & trying to find myself - is there anyone out there that can help me. A psychic once told me I am considered 'a star or indigo child' I do not know for sure but I feel like I am not living up to my full potential. Why is it that I am be so smart yet I am not rich with my type of a mind? And why is it that I have so many unexplained things about myself such as I remember being born -yes, I said it.
Is there anyone who can help me? The gentleman who I called 'father' has now died but he at one time wanted me to get tested my some institution in DC (for genius like me) but i said no because again my demons kicked in not believing this is who I am. Is it too late for me? Is it possible that someone would be willing to just listen to my stories?
I hope we all seek the questions that we seek and my hope that we will all find some kind of peace & the unknown.&&
Oct 26, 2011
I had the worst one yet today. It was around 1:00ish.
I dreamt my former toy dog Ceasar was with me and he jumped on the bed with me. I also felt two big animals also jumping on the bed. I think whatever it was it freightened Ceasar & he layed on top of my head shaking (a typical thing for him 2 do when he was scared of thunder) I kept telling myself I wanted to wake up but couldn't, I felt the actual weight of Ceasar as he laid on top of my head. Then I heard my front door open as I have so many times in former dreams, but this time Ceasar heard it too.
He ran out in the living room & then he ran back into the bedroom (all awhile I was panicing & I kept saying, &I want to wake up!&) Ceasar jumps on my bed & he's fighting with something. I told myself I have to wake up & he's fighting with whatever it is. I told myself I have to wake up & usually I am able to jump out of my sleep but this time I did but I was still asleep.
I heard Ceasar fighting with whatever it was but I couldn't see anything. I tried turning on the light but it wouldn't turn on & I was unable to see what it was. I reached my hands towards Ceasar & I caught one of them and it bit me on my left hand. I immediately dropped it and I yelled, 'ouch'! I felt the pain and boy did it hurt. I saw these two transparent things run out in my living room, I gave chase & caught one of them again.
There in the palm of my hand was this tiny blue creature-not of this world. So now I am truly intrigued and I hold it up trying to get a better look. I kept trying to hold its head back so it wouldn't bite me, it kept fighting for me to release it. It looked absolutely amazing, this tiny little creature. Just then my friend called which is weird because he never calls me typically this time of the day. I was finally able to wake up and my heart was racing. I was crying out of control and my heart was racing. My friend comforted me for quite some time so that I wouldn't get a heart attack or something, I felt so scared!
What is going on with all of us? And why is it that this only happens to some of us? I do know I was in a deep sleep, I had just finish exercising and had very little rest. Do I think drugs can solve this-NO! This something we're all experiencing is some sort of metaphysical entity of some sort. I was not stressed!
I would love to talk with any of you further to see if we can find similarities, etc...if interested drop me a line please. I will say this I have been meditating more, deeper but I can't believe that all of you meditate too or do you? Could that be a connection?
Jan 02, 2012
Wow, I've never felt so connected.&&It's been happening me more and more frequently,and yes my stress levels are up.&&I constantly deny stress, it's a fact of life.&&I'm no different than everyone else in this world when it comes to stress, so why is my body reacting this way?&&I am relieved to have some sort of understanding now.&&It happens to me when I nap so I've tried to quit napping, I'll dream I'm awake and then when I try to respond the the dream my mind switches into reality and, Oh yeah, your still asleep.&&So my mind wants to get up and my body thinks it's still dreaming.&&Sometimes my dreams and reality get real blurred like I'll think the phone was ringing and i couldn't wake up to get it, but when I finally wake up, I look at the caller i.d and it never rang.&&Either way, I lay there freaking out trying so hard to open my eyes, sometimes I can hear my kids wake up and I am thinking &OMG, I can't get up, I can't wake up, what if they hurt themselves, what if they think I'm dead, OMG wake up body, wake up, move arm, mouth scream!&&&Nothing, and sure enough it suddently &Poof&'s me up and my heart is racing.&&I am getting scared of sleeping.&&I too have tried to scream in the middle of night to wake my husband, hoping he can wake me.... if he hears me, he reports I must've been having a bad dream because I was wimpering.&&I don't even try to hard to explain, it sounds crazy!&&Unless it's happened to you, you have no idea!&&What the hell do I do to stop this, what are the physics behind it?
Wakeless in florida
Jan 12, 2012
This ahs been happening to me since I was about 10. It has slowed down over the years but my mother always told me it was a demon trying to attack me. I pray when I am in this state of mind and its the only way I can get out of it. If I relax and try to lay there I feel really heavy and can't breathe. That is it the best way to explain it. I often see figures when I wake up out of it. The first time it happened I could hear everything that was going on around me. I have also felt like I was being rapped in this state of mind as well. It is sooo scary and I have just delt with it over the years. I find that sleeping with the tv or a small light on helps me from not going into this state. More so the tv with noise around me. Good luck everyone!! I feel your pain...
Feb 17, 2012
i had the same issue i used to be scared at first...but its like if you wait for like 15 seconds..try to open your eyes and you will be able to...and did you know you could move you fingers a little while your like that its really neat....nothing really serious..its like were sleep walkers or some lol....
Mar 10, 2012
I just found this sight, and for a long time I thought I was the only one who experienced this.&&It started when I was 15, a couple of weeks after me and my cousins played with a ouiga board.&&I really thought demons were grabbing me and trying to pull me through my bed.&&I even felt hands on me, which was probably part dreaming. I am 37 now and still have the experience every once in awhile, but I am a christian now and it doesn't seem to scare me as much.&&I still don't like it, but when it happens I just let it run it's course and try not to get panicky.
Mar 10, 2012
I'm 53 and I've think I started having these episodes about 15 years ago.&& They vary.&& At times I become semi-conscious.&& I know that I'm asleep, but I'm foggy on the basic details of my life.&&I can loose over 30 thinking I'm asleep in my bed in the house I grew up in.&& But over the years it has happened so much that now when I have one of these episodes I spend more effort re-membering where and when I really am that I don't have time to panic over the fact that I'm conscious but cannot awake or move.&& As I mentally retrace where and when I am I usually fully wake.&& But these are the milder episodes.&& The worst ones are when I'm more conscious and know pretty much exactly when and where I am.&& I can only describe it as a hell-state!&& I'm conscious enough to know that I've completely vulnerable.&&At times I can slightly open my eyes and I can hear sounds.&& I try to remain calm but in this state time is exaggerated.&& It feels almost as terrifying as being buried alive might feel.&& For years I tried the calm approach but that made the passage of time more exaggerated.&&&&For me the quickest was of escape is to give in to the panic and rage.&& I curse blasphemously and rage against the very Universe for tormenting me so.&& I think because I go so swiftly and violently to such a dark place I must get some kind of adrenaline boost that seems to cause me to pass-out except I'm passing in to being fully awake.
This is a terrible terrible thing to go through even occasionally.&&&&All the 'so-called' heath care professionals that discount when a patient complains of these types of episodes should be ashamed!
Apr 08, 2012
I can't express how happy I am to have found this web site. I had one of these experiences a half hour ago. It was not my first time going through this. This has happened to me throughout my lifetime. I could find myself in this state sitting beside my wife on the couch watching t.v. In that state I would be calling out to my wife, wake me up Babs. and I would be shaking my head back and forth trying to wake myself up. After, when I truly was awake, I would ask her, why didn't you wake me when I was calling out to you, and shaking my head. she told me I was making some low moaning sounds, and twitching a bit and she thought I was just having a dream. Needless to say I asked her to, in the future, shake me hard until I was fully awake. People who have never had this experience, look at you a little funny when you try to explain it to them. Oh well, I feel a little better knowing it's not an unheard of condition.
Jun 19, 2012
I also have this disorder, and it is quite scarry. I am at work right now and my body is exausted from lack of sleep. I went to try and shut my eyes for a few minutes durring my lunch break and what do you know? I got sucked right into one of those things. I tried to wake but was only able to open my eyes for a few seconds. I seem to have a seizure when tring to get my body up where my head trembles back and forth. I am able to make sounds for someone to help me wake but it is difficult for others to distinguish you dreaming or calling for help. My son thought that I was trembling because I was cold, my brother thought I was just making noises and was actually awake, my x-wife realized I was having an episode and woke me instead of slapping me after I squeezed her abdomin (abdomen) really hard in a cry for help. I always end up with a headache which I have at the moment since this has just happened. I just want you all to know you are not alone.
Jul 09, 2012
I have these experiences.
Happened today.
Put my head down on the setee for a quick napp.
Next thing you know I`m looking at my fireplace in the living room.
I know I`m asleep but can see everything clearly as if i was fully awake.
I try to move but I can`t.
I`ve tried to shout but I don`t think it works.
I can hear everything around me.
I`m used to it now.
All i do is try to relax and&&hold my breath and this seems to wake me up.
I always feel a bit groggy when I awake.
I sometimes wonder if this what its like if you were buried alive... Hope not.
Jul 22, 2012
This has happened to me over the years but only when I sleep on my stomach. It's so scary I worry that I want wake up one day. I thought I was the only one going through this. I have tried to explain it to my family and friends but no one understands. I am not stressed out or anything. It happened to me last night I fell in a deep sleep. I was driving my car and all of a sudden everything got blurry and my car went off a bridge I started screaming and said God I'm going to die. It took a while but finally I woke up. I didn't go back to sleep because I was so scared I managed to take a nap.&&I always wondered if maybe something was low in my body. My brain is alert and its like I know what's going on but unable to move. I'm glad I found this site and know that I'm not alone.
Jul 29, 2012
I have been going through sleep paralysis since I was a young child.&&I'm 32 now and it always happens when I lay down to nap.&&Once when I was 7, I was stuck in a &nightmare& while being awake at the same time.&&There was a demon chasing me through a dark old house, I was screaming for help. While this was going on I suddenly felt my body on my bed, the warmth of the sun on my face, I was awake, yet the demon was still chasing me.&&I screamed for someone to wake me and tried to move but I was paralyzed. Somehow, I awoke before it got to me.&&I used to live next to a cemetery so I have always wondered if that had anything to do with it.&&I hate to call it a nightmare because it was so vivid and real.&&We moved not long after that, and it stopped for many years
I was 29 when I became pregnant with my son and moved in with my boyfriend, it was then it started occurring again.&&It was a tough pregnancy and I was placed on bed rest 3 months in. It occurred when I would nap during the day.&&Most of the episodes that have occurred as an adult have been without the &nightmares&.&&I wake up while my body is still sleeping, I always fight to move and scream out, then I will wake up so groggy that I end up slipping back into the paralysis.&&This generally happens 3 to 4 times before I am able physically get my body up.&&If my eyes are slightly open I am able to see but I am not able to move my eyes.&&I did encounter a dark figure in my room once staring at me while I was trying to wake myself up (which scared the sh!# out of me).&&The house that we live in now had a previous long-term tenant who was biker with a history of drug and alcohol abuse and died as a result of it.&&Although he did not die in the house I wonder if he is still with us.&&I will hear footsteps in the attic (not on a regular basis thank goodness).&&Once, while I was on the desktop I had a glass move right before my eyes across my desk (and it wasn't for a second or two, I'm talking 4 or 5 seconds, enough time for it to catch your eye, question if your seeing things, confirm that yes you are indeed seeing it, and then think wholly sh!# it's still moving).&&Also there was once a crash that came from the attic that was so loud it literally shook the entire house.&&I thought one of the old trees on the property landed on the house but when I went outside everything was normal. I can't say whether or not sleep paralysis and supernatural phenomenon are connected, (it's hard enough dealing sleep paralysis by itself) I am hoping it's not the case because it really scares me.&&
There have been other supernatural events that have occurred to me (fortunately few and far between) but since they technically do not involve sleep paralysis, I will not go into further detail.&&I am just relieved that I am not alone in this.
Sep 01, 2012
Wow that is sooo creepy because what you describe is exactly what happened to me last night right down to the cat and someone beside my bed it went on all night....felt like something pushing down hard on me and then like I was being electrocuted...then kept waking up hallucinating and not being able to move or talk....seeing cat on my bed, things floating above me, someone beside my bed etc this happened different times throughout the night. Wow very strange
Sep 01, 2012
Wow that is sooo creepy because what you describe is exactly what happened to me last night right down to the cat and someone beside my bed it went on all night....felt like something pushing down hard on me and then like I was being electrocuted...then kept waking up hallucinating and not being able to move or talk....seeing cat on my bed, things floating above me, someone beside my bed etc this happened different times throughout the night. Wow very strange
Sep 02, 2012
I am suffering with this since i was 13 year old and now i am 31.
I got this situation with a very realistic dream. Last night i saw a man hanged near to my bed but i was not able to leave from the room.
The most wired thing here if I told the situation to any one in my bed and I sleep again the situation transfer to her and she stuck in different kind of dream but with Sleep Paralysis.
Sep 04, 2012
Last night was the first time my paralysis began with a nightmare - i was supposed to die on a scaffold with other people, but like the final destination movies we escaped - then death started chasing us and i saw everyone that was on the scaffold with me being hit by cars, murdered and beaten, things falling on them, and then finally being chased and strangled. I thought to myself that if I pretended to pass out the person would stop strangling me. They did stop but then I woke up and realized I had been having a nightmare but couldn't open my eyes. I can even think very clearly during these episodes. I thought to myself oh no not again - and i even talked to myself to stay calm, i knew my husband had already left for work, and i was alone - i started yelling to my self 1-2-3 WAKE UP and then i will my eyes to open - most of the time this works for me - the worst was when it took three different counts to finally wake up - i had even started crying to myself that this was the time that i wouldn't wake up and that i had died and was experiencing death - infinity in this state - this is the most horrifying experience i have ever had and do not wish it upon anyone - i also wake up gasping for air and wonder if i have stopped breathing and am indeed dying - i also have a rapid heartbeat due to being terrified - i appreciate reading everyones comments and knowing im not crazy
Sep 05, 2012
I have the same problem as well but its when I fall asleep on the couch during the day..I have wondered for months why this happens and just now decided to do some research.&&Some people say that they would love to have this experience but honestly it scares the crap out of me..The first time it happened I honestly thought I was dead because I could hear everything that was going on around me and could even get up and walk in a spiritual like state..I actually remember yelling at my body to wake up.&&I have learned to just force my body out of this but i still panic every now and then because of it.&&Are there any known remedies?&&Im guessing its due to stress because I am a full time student in my 30's, single father of two kids and work 3 part time jobs.
Sep 16, 2012
Wow, I have this too- never knew if it was officially sleep paralysis because I don't get the feeling of demons or something sitting on my chest.&&This is the first time I hear many people describing exactly what happens to me!
It happens when I nap or if I &sleep in& too late.&&I just can't wake up and even though I know what is happening I am terrified and think I will be stuck in sleep forever or die.&&I think I am screaming, think I am moving, but I am not.&&Sometimes I think I woke myself up and began walking around, only to realize I am still asleep.&&I live alone so it is extra awful!&&No one to get me up!&&I usually wake up drenched in sweat.&&Like someone said before,&&sometimes I start to wake up (or at least I am thinking I am starting to wake up) and I am pulled back into sleep.&&It's awful- fighting to wake up.
I do suffer from anxiety and depression and am sure its related to anxiety.&&On meds though.&&The only thing that helps is trying not to nap or sleep too late.&&If I go down for a nap I try to remember to set an alarm for a limited nap time.&&This way I know the alarm will go off and get me up, and an hour nap makes this nightmare less likely to happen than a three hour nap which could happen if I did not set the alarm.&&
I think I sleep on my side mostly but have heard the back sleeping connection too.&&Maybe I roll, idk.
Oct 04, 2012
mine begins with a humming noise as i am on the brink of sleep, the noise becomes waves and it pulls me under. I know at that point what is happening as i am semi awake and aware but it is to strong it pulls me in. I reason with myself that i can get out of this but when i do it can pull me right back in several times. It is horrific, what i have felt and saw under that hypnotic state stays with you. Trapped and alone. I think it is just a place some people get caught in just as they are on the brink of sleep and as awful as it is it is just part of how we work and how complex the human form is.
Dec 02, 2012
Hello folks, just adding on, the feeling of full consciousness, while your body lays motionless, would most likely be sleep paralysis. A licensed doctor can tell you more officially, some advice for waking from this would to be calming your mind and focus on your movements. When your laying down, try to jolt an arm up with concentration, control your breathing and don't panic. Try sleeping on your side there after, don't be afraid to sleep because of this. Besides having a stress related trigger, I have been told some foods can make you have these experiences, I wouldn't take any kind of medical drugs for this, just a cool dose of RELAX during your awake hours and if you have unrelaxed people around you, you also tend to be unrelaxed. Hope this helps someone, if not fixing the problem then an understanding of it, Peace =)
Dec 09, 2012
I too suffer from the same feeling only I'm wide awake.&&I can see, hear, and feel everything going on around me.&&Recently, during this experience, I started having seizure like symptoms.&&It really freaked my boyfriend out.&&I could hear him calling me and tensed up as I shook but could not respond. My eyes opened, closed, and moved quickly.&&I usually only experience this when I am really tired falling into sleep like I am in between sleep and being awake.&&I don't know what to do about this, any suggestions?
Jan 09, 2013
thank god i am not on my own. i suffer this nearly every night. locked in syndrome awake but also controling my dreams ,can not wake up but when i here a noise or voice from my family it triggers panic. its like living in two worlds. i need help can any of you help me. i think i am going mad please help! xx
Apr 28, 2013
I remember this happening to me when I was bout 5 years old
Waking from a nap
I could here an see my family members
&&but they couldn't&&here me as I called out
I couldn't move (paralyzed)
Keep happening over the years just more an more frequent
Today was just awful
I've started to have panic attacks
I hav high blood pressure could it be related to
When I was a kid i took a relative Thorazine medication I wonder if that's a contributing factor o well I'm thankful
O I'm 35&&and graying like crazy
I'm school bus driver so could it b stress
I wake up with headaches hmmmm
I just know it scary
May 05, 2013
It is living in 2 world as you said. however. i've now got really interested in it. does it happened often to you? when it happen, do you remember if you slept on ur back, front or side that caused it? some can level it up i believe. but a frighten &things& is what you all call cause that it never happens. i need information on when it happens? and on what position do you sleep?
i really did like to see if it works on me 2. or is it just some of human that have this ability. but i believe also everyone can. however. could you please repeat?
May 05, 2013
hi, email me if you want? iam trying to figure it out.
Aug 12, 2013
I have the same problem.&&Im 22 old now and im suffering from it since I was 7. Maybe it happened a th0usand times and Im still afraid when its happening. Im worrying that when I get old thinking if i still can fight to wake up. Really need knowledge to prevent or avoid paralysing when sleeping. Im normally sleeping around 11pm or 12am and sometimes 1am to 4am. But when im sleeping 8 or 9pm its happening. I cant explaine the ache in my head before it happening. And it happening 3 to 5 times when i experiencing it. This is how i fight I just strongly moving my toes again and again till I wake up. But you know its funny because sometimes I am not forcing myself to wake up instead im thinking to sleep eventhough im paralys. Sometimes its not working because i feel im dying. Anyone help?
Aug 21, 2013
You might be onto something here ,and yes there are some people who do welcome it . This is where the body is completely relaxed but the mind is awwake . I get those quite a bit sometimes four days in a row . I do not try to avoid them @ all i welcome them as a blessing .
Oct 08, 2013
I've experienced this, its really anoying, and I just overthink and just couldn't sleep from overthinking and worrying, fearing it would happen to me again. I experience the same problem .. My mind wakes up, I can think, I can hear, but I can't move my body, and at the same time, I feel my heart is stopped, I can't breathe .. I keep fighting and trying to wake up my body and move, and then I wake up at the last breathe ! This is gettin me really worried and depressed, any suggestions please ?
Nov 14, 2013
Hi, so it's currently past 2 AM as I type this. At about an hour ago, I woke up from such a thing that many of you are relating to and having. This isn't the first time it's happened to me before. This has happened to me many times in the past, but the thought of it really being a problem never surfaces up. Well, the topic actually has before and as always for me being a little research fad, I did look through to it once except I didn't care enough to the extent where I'm kind of worried. Whenever these things happen I never look into it because I already know that I'll wake up each time, but this time when I woke up I began to question things. In my experiences, I sometimes have my eyes open, but I mostly have them closed. Even though I say I know I'll wake up there's still, of course, that worry about never waking up so sometimes I try really hard to move, but when I do I feel this sort of pain and there's always this strange sort of buzzing noise whenever I move. I don't think I hallucinate during the process, but eh. Anyways, what I find really interesting about myself is that I don't always wake up the same. I could either open my eyes right away and be fully awake by actually preparing myself to wake up like in my mind screaming 'wake up' or just the usual trying to nudge myself out of it. Honestly, this just irritates me a lot and sometimes when I wake up I feel to exhausted to get up, but then it happens again like I just seriously am so done with this. I'm a 14 year old girl in High School, but this has been happening for years and I just want clarification if I really do have sleep disorders. On top of that, there's many other disorders much like BPD I'm concerned of having.
Dec 10, 2013
The same thing happens to me Im only 14
Feb 15, 2015
Hi, Just read this post from long ago and it brought back memories of the times I have experienced similar feelings. Since then I have learned a lot about how my body functions thanks to the internet and caring people like those who have replied.&&I have been told I had demons, crazy, possible brain damage and all kinds of goofy stuff.
I came across some information about why men get aroused in the middle of the night and it shed some light on lots of scary night time activities. I have come to realize our brains operate like a computer.
When we think about how our computer functions when we have clicked the mouse to many times/ when the fan goes on because the computer is working hard/ the computer runs slow/ acts like it has malware or a virus/ or just doesn't want to turn on, refresh or even wake up!!!!&&Once I realized this then I could understand my brain better.&&We defragment, clean our hard drives, delete unused files, learn to care for our computers and even take them in to specialists when we can't figure out what is wrong with it.&&I hope you can see the correlation I am suggesting. This simple understanding has helped me live easier and reduce my anxiety, and understand life in a whole new perspective.&&Now back to the post that I alluded to about men being aroused in the middle of the night or in the morning. The post said the brain goes through updates just like our computers, phones and even cable provider. Basically your brain is checking to make sure all systems a working properly. Well when a man get's aroused then the physically anatomy changes in a very sensitive area, thus it is &wake up& time unless the person is really in a very deep sleep. Now for night paralysis I believe that our extremities are kind of just hanging out there and our core are more important functions. The brain expends more time testing our torso than our arms, fingers, legs and toes at certain times. Normally we don't realize this unless we wake up on our own and disrupt the brain's processing mode. Just think when we want to use our computer and it is doing an update. Some people freak out and think they have been attacked by a Trojan.&&Knowledge is very healing . I am bipolar and my first experience was when I was in a mental hospital. You can bet your &biffey& I am going to learn how to be that scared never again.
Peace and well wishes to you all.....Need to go to sleep mode....processing over and out, lol
Feb 19, 2015
It is natural to be in a state of flaccid paralysis during REM sleep (the dream phase of sleep). Occasionally people will wake up whilst the body is still in the REM state, usually due to sleep deprivation, and this is called &sleep paralysis.& Most people will experience sleep paralysis at least once in their lives.
Feb 27, 2015
I was wondering if you might help us out by answering a one-question survey?&&If you have a moment, go to the front page (hit the back to community button at the top of this page) and locate the poll about sleep topics. I would love to have your feedback. Thanks, H.
Mar 23, 2015
It's very scary to the point I put my hands by my eyes because I find if I can peel my eyes open it helps me get out of what I call a waking coma.&&It seems to happen during an afternoon nap when, yes I have had a great nights sleep and yet need to sleep again. I'm not sure why or what it is but am glad to know I'm not crazy laughing out loud!
Mar 23, 2015
You are experiencing Sleep Paralysis. This is completely normal, and happens even to healthy people from time to time. You can decrease the frequency of these episodes by avoiding sleeping on your back, and instead sleeping on your side or your stomach. I understand how scary these episodes can be! I've been having them almost every night (sometimes several times a night) since I was 5 years old, due to an autoimmune disease that started when I was young.
If these episodes become very frequent or start to interfere with your ability to work, go to school, socialize, or take care of yourself (cook, eat, clean, etc.) then you should discuss your Sleep Paralysis with your Primary Care Physician as frequent, troublesome episodes of this can be symptoms of an underlying sleep disorder. There are treatment options available if a sleep disorder is identified.
Best wishes,
Jan 05, 2016
Hey I to have had these episodes more times then I can count, so much so that I've begun to notice when there about to happen and can wake up before paralysis sets in. Sometimes I'm just to darn tired and will fight through a few back to back. I have heard try not to sleep on your back but I get them even when laying on my side. I went to a doc about it to see if they knew what it was or how to stop them but I just got looked at like I was nutz): if anyone knows more info about this or has any questions for me I would love to hear from you about this topic.
Jan 05, 2016
Hey I to have had these episodes more times then I can count, so much so that I've begun to notice when there about to happen and can wake up before paralysis sets in. Sometimes I'm just to darn tired and will fight through a few back to back. I have heard try not to sleep on your back but I get them even when laying on my side. I went to a doc about it to see if they knew what it was or how to stop them but I just got looked at like I was nutz): if anyone knows more info about this or has any questions for me I would love to hear from you about this topic.
Feb 27, 2016
hello my name is shekhar from kolkata city india.&& sorry my english is bit little poor. yesterday when i was sleeping suddenly my mind got active and i was able to think whatever i want and then something flashed not in front of my eyes (because my body was sleeping) but&&in my mind&&that i am in my relatives home and then i thought i was not there because before i slept so shouldn't be here and then i started to move my body sorry that would be a wrong statement i tried to move my body but it was like like i can't&&(because i think my body was still inactive and it was sleeping ) then i tried my best to make me awake and it takes 10-20 seconds to make myself awake happened to me 3 times yesterday night i never thought these kinds of things exist in this world but when i suffered from this then i started searching about it on google and i find out this page and different people having the same problem now i'm okay and dont know whether i'm gonna have this same problem or not . so i'm waiting for tonight ...and that thing when my mind got active while i was sleeping it happened for just less than 2 minutes .. not for too longer but as i am indian i started thinking about ghost and all that but now i'm okay.. thank you so much guys for writing this post really appreciate it :)
Feb 27, 2016
hello my name is shekhar from kolkata city india.&& sorry my english is bit little poor. yesterday when i was sleeping suddenly my mind got active and i was able to think whatever i want and then something flashed not in front of my eyes (because my body was sleeping) but&&in my mind&&that i am in my relatives home and then i thought i was not there because before i slept so shouldn't be here and then i started to move my body sorry that would be a wrong statement i tried to move my body but it was like like i can't&&(because i think my body was still inactive and it was sleeping ) then i tried my best to make me awake and it takes 10-20 seconds to make myself awake happened to me 3 times yesterday night i never thought these kinds of things exist in this world but when i suffered from this then i started searching about it on google and i find out this page and different people having the same problem now i'm okay and dont know whether i'm gonna have this same problem or not . so i'm waiting for tonight ...and that thing when my mind got active while i was sleeping it happened for just less than 2 minutes .. not for too longer but as i am indian i started thinking about ghost and all that but now i'm okay.. thank you so much guys for writing this post really appreciate it :)
Feb 27, 2016
Feb 27, 2016
yes i do have and while i was suffering from it i felt like i will never wake up but somehow i did it i woke up...
Apr 07, 2016
I have had the same problem my whole life as well it happens when im asleep and i can hear someone while asleep but can not move or anything but dont worry this will work to wake you up
1- dont panic
2- think to yourself this is only temporary
3- try to move a toe cough scrunch your face or ball your hand into a fist
4- if you have a lpved one who sleeps next to you have them help you through it its important to have someone who can talk you into a state of calm.
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