
&&&& An English traveler spent a few weeks in Sweden(瑞典). When he was about to return home he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket back to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a two-day voyage. So he bought a ticket with that little money he had and went on board. &&&& He dosed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell , and when dinner time came, he refused(决绝) to 畅孩扳绞殖悸帮溪爆娄go down to the place where people had their dinner, saying that he did not feel well. &&&& The following day he did not get up until breakfast was over, pretending that he had overslept, at lunch time, too, he kept out of the way. But by the time of dinner , he became very hungry. &&&& "I can't stand this any longer, "he said to himself." I must get something to eat." At dinner table he ate everything put in front of him. When he was quite satisfied(满意), he felt stronger(强壮) and at once went to see the waiter. &&&& "Bring me the bill," he said to the waiter. &&&& "The bill?" said the waiter in surprise (吃惊). &&&& "Yes, "answered the traveler. &&&& "There isn't any bill here" said the waiter. "On this ship , meals are already included(包括)in the ticket."
1. When the English traveler was about to leave Sweden, he found ________&&&&
A. that he had enough money back to England. B. that he didn't have enough money for a ticket back to England. C. that he had only enough money left to get a ticket back to England.
2. He bought his ticket with all his money, because he thought that ________&&
A. he could get home without eating. B. he could borrow some money from others C. he could get something to eat without paying
3. On the ship he didn't eat anything until the next day because ________
A. he wasn't hungry B. he thought he didn't have money to pay the bill C. he was ill
4.&&________ the next day, he was so hungry that he decided to get some thing to eat.&&&
A. At breakfast time
B. At lunch time&&
C. At dinner time
5. After the meal he knew he didn't pay the bill, because ________&&&&
A. meals were included in the ticket&&&&
B. someone would pay for him C. he could pay it after he got to England
1. P(x,y), AP→=2PB→
==& (x-3)/[(-4)-x] =[y-(-1)]/[(-2)-y] =1/2
x=2/3, y=-4/3, ...
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'这道题怎么做:  朱熹是历史上著名
  朱熹是历史上著名的思想家、哲学家、教育家.他一生大部分时间&在闽北著书讲学,武夷山、建阳、建瓯都留下了他的足迹.近日在南平市召开的“朱子文化座谈会”上,与会者建议将朱子文化融入人们日常生活的一言一行.为弘扬朱子文化,学校拟开展以感受朱子“崇文重教,明礼诚信,人格修养”为主题的语文综合性学习活动,请你积极参加. 【活动一:引经据典话修养】 &&&&   朱熹对胸怀坦荡、宽厚善良、谦和行善、诚实守信等人格修养有过精辟的论述,如:“勿损人而利己,勿妒贤而嫉能.”班级准备出一期小报,要求每人从古今中外的名人名言中搜集有关人格修养方面的名言警句,请写出一句你搜集到的名言. ____________________________________________ 【活动二:融合互动谈养成】 &&&&   朱熹主张在日常生活中养成一定的行为习惯.班主任要求同学们围绕“学习中有哪些良好的行为习惯”展开调查.请你向全班同学推荐一种学习方面的好习惯,并简述其处.&&&&& 好习惯:____________________________________&&&&&&&&&&&& 好处:&&&&____________________________________&&&&   朱熹曾对礼义作过这样的阐述:“诗书不可不读,礼义不可不知.”班级准备开展“知书明理”主题讨论会,班长要求同学们对下面材料进行探究,请说出你探究的结果.&&&&&   材料:在2012世界奥林匹克数学竞赛中,中国选手荣获16金中的10金.在交换礼物时,外国小朋友送上自己精心准备的礼物,而中国选手因没准备,只好回赠人民币. ____________________________________________
①示例:“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为.”“已所不欲,勿施于人.”“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报.”“最高贵的复仇是宽容.”(雨果) && ②示例一:好习惯:课前预习.好处:既可以将学习内容作一个初步了解,又可找出重难点,以便上课时解决.&& 示例二:好习惯:写日记.好处;既可以记录学习和生活中的点滴感受,也可以通过练笔,提高写作能力.&& ③示例一:中国选手虽然获得大多数金牌,但却在礼仪上输给外国小朋友.示例二:中国选手只注重比赛成绩,却忽视了礼仪.&& 示例三:中国选手既要学好学科知识,更要补上礼仪一课.&& 示例四:外国小朋友不论比赛输赢,都会向竞争对手赠送精心准备的礼物,以表达自己的善意和尊敬.&& 示例五:外&国选手除了在乎比赛成绩,还看重人与人的交往.而中国选手只在乎比赛成绩.(谈到一点即可,意对即可)


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