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62。67。65.要想学好滑雪就不要害怕摔倒.如果你们能使自己远离不健康的生活方式。60.这种植物拥有多么奇怪的一种能力啊,你(身体)会觉得好得多。73.我一直都很感激华老师在语文上给我的帮助,并且优先考虑他人?(2种) 75.我们要学会去帮助其他人甚至当我们自身身处麻烦时。80.我很感激你当我在森林里迷了路的时候救我出来.别忘了代我向你的父母问好56.女生们发现让男生们远离电脑是对他们很有帮助的,take)69。(able)58。她决定在医院多住两个月。57。(in trouble)71,甚至摔坏胳膊!(感叹句 2种不省略)(ungrateful)59,并且弄伤了他的脚趾头。79.-- 他总是先考虑他人.张华能把79的孙奶奶救到安全的地方真是非常的勇敢。61。74.多么不领情的学生啊.今天的报纸上有很多有关用火安全的小故事.生命中没有葛老师必定会孤独.前天.刚才很多的探望者给他带来了很多的花和卡片。63.一个好的组长(team leader)必须能够计划好一切.昨天下午老师从一匹受惊的马上摔了下来,有团队精神。72.你有没有采取任何的措施来阻止他购买这些纪念品。(search)66.很遗憾我们没能把这些骆驼安全地从危险中救出来。76?(it ,我们推选了我们的班长获得七年级最刻苦学生奖.孙奶奶今天没有觉得好点。68.把一个两岁的婴儿独自留在家是很危险的.我们高兴地在老师的垃圾箱里搜寻有用的东西.--你认为我朋友怎么样。这让我想起了今天报纸上的那些英雄。64。(it is…)78!70,我正盼望尽快拜访他们呢.他花了多长时间把那些身处危险的长颈鹿救出来的。77.我们在当地剧院玩的多高兴啊
we voted our monitor as the hardest student grade 7Our teather fall down from a frightened horse and hurt her toesMany visitors took many cards and flowers to him just nowHow do you like my friendWhat do you think of my friendHe always considers other first which makes me think of the heros in today's help in ChineseIt is very brave for Zhang hua to save grandmother Sun to safe place from 79 floorIt&#39.I look forward to visiting them.A good team leader must plan everything well and have teamwork spirits.Do you have some measures to prevent him from buying these souvenirsYou must feel lonely in life without teather Ge;s newspaperI keep feeling thankful teather Hua&#39.I am very greatful to you to help me get out of the forest when Is can Girls find that it&#39,what's more, so she decided to stay in hospital for two more monthsThere are many stories in the newspaper about
fire-safe todayWe glad to search for sth useful in teather's very dangerous to left a baby at home alone only two years oldHow long did it take him to save the giraffes in dangerWhat strange ability the plant hasWe should help others even when we are in troubleThe day before yesterday,he is able to
s good for boys to let them far away from computerIt&#39,you can&#39.How ungreatful the student isWhat a ungreatful student he is If you want to learn skiing.Grangmother St be afraid of slipping as great pity to not save these camels from dangerIf you can make you far away from unhealthy life styleDon't forget to express my greetings to your parents
56.Don't forget to remember me to your parents, I'm hoping to visit them as soon as possible?
57.I'm looking forward to a good leader must be able to plan everything out, has the team spirit, and the priority of the others
58.How ungrateful students
59.If you want to learn skiing don't be afraid to fall, even broke his arm
60.I'm very grateful to you when I lost my way in the forest save me out of.
61.Have you taken any steps to stop him buy these souvenirs
62.Life is not a graham j teacher must be lonely
63.Samson grandma today didn't feel well point. She decided to stay in the hospital for two months
64.Today's newspaper ...
亲爱的同学们.,山色空蒙雨亦奇”的绝世美景呈现在眼前,能提升城市魅力和综合竞争力,即将拉开创建全国文明城市的序幕,这个养育我们的城市,让我们携手创建文明城市,依山而住傍水而居的枕水江南。创建全国文明城市,一张宣传海报。或许我们不能做出惊天地泣鬼神的壮举,共建和谐家园,于是便有了“上有天堂,我们需要从平时的小事做起、梦幻般的韵城;午饭时整齐的摆放好饭盒,只要我们努力的让自己成为一个文明的人,水更清。站在美丽的西子湖边、一张贺卡,一个微笑,在校外我们也要做一个文明的人.说不尽的美丽景色映于我们心底:大家早上好,就是我们的杭州。尽管这些都是小事?全国文明城市是反映城市整体文明水平的综合性荣誉称号,几笔有力的文字便能换来无数支持的目光,平时保持文明用语的好习惯。明日的文明。晴空万里的假日,为城市的美丽明天出一份力,宣传文明城市的创建。 杭州,课间进行文明的休息才能有更好的精神去准备下一节课;这,做一些自己力所能及的事,你们知道什么叫“文明城市”吗,下有苏杭”的美称,“水光潋滟晴方好,几句淡淡的寒暄和小小的祝福便能滋生出无限的和谐与感动!文明城市让天更蓝,人更美,无数文人曾经对她赞不绝口.。做一个文明的学生,做文明的事;一杯清茶,时刻把“你我的一言一行,惊醒于杭州诗情画意的美。一束花,造福市民,首当其冲的,但我们能通过我们的方式。真正的文明是所有人种植幸福的结果。做一些自己力所能及的事,杭州的文明形象”的口号牢记于心,慰问孤寡老人,我们要文明的进行课间休息,为他们递上一杯水,我们可以三五成群组织成志愿者小队,那些源远流长的唐诗宋词,雨打断桥,山更秀。回望,我们不能使城市有翻天覆地的变化,始于今日的奉献,被世人千古传唱敬爱的老师们。那么我们又该从何做起呢,一个有道德的人,把城市建设的使命担在肩上。 同学们,帘外芭蕉。白墙黑瓦;见到老师问好.。这。怡人的暖风熏得游人醉,道不完的诗意了于我们胸中,尽力做到基本不剩饭菜,做最好的我们;珍惜粮食。从古至今,为未来发展的宏伟蓝图奠下基础,我们走近身边辛勤付出的劳动者,杭州就能够成为一个更加美丽,我们美丽的家乡,也能进一步提高生活质量?作为一个中学生;一篇文章,更加文明的城市,人人参与城市建设,我们走进敬老院。课间休息是反映我们学习生活的一个重要的窗口。初二六班全体同学,但是正是这些小事能够洋溢我们的文明气息。其次,我们走进千家万户、小桥流水.,走进大街小巷,几个温暖的笑容就能创造出一片和谐,说文明的话,一个古色古香! 谢谢,让我们在西子湖畔大声宣告,就是我们的城市!今天我们演讲的主题是“你我的一言一行。我们不仅在学校里要做一个文明的学生,与同学友好相处:我们是文明的新一代,杭州的文明形象”.。让我们切身投入实际
把城市建设的使命担在肩上, we also want to do outside of a civilized man, usually keep civilization terminology of good habit; An article,被世人千古传唱,亲爱的同学们, but to have better civilization of spirit to prepare for the next class,首当其冲的:大家早上好. 课间休息是反映我们学习生活的一个重要的窗口, propaganda civilized cities create。 Let's civilization.,做文明的事,与同学友好相处, we got near side of labourers,也能进一步提高生活质量, a smile. 做一些自己力所能及的事, but it is these small can is permeated with our civilization breath. 这. 今天我们演讲的主题是“你我的一言一行, the water cleaner、小桥流水. 让我们切身投入实际, by the rain also miraculousness&quot. 我们不仅在学校里要做一个文明的学生, began in today&#39, rain beat the banana broken bridge,在校外我们也要做一个文明的人,始于今日的奉献; A bunch of flowers, a few pen powerful words will get countless support eyes, shade, trying to do basic not remnant food, and do some of my own ability, we walked into the home of empty nesters, everyone involved the urban construction, tang,山更秀。 National civilized city is a reflection of the city as a whole civilization level comprehensive honorary titles, friendly with classmates。 Skies holiday。 A cup of green tea。 Teenager six class,山色空蒙雨亦奇”的绝世美景呈现在眼前; laudatory name, do you know what call & 珍惜粮食, the beautiful tomorrow for the city。 As a middle school students, we entered innumberable families, a few words of light greetings and small blessing will develop into a infinite harmony and touched. 晴空万里的假日,我们走近身边辛勤付出的劳动者. 怡人的暖风熏得游人醉; 这,道不完的诗意了于我们胸中,即将拉开创建全国文明城市的序幕,杭州的文明形象”的口号牢记于心; 一篇文章, will soon begin establishing national civilized city off, a quaint and water jiangnan dreamlike charm city. The white walls HeiWa:我们是文明的新一代; Lunch boxes neatly laid,下有苏杭”的美称; That is our city. 杭州. 明日的文明,杭州的文明形象”,但我们能通过我们的方式. 一束花, walked into organization streets。 The visitors pleasant warm wind。 Do a civilized student,几笔有力的文字便能换来无数支持的目光, and had drunk &quot, that gives a force for the future development of efn grand blueprint。 L 一杯清茶。 Do some can prodrce. 创建全国文明城市,依山而住傍水而居的枕水江南。 Standing in the beautiful west lake。 Recess reflects our study the lives of an important window for the rest. 文明城市让天更蓝, the beauty of our home, people mountain more beautiful。 See the teacher say hello? Boys and girls! 谢谢;you my words and deeds。 Today our topic is &quot,我们走进敬老院,那些源远流长的唐诗宋词, can promote the urban charm and comprehensive competitiveness。 The real civilization is the result of all people grow happiness,能提升城市魅力和综合竞争力, benefit the public, a few warm smile can create a harmonious。 Maybe we can&#39, said the words,只要我们努力的让自己成为一个文明的人.,我们需要从平时的小事做起,造福市民; empty presented in sight of supernatural beauty,为他们递上一杯水, hangzhou civilization image&quot,让我们在西子湖畔大声宣告.、一张贺卡: we are a new generation of civilization. 那么我们又该从何做起呢,人更美,为城市的美丽明天出一份力, do the best we,但是正是这些小事能够洋溢我们的文明气息,杭州就能够成为一个更加美丽.. 或许我们不能做出惊天地泣鬼神的壮举! Dear teachers.,做最好的我们;,这个养育我们的城市,我们美丽的家乡, let us work hand in hand to c;civilized city&quot,t make indescribably tragic feat, build a harmonious home, many scholars who told her history of praises,平时保持文明用语的好习惯、梦幻般的韵城, we need from the usual small start, as long as we work hard to let oneself become a civilized people,共建和谐家园。 That is our hangzhou, a greeting card,时刻把“你我的一言一行,我们可以三五成群组织成志愿者小队., dear classmates,就是我们的杭州. 尽管这些都是小事,你们知道什么叫“文明城市”吗, work hard for them to pass a glass of water; Secondly! Tomorrow&#39,走进大街小巷,“水光潋滟晴方好,几个温暖的笑容就能创造出一片和谐, hangzhou civilization image&quot,课间进行文明的休息才能有更好的精神去准备下一节课,就是我们的城市,慰问孤寡老人. 同学们, song lyrics sung by the world eternal,我们不能使城市有翻天覆地的变化,我们走进千家万户,让我们携手创建文明城市, more show, mountain while living alongside water and house of pillow,雨打断桥;s vital into actual. 做一个文明的学生,说文明的话,一个有道德的人;cloud-covered mountains billow sunny side,几句淡淡的寒暄和小小的祝福便能滋生出无限的和谐与感动。 Establishing national civilized city? 作为一个中学生, but we can pass our way,更加文明的城市;you what my words and deeds, a moral man,一张宣传海报,我们要文明的进行课间休息, do civilization civilization,做一些自己力所能及的事. 从古至今. 白墙黑瓦! Civilized city make it more blue, &quot, we cannot make city s dedication,无数文人曾经对她赞不绝口敬爱的老师们, hangzhou can become a more beautiful,惊醒于杭州诗情画意的美。 Historically, sympathy。 Thank you. 其次, the urban construction mission upon his shoulders. 说不尽的美丽景色映于我们心底。 The beautiful scenery of untold yingxiu in our heart,水更清; slogan remember in heart, the raising our city.,于是便有了“上有天堂: good morning. 初二六班全体同学,为未来发展的宏伟蓝图奠下基础;paradise in heaven。 Although these are small. 真正的文明是所有人种植幸福的结果? 全国文明城市是反映城市整体文明水平的综合性荣誉称号; 见到老师问好,尽力做到基本不剩饭菜, everyone? So we have this from how to start. 回望, Bridges。 Hangzhou,帘外芭蕉, let us in westlake loudly proclaims,一个古色古香, we want to bear the brunt of the civilization a break, suzhou and hangzhou below& 午饭时整齐的摆放好饭盒, the time &quot,宣传文明城市的创建, more civilized city; Treasured food. 站在美丽的西子湖边, we may want to volunteer teams,一个微笑, in hangzhou poetic awakened the beauty, also can further improve the quality of life, way not over of poetic stuffed in us。 We not only in schools to do a civilized student,人人参与城市建设
can promote the urban charm and comprehensive competitiveness, also can further improve the quality of life, benefit the public. So we have this from how to start?
As a middle school students, we want to bear the brunt of the civilization a break. Recess reflects our study the lives of an important window for the rest, but to have better civilization of spirit to prepare for the next class. Secondly, we need from the usual small start, usually keep civilization termi Lun Treasured food, trying to do ba See the teacher say hello, friendly with classmates. Although these are small, but it is...
80个单词的英语作文,要简单点。可以背的。 4~6篇这样, 谢谢了、
这是一些常写的作文—— 考试之后 Last week, I had an English exam. I only got 60 because of my carelessness(粗心) . I am afraid of telling my parents about this. But I felt very sad . One day, Mom found me unhappy, she asked me why I was . I had to tell her. However , she didn’t get angry . She said to me kindly “ you need to work hard and be more careful next time. If you have any problems , you can ask your teacher. I believe you can catch up with others very soon.” I think I must study hard from now on.
保护环境 Environmental problems(环境问题) are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the unhealthy air for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously(不断地) into rivers. White pollution , waste water and gas effect our health , worsen our mood. So we should protect our environment . we can make use of clean energy and reuse plastic bags and protect wild animals and plant more trees.
戒烟 Smoking is bad for our health. It may cause cancers or other diseases(病). Every year hundreds of people catch diseases because of smoking. Some even die of it. Few people like staying together with smokers. Since smoking has so much harm, smokers should get rid of(去掉) the bad habit. You can try to change it little by little (渐渐地). When you want to smoke, eat some nuts or sugars. You can also do some interesting things to divert(转移) your attention. Please give up smoking for your health.
个人介绍 I’m a shy and a quiet boy ,or an introvert . When I’m around some people, I usually don’t say anything . When I speak, I feel like a fool because I think people are looking at me strangely. I want to make friends with everyone. I hope I will be more outgoing .Please give me some advice. I think introverts are often more listeners than extroverts . They are often more thoughtful of others’ needs . More people like making friends with them . In addition, introverts’ talk often has the most meaningful conversation with others. So you don’t worry too much ,celebrate you!
还有一些可能考的作文模板—— 现象说明文 Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________,it is ture that __________. There are many reasons explaining__________________________.The main reason is____________________. what is more_________________________.thirdly_________________ _________.As a result_______________. Considering all there,________________________.For one thing_______ ______________,for another________ ____.In Conclusion____________________. 实用性写作(申请信) Your address Month, Date, year Receiver's address Dear ..., I am extremely pleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the position in .... And I would like to w缉单光竿叱放癸虱含僵rite a letter to tell you that.../ I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising. .../ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed. On the one hand, .... On the other hand, .... I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference. I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience. Best regards for your health and success. Sincerely yours, X X X 图表作文的框架 as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases), significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________. In addition, ________ is responsible for _______. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.
一、 An Interesting thing in spring Festriday
In the Spring Festival, my father,mother,grandfather,grandmother, uncle,aunty and I got together to celebrate. We had the dinner in the New Year's Eve.
There was much delicious food to eat . After dinner,we had a exciting party.
We sang and danced on the party.We were all very excited.
My parents gave me the pocket money and bought me the new clothes. I was very happy.
I hope everyone is healthy and happy in the next year 二、My family I have a warm family(我有一个温馨的家庭)。 At home with mom and dad and a cute puppy(家里有爸爸妈妈和一只可爱的小狗)。I was the only one child at home(家里只有我一个...
总是要考虑到你对自然世界的影响。野外露营是不允许的, so seek out smaller.
Wild camping is not permitted in many places, it makes little environmental influence, except in national parks. Always consider what influence you might have on the nature word,没有公路交通! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up? I was once where you might be now. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, but not important. A busy,我无法忍受再也听不到每天早上为小学生们播放的电台节目的思绪了, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota。它给予我们社会身份,有些在公共汽车上的人转过头看着我。 2007年,但在英格兰你必须问地主的同意,导师儿童文学研究所
C 篇 How Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts. A good campsite is found. Her research indicates that the higher callings encourage people to think more freely。尝试使用一个明显之前有人露营过的地方。哈佛医学院的研究人员还发现,尽管它不会那么容易. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot。最近一项关于室内照明设计的研究表明,它有一个市场非常庞大的市场. I wrote letters, avoid standing dead trees。它往往被视为单纯的娱乐,我们看问题几乎是管中窥豹 ”建筑师大卫艾里森说。他们正在发掘如何设计促进创造力, according to a study led by C, may inspire a more detailed outlook, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots。她的研究表明. In fact。科学可以解释为什么太阳升起和降落,并与他们联系。4年来。我们提供免费的能力倾向测试, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses。发现一个很好的露营地,在这个组织那并不是不寻常,我们就剥夺了他们表达音乐的意译;t know where to turn for help,以及来自的社会环境. I sold three stories, sleeping outdoors.
Recent study on room lighting design suggests that dim(暗淡的)light helps people to loosen up。我不记得自己再一次为这个原因哭泣了, particularly in crowded lowland Britain、语言艺术和数学的测试上有更高的分数。承诺得到了回报,甚至与公司的代表讨论电话费. I was often sad。当在林地露营时。一个繁忙的,方便的休憩用地. We were on the bus then。当我们离开我曾经想要去看的所有的地方;s books and over 300 stories and articles. “We have a very limited number of studies,但并不重要。如果你生火,我不知道去哪里寻求帮助。音乐告诉我们我们是谁,并认为“艰难的时期”遥遥无期. The arts explore emotive(情感的) meaning of
the same phenomenon ,我学到的一个重要的规则,我们的好奇心, 实证的)basis. 我如何变得乐观我开始长大, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland. Because music is an expression_r of the beings who create it, so we’re almost looking at the problem through a straw(吸管),但它却发生了. .,并会向您发送了一份小册子来介绍我们公认的家庭学习课程,并放松的空间, our curiosities, do so downwind of your shelter。我常常难过,利维在美国明尼苏达大学的报告说,它引起很小的小环境影响。该组织所做出的对我的承诺同样将支付给你.
Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupant’s ability to concentrate, and saw no end to “the hard times:没有一种方法可以得到这一切,更高的天花板鼓励人们更加自由的思考.,好的结果最后肯定回到来。我离开的国家几乎再也不会回到我的脑海中了,所发生的事教我必须乐观,我的生活结果将会是好的。但我就足够好了吗,所建筑物所提供的视野可能会影响到工作人员的注意力,以便于使它们能够与他人分享,当我的父母和我从我的姑姑家返回的时候,琼迈耶斯,所以寻找更小,感情和行为, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there。音乐提供了一种不能以任何其他方式获得的感知. ”家具设计是如何影响我们工作和感情的建筑师长久以来就感觉到我们生活的地方可能会影响我们的思想.
The promise that paid off The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, which may lead them to make more abstract connections, our hopes。选择一个隐私的营地和对他人和环境有最低影响,直到它消失永远: Walking in makes a real adventure. Low ceilings.
The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism,我们的渴望。 “我们有一个数量非常有限的研究, head of the School Design &Planning Laboratory at
University of Georgia, But now scientists are giving this feelings an empirical(经验的. If that is true generally,普遍的运用呢。艺术却做到了, translated at interviews with Immigration officers? That’s what we&#39,除了在国家公园,可能会激发更详细的展望,事情对我来说变得更加复杂了,并在最好。摇滚音乐就好像舒伯特的歌曲一样代表了一种生活方式, our hungers. Music is an important way we express human suffering,和平与爱的意义和价值的重要方式。请确定您在迎风面上有最安全的保护,使一般公众意识到。事实上;s books bought each year……plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building,在注意力的测试水平上有了巨大的提高?我曾经在您可能现在呆的地方, and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed, but that happened。今天实现您的写作梦想, as well as the social environment it came from,并且没有现代方便的交通。克里斯蒂诺贝特霍尔,设备齐全的野营地似乎违背这一点. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions, keep people focused, Instructor Institute of Children&#39,以创造每年价值30亿美元的儿童书籍购买, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation。音乐很不错. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be,带有圆角边缘的家具可以帮助参观者放松,我的继父和我才习惯了对方。不引人注目的露营正变得越来越重要的,我们的希望。他们是文明的语言. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side。事实上,天花板的高度, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me, celebration, generalized use of them。没有什么比一个梦想被耽搁更伤心的了. “How do you take answers to very specific questions and make broad. The arts do. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning,根据由佐治亚大学负责学术设计与规划实验室的肯尼思唐纳领导的一项研究显示,在与入境处人员面试时翻译。找到合适的位置营地是第一步,了解组织负责管理野生空间. I was crying.
Free test and brochure We offer a free aptitude test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training,但肯定不是优先教育. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute。避免损害植物,随着越来越多的人想要逃避到旷野,找到一个营地。
B篇 Dear Friend, music education is beneficial and important for all students。以我的经验,野营和住房建设. Better still。更好的是: You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿)suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course。爵士影响了乔治格什温和其他音乐家引入到他们的音乐,进行一对一的基础培训, and I didn's nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever。运用天性去改善关注的焦点应该在学术上取得成功,经历恶劣天气, people seem to say. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention,使人们集中,这显然是美国人:几乎所有的普通麻烦最终都会消失. When camping in woodland。艺术我们思想和想象力形式的表达方式. If you make a fire? They’re ordinary folks like you and me。E Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and. This view is shortsighted. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason,尤其是在拥挤的低地英国.
In addition to ceiling height!只要你没有放弃.
The recent success of children’s books has made the general public aware
that there&#39,但现在科学家正给予这种感情实证的基础,和叮咬昆虫的窝,我们发现. It is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注目的)and leave no mark。我哭。这种看法是短浅的,并把它们广泛的、重要的。头两年在纽约我真的失望了. Which may fall on a windy night. Avoid damaging plants!我相信, Wherever you are。音乐表达了我们的性格和价值观,要在顺风的住房附近,距离窗子至少50英尺远的拥有畅通视野的教室学生比那些基本上忽视道路和停车场的学生在词汇, on the other hand:
No one way can get it all.
And there&#39, even though it will not be that easy。它结果成为了我需要灵感,在外面睡觉. 野外露营是一种非常棒的方式体验到自然世界.
Who are these needed writers。并没有留下任何标记,在一个大风夜晚. In 2007.
Realize your writing dream today。此外。我并不很了解我是什么或者我应该做什么. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt.
So music education is far more necessary than people to realize, but certainly not an education priority (优先),也许海滩,它反映了他们的思想和价值观,避免站在死树下. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each other. For example, ”architect David Allison says,the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list .
I do not remember myself crying for this reason again。过一段时间之后, find a campsite with no road access,我们可能不久将离开美国,了解他们的政策.;t expect any publication before I finished the course。一但我们没有给孩子一个重要表达自己如音乐的方式的机会,无论身处何地. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other.
From my experiences I have learned one important rule。艺术探索同样的现象情感的含义! I believe that my life will turn out all right,我想当我告别我的朋友和亲戚我很少哭, find out about organizations responsible for s Literature亲爱的朋友, reported that the height of a room’s ceiling affects how people to think。我写作的想法被自我怀疑压倒了,以保证良好的睡眠。此致. Music is nice. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as does a Schubert song,一个房间天花板的高度影响人们如何去思考,带我的爷爷奶奶去看医生并且在那翻译。我们需要一切可能的方式来发现和回应我们这个世界的一个简单而有力的理由是;s a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children&#39,在晚宴或是聚会上保持低的光线可以增加放松, experiencing bad weather, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.加上针对儿童和青少年的故事和文章所需要的650多出版商杂志。低的天花板,艺术就不可避免的排在了清单的底部,它应该是没有必要作出改变的。然后,因为它来自美国音乐的传统。谁是这些需要的作家, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives, not made-changing it should be unnecessary. In fact。我很快发现,而不是建立一个新的位置. Avoid animal runs and caves。我写的信件,音乐教育是人类更有必要去实行的. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum influence on others and the environment, and it seems to. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures,忧郁家庭的搬家。但是。我变卖了三个故事,在康奈尔大学的研究. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary,只要一点等待。音乐是一种表达我们人类苦难,我已出版著作34个国家的儿童读物和超过300个故事和文章,在许多地方,它似乎是.
I really didn&#39,那些只有从书上和图片上知道的奇异的。越来越有必要为新的作家培训,音乐教育对所有的学生是有益的, it reflects their thinking and values:行走于一个真正的冒险, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission.
Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity.
The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols。艺术是和数学和科学符号一样强大的作为沟通内容的思维形式,通过它我们可以表达我们的担心, at it best, but the idea did not come to me at once. Kenneth Tanner.
But am I good enough,各方面的物质环境可以影响创造力,如果你表现出基本的写作能力,更偏远的地方。研究表明. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then, the meaning and value of peace and love. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness,另一方面。因此,我的母亲说,那些经历了在绿色方面大幅度提高的全家搬家的孩子们, if you show basic writing ability,暗淡的灯光有助于人们放松. Too often it
is viewed as mere entertainment,人们似乎说, I have authored 34 nationally published children&#39。我真的没有想到我完成了课程之前会有任何出版, feelings and behaviors, our discoveries。 “你怎么回答非常具体的问题, and lead to relaxation. Music expresses our character and values。
D 篇 When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance ,庆祝活动. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others。科学和技术并没有告诉我们什么是人权.
Music tells us who we are, fully-equipped campsite(野营地)seems to go against this. For the first two years in New York I was really lost—having to study in three schools as a result of family moves.
Camping is about having relaxation. Mother remarried.. When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music. ” My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing aptitude(潜能);re all struggling with。露营是放松的。他们是我们人类相互“对话”的方式。南希井和她的同事发现. It gives us identity as a society, and possible homes of biting insects。避免动物活动频繁的洞穴。例如, and things became even more complex for me,因此。迄今科学家们主要集中在公共建筑, filled out forms, and just wait a little.
Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets。最近儿童读物的成功, and making do without modern conveniences。我的责任在家庭中增加了很多?他们是像你和我的普通人.
Since graduation: Almost all common troubles eventually go away,在那个冬季的晚上。免费试用和小册子,这可能导致他们做出更多的抽象联想, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches,但这种想法不是立刻来找我的.
Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human。因为音乐是一种人类表达方式,我接受了来自于能够测试我写作潜能的组织免费提供的帮助。我们当时在公共汽车上。母亲改嫁. 当学生和家长的要求根据重要性去评估学科。自毕业后。如果这大体上是真的,魔法的地方,填写表格. Kristi Holl.
Music provides a kind of
perception(感知)that cannot be acqs a huge market out there?这就是我们都苦苦挣扎的事情,以便于在你完成我们的课程的时候能够交上来. There&#39。唐纳和他的研究小组发现.
So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings,它是野生罚款营在偏远地区的苏格兰2009年北京高考英语阅读理解试题中文翻译A篇
How I Turned to Be Optimistic I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunt’s house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America


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