cfischinaa is the n() of a country括号里填什么

The Chinese Dream is the dream of the people
The Chinese Dream is the dream of the people
The Chinese Dream is the dream of the country and the nation but also of every Chinese citizen. The Chinese people love life and yearn for better education, more stable jobs, more satisfactory income, greater social security benefits, better medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions and a more beautiful environment.
They want their children to grow up well and have better jobs and more fulfilling lives.
The mission of the CPC as China's ruling party is to lead the people in building a better country and improving their lives. The CPC's goal is to satisfy the people's hope for a better life.
The CPC should always listen to the voice of the people and respond to their expectations, ensure their equal rights to participate in governance and develop themselves, and safeguard social equity and justice.
The CPC needs to make steady progress in ensuring that those wanting education can receive it, those needing jobs can find them, those requiring medical care can enjoy it, those looking for affordable housing can find it, and the old people cared for.
The CPC needs to constantly fulfill, safeguard, and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, so that everyone shares in fully and fairly the fruits of development and move steadily toward shared prosperity on the basis of continued economic and social development.
The Chinese Dream is to ensure that everyone shares the opportunity to develop themselves and make a contribution to society, excel in their lives, and make their dreams come true.
Le rêve chinois est le rêve du peuple
Le rêve chinois est non seulement celui de l'Etat et de la nation, mais aussi celui de chaque Chinois. Le peuple chinois est attaché à la vie. Il aspire à une éducation de bonne qualité, un travail stable et bien rémunéré, une protection sociale s?re, des services médicaux et sanitaires de haut niveau, un logement confortable et un environnement agréable. Surtout, il souhaite que ses enfants grandissent, travaillent et vivent dans de meilleures conditions. Le Parti communiste chinois, qui est au pouvoir, a pour mission de conduire le peuple à construire un pays meilleur et de lui faire bénéficier d'une vie meilleure. L'aspiration du peuple à une vie meilleure est précisément le but de notre lutte. Nous devons rester à l'écoute de la population, répondre à ses attentes et lui garantir le droit à la participation et au développement équitables, mais aussi défendre l'équité et la justice sociales. Il faut réaliser sans cesse de nouvelles avancées pour rendre l'éducation, les soins médicaux, l'assurance-vieillesse et le logement accessibles à tous, et garantir une rémunération à tout travail fourni. Il est impératif d'assurer effectivement la matérialisation, la préservation et l'extension des intérêts fondamentaux de la très grande majorité de la population, de fa?on à ce que l'ensemble de la population partage, davantage et de fa?on plus équitable, les fruits du développement, et se dirige vers l'enrichissement commun d'un pas ferme, sur la base du développement continu de l'économie et de la société. Le rêve chinois a pour objectif de permettre à chaque individu d'obtenir les opportunités de se développer, de contribuer à la société, de réussir sa vie et de réaliser ses rêves.
El sue?o chino es el sue?o del pueblo
El sue?o chino es un sue?o del Estado y la nación, y de cada uno de los chinos. El pueblo chino ama la vida y anhela tener una educación mejor, trabajos más estables, ingresos más satisfactorios, una seguridad social más garantizada, servicios médicos y sanitarios de mayor nivel, condiciones habitacionales más confortables y un ambiente más bello, y espera que sus hijos puedan crecer, trabajar y vivir mejor. Lo que persigue el Partido Comunista de China en su gobierno de China es conducir al pueblo hacia una mejor construcción del país y llevarle a una vida más mejor. La aspiración del pueblo a una vida hermosa representa el objetivo de nuestra lucha. Debemos en todo tiempo prestar atento oído a la voz del pueblo y responder a sus expectativas. Hemos de asegurarle su derecho a una participación y un de proteger la equidad y
hacer nuevos y constantes progresos en el sentido de que todos tengan la oportunidad de estudiar, una retribución debida por su trabajo, asistencia médica en caso de enfermedad, sustento en la vejez y un lugar donde vivir, y materializar, salvaguardar y fomentar incesante y debidamente los intereses fundamentales de las masas populares más amplias, de modo que los logros del desarrollo beneficien en mayor medida y de forma más equitativa a todo el pueblo y que este marche con paso seguro hacia la prosperidad común sobre la base de un desarrollo continuo de la economía y la sociedad. El sue?o chino permitirá que cada uno adquiera la oportunidad de desarrollarse y contribuir a la sociedad y que todos disfrutemos en común de la oportunidad de dar brillo a nuestras vidas y hacer realidad nuestros sue?os.
Китайская мечта – это мечта народа
Китайская мечта – это мечта страны, мечта народа, мечта каждого китайца. Китайцы горячо любят жизнь, они питают надежду на более хорошее образование, ожидают более стабильной работы, более удовлетворительного дохода, более надежной социальной защиты, более высокого уровня медицинского обслуживания, более комфортных условий жизни, более хорошей окружающей среды. Они надеются на то, что их дети смогут расти, работать и жить в более хороших условиях. В Китае правит Коммунистическая партия Китая, которая неизбежно ведет народ к тому, чтобы сделать и страну, и жизнь людей лучше. Устремленность людей к прекрасной жизни – это и есть цель нашей борьбы. Мы должны постоянно прислушиваться к мнению людей, оправдывать их надежды, гарантировать равные возможности для всех, равные права для развития, обеспечивать социальную справедливость, чтобы во всем наблюдался устойчивый прогресс – учащиеся получали образование, работающие получали доход, больные получали лечение, старые люди получали уход и у всех были возможности на улучшение жилищных условий. Ради коренных интересов народы, мы должны постоянно работать над осуществлением, поддержкой и развитием, добиваться того, чтобы результаты прогресса стали более существенными, более равномерными и более всеобщими для народа. Мы должны на основе непрерывного социально-экономического развития двигаться к достижению всеобщего процветания и устойчивого прогресса. Китайский мечта означает получение каждым человеком возможности развить себя и внести вклад в развитие общества, возможность всем вместе расцветить свою жизнь, возможность всем вместе сделать мечту реальностью.
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Der Chinesische Traum als Traum des Volkes
Der Chinesische Traum ist ein gemeinsamer Traum der chinesischen Nation, des Staates und jedes einzelnen Chinesen. Das chinesische Volk liebt das Leben, wünscht sich eine noch bessere Bildung, eine noch sicherere Arbeit und ein noch zufriedenstellenderes Einkommen, eine noch zuverl?ssigere Sozialabsicherung, noch bessere medizinische Dienstleistungen, noch angenehmere Wohnbedingungen sowie eine noch bessere Umwelt. Die Bev?lkerung erwartet, dass ihre Kinder noch besser aufwachsen und sich ihre Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen noch weiter verbessern. Die KP Chinas strebt bei ihrer Regierungsführung danach, dass das Volk unter ihrer Führung ein noch sch?neres Land aufbaut und ein noch besseres Leben führen kann. Wir müssen jederzeit der Stimme des Volkes Geh?r verschaffen, auf die Erwartungen der Menschen reagieren, das Recht des Volkes auf gleichberechtigte Partizipation und gleichberechtigte Entwicklung garantieren sowie soziale Fairness und Gerechtigkeit wahren. Ziel all unserer Anstrengungen ist es, die Wünsche und Erwartungen des Volkes an ein sch?nes Leben zu verwirklichen. Es gilt, eine neue und nachhaltige Entwicklung anzustreben, damit dem ganzen Volk mit seinem Anspruch auf Lernen entsprechende Bildungschancen zustehen, ihm das Entgelt für die geleistete Arbeit sicher ist, ihm medizinische Betreuung zur Verfügung steht, der Lebensunterhalt im Alter garantiert ist sowie auch die Ansprüche der Menschen auf Wohnung befriedigt werden. Wir müssen die grundlegenden Interessen des Volkes unaufh?rlich schützen, realisieren und entwickeln, damit alle Menschen zunehmend und auf noch fairere Weise in den Genuss der Früchte der Entwicklung kommen und auf der Grundlage der wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung festen Schrittes auf gemeinsamen Wohlstand zusteuern. Der Chinesische Traum erm?glicht jedem Chancen für seine eigene Entwicklung und dazu, einen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft zu leisten. Auch bietet er allen Menschen die M?glichkeit, Glanzleistungen zu erbringen und ihre Tr?ume zu verwirklichen.
O sonho chinês é o sonho do povo
O sonho chinês é o sonho do país, da na??o e de cada chinês. O povo chinês ama a vida, espera por educa??o melhor, emprego mais estável, renda mais satisfatória, garantia social mais confiável, servi?o médico de qualidade mais elevada, condi??es de moradia mais confortáveis e meio ambiente mais agradável, espera que nossos filhos possam crescer melhor, trabalhar melhor e ter uma vida no padr?o melhor. Sendo o partido governante do país, o Partido Comunista da China tem a obriga??o de liderar o povo para construir um país melhor e para lhe dar uma vida melhor. A expectativa das massas populares por uma vida melhor constitui a nossa meta. Devemos, durante todo tempo, estar atentos ao clamor do povo e responder às suas expectativas. Devemos garantir ao povo o direito a uma participa??o equitativa e a um desenvolvimento justo, proteger a equidade e a justi?a social e obter novos avan?os no sentido de garantir seu direito à educa??o, ao trabalho, à assistência médica, aos cuidados na velhice e à habita??o. Devemos ainda realizar, manter e expandir incessantemente os interesses fundamentais da esmagadora maioria das massas populares, fazendo com que os resultados do desenvolvimento beneficiem ao máximo e de forma mais equitativa, todo o povo, de modo que o povo possa, com o desenvolvimento contínuo da economia e da sociedade, avan?ar com passos firmes rumo à prosperidade comum. O sonho chinês traz a todas as pessoas a oportunidade de se desenvolver e de contribuir para a sociedade, desfrutar, em comum, das oportunidades em que podem ter sua vida com realiza??es e tornar seus sonhos em realidade.
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How Long Is the Great Wall of China? &#x kilometers?
The Great Wall of China
Chinese people often call the Great
Wall &the 5,000-Kilometer-Long Wall& (&3,100-Mile-Long Wall&). However, it&s hard to give it an accurate length, as some of the
sections have eroded away completely or have been developed over with roads,
villages, etc.
1 Popular Chinese: &the 5,000-Km-Long Wall& (万里长城 Wàn-Lǐ
Chángchéng /wann-lee channg-chnng/ &Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall& see below)
The Official
Length: 21,196 km (13,170
After a five-year-long survey, the
total length of the Great Wall was measured. On June 5th, 2012, the State
Administration of Cultural Heritage announced that the official length of the
Great Wall is 21,196.18 km (13,170.7 mi).
This is the first time that China has scientifically and systematically measured
the length of the Great Wall.
A watchtower relic at Jinshanling
It&s a misleading figure as some
sections of different eras were built on top of or right next to each other.
Also isolated sections of fortified wall defending state boundaries are
included, not just China&s northern border wall(s) that people generally think
the Great Wall to be.
All Known Sections of the &Great Wall& Were Measured
The Great Wall measured covers all the
sections built by seven Warring States (475&#x BC) and at least seven dynasties
from Qin to Ming (221 BC &#x AD) in 15 provincial-level areas: Beijing,
Tianjin, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi,
Shaanxi, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia,
Gansu, and Qinghai. The measured length includes 43,721 relics: walls, trenches, towers,
walled fortresses, etc.
Lengths of Great Wall by Dynasty
The following table gives a fuller picture of how much wall (approximately) was built when.
Great Wall Built By
Length (km)
Walls (km)
Again (km)
Warring States
Qin Dynasty
Han Dynasty
206 BC &#x AD
N. Wei Dynasty
N. Qi / Sui Dynasty
Liao / Jin Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
The Ming Great Wall&s Length: 8,851 km (5,500 mi)
Most of the Great Wall visited and seen on photos was built in the Ming Dynasty.
Jiayuguan Fortress — West End of the Ming Great Wall
On June 5th, 2012, the State
Administration of Cultural Heritage and National Administration of Surveying
and Mapping announced on April 18th, 2009 that : (1368 &#x) was 8851.8 km long.
What Was Actually Measured
They measured Great Wall sections in
10 provinces: Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia,
Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, and Qinghai.
They included in the length trenches
and natural barriers like mountains, rivers, and lakes. Estimates of the length
of actual wall come to over 6,200 km (3,900 miles). However, this
includes many side branches that don&t contribute to the west-to-east “length”.
The shortest distance from the most
westerly point of the Ming Great Wall (&& in Jiayuguan) to its most easterly point () is 2,235 km (1,389 mi).
Why Chinese Call It the &#x-Km-Long Wall’
The Great Wall near Beijing
The Great Wall has been called &Wan-Li
Changcheng& since the Qin Dynasty (221&#x BC).
Wan means 10,000, and a li is half a kilometer. So 10,000 li is 5,000 km (3,100 miles), which was a actually a good estimation of the Great Wall length in the Qin Dynasty. However it continued in use through future dynasties, despite the Great Wall becoming longer.
Wan is also popularly used to mean &a great number& in Chinese. So, a better translation of Wan-Li
Changcheng would probably be &the Great-Number-of-Li-Long Wall&, or
&the Great Wall& for short!
How Long is the Great Wall in Football Fields?
The Great Wall is a VERY long wall and hundreds of football fields
would still be incomparable to its length. So we’ll forget about that
Let’s say instead, the
total Great Wall length for all time would cross the US east to west 6 times!
Perhaps more usefully… The Great Wall of
the Ming Dynasty would be sufficient to go across the United States& Mexican border (3,000+ km) AND the southern Canadian land border (5,000+ km, not counting the Great Lakes and Alaska)!
More Interesting Info on the Great Wall of China
— from emperors to peasants
— threats, restoration, and saving measures
— different scenery in different
: including all the famous sections around
Beijing — discover the different
features of the various sections, and find the best places for you to visit
Recommended Great
Wall Tours
If you want to walk on the Great Wall
to admire its majestic winding length, please see our recommended Great Wall
Hiking Tours below for inspiration:
: The most beautiful hiking route
: The classic Great Wall steep, wild hiking
Not interested in the above tours? See
more popular : or just tell us your interests and requirements, and China
Highlights will help you .
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Author: Kelly
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