QUT学生宿舍cnn student newsOne学生公寓怎么样?听说不错!

UQ学生宿舍, Student One怎么样啊?大家知道吗?有很多人建议,看上去不错。_百度知道
UQ学生宿舍, Student One怎么样啊?大家知道吗?有很多人建议,看上去不错。
希望采纳,十分方便、公共娱乐等都是免费使用的,20分钟就到UQ、自习室。整栋大楼都是无线网络和有线网络,也是最安全的公寓很不错,而且在布里斯班市中心,可以交到很多朋友,健身房,华人学生比较多,他们应该是性价比最高的,24小时都有客服人员还有生活老师之类的、自行车,到UQ的话可以做楼下公交车或者快船。而且有很多设施。在市中心的学生公寓、媒体室,很现代化。公寓都是住的学生,适合刚刚来澳洲的同学,交通很方便走了去QUT GP校区10分钟不到,是全新的公寓,去看过
版权所有: 吉林工商学院学生会
地址:吉林工商学院学生会 邮编:130062
电话:&邮箱: &QQ:
1.你一星期洗幾次澡?How often a week do you take a
2.我每隔一天洗一次澡。I take a bath every other
3.你刷幾次牙?一天刷二次。How often ( How many
times ) do you clean your teeth? Twice a day.
4.你在紐約的朋友家裡住了幾天?How long did
you stay with your friend in New York?
5.住了一星期,從十日到十六日為止。For a
week, from the 10th to the 16th.
6.你在台北停留幾天?How long ( How many days ) did
you stay in Taipei?
7.你在車站等了幾小時?How long ( How many hours )
did you wait at the station?
8.這本書我能借到什麼時候?How long may I keep
this book?
9.我什麼時候該歸還這本書呢?When shall I
return this book?
10.從你家到學校有多遠?How far is it from your
house to the school?
11.讓我想想看,大約有一哩半。Well, let me see,
it is about a mile and a half.
12.從這裡到花蓮有多遠?How far is it from here to
13.你早上走了多遠?How far did you go this morning?
14.你一天能走幾哩?How far ( How many miles ) can
you walk in a day?
long did he stay with his friend in Taichung? He stayed there for about
21.他每三天去看醫生。He goes to the doctor's&
every three days.
far is it from here to the next village? Well, it is about three miles and
1.不要說謊。Never tell a lie. ( or ) Don't tell a lie.
2.他從不守約。He never keep his word. ( or ) He does
not keep his word.
3.他不應得到成功。He does not deserve it.
4.懶惰的人做什麼事都不會成功。An idle man
never succeeds in anything.
5.歲月不待人。Time and tide wait for no man.
6.我在途中沒遇見任何人。I met nobody on the way.
( or ) I did not meet anybody on the way.
7.這男孩沒向我要求任何東西。The boy asked me
for nothing. ( or ) The boy did not ask me for anything.
he works hard, he makes no progress in his studies.
can see two boys in the picture, but no girls.
10.沒有任何事令他高興。Nothing pleased him.
11.沒有空氣的話,沒有動物能活。Without air no
animal can live.
12.這個問題對他們來說太困難了。It was too
difficult for them.
of the students could answer the question.
14.這些書當中沒有一本值得讀。None of these
books are worth reading.
15.我的朋友當中沒有一人出席。None of my
friends were present.
16.人不努力,任何事都不能成功。Nobody can
succeed in anything without effort.
17.懶惰的學生學業絕不會進步。An idle student
makes no progress in his studies.
postman delivers mail three times a day. But he brought no letter
live in water. None of them can live without water.
20.太陽絕不會從西邊昇上來。The sun never rises
in the west.
works hard from morning till night. He is a hard worker.
shine at night, but on a cloudy night we can see none of them.
3.我喜歡游泳,但是游得不好。I am fond of
swimming, but I cannot swim well.
is a fast runner and none of his classmates can run so fast as he.
a windy day you must not go swimming, for the waves are high and
tell a lie. No one will trust a liar.
7.我喜歡徒步旅行勝於搭火車旅行。I like
traveling on foot better than traveling by train.
8.今天早上我想睡覺,因為昨晚沒睡好。I am
sleepy this morning, for I did not sleep well last night.
9.去年我第一次嘗試滑雪旅行。I tried traveling
on skies for the first time last year.
10.那是一個非常有趣的旅行方法。It is a most
interesting method of traveling.
1.The first year boys paid a visit to the National Library after
school on Wednesday afternoon.&
2.On Monday morning after the breakfast I went to the Taipei library.&
3.The work was started in March and it was finished before October.&
4.?“Why did he put off his departure till Saturday?” “Because
his father suddenly became ill.”
5.?()Didn’t you turn off the light before you go to bed last night?
No. I didn’t (turn it off).&
6.I kept the luggage for him till he called for it.&
7.?“Did you cross the mountain before dark?” “Yes, we did, and
when we got to the inn it was still light.&
8.I could not see him, because he left Taipei before I reached there.&&
9.天黑後,他才到家。He got home after it was dark.
10.他在我吃早餐之前,便出發了。He set out before I finished my breakfast.
1. He is punctual. He never breaks his
2. I get up at six in the morning, take
breakfast at seven and go to school at a quarter to eight.
!It is raining heavily. Let us wait
till it stops.
4. What is the matter with you? You look
5. I have a headache and I feel very
6. I am going to the station to see my
father. Father is coming back from Tainan this morning.&
7.&&When does the examination
begin?& &It begins next week.
8. I must send a wire to my father
before I leave Taipei.
9.我總是用冷水洗臉。I always wash my face in cold water.
10.地球一年繞太陽一次。The earth moves round the sun once in a year.
1.The sky is very cloudy. We shall have rain this evening.&
2.We shall probably have an examination in English next Saturday.&
3.He will fail in the examination if he does not work.&
4.He always comes to school late. He will be late again this morning.&&
5.We shall have cherry blossoms in a week or two, for we always have
them about that time of the year.&
6.?“What time shall you get there if you go by bus?” “I shall
get there before noon.“
7.The opening ceremony will be held on the l lth of April (or on
April l l.) we shall have no lessons that day.&
8.The rainy season sets in at the beginning of June. We shall have
much rain about that time of this year, too.&
9.假如你不用功,你將會失敗。If you don't work hard, you will fail.
10.有一天他自然會後悔的。Some day he will certainly be sorry for it.&
1.“What time shall I call you tomorrow morning?” “Please call
me before five.”
2.“Shall he post this letter for you when he comes back?”
“Please let him do so.”
3.“Will you direct me to the museum?” “Yes, certainly I
4.“If you are not busy this evening, won’t you come and have
dinner with me at half past seven?” “Thank you, I will come with
5.Are you not thirsty? Shall I make tea for you?
6.Here we are at the station. Will you please look after my luggage
while I buy tickets?
7.Shall I take you watch to the watchmaker’s? The mainspring is
8.“What shall I do with this book package?” “Please put it on
my desk.”
9.「要我幫你寄這封信嗎?」「是的,拜託」&Shall I post the letter for you?& &Yes,
10.再來一杯茶怎麼樣?Will you (Won't you) have another cup of tea?
may take this book home, if you like.
10.地板再也不能承受任何重量了。The floor
could not bear the weight any longer.
9.你無需重寫。You don't have to write it over again.
10.我們沒法得到好位子。We were unable to get good
9.砂糖和茶葉論克,而布料論公尺賣。Sugar and
tea are sold by the gram, and cloth by the meter.
10.我們以小時計租了二部車。We hired two cars by
9.那個少年被警察認為是扒手。The lad was taken
for a pickpocket by the policeman.
10.那個因誠實而被他們誇獎。The boy was praised
by them for his honesty.
9.早起有益健康。To get up early is good for the
is better to read a few books carefully than to read many at random.
9.我今天要做的事很多。I have lots of things to do
10.他為了養家而辛苦工作。He works hard in order
to support his family.
left my umbrella at your house the other day. I am very sorry to trouble
you, but will you please send it to me when you have an opportunity?
I called for them they were ready to start at moment.
pleased my brothers will be to see me! I have many things to tell them.
9.我將樂於陪伴你。I'll be glad to accompany you.
10.他答應不再偷懶。He promised not to be idle
he seems to know nothing about it, I think it is of no use to ask him.
morning I happened to see him on the street. He was going to school.
doctor asked my father to go anywhere for some time for a change of air.
once heard him speaking in English. He is a very good speaker of English.
was asked by her mother to go to buy apples at the greengrocer's at the
thirty& minutes later I heard the front-door open and two children
came back from school.
want to have you type these papers for me. When can I get them back?
the waves are high today, tell Tom not to go to the sea to swim.
he seemed to be very tired, I allowed him to leave off the work.
10.他請求我打開收音機。He asked me to turn on the
say that the North-eastern line between Yilan and Hualien was interrupted
for three days on account of the flood.
weather forecast in the evening-paper says that it will be fine tomorrow
in the morning, and cloudy later.
first you will think that the book is difficult for you, but you will be
accustomed to it in a week or so.
these socks feel rough, I think that they are not made of wool.
knows that it is easy to form a plan, but very difficult to carry it out.
intend to go for a bath in the sea next Tuesday. I hope it will be fine
till then.
is already half past two. I fear you will not be in time for the express
train, if you don't hurry.
am going to the station to see a friend of mine. The letter says he will
reach Taipei at ten this morning.
knows that nuclear weapons are horrible.
10.每個人都很遺憾你不能來。Everyone was sorry
that you could not come.
you ever been to Tainan?& &No, not yet, but I went to Hualien on
an excursion last year.&
Lin has been appointed principal of the Taipei First Girls' High School in
succession to Mr. Wang. It is said that he will leave for the new post
9.他感冒已經痊癒了。He has recovered from his
10.他已經回家了嗎?Has he gone home already?
9.我已好久沒他了。I have not seen him for quite a
long time.
10.我從小就認識他。I have known him from a child.
9.讓我看你手中拿的東西。Show me what you have in
your hand.
10.注意你吃的和喝的東西。Be careful about what
you eat and drink.
5.我已在莉莉照相館拍了照,請打電話去問問他們是否已好了。I had my photograph taken at
Lily photographer's.
9.馬上出發,否則你上課會遲到。Start at once,
or you will be late for school.
10.他能說英語或德語嗎?Can he speak either
English or German?
7.so important for us
that we can not do without it even a day.
9.在瑞士說法語也說德語。In Switzerland both
French and German are spoken.
10.風那麼大以致於我的傘被吹翻了。It was so
windy that my umbrella blew inside out.
9.去看看是誰。Go and see who it is.
10.你知道英國的人口有多少嗎?Do you know what
is the population of England?
is six times five? It is thirty.
area of that country is about two times as much as that of England. The
population is less than one-third of that of England.
9.數百人被淹死。Hundreds of people were drowned.
10.數千棵樹被風吹倒。Thousands of trees were blown
is more pleasant to me than to return home after a long absence and to see
the cheerful faces of my brothers and sisters.
9.沒有什麼事比旅行更快樂的了。Nothing is more
pleasant than traveling.
10.他比我大十歲。He is older than I by ten years.
the bridge over there and you will see a foreign building with an iron
gate. That is the house you are looking for.
are the subjects you are most interested in?& &they are geometry
and algebra.&
do you think my shirt is made of ?& &It is of silk, I
4.你認為青蛙以什麼為食呢?What do you think the
frog feeds on?
doctor whom we have just sent for lives not far from here. He will come
what purpose is he going to Taipei? He is going to see his uncle who is
staying in a hospital.
you come to my house between two and four tomorrow afternoon with the book
which you spoke of to me yesterday?
8.我小時候常想知道風從那裏來?When I was a
child I often wondered where the wind came from.
9.歷史是我最感興趣的科目。History is the
subject which I am most interested in.
10.這是我所住過最漂亮的房間。This is the
prettiest room that I ever was in.
On many assembly lines, robots have
completely replaced human workers.
If I sneeze or have a bad cough,
I usually consult the herbalist.
His parents always advise him to review
what he has learned every day.
I find it hard to communicate with
him, because he always has (gets) his own way.
5.直到我回家才知道發生了什麼事。Not until I went back home did I know what
had happened. = It was not until I went back home that I knew what had
They are rich, but it doesn't follow that
they are happy.
You can always depend on him to come
up with some suggestions for increasing sales.
Though they are twins, they have
nothing in common.
If you concentrate in class
and make efficient use of your time, you will get good grades.
Although she was in low spirits (in a
bad mood), she smiled at me out of diplomacy.
Two-fifths of the restaurants in
our town don't serve alcoholic beverages.
In other words, the true nobility
is (lies) in being superior to your previous self.
Laughter releases tension and
smiling helps to create a pleasant social atmosphere.
15.不管你喜歡與否,這本小說值得看兩次。Whether you like it or not, this novel
is worth reading twice. ( is worthy of being read twice. ) ( is worthy to be
read twice. )
16.除了心地善良外,她和許多其他的女孩子一樣的幽默。Besides being kind-hearted (
Besides having a kind heart ), she is as humorous as many others girls.
Only when you are in your fifties
will you realize how short life is.
He has been looking for a job since
January, but has not found one yet.
My English has somewhat improved,
and that ( , which ) makes my parents very happy.
20.老實說,我一直到昨天我才知道他已經去美國了。Frankly speaking, I did not know
what he had gone to the United States until yesterday. ( To be honest, it
wasn't until yesterday that I knew he had left for the U.S.A. )
21.首先,我要說明清楚,我並不反對你的意見。To begin with, I want to make it
clear that I am not opposed to your opinion. ( First of all, I want to
explain clearly that I do not object to your opinion. )
During the past 10 years, populations
in large cities have greatly increased.
23.到了下個月我將已經成年了。By next month, I shall come of age.
Since I graduated from primary
school 3 years ago, I have never seen him.
25.我沒等多久他就出現了。I had not waited long before he appeared.
The moment he heard the news, he was
beside himself with joy.
It is more than a week since I
sent him the books by mail.
Judging by his angry look, I
knew that he did not believe what I said at all.
29.孩子們正在燃放鞭炮。The children are letting off firecrackers.
30.明天去郊遊如何?What do you say to going for an outing tomorrow?
Instead of going to school, he went fishing. =
He didn't go to school, but went fishing.
32.那家餐廳的菜很好吃。The dishes served at that restaurant taste
33.他看小說度過那整個下午。He spent the whole afternoon reading a
34.我不習慣於熬夜。I am not used ( accustomed ) to staying (
sitting ) up.
35.碰到塞車很浪費時間。Being caught in a traffic jam is a waste of
time. = Getting stuck in a traffic jam is a waste of time.
36.我每日早晨慢跑習以為常。I make it a rule to go jogging every
37.今天的風徐徐吹來,很適合去野餐。There' it's perfect for
I don't like to get sick, but I don't
dread it at all, either.
39.每歡聽到那首歌,我就不禁想起我的一個小學同學。Whenever I hear that song, I
can't help thinking of a classmate of mine of the elementary school.
40.他待在那裡愈久,就愈生氣。The longer he stayed there, the angrier he
41.在你決定這趟旅行之前,最好先檢查一下你下半年的行程表。You had better check your
schedule for the second half of the year before you commit yourself to this
42.無論我在何處,我總是想起我小學的一位老師。我依然記得他是位載眼鏡,看起來有點胖的男人。No matter
where I am, I always think of an elementary school teacher of mine. I still
remember he was a man with spectacles and looked more or less stout.
43.她吃很多肉罐頭。She eats a lot of canned meat.
44.我們必須全力以赴,防止環境污染以利將來的世世代代。We must do our best to prevent
the pollution of the environment for the good of generations to come.
The population of Taipei is about three
times as large as that of Taichung.
I subscribe to many kinds of
publications in English, TIME included.
The birth rate has been falling in Taiwan
in recent years.
48.我多麼希望主修大眾傳播啊!How I hope to major in mass communication!
Almost every language in the
world has dialects and American English is no exception.
To sum up, coeducation does more good than
Taking your time over everything
you do is the key to living ( leading ) a happy life.
52.學習英文沒有捷徑。There are no shortcuts to learning English.
53.據說她年輕時是個美女。She is said to have been a beauty when she
was young.
Well goes an old proverb ( saying ), &Time
and tide wait for no man.&
I think you have been busy preparing
for the exam, haven't you?
Even if I have to sell my watch, I
will buy you a birthday present.
Miss, have we met each other somewhere
I take exercise and I am used to
drinking a glass of nonfat milk every morning.
It was not until the beginning of the
20th century that man began to explore the outer space.
60.孩子趁父母不在家,邀了一些朋友到家中開舞會。Taking advantage of their parent's
absence, the kids invited their friends and held a dancing party at home.
If it should rain tomorrow, we would not set off.
Make haste, and you will be in time for the train.
Unless you behave yourself well, you won't get any present.
64.要是錢長在樹上就好了。If only money grew in the tree!
He works hard for fear that he should fail in the examination.
If he had had enough money, he would have bought the house.
67.有人建議我們把該計劃放棄。It is suggested that we should give up the
But that you saved him, he would have been drowned.
But that he is short of money, he would go abroad.
70.再努力一下,你就會成功。One more effort, and you will succeed.
71.我堅持他立刻還我錢。I insisted that he should pay the money at
It is necessary that the patient should be sent to the hospital at once.
We keep meat and fish in the freezer to make sure they are fresh.
74.他最近一次演說缺乏創意。His latest speech is lacking in originality.
All living things need nutrition to grow and stay healthy.
It is important for a child to have proper nutrition every day.
Children must drink a lot of milk because milk is nutritious and good for
their health.
They put an advertisement in the newspaper for a woman servant.
77.我不明白你為何這麼不關心別人。I wonder why you are so thoughtless of
多為別人設想吧!Show some thoughts for others!
78.幾乎世界上所有的國家都參加奧運。Almost all the countries in the world
participate in the Olympic Games. = almost all the countries in the world
are participants in the Olympic Games.
It takes them only one or two weeks to be able to swim well.
The telephone makes it possible for people in the distance to hear your
81.這是我從未見過的最長的一列火車。It is the longest train I have ever
82.我的書比你的多兩倍。My books are twice as many as yours.
83.勤勉的人一定會成功。It is diligent people that are sure to
As your best friend, he will be the last person to betray you.
85.你不會打牌,我不會下棋。I can no more play chess than you can play
All sat staring at me like so many sheep.
87.你和亞蘭德倫一樣英俊。You are no less handsome than Alain Delon.
No other country accepted the proposal, still ( much ) less acted upon it.
Your brother is not so much a poet as a musician.
We like her all the more because she is innocent.
91.我們都渴望你歸來。We are all anxious ( eager ) for your return.
92.妳比他年輕五歲。You are younger than she by 5 years.
93.他有勇無謀。He is more brave than wise.
94.他的收入是你的兩倍。His income is twice as much as yours.
95.與其說她害怕不如說她羞愧。She is more ashamed than frightened.
96.再過十年我們會在什麼地方呢?Where shall we be in another ten years?
His health is none the better for his exercise.
98.我在十頁當中,發現了十處錯誤。I found ten mistakes in as many pages.
Death is at all times terrible but never so much so as at sea.
100.鯨魚跟馬一樣都不是魚。A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
101.他帶了把傘,以防下雨。He took his umbrella for fear that it should
It never occurred to me that she would be so displeased.
In the face of great misfortune, they never surrendered to despair.
It is human to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that
which we have not.
I saw him as a dark-faced God turning his back on me.
Long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little.
The panorama of color which fills the world is taken for granted.
It make me feel good to see so many of my friends stand up for me.
Few of them were aware of what a mean fellow he really was.
110.豪雨使蓄水池迅速漲滿。The heavy rain is filling up the reservoir
The meeting has been announced for tomorrow evening, rain or shine.
What follows is some excerpts of the speech he delivered that day.
To promote human rights they organized a series of marches.
All the audience was moved to tears by his performance.
115.我絕不騙你。On no account will I cheat you.
116.舉行晚宴對他表示敬意。A dinner is given in honor of him.
Bill kept his promise and arrived exactly at the time he had promised.
118.你去不去都沒什麼關係。It makes no difference whether you go or
As well as being used for taking photographs, X-rays are also used for
treating diseased parts of the body to kill the disease.
Engineers use them, for example, to find out how metals are made up, to
check whether they will be strong enough for their purpose and whether there
are any flaws in them.
Every student is required to put forward his studying plan.
122.一兩年之後我們就失去聯繫了。After a year or two we lose track of each
Can you make sense of what this novelist writes?
124.我讓位給那位老人。I make room for the old man.
Little did he think he'd ever forget such an important day, but he did.
It came near being the prettiest bowl he had ever seen.
On the contrary, an object once in motion would tend to continue in motion.
128.他愚蠢的行為使家人蒙羞。His foolish actions have brought shame on
his family.
129.讓事情順其自然吧!Let matters run their course.
It appeared to be only a matter of time before they were caught.
131.當我們往人生的旅程前進時,我們必須知道,何時及如何拋棄我們的錯誤和缺點。As we proceed along
life's journey, we must learn when and how to cast off our own mistakes and
132.在日常生活的互相遷就中,人們免不了偶而會激怒我們。In the give and take of
everyday existence, people are bound to rub us the wrong way occasionally.
Evening, I often stroll out on my cabin dock to enjoy the view of the lake.
134.談判失敗了。The negotiations have broken down.
135.這張照片使我想起快樂的童年。This picture reminds me of my happy
136.學生盼望著寒假。The pupils are looking forward to winter
The brooch has been handed down in our family for two hundred years.
We must not lose sight of differences between the standard.
The more you are involved with music, the more you get out of it.
I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during all that time.
141.我已養成用英文寫日記的習慣。I have made it a rule to keep a diary in
= I have made a practice of keeping a diary in English. = I have formed the
habit of keeping a diary in English.
My watch keeps good time, while his watch loses five minutes per day.
143.我有早起的習慣。I have a habit of getting up early. = I am in
the habit of getting up early.
144.新鮮的空氣對我們的健康很重要。Fresh air is very important to our
health. = Fresh air is of great importance to our health.
145.我奠敬勤勞的人。I respect those who work hard. = I loop up to
diligent people.
146.我時常在上英文課時睡著。I often fall asleep in English classes.
147.她總是保持著笑容。She always keeps smiling.
148.良葯苦口。Good medicine tastes bitter.
149.他坐在窗戶旁邊看小說。He sat by the window reading the novel. = He
sits by the window and reads the novel.
150.我有時候幫母親洗碗。I sometimes help my mother wash the dishes.
151.我關掉電視機,那個節目很無聊。I turned off the television. The program
was boring. = The program was so boring that I turned off TV.
152.一旦你開始吸毒,你會上癮。Once you begin to use ( take ) drugs,
you'll become addicted to it.
153.我剛剛到達;我尚未取出我行李中的衣物呢。I I haven't
unpacked my luggage yet.
154.他是不小心或者故意掉落玻璃杯?Did he drop the glass accidentally or on
155.他們常在公共塲所高聲談笑。They often talk and laugh loudly in public
156.我英文老師常當眾稱讚我,私底下罵我。My English teacher often praises me
in public and scolds me in private.
157.你打噴嚏時一定要使用手帕。Be sure to use a handkerchief when you
158.我們回家途中,我們輪流開車。On our way home, we took turns at driving
159.別人有了困難時,我絕不嘲笑他,而會盡全力幫助他。When someone is in trouble (
difficulty ), I never laugh at him. Instead, I try my best to help him.
160.學習英文沒有捷徑。There are no shortcuts to learning English.
161.他本來在看書,但當他聽到有人進入室內時,他抬眼。When he heard someone coming
into the room, he looked up from his book.
162.你為何不到戶外去活動?Why not go outdoors for activities?
163.我處境艱難,不曉得該怎麼辦?I am in& difficult situation and I
don't know what to do.
164.既然吸食毒品愈來愈嚴重,我們必須想辦法。Since drug abuse is getting more
and more serious, we must do something about it.
165.你為何責罵她?What did you scold her for?
166.你為何那麼生氣?How come you are so angry?
167.他賽跑輸了之後,感到洩氣。He felt discouraged after he had lost the
168.請教我如何操作此機器。Please show me how to operate ( run ) this
169.我永不會氣餒。Nothing will ever discourage me.
170.近來她很忙嗎?Has she been very busy recently?
171.他的職業是鐵匠。He is a blacksmith by occupation ( trade ).
172.你會辨別老虎和獅子嗎?Can you tell ( distinguish ) a tiger from a
173.若無水和空氣,無人能活。Were it not for air and water, no one could
174.台灣的氣候比日本的氣候溫和。The climate of Taiwan is warmer than that
175.我智力中下。I am below average in intelligence.
176.我們看到那裡有許多觀光客。We saw large numbers of tourists there.
177.阿里山以美麗的日出著名。Mt. Ali is noted ( famous ) ( well-known
)for its beautiful sunrise.
178.此俱樂部由四十名會員組成。The club consists of forty members.
179.對於心理健康再怎麼強調也不為過。You cannot lay too much emphasis on the
importance of mental health.
180.她獻身於協助盲胞至今已三十年。She has devoted herself to helping the
blind for thirty years. = She has been devoted herself to helping the blind
for 30 years.
181.我們必須為祖國的存亡榮辱而戰。We must fight for the glory and survival
of our motherland.
182.國家的現代化應該是我們第一優先考慮的事。The modernization of our country
should be first and foremost in our consideration.
183.凡是對音樂有興趣的,不分男女老幼都歡迎來參加這個音樂會。Those who are interested in
music, regardless of age and sex, will be welcome to attend the concert.
184.他連英文都不流利,更不要說法文。(1)He cannot speak English fluently,
let alone French.(2)He cannot speak English fluently, not to speak of&
French.(3)He cannot speak English fluently, not to mention French.
185.要是我有機會就好了!If only I had the opportunity!
186.他深深愛上了她。He has fallen deeply in love with her.
187.盛開的杜鵑花看起來很可愛。Azaleas in full blossom are lovely to the
188.違反交通規則的人都該受到處罰。Traffic violators deserved to be
189.有很多星星是肉眼看不到的。Many stars are invisible to the naked eye.
190.除了英文,我還得唸法文。In addition to English, I have to study
191.敬人者人恆敬之。Those who respect others are always respected
in return.
192.昨天晚上,他去參加音樂會,沒有去看電影。Last night he attended the concert
instead of going to the movies.
193.很遺憾不能接受你的邀請,因為我工作很忙。I regret to tell you that I cannot
accept your invitation, for I am very busy.
194.你昨天不該不告而別。You should not have taken French leave
yesterday. (or) You should not have gone away without saying good-bye
195.我們深信復國建國的大業指日可成。We firmly believe that the great task
of national recovery and reconstruction can be accomplished in the
foreseeable future.
196.海洋深處蘊藏著無窮盡的財富,等待我們去開發。There are inexhaustible riches
hidden in the depths of the ocean, waiting for us to explore and exploit.
197.誰願意自動解決這個棘手的問題?Who will volunteer to solve this thorny
198.我們必須加速工業化,以便提高國民的生活水準。We must accelerate the
industrialization of our country so as to elevate the living standards of
out people. (or) We must accelerate the industrialization of our country so
as to bring about higher living standards.
199.無論做什麼事,固然需要自信,但萬事都要留有餘地。No matter what you do, you
should, indeed, have confidence, but you must make allowance for everything.
200.天下事沒有絕對的。There is nothing absolute under the sun.
(1)Amsterdam, for all its aging dignity, brims with youthful
(2)For the traveler in Italy who, alas, does not speak Italian,
there are at least two things that need no translation --- spaghetti and the
(3)At seventeen of eighteen years of age. Alice was tall, had a
very good carriage, and seemed carved by the chisel of Praxiteles.十七、八歲的時候,愛麗絲已經亭亭玉立,舉止高雅,彷彿是由名雕刻家蒲拉克西蒂利(Praxiteles)的鑿子雕出來的。
(4)The favor the poor wretch asked
might compromise myself, for he was a notorious
(5)It all depends on the determination of human beings to
harness and direct the tremendous forces unleashed by the
scientific-technological revolution.要利用和管理由科技革命所釋放的龐大力量,就得全靠人類的決心。
(6)With a wife and six children to support, he can hardly keep
the wolf from the door.有一個太太和六個孩子要養活,他幾乎沒法子抵禦飢寒。
(7)The point of invention from the earliest days of fire, iron,
and the wheel has always been to give man some additional advantage over the
natural environment. For much of his history the advantages obtained were, on
the whole, occasional, small-scale, and, at least in the early stages, local in
effect. Now this is changing. With our expensive knowledge and sophisticated
instruments we can, in some sort, fix stars of our own in their courses and
meddle with the number of the days of our years. We are well on the way, in our
timeless effort to bring the natural environment under control, to replacing it
by artificial environment of out own contriving.


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