
日  来源:
  齐鲁晚报·今日德州英语派对,余思福与小朋友互动  抽奖专区嗨爆全场  儿童巧动手彩陶DIY
  国庆七天小长假无疑给朝九晚五上班族最强强心剂。国庆之前,上班族就开始筹划旅游出行攻略,国庆期间高速免费让我们对自驾游更是充满无限遐想。然后小假期已结束,总结一个字:堵!分享一个心情:闹心!但是绿城·百合花园让大家度过一个舒心、开心、欢心、不闹心的国庆假期。  国庆期间,绿城·百合花园为大家准备了小型啤酒节、烧烤、儿童DIY、英语角等活动。绿城·百合花园追求人与人、人与自然、人与自我的和谐理念,为了活跃社会文化,提高社区居民的生活质量和幸福指数,针对小朋友在传统教学普遍存在的“哑巴英语”现象,10月1日9:00由绿城·百合花园联合齐鲁晚报·今日德州一起举办的《齐鲁晚报·今日德州英语派对》于绿城·百合花园户外草坪首次开展“社区英语角”志愿活动。我们的口号是“Say No to Dumb English”,我们的目的是“让孩子在游戏中学习,在快乐里成长”。  本次活动我们有幸邀请到美国教师余思福一家担任我们的义工讲师,让孩子们在活动中可以学习到更纯正的口语。孩子们对余思福一家充满好奇,很快就把孩子吸引到学习英语当中来,余思福带领大家做游戏,在游戏中小朋友们十分活跃,和我们外教互动不断,聪明的宝贝们很快就掌握游戏要领,个个出色的发挥萌翻了全场的家长和老师,热闹非凡!在旁听的家长们看到自己的孩子能在快乐的氛围中学习,在学习中找到快乐,纷纷露出欣慰的笑容。家长纷纷表示:感谢绿城·百合花园及齐鲁晚报组织这么有意义的活动,下次他们还会参加的。  英语角活动是绿城园区服务体系服务理念的一个体现,绿城园区服务体系针对老年人有颐乐学院、红叶行动,针对中年人有邻里节、千家宴,针对青少年有国际英语角、海豚计划、四点半学校等,本次英语角活动只是绿城园区服务体系的一个开端,更多园区贴心服务,将延续而来!  据了解,10月1日英语角活动期间到场顾客近三百人,受到业主和社会各界参与活动人士的好评,绿城·百合花园有关负责人表示:“绿城·百合花园秉承绿城集团一直以来重视青少年教育的理念,将会—以贯之地为业主为社会做好这项工作,使孩子们拥有一个快乐的童年!”活动期间穿插了儿童DIY系列:软陶DIY、体感游戏机、室外烧烤等活动,各个项目上人气爆棚大获小朋友们欢心!  由绿城·百合花园联合齐鲁晚报·今日德州一起举办的《齐鲁晚报·今日德州英语派对》完美落幕,空前盛况,全场爆满!这次没参加的伙伴们也别担心了,后期齐鲁晚报·今日德州外语角活动将持续进行,后续活动我们会将于“齐鲁晚报·今日德州公共平台”公布,期待大家的热情参与。        (吴真真)
按日期查阅2014年八年级英语下册unit2 I‘ll help to clean备课资料
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 YK J.COM Unit 2 I’ll help to clean。。。.备课资料
能给你有所帮助Part One语言知识和目标      话题&&&&&& 志愿工作和慈善机构   重点词汇Acheer/ tʃiə /v .欢呼;喝彩& volunteer/ vɒlən'tɪə(r)] /v .义务做;n.志愿者notice/'nəutis/n.公告牌;通告;布告& alone/ ə'ləʊn /adv.独自;单独 lonely/'、lonely /adj.孤 独 的 ;寂寞的& several/'sevrə l/pron.几 个 ;数 个 ;一feeling/ fi:lɪŋ /n.感 觉 ;感触 satisfaction/s&tɪs'f&kʃn/n.满 足 ;满joy/&& dʒɔɪ/n.高兴;owner/ əʊnə ( r)/n.物主;主人 journey/ dʒ3:ni/n .( 尤指长途)旅行;行程& sign/sain/n.标志;信号 sick/sik/adj.生 病 的 ;有病的& raise/reiz/v .募 集 ;征集
重点词汇Brepair/rɪ'peə/v.修理;修补 fix/fiks/v 安装;使固定 wheel/wi:l/n .车轮;轮子 letter/ letə(r)/n.信 ;函 miss/mis/n.女 士 ;小姐 blind/blaind/a心瞎 的 ;失明的 deaf/ def/ad j .聋的 imagine/ ɪ'm&dʒɪn /v& 想象;设想difficulty/'difikəlti/n .困 难 ;难题 open/ 'əʊpən /v 开 ;打开 door/dɔ: ( r) /n.门 &carry/ kaeri/v .拿;提;杠 train/trein/v.训练;培训& excited/ik'saitid/ adj.激动的;兴奋training/ treiniŋ/n.训 练 ;培训 kindness/ 'kaindnis/n.仁 慈 ;善良 clever/ 'klevə ( r) /adj.聪明的;聪颖的understand/ʌndə(r) 'stnd/u ( understood/ ʌndə (r) 'stud/)理解;领会change/ tʃeɪndʒ / v 变化;改变disabled/dis'eibld/adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的strong/ strɒŋ /adj.强壮的;强健的 sir/s3:( r)/n.先生madam/'msedam/n.夫人;女士
   重点词组   cheer up(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来
come up with想出make a plan/make plans 制订计划used to 曾经……;过去&care for 照顾at the age of...在&岁时come true 实现 put up 张贴put off 推迟be worried about 担心fix up 修理be similar to 与&相似give away 赠送;捐赠take after 像set up 建起;设立make a difference 有影响;有作用,because of 因为thank sb. for.因&而感谢某人be interested in 对&感兴趣be good at擅长do well inon the phone通过电话
work& out产生结果         重点句型   1. The boy could give out food at the food bank.这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。2. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间。3. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.每周六上午,他都在一'家动物医院当志愿者。4. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔。5. . . . you can see in th e ir eyes that they’ re going ona different journey w ith each new book.……从他们的眼睛里你可以看到他们正在进行每本不同的新书之旅。6. I want to put off my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer.我想把我在动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。7. Most people today are only worried about gettinggood jobs to make lots of money.现在的大部分人只是为找一份能挣许多钱的好工作而着急。8. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。& Part TwoSection A
Students Who Volunteer
UNIT 2&& Fill in the blanks Read the article. What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do?           Students Who VolunteerMario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School ____ several hours each week to help others.
Mario loves animals and wants to_____ an animal doctor. He ________ at an animal hospital ______Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “It’s _______ work,” he says,“but I want to learn more about how to _____ ____ animals. I get such a strong ________of satisfaction when I see the animals ______ ______ and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.”
Mary is a book ______. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try _____for a volunteer after-school reading program.She still works there _______a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in ” the library, but you can see ____ their eyes that they re going ____ a different journey with each new book. ___________ here is a dream come true for me. I can do ______ I love ____ _____and help others at the same time.”
阅读这篇文章。马里奥和玛丽自愿做什么事?Students Who Volunteer志愿者学生     来自河畔高中的马里奥•格林和玛丽•布朗每周都会腾出几个小时的时间来帮助他人。马里奥喜欢动物,他想成为一名兽医。他每周六早上都会在一家动物医院做志愿者。马里奥认为这会帮助他得到未来梦想的工作。“工作很艰苦,”他说:“但我想学习更多关于照顾动        
&2a How do you usually thank someone who helps you? Discuss this with a partner.Skim the letter and answer the questions.Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?What did Miss Li do?Dear Miss Li,I’d like to thank you for ______money to Animal Helpers. I’m sure you know that this group _______ ____ ____ to help disabled people like me. You helped to make ____ possible for me ____ _____Lucky. Lucky makes a big ______to my life. Let me tell you my story.What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands ______. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these _________. I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like
show you how he helps me. Thank you again for _________ my life.Best wishes,Ben Smith        
他带回家了。&我的狗叫“幸运” 对他而言是个好名字•因为我觉得拥有他我很幸运。你看.因为你的好心,我才拥有了 一个“狗帮手’’!•幸运”很聪明,懂得许多英语单词。当我给他发指令时,他能明白我的意思。 例如,我说: “幸运,把我的书拿过来,’’他马上就做。    幸运是一只很棒的枸。如果你喜欢,我可以寄一张他的照片给你,并给你展示他是如何帮助我的。再次感谢你改变 了我的生活。Best wishes, 致以最美好的祝愿,Ben Smith&
讲解feeling 感觉;感触。它 为可数名词,表示人的喜怒哀乐 或冷热痛累等感受或感觉。 have a feeling that we are being followed.我有种正被人跟踪的 感觉。care for照料;服侍;关心。& We must care for each other and help each other.我们要互相 关心,互相帮助。延伸 care for a)喜欢;宠爱。& don’t much care for that sort of man.我不太 喜欢那种人。b)尊重。do care for what he says.我对他的 话的确很尊重。①I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners,faces.”句意: 当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到它们主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来。此句中get的两次用法意义各不相同。第一个get的意思是“产生;形成”,为及物动词,常与feeling (感觉;情感),idea (想法;主意)等词搭配使用。例如:Do you get the feeling that we’re not welcome here?你有这里不欢迎我们的感觉吗?How did you get such an idea?你怎么会产生这样一个想法?第二个get是系动词,后接形容词,表示体质、情绪、天气等方面的改变,通常译作“变得;变为”。例如:satisfaction n.满足;满意。& I have a feeling of satisfaction. 我有一种满足感。延伸 a) satisfy v.(使)满足/ 满意。 It seems that no one can satisfy him.看起来好像无人能使他满 意。b) satisfied adj.感到满意 的。 I’m satisfied at this result.我对这一结果很满意。c) satisfying adj.令人满意的。& His performance is satisfying this term.这学期他的表现令人 满意。
2. She could read by herself at the age of four.她在四岁时就能够独自看书 。此句中“by+反身代词” 表示“独自地;独立地” ,常与动词或动词短语连用,作句子的方式状语。再如:Children should learn to do things by themselves.孩子们应当学习独立做事。3. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。此句中a dream come true表示“梦想成为现实;梦想成真” ,是一种固定结构。再如:I got the latest CD player as a birthday present yesterday. It was just a dream come true& !昨天我收到了一份生日礼物,是那种最新的C D播放机,真是梦想成真了!
3&& I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来.How did you get such an idea? 产生He got angry with me after that. 变得
4& She could read by herself at the age of four.I could cook by独自地 myself (when I was ten) at the age of ten 在。。。岁在时候.
5 Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。I got the latest CD player as a birthday present yesterday. It was just a dream come true!昨天我收到了最新的CD播放器作为一份生日礼物,真是梦想成真了。
Dear Miss Li,I’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. ④You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.
I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. ⑤She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.
………5. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog.她与“动物帮手” 组织联系,试图给我找一只经过特殊训练的狗。此处Animal Helpers大写首字母,为专有名词,指“动物帮手” 这一组织。若小写,an animal helper则可指一只给人提供某种帮助的动物。
Part Three
难句解读1. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的。used to be在此表示过去一度存在但现在已经消失的某一特定的情形。作这一用法时,used to常与be, have, live, stay, like, lo ve等词连用,表疋“曾;曾经” ,例如:She used to be a ve ry close friend of mine.她曾是我十分贴心的一位朋友。I used to live in that city for the first twenty years of my life .我(一生)最初的 20 年曾生活在那座城市。usedto还可用来表示“过去常做某事,但现在不那样了”。例如:He used to arrive late last year, but now he doesn’t.他去年常常迟到,但现在不了 oD id you use to sing when you took a shower?你以前经常在洗澡时唱歌吗?2. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better andthe look of joy on their owners’ faces.当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到它们主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来。此句中get的两次用法意义各不相同。第一个get的意思是“产生;形成”,为及物动词,常与feeling (感觉;情感),idea (想法;主意)等词搭配使用。例如:Do you get the feeling that we’re not welcome here?你有这里不欢迎我们的感觉吗?How did you get such an idea?你怎么会产生这样一个想法?第二个get是系动词,后接形容词,表示体质、情绪、天气等方面的改变,通常译作“变得;变为”。例如:He got angry w ith me after that.那之后他生起了我的气。I t ’s getting hotter now.现在天气变得热起来了。3. She could read by herself at the age of four.她在四岁时就能够独自看书 r 。此句中“b y+反身代词” 表示“独自地;独立地” ,常与动词或动词短语连用,作句子的方式状语。再如:Children should learn to do things by themselves.孩子们应当学习独立做事。4. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。此句中a dream come tru e表不“梦想成为现实;梦想成真” ,是一种固定结构。再如:I got the latest CD player as a b irthday present yesterday. It was just a dream cometm e !昨天我收到了一份生日礼物,是那种最新的C D播放机,真是梦想成真了!I ’ve always wanted to v is it New York, so going there on vacation next month w illbe a dream come true for me.我一直都想去纽约,所以下个月到那儿度假对我来说将是梦想成真。5. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.有 f 你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿” (狗名)。此句中 make it possible for someone to do something是一种固定结构,表7K “使
得某人有可能做某事” 。在这个句型中,it仅是一个形式上的宾语,真正的宾语是to do som e th in g ,又如:M r. Green makes it possible fo r us to learn English easily and in an interesting wayin his class.格林先生使我们能够在他的课堂上通过有趣的方式轻松地学习英语。Computer technology makes it possible fo r many people to w o rk at home.电脑技术使得许多人在家便可办公。6. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog.她与“动物帮手” 组织联系,试图给我找一只经过特殊训练的狗。此处A nim al H elp ers大写首字母,为专有名词,指“动物帮手” 这一组织。若小写,an animal h e lp e r则可指一只给人提供某种帮助的动物。例如:In my life, I see different animals used as animal helpers. We have, fo r example, doghelpers, monkey helpers, elephant helpers and so o n .在我一生中,见到过不同的动物用作动物帮手。例如,我们有狗狗帮手、猴子帮手、大象帮手等等。                            Part Four              课文导学Wanrning-up一、英汉互译 1.clean up&make notices&give out&过&去&&(使)变得更高&兴&二、根据教材内容,回答下面的问题clean up,cheer up及give out是动副短语还是动介短语?形容词alone可作定语吗?You could help to clean up the city parks.
Please& the money& to the children.... and how things used to be.&&些事情过去如何。[解析]used to意为“过去经常;以前常常”,后接动 词原形表示过去的习惯,指过去经常性的动作或存在的 状态。否定式为“didn’t use to”或“usedn’t to”;一般疑问 式为“Did…use to ... ”或“Used…to…”;反意疑问 式为“• • •,usedn’t • • •,,或“• • •,didn’t • • • ”。They used to be best friends, usedn,t/didn,t they?他们过去是最好的朋友,是吗?改为否定句 Mr. White used to work there.Mr. White&work there.…a&lot of old people are lonely.……许多老人是孤独的。[解析]lonely意为“寂寞的;孤独的”,带有较强的感 情色彩,可用来修饰人,也可用来修饰life,days, years 等;可用作表语或定语。有时表示“荒凉的;偏僻的”,用 来修饰地方,此时多用作定语。He was taken to a lonely island.他被带到了一个荒岛上。 [知识拓展]alone作形容词,通常只表示客观上的一个 人或没有外人,不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩,在句中只 用作表语。另外alone还可作副词,意为“独自;单独”,相 当于 by oneself oHe doesn’t feel lonely when he is alone.他一个人时不感到寂寞。[相关]单项 &( )(2013 •黄冈)The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past. But now he can do it alone.(选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的一项) A. for himself&B. on himselfC. by himself&D. with himself反馈 训练一、选择恰当的单词或短语填空She lives&(lonely, alone) on a&(lonely,alone) island.She&(used to, is used to) get up early.&(Give out, Give up) the papers ten minutesbefore the exam.二、根据汉语提示完成句子孩子们正在制作标志牌。The children are&•我想让生病的孩子高兴起来。I d like to&sick kids.
―、阅读2b部分,判断正(T)误(F)( )1. Ben Smith wrote the letter to Miss Li.( )2. Lucky is a cat’s name.( )3. Lucky doesn’t make a big difference to Ben Smith’s life.( )4. Ben Smith can use his arms and legs well.( )5. Ben Smith will send Miss Li a photo of Lucky if she likes.二、根据教材内容,回答下面的问题take after的同义短语是什么?fix up, give away及set up是动副短语还是动介短语?I take after my mother.我像我妈妈。[解析]take after为动介短语,意为“(在外貌、性格 等方面)与(父母等)相像”,take after相当于look like或 be similar to。after后常接名词或代词。To my surprise, Jack doesn’t take after his father at all. 令我惊奇的是,杰克和他爸爸长得一点儿也不像。[相关]单项 &( )The girl______that woman. Maybe she is herdaughter.A. takes care&B. takes afterC. takes off&D. looks afterI fixed it up.我修理了它。[解析] fix up意为“修理;修补”,相当于repair,是由 “动词+副词”结构的动词短语,若是名词作宾语,则名词 可放于up之前或之后,但代词作宾语必须放在中间。I fixed my bicycle up yesterday.昨天我修理了我的自行车。 [小试身手]单项选择( )The pens are broken. Can you help me fix______&?A. it up&B. up itC. them up&D. up themI gave it away.我把它捐出去了。[解析]give away是由“动词+副词”构成的动词短 语,意为“赠送;分发”,还有“泄露;暴露”的意思。The rich man gave away most of his money to charity. 那个富人把他的大部分钱都捐给了慈善事业。[知识拓展]give away还可以表示“分发或赠与某物;由露某事情或出卖某人”。 [小试身手]单项选择( )―What are you doing, Uncle Wang?―I am packing old clothes and I’ll& tothe homeless people.A. give them up&B. give them awayC. give them off&D. give them in• • • this group was set up to help disabled people like me. ……成立这个组织是为了帮助像我一样的残疾人。[解析]set up表示“建立;组建;搭建”,指“建立机 构、学校、医院”等,与establish同义。是动副短语。The students set up a learning group to help each other. 同学们成立了一个学习小组来互相帮助。根据汉语提示完成句子 爱迪生在他10岁时就建立了一个化学实验室。Edison&a chemical lab when he was teaLucky makes a big difference to my life.Lucky给我的生活带来很大影响。 [解析]make a difference是固定短语,意为“影响; 有作用”,当表示“对某人或某事物有影响”时,接介词to。 Whatever you can do can make a difference.无论你能做什么,都会带来不同。[知识拓展]make a big/a great deal of/a lot of difference 表示“对某事产生巨大的影响或者作用”,尤其是好的方 面;make no difference表示“没有影响,都一样”。It makes no difference to me what we have for dinner. 晚饭吃什么对我来说是无所谓的。   第 3 课时 Self Check[解析He put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends •..他张贴了一些海报来收购旧自行车,并且给他所有的朋 友打电话&ask for动同短语,意为“要求•’请求;要,,’ for 后接名词、代词或动名词等。put up动副短语,意为“张 贴;搭建”。call up动副短语,相当于ring up,意为“打 电话”。They put up a notice on the wall.他们在墙上贴了张布告。Don’t ask your mother for money.不要向你母亲要钱。 Please call me up at five o’clock tomorrow afternoon. 请明天下午5点给我打电话。[小试身手]根据汉语提示完成句子 ①你有许多寻求帮助的方法。You have many ways to&help.②你什么时候给他打的电话?When did you&?③他正在把一幅图画贴在墙上。He is_________a picture on the wall.2. He even handed out notices at the supermarket.他甚至在超市里发布告。 [指点迷津]handout在句中意为“分发;发放”,是由动词 hand和副词out构成的动词短语,还可表示“提出;给予 (建议、惩罚等)'The teacher is handing out the math papers.老师正在发数学试卷。 [小试身手]根据汉语提示完成句子 他们正在街上散发传单。They are_______the leaflets in the streets.The ideas that he came up with worked out fine.他想出的这些主意很有效。 [指点迷津1] come up with是一个没有被动语态的动词 短语,意为“(针对问题等)提出(观点);想出(办法)”。同 义短语为think up。We have to come up with the practical measures to prevent the air pollution.我们必须找到防止空气污染的切实可行的办法。 [知识拓展]come up with还可表示“赶上;追上”。He’s come up with his classmates ahead of him, after months of patient hard work.经过几个月坚持不懈的努力,他赶上了在他前面的同学。 [小试身手]根据汉语提示完成句子 ①我希望你能提出比这更好的计划来。I hope you can_______ a betterplan than this.[解析work out在句中表示“结局;结果为”,此时 work out为不及物动词短语,后面不可接宾语。此外 work out还可表示“解决(问题);计算出,’。We didn't plan it like that but it worked out very well.我们原不是那样计划的,但结果却很好。
反馈训练Will you give me same advice?There are many ways. The most important is to have a careful plan, work out&B. look outhand out&I), go out一、同义句.转换I rang up our headteacher last night, but no one answered.I______our headteacher last night, but noone answered.He thought up a good way to work the math problem outHe____a good way to workthe math problem out.二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.这种药效果不好。The medicine doesn’t玛丽给她的小朋友们分发了糖果。 Mary&the sweets to her little friends.
第 4 课时(Section B 2a―3b,Self Check)I’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers.我想感谢你对“动物助手”组织给予的金 钱援助。Animal&Helpers意为“动物助手”,是一个帮助 残疾人而建立的组织。thank sb. for sth. /doing sth.意为“为&而感谢某人”。如:①Thank&you for your flowers to me.谢谢你给我的花。②Thank&you for inviting me to the party.谢谢你邀请我参加派对。I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.我确信你知道该组织建立 起来是为了帮助像我这样的残疾人的。本句是由两个宾语从句构成的复合句。第一 个宾语从句复合句结构为“人称代词+ be+形 容词( + that)+宾语从句”。常用来引导宾语 从句的形容词有:sure,certain, glad, please, happy, sorry, afraid, satisfied, surprised 等。 如:01 am sure (that) I will pass the exam.我确信我会通过考试。②I&am sorry that I have troubled you so long. 很抱歉我打扰了你这么长时间。③&He was afraid that he would lose.他担心会输。④I&am sure that I am right.我确信我是正确的。第二个宾语从句复合句为“you&know + that+ 宾语从句”。本从句为一般过去时态的被动语 态,动词不定式to help disabled people作目的 状语。set的过去式和过去分词均为set。set up意为“建起;设立”。如:The school has set up a special class to help poor readers.学校专门办了 一个班来帮助阅读能力差的学生。You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。句中的it为形式宾语,动词不定式to have Lucky 为真正的主语。一般说来,当不定式、动名词、从句等用作宾语且 其后跟有宾语补足语时,就应在宾语补足语前使 用形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。所以it 用作形式宾语的基本句型是:动词+形式宾语+ 宾语补足语+真正的宾语。如:①I&find it difficult to talk to you.我觉得同你谈话很难。②I&thought it strange that she hadn’t written. 她没有写信,我感到奇怪。... so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult for me.……因此,平常的事情,像接电 话、开关门或者扛东西,对我来说都有困难。 like意为“比如;例如”,用来举例。可与such as互 换。但such as用于举例可以分开使用,此时不可 与like互换。如:0 Some warm-blooded animals, like/such as the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate.一些恒温动物,像猫、狗和狼都不需要冬眠。② He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks.他有几本像字典、手册之类的参考书。for example和such as都可用来举例,但用法有所不同:…,for&example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开, 可置于句首、句中或句末。如:①For&example, air is invisible.例如,空气是看不见的。②He,for&example, is a good student.例如,他就是个好学生。such&as也作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事 物中的几个例子。如:① Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish.有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语,例如,法语、意 大利语和西班牙语。&;' &第 4 课时(Section B 2a―3b,Self Check)I’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers.我想感谢你对“动物助手”组织给予的金 钱援助。Animal&Helpers意为“动物助手”,是一个帮助 残疾人而建立的组织。thank sb. for sth. /doing sth.意为“为&而感谢某人”。如:①Thank&you for your flowers to me.谢谢你给我的花。②Thank&you for inviting me to the party.谢谢你邀请我参加派对。I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.我确信你知道该组织建立 起来是为了帮助像我这样的残疾人的。本句是由两个宾语从句构成的复合句。第一 个宾语从句复合句结构为“人称代词+ be+形 容词( + that)+宾语从句”。常用来引导宾语 从句的形容词有:sure,certain, glad, please, happy, sorry, afraid, satisfied, surprised 等。 如:I am sure (that) I will pass the exam.我确信我会通过考试。
②I&am sorry that I have troubled you so long. 很抱歉我打扰了你这么长时间。③&He was afraid that he would lose.他担心会输。④I&am sure that I am right.我确信我是正确的。第二个宾语从句复合句为“you&know + that+ 宾语从句”。本从句为一般过去时态的被动语 态,动词不定式to help disabled people作目的 状语。set的过去式和过去分词均为set。set up意为“建起;设立”。如:The school has set up a special class to help poor readers.学校专门办了 一个班来帮助阅读能力差的学生。You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运
Part Five 课后练习见文库2014春季新人教版八年级下Unit 2 I’ll help to clean。。课后练习 文章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 YK J.COM
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