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A Guide to Fanfiction and Gag Concert
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I know you were so lonely these past few days, without our DICKS to keep you company. Aren’t you glad to see us again? And today we’re teaching you how to impress your Korean boss, how to make Soo Zee’s mum laugh, and how to select your ideal fan fiction. Ready? Read on!
Popular phrases (aka ???)
Soo Zee here, yo! These phrases and references will definitely come up on your conversations and it&#8217;s good to know where it comes from at least. Most of the ??? come from the popular comedy TV show &#8216;Gag Concert&#8217; (link). You might not find this kind of humor funny, and it gets repetitive sometimes but the phrases are pretty catchy.
“?? ???~~”
(start at the 6 minute mark)
This one ranked number one on the list of 2013’s most popular phrases, and it&#8217;s funny if you use it here and there in inappropriate context. Please keep in mind, you have to imitate the same tone and way she says it! Just saying it normally wouldn&#8217;t make people laugh. You’ve got to put your acting skillz to use.
Another my favorite phrase these days is ???~~. This comes from a skit comparing two different middle aged couple who are dating. One is the calm, well-mannered, somewhat average couple, but the other one is loud, obnoxious, and cheesy. Here, watch it first.
When she swings her arms and says &#8220;???~&#8221;, it&#8217;s so satisfying. I tried to imitate it, but it was a huge failure&#8230; Guys this is Ahjumma aegyo (if you don’t know what aegyo is, just watch our Gwiyomi Challenge video here [insert link]) and I love it! I love her thick needy accent, her outfit, the dance, and the song!!!!
We all know what fan fiction is, right? If you aren’t sure, you should google fanfic now, otherwise the following paragraphs are going to sound like an alien language. In fact, even if you are familiar with fan fiction in a vague, general sense, you still might be confused, because the fan fiction community has a whole host of very specific terms for very specific things.
We talked about “ship” this week, which is short for “relationship.” Fanfics usually center around a central relationship in a set of previously established characters. These fanfics “ship” those (usually two) characters. Likewise, fans of a pairing are “shippers” of so-and-so.
You can ship two people that are not actually together in the original canon.
For example, Martina who loves fanfic, ships Loki and Jane (known as Lokane from Thor), Draco and Hermione (from Harry Potter), and Buffy and Spike.
I’m not an expert, so I’m relying on you Nasties to help us out with the specifics.
There is such an incredible diversity of fan fictions out there, and there’s no way we could talk about it one measly blog post. But in case you’re new to fan fiction and trying to navigate the vast amount of work out there, here are some other fan fiction terms you might come across:
OTP &#8211; one true pairing (we covered this in the video)
Slash &#8211; homosexual pairings, like GD/TOP or Hermione/Ginny
Oneshot &#8211; usually fanfic is written in chapters and posted as the writer develops the story. A oneshot is a standalone, single writing piece
Fluff &#8211; usually short, generally not plot heavy, always romantic and warm fuzzies-inducing
Canon &#8211; when the events portrayed are accurate to the official source material. so, since Jay Park left 2PM in real life, he’s not part of 2PM in a canon piece either
AR &#8211; alternate reality, usually a “what-if” scenario that uses the source material as a jumping off point, like if Edward never returned to Forks and Bella stayed with Jacob
Crossover &#8211; mixing your characters or worlds from different source materials, say Loki and Sookie Stackhouse
Lemon/Lime/Citrus/Smut/M &#8211; contains sexual material and/or might only focus on sexy times (but sometimes it is fantastic plot with a splash of sexy times)
Do you agree with the above definitions?
Have they changed recently or mean something different to you?
Let us know!
I would absolutely love to recommend some stellar fan fiction for you guys, but I haven’t really read all that much. So maybe we could all help each other out and share some good ones in the comments? We should probably indicate what kind of style/genre/ship. That would be really cool. And let’s try to be nice and non-judgemental here, okay? Different strokes for different folks. Intern Leigh out!
Bonus Round : ???
I found out while writing this blog post ??? comes from ???. It’s their way of pronouncing ??.
??? means a person who is rude, mean, or has bad manners. It’s generally used when you want to insult someone by calling them a horrible person.
It’s used as a noun, or as part of a phrase.
1) ??? (noun. Rude person)
2) ???(?) ?? (That person is very rude)
Here are some different ways to say being rude:
2) ??? ???
4) ?????? ??
Martina&#8217;s Interjection!
Hey guise.
Martina here.
Remember when we asked you this:
We wanted to share some of your favourite kpop fanfics for this post, which we thought would be appropriate given the topic.
I am an avid fanfic reader myself, and I know that it can take a loooong time to scan, read, and flip through various fanfic communities in search of a favourite author or story.
So, I thought I could enlist your help in finding some of the best kpop fanfics.
We got a lot of excited tweets and emails from fans of fanfic sharing their fav stories, as well as actual authors who wanted to share their stories with us.
Oddly, though, there was an explosion of people that did not share in the excitement.
For example:
The kpop fanfic community freaked out, shut down, and imploded over one tweet.
People panicked over their assumptions about what we would create, over a video of ours that didn&#8217;t actually exist, since we were never going to made a review of fan fiction.
All this fear and anger coming out of misconstrued conclusions formed in the rumour mill and passed along Tumblr.
We even got emails and tweets from people demanding that we must first ask permission before we use any fan fiction, as if they knew what we were going to do to begin with.
When we responded to these people and linked them to our tweets, they had various responses like, &#8220;Oh, I don&#8217;t have twitter so I didn&#8217;t see that&#8221; or &#8220;I don&#8217;t follow you on twitter&#8221; or &#8220;oh I read about your filming in a forum&#8221;.
So you didn&#8217;t even see our tweets, but you form conclusions and thought the worst without even looking into it?
After that we realized there was clearly no point of putting up another tweet explaining our actual intentions since:
A) Angry people don&#8217;t seem to listen to what we say anyway. They just like being angry and wading through
B) This video was coming out soon and would just explain it all away.
So if you&#8217;re one of the people who freaked out at us over the implosion of the Kpop Fanfic world, do some research first before you come to conclusions from secondhand accounts.
And for those of you that locked up your once totally public fanfic accounts, be freeeeee knowing that we have zero interest in making a video reviewing your fanfic writing skills.
We simply wanted to share your work with other readers.
Now, everyone take a deep breath and put your stories back up online because you have fans that really want to read your stories.
Or, more importantly, if online privacy is important to you, take more steps to ensure your privacy and the protection of your work, or &#8211; well &#8211; just don&#8217;t post stuff online if you&#8217;re afraid of online commentary.
Martina&#8217;s Interjection Over!
Stay tuned for next DICKS, where Martina promises she won’t not tell you how to not tie a cherry stem without your tongue. You don’t not want to miss that, now do you? Make sure you subscribe by clicking that big, shiny red button below. We’ll make sure you don’t miss out. And if you have any awesome slang we should know about, let us know, either in the comments below or via twitter. ?!
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&The truth is, some relationships are supposed to last forever, and some are only supposed to last a few days. That’s the way life is.&
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