you left me 金范秀a lone

一首男的唱的歌词中有很多alone alonealone的慢歌叫什么名字?是英文慢歌_百度知道请问有首英文歌歌词高潮是唱“i love you baby..”这首歌的歌名_百度知道Lone | Definition of Lone by Merriam-Webster
: standing, acting, or being alone
: not having a partner (such as a husband or wife)
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Full Definition of lone
having no company :
preferring solitude2
situated by itself :
loneness \'lōn-n?s\
defined for English-language learners
defined for kids
Examples of lone in a sentence
&the lone ripe apple in the entire bag&&just one lone cow in the middle of the field&
Origin and Etymology of lone
Middle English, short for alone
First Known Use: 14th century
lone Synonyms
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Synonym Discussion of lone
mean isolated from others.
stresses the objective fact of being by oneself with slighter notion of emotional involvement than most of the remaining terms &everyone needs to be alone sometimes&.
may indicate isolation as a chosen course &glorying in the calm of her solitary life& but more often it suggests sadness and a sense of loss &left solitary by the death of his wife&.
a suggestion of longing for companionship &felt lonely and forsaken&.
heightens the suggestion of sadness and poignancy &an only child often leads a lonesome life&.
may replace
but typically is as objective as
&a lone robin pecking at the lawn&.
stresses dejection, woe, and listlessness at separation from one held dear &a forlorn lost child&.
implies inconsolable grief at loss or bereavement &desolate after her brother's death&.
Phrases related to LONE
Related Phrases
LONE Defined for Kids
having no companion &a lone traveler& 2
situated by itself &a lone outpost&
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Word Games歌词第一句there was once a broke man,and walked a lone road_百度知道


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