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No Smoking Day: How to give up cigarettes (for the last time) | The Independent
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No Smoking Day: How to give up cigarettes (for the last time)
We know why smoking is bad for us, and quitting can be difficult, but there are ways to make it easier
Tuesday 10 March
There are one billion smokers in the world and about 10 million in the UK. Once smokers pass the age of around 30, smoking will take an average of 5-6 hours off their life for every day they carry on. And that is healthy life, not life in old age – smokers spend at least as long as non-smokers with diseases of old age – they just do it when they are younger.Half of smokers report that they don’t even enjoy it. And in the UK it costs the average smoker about ?25 per week. So it’s not surprising that most smokers want to stop and four out of five have tried, usually many times. But they are still smoking.Some people think stopping smoking should be as easy as clenching your fist, so if smokers don’t stop it’s because they don’t ‘really’ want to. But the brain does not work like that – there is no ‘I’ that controls everything we do.Read moreThere is our ‘human brain’ which decides what we should do and our ‘animal brain’ which experiences wants, needs and impulses. Our human and animal brains are both very much ‘us’. The human brain does not get to control what we do – it has somehow to get the animal brain to want or need to it more than whatever else might be on offer.The reason that intentions to stop smoking so often come unstuck is that nicotine from cigarettes trains our ‘animal brain’ to want or need to smoke to such an extent that it overwhelms and subverts the instruction from the ‘human brain’ which is saying ‘don’t’. Stopping smoking is like grabbing a tiger by the tail and then trying to hold on for dear life – until it settles down and starts to purr! Almost from the moment you implement the decision to stop smoking, and the nicotine concentrations in your brain start to take a nose dive – which they will do within an hour or two – you will start to exper these will spike in situations or at times when you would normally smoke. You have to find a way to hold on no matter what.Here’s my interpretation of what decades of scientific research has discovered about how to get that tiger under control:Go cold turkeyIt’s best not to try to cut down before stopping – just get yourself ready then grab that tail as tightly as you can when the moment comes.Carry on after slipsOnce the quit attempt has started, do everything possible to avoid any slips but if you have a slip, don’t be hard on yourself or let go completely – grab on even tighter.Brace yourselfBe prepared to feel angry, restless, hungry, unable to concentrate, and depressed. These are common nicotine withdrawal symptoms. They will pass in a few weeks and you can control them by using one of the nicotine products available. You will probably gain weight and find it hard to shift. Don’t worry about it for the time being, but it will help to do more physical activity (which also reduces cigarette cravings).Rid temptationStart thinking like a non-smoker. You don’t feel like smoking in the supermarket because smoking is not an option – make your life that supermarket.Stay away from temptation – don’t get the tiger riled or excited! If you can keep away from situations that trigger cravings for a while it can make all the difference. Actively plan things to do instead of smoking during breaks or after meals. Probably the highest risk comes from other smokers. Just seeing other people smoke kindles all those suppressed desires. I strongly suggest you minimise contact with people who are smoking and have your script ready for when they offer you a cigarette.Don't switch to roll-upsWe know that the smoke from roll-ups is at least as dangerous as the smoke from manufactured cigarettes. Smoking any form of tobacco is deadly. In a way, roll-ups are more dangerous than manufactured cigarettes – simply because they are so much cheaper.Reduce cravingsReduce the cravings by taking Champix, or using ‘dual form’ nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Dual form means a transdermal patch plus one of the other products such as gum, lozenge, nasal spray, mouth spray or inhalator. I recommend dual form NRT because there is very strong evidence that this gives better results than using one form of NRT by itself. You can get both Champix and NRT on prescription, or with the NRT you can buy it from a shop.E-cigarettes/vapingIf you want to try an
that is fine – we know less about them than other nicotine products but they clearly do help some people to stop smoking and they are the most popular method of stopping these days. Whatever you do, make sure you follow the instructions and use enough – that is the classic mistake that most smokers make. With NRT, if you are still experiencing cravings, you are not using enough – do not be afraid to increase the dose to whatever you need.If it doesn’t work out this time – don’t worry – there’s a huge amount of luck involved. Take a break and then then have another go when you next feel ready.Robert West is Professor of Health Psychology and Director of the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group at University College London and author of ‘ Twitter: @robertjwest
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Continue to our siteSmokefree Outdoor Air -
Smokefree Outdoor Air
Related Topics
As people enjoy the health benefits of smokefree air indoors, it is only natural
to want to enjoy those same benefits in outdoor areas, especially those where
people gather or work and have high levels of exposure.
In response to increased public demand and new scientific information on the
health hazards in close-quarter outdoor areas, many communities with smokefree
indoor air laws have expanded, or are considering expanding, smokefree protections
to some outdoor public places.
areas include outdoor workplaces, restaurant and bar patios, service lines,
transit waiting areas, public events like county fairs and farmer's markets,
as well as parks, beaches, and recreation areas.
It's important for communities to continue focusing on achieving smokefree
air for indoor public places and workplaces first, because that is where the
majority people are still most exposed to secondhand smoke. Public demand and
support for working on outdoor areas often increases once communities are smokefree
ANR Foundation's quarterly
Secondhand Smoke Exposure Outdoors
Scientific research on outdoor exposure to secondhand smoke has grown in recent
released a report that evaluated the first-ever
monitoring of the level of outdoor exposure to secondhand smoke on the health
of California residents. Based on the conclusions of this report, the
- an outdoor air pollutant that may cause or contribute
to an increase in deaths or in serious illness, or which may pose a present
or potential hazard to human health.
In 2007, Stanford University researchers published an in-depth study of outdoor
secondhand smoke levels. The primary finding is that secondhand smoke exposure
levels can be significant near an active smoker.
In 2009, a study published in Preventive Medicine
in Toronto, Canada, and how much
particulate matter was in the air, in order to assess whether smokefree bar
laws provide adequate protection to bar workers. The study concluded that smokefree
bar laws do not provide workers with adequate protection from SHS if smoking
is allowed on adjacent patios.
This study provides compelling evidence that communities should continue addressing
secondhand smoke exposure beyond indoor worksites, especially to areas adjacent
to indoor workplaces.
Outdoor Dining Areas
areas of restaurants and bars are both workplaces and areas where people are
closely congregated, so these venues are frequently addressed in smokefree efforts.
People outdoors that are near secondhand smoke for extended periods of time,
such as wait staff or diners on patios, can be exposed at levels that exceed
the EPA limit on fine particulate matter pollution.
Patio dining areas are outdoor workplaces that are particularly important areas
to address, since nonsmokers and smokers are in close proximity and it is often
not easy to move away from smoke when working in these areas or patronizing
these businesses. The employees who often have to work in both the smokefree
indoor areas of the establishment and the patios cannot escape the smoke when
working their outdoor tables.
Numerous cities -- including Beverly Hills, CA; Hawaii County, HI, Alton, TX;
Starkville, MS; and Hesston, KS - plus Maine, Iowa, and Hawaii, have enacted
smokefree laws for outdoor patio areas of restaurants with some provisions including
bar patios too.
In Santa Monica, CA, a Fresh Air Dining smokefree dining campaign encouraged
restaurants to voluntarily make their outdoor dining areas smokefree and publicized
those restaurants that make a smokefree commitment. Later, the city adopted
a law to bring smokefree air to all outdoor dining areas of restaurants and
Other Outdoor Workplaces
provides compelling evidence that communities should continue
addressing secondhand smoke exposure beyond indoor worksites, especially to
areas adjacent to indoor workplaces.
Boston, Massachusetts, adopted a law in 2008 that requires that outdoor workplaces
adjacent to indoor workplaces to be smokefree. The city recognized that employees
in outdoor worksites who suffer from secondhand smoke exposure deserve the same
health protections as people in indoor worksites.
More than 1,136 communities and numerous states have enacted smokefree entryway
provisions that help keep smoke from drifting indoors.
Smokefree entryway, or &reasonable distance,& laws require that no
smoking occur within a certain distance (usually 15-25 feet) of doorways, operable
windows, and air intake vents of smokefree buildings. These policies help prevent
secondhand smoke from drifting back into the building. The policies also allow
employees and customers to access the building without walking through clouds
Parks and Beaches
smoke exposure is just one reason why communities and states are adopting smokefree
park and beach laws. There are also strong environmental reasons for
expanding smokefree policies to these outdoor venues.
The trash created by cigarette butts tossed on the ground is a significant
environmental problem. Cigarette butts are a leading source of pollution in
parks and beaches. The
as the cigarettes themselves,
plus the filters are made from cellulose acetate, a plastic that can break into
tiny pieces, but will never biodegrade or disappear. They are hazardous and
highly toxic to fish, birds, other wildlife, plus pets and young children if
they are ingested. Butts tossed on sidewalks often end up in our waterways and
washed back onto beaches.
Fire danger is also a compelling environmental and safety reason why smoking
is not allowed on beaches and in parks. In 2007,
that burned one quarter of Los
Angeles' 4,210 acre Griffith Park. The fire provided motivation for the city
of Los Angeles to adopt a law requiring all city parks to be smokefree.
many communities, smokefree air coalitions have teamed up with environmental
organizations to work together on smokefree park and beach efforts due to their
common interests of keeping these recreation areas and natural spaces clean,
healthy, and safe for all to enjoy.
In Southern California, some coalitions working on smokefree beaches developed
a key partnership with the , which focuses on coastal environmental issues.
Many beachfront tourist destinations have smokefree beaches. Communities along
the New Jersey shore led the way and have been adopting smokefree beach laws
since 2001. In California, numerous beaches from San Diego to Los Angeles are
smokefree due to locally adopted policies. In 2009, , parks, playgrounds and other areas
of state parks. The law was adopted for both public health and environmental
reasons, to create public spaces that are healthier and safer for both people
and the environment.
Examples of Smokefree Signs for Outdoor Areas
Click on thumbnails to view full-size images
No smoking on esplanade
No smoking in this
commercial zone
No smoking within the park
No fumar dentro del parque
Smell flowers, not smoke
Smoking prohibited
in tot play areas
Enjoy this smoke-free park
Young Lungs At Play
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- September 4, 2015
MIAMI After 25 years of ranking beaches, the professor known as &Dr.
Beach& is starting his list of best beaches over from scratch in
2016. And he'll be giving extra credit to beaches that ban smoking.
Reuters - February 18, 2014
(Reuters Health) - Bans on smoking in public parks are still fairly
rare in the United States, despite more than half of states having indoor
smoking restrictions, researchers say.
The Big Story August 8, 2013
ATLANTA (AP) First it was bars, restaurants and office buildings. Now
the front lines of the &No Smoking& battle have moved outdoors.
City parks, public beaches, college campuses and other outdoor venues
across the country are putting up signs telling smokers they can't light
up. Outdoor smoking bans have nearly doubled in the last five years,
with the tally now at nearly 2,600 and more are in the works.
BBC News August 7, 2013
Indoor smoking bans across the UK have pushed tobacco users into areas
outside bars and pubs. Are these now no-go areas for non-smokers in
the summer? Certainly, smoking bans have not always come to a halt at
the door of the bar or cafe. According to the American Nonsmokers' Rights
Foundation, there are bans on outdoor smoking in over 840 parks and
150 beaches and the US.
Quebec anti-tobacco advocates push for smoking ban on outdoor patios
CBCNews Health - August 3, 2013
Anti-tobacco advocates are using a new study to make the case for a
smoking ban on bar and restaurant patios. A researcher at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland found harmful levels of second-hand
smoke in a survey of Montreal bar patios. The study found that a single
lit cigarette could create air quality levels comparable to a smoggy
day in Los Angeles. Professor Ryan Kennedy, who conducted the study,
says the tests suggests second-hand smoke can be harmful outdoors, even
on a windy day.
- July 15, 2013
While most may think of playgrounds as a safe place, some believe they
can be made dangerous when children are forced to inhale secondhand
smoke. Thats why New York State Legislators and health advocates are
praising Gov. Andrew Cuomo for approving a bill that would ban smoking
on public playgrounds.
13WHAM-TV - July 15, 2013
Andrew Cuomo has signed a new law to ban smoking at outdoor ... They
note that the state has recently banned smoking on train platforms,
and that New York ...
Hawaii News Now - July 11, 2013
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Honolulu City Council is sending a strong
message against smoking. The nine members unanimously approved two measures
that bans lighting up at all bus stops and city parks, beaches, athletic
fields and facilities.
Honolulu Star-Advertiser - July 10, 2013
Smoking will be banned at all city parks, beaches and bus stops under
bills passed ... for public education and time for the city to put up
signage about the bans. Testimony was split for Bill 25, banning smoking
at Oahu's 293 city-owned parks ...
- July 10, 2013
HONOLULU (AP) The Honolulu City Council is moving to ban smoking at
city parks, beaches and bus stops. The council passed two bills covering
the bans on Wednesday. Mayor Kirk Caldwell is expected to sign the measures.
Counsel & Heal-June 14, 2013
&I understand banning people from smoking in hospitals, but I think
it's excessive not ... Researchers analyzed the effects of the 2011
Spanish smoking ban in ...
Hawaii Reporter - April 8, 2013
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell today signed a bill that would ban smoking
at Oahu's Kapiolani Park, Kuhio Beach Park, the beach side of Ala Moana
Regional Park, Sandy Beach Park, Duke Kahanamoku Beach Park, Kapiolani
Beach Park and Kapiolani Park Beach Center.
Hawaii News Now - April 8, 2013
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A new law is designed to snuff out smoking
at several beaches and parks on Oahu. The restrictions started on April
8, but police are focusing on education instead of enforcement. Honolulu
Mayor Kirk Caldwell signed Bill 72 into law to expand the city's smoking
ban. Michael Zehner testified against the measure as part of the Hawaii
Smokers Alliance. He is upset that people won't be allowed to light
up in certain spots. …
Pacific Business News (Honolulu) - April 8, 2013
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell on Monday signed into a law a bill that
bans smoking at Waikiki Beach and other popular Oahu beaches. …
- April 9, 2013
HONOLULU (AP) & Hawaii visitors and residents who smoke cigarettes
will have to put them out before stepping foot on some of Honolulu's
sandy beaches. …
CBS Local - February 26, 2013
The Maryland Stadium Authority will prohibit smoking inside stadiums
at the Camden Yards Sports Complex. A spokesman for the authority said
Monday that the rule will take effect March 4 and will apply to all
games and events held within Oriole Park at Camden Yards and M&T
Bank Stadium. …
Smokers had been able to light up new policy
follows rule at majority of pro stadiums
Baltimore Sun – February 25, 2013
Coleen Deems sat down after every Ravens season and wrote a letter to
the team, asking it to ban smoking at the stadium. This year, when her
10-year-old grandson looked up and said, “I have to hold my breath,”
while walking past a designated smoking area at M&T Bank Stadium,
the 11-year season-ticket holder became more determined and considered
tracking down the personal email address of team owner Steve Bisciotti.
The San Francisco Appeal-January 16, 2013
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors today gave unanimous initial
approval to two pieces of legislation addressing smoking in the city.
San Francisco Examiner-January 15, 2013
The Board of Supervisors passed two new smoking restrictions Tuesday,
joining ... a law banning smoking at outdoor public events and another
requiring landlords to ... banned smoking altogether in apartments,
and a similar ban was passed last year ... Mar said he crafted the smoking
ban for public events with the help of ...
Charleston Post Courier (subscription) - January 8, 2013
In a decision reached by a single vote, Charleston City Council agreed
tonight to ban smoking on public streets and sidewalks in the city’s
hospital district. The ban, which takes effect March 1, is the region’s
first prohibition on outdoor smoking in an urban center, and covers
most of the area on and between Bee and Calhoun streets, Courtney Drive,
and Rutledge Avenue in downtown Charleston. …
The Atlantic Cities - December 10, 2012
For 48 percent of the U.S. population [],
and in , lighting up in restaurants,
bars, and offices is not only banned, it's a fading memory, as distant
as typewriters and rotary phones. It has not been the same story on
the next frontier of smoking bans, those that seek to stop people from
lighting up outdoors. Over a thousand U.S. cities and counties (and
several states) have some type of smoke-free law indoors [],
and hundreds more have laws regulating smoking in public parks [].
But amid the
& no two jurisdictions, it seems, have quite the same
laws & only a handful of places have banned smoking outright in
outdoor public space. ...
The Register-Guard - October 2, 2012
Alicia Hays, director of health and human services for Lane County,
has gotten out in front of her bosses on the Board of Commissioners
by proposing a ban on smoking on all county property, including in parks.
Most of the commissioners either oppose such a ban or would rather talk
about other issues. But Hays is on the right track, and board members
should understand that implementing her idea would be easier than it
seems. …
Marin (CA) Independent Journal - October 2, 2012
San Rafael officials approved the county's toughest anti-tobacco ordinance
to date on Monday, banning smoking from all apartments and condominiums,
in addition to parks, bus stops, restaurant patios and many other outdoor
spaces. …
Wall Street Journal - August 13, 2012
Few studies have looked at the risks of breathing second-hand smoke
... Ga., on patios outside a family restaurant and a bar where smoking
was permitted, and ...
RedOrbit - August 13, 2012
Fifty-seven percent of patients who were smokers also favored the ban.
The study ... &Research on the effects of smoking bans on employees
is scarce, however. ...
- July 9, 2012
Other likely benefits of smokefree streets would be decreased street
cleaning costs from less cigarette butt litter, a better public image
for a city, the reduction of ...
TVNZ - July 9, 2012
Wellington City sports parks and playgrounds are to become smokefree
areas, as the Council moves to support the Government's goal of making
New Zealand ...
NBC Bay Area - June 1, 2012
Outdoor areas at restaurants and bars off-limits for Sonoma County
smokers. ... Restaurants, bars forced to ban smoking in outdoor areas
... Smoking is already banned in common areas of apartment complexes,
county-owned properties, and ...
The Columbian - April 27, 2012
Steve Stuart and Tom Mielke still don’t get it. The two Clark
County commissioners just can’t bring themselves to ban smoking
in county parks.Oh, they’re “getting it” when it comes
to political points from some folks who praise them for supposedly upholding
smokers’ rights. But here’s what erodes their credibility
as they acknowledge that applause: By continuing to heap confusing details
and detailed regulations upon smokers in parks, the two commissioners
have done everything BUT ban smoking in county parks. Here’s what
they were up to earlier this week: …
Thomson Reuters ,
A consumer advocacy organization has sued McDonald's, alleging the
fast-food chain has violated California law by permitting smoking in
outdoor areas without warning its customers or employees of secondhand-smoke
exposure. ...
Newsday (subscription) (blog) - Yancey Roy - August 15, 2011
The ban applies to the Long Island Railroad and Metro North. Smoking
is already banned at outdoor New York City subway platforms. In approving
the bill, ...
Wicked Local (MA),
Brian P. Nanos Wicked Local Cambridge
Cambridge is taking more steps toward banning smoking in public places.
Public Health Officer Claude-Alix Jacob said in a memo to City Council
that the city’s Public Health Department is looking to create a
working group that would explore issues involved when cities ban smoking
in public parks, beaches and other places.
According to his memo, which was written Dec. 14, the group would look
at outdoor smoking bans throughout the country and the scientific literature
on the health impact of such bans. It would also consider specific attributes
of Cambridge’s public places, the feasibility of enforcing a ban
and the feasibility of an outreach campaign that would precede enforcement
Wall Street Journal - January 5, 2011
AP GREAT NECK, NY & A tiny village on Long Island's &gold coast&
is banning smoking on public sidewalks. The Great Neck village board
approved the ban at a ...
Newsday - Gary Dymski - January 5, 2011
The Great Neck Park District recently banned smoking in its parks. Village
attorney Stephen G. Limmer said Wednesday the smoking ban &will
take some time& ...
TopNews United States - Amit Pathania - August 4, 2010
&This research supports smoking bans in areas where people may
spend extended periods of time, such as outdoor eating and drinking
venues&, she said.
Ithaca (NY) Journal,
Krisy Gashler
But the truth is, particularly on public property, the signs are just
Starting next Saturday, in areas throughout the city, the request will
no longer be optional. The City of Ithaca's much-discussed outdoor smoking
regulations go into effect Aug. 1.
The ordinance states that someone smoking in a smoke-free area can
be asked by a police officer to move or put out the tobacco product.
If the smoker refuses, a first-offense ticket is $75. A second offense
is $150 and a third offense is $250.
The change actually won't help deter the motivated smoker outside the
human services building -- it only applies 25 feet around city buildings
and schools. But it will prevent smoking in a host of other locations,
including bus shelters, playgrounds, small city parks, all natural areas
and around mobile vending carts. ...
WXII The Triad - July 21, 2010
The Winston-Salem Transit Authority is discussing the possibility of
banning smoking while under city bus stop shelters.
WSTA general manager Art Barnes said there haven't been many complaints,
but there were enough to warrant an inquiry.
Barnes said he plans to present the issue to the full board next Thursday.
The Daily Sound - Colby Frazier - June 18, 2010
Starting today, lighting up at most of Santa Barbara County’s
70 parks, beaches and trails will be a no-no.
In an effort to reduce litter, pollution and help ensure a clean-air
environment exists for all park goers, the Board of Supervisors in May
approved a smoking ban, which will go into effect today.
Smokers cringing at the thought of paying stiff fines, however, need
not worry.
The main thrust of enforcing the ban, explained Michele Mickiewicz,
a spokeswoman for the Public Health Department, is education.
“The approach that we’re using isn’t really punitive,”
she said. “The signs are the primary driver.”
By the end of this month, Mickiewicz said signs will be posted at all
of the county’s parks and beaches, with the exception of Cachuma
Lake and Jalama Beach, where overnight camping is allowed and smoking
will be permitted.
In addition to the signs, county officials will attempt to educate
the public about the ban through bilingual newspaper and radio advertisements
throughout the summer. ...
PR Newswire (press release) - June 17, 2010
ALBANY, N.Y., June 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Community Partnerships
for a Tobacco Free New York launched a campaign to educate New Yorkers
about the benefits of tobacco free outdoor recreational areas. The campaign
raises awareness of the environmental impact of tobacco litter, dangers
of secondhand smoke and influence on children when tobacco use is not
(Photo: /prnh//NY22868)
(Photo: /cgi-bin/prnh//NY22868)
Tobacco litter is poisonous to children and wildlife. Discarded cigarette
butts are the most common form of litter. Studies show they are toxic,
slow to decompose, and costly to remove. Cigarette butts have been found
in the stomachs of fish, whales, birds and other marine animals and
can cause digestive blockages. Children routinely pick them up and try
to place in their mouths.
&The Community Partnership has designed a paid media campaign
to educate communities about why we need to adopt more tobacco free
outdoor policies,& said Susan Kennedy, CP Media Project Coordinator.
&Family recreation for children should not mean having to play
among cigarette butts or being exposed to secondhand smoke. ...
Marysville (CA) Appeal-Democrat,
Ashley Gebb/Appeal-Democrat
A tall nonfat caramel macchiato with extra foam, please. Just hold
the smoke.
Starting Monday, Starbucks customers are welcome to sit outside and
sip a while & as long as they don't light up. The international
coffee giant is extending its ban on indoor smoking to outdoor patios
and dining areas in California. …
The Associated Press - Samantha Young - May 4, 2010
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Advocates of a bill that would have banned
smoking at all California state parks and beaches say they're disappointed
in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's decision to veto the measure.
&We're very dismayed to see the governor has not prioritized clean
and healthy beaches, especially since our coast lines are a driving
force to our California economy,& said Angela Howe, an attorney
for the nonprofit Surfrider Foundation, a San Clemente-based environmental
The foundation had hoped Schwarzenegger would follow a 2008 recommendation
by the California Ocean Protection Council to ban smoking at all state
beaches to help reduce polluting marine debris.
But the cigar-smoking Schwarzenegger vetoed legislation that would
have done that Monday, saying the bill crossed the line of government
In a letter to California senators, the governor said state parks and
local governments were already permitted to ban smoking on a case-by-case
&There is something inherently uncomfortable about the idea of
the state encroaching in such a broad manner on the people of California,&
Schwarzenegger wrote. ...
San Luis Obispo Tribune - Cynthia Lambert - April 7, 2010
Smoking will soon be banned from nearly all areas open to the public
in San Luis Obispo, the City Council voted 4-1 Tuesday night.
Under the new law, which would be effective May 20 after it is given
final approval at the council’s April 20 meeting, smoking would
be prohibited in indoor and outdoor areas frequented by the public,
including sidewalks, parking garages, bars, restaurants, stores, stadiums,
playgrounds and transit centers.
Lighting up in outdoor areas would be banned in areas that are within
20 feet of indoor areas. ...
The research shows that secondhand smoke is unhealthful. But those
conclusions are based on smoke-filled indoor environments. The consequences
for outdoor settings are less clear.
Los Angeles Times,
Jill U. Adams Special to the Los Angeles Times
...But, says Stanton Glantz, who directs the Center for Tobacco Control
Research and Education at UC San Francisco, &a cigarette is like
a little toxic waste dump on fire. If you're upwind of it, you don't
have much effect. But if you happen to be in the plume -- or you're
congregating around a doorway -- you can get quite high levels of exposure.&
Cigarette smoke contains hundreds of chemicals, including benzene,
carbon monoxide and nicotine, many of them known carcinogens. Fine particulate
matter within smoke can carry those chemicals deep into the lungs, Glantz
Here's a closer look at the health effects of secondhand smoke. . .
Seattle Times, March 18, 2010
California lawmakers on Thursday will consider what is believed to be
the nation's most far-reaching smoking ban in state parks as a way to
get unsightly cigarette butts off the beach, eliminate second-hand smoke
and reduce the threat of wildfires.
Maine banned smoking at its state beaches last year, but groups that
track such legislation say no state prohibits lighting up throughout
its entire park system, as the California bill proposes.
Under a legislative compromise, campsites and parking areas will be
exempted from the ban.
&It is very clear that the garbage that is created as a result
of smoking on beaches - butts and wrappers - are polluting our water,&
Democratic state Sen. Jenny Oropeza of Long Beach, the bill's author,
said in an interview. &In terms of the state park system, we have
a major fire hazard when cigarettes are smoked in parks.& ...
San Francisco Chronicle - Rachel Gordon - March 10, 2010
Smoking soon will be snuffed out at sidewalk cafes, restaurant patios,
movie and ATM lines, bingo halls and the common areas of housing complexes.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to extend smoking
restrictions to those places, along with lighting up near doorways and
windows of offices, shops and restaurants. It already is illegal to
smoke in offices and commercial establishments that don't have a legally
designated smoking area.
&This legislation will protect thousands of San Franciscans from
secondhand smoke,& said Supervisor Eric Mar, chief sponsor of the
legislation. ...
Contra Costa Times - Wendy Leung - March 4, 2010
RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Smoking and waiting in lines do not mix, according
to the City Council, which gave initial approval on Wednesday to an
ordinance that prohibits tobacco use in transit stops and outdoor service
The ordinance, expected to go into effect mid-April, will prohibit smoking
within 20 feet of bus stops, train stations and lines for services such
as ATMs and theaters.
Fabian Villenas of the city manager's office said people waiting in
lines are a captive audience.
&If you're in line and an individual lights a cigarette, it's
difficult to remove yourself from the second-hand smoke,& Villenas
Under the leadership of Mayor Don Kurth, the city has been studying
anti-smoking legislation since 2007.
In January 2008, the city passed an ordinance that banned smoking at
city-owned properties such as public parks, Victoria Gardens Cultural
Center and City Hall. Since then, the city manager's office has continued
to study further restrictions.
The smoking ban at transit stops and service lines is a less stringent
measure compared to bans that would affect sidewalks, apartments and
outdoor dining areas. More stringent bans were considered but did not
receive approval from a City Council majority.
Once the ordinance affecting transit stops and service lines goes into
effect, violators could face a fine of $100 for first violation, $200
for second violation and $500 for additional violations. ...
Seattle (WA) Times,
Erik Lacitis Seattle Times staff reporter
That regulation totally banning smoking in Seattle parks? Never mind
about the &totally& part. Just smoke, chew or engage in &other
tobacco use& 25 feet away from other park patrons, said Parks Superintendent
Timothy Gallagher in a news release issued late Thursday afternoon.
If that sounds like backtracking, it is. . . .
It seems public comments that railed against the new rule worked.
Gallagher wasn't available to personally make a statement on the matter
on Thursday because on Monday he went skiing in Oregon, and he won't
be back at work until next Monday, said Parks spokeswoman Dewey Potter.
Potter said she didn't know where in Oregon Gallagher was, but apparently
he learned the extent of the public reaction via an Internet or phone
A story about Gallagher's decision, announced Wednesday, to impose a
total smoking ban in Seattle parks had 344 comments -- most of them
negative -- by 6 p.m. Thursday
Seattle Parks Superintendent Timothy Gallagher banned smoking and
chewing tobacco in Seattle parks, overruling an advisory board that
last week voted against it.
Seattle (WA) Times,
Emily Heffter Seattle Times staff reporter
Seattle Parks Superintendent Timothy Gallagher announced a ban on
tobacco in Seattle parks Wednesday, overruling an advisory board that
last week voted against it.
His ruling put an end to the public debate over whether people should
be allowed to smoke and chew in Seattle's parks. In the end, Gallagher
wrote in a memo, the ban was a health issue.
The ban aims to protect park users from secondhand smoke and cut down
on litter caused by cigarette butts. It was also spurred by concerns
that smokers set a poor example for children.
&The negative health effects of tobacco are well documented,&
Gallagher wrote. &As an agency that has a fundamental mission to
support the health and well-being of Seattle residents, it is appropriate
and beneficial to prohibit the use of tobacco products at parks and
park facilities.&
The ban takes effect April 1.
Gallagher's decision is within his authority as parks superintendent,
but the Seattle City Council could pass an ordinance to overrule it.
WBZ - February 11, 2010
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) ? State lawmakers are considering bills banning
smoking at state parks and beaches.
One would ban smoking at the park's public gathering areas, such as
the pavilions and restrooms.
At a legislative hearing Thursday, Ted Austin of the Parks and Recreation
Department said his agency is not taking a position on the proposal
but says it does get complaints about second-hand smoke.
But the acting head of the Cigar Association of New Hampshire, Ed Santamaria,
said the bill would infringe on people's ability to enjoy themselves
in the parks. ...
Starting next year, restaurant patrons will be barred from lighting
up within 10 feet of outdoor dining areas and within 40 feet of mobile
food trucks. Violators faces fines of up to $250
Los Angeles Times,
Maeve Reston
Smokers in Los Angeles lost another refuge Wednesday when the City Council
unanimously approved a ban on lighting up in outdoor cafes, food courts
and around the city's ubiquitous mobile food trucks.
With the move, city officials are following the lead of municipalities
across California, including Burbank, Beverly Hills, Calabasas and Santa
Monica, which already ban smoking in outdoor dining areas. California
law bars smoking inside restaurants and bars.
The ordinance prohibits smoking within 10 feet of outdoor dining areas
and within 40 feet of mobile food trucks. ...
More Smoking Restrictions on Tap for 2010, Councilman Predicts
Mid-County Post (Capitola, CA),
R.T. Sideman
When the statewide smoking ban took effect in 1999, Capitola's cigarette
and cigar puffers were driven outdoors. But soon the outdoors -- or
at least much of it -- may no longer be an option.
A proposal put forth by Capitola Councilman Dennis Norton would ban
smoking on the Esplanade, the wharf, at city parks, the library, City
Hall and the Stockton Avenue Bridge.
Beyond that, Norton also hinted at the possibility of a citywide ban
in 2010 that would apply to all public outdoor spaces.
Citing concerns about secondhand smoke and piles of cigarette butt
litter, Norton says it's time to take action. ...
- Wellness -
Time Magazine Blogs,
Posted by Tiffany Sharples O'Callaghan
Reflecting on the existing scientific research on second hand smoke
exposure outdoors, William Saletan
sifts through the most
relevant points from two major studies on the subject (the 2006 California
Air Resources Board study, and a 2007 study from Stanford). Among the
findings: outdoors, second hand smoke levels vary widely and quickly,
depend on the individual's distance from a smoker (farther than 6.5
feet or 2 meters, generally reduces exposure to &background&
levels), are influenced by how confined the outdoor space is (if there
are walls or fences), and the concentration of smokers in a given area.
The data, Saletan concludes, point to the need for a measured approach
for crafting policy to reduce second hand smoke exposure outdoors. He
&If you want to argue for parkwide smoking bans based on asthma
or on an analogy to noise pollution, go ahead and make that case. But
let's not cloud that debate by invoking the general harm of secondhand
smoke. Studies of secondhand smoke have indeed moved outdoors. Their
findings support restrictions on lighting up within a few feet of other
people. But they don't warrant more than that.&
A new study published in the November issue of the Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Hygiene may contribute to the debate. Researchers
from the University of Georgia measured second hand smoke exposure among
people sitting in the outdoor areas of bars and restaurants where indoor
smoking was banned in the city of Athens, Georgia. . . .
generally speaking, hanging out in an outdoor smoking area exposes
you to less second hand smoke than being in an indoor, confined space
with smokers, and the more space you have between yourself and smokers,
the lower levels of exposure you will have. So, this particular study
doesn't ring the death knell for outdoor smoking. But, the researchers
point out, wielding the official trump card of the public health argument:
Although the increment in cotinine concentrations and, thus, the [second
hand smoke] exposure levels were relatively low at the sites of interest,
the current view is that there is no level of personal exposure to [second
hand smoke] that can be regarded as safe. This study demonstrates the
ongoing exposure of nonsmokers to [second hand smoke] outside restaurants
and bars, and the limitations of indoor smoking bans alone in protecting
the public from exposure to [second hand smoke] outside these establishments.
In other words, the movement to ban smoking in outdoor spaces is here
Indoor smoking bans have forced smokers at bars and restaurants onto
outdoor patios, but a new University of Georgia study in collaboration
with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that these
outdoor smoking areas might be creating a new health hazard.
The study, thought to be the first to assess levels of a nicotine byproduct
known as cotinine in nonsmokers exposed to second-hand smoke outdoors,
found levels up to 162 percent greater than in the control group. The
results appear in the November issue of the Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Hygiene.
&Indoor smoking bans have helped to create more of these outdoor
environments where people are exposed to secondhand smoke,& said
study co-author Luke Naeher, associate professor in the UGA College
of Public Health. &We know from our previous study that there are
measurable airborne levels of secondhand smoke in these environments,
and we know from this study that we can measure internal exposure.
&Secondhand smoke contains several known carcinogens and the current
thinking is that there is no safe level of exposure,& he added.
&So the levels that we are seeing are a potential public health
Athens-Clarke County, Ga., enacted an indoor smoking ban in 2005, providing
Naeher and his colleagues and ideal environment for their study. ...
The Desert Sun - November 13, 2009
The Palm Desert City Council voted unanimously Thursday night to approve
new restrictions on public smoking aimed at cutting down secondhand
smoke in the city.
The measure most likely will not take effect until the new year, as
it was the plan's first reading and the second reading and final vote
is not likely until December.
Nevertheless, Thursday's 5-0 vote means all buildings and businesses
in Palm Desert will have to keep smokers at least 20 feet from their
main entrances. ...
Cape Cod (MA) Times,
Aaron Gouveia
Voters at last night's town meeting gave a big thumbs
down to those who like to light up on the town's public beaches.
Smoking is no longer allowed on any of the town's 11 public beaches,
following a 128-60 vote that makes Falmouth the third community on the
Cape to snuff out smoking on municipal beaches. Proponents of the ban
cited litter in the form of errant cigarette butts in the sand, as well
as the harm caused by secondhand smoke, as the main reasons to pass
the smoking ban warrant item. . . .
In the end, a majority of town meeting voters said they were tired
of &inconsiderate& people on the beach who refuse to move
even after complaints and throw cigarette filters in the sand, where
young children often find them while building sand castles.
Inside Bay Area,
The closest thing to a smoking section for Fremont eateries soon will
be the parking lot.
The City Council unanimously backed a new law Tuesday prohibiting restaurants
from allowing smoking at outdoor tables.
The law, which is scheduled to go into effect in early December, puts
Fremont on par with most East Bay cities, including Hayward, which already
has banned outdoor smoking at restaurants, City Attorney Harvey Levine
Boston (MA) Globe,
It was a recent trip to the park that finally did it.
Jason Mayo watched as a father pushed his child on a swing, cigarette
clenched between his teeth. On every upswing, the child got a face full
of exhaled smoke.
&We can't tell people how to parent,'' said Mayo, a member of
the Ayer parks and recreation committee, which has banned smoking in
the town's recreation areas. &But all the other kids around him
were inhaling that cigarette too.''
As antismoking sentiment sweeps across the country, nonsmokers are
taking back bars, restaurants, and workplaces, snuffing smoking out
of its indoor havens. And now some of them are turning their sights
on the great outdoors.
Holliston and Upton have enacted similar outdoor smoking bans. And
in another example of the widespread public crackdown on smoking, Needham
has outlawed the sale of cigarettes in pharmacies and Newton and Framingham
are trying to do the same. ...
Los Angeles Times blogs,
A Los Angeles City Council committee voiced support today for a ban
on smoking in the city's outdoor dining areas, but ordered several changes
to the ordinance before sending it to the full council for approval.
The council could take up the measure as early as next month.
City code already prohibits smoking in parks, farmers' markets and
on city beaches, while state law bars customers from lighting up inside
restaurants. Other cities have imposed far m Calabasas,
for instance, prohibits smoking in public areas.
The legislation authored by Councilmen Greig Smith and Dennis Zine
would ban smoking within a 10-foot radius of outdoor dining areas. The
proposed no-smoking area around mobile food trucks and food kiosks would
extend for 40 feet.
Bars, private events and nightclubs serving customers older than 18
would be exempt. ...
This web site is made possible in part by the generous support of our members.
&2016 American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation
Last updated on: Sep 07, 2016


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