
superlatives的意思,superlatives翻译,音标读音,用法例句 | superlatives的意思,superlatives的音标读音解释 13:09superlatives翻译最高级音标读音英式:[]美式:[]基本意思n.(形容词或副词的)最高级(形式)( superlative的名词复数 );最高级形容词或副词形近的词变形例句
Avoid using superlatives and emotive language that can be quoted out of context.避免使用最高级和动感情的语言,它们被引用后可能脱离自己的本意。
Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.评论家们正忙着搬出他们用在前三部电影上的那些盛赞之词。
This week we have reviewed Unit one as a whole and began Unit two using Superlatives and comparatives.这周我们复习了第一单元,同时也开始使用比较级和最高级开始了第二单元的学习。
Comparatives, superlatives, hedges, numerals, quantifiers and pronouns are also used in advertisements.比较级、最高级、模糊限制语、数词、量词和代词也出现在广告中。
It is very difficult to write about Leonardo without emotions and the use of superlatives.这是非常困难的写列奥纳多没有情感和使用最高级形容词。
I was in a restaurant D. C. last weekend and everything I asked was answered in superlatives.上周末我去哥伦比亚特区的一家餐馆,我的每一个问题得到的回答全是最高级的修饰语。
Read and find out the superlatives of the text and fill in the blanks.读并找出46页课文中的最高级形式,然后填空。
What a superb little country and yes, I am running out of superlatives to describe what we see and the kindness of people we encounter.什么是优秀的小国,是的,我用完了最高级来形容我们所看到的和善良的人民,我们遇到的问题。
Optimists have scoured the dictionary for superlatives to describe the future of internet education.对于互联网教育的未来,乐观者用尽了词典中所有最高级形容词予以赞美。
Under any circumstance, commenting on this century would make anyone feel like speaking in superlatives.在任何情况下,对一个世纪发言都会有一种大言不惭的感觉。
Superlatives are formed in two ways in English.英语形容词的最高级形式有两种组合方法。
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.不加限定的最高级是最糟的。
The superlatives of some adverbs are irregular.有些最高级副词的形成方式不规则。
Sum up the usage of the superlatives including the special usage.总结出最高级的用法,包括特殊用法。
She described the place with a string of superlatives.她用一连串最高级的词语描绘那个地方。
With as many superlatives as they have storeys, these schemes rarely adhere to the less-is-more mantra.因为他们有着很多最高层房子,那些计划很少依附于少就是多的理论。
So there are a lot of superlatives here in southern Sudan.所以,在南苏丹,你可以看到大量极致景象。
The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.这篇杂志文章使用的最高级修饰语太多了,令我觉得很难相信它说的都是真的。
"Nowadays, when talking to the press, Shanghai people tend to use more and more superlatives."现在,上海人在和新闻界谈话的时候,使用越来越多最高级的形容词
THE numbers keep rising, the superlatives keep glowing.这些数字不断上升,最高级保持容光焕发。
Sometimes you see a goal and it feels like no superlatives will be suitable.有时候你看见一个进球,会发现它美得难以言表。
When the cargo train from the Chinese manufacturing hub of Yiwu arrived in Madrid on December 9, it was welcomed with a celebration of superlatives.12月9日,当一列来自中国制造业重镇义乌的货运火车抵达马德里时,它受到了最高级别的庆祝和欢迎。
For a nation that won its first Olympic gold medal in1984, China's athletic ascent, like its economic growth, can only be described with superlatives.作为一个在1984才赢得第一枚奥运会金牌的国家,中国运动成绩的上升速度,就和他们经济增长的速度一样,只能用“超级快”来形容。
Choosing his superlatives carefully, he concludes that the Mediterranean has been "the most vigorous place of interaction between different societies on the face of this planet".这位在使用最高级的时候慎之又慎的作者认为地中海一直是“这个星球上不同社会之间相互影响最为积极活跃的地区”。
People are intrinsically interested in the superlatives of human experience, thinks Nick Couldry of Goldsmiths, University of London.伦敦大学金斯密斯学院的尼克。克罗瑞这样认为,从本质上讲,人们都对人类最高经验感兴趣。
Graphene is a material of many superlatives: it's the best conductor of electricity at room temperature and the strongest material ever tested.石墨烯拥有多种独特性质:它是室温下最佳导体和至今所测量的最硬材料。
Sometimes China seems to have cornered the market for superlatives: the biggest, the fastest, the cheapest, the best whether the subject is economic growth or Olympic pageantry.有时候,中国似乎已在登峰造极方面令他国望尘莫及:最大、最快、最廉价、最好不论是谈到经济增长,还是谈到奥运盛典。
The Altiplano, or high plain, of South America is a place of superlatives: It holds the world's highest navigable lake, Titicaca, and the largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni.南美洲的阿尔蒂普拉诺高地平原汇集了世界地形之最:它拥有全世界高度最高的可航行湖泊的的喀喀湖,以及面积最大的盐滩乌由尼盐沼。
百科解释网络意思相关单词superlatives的相关作文追求最高级,理想常融情态动词。{p}口说进行时,不定式并非定语从句;牢记构词法,完成时不是被动语态。{p}心比天高,教两国语言培桃李;志同海大,育一代栋梁兴中华。{p}...日,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高人民委员会授予他“二级战士荣誉勋章”。这些情况,读小学的时候,刘光子在大礼堂作报告,我听了报告后,心情激动,看着眼前的...几天后,一位千位级(酷玛星球武功最高称号)的忍者来到了村里镇,想找一些习武者来比试比试。{p}这时,那个骄傲的忍者跳了出来,说:“我来和你比。“你不怕吗?千位级...圆规为什么可以画圆?因为脚在走,心不变。...大庆晴,最高气温12℃度,最低 气温2℃度,西风1级。温馨提示:若要圆梦,心要必定,就得离开你现在停留的地方!{p}我也有最高级的宠物,猜猜他是谁吧,他就是酷拉,45级什么就能打败,只有比45级高的精灵才能打败我的精灵酷拉。{p}我最喜欢的是青铜独角兽,他可以把精灵捆住,只有我的...世人阅兵天安门,雄壮豪迈更凌人。...星期四,农历七月 二十一,大庆晴,最高气温25℃度·最低 气温14℃度,北风2级,空气质量优。温馨提示:热爱和平,天下平安!{p}我也有最高级的宠物,猜猜他是谁吧,他就是酷拉,45级什么就能打败,只有比45级高的精灵才能打败我的精灵酷拉。{p}我最喜欢的是青铜独角兽,他可以把精灵捆住,只有我的...所谓门槛,过去了就是门,没过去就成了槛。把事情变复杂很简单,把...大庆晴,最高气温12℃度,最低 气温-1℃度,西风1级。温馨提示:世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。(最高威力165,55级威力作2次到3次),死了后换魔焰猩猩,狂用绝命火焰,死了后换鲁斯王,先用最大招,它打你很多血的话就用克制,一般不会打很多血,死了后换丽莎布布,3...erotically
adv. 性爱地;色情地
求翻译:街头骗子假装可怜骗取他人钱财,利用人们的同情心 是什么意思? ...
because they get more and more paranoid >> 因为他们拿越来越多的偏执狂
erotically >> 济州岛
i'm not good with cards me >> 我不是很好的卡我 ...
求翻译:曾几何时,背起书包去上学,无忧无虑 是什么意思? ...
cant't nobody >> 装备没人
erotically >> (副) 翻译公司地; 翻译公司地
calibration of Xeset 1 hydrograph >> 校准Xeset 1水文 ...
in an erotic manner
So it seems that people are not closer, erotically, because of porn but less sexually connected.
As erotically odd as this scene is, it pairs up nicely with the film’s ending as one of the most beautiful sex scenes ever.
These “Faceless Females” are erotically elegant studies of the female body and a sincere admiration for the beauty of breasts, butts, and vulvas.
- 来自原声例句


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