Le十,sa+ +h团购 le cakee什么意思翻译成汉

cake是什么意思 cake在线翻译 cake什么意思 cake的意思 cake的翻译 cake的解释 cake的发音 cake的同义词 cake的反义词 cake的例句 cake的相关词组
cake英 [ke?k] 美 [ke?k] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:cake 基本解释n.蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物vt.& vi.(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层cake 相关词组1.
: 成为最佳者, 得奖;cake 相关例句vt.1. The boy was caked with mud.&&&&这男孩身上都是泥块。2. 2. His shoes were caked with mud.&&&&他的鞋上结了泥块。vi.1. Mud caked on his shoes.&&&&泥土在他的鞋上结成块了。2. 2. Mud cakes when it dries.&&&&泥干了会结成块。n.1. My wife baked a chocolate cake for my birthday.&&&&我妻子做了一个巧克力蛋糕庆贺我的生日。cake 网络解释1. cake1. 糕:比如,导演肖恩.麦克纳马拉上世纪80年代末出道至今由他所导的和观众见面的电影长片也不超过10部,而在电视剧上他倒是建树颇多,尤其是在2000年后,麦克纳马拉平均每年都要参与导演制作两部以上的电视剧集,其中就有去年全美热映的<>(Cake)和<>2. 糕点:而更讲究效率和方便,所以近年来方便食品日益增多,除去最常见的三明治(sandwich)、汉堡包(hamburger)和热狗(hot dog)外,市场上还有速溶咖啡(coffee)、速饮桔汁、速食面包(bread)、速食糕点(cake)以及快熟面、罐头汤、电视餐等,3. cake:categorized administrat 施政分cake 双语例句1. I would like a piece of cake and a cup of hot tea.&&&&我想要一块蛋糕和一杯热茶。2. cake的近义词2. At present, as the severe domestic competition in India market and the quickly rising of China market, more and more Indian software companies are heading to China to set up their subsidiaries, aiming to share a piece of cut in this world's largest cake.&&&&目前随着印度国内竞争的加剧及中国市场的强劲崛起,印度软件公司也都纷纷挥师中国,希望在这个世界最大、未来最有潜力的市场中抢占一块份额。3. Prawn, fish cake, egg, bean sprouts and morning glory served&&&&虾,鱼饼,银芽,空心菜,米粉和黄面配上特制虾汤4. Signature dishes include: Golden fried prawn cake, Spicy chicken salad, Wok fried crab with onion in yellow curry sauce, Steamed fish with fresh lime juice and chilli.&&&&招牌菜式:特色炸虾饼配甜酱、辣味碎鸡肉沙拉、泰式洋葱咖喱炒蟹、酸辣青柠汁蒸鲜鱼、泰式炒河粉、香芒糯米饭。5. Based on the theories of dewatering, the inner structure of the filter cake was analyzed using the scanning electron microscope.&&&&基于过滤理论,探讨了量化滤饼内部结构对拓展过滤理论的可行性,提出了借助扫描电镜分析研究细粒煤压滤滤饼微观结构的新途径。6. 6. Cover the second cake layer on top and finally evenly spread the rest of the filling over.&&&&接着盖上另一片蛋糕,然后倒入其余的慕丝馅,抹匀表面。7. 7. This isn't about wedding cake and Tupperware -- this is about equal rights.&&&&这不是结婚蛋糕和特百惠-这是关于平等的权利。8. In order to be able to let you know more fashionable intimate European-style cake natural world, sokingwo Shang Ti 5 ° to launch a free dessert tasting party activity, regardless of your dinner are units, departments, meetings, or friends have been born as long as your number of participants at more than 16 people less than 20 people, sokingwo Shang Ti 5 ° will give you a free taste is still a birthday cake 5 ° Ti opportunities you just need early evening 9:00 --- 5:00 call our hotline free sample 028 -
application.&&&&为了让你们能够更加亲密的了解风靡全球的天然欧式蛋糕,sokingwo尚缇5°推出聚会免费甜点品尝活动,不论你们是单位聚餐,部门聚会,还是友人过生,只要你们与会人数在16人以上20人以内,sokingwo尚缇5°将会提供给你们一次免费品尝尚缇5°生日蛋糕的机会,仅仅需要你早9点---晚5点拨打我们的免费品尝热线028- 报名。9. Since the increase of raw coal feed leads to lack of plank filter capacity in slurry system, ZKG300/2000-type quick-operating diaphragm pressure filters are used in Pansan Mine Coal Preparation Plant that decreases the moisture of filter cake and shortens circuit time, solves the problem of lack of slurry throughput.&&&&针对由于原煤入选量增加引起的煤泥水系统板框式压滤机能力不足的问题,潘三矿选煤厂在实际运行中采用ZKG300/2000型快开式隔膜压滤机,达到了降低滤饼水分和缩短循环时间等应用效果,解决了该矿煤泥水处理能力不足的问题。10. 10. You can't eat the cake and it's mine.&&&&你不能吃这蛋糕,这是我的。11. cake11. Her dress was still the one she wore on her wedding, all the watches and clocks showed the same time, eight forty. Even the musty wedding cake was kept where is had been years ago.&&&&&&她的衣服是结婚当天的礼服,钟表永远停留在八点四十分,连发霉的结婚蛋糕都还保留着。12. 12. With New Occident A-level Bible, you are able to pass your exams like piece of cake.&&&&&&新的欧美A级圣经,你可以通过你的考试,像一块蛋糕。13. We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.&&&&&&我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。14. 14. Lung I do to be really delicious cake, I will after even harder to training.&&&&&&龙给我做的蛋糕可真好吃,以后我会更努力地训练。15. This is not mandatory, as Cake can figure out the name of the model automatically.&&&&&&这一步并非强制性的,因为Cake可以自动得出模型的名称。16. &#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;16. There is a big and round cake in the centre of the table.&&&&&&在桌子的中间是一个又大又圆的蛋糕。17. There isn't enough cake to go round.&&&&&&没有足够的蛋糕分给每个人。18. 18. Lisa:I'd like that round cake. How nice!&&&&&&我想要那个圆的,它太漂亮了!19. Anne's mum has a big round cake for them.&&&&&&安妮的妈妈有给他们的一块大的环形的蛋糕。20. The moon cake is round, like the moon.&&&&&&月饼是圆的,像是月亮。cake 词典解释1. 蛋糕;糕饼&&&&A cake is a sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and fat in an oven. Cakes may be large and cut into slices or small and intended for one person only.&&&&e.g. ...a piece of cake...&&&&&&&&&&&一块蛋糕&&&&e.g. Would you like some chocolate cake?&&&&&&&&&&&来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样?2. 饼状食物;饼&&&&Food that is formed into flat round shapes before it is cooked can be referred to as cakes .cake的反义词&&&&e.g. ...fish cakes.&&&&&&&&&&&鱼饼&&&&e.g. ...home-made potato cakes.&&&&&&&&&&&自家做的土豆饼3. 块;小块&&&&A cake of soap is a small block of it.&&&&e.g. ...a small cake of lime-scented soap.&&&&&&&&&&&一小块青柠味香皂4. 结块;凝结成块&&&&If something such as blood or mud cakes, it changes from a thick liquid to a dry layer or lump.&&&&e.g. The blood had begun to cake and turn brown.&&&&&&&&&&&血开始结块变黑。5. 二者兼得;鱼与熊掌兼得&&&&If you think that someone wants the benefits of doing two things when it is only reasonable to expect the benefits of doing one, you can say that they want to have their cake and eat it .<p class="p1查询·英语单词大全&&&&e.g. What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.&&&&&&&&&&&他想要转型为市场经济,同时又不降低人们的生活水平。在许多人看来,这是想要鱼与熊掌兼得。6. 非常抢手;非常畅销;热销&&&&If things are selling like hot cakes, a lot of people are buying them.&&&&e.g. Books on the Royal Family are selling like hot cakes.&&&&&&&&&&&有关皇室的书卖得正火。7. 小事一桩,易如反掌,小菜一碟(常用于安慰别人)&&&&If you think something is very easy to do, you can say it is a piece of cake. People often say this to stop someone feeling worried about doing something they have to do.&&&&e.g. Getting rid of him will be a piece of cake...&&&&&&&&&&&摆脱掉他就是小事一桩。&&&&e.g. Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you.&&&&&&&&&&&老伙计,只不过又是一份盯梢的活。对你这样的人来说还不是小菜一碟。8. (愚蠢、无礼、自私的行为)非常过分,极其讨厌&&&&If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the cake or that what they have done takes the cake, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour.in BRIT, use 英国英语用 take the biscuit9. the icing on the cake -> see cake 单语例句1. In the beginning he used the money to buy several Nang, a kind of Xinjiang pan cake for meals.2. Stir gently and pour into a greased and floured cake pan, ideally the kind that unfastens to let the baked cake out.3. A sauteed French foie gras served with Chinese sesame cake was also a winner, combining a smooth foie gras with a crispy and fragrant cake.4. The cake will be topped with a chocolate inaugural seal while the middle layer will be decorated with the seals of the five military branches.5. Another dish worth trying is shrimp cake, made with tender mashed shrimp meat sandwiched around a crunchy lotus root.6. To create a soft dough that is enough to make 30 moon cake crusts, it is essential to mix the ingredients together slowly for about five minutes.7. At the closing ceremony of the summer camp, 18 participants who celebrated birthdays over the four days were surprised with flowers and cake.8. There was a grand old building sitting behind balustrades on top of twin staircases, looking much like an elaborately frosted Christmas cake.9. We began with California rolls which were deluxe in every respect alongside fresh crunchy tempura and crab cake.10. Iran has confirmed possessing technology to extract uranium ore, processing it into a powder called yellow cake and then converting it into gas.cake 英英释义noun1. a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)&&&&e.g. a bar of chocolate&&&&Synonym: 2. baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat3. small flat mass of chopped food&&&&Synonym: verb1. form a coat over&&&&e.g. Dirt had coated her face&&&&Synonym: cake是什么意思,cake在线翻译,cake什么意思,cake的意思,cake的翻译,cake的解释,cake的发音,cake的同义词,cake的反义词,cake的例句,cake的相关词组,cake意思是什么,cake怎么翻译,单词cake是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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