有OPT ead卡和opt的关系ffer回国签证有什么问题吗

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1, 研究生毕业至拿到EAD卡(OPT正式生效)期间
2, OPT期间
3, OPT转H1B期间(Cap-Gap)
(一)& 研究生毕业至拿到EAD卡(OPT正式生效)期间
这个阶段我没有出过境,所以具体到底怎样也不知道。但是学校International Service Office(ISO)的老师是这么说的。
(二)& OPT期间
护照,申请费收据,照片一张,DS160,所有I-20的复印件(含travel signature),成绩单原件,毕业证书复印件,雇主的employment letter原件,之前三个月的工资单复印件,EMS单子。
(三)& Cap-Gap期间
转眼间12月已经过了一半,距离2015年结束只有短短的2周了!而接连而来的是圣诞和新年……疯狂shopping,party的时候,也有许多的同学在这个时刻迎来了他们的毕业典礼。对于国际学生,毕业之后想要找到一份合适的工作并不容易,而能够留下来持续的工作更是难上加难。随着留学生队伍的日益壮大,我们不单单要跟美国的公民竞争工作岗位,更要跟来自全世界的留学生们竞争。那么,你会愿意输在起跑线上么?毕业后我们面临的第一个身份转换节点,便是申请OPT。此时,我们依旧是F1学生的身份,但是却可以享有一年的工作实习机会,让你在美国实践一下。如果你所学是STEM的专业,那便还有延期的机会。今天先不谈延期,我们先来看看最基本的OPT。我为什么需要OPT?无论是作为一个应届毕业生还是作为一个国际学生,工作机会都是难能可贵的。OPT更像是一个让你了解社会现状的同时,也让社会来了解的你“相亲”机会。通过OPT, 你能在自己的专业领域得到一个初步的“实习”以及“磨练”的机会,而你的雇主,也可以通过OPT的这段时间更多、更全面的了解你,如果你和公司“磨合”的很好,说不定公司还会在之后Sponsor你的H1B甚至是为你递交技术移民申请(EB2/EB3)。就算没有了之后的这些机会,在美国实习的这段时间里积攒的经验,也能为你之后的求职之路增光添彩!OPT申请的时间?因为OPT是没有Offer也能申请的呢!虽然理论上在毕业之后的60天内办完OPT的手续即可,但考虑到USCIS的工作效率比较低下,万一出现材料不全的问题,来来回回的通知和补齐耗时颇巨,咱们早申早补救才能不耽误工作!(注:最早从毕业前90天开始申请,不可过早申请。)申请材料在新I-20办理后30天内需寄到移民局,否则不予批准OPT申请的要求?v与所学专业相关v每个学位阶段限申请一次v12个月,STEM可延长至29个月v申请人在校期间,工作时长不可超过20hours/weekOPT申请的费用?算上邮寄和打印材料的费用,OPT的申请大约是400刀左右,如果大家觉得能够承受,那么没有考虑清楚是否留美的同学也可以申请起来。但值得注意的是,根据规定,一个等级的学位只可以申请一次OPT,也就是说学士学位、硕士学位、博士学位各有一次OPT的机会,假如你已经使用了或浪费了一次硕士OPT的机会,那么再念一个硕士学位就不能再申请OPT了。OPT申请的流程?OPT申请的材料?Check List√ Form G-1145√ Form I-765√ 护照首页(ID页)复印件√ I-94打印件√ OPT I-20复印件√ 两张护照照片(新的,近期照)√ 380刀的支票√ 如果之前申请过CPT\OPT\EAD,那么还需提交原CPT I-20,OPT I-20和原EAD的复印件注:在个别其他学校提供的申请材料清单上,还包括护照VISA页复印件和原I-20复印件,这两项材料可能不是必需的,但是保险起见大家最好也附上。OPT申请的递交?将以上材料都准备齐全之后,就可以去邮局邮寄了。如果你身在【Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands】请用USPS平邮寄到以下地址:USCISP.O. Box 21281Phoenix, AZ 85036或用快递(包括USPS的快递)寄到以下地址:USCISAttn: AOS1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S, Suite 100Phoenix, AZ 85034 如果你身在【Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachuses, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Virginia】请用USPS平邮寄到以下地址:USCISP.O. Box 660867Dallas, TX 75266或用快递(包括USPS的快递)寄到以下地址:USCISAttn: AOS2501 S. State Hwy. 121 Business, Suite 400Lewisville, TX 75067不管用哪个快递公司寄送,请在邮寄时务必要求“Certified”和“Tracking number”,以便追踪信件。OPT常见的问题RFE怎么办 一般告诉你RFE之后,USCIS会用平邮通知你到底缺什么材料。这个时候你一般要等好几天甚至几个星期,我就等了16天才收到这个平邮通知。但是后来我发现你可以打电话给二级客服,让他们把信里的内容读给你听,这样你就能节省很长时间知道你缺什么材料。 照片问题 大多数RFE都是因为照片。建议直接去找Walgreens 墙上贴的digital photograph specialist,这些人一般有经验,拍出的照片不会太亮也不会太暗。照片最好用小的透明的zip袋子装起来,因为照片弄脏,弄坏,弄上水USCIS绝对不会帮你买单。 签字问题 最新的I20一定不要忘掉签字。然后所有的表格上的签字以及I20的签字绝对不要超过那个横线,有框的一定要签在框内。签字的任何一部分超过那个框肯定是不允许的,并且最好用black ink。这些都是补交材料的时候额外要求的,刚开始的时候USCIS也不会提醒你。 关于回国的问题 一般你是一定不能在你拿到OPT的收据单之前回国的。这是USCIS明确说明的。强烈建议拿到EAD卡之后再回国,这样的话比较保险。需要说明的是,在返美的时候,你的签证还是有效的,I-20还是有效的,凭借EAD卡的身份就可以在美国入关,保险起见,最好有公司提供的offer letter,税单等东西。如果是你的签证已经过期,你需要回国用新的I-20和EAD卡办签证的话,你需要了解清楚毕业后用EAD卡申请签证的通过率,是不是回中国后能确保签证申请下来,毕竟能否返美是大事。 关于改邮寄地址 很多人申请EAD卡的时候赶毕业,毕竟在毕业期间,很多人会搬家。所以我建议EAD卡的邮寄地址一定要填一个长期有效的地址。你写完以后至少要保证邮寄Receipt给你之前,你这个地址不会变。如果你不确定,最保险的方式就是邮寄到你们的ISSO后者邮寄到你的朋友家里。如果收到receipt之后,想变地址就马上变,别等到card production的时候再变,那就来不及了。而且美国人本来办事效率就特别的低,到时候真改地址花了一个月也不是不可能。改完了,争取打电话问一下多久能录入他们的系统,直到电话确认好邮寄地址已改变为止。
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最详细的OPT申请流程及问题分享 [相关推荐]
Copyright & 2016 , All rights reserved.杨邱老师网校 , 专注免费的网站!最近快要H1B抽签啦, 小泰先在这儿祝大家好运气。宝强说得好,“有钱没钱,回家过年”。如果你已经是H1B的拥有者,或是还在OPT,想必能否回家这个问题肯定是被问过很多次,之前有说法是“不可以!”或是“不建议!”,但是小泰我找了找很多网上的帖子和经验,基本得出结论是“可以回!”。下面就结合一篇来自文学城的网友帖子,将这个问题的多面性和多种情况为大家解惑。 文学城网友经历: “多被问起这一话题,加之本人OPT转H1B经历比较纠结,期间多次回国,几乎把各种可能的情况都经历过,所以把自己知道的写下来,供大家参考。
总共三个阶段:1, 研究生毕业至拿到EAD卡(OPT正式生效)期间2, OPT期间3, OPT转H1B期间(Cap-Gap) 1. 研究生毕业至拿到EAD卡(OPT正式生效)期间 这一阶段如果没有EAD卡,是绝对不能回国,因为你收不到EAD卡就没有回来的合法身份。即便有EAD卡和美国境内的实习或工作offer,也强烈不建议回国,因为很有可能在入境过海关时被拒绝入境。这个阶段我没有出过境,所以具体到底怎样也不知道。但是学校International Service Office(ISO)的老师是这么说的。 2. OPT期间 我的OPT是2011年5月底到2012年5月底,期间我回去过两次,分别是2012年1-2月和2012年4-5月。第一次回去时(2012年1月),还没有开始申请H1B,所以是纯的F1签证,只是在OPT期间。回国时,F1签证已经失效,需要续签。我是在上海的中信银行直接使用的代传递项目(这是使领馆强烈推荐的,现在必须都要发到广州了)。上的要求准备好资料,包括: 护照,申请费收据,照片一张,DS160,所有I-20的复印件(含travel signature),成绩单原件,毕业证书复印件,雇主的employment letter原件,之前三个月的工资单复印件,EMS单子。签证顺利拿到,依旧是F1,又给了一年(2012年1月-2013年1月)。2012年2月初,入境时候也很顺利,基本没问什么。第二次回去时(2012年4月),这个时候H1B的申请已经于2012年4月1号递给USCIS去,而且H1B的receipt(USCIS发的I797- C)已经拿到,同时OPT在有效期内(2012年5月30日失效)!因为1月份拿到了1年的F1签证,所以这次回去不用签证。带好各种证明文件(基本就是上面所列的,加上H1B的receipt)就回去了,然后赶在5月30号之前回来,入关时也很顺利,没有问题。 但是!这趟回国会产生一个副作用,而且比较麻烦。USCIS规定,在你提交H1B申请之后,你一旦离境,意味着你自动放弃在美国境内直接从F1转换成H1的权利。换言之,如果你从4月申请到10月1日H1生效期间不出美国国境,你可以不出境就直接转换身份,直到你下一次需要出境时再申请H1的签证。所以这次出境,直接导致了两个后果:一是我的H1的审核时间被大大拖长(至少增加2个月,总共花了5个月);二是USCIS在通过我的H1申请后,规定我必须在9 月30日之前离境,并到指定的使领馆(上海)去获得H1的签证,并重新入境。于是就有了我的第三次回国(2012年9月),我在上海使领馆顺利通过面签获得H1的签证,并于2012年10月以H1身份进入美国。H1签证需要的材料只要按照律师的要求准备好就行。 3. Cap-Gap期间所谓Cap-Gap就是指OPT失效到H1B生效(10月1日)期间,学校的ISO可以将你的I20自动延期到9月30日,这段时期叫做Cap-Gap。(详见USCIS官方网站) USCIS在其网站上明确规定,在此期间如果出境,必须要等到H1生效(10月1日)并成功获得签证后,方可入境。所以大家就不要试图在Cap-Gap期间出入境了。 小泰根据网友的提示,搜索了USCIS的官方网站关于Cap-Gap的解释,下面大家贴出原文提供权威参考: Extension of Post Completion OptionalPractical Training (OPT) and F-1 Status for Eligible Students under the H-1BCap-Gap RegulationsThe period of time when an F-1 student’sstatus and work authorization expire through the start date of their approvedH-1B employment period is known as the &Cap-Gap&. Cap-Gap occurs because an employer may notfile, and USCIS may not accept, an H-1B petition submitted more than six monthsin advance of the date of actual need for the beneficiary’s services ortraining.
As a result, the earliest datethat an employer can file an H-1B cap-subject petition is April 1, for thefollowing fiscal year, starting October 1. If USCIS approves the H-1B petition and the accompanying change ofstatus request, the earliest date that the student may start the approved H-1Bemployment is October 1. Cap-GapExtensionsCurrent regulations allow certain studentswith pending or approved H-1B petitions to remain in F-1 status during thecap-gap period. This is referred to as filling the &cap-gap,& meaningthe regulations provide a way of filling the &gap& between the end ofF-1 status and the beginning of H-1B status that might otherwise occur if F-1status is not extended for qualifying students.Eligibilityfor an ExtensionH-1B petitions that are timely filed, onbehalf of an eligible F-1 student, that request a change of status to H-1B onOctober 1 qualify for a cap-gap extension.Timely filed means that the H-1B petition(indicating change of status rather than consular processing) was filed duringthe H-1B acceptance period which begins April 1, 2013 while the student'sauthorized F-1 duration of status (D/S) admission was still in effect(including any period of time during the academic course of study, anyauthorized periods of post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), andthe 60-day departure preparation period, commonly known as the &grace period&).Once a timely filing has been made,requesting a change of status to H-1B on October 1, the automatic cap-gapextension will begin and will continue until the H-1B petition adjudicationprocess has been completed.
If thestudent’s H-1B petition is selected and approved, the student’s extension willcontinue through September 30.
If thestudent’s H-1B petition is denied, withdrawn, revoked, or is not selected, thestudent will have the standard 60-day grace period from the date of therejection notice or their program end date, whichever is later, to prepare forand depart the United States.Students are strongly encouraged to stay inclose communication with their petitioning employer during the cap-gapextension period for status updates on the H-1B petition processing.Please note: F-1 students who have enteredthe 60-day grace period are not employment-authorized.
If an H-1B cap-subject petition is filed onthe behalf of a student who has entered the 60-day grace period, the studentwill receive the automatic cap-gap extension of his or her F-1 status, but willnot become employment-authorized (since the student was notemployment-authorized at the time H-1 petition was filed, there is noemployment authorization to be extended). ThoseNot Qualified for an ExtensionF-1 students who do not qualify for acap-gap extension, and whose periods of authorized stay expire before October1, are required to leave the United States, apply for an H-1B visa at aconsular post abroad, and then seek readmission to the United States in H-1Bstatus, for the dates reflected on the approved H-1B petition.Proofof Continuing Status To obtain proof of continuing status, astudent should go to their Designated School Official (DSO) with evidence of atimely filed H-1B petition (indicating a request for change of status ratherthan for consular processing), such as a copy of the petition and a FedEx, UPS,or USPS Express/certified mail receipt. The student’s DSO will issue a preliminary cap-gap I-20 showing an extensionuntil June 1.If the H-1B petition is selected foradjudication, the student should return to his or her DSO with a copy of thepetitioning employer’s Form I-797, Notice of Action, with a valid receiptnumber, indicating that the petition was filed and accepted.
The student’s DSO will issue a new cap-gapI-20 indicating the continued extension of F-1 status. DeniedH-1B PetitionsIf USCIS denies, rejects, or revokes anH-1B petition filed on behalf of an F-1 student covered by the automaticcap-gap extension of status, the student will have the standard 60-day graceperiod (from the date of the notification of the denial, rejection, orrevocation of the petition) before he or she is required to depart the UnitedStates.For denied cases the 60-day grace perioddoes not apply to an F-1 student whose accompanying change of status request isdenied due to the discovery of a status violation, misrepresentation, orfraud.
The student in this situation isnot eligible for the automatic cap-gap extension of status or the 60-day graceperiod.
Similarly, the 60-day graceperiod and automatic cap-gap extension of status would not apply to the case ofa student whose petition was revoked based on a finding of a status violation,fraud or misrepresentation discovered following approval.
In both of these instances, the student wouldbe required to leave the United States immediately.Travelduring Cap-Gap Extension PeriodA student granted a cap-gap extension whoelects to travel outside the United States during the cap-gap extension period,will not be able to return in F-1 status. The student will need to apply for an H-1B visa at a consular postabroad prior to returning.
As the H-1Bpetition is for an October 1 start date, the student should be prepared to adjusthis or her travel plans, accordingly.UnemploymentLimitsThe 90-day, or 120-day for STEM OPT,limitation on unemployment during the post-completion OPT authorizationcontinues during the cap-gap extension.STEMOPT ExtensionsF-1 students who receive science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees included on the STEMDesignated Degree Program List, are employed by employers enrolled in E-Verify,and who have received an initial grant of post-completion OPT employmentauthorization related to such a degree, may apply for a 17-month extension ofsuch authorization.
F-1 students mayobtain additional information about STEM OPT extensions on the Student andExchange Visitor Program website at www.ice.gov/sevis.Students who are eligible for a cap-gapextension of post-completion OPT employment and F1-status may apply for a STEMOPT extension during the cap-gap extension period.However, such application may not be madeonce the cap-gap extension period is terminated (if the H-1B petition isrejected, denied, or revoked), and the student has entered the 60-day departurepreparation period.StartDate IssuesIf the students' OPT end dates areshortened to September 30, even though their H-1B employment would not beginuntil a later date, the student should contact their DSO.
The DSO may request a data fix in SEVIS bycontacting the SEVIS helpdesk. Changesin EmploymentLaid Off/Termination from H-1Bemployer:
If the student has an approvedH-1B petition and change of status, but is laid off/terminated by the H-1Bemployer before the effective date, and the student has an unexpired EAD issuedfor post-completion OPT, the student can retrieve any unused OPT. The studentwill remain in student status and can continue working OPT using the unexpiredEAD until the H-1B change of status goes into effect.
The student also needs to make sure thatUSCIS receives a withdrawal request from the petitioner before the H-1B changeof status effective date.
This willprevent the student from changing to H-1B status.
Once the petition has been revoked, thestudent must provide their DSO with a copy of the USCIS acknowledgement ofwithdrawal (i.e., the notice of revocation). The DSO may then request a datafix in SEVIS, to prevent the student from being terminated in SEVIS on the H-1Beffective date, by contacting the SEVIS helpdesk.If USCIS does not receive the withdrawalrequest prior to the H-1B petition change of status effective date, then thestudent will need to stop working, file a Form I-539 to request reinstatement,and wait until the reinstatement request is approved, before resumingemployment.Student finds a new H-1B job:
The student can continue working with his orher approved EAD while the data fix in SEVIS is pending if the (former) H-1Bemployer timely withdrew the H-1B petition and the following conditions aretrue:The student finds employment appropriate tohis or her OPT;The period of OPT andThe DSO has requested a data fix in SEVIS.Note: If the student had to file Form I-539to request reinstatement to F-1 student status, the student may not work orattend classes until the reinstatement is approved.PendingRequest to Change OPT End DateWorking during request: If the H-1Brevocation occurs before October 1, the student may continue working pastOctober 1 while the data fix remains pending, because the student will still bein valid F-1 status.If the H-1B revocation occurs on or afterOctober 1, the student will need to stop working before October 1, apply forreinstatement, and wait until the reinstatement request is approved beforeresuming employment.Maintaining Valid F-1 Status:
If the H-1B revocation occurs before the H-1Bchange of status effective date, the student is still in F-1 status while thedata fix is pending.If the H-1B revocation occurs after theH-1B change of status effective date, the student will not be in valid F-1status and will therefore either need to apply for reinstatement or depart theUnited States.
Taylor_Series泰勒展开时,纷繁复杂化为一目了然。职场访谈,历程再现;文摘精华,鼓励互勉;内推职位,贤俊引荐;答疑解惑,社区共建。集聚一群不说教没光环有情趣有梦想的伙伴,原创为本,服务为先,专注干货三十年。分担喜忧酸甜,共谱职场新篇,换你一笑展颜。热门文章1.[生活] 有感 栽培周怡宁最新文章Taylor_Series泰勒展开时,纷繁复杂化为一目了然。职场访谈,历程再现;文摘精华,鼓励互勉;内推职位,贤俊引荐;答疑解惑,社区共建。集聚一群不说教没光环有情趣有梦想的伙伴,原创为本,服务为先,专注干货三十年。分担喜忧酸甜,共谱职场新篇,换你一笑展颜。&&&&违法和不良信息举报电话:183-
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