
柴火是什么意思 柴火在线翻译 柴火什么意思 柴火的意思 柴火的翻译 柴火的解释 柴火的发音 柴火的同义词 柴火的反义词 柴火的例句
柴火 基本解释柴火的反义词柴火[chái huo]词典:柴火;木柴;柴草;荛。词典:柴把,束薪。柴火 汉英大词典柴火[chái huo] faggot:  例:柴火垛    stack of firewood柴火 网络解释1. 1. wood:a tap [ ]水龙头 | wood [ ] 柴火 | blunt [ ]钝,不快2. disik:26.切菜 syogu furum | 27.柴火 disik | 28.羞耻 gisiku柴火 双语例句1. 银沙滩果园有大量的走地鸡供给游客亲手下厨,柴火炉煮。&&&&Silver Orchard Beach to take a large number of visitors hands-on cooking chicken supply, firewood stove cooking.2. 2. 他往炉子里加柴火。&&&&He fed the stove with firewood.3. 在Darfur南部G及G访问的难民营里,妇女要花三个小时才能走到林边,由于难民捡光柴火而使那里的风景不再,森林的边界也渐渐退缩。&&&&At the camp in southern Darfur that Gadgil and Galitsky visited, women walk three hours to the edge of the forest, which is steadily receding as refugees strip the landscape clean.4. 4. 实验室物理学家AG及实验工程师CG希望设计出廉价节能的火炉来帮助这些妇女,这种火炉使用的柴火还不到目前难民们用来做饭生火所需柴火的一半。&&&&Lab physicist Ashok Gadgil and lab engineer Christie Galitsky hope to help the women by designing inexpensive, energy-efficient stoves that use less than half the wood needed to fuel the fires the refugees currently use for cooking.5. 人们在秋蒂好利节,重燃柴火,再次体验这个传说。&&&&This legend is relived on Chhoti Holi when the pyre is re-lit.6. 柴火的意思6. 十个月的时间过去了。像一捆捆地柴火似的,我们被送进了一艘轮船的统舱堙A是装货的地方,经过山东半岛到了潍县,那是至终的集中营所在。&&&&After 10 months, they stacked us like cords of wood in the hold of a ship and brought us to the Weihsien Civilian Assembly Center, a larger concentration camp cross the Shandong peninsula.7. 曾经在有厚厚积雪的冬季,一个可怜的男孩不得不坐着雪橇出门去拾柴火。&&&&Once in wintertime when the show was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fatch wood on a sled.8. 柴火在燃烧的时候,我会窥视卡利神庙厨房的炉膛。&&&&I have looked into the hearth in the kitchen of the Kāli temple when logs are being burnt.9. 柴火收集来之后,接着要做的就是把它们全放到干燥的地方去。&&&&The next thing to do after gathering firewood is to put it all in a dry place.10. 比起收集柴火,我有更好的事情要做。&&&&Sayid: There are better things to do with my time than collect firewood.11. danci.911cha.com11. 希望我们收集的柴火能够烧整晚。&&&&&&I hope we gathered enough firewood to last through the night.12. 我去收集柴火。&&&&&&I`ll go gather firewoodx.13. 比如森林里收集的柴火,用于消费的肉和鱼和药用植物。&&&&&&Fuelwood gathered in forests, meat and fish gathered for consumption, and medicinal plants are examples.14. 柴火在线翻译14. 我们从山后收集了不少柴火,晚上在小木屋里生火取暖。&&&&&&We got some firewood from the mountain behind our cabin, and lit up the fireplace at night.15. 爱着的时候,有时心里潮潮的,湿湿的,饱满得象涨了水的河。可有时又空落落的,像河床上摊晒出来的光光的石头。有时心里软软的,润润的,像趁着雨长起来的柳梢。有时又闷闷的,燥燥的,像燃了又燃不烈的柴火。&&&&&&When I am loving him, sometimes, my heart is as humid as a wat sometimes, my heart is as empty as the slipery stone sometimes my heart is as soft and wet as the growing sometimes, my heart is as tight and dry-heat as the firewood being burnt but not burning well.16. 他们宰了众多的肥羊,腿步蹒跚的弯角壮牛,还有成群的肥猪,挂着晶亮的油膘,挑上叉尖,架上赫法伊斯托斯的柴火,烧去畜毛。大家伙开怀痛饮,喝干了老人收藏的一坛坛美酒。&&&&&&My cousins and clansmen came about me, and pressed many a sheep and many an ox did they slaughter, and many a fat hog did they set down to r many a jar, too, did they broach of my father's wine.17. 他们让我们在他们的车顶上搭了一段路,我们则帮助他们采集柴火。&&&&&&We got a ride on the roof of their van and helped them collect firewood.18. 我不用走很远,我最远只需穿过树林和灌木丛,去找一堆柴火、摘一串水果。&&&&&&The furthest I need to go is through the trees bushes to collect a bundle of firewood a bunch of fruit.19. 难民经常在营地外面采集柴火,这对于营地里面和周边的植被是直接的威胁,可能对环境造成持久的破坏。&&&&&&Refugees often collect firewood outside the camp, which is a direct threat to the vegetation in and around the camp and causing lasting damage to the environment.20. 我返身爬下台阶,又使出浑身解数,尽可能不出声地用柴火和煤把我的身体遮盖起来。&&&&&&I crept further down into the coal-cellar, and began, as much as I could, and as noiselessly as possible, to cover my body with the firewood and coal.柴火是什么意思,柴火在线翻译,柴火什么意思,柴火的意思,柴火的翻译,柴火的解释,柴火的发音,柴火的同义词,柴火的反义词,柴火的例句,柴火的相关词组,柴火意思是什么,柴火怎么翻译,单词柴火是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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[faggot] 能燃烧以提供热量的树枝、秸秆、杂草等。亦可写作“柴禾”。 《金瓶梅词话》第二四回:“把那猪首蹄子,剃刷乾浄,只用的一根长柴禾,安在灶内……那消一个时辰,把个猪头烧的皮脱肉化,香喷喷 五味俱全。”《中国歌谣资料·黄花苗》:“白天给人家拾柴禾,夜里给人家磨豆腐。” 谭尚维 《回顾长征·甘孜会师》:“四方面军的 同志还准备了许多柴禾,两只水缸也盛得满满的。”
柴火烧的饭。指普通人家的平常饭食。 《歧路灯》第一○五回:“他谋馆不成……箸头儿戳豆腐乳;得了 西席,就不饮煤火茶,不吃柴火饭,炭火煨铜壶,骂厨子,打门役,七八个人伺候不下。”
指伙食费。 《 西游记》第八一回:“ 行者 道:‘你们这些和尚,忒小家子样!我们住几日,临行谢你,柴火钱照日算还。’”


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