
期望是什么意思 期望在线翻译 期望什么意思 期望的意思 期望的翻译 期望的解释 期望的发音 期望的同义词 期望的反义词 期望的例句
期望 基本解释期望[qī wàng]词典:预期;期待;前程;[数]期望值。词典:期望;预料;要求;认为(某事)会发生。词典:希望,期望;希望的东西;被寄予希望的人或事物、情况;抱有希望的理由。词典:希望;祝愿;想要。词典lay one's account with:把…计算在内,期望。期望 汉英大词典期望[qī wàng](抱有希望的想法) expectation:  例:辜负某人的期望    disappoint one'    不辜负某人的期望    come up to sb.'    寄予很大的期望        他辜负了朋友们的期望。    He did not answer the expectations of his friends.    我们对他抱着很大的期望。    We have great expectations of him.(希望; 期待) wish:  例:期望得到荣誉        期望和平        对某人期望很大    expect much from sb.;    不要对他期望太大。    Do not expect too much of him.    我期望见到我的舅舅。    I expect to see my uncle.期望 网络解释1. expectancy:统合学习系统有三个哲学:期望(Expectancy)、多元化(Diversity)与整合(Integrity), 它相信每个学习者都是天才, 都有无穷的潜力, 每个人都用自己独特的方式在学习,它将个别差异视为资产而非负债; 学习只有在学习者产生共识并对过程投入时,期望 双语例句1. 同时,伴隨著经济的成长与生活品质的提升,消费者不再只关心医护人员的专业技术,对於医疗品质的期望与要求也越来越高。&&&&Meanwhile, demands of high quality and service on medical care have also grown in customers'mind.2. 通过这种方法,在给定期望意义的统计知识以及关于个体的主观知识的情况下,可以实现对具体个体相关知识进行缺省推理。&&&&It can be applied to reason from the statistic and subjective knowledge in the form of expectation.3. 3. 人们对媒体的期望高,也不吝赐教,我们也不时在鞭策自己,虚心受教。&&&&The public do not hesitate to give feedback while journalists continue to strive to do better and remain open to criticisms.4. 期望什么意思4. 由于还有一对夫妇前几天,然后,我们想要告诉你一点什么期望从红隼。&&&&Since there's still a couple days before then, we wanted to tell you a bit more about what to expect from Kestrel.5. 5. 期望这些与氧化鲨烯环化酵素有结合能力的分子,可以在未来不论是针对羊毛硬脂醇环化酵素或是针对胆固醇的生合成途径皆能提供在医疗或诊断上的应用。&&&&However, the binding interaction between individual aptamers and the cyclase protein should be explored in the future.6. 期望什么意思6. 本文所作的主要工作如下:结合带偏置的继电反馈辨识方法和基于期望幅相裕度的整定方法,设计了一个简单有效的、易被工业过程采用的自整定PID控制器。&&&&A novel robust design method of cascade control system is proposed for the reheated steam temperature control system of 300MW power-unit in Yuanbaoshan Power Plant. The method successfully solves the problem that the design of main loop and subloop interact each other and the parameter of the controller is difficult to be tuned.7. 你会注意到如果你已经移动得尽可能的深入屏幕,但是字体的尺寸却没有缩小到你期望的那样。&&&&You'll notice that if you translate even deeper into the screen the size of the font does not shrink like you'd expect it to.8. danci.911cha.com8. 基于幺群概括,我们提出了一个可扩充的对象查询转换算法,该算法可以处理嵌套子查询、带存在量词和全称量词的查询、带聚集函数的查询、带分组/排序的查询,具有较强的通用性,该算法也体现了我们尽可能地将查询转换成连接以期望用连接的多种物理算法提高执行效率的查询优化思想。&&&&Based on monoid comprehension, we presented an extendable object query translation algorithm which can deal with nested subquery, query with existential and universal quantifier, query with aggregate function, query with sort/group. This algorithm converted the query into joins to the utmost to expect different physical implementations of join to raise execution efficiency.9. 9. 性格开朗,爱好广泛,期望能有一个温暖幸福的家,那是我心灵寄托的港湾。&&&&I am cool and nice looking gentleman looking a nice girl. if you consider yourself qualify please contact me immediately.10. 所以经营者在规划解说服务时不仅应考量使游客的属性、需求,也须注意游客对解说服务的期望及满意度。&&&&Thus in the planning of interpretation service, the conductor must be concern about not only the disposition and demands of visitors, but also their expectation and level of satisfaction of interpretation service.11. 11. 消逝了。不管这些贵妇人心里的期望有多大,她们也只能对着死者身后要拍卖的东西啧啧称羡,却一点也看不出这个女房客在世时所操的神女生涯的痕迹。&&&&&&But there was certainly rich booty to be had. The furniture was superb. Rosewood and Buhl-work pieces, Severs vases and blue china porcelain, Dresden figurines, satins, velvet and lace, everything in fact.12. 期望什么意思12. 从行走的姿态到飞扬的衣襟,从雕像的选址到底座的设计,藤老对每一个细节都亲历亲为,因此,他更加清楚小平炯炯有神的目光中包含的期望。&&&&&&Walking posture from the dust of Yijin, the location of the statue from the design of Block in the end, the old vine on every detail Qingliqingwei Therefore, he Xiaoping Jiongjiongweishen more clearly the vision contained in the expectations.13. 13. 我期望我能再见到你。&&&&&&I hope I can see you one much time.14. 14. 但同时系统的期望性能也需要相应的调低一点。&&&&&&The expected performance of the system needs to be scaled down accordingly.15. 15. 期望为糖生物化学的分子作用机理研究提供一种新的有效的方法。&&&&&&It is expected that phosphorimetry will be a new and effective tool for research in glycobiochemistry.16. 本研究期望通过对辽宁省师范类大学生的调查,了解辽宁省师范类大学毕业生的就业压力状况和择业取向的状况,以及师范类大学毕业生与非师范类大学毕业生、师范类一、二、三年级之间是否存在就业压力、择业取向差异,就业压力和择业取向与人格特征的关系等。&&&&&&This research, based on the survey 2379 students of 4 universities and colleges in LiaoNing province, tries to reveal the level and sources of job-hunting and the vocational interests of the normal graduators of LiaoNing province, and discover the relationship between job-hunting stress and vocational interests of normal and un-normal graduators, the difference between grade one and four, grade two and four, grade three and four in job-hunting stress and vocational interests, the relationship between job-hunting stress and 16 PF, and the relationship between vocational interests and 16PF. The result of the research suggests the following.17. 其核心功能是提供下属的期望,他或她的领导者。&&&&&&The core function of a subordinate is to deliver to the expectations of his or her leader.18. 百尺竿头,更进一步,肆季兴的巨大脚步,正踏着新世纪的时代步伐,向新的高峰攀登,并期望更多的朋友与我们携手共创未来。&&&&&&Every success in the future, the meantime the great pace of quarter-hing is follow the new century, the pace of the times, climbing to new heights and I look forward to more friends with us to create a better future.19. 我们期望你的到来。&&&&&&We look forward to your coming here.20. 我们不只期望能够被听见更希望受到尊重。我们的经验是多样化并正当合法的&&&&&&Diverse, but all are valid, and we condemn those who steal our voice and say that we期望是什么意思,期望在线翻译,期望什么意思,期望的意思,期望的翻译,期望的解释,期望的发音,期望的同义词,期望的反义词,期望的例句,期望的相关词组,期望意思是什么,期望怎么翻译,单词期望是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 高频词,一定要记得哦!【きたい】【kitai】◎ 希望多用于和自己有关的情况,而期待多用于对别人的期待。(“希望”と“期望”:“希望”は自分自身のことにも用いるが,“期望”は他人に期待するときにのみ用いる。) 【名?他动词?サ变/三类】 期待,期望,希望,指望。(よい結果や状態を予期しして、その実現を待ち望むこと。)
. 名?他动词?サ变/三类 . 期待に添う不辜负期望。人の援助を期待するな不要期待他人的援助。期待がはずれた期待落空了。期待をかける抱希望,指望。若い世代に期待する对年轻一代寄予期望。私の期待は裏切られた我的希望落空了。結果は期待したほどではなかった结果没有达到预期那样。こんなにうまくいこうとは期待しなかった没有料到会这么顺利。大いに期待がもてる大有希望。期待已久是什么意思
09-11-28 &匿名提问


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