what does the ukmean means?ltmean meanss()

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What does having fun mean?CategoriesAustraliaBritainCanadaCountrySouth AfricaUncategorizedUSA—What does the symbol “&” mean? —It means “______”.
C.smaller than
试题分析:plus加;degree程度,等级;smaller than小于;more更多的。句意:这个“&”符号的意思是什么?他的意思是小于。点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案。
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the following
code has a condition that has lt i was searching in the net but could not really understand what the lt means. Please explain. I am sure that this question will invoke me some down vote but i have no other
go other than posting this here.
&c:if test="${currentPage lt noOfPages}"&
&td&&a href="employee.do?page=${currentPage + 1}"&Next&/a&&/td&
Thanks and Regards
lt is shorthand for less than or &. Being so short, I can understand that it's difficult to search for.
lt is an EL operator () - less then &
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledWhat Does DNS Error
Mean on the PS3? | eHow UK
Written by clifton watson
It is just an error. It can be fixed. Don't panic.
(error image by dead_account )
The only thing more annoying than getting an error while using your video game console is getting an error while using your video game console and having no idea what it means or how to fix it. Don't fret if a DNS error
strikes your PlayStation 3, as it is a simple matter and does not spell certain doom.
Other People Are Reading
A DNS error
means that the PlayStation 3 has stopped being able to communicate with your Internet connection and is attributing it to an error in your DNS. DNS stands for &Doman Name System& and is essentially the tool your computer uses to communicate with your Internet service provider to allow online content to appear on your various devices.
It isn't clear what specifically causes this error. It is likely a quirk with the PlayStation 3 firmware and its interaction with your specific router or Internet connection. There is no real way to predict its occurrence or to trigger it intentionally.
You will need to manually enter the DNS domains, default gateway and subnet mask from your PC into the network settings on your PS3. You will also need to assign a static IP to the PS3 in these manual settings. IP addresses assigned to your various devices tend to change as routers are reset and devices are taken off and on the network. Assigning a static IP will ensure a stable connection to your router and avoid future DNS errors.
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