it is allowed还是imysql is not allowedd?

it is allowed to take mobile phones in to the cit is
to take mobile phones in to the classroom.怎么翻译?
Yet it is precisely that remote site that has allowed Savannah to grow as swiftly as it has: land is cheap and available.
At that point, it is vital that that participant be allowed to fail, to demonstrate to all other market participants where the point of failure in the pricing structure is.
It is a pity that you are not allowed to go any higher, as it is exciting swaying with the wind at the top.
But the longer it is allowed to wait for that train to arrive, the greater the temptation to grease the skids.
Adam Davidson, he's asking, how is it that we allowed companies to grow to such a dominant size that we can't afford to let them go belly-up?
However, it is unlikely that such considerations will be allowed to dent the drama that seems to have surrounded every recent poll.
Why is it that Russia is allowed to test new nuclear weapons whereas a responsible country like India isn't?
Instead it is that FLS has allowed banks some wriggle room.
The issue centres on the Republic of Ireland's governing body's assertion that it is allowed to pick Northern Ireland-born players, even if they don't have family ties with the south.
As Britons now live longer, many say it is appropriate that professors are allowed to carry on doing what they do best - imparting knowledge to students and nurturing new academic talent.
The organization is battling persistent, if thus far unsuccessful, legal attacks on the Master Settlement Agreement by smaller tobacco companies, who say it is an anticompetitive scheme that allowed the big manufacturers to raise prices indiscriminately.
To say that Russia's strength is exaggerated is not to say that it should be allowed to escape its Georgian adventure unpunished.
Miss Murdoch is liked at Sky—though people find it peculiar that she smokes when nobody else is allowed to.
It is those attributes that have historically allowed countries with gold-defined money to run up large deficits.
It is this adaptive capability that has allowed Israel to win a series of one-off battles that have allowed it to survive.
Even in the options market, the intention to short without being able to locate stock and borrow it is not something that should be allowed.
And it is these windfall profits that have allowed the gradual improvement of living standards that account for whatever genuine popularity Putin enjoys with the public.
But it is precisely this effort that has allowed us to become stronger and more prosperous, while also becoming a more just and a more free society.
They surely will calculate that, with the Americans forcing open the door to their man's return to power, the more trouble they threaten or foment in Honduras, the more likely it is that he will be allowed to walk through it.
But it is also true that until 1999, Jordan supported Hamas and allowed it to use Amman as its home base.
It is disappointing to see YouTube turn its back on policies that have allowed it to become a such a strong platform for freedom of expression.
It is not healthy for the forces of anti- Westernism and anti-Americanism to be allowed to persist in the idea that it is their proper role to whack the West, and that the West's proper role is to sit there and take the whacking.
Beyond them anyone is allowed to say whatever it is that they wish.
"It is staggeringly outrageous that this problem is allowed to continue and proliferate, " says patient advocate Michael Bennett of Baltimore.
Prof Zehra Sayers of Sabanci University in Istanbul says Sesame is so valuable that it cannot be allowed to fail.
If this dereliction is allowed to persist, it is predictable that more Americans will die, both on foreign battlefields and at home.
Finally, it is ironic that air traffic controllers are allowed to smoke and eat during scheduled breaks, but are forbidden to sleep on break, which would enhance subsequent performance.
Or is it that macroeconomic policy has not allowed the creation of enough jobs for all, especially at the bottom of the ladder, leading to middle class anxiety which, combined with signaling effects, licensing regulation and what might be termed the Knowledge Economy Ideology, has created a credential arms race?
"The serious allegation is that they got it wrong, and they should not be allowed to get off answering that issue because Alastair has souped up this controversy, " said Cook, who quit the cabinet before the war began.
Mr Guo said it was not clear if the yuan was undervalued, indicating that the currency would not necessarily appreciate when it is allowed to fluctuate more freely, the newspaper said.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!it is not allowed - 必应 词典网络不可离婚1.不可离婚 & 中国正教会论坛 ... ... 44. Can we repeat the chrism? 可再度接受圣膏礼/坚振礼吗? a. It is not allowed 不可离婚 ... |例句释义:全部,不可离婚类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.It is
. To buy an eraser
my pencil would
allowed to
elections 7.It
not allowed to play the
BPEL model9.As the
where it is not
or desired10.It
onto the 准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典It is not allowed to uninstall DB2 when you still have instances defined with this copy.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
任何人均得复制并散布本许可文件之全文资料, 惟不得变更其内容。
Because according to the International Postal Convention, it is not allowed to affix stamps on its back.
I have warned him that it is not allowed .
If the activity has not yet been started, that is, the stop reason is activation failed, it is not allowed to force-complete the activity.
And it is in cahoots with the cellphone, which probably is resentful because it is not allowed to spend its time doing the things cellphones really enjoy, like talking to Trent Lott.
Oh okay.Sorry sir, the styling mousse is over 100g. It is not allowed to be carried on the plane.
If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant.
For, as Kinzer puts it, "the flame of freedom still burns in Iran -- although, unlike in Turkey, it is not allowed to burn in public."
In the same way, it is not allowed to change the means of implementation (manual, mechanised or automated).
Please note, that it is not allowed to modify any other register value without saving and restoring it.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
No, it is not allowed. It can only put pearls on top of the opponent's pearls which are placed in the islands in the outer zone.
Adam, but that it is not allowed to let him do eve experiment!
Aoyama: Whatever happens it is not allowed to kill humans. And do not give up.
It is not allowed to grow plants that would endanger the safety of power facilities.
It is not allowed to pile up crops, grass, garbage, slags, inflammables, explosion-prone objects and other objects that would affect safe power supply.
It is not allowed to invalidate or terminate the labor contract with the said patient during the diagnosis and medical treatment period.
It is not allowed to attach earth clamps directly on equipment and machinery like any kind of valves, flow meters, etc.
It is not allowed to put up buildings or structures.
Take care of yourself, it is not allowed to cross the flight region and come close to steep department.
It is not allowed to pile up garbage, slages, inflammables, explosion-prone objects, dump acids, soda, salt or other harmful chemicals, or put up buildings or structures or plant trees or bamboo.
Sorry, it is not allowed here.
It is not allowed for students in their graduation year.
It is not allowed for students in their graduation year.
- 来自原声例句


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