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Break up happily [英文歌词 中文选自 梁静茹《分手快乐》] (Fly 译)
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Break up happily分手快乐英文歌词 邓福璋译
我无法帮你预言 委曲求全有没有用
可是我多么不舍 朋友爱得那么苦痛
I am not able to help you&&predict whether your humble conciliation will work or not, but can’t bear to see my friend loving so painfully. 爱可以不问对错 至少有喜悦感动
No question of whether love is right or wrong is allowable, but it should be of happy and moving things at least. 如果他总为别人撑伞 你何苦非为他等在雨中
If he always prefer to hold up a umbrella for somebody else, why do you have to wait for him in the rain? 泡咖啡让你暖手 想挡挡你心口里的风 你却想上街走走 吹吹冷风会清醒得多
Want to make a cup of coffee to warm you hands, and to block the wind blowing into your heart, but you want to have a walk in the street. To feel the cold wind can refresh you a lot. 你说你不怕分手 只有一点遗憾难过
You said you were not afraid of breaking up, but felt a little pity and sadness. 情人节就要来了 剩自己一个 其实爱对了人 情人节每天都过
Valentine's Day is approaching with only yourself left. If in love with the proper one, you celebrate it everyday in fact.
分手快乐 祝你快乐 你可以找到更好的
Break up happily. May you be happy. You can find someone better.
不想过冬 厌倦沉重 就飞去热带的岛屿游泳
Not wanting to spend the winter here or tired of depression, fly to the tropical island to swim.
分手快乐 请你快乐 挥别错的才能和对的相逢
Break up happily. Please be happy. Only having tossed away the wrong one, you can meet the proper. 离开旧爱 像坐慢车 看透撤了心就会是晴朗的
Leaving your past lover is like traveling on a stopping train. After having understood it thoroughly, your heart will get fine. 没人能把谁的幸福没收 你发誓你会活的有笑容
No one can confiscate other’s happiness. You swore that you’d live with smile.
泡咖啡让你暖手 想挡挡你心口里的风
你却想上街走走 吹吹冷风会清醒得多
Want to make a cup of coffee to warm you hands, and to block the wind blowing into your heart, but you want to have a walk in the street. To feel the cold wind can refresh you a lot. 你说你不怕分手 只有一点遗憾难过
You said you were not afraid of breaking up, but felt a little pity and sadness. 情人节就要来了 剩自己一个 其实爱对了人 情人节每天都过
Valentine's Day is approaching with only yourself left. If in love with the proper one, you celebrate it everyday in fact.
分手快乐 祝你快乐 你可以找到更好的
Break up happily. May you be happy. You can find someone better.
不想过冬 厌倦沉重 就飞去热带的岛屿游泳
Not wanting to spend the winter here or tired of depression, fly to the tropical island to swim.
分手快乐 请你快乐 挥别错的才能和对的相逢
Break up happily. Please be happy. Only having tossed away the wrong one, you can meet the proper. 离开旧爱 像坐慢车 看透撤了心就会是晴朗的
Leaving your past lover is like traveling on a stopping train. 没人能把谁的幸福没收 你发誓你会活的有笑容
No one can confiscate other’s happiness. You swore that you’d live with smile.
When confident, your are more beautiful. 推荐邓福璋《对象英语语法》教你从全新的角度学英语,学翻译!下载地址:
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kira2012 于发布 l 已有人浏览
JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是Lulu 要问的:分手
repeat off分手快乐?!如何用英语和前任say bye-bye?
[摘要]分手不一定就要当仇人,也可以很体面地“分手快乐”。那么就来和大家说一下,如何用英语和前任说再见。这样的表达也许对双方都是解脱,亦可给彼此留下最后美好的印象。分手不一定就要当仇人,也可以很体面地“分手快乐”。那么就来和大家说一下,如何用()和前任说再见。(1)分手 break up/parting/leave-taking/split upMy girlfriend had broken up with me. 我的女朋友已跟我分手了。They parted with reluctance. 他们依依不舍地分手了。Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone. 她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。To be leave-taking, but I need more patience. 即将告别,但还需要忍耐。I split up with my boyfriend last year. 我去年和男友分手了。To this end I have a quarrel with him several times, and he wants to split up. 为此我已经和他吵架几次了,都想和他分手了。(2)别再联系了。Don’t call me any more. 以后别再打给我了。I don’t think we should see each other anymore. 我想我们以后不要再见面了。If we don't talk for a while. 我们这段时间不要联系了。I'll get in touch after they release me. 请不要与我联系和发短信。(3)劈腿?有小三?外遇?He is having an affair. 他在搞外遇。He is seeing her behind your back. 他背着你偷偷跟她约会。He is not finished with his ex. 他对他前女友余情未了。Finally you can cheat on me, huh? 你终于有机会劈腿了,哈?(4) 借酒消愁愁更愁?I believe in the saying of drinking down sorrow. 我相信借酒消愁的说法。He got disappointed by my repeated wrongdoings and began to drown his worries in drink. 我一次次的折腾简直令他失望了,终日泡在酒中,借酒消愁。He sought escape in the bottle from hard realities. 他常常借酒消愁来逃避残酷的现实。Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink. 亨利往往借酒消愁。(5)我们不合适。I need some time alone. 我需要一个人过一阵子。You know, I've been thinking, and I don't think it's working out between us. 是这样,我一直在想,我觉得我们是不合适的。You're too good for me. 我配不上你。Just go away and leave me be. 你走吧,让我一个人静静。You deserve a better man/woman. 你应该找个更好的对象。
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