
英语听力你为什么就是听不懂? - 简书
既然知道原因,那么如何解决呢?我们分析了很多听不懂英语的原因,但这绝不是给你的放弃寻找借口。绝不是让你觉得既然我单词量不够,既然我跟不上语速,既然我没有英语思维,那干脆放弃吧,英语的听力那么难。分析听不懂的原因,自然是要找到对应的方法使我们能够对英语听力驾轻就熟。单词量不够这个问题很简单,扩充词汇量背单词就可以了。不管你是买来英语单词书背,还是通过大量的阅读来收纳学习陌生单词从而扩充单词量,又或者你在课余时间通过看美剧、听英文歌的方式来学习新单词,无论通过哪种方法,只要你在朝着这个目标努力就好。我的单词量来源是除了背单词书,还会用笔记本来收录一些阅读中遇到的陌生单词,以及一些听力中遇到的单词,在我大学四年的英语学习过程中,这样的笔记本有四本,里面标得密密麻麻。关于语速太快,耳朵不能适应,那就磨练你的耳朵。先从简单的材料开始听起,坚持精听。VOA慢速英语、step by step 、新概念英语一,无论选用哪种练习材料,由慢变快,由浅入深,由易变难,循序渐进式练习,让耳朵渐渐适应听力的节奏,慢慢地你会发现你的大脑能迅速反应过来听到的内容是什么。至于听不懂弱读、连读、俚语,没有很好的英语思维,那就涉猎尽可能广泛,业余时间看看美剧,听听英文歌,既能休闲娱乐,又可以提高英语学习的兴趣,了解欧美文化。如果有条件的话可以交一两个外籍朋友,现在网络上已经有一些中外交友网站了,可以在线和外国朋友一起聊天。英文歌也是很好的学习素材,同时也可以作为休闲娱乐的途径。大学时期我有一个外教老师,她很喜欢搜集各种英文歌,把歌词变成填空题让我们边听边填空,那真是我的英语学习生涯中最感兴趣的事。即便是后来大学毕业了,我在听英文歌曲的时候,也喜欢设想自己在做填空题。有的时候自己发音不准反而自己还察觉不到,想要纠正发音,有条件的可以找个partner帮你指正,没有的话可以自己一边发音一边录音,回放给自己听。那时候你很容易就会发现自己怎么说得那么烂,即使读的时候明明觉得已经不错了。不管听不懂的原因有多么复杂,都能通过大量的持之以恒的练习来有效解决。在这个过程中,你只需要做好一件事,那就是坚持听,运用正确的方法坚持去听,去训练自己的耳朵,慢慢地你会发现自己的进步是惊人的。END往期回顾:更多精彩请关注“江北禾公子”Hi,我是禾公子,爱好写作的理想主义者,外表沉静内心住着追风少年。喜欢我的文章请点赞(?ò ? ó?),互撩请点关注,壕请任意打赏,么么哒~(^з^)-
本文来自互联网,作者—屋漏 第1节 著名语言学家Greg Thomson说的:“外语学习的原理是如此之复杂,以至于没有人能说清楚;但掌握语言的过程又是如此之简单,以至于不需要说清楚。”讨论语言学习的原理,是件非常复杂的事,在下当然也没把握能描述得很清楚。而且因为外语学习就连...
告诉你外语学习的真实方法及误区分析》第12节 ——作者: 漏屋 这样几十小时一个级就能完。大家一定不要拖,非得“全会”不可那就麻烦了。觉得70分以上就好了。第二级如果从零基础直接这么上来有点费力,但有一点基础的同学没问题。一共两个月,每天也就一小时吧,我们的(Early S...
著名语言学家Greg Thomson说的:“外语学习的原理是如此之复杂,以至于没有人能说清楚;但掌握语言的过程又是如此之简单,以至于不需要说清楚。”讨论语言学习的原理,是件非常复杂的事,在下当然也没把握能描述得很清楚。而且因为外语学习就连学术界都存在很多尖锐的争论,本人也不...
一、剖析:听不懂英文听力的根源与解决之道 1. 因为一篇旧文《百日逆袭!成就英文达人》的关系,许多读者发来简信,咨询各类有关英语学习的问题。 其中与突破英文听力有关的困惑占据了大半壁江山。的确,从语言学习的规律而言,“听”是修习外语的最难部分。 谨将读者们的疑惑总结如下: ...
【个人档案】 英语专业,专八,大学期间获各类国家省级英语口语竞赛奖励多次;毕业后从事大学生英语口语培训两年;后因想看看外面的世界,现边工作边游走于非洲国家。 很久以来,我会时不时收到一些如何学习英语口语的问题,但每次回答有那么些仓促,觉得不全面不系统。这次找了些时间,把自己...
最幸福的就是我了,瑜珈老师越来越用心交我们,从体式到着力点,在一点点深入,我也边做体式,边找根基,用心体会动作的连续和连接。 最幸福的就是我了,我有非常舒适的办公环境,安静而简单,没有多余的嘈杂,享受这份带给我的双休及节假日全休。 最幸福的就是我了,感谢工作中让我遇到了,高...
婆婆吆 那站在夕阳里的苍老 和一棵老槐树一样的静默 我明明在高亢的呼啸 那年轻的声音 路过你时却也变成了被雨打过的落魄 当所有破碎的夕阳涌向你淹没你 婆婆 睁着温润的眼睛 手用干瘪的触觉抚摸春日的娇花 雨在此刻无比磅礴 苦杏仁在舌尖酿了一坛酒 那些年老的人品尝了一个世纪 像...
近些年来,随着复古风的广受推崇,中式古典主义风格也随之深受消费者喜爱,下面小编带您感受一番中式古典风的诗意世界。 诗意东方,禅意了无尘 新中式风格是人们对传统文化的重新认识,它更偏重于一种超然脱俗的意境。“清逸起于浮世,纷扰止于内心”,就像是走进了另外一种生活状态,时间缓慢...
近期,读了王坚博士的在线,有很多未来发展的感悟,在这里分享给大家。 一、背景:我们先来讲两个故事 公司大大小小系统的作用?大家在的公司,大多都会有一些大大小小的系统,比如:车辆出入系统(什么时候开车来上班,什么时候开车下班),员工消费系统(什么时间在什么地方产生了消费),快...不要说英文,我们听不懂,看不懂 的翻译是:Do not speak English, we don't understand, can't read 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
[object Object]
Do not speak English, we don't understand, can't read
Do not speak English, we cannot understand, cannot understand
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& aThank you for your e-mail.
Ourmid-autumn Festival is on August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar.
We enjoy the bright,round moon.
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& a我希望能得到更好的发展 I hoped can obtain a better development & a越来越多的人从事志愿者工作。 More and more many people are engaged in the volunteer to work. & a学生D吃完薯条
& aItaly and Spain debt auction 意大利和西班牙债务拍卖 & a马里显得比实际年龄要年轻 Mali appears compared to the physical age wants young & aReduce the number of type ’B’ fixtures-place blackout boards over every other fixture as a “mock-up” to achieve desired effect. GC and design team will work together for desired effect. 减少类型’ B’装置地方停电板的数字在其他装置作为“大模型”达到期望作用。 GC和设计小组为期望作用。 & aJust want to love you 、can you
? Just want to love you, can you? & a不等宽 Does not wait for the width & a众所周知,克隆是一个很新的技术,我们都知道很多东西都有两方面,不同人也会有不同的意见。对于这种新技术有利也有弊。 It is well known, the clone is a very new technology, we all knew very many things all have two aspects, the different person also can have the different opinion.Advantageous also has the shortcoming regarding this kind of new technology. & a韓ラブ 韩国爱 & a蒲公 Cattail male & aRenderStream RenderStream & a小说通过主人公的冒险经历,对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗、伪善的宗教仪式和刻板陈腐的学校教育进行了讽刺和批判,以欢快的笔调描写了少年儿童自由活泼的心灵。 The novel through leading character's risk experience, to the American false vulgar society custom, the hypocritical religious rite and cut blocks for printing the stale school edition to carry on the satire and the critique, described the youth free lively mind by the cheerful writing style. & a翻沙模 Turns the sand mold & a需要再多一些流动店 Needs again many some mobile shops & aIt’s terrible to lose someone we love, but it’s even worse to lose ourselves while loving them 正在翻译,请等待...
& abination bination & auniversal time 世界时 & aWhy did this to me! what am i doing wrong! is this god`s punishment for me! ll never find hapiness? I hope everyting is fake.Dream start let me just 为什么此对做我! 什么是我做错! 是对我的这项神`s处罚! ll从未发现hapiness ? 我希望everyting是伪造品。梦想开始让我 & anot be thesame as the account name 不是相同象帐目名 & a追隨妳的背影,藕恏累 吥知妳什麽時候停丅來,望一丅背後的藕 Follows 妳 the back, the lotus root 恏 tired 吥 knows 妳 any time stops 丅 comes, to look a 丅 behind the lotus root & a一切都会变糟糕的 正在翻译,请等待...
& a书店在进行减价甩卖 正在翻译,请等待...
& acockplt cockplt & a个人过如果 正在翻译,请等待...
& a累了,停下来坐坐,烦了,停下来回首。Tired, stopped to sit, tired, and stop to look back. Tired, stopped down sits, has been tired of, stopped back and forth the head.Tired, stopped to sit, tired, and stop to look back. & aThe transmissing of detainee lists to the power of orgin,determining where to send correspondence,issuing verification certificates,and responding to requests for information all use the files. transmissing被拘留者名单到力量起源,确定在哪里送书信,发行证明证明和反应要求信息所有用途文件。 & a猎人之城 City of the hunter & awhen sorrow is asleep ,wake it not 当哀痛睡著时,醒来它没有 & amy parents I have many works...... 我的父母我有许多工作...... & ajust breaking 打破 & a请输入您需要翻译的文本!somepeopledatethroughtheinternet Please input the text which you need to translate! somepeopledatethroughtheinternet & a和往常一样,我又找了个靠窗的位置坐下 With was same in the past, I looked for to depend on the window the position to sit down & a人们开始认识到保护环境的重要性 The people start to realize to the protection environment importance & a尤其是电脑的发明 正在翻译,请等待...
& aLet’s play! 我们演奏! & aoky ,bbye. 正在翻译,请等待...
& a日,苹果公司的市值正式超越了微软,成为全球市值最高的高科技企业,同时也成为美国仅次于美孚的第二大公司。 On May 26, 2010, Apple Company's market value had surmounted Microsoft officially, becomes the global market value highest high tech enterprise, simultaneously also becomes US to be only inferior to Standard Oil Company's second big company. & a一个熟悉的场景映入眼帘 A familiar scene maps the view & amachine translation software 计算机翻译软件 & adown-home 下来家 & acuz u only van marry muslim guy 仅cuz u搬运车与回教人结婚 & a不要说英文,我们听不懂,看不懂 Do not speak English, we cannot understand, cannot understand &请不要说英语,我听不懂用英语怎么说_百度知道
是Please don't speak English,I didn't understand还是I don't understand?
后一句还可以说 I cannot catch it./I don&#39Please not to say in English. I can't get it
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。你们在说什么?我听不懂,感觉很强大 的翻译是:Are you talking about? I couldn't understand and feel stronger 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Are you talking about? I do not understand, I feel very strong
Are you talking about? I couldn't understand and feel stronger
Are you talking about? I couldn't understand and feel stronger
What are you talking about? I could not understand, I felt a strong
What were you saying? I cannot understand, the feeling is very formidable
相关内容&aWas sorry very much that, today the company appeared some to arise suddenly the question, wanted us as soon as possible to put out the solution, will prepare to hold a conference tomorrow to discuss solves the question plan, certainly could bustle about very much, therefore we will not be able to meet tomorrow.Our matt 抱歉非常,公司今天看上去一些突然出现问题,尽快被要我们投入解答,将准备明天举行会议谈论解决问题计划,可能非常一定奔忙,因此我们不会能明天见面。我们的问题后天将谈论。您将有空闲时间,如果后天,然后我能等待您在你的之下办公室咖啡馆的下午时间。当时刻来时我们一起谈论,更加感觉遗憾。 & a我从不会介意你的过去
因为爱你就要爱你的全部 我要的是你的现在及未来
就足够了 I ever could not mind your past because will like you having to like you I wanting is completely your present and the future only hoped in your heart the human was I is enough & a控感办 Controls the feeling to manage & a当我在学习时,我不想让其他任何事情来打扰我 When I when study, I do not want to let other anything disturb me & ai watch with my mother 我观看与我的母亲 & a我买不起那个 I cannot buy that & a我的姑姑禁止了他一切活动 My paternal aunt has forbidden his all activities & a嗨,出来 Hi, comes out & aStill love my life. 仍然爱我的生活。 & a我们将这次义卖赚到的钱都放入了捐款箱里 We the money which gains this charity bazaar has all put in the poor box & ap-toluenesulphonic acid ptoluenesulphonic酸 & arebuttal 反驳 & a但我不缺乏个性,不拥有那该死的宠溺 But my not deficient individuality, does not have that to be supposed to die favors drowns & a人们就像是怪物 The people likely are the monsters & a是苹果 He is the apple & aaway went the boy. 去男孩。 & aAnd I get chills from you lady cuz you're, my runway model 并且我从您得到冷颤您是的夫人cuz,我的跑道模型 & a我们一家的一天 A our one day & a数字媒体 Digital media & aYou have to remember you are not alone one person, and me. 您必须记住您单独不是一个人和我。 & a我们要保持幸福快乐的去单纯、专注、持久地做一件事,这样,不久我们必然会有不一样的气度。 We must maintain happily joyful go, dedicated, to make a matter lastingly purely, like this, we inevitably can have the dissimilar bearing soon. & a为什么你不爱我 Why don't you love me & ayou need determination to make this work 您需要决心做这工作 & a能使我们学到更多的知识 Can cause us to learn more knowledge & atender creme cleanser for dry skin 嫩奶油清洁剂为干性皮肤 & a不喜欢我,就不要理我。这样让我很迷茫 Does not like me, do not have to manage me.Like this lets me very confusedly & a河北省石家庄市平山县钢城路北行三公里 Hebei Province Shijiazhuang Pingshan County steel city road north bound three kilometers & aThe time periods times in brackets below are derived from the experience at the 2004 Greek Olympics Games 时期时代在如下托架从经验获得在2004场希腊奥林匹克比赛 & aChar Dwellers 炭灰居民 & a在乎我所在乎的 Cares about me to care about & aI think you will be my good friend 我认为您将是我的好朋友 & a我应该跟你说什么? What should I say to you? & a梦寐佤山 Sleeps wa the mountain & a紫气东来 East auspicious sign & a喜欢你说你是中国的孩子,感觉很温暖 Likes you saying you are China's children, the feeling are very warm & a__Ring丶Flat __Ring的丶平 & a融洽 Harmonious & a罗先生 心里一直都是你 Mr. Luo in the heart continuously all is you & a你认为这部连续剧怎么样?很激动人心 How do you think this serial TV opera? Very exciting & ado not worry though i will get all pervy on you. you have my word 不要担心,虽然我将得到所有pervy在您。 您有我的词 & aconcept art 概念艺术 & a对与错
无论面对什么事 你永远是对的 我都是错的 To and wrong Regardless of facing any matter you forever is right I all is wrong & a你不应该逃避 You should not evade & aIf you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets 如果您记得我,则我不关心,如果所有的人忘记 & a我把太多时间花在我想要什么,而忘却了对方需要什么。我不是这样的女孩啊!可我却是这么做了,身上长满了刺,让对方无法接近,我错了 I want the too much time flower in me any, but had put behind opposite party needs any.I am not such girl! But I was actually have such done, on the body has been covered with the thorn, let opposite party be unable close, I was wrong & aThis was the first undersea station to operate without help from the surface 这是经营的第一个海里的驻地没有帮助从表面 & a而且能从中学到很多知识 Moreover can from the middle school to very many knowledge & a我们越来越遥不可及 We more and more remote may not and & aI have to go get naked for shower 我必须去得到赤裸为阵雨 & ano, i only used google translation 没有,我只使用了google翻译 & anurse spread the bottom nurse spread the bottom & a你那边几点钟? Your that side how many o'clock? & a你们在说什么?我听不懂,感觉很强大 What were you saying? I cannot understand, the feeling is very formidable &你说话我听不懂 的翻译是:You say I could not understand 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
I do not understand your words
I can not understand that you speak
You say I could not understand
I do not understand what you're talking
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& apdanet desk is already runing pdanet desk is already runing & aternity ternity & ameasurement with a previously obtained magnetic map. We 正在翻译,请等待... & a他甚至比她姐姐还聪明 He also is even more intelligent than her elder sister & a4S店的员工都放假了 正在翻译,请等待... & aI know that Mr Raymond is twice as large 我知道Raymond先生两次是一样大 & aMerry Chrismas 快活的Chrismas & a人的身体与健康 正在翻译,请等待...
& aThis study evaluates the effectiveness of community production and respiration measurements as monitoring tools for environmental impact evaluations and compares these data to community structural data. 这项研究评估社区生产和呼吸作用测量的有效率当为环境影响评估的监视工具并且与社区结构数据比较这数据。 & awhat he told us about the situation simply doesn't make sence 什么他简单地告诉了我们关于情况没有道理 & a家庭传承 正在翻译,请等待... & acan you do this for me 能您做此为我 & aEnclosed the information for your ref. 附上信息为您的参考。 & a他正在树底下等我们 His tree bottom inferior we & ahereby irrevocably acknowledge with full legal and bank responsibility and authority 一成不变地特此承认以充分的法律和银行责任和当局 & athe
nalions 团结 nalions & a快要到圣诞节了 Soon to Christmas day & a(see ’insul & pipe lagging’ specifications ) (see' insul & pipe lagging' specifications) & a常备有柴草,硫和硝石 正在翻译,请等待... & atwo types of 二个类型 & a这些活动让我们班的人团结在一起,加深了彼此的友谊 These activities lets our class the human unites in together, deepened each other friendship & aPre-painted PVDF paint 0.8mm thick 200mm wide.. 前被绘的PVDF油漆0.8mm浓厚200mm宽。 & a有优越感 Has the superiority feeling & adeceive youself and others will only make youself waste precious time 欺骗youself,并且其他只将做youself废珍贵的时间 & a什么是朋友?谁能告诉我? What is a friend? Who can tell me? & a他陪我度过了 He accompanied me to pass & a更具体地说 To be specific & aAsk joanna how she is and tell her briefly about your situation 正在翻译,请等待... & aAround 1450, Johannes Gutenberg introduced what is generally regarded as an independent invention of movable type in Europe (see printing press#, along with innovations in casting the type based on a matrix and hand mould. Gutenberg was the first to create his type pieces from an alloy of lead, tin and antimony—the sam 正在翻译,请等待... & arather hard life rather hard life & a'FIXATION TUBE PLONGEANT 正在翻译,请等待... & avenezuelan 委内瑞拉 & aReally? But I didn't think so, I just in their own ways to love you 正在翻译,请等待... & a通用的 General & a竣工文档 Completion documents & a她不会打篮球,踢足球,也不会打鼓 She cannot play the basketball, plays the soccer, also cannot beat a drum & afactor and h is a filtering parameter.
& a上下班高峰期,路上车辆太多了 The coming and going to work peak, on the road the vehicles too were many & aface bottom rock 面孔底下岩石 & a强化安全措施 Strengthens the security measure & ao home or stand up, it's your
fucking choice. Do you still remember the reason why you are here?! o家庭或站起来,它是您该死的选择。 仍然做您记住原因为什么您这里在?! & aVery loved who will be willing to give up 正在翻译,请等待... & aI am no deserving your love you 我是没有该当您的爱您 & a我很鄙视你这种无知的行为 I very much despise you this ignorant behavior & a我在做工也很开心啊 我在做工也很开心啊 & aВедомая шестерня I передачи вторичного вала 奴隶齿轮我转移第二个轴 & a(*) Indicates a required field. (*)表明一个必需的领域。 & a西服,婚纱 Western-style clothes, nuptial dress & aDoes your prineipal lessons? 您的prineipal教训? & a多洗手 Washes the hands & aAn English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for him to go back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he decided that he could easily spend the time without food. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. The man closed his ears to the sound of
& aI promise you ,i will never leave you again! 我许诺您,我再从未将留下您! & aSealed for your protection. Do not use if seal is broken. For freshness, store in a cool, dry place. 为您的保护密封。 如果封印是残破的,不要使用。 为生气勃勃,存放在一个凉快,干燥地方。 & a你说话我听不懂 正在翻译,请等待... &


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