
Delphi 2009 Quality Central Reported Bug Fixes
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Delphi 2009 Quality Central Reported Bug Fixes
Abstract: List of 343 Quality Central reports fixed in Delphi 2009 since RAD Studio 2007, Update 3
3290 fixes total were completed for Delphi 2009.
The 343 listed here are fixes to reports made by customers into the public bug tracking system,
, since the release of RAD Studio 200 Update 3 as part of the drive to improve the RAD Studio product quality.
A dynamic link to this list can be found here:
The reports are sorted by Area alphabetically.
These older publicly reported bugs fixed in D2009 include:
21 ActiveX
24 Compiler
11 Database
41 Documentation
12 Install
From the set of 3290 fixes total, here are a few areas and number of bugs fixed:
173 Active X
198 Compiler
249 Database
91 Debugger
148 Documentation
385 Install
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]TTcpClient not documented[QC Description]TTcpClient is not documented. TClientSocket is, but is not on the component palette.QC Entry 23325[Internet\Controls\TTcpClient]
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Windows and SysUtils - description of Sleep procedure issue[QC Description]In documentation is:Delay program execution for a specified number of microseconds.but should be:Delay program execution for a specified number of milliseconds.QC Entry 34855
in help look for sleep and choose some of this topics: SysUtils.Sleep Routine Windows.Sleep Routine Borland.Vcl.SysUtils.Sleep Routine Borland.Vcl.Windows.Sleep Routine
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]File | New | DataModule menu item no longer exists but it is mentioned in documentation[QC Description]You can no longer select File | New | Datamodule from the default File | New menu in Delphi 2006. However this is the method mentioned when creating a new datamodule for a project.ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32devguide/html/idh_useop_creatingandeditingdatamodules.htmQC Entry 25754
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]TNotifyEvent type help topic missing[QC Description]I wanted to lookup the events associated with TMenuItem. I eventually found TNotifyEvent. There's no link to TNotifyEvent in the topic, and if I search for it via the index there's a very general description of it, but not the actual definition of TNotifyEvent.In Delphi 7 there is the same text, but an extra topic called TNotifyEvent type which has all the documentation I was expecting. So why is this removed in Delphi 2006?TNotifyEvent is used for events that do not require parameters. UnitClassesDelphi syntax:type TNotifyEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject)C++ syntax:typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TNotifyEvent)(System::TObjectTObject* Sender);DescriptionThe TNotifyEvent type is the type for events that have no event-specific parameters. These events simply notify the component that a specific event occurred. For example, OnClick, which is of type TNotifyEvent, notifies the control that a click event occurred on the control.The Sender parameter is the object whose event handler is called. For example,.with the OnClick event of a button, the Sender parameter is the button component that is clicked.QC Entry 23550
Lookup help for TNotifyEvent
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]TrueBoolStrs and FalseBoolStrs have incorrect declaration[QC Description]The help topic for SysUtils.TrueBoolStrs claims it is declared asvar TrueBoolStrs: .74see ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_SysUtilsTrueBoolStrsVariable.htmThe same applies to FalseBoolsStrs:var FalseBoolStrs: .84see ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_SysUtilsFalseBoolStrsVariable.htmThe same issues applies to the .NET help topics!QC Entry 36640
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Build Control help items are incorrectly formattedQC Entry 23811
1. Enter the following link into the help window ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/description_package.htm 2. Check out the Build control topic. Rebuild as needed text is very close to the explanation text and the Explicit Rebuild explanation should be under the Rebuild as needed topic as it is also a Build control topic.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]No documentation for builtin functions like &Copy&QC Entry 55306
This is with Delphi 2007 Win32 patch 3, plus online help patch 1. 1. Open online help. 2. Set the filter to &Language: Delphi& 3. Go to the help index (not fulltext search) and type &Copy& 4. Nothing is found. 5. Search for _Copy 6. It exists, but the auto-generated documentation is worthless. I'm happy to note that *most* global functions, however (like StrToInt), are now findable in the index, where they weren't before because they were only indexed under their unit, like SysUtils.StrToInt.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Help says Image Editor is included, when it is not[QC Description]The following link in the docs:ms-help://borland.bds5/devcommon/toolsoverview_xml.htmlsays that Image Editor is included in the tools supplied with CodeGear RAD Studio.It hasn't been provided for some time.QC Entry 53780
See description
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Documentation for the TButton wordwrap property refers to Label instead of Button[QC Description]The documentation for the TButton wordwrap property refers to Label instead of Button.ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_StdCtrlsTButtonControlWordWrapProperty.htmQC Entry 22568
ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_StdCtrlsTButtonControlWordWrapProperty.htm Open the following link to the help and read the text. Several times the text refers to Label instead of Text.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Critical Funtions Not Documented[QC Description]The following routines cannot be found in help file. Also their parameters are not shown in code editor's symbol lookup popup box. (Their parameter are partially shown in the tool-tip that appears when developer opens a parenthesis.) All of them belong to System unit.1. Addr2. Append3. Assert4. Assigned5. AssignFile6. BlockRead7. BlockWrite8. Break9. Chr10. Close11. CloseFile12. Continue13. Copy14. Date15. Dec16. Delete17. Dispose18. Eof19. Eoln20. Erase (Only Win32 version is missing)21. Exit22. FillChar23. Finalize24. FreeMem25. GetMem26. Halt27. Hi28. High29. Inc30. Initialize31. Insert32. Length33. Lo34. Low35. New36. Ord37. Pred38. Ptr39. Random40. ReallocMem41. Round42. SetLength43. SetString44. SizeOf45. Str46. Succ47. Trunc48. VarCast49. VarClear (Only Win32 version is missing)50. VarCopy51. WritelnQC Entry 25415
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Compiler directives missing for Delphi and C++ref:250426[QC Description]Searching on help for compiler directives comes back with 2 options, which are both useless.// Holger Flick: holds true for German as wellQC Entry 45914
1. Start RAD Studio, Spacely, Cogswell 2. Go to ? / Help... Searching on help for compiler directives comes back with 2 options ms-help://borland.bds5/devcommon/delphicompdirectiveslist_xml.html which is empty and ms-help://borland.bds5/devcommon/fhxr10869_xml.html which mentions how to use them and to look at the empty one, no directives are listed there is nothing for C++ specifically
Date Reported:
Reference for Copy/System.Copy missing.[QC Short Description]Help takes some time to load for references to &Copy&, and System.Copy is missing[QC Description]As per short description:The help takes some time to load for references to &Copy&, and System.Copy is missing from the list.QC Entry 43935
1. Start D20072. File-&New-&VCL Forms Application3. Double click the form to create a FormCreate handler4. Type Copy into the handler. 5. Put the cursor at the beginning of Copy and press F1Act: The help takes at least 30 seconds to display any results, and the IDE is unusable during this time. System.Copy is not listed in the results.Exp: The response should be only a few seconds and System.Copy should be in the list.----Hi Chris, the performance issue is the main problem. Pls reassign as appropriate. -Dee
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Installing a Debugger on a Remote Machine[QC Description][BETA]Documentation incorrect.Locate the following files on the local machine: rmtdbg100.exe =& Should be rmtdbg105.exebccide.dll bordbk100.dll =& Should be bordbk105.dllbordbk100N.dll =& Should be bordbk105N.dllcomp32x.dll dbkpro100.dll =& Should be dbkpro105.dllDCC100.DLL DCC100IL.DLL =& File does not existBorland.dbkasp.dll =& File does not existBy default, all of these files are in C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Bin. =& Should be C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\binCopy the files from your local machine to the directory you created on the remote machine. On the remote computer, register bordbk100.dll and bordbk100n.dll ==& Should be register bordbk105.dll and bordbk105n.dll by running the regsvr32.exe registration utility. For example, on Windows XP, enter C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe bordbk100.dll at the command prompt, then enter C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe bordbk100n.dll. ==& Should beC:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe bordbk105.dll at the command prompt, then enter C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe bordbk105n.dll. QC Entry 41524
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]TApplication.MainFormOnTaskBar property[QC Description]1.For current paragraph&MainFormOnTaskBar is intended to be set at startup and persist throughout the duration of the application. Changing this property at runtime could result in unexpected behavior. &suggest alternative:If a change to default behavior is required, MainFormOnTaskBar should be set in the dpr file after Application.Initialize and before main form creation. The MainFormOnTaskBar setting is intended to persist for the life of the
later runtime changes of this property could result in unexpected behavior.Rationale: This is consistent with the following example, and the contrast between setting the property &at startup& vs. &at runtime& is unnecessarily vague. Startup is a runtime process.2.F1 on the property results in---------------------------Error---------------------------No help found for Forms.MainFormOnTaskBar.---------------------------OK Details &&---------------------------QC Entry 53038
Date Reported:
The search result from delphi help is not displayed when the keyword has a reference other than delphi help.[QC Short Description]No help-topic linked to &procedure& index-enry[QC Description]try to type procedure into indexQC Entry 42835see 247441 also
try to type procedure into index (e.g. Length, SetLength, Dec etc..)act: no topic linked for the first line of the entry find
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Help pages with HTML entities[QC Description]Several pages contain HTML entities (for example &&&, &&&, &&&, &&&) instead of the chars the represent.see stepsQC Entry 51500
- open the (german) Highlander help - search for &&& - this returns two pages and the first result contains HTML entities page: ms-help://borland.bds5/devcommon/bcc32_c++compatibility_xml.html one example from that page expected: &-Vbs Behandelt String-Literale nicht als 'const'.& actual: &-Vbs Behandelt String-Literale nicht als &const&.& - search for &&& - this returns 98 pages examples (search result 5, 6 and 7) page: ms-help://borland.bds5/devwin32/invalididentifier_xml.html expected: &&name& ist kein gueltiger Bezeichner& actual: &&name& ist kein gueltiger Bezeichner& page: ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/MidProd_TCustomInetXPageProducer_Content.html one example from that page expected: &&#INCLUDES& generiert Anweisungen, die die Javascript-Bibliotheken an der in IncludePathURL angegebenen Adresse einbinden.& actual: &&#INCLUDES& generiert Anweisungen, die die Javascript-Bibliotheken an der in IncludePathURL angegebenen Adresse einbinden.& page: ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/SiteProd_TAdapterPageProducer_HTMLDoc.html one example from that page expected: &Das Tag beginnt mit einer spitzen Klammer (&) und einem Nummernzeichen (#).& actual: &Das Tag beginnt mit einer spitzen Klammer (&) und einem Nummernzeichen (#).& - search for &&& - this returns 85 pages examples (search results 5, 6, 7) page: ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/MidItems_IHTMLField.html one example from that page expected: &Schnittstellen der Klasse IHTMLField m ssen in Web-Elementen implementiert werden, die HTML-Eingabekomponenten &INPUT& generieren.& actual: &Schnittstellen der Klasse IHTMLField m ssen in Web-Elementen implementiert werden, die HTML-Eingabekomponenten &INPUT& generieren.& page: ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/SiteProd_TBaseAdapterPageProducer.html one example from that page expected: &&#STYLES& - Dieses Tag wird durch die in der Eigenschaft Styles oder StylesFile angegebene Formatvorlage ersetzt.& actual: &&#STYLES& - Dieses Tag wird durch die in der Eigenschaft Styles oder StylesFile angegebene Formatvorlage ersetzt.& page: ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/SiteProd_TBaseAdapterPageProducer_GetRequiredTags.html expected: &GetRequiredTags gibt einen String mit den speziellen Tags zur ck, die vom Seitengenerator zum Erstellen des HTML-Dokuments ben tigt werden ('&#STYLES& &#WARNINGS& &#SERVERSCRIPT&').& actual: &GetRequiredTags gibt einen String mit den speziellen Tags zur ck, die vom Seitengenerator zum Erstellen des HTML-Dokuments ben tigt werden ('&#STYLES& &#WARNINGS& &#SERVERSCRIPT&').& - search for &&& - this returns 9 pages example ms-help://borland.bds5/devwin32/ref_deref_ops_xml.html expected: &T *ptr = &t1 wird behandelt als& actual: &T *ptr = &t1 wird behandelt als&
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]TFont.Orientation[QC Description]TFont.Orientation is not described in the help file at allQC Entry 25440
1. Open the help for TFont 2. Notice that the Orientation property is nowhere documented
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Not all TControlStyle set members are documented[QC Description]The following TControlStyle set members are not documented:csNeedsBorderPaintcsParentBackgroundcsAlignWithMarginsQC Entry 31315
Run Help (within Delphi 2006 Help | Borland Help) Search for TControlStyle and select the Win32 topic Direct Link is: ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_ControlsTControlStyleType.htm
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Help index is completely broken[QC Description]ExampleFilter: (No filter)Select the Index tab, scroll to &Currency data type& and click the entry.Actual behavior:Help forVisual Basic Scripting Edition CCur Function is shown.Expected behavior:Help about the Currency data type should be shown.AlsoFilter: Language: DelphiThe index entry for &Currency data type& is missing.clicking CurrencyDecimals or CurrencyFormat shows completely unrelated topics.AlsoCreate a new empty VCL forms project and add a Currency variable liek this:typeTForm1 = class(TForm)private{ Private declarations }abc: C // add this linepublicPlace the cursor on the Currency text and press F1.13 topics is shown in a list, all is wrong.When you close the list there is a message saying &The keyword is not defined&.QC Entry 49366
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]The TToolButton.Index Property page has an incorrect link[QC Description]On the TToolButton.Index property page there is supposed to be a link to the TToolbar Buttons property. The problem is that the Buttons link navigates to the Buttons namespace (unit) help page.QC Entry 48785Karyn,The link in the Description goes to Buttons namespace and that is auto-generated by DocOMatic and I don't believe it can be changed. However the &See Also& link goes to TToolbar.Buttons as the customer wants. Is it possible to update the text under See Also so that it is obvious that the link points to TToolbar.Buttons?-Dee
1. Open the documentation 2. Enter in the URL: ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/ComCtrls_TToolButton_Index.html 3. In the description see that there is a link to Buttons. 4. Click on this link exp: Navigate to the help page for the TToolbar.Buttons property (ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/ComCtrls_TToolBar_Buttons.html) act: You navigate to the Buttons namespace page (ms-help://borland.bds5/delphivclwin32/Buttons.html) The link listed under See Also is correct
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]MessageDlg help topic incorrect[QC Description]The description is mentioning parameters that MessageDlg actually doesn't take!QC Entry 32582
Open help page for MessageDlg: ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_DialogsMessageDlgRoutine.htm The description describes the parameter Caption which is used if DlgType is mtCustom. This is wrong: - because there is no Caption parameter for MessageDlg - if DlgType is mtCustom Application.Title is used as the caption of the message dialog Additionally the Parameters X and Y are described. These are not part of MessageDlg, but MessageDlgPos! The Parameter Bitmap is also described but nowhere to be found.
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help
[QC Short Description]Delphi &Paths & Directories& help brings up C++ &Paths and Directories& help page[QC Description]Online help for Tools/Options/Environment Options/Delphi Options/Library - Win32 brings up the wrong page.QC Entry 23083
1: From IDE &Tools& menu, select Options... 2: Under Environment Options, choose &Delphi Options&. 3: &Library - Win32& shows a Paths and Directories dialog. 4: Select this page, and press &Help&. 5:This page (only relevant for C++) is displayed. ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/cpppathsanddirectories.htm
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help
[QC Short Description]Description of PeekMessage function in Delphi Help and MSDN differ[QC Description]Compare description of hWnd parameter:in Delphi Helpms-help://borland.bds4/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/messagesandmessagequeues/messagesandmessagequeuesreference/messagesandmessagequeuesfunctions/peekmessage.htm&&skiped&&If hWnd is NULL, PeekMessage retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the current thread. &&skiped&&in MSDN/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/messagesandmessagequeues/messagesandmessagequeuesreference/messagesandmessagequeuesfunctions/peekmessage.asp&&skiped&&If hWnd is NULL, PeekMessage retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the current thread, and any messages on the current thread's message queue whose hwnd value is NULL (see the MSG structure). Therefore if hWnd is NULL, both window messages and thread messages are processed.&&skiped&&============The important difference is MSDN says that &...and any messages on the current thread's message queue whose hwnd value is NULL. Therefore if hWnd is NULL, both window messages and thread messages are processed.&,but Delphi Help doesn't say this.QC Entry 34675
n/a this is documentation problem
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help
[short description]No information about Live Templates in the help file// for more information about Live templates, do some google search./deborahpate/articles/22331.aspx
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help
[QC Short Description]Documentation missing[QC Description]Documentation for the Interbase Express and Interbase admin components is missing.For example where is the description of the methods for TIBTransaction?QC Entry 52205
Look in the help
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\Object Pascal
[QC Short Description]The topic &Conditional compilation (Delphi)& needs to be extended, and linked from various places[QC Description]Back in the D2-D7 era, there used to be a &See also& link in many topics.Most of these have gone now, and they should be re-introduced.One of them is a link to &Conditional compilation (Delphi)& (aka &conditional compilation, compiler directives, Delphi&).It should at least be linked from:& IFDEF directive (Delphi)& (aka &$IFDEF, compiler directives, Delphi&)&IF directive (Delphi)& (aka &$IF, compiler directives, Delphi&)This saves a ton of NG questions about findout out the right compiler and class library versions.In addition, this topic needs some information like below (it is the topmost question for 3rd party vendors how to cover multiple Delphi versions):&&Since Delphi 6, to find out which compiler and run-time library you are compiled with, the easiest and preferred way is to use $IF and CompilerVersion, RTLVersion and other constants.An example:{$IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS}{$IF CompilerVersion &= 17.0}{$DEFINE HAS_INLINE}{$IFEND}{$IF RTLVersion &= 14.0}{$DEFINE HAS_ERROUTPUT}{$IFEND}{$ENDIF}&&In addition, these defines must end up in the index and point to &Conditional compilation (Delphi)& (aka &conditional compilation, compiler directives, Delphi&).CompilerVersionRTLVersionVER140VERxxxMSWINDOWSWIN32 CLRCLXLINUXCPU386 CONSOLE CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONSQC Entry 39864
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\Programmers guide
[QC Short Description]Compiler Directives Help typos[QC Description]The help for compiler directives has some typos and things that could be clarified. See Steps.QC Entry 31615
Under &compiler directives& in the index is a line that says &, delphi&. This probably doesn't belong there (seems to be part of the next entry &hinting directives&). The page ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/DelphiCompDirectivesList.htm lists &$MEHTODINFO directive (Delphi)&. I believe the &$& shouldn't be included (it isn't for the other directives). The page ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/DelphiCompDirectivesList.htm doesn't list the $inline directive. Nor is the $inline directive listed in the index. The page ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/compdirswarningmsg.htm says, &The $WARN directive lets control the display of groups of warning messages.& The word &you& needs to be inserted after &lets&. Is there some way to get directly to the page ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/DelphiCompDirectivesList.htm from the index? On the page ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4ref/html/DelphiCompDirectivesList.htm under the heading &In This Section&, there is a link &Compiler Directives&. Clicking this goes to another page that is also titled &Compiler Directives& (like the first page). This one has only a single link: back to the first page.
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\VCL
[QC Short Description]Help of Length function is not found[QC Description]Length function in System namespace is not found.BDS2006 isms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_SystemLengthRoutine.htmQC Entry 52333This report is from newsgroup. borland.public.delphi.japanese
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\VCL
[QC Short Description]TForm member list is missing Caption[QC Description]The help for TForm does not list the Caption property.The Caption property is not listed in either the Properties list,or the All Members listms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_FormsTFormClass.htmQC Entry 25788
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\VCL
[QC Short Description]TPenStyle description is incomplete[QC Description]The description for TPenStyle in the Online Help (ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_GraphicsTPenStyleType.htm) is incomplete, it does not describe the meaning of psUserStyle and psAlternate.QC Entry 31393
* open OLH * search for TPenStyle *-)
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\VCL
[QC Short Description]TPadding documentation scarce[QC Description]The documentation for TPadding just says that it handles the padding of a control.What does that mean? How does padding work? How is it different from TMargins?Update
-There was a comment asking that I add my suggested doc text changes to the main description, so here it is.&Padding adds space along the edge the control. Child controls that are aligned to the parent, are positioned inside the control according to this spacing. It does not affect child controls which are not aligned to the parent control, nor does it affect the size of the ClientArea.Padding is the opposite of Margins, in that where Margins affects the positioning of the control itself inside the parent control, Padding affects how all aligned child controls are positioned with respect to the parent control.&QC Entry 51775
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\VCL
[QC Short Description]TCustomIniFile.ReadSections documentation is incomplete[QC Description]TCustomIniFile has got two overloaded ReadSections methods:procedure ReadSections(Strings: TStrings);andprocedure ReadSections(const Section: Strings: TStrings);The documentation in ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_IniFilesTCustomIniFileReadSectionsMethod.htm only documents the version that takes only a TStrings parameter. It lists both versions only describes one.&sysop&The same issue applies to VCL.NET and C++ Builder too: ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4dnetapi_dnet/html/DelphiNET_BorlandVclIniFilesTCustomIniFileReadSectionsMethod.htmms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_cpp/html/CPPWin32_IniFilesTCustomIniFileReadSectionsMethod.htmAdditionally, the documentation for TMemIniFile and TIniFile (VCL and VCL.NET) doesn't mention the second overloaded version:ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4dnetapi_dnet/html/DelphiNET_BorlandVclIniFilesTMemIniFileReadSectionsMethod.htm&/sysop&QC Entry 35355
lookup TCustomIniFile.ReadSections in the online help, search for a description of the second form.
Date Reported:
Documentation\Online Help\Main help
[QC Short Description]TSearchRec record fields not documented properly.[QC Description]The help entry for TSearchRec ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_SysUtilsTSearchRecType.htmdoes not show and explain the fields of the record, which makes the help entry pretty useless.&sysop&This page suffers from very poor formatting. The fields Time,Size,Name, etc. are actually described - briefly - at the foot of the page, but they are not shown in the record description at the head of the page.&/sysop&QC Entry 24833
look at the help for TSearchRec: &ms-help://borland.bds4/bds4win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_SysUtilsTSearchRecType.htm& The types of the fields are not shown.
Date Reported:
Documentation\IDE Help Contexts
[QC Short Description]Help topic missing for the following TDBGrid.Margins properties[QC Description]No help for &TPersistent.Bottom&No help for &TPersistent.Right&QC Entry 398545/3/07: The Help dialog displays when you press F1. However, the wrong topic gets displayed. When you press F1 on Bottom or Right, it properly displays a dialog listing various items with a Bottom property, including TMargins, which is what you want. When you press F1 on Left or Top, however, you get TControl.Left Property or TControl.Top Property, which is wrong--it doesn't give you a list of options.--Gary Staas
1) Place a TDBGrid component on a form. 2) Place cursor on the property editor for &Bottom&. 3) Press &F1& for help. Expected result - Help topic for TDBGrid.Bottom Observed result - No help for &TPersistent.Bottom& Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining properties
Date Reported:
Documentation\IDE Help Contexts
[QC Short Description]Install Shield mentioned instead of InstallAware [QC Description]The following help topic:ms-help://borland.bds5/devcommon/deployov_xml.htmlmentiones Install Shield to be present on the Install CDs instead of Install Aware. This is in the german translation. QC Entry 49043
1. install the german help 2. open the URL above in the help
Date Reported:
Documentation\Help Output
[QC Short Description]Missing topic: WordRec[QC Description]WordRec, defined in SysUtils, is missing from the help. Here is the content from the D5 help:----WordRec declares a utility record to store high and low order bytes of a variable.UnitSysutilstype WordRec = packed recordLo, Hi: BDescriptionThe WordRec type declares a utility record that stores the high and low order bytes of the specified variable as type Byte. WordRec is used primarily for typecasting.QC Entry 39347
Date Reported:
Documentation\Help Output
[QC Short Description]Missing topic: LongRec[QC Description]Help topic for LongRec (defined in SysUtils). Here is the content from the D5 help:-----LongRec stores high- and low-order bytes of a specified variable as a Word.UnitSysutilstype LongRec = packed recordLo, Hi: WDescriptionLongRec declares a utility record that stores the high- and low-order bytes of the specified variable as type Word.LongRec is useful for typecasting four-byte datatypes (pointers, integers, and so on) to access their low and high words separately.QC Entry 39346
Date Reported:
Documentation\Help Output
[QC Short Description]Invalid Declaration for System.TDateTime[QC Description]The syntax declaration for System.TDateTime (ms-help://borland.bds5/bds5win32api_win32/html/DelphiWin32_SystemTDateTimeType.htm) is invalid.Help contains: [Delphi] type TDateTime = TDateTSource contains: TDateTime = type DQC Entry 39030
Date Reported:
Documentation\Help Output
[QC Short Description]Wrong description in TActionLink.IsImageIndexLinked[QC Description]In the French help file, the short description of TActionLink.IsImageIndexLinked is wrong.&Indique si les propri t s Hint de l'action et du client sont li es.&It talks about Hint but IsImageIndexLinked is the description for an ImageIndexThis wrong description is also in the methods section of TActionLink.QC Entry 53093
Launch the help (F1) and type &IsImageIndexLinked& See the first description
Date Reported:
Documentation\Help Output
[QC Short Description]No documentation on command line compiler[QC Description]I could not find any documentation on the dcc32.exe command line compiler or how it uses dcc32.cfg in the bin directory and in the project directory, and how it uses the &projectname&.cfg files.Also, there is no documentation on what VERXXXX compiler define to use with Delphi 2007.QC Entry 43763
Date Reported:
Documentation\Help Output
[QC Short Description]Help topics Missing[QC Description]Dialogs.pas items missing form context help nor is in the index.Dialogs.MessageDlgDialogs.MessageDlgPosDialogs.TMsgDlgButtonsDialogs.MessageDlgPosHelpDialogs.TaskMessageDlgDialogs.TaskMessageDlgPosDialogs.TaskMessageDlgPosHelpDialogs.ShowMessageDialogs.ShowMessageFmtDialogs.ShowMessagePosDialogs.InputQueryDialogs.PromptForFileNameTMsgDlgTypeTMsgDlgBtnTMsgDlgButtonsQC Entry 41546
In an empty project added the items and selected and pressed F1 or searched the help file. Also opened Dialogs.PAS and selected each and F1'd.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Invalid IDE repaint on 64 bit Windows platforms[QC Description]Invalid IDE repaint on 64 bit Windows platformsThe IDE repaints itself totally incorrect when restoring after a minimize. This occurs on 64 bit versions of XP and Vista. The &Classic Undocked& seems unaffected but all other layouts show this bug.This happens on all installations in our company, and all of them are 64 bit Vista Businesses running on AMD dual cores. The bug is also confirmed on a 64 bit XP.QC Entry 54191// Francois PietteThis looks similar as 249198 but I don't think it is. The issue is reproductible in all installation in the company (3 systems) which are all 64 bit XP and Vista with AMD dual-core processor. It looks much related to AMD and 64 bits than to Vista.
1) Open up Delphi 2007 and maximize it 2) Minimize Delphi 3) Click on the application on the taskbar to restore it 4) Voila, the IDE is messed up. Parts of the Welcome page usually appers in the middle of the code. Large areas of gray exist, that are not repainted at all. The upper left corner of the coding tab is missing the &Select/Close view& buttons.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]About box: Wrong name for the JEDI Code Library in the Quality Insite(tm) product information in the german version[QC Description]In the german about box the name of the JEDI Code Library in the Quality Insite(tm) product information is wrong - it is &JEDI Component Library& instead of &JEDI Code Library&. In the english version it is &JEDI Code Library&.I've attached an image of the german version and an image of the english version.QC Entry 49072
- start the german Highlander version - open the About box (main menu path is &Hilfe&\ &Info ueber...&) - select &CodeGear Quality Insite(tm)& in the product listbox - have a look at the credits in the listbox below expected: CodeGear Quality Insite(tm) automatisiertes Senden von Problemreports CodeGear Quality Insite(tm) enth lt Exception- und Stack-Verfolgungscode aus der JEDI Code Library (JCL). Unter http://www.delphi-jedi.org erhalten Sie weitere Informationen. actual (build 2763): CodeGear Quality Insite(tm) automatisiertes Senden von ProblemreportsCodeGear Quality Insite(tm) enth lt Exception- und Stack-Verfolgungscode aus der JEDI Component Library (JCL). Unter http://www.delphi-jedi.org erhalten Sie weitere Informationen. actual english version: CodeGear Quality Insite(tm) automated incident reporting CodeGear Quality Insite(tm) contains exception and stack tracing code from the JEDI Code Library (JCL). Visit http://www.delphi-jedi.org for more information.
Date Reported:
CodeGuard Configuration - Global optionsPreferences tabTruncation // FixedRepeated Error ( �J��Ԃ��G���[�̋L )Read debug info ( �f�o�b�O���̓ǂ�) [fixed #10]Missing accelerator key // Not FixedLimit number of error message (N)�G���[���b�Z�[�W�����̍ő�l [not fixed #10]Read debug info (D)�f�o�b�O���̓ǂݍ���[fixed #10][update1 : 10.0..6 ] Can not retest it since bts#239382 is not fixed on Japanese build [10.0..2].[ by mmatsuchika]Missing acceralator key is not fixed in 10.0..4 Update 2
1) File | Close All2) Tool | CodeGurad Configuration// Preferences tab
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Control Enter to open file requires addition of &.pas&[QC Description]When using Control + Enter to open the file under the cursor, if Delphi can't find the file it pops up the File Open dialog.In the file open dialog you need to manually add the &.pas& to the file name for it to open the file, otherwise you get an error &FileNameWithoutExt& File not found.Also, because of this problem Delphi generally fails to find the filename under the cursor. Even if the file is in the project or is in the current folder, Delphi still brings up the file open dialog and you need to add &.pas& onto the file name.I haven't worked out when Delphi does manage to find the file by itself but sometimes it does.QC Entry 48061
1. Open a pas file which uses another pas file, e.g. &Used&. 2. Put the cursor in the middle of the word &Used&. 3. Hit Control+Enter 4. File open dialog comes up. Navigate to the folder containing &Used.pas& 5. Hit Open in the dialog 6. You get an error message 7. Add &.pas& in the filename edit box. 8. Hit Open in the dialog 9. It now opens the file.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]If Welcome Page is closed, IDE crashes when creating/opening a second project[QC Description]This is a newly introduced bug in Delphi 2007 Update 1.It does *not* exist in the original release of Delphi 2007, or in Delphi 2006.If the Welcome page is closed* when the IDE is configured to use the classic undocked/non-embedded layout, the IDE will get stuck in an error message loop if you attempt to open or create more than one project in a single session.This is 100% reproducible on a fresh install of Windows (2000 or Vista) with a fresh install of Delphi 2007 Update 1.*or disabled entirely by hacking startpageide100.bpl out of the registry.------------------[]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.TList.Get (Line 2992, &common\Classes.pas& + 2) + $A[]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.TList.Error (Line 2961, &common\Classes.pas& + 1) + $14[]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.TList.Get (Line 2992, &common\Classes.pas& + 2) + $A[]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.TList.First (Line 2986, &common\Classes.pas& + 0) + $2[20A450E3]{coreide100.bpl} EditorForm.TEditWindow.WindowActivate (Line 2487, &EditorForm.pas& + 3) + $5[20A44E72]{coreide100.bpl} EditorForm.TEditWindow.WMActivate (Line 2411, &EditorForm.pas& + 2) + $B[2013B20B]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, &Controls.pas& + 83) + $6[20D69752]{designide100.bpl} DeskUtil.SetFocusHook (Line 435, &DeskUtil.pas& + 4) + $C[2013F38A]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, &Controls.pas& + 111) + $6[20158AA3]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 3512, &Forms.pas& + 136) + $5[2013EAB4]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, &Controls.pas& + 3) + $6[20040DD4]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, &common\Classes.pas& + 8) + $0[21DEBD8A]{delphivclide100.bpl} VCLFormDesigner.THostFormWrapper.HideWindow (Line 1645, &VCLFormDesigner.pas& + 1) + $B[21DE9C8D]{delphivclide100.bpl} VCLFormDesigner.TVCLRootDesigner.Hide (Line 564, &VCLFormDesigner.pas& + 1) + $8[216EE03F]{delphicoreide100.bpl} DelphiModule.TPascalCodeMgrModHandler.HideForm (Line 960, &DelphiModule.pas& + 1) + $5[20A05E7C]{coreide100.bpl} SourceModule.TCodeISourceModule.HideForm (Line 1383, &SourceModule.pas& + 3) + $5[20A04997]{coreide100.bpl} SourceModule.TSourceModule.HideForm (Line 936, &SourceModule.pas& + 2) + $5[20A6B8AE]{coreide100.bpl} DocModul.TDocModule.Hide (Line 1199, &DocModul.pas& + 0) + $2[20A04C6F]{coreide100.bpl} SourceModule.TSourceModule.Hide (Line 977, &SourceModule.pas& + 1) + $2[20A6B5AF]{coreide100.bpl} DocModul.TDocModule.Close (Line 1048, &DocModul.pas& + 10) + $4[20A6D391]{coreide100.bpl} DocModul.TCodeIDocModule.Close (Line 1926, &DocModul.pas& + 0) + $5[20A5EF81]{coreide100.bpl} EditorBuffer.TEditBuffer.Close (Line 1989, &EditorBuffer.pas& + 0) + $11[20A63783]{coreide100.bpl} EditorBuffer.TEditView.Close (Line 4579, &EditorBuffer.pas& + 4) + $3[20A44993]{coreide100.bpl} EditorForm.TEditWindow.FormDestroy (Line 2304, &EditorForm.pas& + 51) + $4[]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.DoDestroy (Line 2959, &Forms.pas& + 3) + $C[]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.BeforeDestruction (Line 2919, &Forms.pas& + 7) + $D[20006BE5]{rtl100.bpl } System.@BeforeDestruction (Line 9548, &sys\system.pas& + 7) + $0[20D6C606]{designide100.bpl} DeskForm.TDesktopForm.Destroy (Line 817, &DeskForm.pas& + 0) + $2[2000679C]{rtl100.bpl } System.TObject.Free (Line 8832, &sys\system.pas& + 1) + $4[2015CA48]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.CMRelease (Line 5546, &Forms.pas& + 0) + $0[2013B20B]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, &Controls.pas& + 83) + $6[20D69752]{designide100.bpl} DeskUtil.SetFocusHook (Line 435, &DeskUtil.pas& + 4) + $C[2013EBAA]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.GetControlAtPos (Line 7095, &Controls.pas& + 4) + $73[2013F38A]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, &Controls.pas& + 111) + $6[20031FC4]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Line 3359, &common\Classes.pas& + 0) + $4[200EBA24]{vcl100.bpl } Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts (Line 5031, &Graphics.pas& + 12) + $5[20158AA3]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 3512, &Forms.pas& + 136) + $5[2013EAB4]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, &Controls.pas& + 3) + $6[20040DD4]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, &common\Classes.pas& + 8) + $0[201611EC]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 8102, &Forms.pas& + 23) + $1[]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 8121, &Forms.pas& + 1) + $4[]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 8219, &Forms.pas& + 20) + $3[0042298E]{bds.exe } bds.bds (Line 196, && + 7) + $7QC Entry 47609
1. Select the &Classic Undocked& desktop layout. 2. Uncheck the &Embedded designer& option (under Tools | Options | Environment Options \ VCL Designer). 3. Close and restart the IDE so the changes take effect. 4. Close the &bds:/default.htm& window (the Welcome page). 5. Click File | New | VCL Forms Application - Delphi for Win32. 6. Click File | New | VCL Forms Application - Delphi for Win32 again. Error: &List index out of bounds (0)& (See Description for the backtrace.) Clicking OK doesn' the message just returns. Note: This isn't limited to creating new projects. The same error occurs if you substitute steps 7 and 8 with File | Open Project.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Component icons poorly rendered on form in IDE[QC Description]Several VCL non-visual component icons are poorly rendered (pixelated, blurry) when the component is added to a form in the IDE, because the bpl doesn't contain component icons for all 3 different sizes (24, 16 and 32 pixels)The icons look sharp in the component pallette (they're a smaller size) but the &ugly& icons can be seen in the Component & Install Packages & Components dialog.This does not impact how the component runs but the poor rendering of the icon in the IDE does make it harder to recognize the icon and know what the component is.The following component packages display this problem (not an exhaustive list, and not all icons in the package are bad):- DataSnap connection- dbExpress- Interbase Express- MyBase DataAccess- SOAPThese same icons look fine in Delphi 7. I jumped from D7 to BDS 2006 so I can't say if this occurred in D8 or BDS 2005.QC Entry 34289
1. Create a new Win32 project. 2. Add a form to the project. 3. Add a TDataSetProvider component to the form. 4. Add a TDataSource component to the form. The DataSetProvider icon will look ugly compared to the TDataSource icon and compared to its icon in the component pallette. See attached screenshot showing component icons from the dbExpress page in D7 and BDS2006.
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]IDE crashes hangs (pherhaps Endless loop)[QC Description]The IDE hangs if one implements code like this and tries to save (or compile) the project and accidently havinga property multiple times defined (as it occures throughcopy and paste -& then renaming)This happends with Delphi 2006 and Delphi 2007QC Entry 54081Just a note, it does not hang with an Integer property but it does with an Event property.// Francois PietteCan reproduce with 2804 and
1. Create a new blank VCL project. 2. Change TForm1 to type TForm1 = class(TForm) private fTest : TNotifyE public property OnTest : TNotifyEvent read fTest write fT property OnTest : TNotifyEvent read fTest write fT property OnTest : TNotifyEvent read fTest write fT property OnTest : TNotifyEvent read fTest write fT 3. Save the project. -& IDE hangs
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Use Unit has status bar, not used[QC Description]The Use Unit dialog has a status bar that doesn't seem to serve any function, makes the UI look very odd under Vista.Sebastian Modersohn - 27/02/:58-----------------------------------------It's probably also supposed to show you the path of the selected unit like View Form and View Unit do (it's the same form). See .ide.dialogs as well.QC Entry 41352
Under Vista, non-Aero Steps: 1. Start Spacely 2603 2. Create new VCL Form Project 3. In Unit1 invoke Use Unit dialog 4. Look at status bar area Behavior: exp: A status bar with resize handle is visible, with no apparent use act: No status bar
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Bad dialog captionQC Entry 23155
This should really be listed under IDE\Dialogs\Configure Tools but there is no such area in QC. Steps: 1. Tools -& Configure Tools 2. Edit any existing entry 3. Click the Browse button to choose a program Note that the dialog has a caption of &Select Transfer Item& instead of something more logical like &Select Program&
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]German translation of the Options/Tool pallette section the &Designer Elemente immer anzeigen& Text is too long[QC Description]The german translation of the Options/Tools dialogue's pallette section the &Designer Elemente immer anzeigen& Text is to long.QC Entry 48532
Date Reported:
[QC Short Description]Verbose and Exportable Compile Report in IDE[QC Description]The &Compiler Progress& dialogue should (optionally) be more detailed and also allow to export the compile statistics to text file or clipboard. For example, I'd like the build report to (optionally) provide a full list of all source modules that were compiled, all switches that were used ( globally/locally), all conditional symbols, characteristics of the built executables/dlls/packages [size, timestamp, file version], all compiler hints/warnings, etc. I'd want this list to be visible as an extension to the &Compile& dialogue when it is finished, and with a single keystroke copy its data (Ctrl+C) to the clipboard or save it (Ctrl+S) to a text file. QC Entry 2578
UPDATE from QA: Go to Tools | Options | Environment Options | VerbosityCurrently it's set to Normal but set to Detailed should give you what you want.Details will be output to the output tab (not the build tab)
Date Reported:
IDE\Dialogs\Project Options
[QC Short Description]Build Events Memos are Too Small[QC Description]The Project, Options, Build Events Pre/Post command memos do not fill the available space and make this options page requite more scrolling than necessary.QC Entry 42245
File, New VCL Forms Application for Win32Look at the Project, Options, Build Events settings, note the empty space{ See resolution comment - MD }
Date Reported:
IDE\Dialogs\Project Options
[QC Short Description]Compile options lost/not saved when build configuration is changed.[QC Description]When you change the build configuration, some of the options are not saved and revert to default values.In particular Linker Options/Image Base, Min Stack Size, Max Stack size And also Unit aliases on the Directories/Conditionals page.These options should either be saved in the build configuration, or should not change/be reset when the build configuration is changed.QC Entry 46714
Similar steps for unit aliases:1. Open project options.2. Delete Unit aliases3. Press okay to save.4. Ctrl-F11 to reopen project options.5. Change build configuration from current (release) to debug6. Notice that the unit aliases is now reset to the default WinTypes=WWinProcs=WDbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE;7. Change build configuration back to prior entry - e.g release.Exp: Unit aliases remains empty - as set.Act: Unit aliases changes to the default for a new project***FIXED in December update:***1. Open the project in D2007.2. Open the project options - goto the linker page.3. Change Image base to $4. Press okay to save.5. Ctrl-F11 to reopen project options.5. Change build configuration to debug7. Notice the image base is now reset to the default $8. Change build configuration back to prior entry - e.g release.Exp: Image base remains as $4800000 as originally setAct: Image base changed to $0040000 - (defaiult/new project value)******
Date Reported:
IDE\Dialogs\Project Options
[QC Short Description]Improve Delphi Win32 Project Options UI (allow dialog to resize or other UI changes)[QC Description]I've listed all of the options areas of the Delphi Project dialog that I consider more difficult to use because the UI seems cramped inside the existing smallish dialog. I believe an alternate UI for those areas of the settings, or allowing this dialog to resize would make this dialog more usable.The first 3(*) items in the list would give a significant benefit if they rezsized or had an alternate UI, because I believe developers use them more frequently.Project Options (Delphi Win32)---------------------------------------------------Significant Benefit (central portion could resize, less scrolling, etc.):- Directories/Conditionals (all paths/combos)*- Packages (package list)*- Compiler Messages (message list)*- Version Info (version info grid)- Debugger (paths)- Symbol Tables (module list)- Environment Block (environment lists)- Build Events (script memos)- Forms (available forms)Minor Benefit:- Application (title, help file path)Little/No Benefit:- Compiler (build config name only)- Linker (exe description + build config name only) I'm happy to accept a better/alternate UI instead of resizing, if CodeGear can come up with one that performs the same function in less space, but resizing is the bet option I've imagined so far. QC 42245 is related, but specific to the build events.QC Entry 42975
Start Delphi 2007 File, New Delphi Win32 Project Project Options Click around in the options tree and notice some ot the options screens seem cramped in the existing small dialog (see the list in the Description for details) I've attached screenshots of how this dialog looks once it is made resizable, and I think the results are nicer
Date Reported:
IDE\Dialogs\Environment Options
List Index out of bounds -1 received after you have deleted a path off and then click onto the white space left at the bottom of the dialog.QC Entry 40648
+ Click Tools | Options | Library - Win32+ Click the ... of either the Library or Browsing Path+ Scroll to the bottom and delete an item off the list+ Click in the white space below that was left over when the delete occurred.//exp: no problems//act:---------------------------Error---------------------------List index out of bounds (-1)---------------------------OK Details && ---------------------------[20B17ED4]{coreide100.bpl} OrderedListEditDialog.DirListDialog (Line 106, &OrderedListEditDialog.pas& + 41) + $15[200FCDB5]{vcl100.bpl } StdCtrls.TListBoxStrings.Get (Line 4096, &StdCtrls.pas& + 6) + $19[20B17ED4]{coreide100.bpl} OrderedListEditDialog.DirListDialog (Line 106, &OrderedListEditDialog.pas& + 41) + $15[2013FAF4]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.Click (Line 5229, &Controls.pas& + 9) + $8[200FE421]{vcl100.bpl } Command (Line 4808, &StdCtrls.pas& + 5) + $6[2013F5EF]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, &Controls.pas& + 83) + $6[201435CD]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7249, &Controls.pas& + 105) + $6[200FE343]{vcl100.bpl } StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.WndProc (Line 4775, &StdCtrls.pas& + 43) + $6[2013F27C]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, &Controls.pas& + 5) + $C[2014371B]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.DoControlMsg (Line 7298, &Controls.pas& + 6) + $11[2014412B]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.WMCommand (Line 7561, &Controls.pas& + 1) + $5[]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.WMCommand (Line 4863, &Forms.pas& + 3) + $4[2013F5EF]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, &Controls.pas& + 83) + $6[]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7279, &Controls.pas& + 23) + $17[2013F5EF]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, &Controls.pas& + 83) + $6[201435CD]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7249, &Controls.pas& + 105) + $6[20D894FE]{designide100.bpl} DeskUtil.SetFocusHook (Line 435, &DeskUtil.pas& + 4) + $C[20
Date Reported:
IDE\Dialogs\Editor Options
[QC Short Description]Unselection of enhancement modules in Key Mappings not saved[QC Description]If I remove the check from &Buffer List& and restart Delphi the check will have returned when going back to this dialog. The same problem exists in BDE 2006, btw.QC Entry 41040
1. Open Tools | Options 2. Select Editor Options | Key Mappings 3. Select IDE Classic as mapping module and de-select Buffer list from Enhancement modules 4. Close Delphi 5. Start Delphi 6. Open Tools | Options 7. Select Editor Options | Key Mappings 8. See that Buffer List is now selected again
Date Reported:
IDE\Dialogs\Editor Options
[QC Short Description]Color options dialog defaults to HTML[QC Description]When opening the BDS Color Options dialog, there are 4 tabs: html, c#, c++, delphi.However, BDS always opens with the leftmost tab open = html.Since I'm busy testing Delphi color settings, I'm forced to reselect the Delphi tab every time I open the dialog to continue configuring the colors.I suggest BDS remembers which tab was last open.QC Entry 40311
==Updated==1. Tools-&Options-&Editor Options-&Colors2. Click on the Delphi tab.3. Close the options dialog.4. Reopen the options dialog. See that the HTML tab is selected instead of the last used Delphi tab.==Original==1. Open BDS Color options dialog.2. Click on the Delphi tab.3. Close the opetions dialog.4. Reopen the options dialog. See that the Htlm tab is selected instead of the last used Delphi tab.
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management
[QC Short Description]Using MSBuild to compile a .groupprj will compile first project only[QC Description]Using MSBuild to compile a project group will compile only the first project in the project group.The only way to have other projects compiled is to set an explicit depencendy to the first project in the group.This hinder me to use CCNet to automate build unless I manually configure it to compile each project (four services, two excutables, thirty-three DLLs, one resource only DLL, and four test applications).QC Entry 55149
1) Create a project group containing some projects 2) Open RADStudio command prompt 3) Type MSBuild &group project name& Expected: the whole project group is compiled Actual: only the first project in the group is compiled.
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management
[QC Short Description]Easy option to disable together[QC Description]It would be really nice if you could go into the options and click on the together tab and just disable all that is together, there seems to be a few places you say &no& and it still does it..such as default vs project and project group.&disable sublevels& seems to do the trick, but this is omitted from the documentation.. and applies only to the node you're in.QC Entry 20044
Update from QA:SOLUTION:============+ Tools | options | Together | Default | General+ Automatically Enable Together support for new projects: set to False.Alternative: + Right click on project name in project manager, + Select Together+ Uncheck Togerther support+ Click OKNOTE: The model file isn't removed. It should be on unchecking this. This should be fixed. RAID 257673
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]Project group does not handle inclusion of read-only filesQC Entry 40128[also related: FR for marking RO -& RW: 245956]
Create new project group Add bunch of read-only .dpk packages Save project group //exp: A neatly saved project group //act: BDS refuses to continue before it can successfully write to the read-only .dpk files
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]Ability to set options for multiple projects[QC Description]I would like to be able to select multiple projects in the project manager and change options for all selected at once. For example, adding a directory in the search path, or selecting compiler options. Much like we can select multiple components on a form and use the object inspector to change properties and events to all selected components at once.The multiselect could also be applyed to the right-click popup menu for example to remove all selected projects from the project group.QC Entry 33732
{ Named Option Sets solves this problem - MD }
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]Catastrophic failure: the IDE fails when working with huge project group[QC Description]I have a project group containing all my third party components, it has 225 packages, run time and design time, ordered in a very precise way so that building all will not fail because of dependancies.After I open this group in the lastest IDE build (however it never worked in the past for me) and *try* to Build all, the IDE fails, compiling first project in the group, with [DCC Error] Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))After this failure the IDE is unstable and you can not close the group and open a single project or application, it will always give back the same failure.Here's the complet output text:Build started 9/11/:08.__________________________________________________Project &P:\LIBS\SOURCES\ZLIB123\ZLIB_D11.dproj& (Build target(s)):Target CoreCompile:c:\codegear\bds\5.0\bin\dcc32.exe -B -IR:\LIBS\11;c:\codegear\bds\5.0\P:\LIBS\VCL11;P:\LIBS\RESOURCES -LER:\LIBS\RTL -LNR:\LIBS\11 -N0R:\LIBS\11 -NHR:\LIBS\11 -NOR:\LIBS\11 -OR:\LIBS\11;c:\codegear\bds\5.0\P:\LIBS\VCL11;P:\LIBS\RESOURCES -RR:\LIBS\11;c:\codegear\bds\5.0\P:\LIBS\VCL11;P:\LIBS\RESOURCES -UR:\LIBS\11;c:\codegear\bds\5.0\P:\LIBS\VCL11;P:\LIBS\RESOURCES --no-config -$C- -$D- -$J+ -$L- -$V- -$Y- ZLIB_D11.dpk C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Borland.Delphi.Targets(113,3): error : Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))Done building target &CoreCompile& in project &ZLIB_D11.dproj& -- FAILED.Done building project &ZLIB_D11.dproj& -- FAILED.Build FAILED.C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Borland.Delphi.Targets(113,3): error : Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))0 Warning(s)1 Error(s)Time Elapsed 00:00:00.57QC Entry 51825
Unzip 101packages.zip, and open ProjectGroup2.groupproj.Project | Build All.&& Original Report1. Create a really large project group. In my case, it fails when I have a group with probably more than 100-150 packages2. Open the group in the IDE3. Build AllExp: the IDE builds all packagesAct: the IDE fails with error [DCC Error] Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))My package group includes: 5 personal packages, a runtime dpk for ZLIB, a runtime with LanMan units, Virtualtrees, TeeChart, Decision Cube, DBISAM, ReportBuilder, Gnostice PDF, Indy, ExtraDEV, Abbrevia, Essence, Orpheus, ShellShock, SysTools, XMLPro, TNT, ODBCExpress, ProfGrid, FlashFiler, MSI, kbMem, MAX, TBX, TMS, Twain, LMD Tools, FastReprot, DevEx suiteAll packages have custom settings for output paths (dcp, dcu, bpl); all are in &release& mode, i.e. no debugging.Practically, I have an application that can generate .groupproj files for me, to build all from the IDE I would first generate a project group with half of the packages and another one with the other half.I suppose this bug happens because of some limits in the IDE.Please analyze the IDE code and publish these limits, if the problem can't be fixed, so at least people won't try this kind of stuff.
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]&Save All& not enabled after changes made through the Build Configuration Manager[QC Description]the descritpion field says it all, anyway there are some stepsQC Entry 53236
1. Create a project group containing a bunch of projects (or open a project group if available) 2. In the Project Manager, right click on top node (that's the group node, not a project node) and select from the popupmenu Configuration Manger 3. Click Select All button 4. Change the configuration name from whatever it was to a different one. 5. Click Apply button 6. Click Close button exp: toolbar SaveAll button becomes enabled act: SaveAll not enabled Thus, if you click Close All now, you will not be asked to save anything and when you'll reopen this project group your selection made through the Configuration Manger is lost. BTW, now that I found this problem, it became very annoying, when I have work to do in a large project group :-)
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]Project Readme option[QC Description]It would be *Perfect* if it were possible to attach a text/html file as a read me to a project, whether it's to remind of a todo list, client details, general help when making a project generally available etc.QC Entry 20979
Have an additional project option that allows you to open a html/txt file when opening a project to display information important to remind you of details of maybe clients, build criteria, or just notes to hand to someone else once you've moved on.UPDATE from QA:Have a look at Project | Project Page Options. This allows you to create a file that will come up as a &Welcome Page& for that particular project. It supposed to be a .html but .txt should work.
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]Expand/Colapse All in the project manager[QC Description]Adding Expand/Collapse all button in the project manager is a good idea.QC Entry 46597
Add Expand/Colapse All in the project manager.
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
The IDE select the wrong project to open a unit included in several projects when a compilation error occurs.This is specially annoying when you have a lot of projects with lots of units. For example, if the unit with syntax error is used in the first and last project, when you recompile the last project (having it active), you see the first project tree expanded and you don't see the last project tree because in is far away. This is very inefficent cecause usually you have to navigate into the active (and last here) project's files. This is a common situation (at least in the way I work with Delphi) and is really a nuisance.When an error occur, the IDE should only search for units in the current project and open it from that context. Currently the IDE open the unit in the context of the first project where the unit is found. If the offending unit is not part of any of the projects, the IDE currently open it without touching the project manager tree which is fine.
1. Run RAD Studio2. Close all3. Create Win32.VCL forms project, save as Projet1 / Unit14. Save project group as ProjectGroup15. Add a new Win32.VCL forms project in the project group, save as Projet2 / Unit26. File / New / Unit into project2. Save it as Unit37. Add unit3 to Project18. Add Unit3 in the uses clause of unit19. Add Unit3 in the uses clause of unit210. Save all11. Build all project. Shouldn't have any error :-)13. Make Project2 the active project12. Open unit3 in the code editor13. Write any syntax error14. Save All15. Close All16. In project manager, collapse project1 and project 2 tree.17. In project manager, Project2 is still the current project (because of step 12). Right click and build project.=& The compiler hit the syntax error introduced in step 13 and open Unit3 and show unit3 as part of project1 whose tree is expanded.Expected: Open unit3 as part of project 2.See screen dump.
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Manager
[QC Short Description]Can't drag and drop files from Winzip onto editor[QC Description]This has stopped working in recent builds - it used to work!QC Entry 22034[borland.private.fieldtest.dexter.ide][QC22034 - can't drop files from winzip to editor]
Open a zip file that contains pascal or C++ source files. Try to drag them from winzip into Dexter IDE. The IDE won't allow them to be dropped. Used to work in all IDEs prior to BDS 2006
Date Reported:
IDE\Project Management\Project Source
[QC Short Description]Build configuration incompatible with packages[QC Description]When you create a package, compiler switches, conditional defines and more are coded into the .dpk file.These switches are replaced if you switch Build Configuration from the Project | Options dialog, but not if you swicth Build Configuration from the Build Configuration manager.These switches does not belong in the .dpk file at all. Because if you select the Debug Build configuration from within the IDE and build the Release Build configuration from the command line using msbuild, the .dpk file still contains the switches from the Debug Build configuration. It seems the settings from the .dpk file superseeds the command-line switches.QC Entry 51288
Create a Package, view the source. Go to Project | Options | Compiler and select Release Build Configuration. Press OK and watch package source. The line {$DEFINE RELEASE} is added. If you switch back to Debug, the $DEFINE is deleted. If you switch Build configuration through Project | Configuration Manager the package source is not modified. The co
Date Reported:
IDE\Code Editor
[STRING CORRUPTION][DATA LOSS!][QC Short Description]German &Umlaute& get crunched[QC Description]When I type in German Umlaute (������) in a pascal unit, switch back and forth to the text view of the corresponding dfm file, all the Umlaute get crunched.// report edited by Holger Flick 07-04-21QC Entry 29097WORKAROUND: enter the umlaut


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