yellow为什么这么悲伤不是will turn yellow?

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The majority of houseplants used for decoration are tropical or subtropical species that will not thrive outdoors in temperate climates. They have specific requirements for light, water, heat and feeding and any variation from these requirements will cause problems for the plant. Yellowing leaves are a sign of a problem.
Except cacti and succulents, houseplants cannot tolerate extreme temperature fluctuation. According to the University of Missouri Extension, a daytime temperature between 65 and 75 F is ideal, with a maximum drop of 10 degrees at night. Sudden temperature fluctuation of 20 degrees can cause leaves to yellow rapidly and fall off. If it is impossible to alter the room conditions, then move the plant to a different area in the house where temperature fluctuation is less extreme.
Almost all houseplants require at least 12 hours of daily daylight, but the intensity of light varies considerably between species. Some plants, like agapanthus, require intensive light and thrive on south-facing windowsills. Others such as sansevieria require shady conditions. If a light-loving plant is placed in shade, the lower leaves will turn yellow, dry up and fall off. Check the light requirements for the plant and move it accordingly.
Every plant has its own requirements in terms of frequency and quantity of water. Overwatering and not watering enough are both equally harmful. In "The House Plant Expert", Dr. D.G. Hessayon informs us that "more plants die through overwatering than any other single cause." Waterlogged compost prevents air reaching the roots and the roots themselves rot, depriving the plant of its life source. Leaves turn yellow, wilt and may become soft and rot.
Central heating creates dry atmospheres. According to the University of Missouri Extension, except for cacti and desert plants, houseplants require around 60 percent humidity. Too little humidity causes leaves to yellow and wilt.
Double potting the plant with a layer of moist peat between the pots or standing plants of a tray of moist gravel is effective while some plants thrive in the moister air of bathrooms, shower rooms and kitchens.
Plants may be sensitive to minerals and salts that occur in domestic water. Per University of Missouri Extension, rectifying salt build-up often rescues ailing plants. Plants such as carnivorous plants, gardenias, orchids and azaleas hate lime, so tap water from hard water areas should be avoided. Excess calcium in lime-intolerant plants causes upper leaves to turn yellow but remain firm.
Occasionally, an older leaf at the base of the plant will turn yellow and fall off as part of a natural process. If several leaves turn yellow at the same time, the most likely cause is overwatering or cold drafts.
Viral infections are usually caused by insects or were present when the plant was purchased. Leaves become pale green or yellow in patches and the plant fails to thrive. There is no cure and the plant should be disposed of.
houseplants yellow leaves, houseplants yellowing, plant care, cacti care
About this Author
Gail Roshier has been writing and editing since 2000. Her work has appeared in the "High West Jesmond Newsletter," "Nursing Times," "Newcastle Chronicle and Journal" and "Dig This." Trained as a registered nurse at St. Georges Hospital in London, Roshier also has a Bachelor of Arts in health and social care from The Open University.
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& & 五种基本句型
& & & 1. 主语 系动词 表语
& & & 系动词没有具体的动作,只是起到连接主语和后面成分的作用,而后面的成分是用来说明主语的特点的,来表明主语的性质特征。因此被称为主语的补足语或表语。表语一般是由名词和形容词构成。
& & 例子:The easy way may be to run a lawnmower;&
& & & & & & &&The leaf willturn yellow in fall
& &&常见系动词: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & &Be, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem, appear, become, grow, turn,fall , & & & & & & & &remain, keep, prove, continue
& & 备注:
& & & & & & &&Eg: the iron feels hot.
& & & & & & &&Our supplies of sugar and rice fell short;
& & & & & & &&The yard looks fine
& & 真题验证:
& & & & & & &&2006-T2:Thereason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayedlow.
& & & & & & &&1997-T1:Australia’sNT became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take thelives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.
& & & & &写作:The hotpot is tasteful in our eyes
& & & & & & & &The hotpot tastesdelicious.
& & & & 2.主语 谓语
& & & 该句型的谓语动词是不及物动词,本身意思完整,不需要带宾语
& & &&Man can think, and fish can swim
& & & The egg hatched
& & & The little eagle grows up
& & & This trend began during the world war two.
& & & &这个句型中没有宾语,但是谓语一般会加状语,来修饰动词,如动作发生的时间地点等。
& & &&A little eagle was placed in the nest of a chicken.
& & & &3. 主语 谓语 宾语
& & & My mother answered the phone
& & &&We fetched her from the station
& & & 真题验证:
& & & 1997-T1:Somehave breathed the sighs of relief.
& & & &4. 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语(双宾)
& & & 这种动词后面所接的成分有人又有物,人是动作的接受者,称为间接宾语;物是动作作用的对象,称为直接宾语。
& & & I give you acat
& & & He showed theguard his passport.
& & & Her parents promised her a new car
& & & I hope you will advise me what to do.
& & &5.主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语(复合宾语)
& & & 常见的带复合宾语的动词有:appoint, believe, call, choose, declare, elect, feel, find keep,leave, let, make, name, nominate, prove, see, suppose, vote
& & & Eg:Theyappointed john chairman
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