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一段英语翻译,翻译一半也行,谢谢妈妈有一头乌黑亮丽的秀发,一双温柔恬静的眼睛。不过最引人注目的还是妈妈的眉毛。不管担子有多重,那眉毛总是像月牙儿一样的弯着,我真敬佩妈妈那乐观豁达的心态。妈妈对我的爱是很细腻的,但那不是溺爱。妈妈不会花很多的时间打扮自己,可她有一双灵巧的手为我创造新奇。妈妈的手纤巧灵活,织起毛衣来活动自如,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。我由衷地敬佩妈妈的那一双巧手。记得有一年冬天,我的毛背心短了,妈妈怕我早上冷,连夜为我赶织毛背心,半夜我起来发现灯亮着,妈妈还在那快速地织着,她见我醒了,把我抱回床上,很快我依偎在妈妈身边又睡着了,可妈妈还在不停地织着……第二天早上,我发现桌子上放着一件花色鲜艳的毛背心,而疲惫的妈妈伏在桌子上睡着了……这时我又一次深深地感受到了母爱的伟大。妈妈对我是这样的关心爱护,可我却一次次地让妈妈失望。就是在我学习退步的时候,妈妈也从不责骂我,总是耐心地帮我分析原因,解决困难。妈妈的爱是宽容的。有一次是个星期六的晚上因为看电视,我和妈妈争执不休,无论妈妈怎样说,我拿着电视遥控器就是不给妈妈,最后妈妈终于发火了,一声吼,吓得我赶紧缩到了我的小房间锁上门,此时我委屈地掉下了眼泪:好不容易有机会看电视,可妈妈不知为什么竟发那么大的火?算了我还是做完作业早点睡吧,不过我心里终究有点不舒服。夜深了我睡了不知多久,突然有东西滴在我的脸上冰冰的、湿湿的,我睁开眼,看到妈妈坐在我床边,见我醒来,很真诚地向我道歉,叫我不要生气了,说她因为工作不顺,心情不好,才给我发脾气的,保证以后决不会再无缘无故地责骂我,我听着妈妈的倾诉,看着她那张慈祥真诚的脸,一下子委屈全没了,我搂着妈妈的脖子告诉她:我也不对,不应该在作业没有做完的情况下看电视。通过这次以后,我和妈妈的心更贴近了,因为我懂得妈妈的辛苦!妈妈,是你让我学会了做人的道理,是你让我体会到母爱的伟大,我会用我最好的成绩报答你!I love my mother is very delicate, but not spoil. Mom will not spend a lot of time to dress himself, she could have a pair of dexterous hands to create for my novel. Mother&s delicate hands flexible, woven sweaters from activity to ease, dazzling, dizzying. I sincerely admire my mother that a pair of hand. I remember one year in the winter, my hair short vest, and her mother, I am afraid of cold, I drive through the night for weaving wool vest, the middle of the night I found lights lit up, my mother was also quick to weave, she woke up to see me, and I A wonderful reflection of the bed, I quickly leaned in close to her mother and fell asleep, Mama can still keep the texture ... ... The next morning, I found a table placed on a brightly colored wool suit jacket, and her mother tired of V Fell asleep on the table ... and again ... this time, I deeply felt the great maternal love. Mom told me this is the concern and care, but I can be a time to let his mother disappointed. I am learning step backward in time, my mother never scolded me, always helped me to be patient analysis of the reasons for their difficulties. Mother&s love is tolerance. There is a Saturday night watching TV because I am her mother and a dispute over, no matter what her mother said I was not holding a TV remote to my mother, my mother finally unleashed, and yelled out, scared I hasten to reduce my Suoshang Men small room, at this time I had tears falling down to grievances: finally have the opportunity to watch TV, I do not know why her mother had made such a big fire? I just finished it Zaodian Shui operations, but in the end I was a little uncomfortable. I sleep late at night, I do not know how long all of a sudden drop something on my face Bingbing, too, and I opened his eyes and saw his mother sitting in my bed, woke up to see me, I am sincerely apologize Do not call me angry, she said, because the work is not running smoothly and in a bad mood before I get angry, to ensure that never again later for no reason at all to scold me, and I listened to her mother&s talk, looked at her face kind in good faith Face, not all of a sudden the whole wronged, arms around my neck and told her mother: I am not right, should not have done work in the case of watching TV. Through this, and I am closer to my mother&s heart, because I know how hard my mother! Mom, you let me learn the truth in life is to you for allowing me to experience the great maternal love, I will use my best performance repay you!ForˇMom has a beautiful black hair, a pair of gentle and quiet eyes. But the most eye-catching or mother's eyebrows. Whether there are multiple burden, it is always like eyebrows, like the Crescent Moon bent, I really admire my mother optimistic that the open-minded attitude. I love my mother is very delicate, but not spoil. Mom will not spend a lot of time to dress himself, she could have a pair of dexterous hands to create for my novel. Mother's delicate hands flexible, woven sweaters from activity to ease, dazzling, dizzying. I sincerely admire my mother that a pair of hand. I remember one year in the winter, my hair short vest, and her mother, I am afraid of cold, I drive through the night for weaving wool vest, the middle of the night I found lights lit up, my mother was also quick to weave, she woke up to see me, and I A wonderful reflection of the bed, I quickly leaned in close to her mother and fell asleep, Mama can still keep the texture ... ... The next morning, I found a table placed on a brightly colored wool suit jacket, and her mother tired of V Fell asleep on the table ... and again ... this time, I deeply felt the great maternal love. Mom told me this is the concern and care, but I can be a time to let his mother disappointed. I am learning step backward in time, my mother never scolded me, always helped me to be patient analysis of the reasons for their difficulties. Mother's love is tolerance. There is a Saturday night watching TV because I am her mother and a dispute over, no matter what her mother said I was not holding a TV remote to my mother, my mother finally unleashed, and yelled out, scared I hasten to reduce my Suoshang Men small room, at this time I had tears falling down to grievances: finally have the opportunity to watch TV, I do not know why her mother had made such a big fire? I just finished it Zaodian Shui operations, but in the end I was a little uncomfortable. I sleep late at night, I do not know how long all of a sudden drop something on my face Bingbing, too, and I opened his eyes and saw his mother sitting in my bed, woke up to see me, I am sincerely apologize Do not call me angry, she said, because the work is not running smoothly and in a bad mood before I get angry, to ensure that never again later for no reason at all to scold me, and I listened to her mother's talk, looked at her face kind in good faith Face, not all of a sudden the whole wronged, arms around my neck and told her mother: I am not right, should not have done work in the case of watching TV. Through this, and I am closer to my mother's heart, because I know how hard my mother! Mom, you let me learn the truth in life is to you for allowing me to experience the great maternal love, I will use my best performance repay you!Mom has a beautiful black hair, a pair of gentle and quiet eyes. But the most eye-catching or mother's eyebrows. Whether there are multiple burden, it is always like eyebrows, like the Crescent Moon bent, I really admire my mother optimistic that the open-minded attitude. I love my mother is very delicate, but not spoil. Mom will not spend a lot of time to dress himself, she could have a pair of dexterous hands to create for my novel. Mother's delicate hands flexible, woven sweaters from activity to ease, dazzling, dizzying. I sincerely admire my mother that a pair of hand. Remember a year in the winter, my hair short vest, and her mother, I am afraid of cold, I drive through the night for weaving wool vest, the middle of the night I found lights lit up, my mother was also quick to weave, she woke up to see me, and I A wonderful reflection of the bed, I quickly leaned in close to her mother and fell asleep, Mama can still keep the texture ... ... The next morning, I found a table placed on a brightly colored wool suit jacket, and her mother tired of V Fell asleep on the table ... and again ... this time, I deeply felt the great maternal love. Mom told me this is the concern and care, but I can be a time to let his mother disappointed. I am learning step backward in time, my mother never scolded me, always helped me to be patient analysis of the reasons for their difficulties. Mother's love is tolerance. There is a Saturday night watching TV because I am her mother and a dispute over, no matter what her mother said I was not holding a TV remote to my mother, my mother finally unleashed, and yelled out, scared I hasten to reduce my Suoshang Men small room, at this time I had tears falling down to grievances: finally have the opportunity to watch TV, I do not know why her mother had made such a big fire? I just finished it Zaodian Shui operations, but in the end I was a little uncomfortable. I sleep late at night, I do not know how long all of a sudden drop something on my face Bingbing, too, and I opened his eyes and saw his mother sitting in my bed, woke up to see me, I am sincerely apologize Do not call me angry, she said, because the work is not running smoothly and in a bad mood before I get angry, to ensure that never again later for no reason at all to scold me, and I listened to her mother's talk, looked at her face kind in good faith Face, not all of a sudden the whole wronged, arms around my neck and told her mother: I am not right, should not have done work in the case of watching TV. Through this, and I am closer to my mother's heart, because I know how hard my mother! Mom, you let me learn the truth in life is to you for allowing me to experience the great maternal love, I will use my best performance repay you!求助,帮忙翻译一下前4行,谢谢!【高中英语吧】_百度贴吧
求下面这段文字的英文翻译~!不用翻译完,翻译一段就行了,但越多越好,谢谢! 求下面这段英文的翻译,谢谢~
在春夏之交时[每年的3月-5月],夏季则有来自太平洋的海洋性高气压,是泡汤族的最爱,你则可以纵情於天天的晴朗凉爽里,夏秋变化较小,可以一瞥雪花的影子,至於台湾的冬天则是较少降雨的季节。在秋天的台湾[约每年的9月-11月],而夏季时潮湿的西南气流常会引起豪大雨台湾的气候 台湾位於东亚大陆的沿岸,有著最适合旅游的天气。 台湾的雨量 台湾的降雨是怎麼来的呢,大陆及海洋的气候型态都会影响到我们的气候。另外二到四月的春雨对北部地区的降水贡献也不小,偶尔来袭的寒流,平均最低温不过12-17度(54- 63℉),台湾全年温暖,因为台风天所造成海边波涛汹涌的海浪。但是事实上台湾的雨季并不容易依照四季来划分,这两个主要降雨的天气系统也是台湾的重要水资源来源,请你留意气象报导,要记得随身带把雨伞,我们称之为枯水期,偶尔会有台风经过,因为漫步雨间虽然浪漫,於是造成了台湾四季的不同及南北地区气候的不一样,在东北部的迎风面下雨的机会最大,尤其是中南部甚至几乎没有降水,只有在少数的高山地区,到了秋季时天气又会逐渐开始受到东北季风的影响,大部分的雨水来源是五。台湾的夏天[每年的6月-8月],四季中以春冬的变化较大,但是你可不想带著湿淋淋的身体旅行。而这样的特殊型态再加上中央山脉的地形影响,此时到访台湾,绝对不是观赏奇景的好时机,及七月至九月的台风季,偶受滞留锋面徘徊影响,春季时主要的天气系统是锋面,是赏枫的季节,年平均温度约为22度。 大体而言、六月的梅雨季,台风的影响会从夏天持续到秋季,冬季有来自西伯利亚的大陆冷高压。另一个重要的天气就是大家所熟悉的台风,以东北季风为主,所以这里的冬天看不到霭霭白雪,以西南季风为主?在冬季时下雨的主要原因是受到东北季风的影响,有著细雨绵绵的天气型态。台湾短暂而温暖的冬天[每年的12月-2月]
summerhas e from the Pacific OceanHigh pressure, absolutely notIs a good time to watch the spectacle, mainly in northeast monsoon, with the optimumTrel weather, to Taiwan in winterDay is less rainfall season, most of the rain from May or JuneThe rainy season.In Gs importantWater sources, remember to bring an umbrella, and the typhoon season from July to SeptemberTaiwan's rainy season is not easy to divide accordingt see mist Mistyt want to trel with wet body, and summer is the wetSouthwest flow caused by hey rains, larger changes in spring and winterseasons, inWindward side best chance of rain in the northeast in the spring mainweather system is a front, and theCaused the Taiwan climate is not the same in different seasons and theNorth-South area, Taiwan year-round warm, can get a glimpse into the snow shadowChild,Occasionally ing out of the cold,because although romance between stroll rains.Taiwan&#39, is fall foliage season, with drizzleWeather patterns, under theinfluence of stationary front hovered. After the fall of the Taiwan [aboutevery September-November], please pay attention to the weather reports, dominated s rainfall is how e about,So don&#39. This special pattern coupledwith the topography of the central mountain range. Another important weather is thefamiliar of the typhoon, with anerage minimum temperature is 12-17 (54-63), this time visitin......
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babies naturally favour their primary carer, and while there is simply no such thing as a bond that is too intense or strong, you can make things easier for your partner and other family members by encouraging your baby’s social skills. at 15 weeks, he is ready for this – his social skills are developing apace, and everything you can teach him will help them to develop positively.
ensure you set a good example by interacting positively with the people around you. after a busy day with just you for company, your baby will be keen to see and play with someone new. do give your partner a moment to get through the door, but don’t keep your baby to yourself. a shared cuddle makes a nice handover as your baby transfers his interest to his other parent. spend time together as a family as much as possible, so your baby witnesses how you relate positively to each other. You are your baby’s frst teacher, and he will learn and take his cues from you.
studies suggest that if parents are sociable, their babies are more likely to be that way, too. a parent-and-baby group gives your baby contact with other babies and adults and lets you socialize, too. depending on your baby’s temperament, he may be more or less willing to go to other adults. be sensitive to his needs, and if he’s reluctant, introduce new people gently and don’t overwhelm him. if necessary, you may have to shorten visits until he builds up his哗穿糕费蕹渡革杀宫辑 confdence.
babies naturally favour their prim哗穿糕费蕹渡革杀宫辑ary婴儿自然有利于他们的主要carer, and while there is simply no such照顾者,而没有这样的thing as a bond that is too intense or东西太强烈或债券strong, you can make things easier for强,你可以更容易的事情your partner and other family members你的伙伴和其他的家庭成员by encouraging your baby’s social skills.鼓励你的孩子的社会技能。at 15 weeks, he is ready for this – his在15周的时间里,他准备好了–他的social skills are developing apace, and社会技能发展迅猛,并everything you can teach him will help你可以教他将帮助them to develop positively.他们积极发展。ensure you set a good example by确保你一个很好的例子interacting positively with the people随着人们积极的相互作用around you. after a busy day with just在你周围。经过一天忙碌只是you for company, your baby will be keen你的公司,你的宝宝会喜欢to see and play with someone new. do看玩一个新的。做give your partner a moment to get给你的伴侣一个时候through the door, but don’t keep your通过门,但不要让你的baby to yourself. a shared cuddle makes亲爱的自己。一个共享的拥抱使a nice handover as your baby transfers你的孩子将很好的切换his interest to his other parent. spend他的兴趣,他的父母。花time together as a family as much as时间在一起作为一个家庭一样possible, so your baby witnesses how可能的话,那么你的宝贝见证you relate positively to each other. You你与对方。你are your baby’s frst teacher, and he will是你孩子的第一个老师,他会learn and take his cues from you.学习与你自己的线索。studies suggest that if parents are研究表明,如果父母sociable, their babies are more likely to善于交际,他们的婴儿更容易be that way, too. a parent-and-baby group是这样的,太。父母和孩子集团gives your baby contact with other babies让您的宝宝与其他宝宝and adults and lets you socia......
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an added benefit 还有一个好处 这样你就会不自觉地削减自己的热量摄入,还有一个好处,...
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爱丽丝追赶着兔子跑过田野,刚好看到它跳进篱笆下的兔子洞中。 (In another moment d...
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