
自然灾难新闻,natural disaster news,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&natural disaster news
Based on this assumption, the thesis, mainly employing Halliday’s theory of the interpersonal function of language, studies how the English newspaper natural disaster news uses certain linguistic resources to construct value and ideology.
2)&&disaster news
A Functional Analysis of Collocation in the Register of Disaster N
Limited to the traditional concept and the reality of the statute,in the media gradually market-oriented background,the mass media deals with disaster news with kinds of deviations,which is not in line with communication rules,including concealing information,delaying information,lacking of information,joking misery,reporting negative news positively,and so on.
&abstract&starting from the "Holland World Press Photo" ( hereinafter HESAI), this article analyzes the amount and percentage of disaster news in western news photos, further discloses its theoretical foundations, and finally recalls the rough developing course and present status of disaster news in China.
本文从"荷赛"入手分析灾难新闻在西方新闻摄影中所占的比重与分量,并剖析其理论根据,继而回顾我国的灾难新闻 的曲折历程与现状,结合新闻事例,指出我国灾难新闻的图片报道与国际同行在同一领域的差距,并且提出了自己的一些改进建议。
3)&&natural disaster
Based on first-hand examples from English news publications,this paper centers on the analysis of writing patterns and translation strategies of the headlines of the natural disaster news coverage.
It\'s common that people have stress reaction after they experienced natural disaster.
The impact of natural disaster is broad and long lasting.
4)&&Disaster report
An Analyse of Domestic Disaster Report Existing Problems and S
5)&&Superficial Research on the Disaster Report
6)&&Disaster News Events
【大威德金轮佛顶炽盛光如来消除一切灾难陀罗尼经】 (经名)一卷,唐代失译。消灾经二译之一。说金轮佛顶尊之消灾陀罗尼。
说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。当前位置: &
Bad weather can sometimes cause natural disasters
Bad weather can sometimes cause natural disasters
Sometimes the bad weather can cause the natural disaster
Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters
The bad weather causes the natural calamity sometimes
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自然灾害是什么意思 自然灾害在线翻译 自然灾害什么意思 自然灾害的意思 自然灾害的翻译 自然灾害的解释 自然灾害的发音
自然灾害 基本解释自然灾害词典:[经] 自然灾害。自然灾害 网络解释1. 自然灾害在线翻译1. natural disaster:--以洪灾为例1,自然灾害的概念自然灾害(naturaldisaster)是指在自然界发生的,对人类生命和财产构成危害的事件.2,思考:同学们熟悉的自然灾害有哪2. &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;2. natural disasters:感染是自然灾害(natural disasters)的常见后果. 由于多发性骨折、肺炎或由多重耐药性病原体引起的外伤性感染(需特殊措施以控制感染),归国灾民可能需要进一步住院治疗. 为了解决归国灾民患者感染控制和临床治疗中可能面临的困难,3. natural calamity:(1)自然灾害(Natural Calamity). 是指自然界的力量所造成的灾害,它一般是人力无法抗拒的. 在中国<>中把恶劣气候(Heavy Weather)、雷电(Lightning)、海啸(Tsunami)、地震(Earthquake)和洪水(Flood)作为可保的自然灾害;自然灾害 双语例句1. 热水器内储存的水一定要排放完,防止因管道破裂,发生漏水事件;洗衣机、浴盆里的水要及时放掉,防止产生异味或者因道爆裂发生漏水事件;拔掉室内所有电源插头防止雷电等产生的自然灾害;冰箱、储物柜内储存的食物要尽量的提前食用或处理,防止腐烂变质&&&&The water must be expel from water heater, washing machine, bathtub to prevent leakage incident occurred because of pipeline rupture peculiar smell and burst. To pull out indoor attaching plug to prevent natural disasters
The food storage in refrigerators must be treat as much as possible before outgoing, to prevent deteroprate because of rot.2. 根据大量的实测数据,利用模糊分级统计法和新提出的等密图统计法,经分析得到两点认识:(1)自然灾害多数出现在节气日附近;(2)自然灾害多数出现在节气之间的黄金分割日附近。&&&&According to a lot of measured data and by the statistical method of fuzzy grade and the statistical method of isodensity graph put forward presently, two conclusions are reached as follows:(1)natural calamities often occu (2)natural calamities often occur nearby golden section day between solar terms.3. 地震是一种自然灾害,严重地影响了人们正常的生产和生活。&&&&Earthquake is one of natural calamities. It seriously affects human`s normal production and life.4. 公元840年,回鹘汗国因自然灾害侵袭、统治集团内讧及黠戛斯的进攻等原因而崩溃,其部众大部分向西迁徙。&&&&The Uighur Khanate collapsed in 840 because of natural disasters, internal strife and attacks by the ancient Jiegasi tribe. Consequently, most of the Uighur migrated westward.5. 自然灾害的意思5. 东北农牧交错区位于中国北方农牧交错带的东部,属于三北交界带农牧交错区,生态环境极为脆弱,是我国农业生产最不稳定的地带,也是干旱、风沙等自然灾害频繁发生的地带。&&&&Northeast agro-pastoral ecotone located in the east of north china, it is the part of theagro-pastoral ecotone adjacence to Sanbei, eco-environment is extremely weak, and it is themost erratic district in China of agricultural productivity, and is also a high frequency landwith nature disaster of drought and sandstorm etc.6. 我非常热爱和尊重中国人民,希望不再有自然灾害影响我的这个家乡。&&&&I have a lot of love and respect for chinese people and hope no more natural calamities can affect to my hometown..7. 7. 对古代自然灾害的研究可以帮助我们更准确地了解灾害的发展演变规律,我国历史上从唐代以来,灾报制度、灾情记述都较以前完善和详实,因此也给我们研究唐代自然灾害提供了更多的依据。&&&&To know about the reason why those natural calamities happened, and to know about the laws of their developments is the basic way for us to prevent and manage them effectively. The research on ancient natural calamities can help us to understand the developments and laws of calamities accurately.8. 但除了得到一次性捐助,这种巧妙地把国际会议与自然灾害相结合,为解决灾后重建提供了新途径。&&&&But beyond the one-off contributions, the unique melding of a major economic summit and a natural disaster may offer a chance to rethink the approach to reconstruction.9. 9. 一旦遭受自然灾害,必然要依赖内地经济的援助。&&&&When they met with disasters, they must depend on backland economic aid.10. 10. 第三章根据第二章的内容对东汉自然灾害的时间分布特征进行探讨。&&&&The third chapter is about the time distribution features of the natural calamities of Eastern Han Dynasty.11. 11. 林女士用理论与案例相结合的方式,讲解了普通人如何利用正确的穿戴,在面对自然灾害时缓解心理压力,排解负面情绪,重点阐述了如何帮助职业妇女正确着装的知识和技巧。&&&&&&Case, she used a combination of theory and the way the ordinary people on how to make use of the right to wear, in the face of natural disasters to alleviate the psychological pressure, resolve negative emotions, focusing on how to help working women dress the right knowledge and skills.12. 去年中国遭受了一系列的自然灾害。&&&&&&China has been hit by a string of natural disasters in the last year.13. 13. 今年是自然灾害之年,曾在大量新闻中成为焦点。&&&&&&This was a year of natural disasters that were focused upon in the news.14. 今年的自然灾害就给我们一个深刻的启示,信息的重要性,如果我们可以预测,就不会出现这么大的问题。&&&&&&This year's natural disasters gives us a profound lesson of the importance of information, if we can predict, it would not have been so big.15. 在任何自然灾害损失的库存今年,专家认为,异常&&&&&&Stock losses in excess of any natural disasters this year, experts believe that the abnormal16. 16. 小 摘要:我国是世界上自然灾害发生频繁、灾害损失较严重的国家之一,每年都因自然灾害而使国民经济和人民生活遭受巨大的负面影响。&&&&&&china is one of the few countries that has has suffered serious losses caused by natural disasters every year.17. 由于世界各地发生的最近的自然灾害,例如在海地地震,导致人员伤亡和财产损失,从而在恶劣的生活造成了的世界组织非政府组织工作更美好的世界消除饥饿和贫困的全球发起了一个有保障的未来计划千兆其中你作为受益人之一选定被授予100万美元的大款项,以改善人们的生活和周围的人的标准。&&&&&&Due to natural disasters happening recently around the world, for example the earthquake in Haiti, leading to loss of lives and properties thereby resulting in poor standard of living, the WORLD FOR WORLD ORGANIZATION a non-governmental organization working for a better world fighting hunger and poverty worldwide has launched a Secured Future Program in which you were selected as one of the beneficiaries to be awarded a grand sum of one million dollars to improve your standard of living and of the people around you.18. 18. 动物意识和自然灾害的危险,但即使它是人类污染是造成它们赶走,但它仍然将蜜蜂暴行向大自然。&&&&&&Animals sense danger and natural disasters, but even if it was human contaminates that were killing them off, it still would bee an atrocity to mother nature.19. 自然灾害是什么意思19. 很明显,自然灾害是造成这个国家经济危机的原因。&&&&&&Obviously, natural disaster is the prime reason the economic crisis of this country.20. 自然灾害在线翻译20. 目前,该基地已具正常年景年产青干草931.6万kg,精、粗饲料117.7万kg,油籽32.9万kg的生产能力,所产饲草饲料可解决12.3万个羊单位牲畜的冬春补饲,增强了畜牧业生产的基础条件和抗御自然灾害的能力,发挥了较好的生态、经济和社会效益,为发展高产、优质、高效畜牧业打下了坚实基础。&&&&&&At the present time the base had the ability thatproduced green and dry grasses 931.6×105kg and concentrated and crude feed 177.7×105 kg, oil seeds32.9×105 kg. The grass and feed were able to solve 12.3 sheep units animals supplemental feeding inwinter and spring seasons. This increased basic condition of animal husbandry production and the ability toresist natural disaster b...自然灾害是什么意思,自然灾害在线翻译,自然灾害什么意思,自然灾害的意思,自然灾害的翻译,自然灾害的解释,自然灾害的发音,自然灾害的同义词,自然灾害的反义词,自然灾害的例句,自然灾害的相关词组,自然灾害意思是什么,自然灾害怎么翻译,单词自然灾害是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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自然灾害的各种情况用英语怎么说?中文 英语请都写上
地震earthquake台风hurricane, typhoon洪水deluge, flood暴风雪nowstorm, blizzard旱灾drought.
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natural disaster
Tsunami Words:海啸英语词汇 ... tsunami
海啸 natural disaster
自然灾害 tidal waves
潮汐波,浪潮 ...
natural calamities
自然灾害(Natural Calamities)是指不以人的意志为转移的、人类不可抗拒的非一般自然力量所造成的灾害,例如恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、洪水、等.
88六社区's Archiver ... Threats to Our Environment 环境面临的威胁 Disasters 自然灾害 Weather 天气 ...
natural calamity
新闻听力常用专业词汇!!!!!!!!!!!! ... plague 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼,灾祸 doom 厄运,毁灭,死亡 natural calamity 自然灾害 ...
Losses from natural disaster
Journal of Natural Disasters
Natural disasters/ hazards
All kinds of natural disasters
Natural disasters
various natural disasters
Natural disasters are becoming frequent
Natural disasters become frequent
Frequent natural disasters have become
Major natural disasters
global natural catastrophes
serious natural disaster
natural disaster risk evaluation
natural disaster risk assessment
nature disaster
- 引用次数:9
Since the rainfall is limited in amount, uneven in seasonal distribution, strongly changeable among years, and water and soil erosion is serious, drought has been the most serious nature disaster in the region, and often affects its agriculture sustainable developments.
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nature disaster
- 引用次数:15
Nature disaster often takes place ,and it is one of the most important factors which have an effect on economy development .
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natural calamity
- 引用次数:13
Yulin district is situated in the north of Shaanxi province,which boundaried between Maowusu desert and loess plateau. As a result,the precipitation of the region is rare,vegetation being rare,soil being eroded and the natural calamity happening frequently.
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natural calamities
- 引用次数:10
参考来源 -
natural calamity
- 引用次数:52
This paper discusses the occurrence situation of natural calamity and its influence in Gaogouli.
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natural calamities
- 引用次数:40
The paper has four chapters:The first chapter summarizes the research achievements of the natural calamities of Eastern Han Dynasty.
正文共分四章: 第一章回顾总结了东汉自然灾害的研究现状。
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natural hazards
- 引用次数:5
China is a country with serious mountain natural hazards, especially debris flow and landslide.
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natural disasters
natural calamity
natural disaster
natural hazard
natural catastrophes
natural hazard
natural catastrophes
[zì rán zāi hài]
natural calamities [disasters]
The people here are reduced to dire poverty because of (the) natural disasters.
That list is just for the sake of description, so related topics like activism or natural disasters could be discussed there too.
Taking Mozambique as an example, they found that deaths caused by natural disasters are likely to peak in 2030 if the country develops sustainably.
And then when you are out in nature, you can be really like
I could die, you know, look at Katrina, look at all these things.
It might bend and bow, that is it's not the forces of nature like the movement of the river that's knocking the bridge down, but it's just the failure of these materials over time, that they don't last as long as they might.
“自然灾害”是个多义词,它可以指自然灾害(自然灾害: 陈颙、史培军编著书籍), 自然灾害(自然界中所发生的异常现象), 自然灾害(雷纳·克鲁门勒所著书籍)。
- 来自原声例句


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