什么是光谱 overlapping stay

Abstract[中文文摘]针对固体中杂质发光光谱的特殊问题 ,以FORTRAN 77语言编写了多套曲线拟合程序 ,可分别适用于光滑型 ,散粒噪音叠加型及混合型光谱曲线的分解。并介绍了正确使用程序的技巧。对如何获得正确、可靠的拟合结果进行了讨论。[英文文摘]At first we stress that a successful fit result is determined by three factors, namely the high resolution spectrum data, effective computer program and skill for correctly undertaking curve fitting. The latter two factors are considered in this article. The algorithm of curve fitting are based on the damped least squares optimization methods. It is programmed in FORTRAN 77.The general principles of a satisfactory optimization routine are given in the context of degree of convergence and the computation time needed to achieve an acceptable fit. The computer grograms developed are capable of separating 24 overlapping bands at the most in a conr posite profile having 500 experimental data points.In the case of a composite profile strongly perturbed by the shot noises,a weighting function must be introduced into the computer program for its effectively running.Corresponding to the shape of a profile (a smooth curve or a curve revealing a high-level of noises)and the constraint conditions,one may use a suitable program to undertake courve fitting.The functions of six programs are listed in Table 1. Furthermore,we stress that the mere ability to undertake the required calculations,in terms of rapid data handing capability of the computer,is not the guarantee that meaningful fits will be obtained.It is shown that a preliminary data processing is needed.In order to eliminate“insensible parameters”during the fitting calculations we should make the conversion of the values of original data.The value of abscissa for every point should be converted into the value expressed in the unit of meV. The value of intensity for every experimental point must be converted into a value as the maximum intensity is set at 100 a.u.Curve fitting may be facilitated if the initial estimates of parameters were chosen appropriately.The peak energy position must be accurately fixed.The discrepancy of a fit may be employed to locate any regions of poor fit in con2 junction with visual plot. The regions of poor fit are att ributed to incorrect choice of the initial estimates of parameters or the incorrect fit model adopted. A successful fit result is determined by the fit model which include the number of peaks,peak energy position and degree of band asymmet ry. These factors are discussed in detail. At last we have exemplified the curve fitting of the 25K luminescence spect rum involving NN1-bound exciton in GaP:N sample. We have shown how to undertake the curve fitting of the whole composite profile,how to locate the region of poor fit and to change the fit model,and finally achieve a reliable fit. 福建省自然科学基金 (E0 0 10 0 0 1); 厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室基金资助项目。Do you want to read the rest of this article?
CitationsCitations0ReferencesReferences0Article[中文文摘]在激光辐照下,C60与甲苯反应形成了一系列的富勒烯衍生物,对其中的可溶产物进行的高效液相色谱-质谱-紫外光谱(HPLC-MS-UV)分析研究表明,反应产物中包括C60(C7H7)n,C60Hn,C60(C7H7)nOm等,它们的形成可能与甲苯在激光作用下形成的自由基有关,多级质谱(MS/MS)分析表明,这些衍生物是自由基链结在笼状C60外围的结果。[英文文摘]A series of fullerene derivatives would be produced by the laser induced reaction of C60 with toluene. High performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry and ultraviolet spectrometry (HPLC... Article2000年材料科学与工程新进展(上)——2000年中国材料研讨会论文集 , 2000 年 The New Progress on Material Science and Engineering '2000 (1) [中文文摘]尝试了将液相电弧法应用于超细金属颗粒的制备,在自行设计的铜-液氮电弧反应装置中,高频高压引发铜电极发生电弧反应,并使其表面的铜原子蒸发出来,但周围液氮介质的急冷效果阻止了铜团簇的生长,使其以超细颗粒产物的形式被保存下来,TEM和XHD分析证明该反应形成了20~400nm的立方铜超细球晶。 福建省自然科学基金(项目编号:E0010001);厦门大学科学研究基金。 BookAugust 2014ArticleDecember 1981 · Information Processing & Management · Impact Factor: 1.27Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.This publication is from a journal that may support self archiving.二次光谱,中文例句,英文例句-词都网
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发光二极管光谱测量中的杂散光与带宽校正overlapping是什么意思_overlapping的解释_英汉词典_词典网 && && &&overlapping的意思 overlapping 音标[əuvə'læpiŋ] 真人读音中文翻译:【计】 重叠, 覆盖【医】 重迭&英语解释:名词 overlapping:covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another (as with tiles or shingles)同义词:imbrication, lapping动词 overlap:coincide partially or wholly同义词:overlapextend over and cover a part of同义词:overlap形容词 overlapping:related by having something in common with or coinciding withlaid overlapping (not flush)同义词:lap-jointed, lap-strake, lap-straked, lap-streak, lap-streaked英汉词典&相关对话:Armor consisting of overlapping plates used to protect the buttocks.护臀甲由相互交迭的甲片构成的铠甲,用来保护臀部Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest.重叠的,交叉的某些昆虫休息时其翅膀重迭的或交叉的Having the edges overlapping in a regular arrangement, as roof tiles or the scales of a fish.鳞状叠覆的具有规则安排的叠盖边缘的,如瓦片或鱼鳞相关词条:您所在位置: &
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Two optical system which increase the absorption length 问:光热光谱的分辨率为什么远远大于另外两种光谱技术? 乙炔某合频的傅立叶变换红外光谱、光声光谱和光热光谱 光热光谱: fW探测 * (4)电离光谱 分子处于受激态Ek时,通过某些方法产生电子或离子,探测它们以检测分子跃迁中光子的吸收
上能级Ek易于电离的分子适合于用电离光谱探测 * 电离方法包括光电离、自电离、直接电离、场电离、碰撞诱导电离,光电离用脉冲激光器效率更合适 电离光谱技术可和质谱连用,实现高分辨的同位素分离与精细光谱探测 * 质谱和电离光谱连用:20Li3和21Li3 * 应用 监测固体表面被激光脱附的分子的质量分布 在丰度高得多的其他同位素中探测稀有的同位素 研究分子动力学和分子的碎裂过程 * (5)光伽伐尼光谱 气体放电中进行激光光谱学研究的一种极好而简单的技术
将激光频率调节到电离区内原子或离子的两个能级之间的跃迁能量上,光泵浦改变离子数密度,两个能级电离几率不同,从而改变离子和自由电子数目,改变电流 * Neon discharge (1 mA, p=1 mbar) 光伽伐尼光谱最大的特点是什么? * Applications Studies of excitation and ionization processes in flames, gas discharges, and plasmas , which are important for the development of new energy saving light sources. (火焰、气体和等离子体中的电离过程,对研究新型能源很重要 ) Investigation of radicals and unstable reaction products that are formed by electron-impact fragmentation in gas discharges. These species play an important role in the extremely rarefied plasma in molecular clouds in the interstellar medium(自由基和不稳定的产物,星际分子气体中非常稀薄的等离子体中,这些成分有非常重要的作用) . (6)激光磁共振和斯塔克光谱 适合于具有永磁偶极距或电偶极距的粒子 借助外磁场或电场把吸收频率调谐到特定频率 当某些光谱区域没有合适的可调谐激光器但是有固定激光器时,可以利用该种光谱形式 * Laser magnetic resonance of CH radical with
some OH overlapping * 正常塞曼和反常塞曼效应? */96 外加磁场,塞曼效应
mJ为总磁量子数,类似单个电子下的磁量子数,它可以取2J+1个值,可见在磁场作用下能级会分裂为2J+1个。 */96 一个例子
总结 频率调制和腔内吸收 可以用于提高多种激光光谱技术灵敏度的方法 荧光光谱 紫外和可见光区域 光声光谱 红外区域,其它分子压强大的微小浓度分子 光热光谱 红外区域,分子束 电离光谱 激发态与电离能级接近 光伽伐尼光谱 气体放电过程中可以的高灵敏光谱技术 磁共振光谱和斯塔克光谱 要求分子具有永磁偶极矩和电偶极距 * 课堂讨论和作业1 (以小组形式提交) 简要介绍和比较不同提高光谱探测灵敏度的方法原理及适用范围,设计一种高灵敏的测量方法,画出光路图,用以测量大气中的污染气体。 拉曼散射截面为σ=10-30cm2,如果入射激光功率为10W,波长为λ=500nm,聚焦体积为5mm×1mm2,以10%的收集效率在量子效率为η=25%的光电倍增管上成像,那么可以探测到的最小分子浓度Ni是多少?光电倍增管的暗电流为每秒10个光生电子,信噪比大于3:1。 共振腔环路衰减光谱中,L= d=1m,α=10-6cm-1
(1) R=0.999
(2) R=0.9999
* 不同方法之间的比较 紫外和可见区域 激发光谱学 激发态和电离能级很近 电离光谱学 红外区域其他分子压强很大 光声光谱学 分子束内的红外区域光谱 光热光谱学 气体放电中的原子或离子光谱


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