note4 trltechnote1是什么型号号

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I was born in late 96 and I used 95 quite a bit.
We had a windows 98 too, but the 95 computer had a few games the 98 one didn')
Sounds like other people have dealt with just putting rustc on a usb stick. Another option might be (depending on if they've bothered to lock the bios down or not) to boot linux off of a usb stick and install rustc on that.
You can follow instructions like
to install it. To boot turn off the computer, plug it in, turn on the computer, and figure out how to make it boot the USB (likely press f12 and select it, it will probably say on start up what buttons you can press to get a boot menu (or something similar), press that).
Google, , and an actual lawyer if it's important.
Violating that code wouldn't be an academic offense though...
Drawing swatstikas/other things mentioned also doesn't violate that code, the only thing it even comes close to is a very liberal interpretation of B.1.e, but even then that still requires it to be &directed at one or more specific individuals& which this clearly isn't.
I mean... Wire then. And if you include using servers running it, DropBox, npm, coursera, etc.
Rust is pretty widely used for such a new language.
cough firefox cough.
Would be cool though.
This might be a starting point for you:
If you get it working, please share!
I've been around since Cassiope (which the wiki tells me is Sept 29 2013), I've suggested stricter moderation in most every modpost since then as well, excluding the most recent ones.
I'm pretty strongly of the opinion that moderation of comments has gotten to the point where it's erring on the side of too strict instead of not strict enough. And that the (now largely rolled back)
was definitely suggesting going over the line.
Simple questions for instance were always previously allowed in the comments. Sources required was at most an optional experiment (that in my opinion mostly failed). Locking a thread because the comments were 'crap'/it wasn't the right format instead of just saying that &this thread was a mistake& and allowing discussions to continue elsewhere is certainly a first. Etc.
The mods have a hard job though, I certainly don't blame them for not being perfect.
Gcc accepts defining main with only 1 argument saving another two bytes.
I've also altered it so that it's factorial in the number of arguments instead of the value of argc (number of arguments + 1 because argv[0] is always the path to the executable) with no change in size.
main(n){return --n?n*main(n):1;}
They still shouldn't clam up and not discuss this with the community, given that it's a decision that purely affects the community. Instead they should just be disclaiming that what they say is their opinion and not necessarily representative of the modteam.
They should then be maintaining the status quo until they are on the same page, not making large changes to the subreddit,
but a delayed and thought-through response is better than a crappy one with a quick turnaround.
Not at all, a productive conservation requires back and forth not possible with long delayed responses. As long as you're not arbitrarily requiring that you stick to exactly what you initially said there is no substantial risk. This is how the subreddit use to be run too, go back and look at some of the older mod threads.
That said, I'm just back and frankly have little idea what's going on in the first place. I'm not making any kind of statement until I'm all caught up with the team and the subreddit.
OTOH this is a completely fair and reasonable decision. Now if only the mods who were around the whole time were willing to communicate...
Spacex has not put unmanned Dragon to go around Moon yet.
I sincerely doubt they will either. Not enough reason to. This way they also get to do the test flights under the commercial crew program.
They certainly won't do it a couple times, they aren't even planning on flying Dragon 2 a couple times before putting crew on it, only once.
Pushed back to 2020, you can find a tweet from Shotwell confirming it.
I disagree with most of their recent decisions, and that certainly includes today. Other people have covered the primary issues today well enough (basically micromanagement, trying to force reddit to be something it's not, making the subreddit hostile). However the worst part is really the lack of communication between the mod team and the users, if good communication was happening all the above could be fixed for the future and forgotten.
The modteam announced they were going to enforce the rules on the megathread, twice. When people asked why they pretended they didn't understand the question (or worse, actually didn't) and just re-iterated it again. Giving no justification, ignoring the posts asking &why& and &can we not&. Later they decided they weren't happy, insulted all the users, locked the thread, and the extent of the justification was &we said so a whole two hours ago&.
This lack of communication is also reflected in the recent modpost. The extent of what they have said over the large amount of in depth feedback was
Quick note - we appreciate the vigorous feedback and debate, we’re not ignoring you. Thanks!
Sorry, our priority's been the launch! We are prepping a response, and it'll be as visible as possible when it's done.
(9 days ago now without a response)
To be entirely fair they also responded to some more trivial pieces of feedback with messages like, but still, they ignored any substantive feedback even about things as trivial as about the tone of what automoderator says
Please note that a comment being removed by AutoModerator does not necessarily signal that AutoModerator is working as intended. We're constantly tweaking it to avoid false positives, but even 95% success on a subreddit this large means there will be some nonsensical automatic removals sometimes. Sorry!
I don't know what's going on, my best guess is that the modteam has become dysfunctional enough that the members of it aren't willing to speak for fear of going against what the group decides later. But it's clearly not working, and something needs to change.
Before you answer this question you need to define
What is Linux.
What is a Virus.
For 1. do you mean only desktop linux use (the only place that claim but be reasonably considered true), or do you include server use? Android? Embedded devices/internet of things? Etc?
For 2. do you mean some a executable that tries to &install& (for lack of a better word) itself on other computers. Do you mean more generally malware
regardless of whether or not it spreads itself? I.e. is a simple keylogger a virus? Are you concerned about state funded attacks against individuals, or only the (far more common) viruses that just try to exploit as many computer users as possible for money in one form or another?
I'm going to assume we're talking about desktop linux, we are talking about general malware, and we aren't talking about state funded attacks on individuals.
It's not immune, but it's far more resistant. There are a number of reasons for this.
Higher quality code means it is harder.
We are much better as a group about keeping all our software up to date (so safe against known vulnerabilities).
Most exploits can be put to much better use against servers running linux than individuals running linux, so no one really bothers the desktop users
There are a lot less of us, and we are a lot more tech savvy, so it's a lot harder to extract significant sums of money from us.
As I understand, Anti Viruses are made so that security researchers can find exploits
Anti viruses are made so anti virus companies can extract money from people. They're typically terrible and should be avoided at nearly all costs. Give a read of
(currently at the top of ), they break basic security guarantees of browsers and OSes, often have bugs and backdoors installed in them, etc.
This seems absolutely necessary for Linux
They shouldn't even be used on Windows.
Security researches are however necessary, and at a more commercial scale intrusion detection systems that don't suck are available and somewhat useful for servers (on all OSes, including Linux). But basically founding out you got hacked isn't much use for a desktop, it's not like the people who hacked you will get more out of it by being subtle.
Doesn't agree with the decision, or didn't expect it to come out this way?
But... you added a x in after the second *, without that cdecl just says syntax error as well.
Strictly speaking it makes it a title (bold and big), you can just make something bold via **text**, i.e. text.
To type a # at the start of a line without making it bold use \# instead (which will show as just a #)
Java: intelliji (community edition)
Python: visual studio code or emacs depending on my mood
C++: qtcreator or emacs
Rust: visual studio code
Latex: emacs
I love it.
Lots of interesting courses, challenging problems, and smart people.
Also lots of dumb courses, tedious time-wasters, and dumb people, avoid those.
If you just want to learn to program and become a web developer, go somewhere else, you will hate it here. if you want to challenge yourself mentally come here.
The best idea I've seen so far is measuring the size (in bytes) of programs after compression. It results in a relatively reasonable definition of size which is invariant to programming language.
(Credit to the computer language benchmark games)
You optimize it!
that programmers will always be employed! (That you can always make an optimizing compiler better)
car washes
Multiple car washes in a short period of time are &normal maintenance&?
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