如何写好论文中的 designjava criteriaa

你可能喜欢如何写好论文Discussion?大牛回答了16个问题 |干货
如何写好论文Discussion?大牛回答了16个问题 |干货
Discussion是论文的重要组成部分,也是很多中文作者的薄弱环节,如何将discussion写好呢?你可能会关心这16个问题……1.Q:Whether we should use some important words such as 'the first time' in our paper?A:I think it helps. The clearer it is, the better. You can also use'novel' 'never published before' etc..&2.Q:What are the differences between discussion and result?A:The results section is what you found. So you usually present your figures andjust say exactly what you found (for example, we found in our disease modelthat protein A was decreased). In the discussion you really discuss the results. What do they mean? What have people found before? Why are they important? (For example, the decrease in protein A is linked to the progressionof the disease. It has previously been shown in Chang et al. This decrease inprotein A is important because it allows us to target this protein for treatingthis disease).&3.Q:&If I have the different result with others, how can I write in the discussion better?&How to discuss negative result?A:Just because you have a different result from others doesn’t necessarily meanit is negative. I think it is important to be honest here and mention that what you found is different to what has previously been published. It is also thengood to discuss reasons why (E.g., different animal model? Different dose ofdrug? Different time-course of administration? etc.) Just because a result isdifferent doesn’t mean it isn’t useful or non-publishable.&4.Q:How to deal with the relationship between the introduction and discussion?A:The introduction is really to introduce your study but it is usually reallyshort (maybe 1 page max). It usually introduces what you are studying (cancer,heart disease, etc.) and then you state what is missing about the topic (i.e., inheart disease we don't understand why protein A is important) then you stateyour hypothesis so everyone knows what you will research (i.e., We will studyprotein A in cardiomyocytes to see if it has an effect on the disease)&5.Q:Should we discuss each item of result in discussions?A:Yes, I think you should discuss each result. Even if it is short, you shouldmention all results in the discussion. It helps to create a story, which isclear and logical, and by explaining each result, you help to do this.&6.Q:Teacher,thank you for your useful presentationfirst,I would like to know what kind of tensesyou usually use in discussion part, especially when cited references.A:In the discussion we usually use a mixture of simple past and present. So whenyou discuss your results you would use simple past (we found in our study that....), or if you talk about other people's studies (cited references) you alsouse simple past (Chan et al., found that ....) but otherwise you can usepresent (i.e., and this study is important because …)&7.Q:Excuse me but I have a question about Common mistake #4, I find the goodexample a little bit repeating. Can we just say 'the study of Chan et alshows similar results and hence proves its validity'?A:Yes, you are absolutely right. You can just say 'the study of Chan et alshows similar results and hence proves its validity' (although I wouldn'tsay 'proves' validity, I would say strengthens our results orsomething similar). I just wanted to provide an example with more than one wayto say 'new'.&8.Q:You have mentioned that in the discussion we should tell the novelty of the research,but we have always put this in the beginning for the purpose, how to distinguishthem?A:Repeating yourself isn't a bad thing. The more you state the novelty, theclearer it becomes to your reader (and reviewer!) because you mention it a fewtimes. In the introduction (or beginning) you don't have to state the novelty,you usually state what you will do (i.e., your hypothesis). However, if you dostate novelty in the introduction you can repeat it in the discussion, noproblem.&9.Q:How to avoid overstatement in discussion?A:Good question!! I think it is important to not use strong words like, 'wehave proven that ...' 'we will cure that' and to make sure yourstatements are similar to your results.&10.Q:I would like to ask a question, lady. Due to the change of magazine, at first,my discussion and results were separate but now it needs to be put together. Canyou give me some advice to do this work? Thank you a lot!A:Yes, this can be tricky. What I like to do is to present the result first (Infigure 1 we showed/found that ....) and then right after you would discuss it.This is novel/important because ... Then you start on the next result. (Infigure 2 we showed that ... and this is important because ....). In the lastparagraph I would also do a conclusion so it is clear what you found and why itis important.&11.Q:Why isn't the sentence in the discussion the longer the better?A:The simple answer is that the longer you write, the more chances people have tobecome confused or lost. Also, as you know, reading REALLY long papers isboring. You want the reader to enjoy your paper and to find it simple and easyto understand. The best way to do this is to have it short and simple.&12.Q:How can we clearly state the novelty of the study?A:I think the best way to do this is to use simple words and make it clear andshort. We found the novel result that ... Our, this study is novel because ...etc.&13.Q:In your opinion, if our result is A is good. In the discussion, we should nothave the words “someone thinks A is good, but anthers can't, it has controversyat resent”. Isn’t it?A:I think it is OK to mention in the literature if there is a controversy.Sometimes this is better because it means your paper is even more important. If5 people found protein A was decreased and 5 people found protein A wasincreased, you can say, currently in the literature it is unclear if protein Ais increased or decreased, our study attempted to clarify this controversy. Ourresults show that ...&14.Q:Should we cite the NEWEST study which is related to our results in the discussion?A:Yes!! I think this is a great idea. It shows that you are up-to-date with theliterature and it also gives the reader a nice summary of what is happening inthe literature. You can also cite older articles, but I think it is good toalso include the newest ones.&15.Q:If I have shortcuts in my study, like I only have short-term results of theinfluence of operation on a tumor marker, but I lack the long-term resultswhich is really important. How can I make my findings convincing and notrejected because I still not have the long-term results? Thank you.A:This can also be difficult sometimes. However, short term studies can be justas important as long term. For example, if you are studying a disease, shortterm impacts are as important as long term. In our heart studies we talk aboutshort term studies as important because what happens in the short term willcause what happens in the long term. You need to know what happens first beforeyou know what happens later. For your example, it is important to know if thetumor marker goes down really quickly after surgery of if it takes longer, thatis important for clinical knowledge. How long do they need to monitor the tumormarker before it changes?&16.Q:Simple words and simple sentences will be better?A:YES!!! Sometimes I notice people choose very long and complicated words that weoften don't use normally in English. This makes it more difficult for us tounderstand your paper. As simple as possible is really better. Also, a lot ofpeople have English as a second or third language who will read your papers.Keeping it as simple as possible is better for everyone! Longer morecomplicated words don't make it sound better, it makes it more confusing!以上内容来自2月27日募格编辑联合丁香园举办的SCI论文写作微信公开课,资深母语编辑Kristin以论文的讨论部分写作为主题,展开了在线讲解。如果您对此类内容感兴趣,可以长按下面的二维码关注「募格学术」。微信号:mugexueshu相信你们中的大多数人错过了这次公开课,别担心,我们早已为各位准备好了这次公开课的干货。首先,同学们可以通过下面的视频,回顾一下公开课:How to write a good discussion.只看视频还不够?没关系,母语编辑&Kristin&的授课&PPT 也抛给你。下载地址:/s/1dEfuLZr如果您不方便下载,也没关系,我们将 PPT 的内容用截图方式展示出来,您只需点击图片,放大一下,就能很方便地查看了。公告声明:
一个好的思路在做一件衣裳之前,你的头脑中一定要有做好之后的样子。同样,在论文写前也要构思好整篇论文的结构,如何总结分析数据,要重点表达什么,可以在纸上把完整的结构画出来。逻辑很重要,如果你担心自己没有好的写的思路,可以模仿那些优秀的论文,学习它们的写作方法,发现其中的写作规律。精炼简洁的摘要论文只是载体,你的主要目的是告诉别人你在研究什么,所以一定要用最简单的话表达最明白的意思,不要追求词语的华丽。而论文的摘要是整篇论文的精简版,所以一定要字斟句酌,简明扼要。撰写摘要一般遵循四个原则:1)介绍课题研究背景;2)指明存在问题,引出本文研究内容;3)描述研究方法和实验结果;4)提炼实验结论和意义。摘要是论文的敲门砖。很多论文之所以被拒,多半是死在了摘要上。所以,对于年轻的论文写作者来说,一定要下大功夫把摘要写好,反复修改。请教你的老师或前辈,让他们给你提出修改建议。图和表的应用图和表就像是衣服上的图案装饰,绣的好不好直接影响整件衣服审美感。在论文写作中,图和表是最好的结果呈现方式,它可以避免冗长的文字表达。制作图表首先要了解目标期刊的图表限制,以确定你的图表可以充分表达结果。其次,图表中的数据要容易解读。每个图表要显示多少数据,图的坐标、表的行列、以及示意图的各部分都要标记清楚。对于大样本,给出绝对数和变化/差异的百分比。第三,图表的标注也应该独立成文,并且无需阅读全文就能完全理解。最后,与“结果“部分的注意事项一样,图表和正文之间不应有重复叙述。先制作清楚、高质量的图表,随后就可以轻易地撰写“结果”部分。所以,为了你的论文呈现更简洁美观,一定要熟练掌握几个图表制作的工具。这样会让你事半功倍。语言表达的重要性你的语言不需要太过华丽,但一定要表达清楚,逻辑严谨。学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。审稿人不希望看到一篇满是错误拼写和漏洞的文章,这会让人不得不怀疑作者的专业素养。所以,为了更好的语言表达一定要多加训练。你可以给自己订个目标,每天阅读英文新闻或文章半小时到一个小时,不断培养对语言表达的敏感性。另外,如果有充足的时间也可以做写作训练,好的文章都是在平时的练习中积累出来的。以上是梅斯医学编辑为各位总结的几条写作经验,也是需要重点关注的几点。当然,写好一篇文章远不止于此,为了让正在写论文或准备写论文的朋友们更好的学习,梅斯医学也特别开办了5堂培训课。最近一期培训课()将于2月27-28日在中科院上海学术活动中心开课,欢迎各位临床科研工作者届时参与。培训内容/目标:l 如何快速理清文章结构与逻辑关系l 精准用词,回避文章的缺陷与不足l 如何提练创新点,扬长避短l 审稿人视角,以及缺陷事先弥补l 图表制作中常见不合理的类型,以及修改策略l 提供cover letter, response letter格式和模板l 现场实战模拟报名咨询请联系:万家如,138 。
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