Intelligent 一词词牌名是什么意思思

the intelligent
地方小吃 >> local snacks 聪敏的 >> The intelligent 他们呼吁群众多坐公交车,多种树,加大城市绿化建设 >> They called for more public bus, a variety of trees, increase urban g...
If you want to make the intelligent choice, trust me on this.
Each recording had a series of rhyming words that the volunteers had to identify, with and without the intelligent microphone, for different levels of background noise.
Yet here was a clear victory delivered by millions of volunteers-and by the intelligent use of technology to ride a wave of excitement that is all too rare in most democracies.
然而这一次,数百万的志愿者积极参与,技术被聪明的用以掀起一个在大多数民主国家里罕见的兴奋浪潮。 这一切都表明,这是一场光明磊落的胜利。
Others are from the mistaken science of Percival Lowell, the American astronomer who believed intelligent beings lived on Mars.
VOA: special.
Have you ever felt any pressure because of all of the intelligent people around you?
So if you demonstrate something by writing an intelligent answer just by outlining it and saying, well, what I would do is I would equate the energy lambda and then solve for lambda, I can see that you know what is going on.
The Intelligent Hybrid AF system is active during movie recording for fast, precise focus.
The Intelligent Transport System has been introduced for the first time in Scotland on the M90.
The intelligent investor has already answered these questions before deciding to buy the stock.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!bbc你问我答--Smart, intelligent, wise 三词区别(打印版)
bbc你问我答--Smart, intelligent, wise 三词区别()&
BBC Learning English&
Q and A of the Week 你问我答&
Smart, intelligent, wise 三词区别&
& 关于台词的备注:&
& 請注意:中文文字内容只提供簡體版&
Feifei: & 大家好,我是冯菲菲。欢迎收听《你问我答》节目。在英国诺丁汉的听众 Mao&Kunlun 想请我们讲一讲以下这三个词的区别:&
I am told that 'smart', 'intelligent' and 'wise' mean different things.&
Feifei: &So are you smart, intelligent or wise? Or all three? 我相信这几个特征你肯定都已经同时具备,就算不完全具备也没关系,因为在学完它们之间的区别后你就会变得&smart, intelligent and wise!&
Number one: Mr Salt. He's clearly very intelligent: he won a scholarship to study at&Harvard and has a PhD in astrophysics. He can speak seven languages and learned how&to fly a helicopter last year. &
Feifei: &Hmmm& he sounds very intelligent! Mr Salt 是天体物理学的博士,&astrophysics 天体物理学;曾获得奖学金去 Harvard University 哈佛大学深造;会讲七国语言还会飞直升飞机 flies helicopters. 他听起来也太聪明了吧!在这里我们则可以用单词 intelligent 来表达一个人能非常轻松的学习和掌握很多复杂的事情。有请下一位应聘者: &
Number two: Mrs Spice. She is very smart. She has two degrees and a successful&business. She is good at thinking quickly in difficult situations in her business. She also&dresses very smartly. And she collects frogs.&
Feifei: &Hmmm& 挺有意思。But Mrs Spice was very& smart! 单词 smart 可以用来表达有智慧的、聪明的意思,尤其是在美式英语中人们会更多的使用 smart 的这层这个含义。单词 smart 还可以用来形容一个人的思维敏捷she thinks quickly, 而且总能做出正确的决定,那么也就是说这个人通过实际工作证明了自己的智慧。对了,在英式英语中,smart 还可以形容一个人穿着整洁、漂亮,衣冠楚楚。You're very smart&today! 下面是第三位应聘者,想必你已经猜到了,这个人很 wise:&
Number three: Miss Curry. She's incredibly wise. She has worked in four different&companies over a 20-year career. She's got a lot of experience dealing with many kinds&of situations, and has seen great changes in the industry, which helps her make good&decisions. People often go to her for advice. She has climbed Everest twice, and has&three children. &
Feifei: &Now, Miss Curry 究竟她具备了哪些使她 wise 的条件呢? 答案是她多年积累的经验使她能做出正确的、明智的决定和选择,也正因如此,大家在遇到问题的时候会经常征求她的意见 advice 、向她取经。Wise 常用来形容年纪较长的前辈,不过我们每个人都可以做一个 wise decision. 比如说,看外面天气不太好然后决定带上一把雨伞。不过,这位 Miss Curry 好像身体也很强壮啊,她曾经两次登上珠穆朗玛峰 she&climbed Everest. 哎,说不定有一天我也能去爬呢!&
那我们到底应该选以上三位应聘者中的哪位来做我们公司的经理呢?收听我们节目的朋友们,你们来帮我们选选吧。请你再来听一遍这三位的简介然后告诉我们你会选谁?最后,如果你在英语学习中遇到任何难题,可以通过邮件给我们发送你的问题,我们的邮箱是 下次再会! &
Number one: Mr Salt. He's clearly very intelligent: he won a scholarship to study at&Harvard and has a PhD in astrophysics. He can speak seven languages and learned how&to fly a helicopter last year. &
Number two: Mrs Spice. She is very smart. She has two degrees and a successful&business. She is good thinking quickly in difficult situations in her business. She also&dresses very smartly. And she collects frogs.&
Number three: Miss Curry. She's incredibly wise. She has worked in four different&companies over a 20-year career. She's got a lot of experience dealing with many kinds&of situations, and has seen great changes in the industry, which help her make good&decisions. People often go to her for advice. She has climbed Everest twice, and has&three children. &
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