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相关词典网站:《Never Too Late to Do Something》
001 Yesterday was cod leftovers
Everyone lives at present basically. The basically is the point but all of us seems to forget it easily.
Nowadays are the continual of the past, but it goes to the future. So we can look back but we really can’t come back. On the basis of this, yesterday was cold leftovers for me.
Maybe many people think that it was good in the past, but it is just the memory. If you always steep into the memory, I think it is a pity. Because if you stop and you will have any progress.
If the past really makes you feel better, you can do action to make it happen again. This is helpful for your future.
In the opposite hand, if there is any unhappy memory you should more to do like this. If you always feel bad about the history, it means you keeping your cold leftovers with you. It is stupid.
You can just think that if someone asks you, ‘What are you worried a year ago?’ I guess that nobody could remember about it. Even it was extremely worried, we could forget it soon. It is good to do like this.
Forget the unhappy things quickly. As the good memory, we could not back to the past so we can try hard to make it happen again. When the right moment you think about that yesterday was cold leftovers, I believe that you can do like this. In another word, you should face the future all the times and live in the present.
002 Don’t trouble with failure and trouble with success
Even not anxious person will be worried the failure scene of something when he starts if he is uncertain about it. There is no reason, which makes me unimaginable.
First of all, you don’t know the consequence. As my point, it may be appear good things. So you consider the bad result first you just want to over lose hope. In the opposite hand, it is easily to appear bad things just you always think it.
Shakespeare has said that anxious is the big enemy of your life. But many people are anxious inborn. If you are always anxious, I suggest that you can try to worry about success.
If you think it is hard and you must make a trial. However it is not harder than your thought.
For example, when someone buys lottery tickets, I have not observed anyone buy them with the mind that if he could not win. Everyone buys lottery tickets with the hope to win the prize and the mind that if I win I will use the money to do things. The same truth, you could think the success in everything that you are planning to do anything. Win a prize depend one’s luck, so even you do god job, but you are easily to failure when you are not luck. No one can help you. When you want to perform well in your jobs, interest or love, you could try to worry about when you success. In some kind of viewpoint, it is a luxurious anxious. But you will find it is funny that you worry about the things which are not started. And then you have you game in your hands.
i am for you
003 Taste first when you want to know the soap
It stands to reason that you do like this. But just many people can’t do like this. Things all over the world are funny and unimaginable.
Stretch out your hands and pick the ladle to drink the soup. It is so easily but people just don’t do and check the materials and elements of the soup. They want to know who and how cook the soup, so the soup may be tasted interest. The kind of judge is just a taste of your mind and not the taste you tasted.
Taste in mind means that you think the taste of it and it is not the true taste.
Not just for food, the taste in mind applies all around.
For example, you go to the shop store and see a dress. When you are thinking about the lines, the shape and the cuts, you cannot do better to take it on. You can confirm whether it is suitable for your body type and temperament and confirm the colors in sunshine. I am sure it is more quickly to make decision.
People will be anxious if he doesn’t understand about things before start. However, it is just the taste in your mind. And you just know it in your mind and not the really knowledge. I think that is more anxious. So you needn’t to ask too many questions before your action. I suggest that you could live easily and relaxed.
004 Great care takes more care
Sometimes careful and cautious are not bad things. It is necessary and important sometimes. But if you are take great care for one thing, you need to take care other things.
Generally speaking, earnest people are easily to fall into this situation. You have one purpose. But when you are taking great care on it and care becomes the purpose.
For example, if your boss said, ‘A guest will come at, if he comes, please call me immediately.’ You can just say OK and continue on your work. But if you think too much about it, you will be nervous and forget other things.
Moreover, sales used to promote products and will lost the trust of your customers. And you will ruin your business.
But say, I hope that you do not misunderstand the point. I don’t ask you are not careful and do something in frivolous way. I want to stress that farer and lesser are not good as the same. You can’t pay your attention on just one thing.
If you split over things and put your attention on one thing, you may be lost the valuable things and can’t do some things more important. And you try your best not to fail. It would be the reason of your failure. It muddles one’s wit. You need to know the influence.
005 Nothing hits you but you are hurt
Every day we are disappointed or worried about something. However, if you think careful and would find that there are not important actually. We pay more attention and deny ourselves and we feel like this.
Suppose that you are a clerk of a jewel shop and a guest comes to buy rings. You pick up several rings which are suitable for him. He satisfies with one of them and says that he want to buy. But final he gives up because of the high price.
Well, what is your feeling now? I think that you would lose hope and think in mind, ‘He likes it but can’t afford.’
But actually you needn’t to lose hope. The guest indeed loses hope. He likes it but he doesn’t buy. And the truth is that you lose your hope. Just change your mind in different way and you gets entirely different viewpoint.
Besides, you needn’t take great care about the failure. And it doesn’t matter. Everyone would fall over when he first rides a bike. If you are frequently hit by failure, how can you live happy? If you could keep the normal mind to treat things and it is better for you spirit health.
If you know that everything is not happening to hit you, you should not be worried by the so-called disappoint.
006 Keep the unfinished status is more interesting
I think that things finished are usual boring.
For example, there is a selecting show in TV. They want to find new people with potential. Usually, record company and manage company do not want to sign a contract with perfect ones. As a contract, they prefer to choose someone who is not good now but with great ability to upgrade. Like those who with great potential in future or has ability to sing or to be a famous star, record company could train them as they want. But if they have imitate good and sing perfect, record company would be irresolute to how can they make them as starts.
Finished things mean that you get the top. As a contract, it is less than that you keep the unfinished status and you own the expectation of how will you be in future. It doesn’t mean that you are defective, but with the ability that you will be better in future. When you say that you have yet finished, you makes people think that you know the weakness needed be fixed and you own the future. You are walking to the better future. Maybe it is a good premonition.
But, completest and perfect sound like the same, they are different. Completest are people who pursue perfect and in fact they are not perfect, and they have future. Therefore, you can be a completest but not a perfect.
However, it needn’t to be worried. There is nobody who is perfect in the world. If there is one, he would make people uncomfortable. So you’d better to be a little careless. It is easy to get along with somebody who has drawbacks.
007 Give up after failure is worse than failure itself
I usually persuade people not to bother about failure. Because the so-called failure, such as computer program errors, dialing the wrong number or writing mistakes is sure to happen.
There is no success at start. If you want to success, first you must realize that failure will come. If you don’t do anything because you fear about failure, not even success, nothing would happen. So failure is not so important, insist to do until success is important.
In another way, the reason of so-called failure is always that you don’t insist until success.
If you want to train exercise, you give up because of that you can’t. Giving up is worse than that you can’t. You practice because that you want to be good. The result is that you give up and there is never success. If you can’t do well, you just need to try your best again or change another way to train. All above you just insist to try your best and later you will be success.
Some fails are not important, the import thing is whether you success later and whether you insist in the end until success.
If you examine the success using a microscope, you will find that there are millions of small failures. Even you lose millions of times, if you success in the end, those failures would change to small things need be examine in microscope. The so-called failures are just things like this, so you can’t admit defeat. You can’t miss you success, maybe it is just behind you next failure.
008 Noisy people are always around with you
When you are going to do something, always there are people persuade like this, ‘Not do like that, I won’t hurt you.’ It is their usual word. But they don’t really know the essential of things and persuade in their own mind. It is not called that they don’t want to hurt you.
Suppose that you are an athlete of some baseball team. In the situation that your team is two scores ahead the opponent. The competition continued to the last half of end part. The coach wanted that you just kept your success now but some drunkard in grandstand shouted that you should fight for more scores. What do you do now? You fight or keep?
If the coach wants to fight and you too, the failure is another situation. But if you just follow the drunkard and fail in the end, he will not undertake the responsibility. They are around people.
‘Thanks to the around people and I get my success’. If anybody said this, I want to know who are the around people first.
I am afraid that many people are disturbed by others and ruin the things which could be success, because you could distinct from around people and not around people.
The point is that whether he really consider in your way, or whether he makes the decision in surface. He can walk into the deep and in your situation, know what you are doing know, what you want to do. I wish that you can see the difference.
009 Everyone starts in bad situation
Nobody is born in famous. Whether he is a CEO, a shop owner or a famous comic painter. For those who was success, we usually think that they were born with talent and were different from others. The truth is that we get the impress after they were success. We believe that they also started in bad situation.
Compare good things with former, you will be disappointed. It is meaningless. Because the status of unfinished, it could be done in the end. Nothing is done in the beginning.
In the opposite side, you would want it to be better because it is bad now and you can try you best to fix it. If you have finished in some levels and it would not be big transformation. It would be district in a small area.
A friend was poor when he started to do his own business. Usually you need a lot of money when your start a company, but he started without considering. Even he needed to borrow to buy goods. And he needed to borrow from another people to return somebody. When we need to have lunch together to talk about business, he had no money and just said that he was not hungry. Even the money of coffee is borrowed. Now he was very success and his business was well. The import point is that he was poor before so he understands the hard and pain of others. Meantime he gets confidence and struggle from the situation. I think it is the best property.
010 Attitude in study makes one growing fast
There are two options when somebody do something until he is familiar with it. One seems feeling good, ‘I have already do it great. ‘, and he will slow the steps. Another will feel like that, ‘I have already do it great, and I want to do better. ‘, he would keep the speed and even faster.
The one with the idea to be better would grow faster than another one. Whatever he is trying in sports, arts or other enjoys. Meanwhile, he will absorb anything which could take him ahead.
It is said that when the famous golf athlete named Arno Nirupama failed into bad situation, a friend who was not familiar with golf said that his gesture was wrong. The word make him recovered the level. The friend just said by the way, but he grasped the point.
The true expert will examine benefits from anyone who is expert or not. He will absorb the benefits what he thinks is useful. It is the essential that he could grow to an expert.
The essential is the thought that he want to be better through study. Even you could say that it is the greedy of getting more progress, and the self-respect to be an expert. It was not the warning that you can’t accept the viewpoint from who are not an expert. It is a belief that you want to be better.
If you want to be better, you should not be disturbed by small things. You should belief that all of this dose better to yourself. And that is the point.
011 Examine a person from his surface
It is declared that the word is not to examine oneself from what he looks. The surface here means his wears. It is said that you need to dress well.
We often hear from that we could not examine ones from he looks. But the truth is that people use to determine from their first impression. The inherent is minor. In another word, you should feel well at first and then you want to know the inherent. Nearly ninety percent of us would think like this.
People use to choose the simple aside. So they prefer to choose good inherent person from good looks, neither choose good looks from good inherent.
Especially, good inherent seems that they also pay attention to their surface. In the times when the war was finished, there were not materials and you need to be simple and unadorned. But modern society, anyone could dress well. If he doesn’t, he would have something wrong in his mind.
As Goethe said in his [HTML_REMOVED], ‘Dress is the mirror of yourself, so you can’t be careless. ‘. It is a symbol of yourself.
So even if one is a kind, serious and warm hearted person, he dresses in dirty clothes and bad looks, people would not be close to himself to know his inherent. It is a pity. So you must pay attention to your outside at first.
012 It is unconquerable for someone with vigor
It is unconquerable for someone with vigor. I think that the one with vigor is the strongest all over the world. The energy of him is spraying.
In front of vigor, ability and education background are less important. Vigor is beyond everything.
When I was doing business, I also think to encourage people’s vigor around myself. And it is the same in your company. If it is asked what is needed of your boss, neither the promotion nor the training, but the vigor of his underling. Only if one gets his vigor, his ability and intelligence will speed up. In the opposite side, if a boss complains that his underling lack of vigor, it is equal that he is advertising that he doesn’t know how to encourage his underling. He is needed to be fixed. A person doesn’t only try his best for himself, but also try his best for those who support him and trust him.
The champion of Female Tennis named Cindy won many prizes and got to the top of the world. It is said that her mother is good at praise her and know how to encourage the vigor of her. It is unconquerable for someone with vigor.
Sometimes you find that people get no progress with the vigor. It is no matter. If you have enough vigor, even you have failed and you can challenge in another way.
So, how to encourage your vigor? I think you need the goal that what you want to do or want to be. It is no matter the goal is big or small and whether it is finished. First of all, you should encourage your vigor.
013 The advantage which the first lacks
What is the advantage that even the first lacks? It is the eager to make you became the first.
Not long ago, I went to French with my family. We visited the champagne area which is known as product champagne. We visit the Moet & Chandon Company because there is a part of my business. It is a company who products high grade champagne. We accepted invitation for lunch. It is a good restaurant which is located in the grapery and is appraised by newspaper. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is also good. We have a great time in there.
When we rested after lunch. The servant came to us and I told that we were satisfied. The servant said, ‘We are hard to get one star prize, but we are far from the three starts prize and we have to improve in many area. But there is one point that we belief that we won’t lose to the restaurant with three stars. We have eager to make progress for the three stars.
That is the reason. We belief that the restaurant is sure to get three stars.
The first person has the efforts he made. If you want to catch up with him or even surpass him, you must pay more efforts than him. If you know this point and still keep the eager, you will sooner or later to get the first in the end. So it is no matter whether you are the first now.
014 Try another way when you failed
Endeavor is a good thing, but when it can’t lead to good results, it is not your mistake.
For example, if a sale can’t get his achievement even he has try his best. He would failed if the boss says that he has not work hard. You can’t deny one’s efforts. The extra efforts will expose his faults.
If efforts can’t lead to good results, it likes that you walk hard but you can’t achieve the destination. The reason doesn’t lay on the speed, but maybe the direction. You need to check the map and fix the routine. But you keep to ask him walk quickly. He would depart far and far from the destination. It is a waste of vigor.
If you want to work hard, first you should choose the right way.
Don’t walk ahead and ignore the direction, you should make sure the direction and walk ahead leisurely. When you find something wrong, you should stop your steps and try to change your mind or viewpoint, or talk with others. It is important. As the result, you walk slowly but in right way, you will achieve the destination quickly.
015 Make your promise for future
Max Fox has act a film which named “Go Back to Future”. The protagonist went back to the past by time machine. He did something there and change the result of his future. So the film name was called “Go Back to Future”. It is only happing in film or story, but not in realize society. People are used to think like this. But is it true?
The imagination of people is powerful. People invent flights to everywhere by the eager to fly with wings. The imagination will make the things come true in the end.
So far now, if I have thought that I want to change like that or how good it would be, I will decide to do like that, and make the thoughts become true. I determine many things which could happen or maybe happen in future. So in everyday I am backing to future.
In fact you also can do like this, for everything in your life. If you want to lose one kilogram in three month, you just work hard and aim to the goal. It is also the same for the goal to read five books a week later. It is simple. It is the same like you buy a concert ticket which will be held half a year later, and you wait the time coming. Just you can’t simply wait for it, you should try your best to do efforts until the day comes.
Go back to the future is equal to make a promise with yourself in future. I will finish the goal in future. It is the promise you make to yourself. And you should just keep the promise.
016 Do what you love and love what you doing
Everyone will spirit unimaginable strength when you are falling love with something. Just as the saying that love leads to be skilled. People would accept everything beyond the logical thinking what they love. So if you have something need to do or someone you need to be stay with, you can’t just waste time in being trouble with how to deal with. You should make yourself to love the thing or the person. It will be faster to success. I think love is the motive power which could promote everything.
Such as that your work is needed to be done in computer. Many people would say that you even don’t work on text machine, how could you to study the new thing like computer? But it is the thing that you must do. So you can love it in earlier time. Maybe you can’t accept all initially, so you just need to pick some direction. People who like tennis could search webpages which is related to tennis from Yahoo and see reporters after competitions. People who like games could download from internet. The concept or the construction of computer may confuse us, so we just need to learn something what we love. And after you are familiar with it, you can slowly understand other parts.
It is the same for someone. Even you are boring with him and can’t get on well with him. But if he is the client that you must be responsible for, only you could do is to get on well with him. Rather than to be trouble with how to deal with, you should choose to like him. Even he is very disgusting, absolutely he has one or two advantages. You can start from that point and pay your attention to it.
017 Can’t do is a mistake of your mind
It is modest to say that you don’t know. When we start to do something, first we are used to think about whether we can do it. And then we will suspect that whether we could do it.
If the things are what you can do, but you say that you can’t modestly. Is it a goodness?
No, the things who wishes you to do are always what you can qualified. And only what you are qualified will come to you.
For example, someone comes to borrow one thousand and he wouldn’t come to borrow one billion. What you are apparently can’t be qualified will not come to you. If what you should do in front of you, but you think that you can’t do it. It is only the mind which you think and it is a psychic thinking.
It is different from the think that you actually can’t do but you think you will be success if you keep the mind that you are qualified. You treat what you actually can do as what you can’t do.
When you think you can’t do, even people tell that you can do, but you can’t belief that you can do. But if someone tells that it is a mistake of you mind, what would you response then? After that you will find that you have a mistake and you will fix it. But so many people will be confused by this litter mistake.
018 Not the reason leads to the result
It is reasonable that reasons lead to results. But a reason will lead to several results. Like draw lots, if one reason affects, it will lead to the result which you don’t want.
So you should decide the result which you are pursuing and you want to realize. So you are very clear about what you should do and how far is you from the result. You needn’t to be worried about small things and waste your steps. It is equal that you get the lot and come back to the starting point from the lot.
For example, you want to go Africa. But you will never achieve there if you just think and wait. You should save you money first, but if you still keep the null mind about it, you won’t save enough money for your dream and you don’t know when you will go Africa.
You should set your result first. For example, you decide depart in half of year. You can think that there is a travel agency will service this. So you can make your holidays count and the money. Then you should work hard for the money and collect resource of Africa. Meanwhile you will get you passport and visa done. If it is possible you can learn some local language of Africa. You also need to search the weather before your travel. You always know what you need to do and your will not be confused or anxious.
It is the same for your job. In order to achieve the goal, you need to overcome things which need to be done. If you are happy with the progress, you will not be confused by so many choices. And you will get to the destination smoothly.
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