I can'can t stop me nowsneezing

Achoo! Achoo! Is Sneezing a Good Thing to Do?
&/&&/&&/&Achoo! Achoo! Is Sneezing a Good Thing to Do?
Achoo! Achoo! Is Sneezing a Good Thing to Do?
When we come across irritants – including mucus from a cold or the flu, germs, dust, pollen, animal dander, pollutants or more – these can infiltrate and irritate the nose lining.
The chest muscles tighten, pressure builds, the tongue pushes against the roof of the mouth, the breath is forced to leave the nose very quickly and the big “achoo” is the result.
It is good to know that we cannot sneeze when we are asleep so no danger of
What are some of the other reasons why we sneeze?
One in four of us have to sneeze when we look at a bright light.
We can sneeze when we are suffering from hay fever or when something that we are allergic to acts as a trigger.
Others will sneeze after orgasm (associating the relief of sneezing with).
The downside of sneezing
The expelled air from one sneeze can reach speeds of 30 to 40 mph or more.
The nasal droplets and saliva expelled via a sneeze is how infectious diseases — including
— are transmitted.
Sneezing is one of the main symptoms of a common cold along with congestion, cough, low grade fever, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, mild headache and/or a sore throat.
Sneezing is also the sign of
or allergic rhinitis.
Other symptoms include itching of the nose, eyes
runny, or watery, red or swollen eyes (conjunctivitis).
Most of us find that our eyelids close when we sneeze because it’s a reflex, the nose and eyes are linked by cranial nerves.
Perhaps not good if we are driving…
When is it good to sneeze?
A sneeze is the best way for the body to clear its passages so you can keep breathing clean air.
When there is no one else around to feel annoyed, it can be very satisfying to have a loud sneeze with no holds barred!
One problem I have noticed is the feeling of wanting to sneeze when I am first thing in the morning.
Luckily, I am usually close to the kitchen sink when this happens and I can sneeze without too much of an explosion!
How should we sneeze?
If you feel the need to sneeze but don’t want to, try looking away from the light, pressing your tongue to the top of your mouth, breathing deeply, or preemptively blowing your nose.
That’s why people are told to sneeze into a tissue or their elbows during cold and flu season.
And after a sneeze,
and anti-bacterial soaps are not good alternatives to good old fashioned hand washing – except in an emergency.
Bless you!
Why is “Bless you” often said when we sneeze?
The phrase is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, who went around saying this in the sixth century during a bubonic plague eipidemic.
About Jane writes for Healing Natural Oils, a producer and retailer of high-quality, all-natural treatments for a variety of conditions.
After living for many years in Cape Town, South Africa, Jane has now settled in the UK but is able to visit the USA regularly where she has close family.
She loves to compare natural treatments and lifestyles – especially in the areas of health, green living and nutrition – in these three very different countries.
Her regular posts can be found at www.amoils.com/health-blog.
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I visited the dentist this week for a back upper tooth filling and within 24 hours
have symptoms of heavy cold - nose running like a tap and explosive sneezing.
Am convinced there is some connection to the dental work and it has put me off going to the dentist again
Yesterday I had four upper dental inplants done in the front. For 36 hours now I've done nothing but sneeze with a constant runny nose and burning up through my nasal passages. I am MISERABLE.
I've taken Nyquil and nothing seems to help. With so many people having this same issue, I'm surprised there have been no concrete answers.
In reply to Jlyon2011 on
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I have had the exact same experience as the other dental patients quoted here.
I had 3 shots of novocaine in my upper front teeth area and as they were wearing off I began to have extreme nasal irritation, sneezing, and runny nose.
No medicines would stop the symptoms!
I've been suffering for 4 days!
In reply to Libby on
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I have had exactly the same symtoms from my apointment almost 19 hours ago.
How long did your cold like symptoms last please
Happy to have found this thread. After my front teeth being worked on I have a sensation like a big zit in my right sinus above where the novocaine was administered and have a runny nose on that singular side, sneezing and watery eyes. That was three days ago with no sign of let up. I had three appointments in a row and mentioned it to the dentist who merely suggested I had allergies. Sudafed
does seem to help.
In reply to Glen on
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I am happy to have found this thread too.
i had a filling in a front tooth yesterday with injections and my nose (on the side the work was done) has not stopped running.
i also have sneezing bouts like a cold.
I am convinced it is connected to the dental treatment even though I am a regular visitor to the dentist as my teeth are not good and regularly require work.
Never before have I had this and I do not have any known allergies.
Yes, me too.
Had freezing applied for two cavity fillings: one on the left side and one on the right.
The right side did not go numb so they gave me more.
After the dentist began his work, I could still feel on the right side so he, again, gave me more.
As soon as he was finished and I got up from the chair, the sneezing began, my right nostril was tender to the point that my right eye would water on and off, and two days later, today as I write, I continue to sniffle and blow my right nostril as the sensitivity and watering eye continues. Just called the dentist but they're closed today.
My dentist thinks I'm crazy, but EVERY time they numb me I feel like I have the flu for about 3 days afterwards. I have realized I have to plan accordingly, since it is literally every time. Fatigue, mild fever, aches.
Add another person to the list! I will check back in once this has subsided, hopefully soon.
Yesterday morning at 10am I had three cavities filled on the left side of my mouth, upper and lower. I was given, as far as I know, two shots of Novocain, one on the top and bottom, towards the back. It felt different to me this time than previous times I had Novocain and didn't have this reaction. It was like I could feel the Novocain travel into my face, I don't know, it was a very uncomfortable feeling. I was also given nitrous oxide.
After one of the cavities was filled, I started to feel like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, and I slowly started to descend into panic, and started saying "I can't breathe!" so they would take the nitrous mask (which I think by this time was only pumping oxygen) off of me so I could breathe through my nose without it for a little bit, and then I started crying. I was able to calm down though and they continued with my fillings, even though I still felt a sense of doom and a knot in my chest. I thought things were going to be fine though.
As soon as things were finished, I went to the front desk to settle up, and I immediately started sneezing. I didn't think too much of it. Once I got home, the sneezing continued, and I became intensely aware of a burning sort of tickle sensation in my left nostril that wouldn't go away no matter how much I blew my nose. This burning tickle is making my left eye water, and I'm still sneezing, and I'm completely miserable and going insane.
It's now almost 5am the day after my appointment. I hope this subsides soon. I will check back in and post when it does. My only option right now is taking 50mg of Benadryl and 20mg of hydrocodone (which I have extra from a previous surgery) just to try to get myself to a point where I can deal with this.
Many people here and no real answers from our dentist. I had dental work done two days ago and immediately got the watering eye, sneezing and tickle sensation in my left nostril, very miserable! DDS gave me two shots (cartridges) of Marcaine for a mandible block on the left side. I don't remember the last time i was given two shots, plus they were given back to back, no time in-between. I called the DDS, he stated he hit a facial nerve and the sneezing should stop when the numbing subsides....it did not. My suggestion is for everyone here to find out exactly which local anesthetic was used. If Marcaine is involved with a lot of us, it could be the main factor. Novacaine has not been used in many years, so it's important to find out what your DDS is using.
In reply to Jlyon2011 on
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My daughter is going through her second bought if feeling like a cold and fever after Bova wine injections
In reply to Staci on
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So it's been almost a week later, and I'm finally starting to feel better. It does go away, but you have to be patient, even though it's excruciatingly annoying.
Had scaling begin at 3pm. Received Novacaine . Left office at 415pm Still frozen at 830pm wasn't feeling well and went to bed. Woke up at 530 am and I could barely get out of bed. Muscle aches were intense and was running a low grade fever. Struggle through work by 3pm had a fever of 105 and muscle aches in lower back were excruciating also had the worse headache in my life.
Went home lied down on bed and cried most of the evening
as pain became unbearable. Fever broke around
3am and muscle aches were gone. Like magic
still had a stiff neck and headache that carried on for 3 days and fatigued. Sore troat was another symptom but not as bad as a
I'm sure there is some link to novacaine as an allergic reaction. I have allergies and I've rarely ever get hives just extremely sick like above mentioned or with some of my allergies I have had anaphylaxis.
This is more than just coincidence with all these post.
In reply to Staci on
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Did you figure it out?because this is
exactly what I am having. The tickles make me sneeze. That and dealing with extraction painot.
In reply to anonymous on
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Same thing - no answers?
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