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您要找的内容已被删除android2.1 the sdk downloaded, the previous memory errors have cropped up all along the pipeline Only reduce the sdk version. Today, in the end all of a sudden whim to ascertain the reason. The specific error: emulator: ERROR: system image file too l
1. Layout manager (Layout), layout management data (LayoutData), the layout between the different containers layoutData: Control the layout of the property data layout: layout management is only part of the container such as composite only setLayout
We sometimes want to put a web site, under copy down some useful information, such as the following example: want to http://www.ef360.com this site, all of the clothing business to win and save in your excel file, one a copy? Can not stand, then the
Spring and struts integration of three ways. 1, using Spring's ActionSupport 2, using Spring's DelegatingRequestProcessor class. 3, discretionary. No matter what method you use to integrate the first step is to load spring for struts application envi
gwt internationalization steps 1, the configuration file to add &inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/& &extend-property name=&locale& values=&zh_CN&/& 2, preparation of documents MyMessage.properties 3, write interface
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linux add route under way: A: Use the route Command Add Using the route command to add the route, the machine reboot or after restarting the routing on the network card failure, and methods: / / Add the route to the host # Route add-host 192.168.168.
To create a class constructor with no arguments The class to WEB-INF/classes or lib directory (as when in the jar) Declared in the web.xml package myS import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeL import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessio
Keyword: This carried over: http://database.texnet.com.cn/db-technology/detail--4246.html
Pointer constant: can not point to the other stuff, but you can change the stuff pointed to the value of the time when the pointer is constant, he will be initialized, you can not change his future to point to other memory, but can change he is refer
What is a cloud platform? Different interpretation of the major companies, cloud computing is the book written by foggy, but if you actually used the platform is now the major provider of cloud cloud computing platform provided by the future, you can
Oracle: select instance_name, host_name from v$
PHP upload file type to judge, very practical, can be judged. Csv format &?php $allowedExtensions = array(&txt&,&csv&,&htm&,&html&,&xml&, &css&,&doc&,&xls&,&rtf&,
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JSP + JavaBean development of two-tier structure should be more familiar and relatively easy to understand. But one thing must be clear is that the user through the browser to send web page requests, this request reaches the server on the server side
Recently a project has encountered a problem, use window.location.href =''method to open a page to download print data O'clock, Dang Xuan Zhong Ke Yi normal print data 20, Danshiyici select 100 data page pointer of the Cuo Wu Jiu Hui Bao Wu Xiao The
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Installation JpGraph installation is simple: to http://sourceforge.net/projects/jpgraph/ download, extract to the application's root path. We use the example of one the Examples directory example0.php example to explain the how the initial use of JpG
If I was a Project Director / Manager - My Hand My Heart switched http://baoqiangwang.blog.51cto.com/926 For domestic small and medium private enterprises, the project director / manager role is most embarrassing. Project Director / Manage
Variables within single quotes double quotes will not be executed implementation If $ Name = 'hello'; echo &the $ name&; Will output the hello If a single quotation mark $ Name = 'hello'; echo 'the $ name'; Will output the $ name The main differ
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3D desktop effects of a long time, finally found a good method. CompizConfig Set Manager function is too strong. Ubuntu 8.04 In the next test. First install CompizConfig Settings Manager (3D drivers to be installed) sudo apt-get install compizconfig-
// Show line number private void dataGridView1_RowPostPaint(object sender, DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs e) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(e.RowBounds.Location.X, e.RowBounds.Location.Y, dataGridView1.RowHeadersWidth - 4, e.RowBounds.Heigh
Sets mentioned in the previous section (theme) is applied to a wide range of UI beautification features, and its range is applied, &the whole screen&, from the perspective of the code, two sets can be applied to the following range: The entire a
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In today's network, there is no 100% security. Particularly for online shopping procedures, the security is critical. Even the monster is Magento. Is flawed to follow. Magento has been known for safety. But there have been more serious than a vulnera
I would like to collect some useful features and classic with javaScript code, such as validation, coolie class operation, browser information, etc., we think that's worth a javaScript code can Tieshanglai, thank you! Response.Write (&&script lang
Read blog knowledge, but also learned a trick ImageMagick, batch change image formats: Under cygwin can also: shellfish @ mydesktop ~ / faenza-sources_0.9.2 $ Find. /-Name '*. svg'-exec mogrify.exe-format png-resize 64x64 {} \; Reference Link: http:/
1 role: wc command can count the number of bytes in the file specified, words, lines, and the results show the output. (2) Usage: wc [option] ... [files] ... 3 options: -C,-bytes bytes statistics -M,-chars characters Statistics -L,-lines rows statist
waiting ...
In Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit system installed in the QQ official deb package, can not input Chinese QQ, through web search, all solutions of the SCIM input method, refer to these solutions, sorting out the ibus solution: 1 downloads Attachments, extract, i
XSL language Previous Page Next Page It began in XSL, ending in XSLT, XPath and XSL-FO. Starting in XSL XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language mean (EXtensible Stylesheet Language). World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) started to develop XSL because: there is
Today they browse the articles, and suddenly found an article on the forums, look after the mixed feelings here today to share with you for what the story is as follows: One day, when a female manager of human resources are walking downtown, was sudd
linux server on the status of the 11 tcp Note: Under normal circumstances: a normal TCP connection, there will be three stages: 1, TCP three- 2, t 3, TCP four wave Which several concepts: SYN: (synchronous serial nu
First, the analysis of the problem in fact, the above requirements, we can use the database itself has a function of Job Queue (task queue manager) to achieve. Task Queue Manager allows users to schedule in advance and arrange a task, it can point at
Today, write a little bit complex stored procedures easy to overlook the points hit two share. If you have just encountered the same problem cheese can be less entangled bit, so what's the technical content of the wood. . . 1, an example of a stored
Maqetta 网站 : http://maqetta.org/ Maqetta,一个创建桌面和移动用户界面的HTML5设计编辑工具,并同时宣布将项目捐助给开源机构Dojo基金会. Maqetta已经是开源项目,提供WYSIWYG可视化HTML5用户界面设计功能,仅需简单的拖曳操作,支持桌面和移动用户界面. Maqetta 应用本身用HTML5/Ajax编写,因此运行在浏览器中无需请求额外的插件或下载.用户可以下载源码,并安装在自己的服务器上,并可自定义源码来满足自己的需求,再回馈到开源项目.
Google的操作系统Chrome OS至今在很多人心中仍然是一个很模糊的概念,它的功能如何,它与其它操作系统的异同点是什么,这些都还只是一些抽象的说法.近日,Google一位高管&明确&透露Chrome OS将支持多点触控操作. Google搜索高级产品主管Anders Sandholm在英国伦敦总部接受采访时面对记者突如其来的一个直接的问题显得有些不安,当被问到Chrome OS是否支持多点触控时,Sandholm有些意外,他的回答吞吞吐吐,&我不能--我是说,现在我们还
最近几周,许多业内分析师都在鼓吹关于SOA的恐惧.不确定性和怀疑(FUD).例如,Gartner声称,打算启动SOA项目的公司正在减少,而不打算启动SOA项目的公司则在过去12个月内由6%增加到了16%.这些说法和文章不由得让人觉得公司不再相信构建可在不同解决方案中组合使用的可重用IT资产了. 对于SOA兴趣的降低,我们认为的解释完全不同:SOA失败的一个关键因素恰恰是无法生产出可重用和可组合的资产.每个新消费者对服务提出的要求似乎都和服务现有功能完全不同.鉴于服务比更传统的解决方案架构的设计.
这篇文章主要介绍了2014年50个程序员最适用的免费JQuery插件,需要的朋友可以参考下 有用的jQuery库是设计师和开发者之间一个非常熟悉的短语.这是现在互联网中最流行的JavaScript函数库之一.每个设计师和开发人员都应该知道它的重要性,而且熟悉它的功能和特点. jQuery几乎可以解决一个网站所有的问题它可以从做一个有吸引力和创意的网站解决所有那些阻碍你的问题如果你想解决任何跨浏览器的问题,那就必须收藏使用JavaScript函数库 jQuery库是Web开发人员的重要来源.你会发
春节期间带小朋友去肯德基餐厅,发现餐盘纸上有百度知道的Logo(见下面的照片).回家一查,原来是肯德基在百度知道上赞助的品牌专区,叫&均衡饮食KFC&(下简称&KFC@百度知道&),下面摘录了一段网上的介绍: &肯德基&知道&专区的设立,将把百度知道上和肯德基相关的各种问题在这里汇总.同时,肯德基聘用的营养专家,也将定期到这个专区来解答网友有关营养均衡和食品安全的各种提问.& 肯德基相关负责人表示.&百度是最受中国用
本篇文章主要是对jquery实现点击弹出层效果的简单实例进行了介绍,需要的朋友可以过来参考下,希望对大家有所帮助 弹出层在实际应用中我们经常会碰到大量的弹出层效果,下面我来做一个基于jquery的简单的弹出层效果实例,各位朋友有兴趣可参考. 效果代码如下: 在 弹出层 中下面是核心代码 &script type=&text/javascript&& // 渐变弹出层 $(document).ready(function(){ var speed = 600;//动画速度 $
修复以损坏的MySQL数据表的实际操作在实际中是我们经常用到的,以下的文章主要是介绍正确修复以损坏的MySQL数据表的实际操作步骤,以下就是正文的介绍,希望会给你带来一些帮助在此方面. 于断电或非正常关机而导致MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)数据库出现错误是非常常见的问题.有两种方法,一种方法使用MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)的check table和repair table 的sql语句,另一种方法是使用MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)提供的多个myisamchk, isamch
利用google提供的API(JavaScript接口)获取网站访问者IP地理位置 首先引入JavaScript API文件 &script type=&text/javascript& src=&http://j.maxmind.com/app/geoip.js&&&/script& 此API提供的接口共有6个,geoip_country_code(){国家代码},geoip_country_ name(){国家名称},geoip_city
在刚刚结束的2008北京奥运会上,微软的富互联网应用(RIA)技术Silverlight可谓出尽了风头,通过与NBC电视台的结盟,Silverlight技术成功杀入NBC奥运视频软件,据称在奥运会期间,Silverlight每天的下载量高达150万次.Silverlight的这次高调亮相引发了业内人士的各种争论. 一.重施故技 微软欲搞技术垄断? 微软在今年八月份为美国网民提供了一场视觉盛宴,通过与NBC联手,微软为网民提供了北京奥运相关的数千小时免费视频. 这是互联网应用的一次大胆尝试,网民可
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processed in 0.052 (s). 11 q(s)If you want to find a place where old-age do not come on, Directed at the money you want to met on the other. Education is not a problem, Did not graduate from primary school on the No talk (except self-taught), A waste of their clinics to save time.
4.4. Create an object-relational mapping (ORM) of the relevant documents &br /& action: [Right-click the users table] Window / Open Perspective / MyEclipse Database Explorer Select the users table, right-click in the menu that appears, choose &
IBM WebSphere Integration Developer to English Chinese way: Start - Programs - Integration Developer V6.0.2--IBM WebSphere Integration Developer V6.0.2, right attributes - Shortcut - target, then add in &- nl en_US &can. as shown:
First, the database export data step In the Oracle server or install a network service and utilities to open Oracle Linux terminal client or Windows command prompt: exp to export the user name / password @ instance to export the Oracle export file na
syslog Configuration Source: ChinaUnix blog Date:
11:17 (Total comment) I want to comment on one. Syslog basic description of this article: zcj Source: http://www.unixren.com This article can be reproduced in any, please keep log files of
Today set up their own blog, huh, huh, more than ten years in IT, for the first time with a blog, Hello World.
********TransactionDefinition Interface definition ******************* /** * Support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists. * Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name. * This is typically the default setting of a trans
The Radiant site is installed, properly configured and the database is correctly initialized. But the pages cannot be displayed, instead the following error message appears when you try to access a page in your web browser: de& undefined method `[] '
jTextField.requestFocus ();
Automated scripting involve the operation of the control, then is to control the operation of these together to manage, or to control into the script to describe it in operation, it has been very controversial issue. Two mode of operation has its pro
Yesterday, I upgraded my mac os port from 1.8 to 1.9, and the bash-completion upgraded also. As the result is my grails bundle can not work again, especially execute the commands, and there is nothing to tip From analysing the the grails bundle codes
This is the time prior to his article in laboratory tests, and today I discovered yet sent to, click on the order of release. Google launched the Android platform source code for Linux is based, in the previous related articles I have mentioned this,
&! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN& &http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&& &html xmlns=&http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&& &head& &title& Firefox3,
Java Web Start (hereinafter referred to JWS) is the SUN through the Web to provide a Java program deployment and release of new technology, It can be used to publish Application, also can be used to publish Applet, Java technology world last year, it
Ext Core provides TaskRunner, TaskMgr and DelayedTask three classes to perform regular tasks, which is TaskRunner TaskMgr a static instance. TaskRunner class role is to set the time interval in the regular implementation of the tasks assigned to it,
Web tree control is a very important front-end display part, so SmartGwt also encapsulates the control. Build a Tree Construction of the Tree of the general first TreeNode. SmartGwt the TreeNode class has only two constructors one TreeNode () and Tre
This 404 page, you used it? Today, and we intend to discuss with the 404 page, this is our development often encountered. 404 pages is that when the user enters the wrong link, return to the page. 404 pages is to: tell the visitors they requested pag
1. First of all: to emphasize a concept of virtual function to define a function, does not mean that function is not implemented function. He defined virtual function is to allow the use of the base class pointer to call the sub-class of this functio
1. Description: execute immediate sql using ... (Note submission) 2. Code Note: use the system to enter, because the use of the scott user, in the PL / SQL Dev's Test Window implementation -- Dynamic execution DECLARE vsql VARCHAR2(300); vname VARCHA
The following shortcuts are commonly used in reconstruction of the inside, I am your favorite and frequently used to sort out (Note: General Remodeling Alt + Shift shortcut key is the beginning of the) Alt + Shift + R to rename (was my favorite one t
In most cases, do not use binary_function! If you define a binary functor, almost can not control the binary_function. But if you use some function adapter when needed, and this is in fact achieve a kind of concept. For example, define a functor, use
In the N number of projects, basically have a run not open the cycle - Home is difficult to design. According to schedule, home must be on time out, or can not review, we are unable to test. As a result, home follow-up work only in constant redesign.
1. We need complex and flexible data structures such as List, Set, and the TT / TC table support is similar to the simple single-table structure. We have previously simulated TC Hash is the List, but in the deleted page, there is both difficult to cl
I used the Linux command iconv - character encoding conversion tool This link: http://codingstandards.javaeye.com/blog/807077 (reprint, please indicate the source) Use Description iconv command is used to convert the file encoding (Convert encoding o
Connection: Reflector and plug-ins available http://www.cnblogs.com/xugang/archive//1045940.html
Well understood, global statements are defined within a function to declare a variable is not local but global. #-*-coding=gbk def gl(x): print x# First formal parameter variable is used when the output x = 1 x = 0# Assign values for x x = 0( Local )
By &large& applications is not to say like Google, eBay, Yahoo concrete implementation of such large sites, I have not intended to persuade readers to give up their own concepts and beliefs, but I wish you all the system can run faster and more
See next entry code: /** * Returns the indexed entry. */ private Entry&E& entry(int index) { if (index & 0 || index &= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(&Index: &+index+ &, Size: &+size); Entry&E& e =
/ * * Fs / timerfd.c * * Copyright (C) 2007 Davide Libenzi &davidel@xmailserver.org& * * * Thanks to Thomas Gleixner for code reviews and useful comments. * * / # Include &linux/file.h& # Include &linux/poll.h& # Include &linux/init.h
In recent years, some domestic history has no understanding of young people frequently say things like take the hair chairman, can see the red of hate how the evaluation of China's U.S.
Author: La Ruisi about The Hammer (United
buntu package format is a deb, if you want to install the rpm package, you must first convert the rpm with alien to deb. $ Sudo apt-get install alien # # alien is not installed by default, so install it first $ Sudo alien xxxx.rpm # # convert the rpm
Under normal circumstances, can be two ways to determine whether the database is a fairly standard design. First, see if have a large number of narrow tables, two tables are wide enough for a small number. If you meet these two conditions, you can il
SQL Server Basic functions 1 string functions length and analysis 1, datalength (Char_expr) returns a string containing the number of characters, but does not include the spaces behind the 2, substring (expression, start, length) take the substring,
MySQL character set GBK, GB2312, UTF8 difference between the Chinese to solve garbage problem MYSQL MySQL character sets involved in several character-set-server/default-character-set: server character set, used by default. character-set-database: th
Hardware Overview: linux server, 64-bit 4-core cpu, 8g memory. The main parameters: innodb_buffer_pool_size This parameter is very important, the bigger the better, for a dedicated database server is generally recommended to open more than 50% of ser
The views expressed are from Thomas Kyte's &Expert.Oracle.Database.Architecture.9i.and.10g.Programming.Techniques.and.Solutions& a book 1 ALTER TABLE EMP ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT allow oracle to change the allocation to each line of the rowid. Or fla
在WEB应用中,如果使用jsp作为view层的显示模板,都会被空格/空换行问题所困扰. 这个问题当年也困扰了我比较长的时间.因为在jsp内使用的EL标签和其他标签时,会产生大量的空格和换行符.例如: ------- start ---------- &c:choose& &c:when test=&${fn:length(mainPageList)&1&}&& Something &/c:when& &c:otherwise&gt
李彦宏在个人博客中写到: 贴吧的吧主是否应该选举产生?如何考核?
08:43 我接到的最多的一类用户反馈是有关吧主的(除了那些想卖给我创意的),随着贴吧影响力的扩大,吧主的权利也越来越大,如何找到最优秀.最敬业.最公正的吧主就成了一个系统问题.大家有什么建议? 各路网友纷纷出主意:(截至
13:05 不到5个小时 评论 (214) ) 以下是酷勤网从这些评论中精选出来的68条比较有意义的建议! tj9-04-06 08:47 我一直
4月初,据广州日报报道,工信部部长苗圩在出席第二届岭南论坛时透露,目前工信部正在协调运营商微信收费一事,已经要求运营商制定相应的解决方案提交工信部.苗圩说,之前微信并不是不收费,而是只收流量费.现在&通信运营商要投资还要运营,除了流量以外还应该有这些方面的收费,这也是合情合理的.& 运营商收费的要求有一定的合理性,苗圩说,之前微信并不是不收费,而是只收流量费.现在&(通信运营商)说我维护这么大的一个网络,要投资还要运营,除了流量以外还应该有这些方面的收费,这也是合情合理的.但
本篇文章是对android背景选择器selector的用法进行了详细的总结与分析,需要的朋友参考下 一.创建xml文件,位置:drawable/xxx.xml,同目录下记得要放相关图片 &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &selector xmlns:android=&http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android&& &!-- 没有焦
本文是本系列文章的第二篇,主要是测试针对于web后端的驱动,在开发过程中,在开发完成一段代码后如果负责任而不是说完全把问题交给测试人员去发现的话,这个时候通常都会去做一些手动的测试. 分享第二章,关于测试驱动.这里的测试主要针对Web后端的测试 -- 你为什么要写测试用例(即测试用例的完善是否是浪费时间),如何完善你的测试用例,代码设计如何简化测试用例的书写,以及一些后期的构想. 1. 你为什么要写测试用例 这个习惯通常会被认为是一种耽误开发进度的行为,你需要花费几乎和开发代码相同的时间来逐步完
在所有的最简单的程序中,大多数对象都有一个标识,一个重要的商业应用对象,例如一个Customer或者一个SKU,有一个或者更多的属性---id,name,email地址,这样可以把它从同一个类的其他实例区分开来.此外,对象有一个恒定的标识:它是贯穿于整个应用程序的一个唯一的标识,对于程序员来说,&customer A&在任何地方就是&customer A&,并且只要你的程序在持续运行时&customer A&仍然是&customer A
首先说明一下,SEO 真的可以提高在 GOOGLE 的搜索排名,方法也很多样化,我将对比较有用且容易见效的方法做一下介绍, 从以下几个方面一步一步说: 1. 标题 策略 2. 关键词 策略 3. 链接策略 4. 注册策略 或者称BLOG策略 5. 在线手册策略 6. URL 重写策略 7. 简繁转换策略 8. 点击策略 9. 页面排版策略 10.写作策略 11.其他方法 一.标题 策略 标题的选择本来也没什么特别,不过你要让全部语言都搜索到你站点的话,那就得用一些小技巧了. 标题 中 用中文和英
这篇文章主要介绍了Repeater事件OnItemCommand取得行内控件的方法,有需要的朋友可以参考一下 记录一下,主要是这句: TextBox txtNum = e.Item.FindControl(&txtNum&) as TextB Repeater真是太强了,太灵活.除了Repeater别的都不用. &table& &asp:Repeater ID=&rptList& runat=&server&OnItemC
这篇文章主要介绍了C#.NET采用HTML模板发送电子邮件的方法,主要包括了HTML模板.替换函数与邮件函数三部分,是非常实用的功能,需要的朋友可以参考下 本文实例讲述了C#.NET采用HTML模板发送电子邮件的方法,是非常实用的技巧.分享给大家供大家参考.具体方法如下: 要使用html模板进行发送邮件,需要准备以下几项工作: 1)HTML模板 2)替换函数(替换模板中绑定的变量) 3)邮件函数(发送邮件) 一.HTML模板 &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//D
当时的需求是这样的: 表格第一列显示日期,文字垂直居中:表格行数不确定:使用虚线分割 使用Chrome 14.0.835.35 测试,表现如下: 点我看Demo 行数不确定,需要垂直居中,自然就用了table套table. 在Chrome下诡异的事情发生了,日期上下出现了实线.只有在Chrome能看到哦,Safari下也木有哦- 当时试了很多很多方法来写border,无论怎么写,还是会出现同样的问题. 小结 Chrome在border合并时,有点碰运气的感觉,两条虚线正好交错在一起时会合成一条实
这篇文章主要介绍了js动态创建上传表单通过iframe模拟Ajax无刷新的具体实现,需要的朋友可以参考下 &script& window.onload=function(){ upfile('file.php'); } /* ** url 路径 **/ function upfile(url){ //创建iframe var iframe = document.createElement(&iframe&); document.body.appendChild(iframe
检测各种浏览器.系统的JS代码 var sUserAgent = navigator.userA var fAppVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); function compareVersions(sVersion1, sVersion2) { var aVersion1 = sVersion1.split(&.&); var aVersion2 = sVersion2.split(&.&); if (
纳米火箭可以自行组装成微型球体并使用过氧化氢作为燃料 这种技术或将帮助进行体内配药 1966年的电影&奇异的旅程&中描述了一艘微型飞船,它进入一位科学家的体内帮助治疗血栓 北京时间3月1日消息,据英国&每日邮报&报道,科幻题材再一次在科学家们努力下变成了现实:他们制造出了纳米火箭!就像是上世纪60年代电影&奇异的旅程&中的情节,这种纳米火箭有朝一日或许也将在人体内执行医疗任务.这种微型设备已经由荷兰奈梅亨大学的研究人员开发出来,他们认为这种技术将有望为患者带来福音. 科
亚特兰蒂斯古城可能靠近摩洛哥海岸 谷歌地球显示的疑似亚特兰蒂斯位置轮廓 传说中的失落古城亚特兰蒂斯想象图 新浪科技讯 北京时间2月21日消息,据英国&每日邮报&报道,&亚特兰蒂斯&是一个在9000多年前几乎一夜之间消失得无影无踪的神秘古城.借助谷歌公司新版谷歌地球中的&谷歌海洋&功能,有科学家宣称他们发现了疑似&亚特兰蒂斯&的沉没之处. 但谷歌公司日前却出面澄清称,这些图案与&亚特兰蒂斯&毫无关系,人们试图找到这座
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