
chill是什么意思 chill在线翻译 chill什么意思 chill的意思 chill的翻译 chill的解释 chill的发音 chill的同义词 chill的反义词 chill的例句
chill英 [t??l] 美 [t??l] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:chill 基本解释及物/不及物动词(使)变冷; 使很冷; 使冰冷; 使恐惧名词寒冷,发冷; 冷漠; 扫兴; [冶金学]激冷形容词冷的; 冷漠的; 令人失望的及物动词令失望; 使沮丧; 使扫兴; 使消沉chill 相关例句及物动词1. chill1. The night air chilled my bones.&&&&夜间的气候使我寒冷彻骨。名词1. chill的意思1. The sudden downpour put a chill into the picnickers.&&&&突然落下的倾盆大雨使野餐的人感到扫兴。2. The bad news put a chill on the celebration.&&&&坏消息使得庆祝大大扫兴。3. danci.911cha.com3. The chill of autumn is in the air.&&&&秋天的寒意到处感觉得到。chill 网络解释1. 寒冷:姿势必需保持平衡助记法:拐杖(f)+烟(i)+老人(eld) 老人拄着拐杖,叼着烟到田野里干活去了想象:在初秋的夜晚,一轮弯弯的月亮(c)挂在天空,当你一个人站在小山(hill)上,感觉到一丝丝的寒冷(chill)想象:烛光(i)里2. 寒颤:发烧的特性,於发烧之前有寒颤(Chill)的现象,可能意味著高烧的来临. 年纪小的小孩不会说「我在寒颤」,有时会发生抽搐的热痉挛也会随寒颤而来. 有些疾病如菌血症及大叶性肺炎,常有寒颤发生,一些病毒性的感染及淋巴瘤(属於非感染性疾病) 也会有寒颤情形.3. 3. 冷:姿势必需保持平衡助记法:拐杖(f)+烟(i)+老人(eld) 老人拄着拐杖,叼着烟到田野里干活去了想象:在初秋的夜晚,一轮弯弯的月亮(c)挂在天空,当你一个人站在小山(hill)上,感觉到一丝丝的寒冷(chill)烛光(i) 妈妈(4. 打冷颤:night sweat 盗汗 | chill 打冷颤 | pale 脸色发白5. chill:ccitt 国际电报电话咨询委员会高级语言chill 双语例句1. chill在线翻译1. Perhaps they were searching for morsels of food on the stream- or maybe they sought the chill cold of the deep water.&&&&不知是在寻找沟底的细微食物,还是贪那深深的水里的寒冷。2. There is no knowing if they are searching for tiny bits of food from the bottom of the creek or just enjoying the chill of the deep water.&&&&不知是在寻找沟底的细微食物,还是贪那深深的水里的寒冷。3. There is no knowing if they are searching for tiny bits of food from the bottom of the creek or my. ssbbww. com enjoying the chill of the deep water.&&&&不知是在寻找沟底的细微食物,还是贪那深深的水里的寒冷。4. This delicious sauce is made from the finest ingredients such as dried scallop, dried shrimp, ham and red chill pepper, etc.&&&&主要是用瑶柱,虾米,辣椒和金华火腿等来泡制。5. The effects of the domestic rhGM-CSF were similar to the imported products. The side effect of domestic product of rhGM? CSF including fever, chill, skeleton and muscle pain, rashes and local thickness on injection site rosis.&&&&国产rhGM-CSF的不良反应多为I-II级的发热、骨骼肌肉疼痛、皮疹、局部硬结,患者能耐受,与进口产品的不良反应无差异。6. 6. Highest the gale of 8 class besides come to citizen take along sth to sb outside the chill in the winter, the life that also gives many people and job brought a trouble.&&&&最高8级的大风除了给市民捎来冬天的寒意外,也给不少人的生活和工作带来了麻烦。7. Chill and flavor it with lemon and a small amount of sugar.&&&&在泡好的茶叶中,加入少量柠檬和糖,充分搅拌后冷却即可。8. Rinse and drain the pea shoots, then remove the shell of the shrimps, chill for 20minutes.&&&&豆苗洗净沥水,中虾去壳洗净,放入冰格雪二十分钟。9. To make fillings: Dice the shrimps and coarsely chop the pea shoots, mix all the ingredients with the seasonings, chill for 15 minutes.&&&&馅料制作:把中虾切粗粒,豆苗也粗切,加入猪肉碎和调味料拌匀,雪15分钟。10. The patrol continued toward their destination, hoping to reach it while there was yet sunlight ─ if one could term the chill gray light that warmed nothing it touched sunlight.&&&&队伍继续朝著目的地前进,希望能在阳光尚未消失前到达─如果那些无法温暖任何东西又令人颤栗的灰色光芒能够被称为阳光的话。11. The spring 2006, one pours spring chill to be in indulge in wilful persecution of great river north and south.&&&&&&2006年的春天,一场倒春寒在大江南北肆虐。12. danci.911cha.com12. In application of high-strength spherulitic cast iron to thin-walled casting, the way to guarantee both high strength and chill -proof is described. The mechanism and factors such as quantity of modificator consumed, C-equivalent and wall thickness and their effect on the hilling tendency.&&&&&&本文介绍高强度球墨铸铁用于制造薄壁铸件时,既保证高强度又防止白口的途径,并着重就变质剂的消耗、碳当量及壁厚对铸铁的白口倾向、金属基体变化及机械性能的影响机理进行了论述。13. 13. The chill depth of cast iron can be expressed by the combination of thermal analysis characteristics as follow: D=13.8+4.5×DT1/DT2+0.57×T.&&&&&&三角试样的白口宽度可由热分析特征值组合表达为:D=13.8-4.5×DT1/DT2+0.57×T。14. chill的近义词14. Properly inoculant amount was used to reduce the chill depth of the cam during the production of chilled iron camshaft.&&&&&&在激冷铸铁凸轮轴生产过程中,适当地加入孕育剂可以有效减小桃尖处白口深度。15. Important considerations are the rate at which a mold cavity is filled, gate placement, riser design, the use of chill blocks, and padding.&&&&&&着重集中在型腔如何灌注,进模口的布置,冒口的设计,冷硬试件的使用,垫模这些方面。16. From the alighting board comes not as of old the spirituous, fragrant smell of honey and bitterness, and the whiff of heat from the multitudes within. A smell of chill emptiness and decay mingles with the scent of honey.&&&&&&不再像从前那样从出入孔散发醉人的蜜糖和毒液的浓郁的芬香,不再蒸发出腾腾的热气,而在蜜香中却混合着一股衰败腐朽的气味。17. 17. We can relax in one of the chill-put lounges. They`re on the third floor.&&&&&&我们还可以到三楼其中一个舒适的大沙发去放松放松。18. They conducted experiments to determine how shakers, sizes of ice and shaking styles affect dilution and chill rates.&&&&&&他们做了些实验,以确定摇杯、冰块大小、以及摇法对稀释度与冷却度有何影响。19. chill19. And you can chill cuz I love to share.&&&&&&你可以很放松因为我喜欢分享你的一切。20. You are always waiting for me, and give your surpport as i am chill.&&&&&&你总是在那里为我守候,在我最糟糕的时候支持我。chill 词典解释1. (使)冷却;(使)凉下来;冷藏&&&&When you chill something or when it chills, you lower its temperature so that it becomes colder but does not freeze.&&&&e.g. Chill the fruit salad until serving time...&&&&&&&&&&&把水果色拉冰镇一下,吃的时候再拿出来。&&&&e.g. These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.&&&&&&&&&&&在等油酥糕饼凉的时候,可以把这些面团擀薄些。2. 使变冷;使冰凉&&&&When cold weather or something cold chills a person or a place, it makes that person or that place feel very cold.&&&&e.g. The marble floor was beginning to chill me...&&&&&&&&&&&大理石地面开始让我觉得发冷。&&&&e.g. An exposed garden may be chilled by cold winds...&&&&&&&&&&&露天花园容易被冷风吹透。3. 惊吓;使恐惧&&&&If you say that something you see, hear, or feel chills you, you mean that it frightens you.&&&&e.g. There was a coldness in her that chilled him...&&&&&&&&&&&她身上透着一股冷漠,让他不寒而栗。&&&&e.g. Some films chill you to the marrow of your bones.&&&&&&&&&&&有些电影让人毛骨悚然。4. 害怕;焦虑;紧张&&&&If something sends a chill through you, it gives you a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety.&&&&e.g. The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia...&&&&&&&&&&&针对学生的暴力使得整个印度尼西亚不寒而栗。&&&&e.g. He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back.&&&&&&&&&&&他笑了,笑容古怪迷离,叫我后背发凉。5. 着凉;伤寒&&&&A chill is a mild illness which can give you a slight fever and headache.&&&&e.g. He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue.&&&&&&&&&&&他在大雨瓢泼的露天场地演出时受了寒。6. (天气)阴冷的,寒冷的&&&&Chill weather is cold and unpleasant.&&&&e.g. ...chill winds, rain and choppy seas.&&&&&&&&&&&凄风、冷雨和波浪起伏的大海相关词组:chill 单语例句1. By now that gentle chill that required a light jacket at Beijing West Railway Station has developed into frost and snow.2. Hundreds of thousands of people have watched on jumbo screens at public fan parks, despite the winter chill that has made this the coldest World Cup on record.3. Many passengers climbed out of the wrecked train cars shortly after the accident, some wrapping themselves in bedsheets from the sleeper cars in the early morning chill.4. The findings add to past research that has shown a link between physical warmth and generosity as well as physical chill and social isolation.5. The astronauts plan to pack up shrouds that were needed to keep equipment warm in the deep chill of space.6. Cool down before placing into a bowl or individual glasses, and chill in cold storage section of refrigerator for one hour before serving.7. Fans think the wait is worthwhile, and even the chill cannot still the hankering for perfectly roasted nuts.8. The government chose several administrative measures to chill the fever in some industrial sectors, but refrained from raising interest rates.9. You can use the time to chill out and let things wind down so you're ready for the world when it picks up again.10. With only slippers on his feet, he insulated his thin frame from the chill with a dirty sweater.chill 英英释义noun1. coldness due to a cold environment&&&&Synonym: 2. an almost pleasurable sensation of fright&&&&e.g. a frisson of surprise shot through him&&&&Synonym: 3. a sudden numbing dread&&&&Synonym: 4. a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever&&&&Synonym: verb1. loose heat&&&&e.g. The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm&&&&Synonym: 2. make cool or cooler&&&&e.g. Chill the food&&&&Synonym: 3. depress or discourage&&&&e.g. The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldierschill是什么意思,chill在线翻译,chill什么意思,chill的意思,chill的翻译,chill的解释,chill的发音,chill的同义词,chill的反义词,chill的例句,chill的相关词组,chill意思是什么,chill怎么翻译,单词chill是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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shaft sleeve是什么意思及反义词
沪江词库精选shaft sleeve是什么意思、英语单词推荐
A short,close - fitting,often sleeveless coat or jacket,usually of leather.
A shaft,flue,or stack for ventilation or the passage of smoke,especially the smokestack of a ship or locomotive.
To make the tilt front-up, loosen the set screw, insert a screwdriver into the feed bar shaft, and turn it by 90° in the direction of arrow mark.
I, clad in a cool summer night, and Grampy, his sleeveless T-shirt, sat watching the traffic
&These design features include a phenolic-backed cartridge seat, precision profile disc, onepiece shaft, and four shaft support bearings.&
&Precision Taper Pin: Ensure positive, vibration proof, shaft to disc connection. Field replaceable. &
&The four arms of the spider, known as trunnions, are assembled into bearings in the ends of the two shaft yokes.&
A short,sleeveless bodice,formerly worn by women.
&oil sear,crank shaft&
&Bare shaft, lever-lock flow control handle, worm gear operator, electric and pneumatic actuators&
【医】 袖形切除术
n. [熨袖子用的] 熨袖架
adj. 短袖的
不能信任的人, 狡诈的人
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属
upward是什么意思 upward在线翻译 upward什么意思 upward的意思 upward的翻译 upward的解释 upward的发音 upward的同义词 upward的反义词 upward的例句
upward英 ['?pw?d] 美 ['?pw?rd] upward 基本解释形容词向上的,上升的; 升高的副词向上地,上升地danci.911cha.comupward 同义词副词upward 反义词形容词upward 相关例句形容词1. He would steal upward glances at the clock.&&&&他不时偷偷往上看钟。副词1. 1. The bird flew upward.&&&&鸟儿向上飞去。2. 2. Children of twelve years and upward must pay full fare.&&&&十二岁以上的儿童必须付全费。upward 网络解释1. upward的近义词1. 向上:我会说彻底的论述主张是一种向上(upward)的化约论,而不是像经济主义那样是一种向下的化约论. 情况似乎是这样的,在排拒一种粗糙的唯物主义时,X如Y一般运作的比喻被化约成X=Y. 这儿有着一个非常戏剧化的浓缩,它非常强烈地提醒我们理论的化约上义.2. 上升:货币紧缩影响有限中国宏观经济:软着陆(soft landing)中国股市:上升(upward)2007年底人民币汇率(兑美元):7.45最看好的行业:银行(banking sector)2007年中国宏观经济依然会保持高速上升态势,预测GDP增长率保持在9.5%.3. upward: 向上的upward 双语例句1. 1. PolyVers PV 320 may be applied in temperatures from -25 o F upward.&&&&PolyVers 的 PV 320可以在-25oF 以上的环境中使用。2. Mr. Jerram recently revised his GDP forecast for the current fiscal year ending March 2010 upward to minus 3.6%, compared with minus 4% EQ2 Gold FlyFF Penya Ragnarok Zeny cheap maplestory mesos rappelz rupees dungeon fighter gold aion kinah cheap earlier.&&&&杰拉姆最近上调了对截至2010年3月一个财年的日本国内生产总值预期,从原来的-4%上调为-3.6%。3. Critical junctures of the building are articulated with zinc coated copper that extend upward to create rain water diverters, parapet cap flashing, downspouts and transition pieces between canted and plumb walls.&&&&关键时刻的建设阐述铜与锌涂层向上延伸创造雨水diverters ,护墙第闪烁,downspouts和转型件之间的倾斜和垂直墙壁。4. 4. At this time, loosen the connection screw of standard section with spanner, hang the shaft of hand crane on the upper angle bar, sway the shaft of hand crane upward, separate this standard section from the next section, and lay it in the suspension coop, dismantle the other standard section for the same method, and turn the shaft to another direction, draw the lifting wire rope tightly, the operation staff leave the suspension coop, open the lock stopping instrument, fall the suspension coop to next position and lock the brake instrument, the operation staff return to the top of suspension coop, continually dismantle note: forbid the staff leave on the top of suspension coop or in the coop when the suspension coop is running&&&&8.1折除时,首先将吊笼用停层装置停靠在待拆除的标准节的下两节上,操作人员上到吊笼顶,卷扬机松绳,用小吊杆将顶梁略向上提起,拔出顶梁横销,使顶梁值得徐徐降下,降到拆除节下一节中间框架角处,并重新穿上横销,这时用板手将标准节连接螺栓松开,将手摇起重机小吊杆钩挂在待拆节上框架用钢土,到吊笼内,用同样的方法拆下另一节标准节,然后将吊杆转向不影响升降机运行的方向,收紧起升钢丝绳,操作人员离开吊笼,打开锁止机构,使吊笼下降到下一个拆除位置,并将锁止机构锁死,人员重返笼顶,进行下一拆除循环注意:在吊笼运行时绝不允许有人员留在吊笼顶部或吊笼内5. When dismantle the machine, firstly, stop the suspension coop on the lower 2 sections of the standard sections, the operation staff go on the suspension coop top, the hoisting machine loosen rope, lift the pillar with small shaft, pull out the horizontal pin of pillar, let the pillar fall slowly to thedismantled section's middle angle bar, insert the horizontal pin again. At this time, loosen the connection screw of standard section with spanner, hang the shaft of hand crane on the upper angle bar, sway the shaft of hand crane upward, separate this standard section from the next section, and lay itin the suspension coop, dismantle the other standard section for the same method, and turn the shaft to another direction, draw the lifting wire rope tightly, the operation staff leave the suspension coop, open the lock stopping instrument, fall the suspension coop to next position and lock the brakeinstrument, the operation staff return to the top of suspension coop, continually dismantle note: forbid the staff leave on the top of suspension coop or in the coop when the suspension coop is running&&&&8.1折除时,首先将吊笼用停层装置停靠在待拆除的标准节的下两节上,操作人员上到吊笼顶,卷扬机松绳,用小吊杆将顶梁略向上提起,拔出顶梁横销,使顶梁值得徐徐降下,降到拆除节下一节中间框架角处,并重新穿上横销,这时用板手将标准节连接螺栓松开,将手摇起重机小吊杆钩挂在待拆节上框架用钢土,到吊笼内,用同样的方法拆下另一节标准节,然后将吊杆转向不影响升降机运行的方向,收紧起升钢丝绳,操作人员离开吊笼,打开锁止机构,使吊笼下降到下一个拆除位置,并将锁止机构锁死,人员重返笼顶,进行下一拆除循环(注意:在吊笼运行时绝不允许有人员留在吊笼顶部或吊笼内6. He looked upward, hands in his Levi's pockets, camera hanging against his left hip.&&&&他仰望着天空,双手插在裤袋里,相机挂在左胯上。7. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD7. Volcanic ash lofts from the source, the volcano, and diminishes as it move upward.&&&&火山灰会从其来源处,即火山处升起飘出,并在向上运动过程中减弱。8. When the closing mechanism is actuated, hydraulic pressure is applied to the piston, causing it to move upward and force the sealing clement to extend into the wellbore around the drillstring.&&&&当开动时闭合值的机制,液压施加于活塞,造成它向上移动和强迫宽容的海豹捕猎延伸到井筒在钻具组附近。9. The cam has a high point, every time the cam rotates, the lobe comes around under the valve lifter and move it upward.&&&&凸轮有一个最高点,即凸角,每一次,凸轮旋转,凸角旋转到挺杆的下部,使其向上移动。10. We made a substantial upward revision of real estate investment growth from -12% to zero.&&&&我们在房地产投资增长方面做了一个重大的提升修订:从-12%调至零增长。11. Above, a brown cloud can just be seen to have hung above the halo, which, as usual with these figures, is plain green with a darker green edge, against which the upward-floating ribbons of the headdress are displayed to advantage.&&&&&&上方头光之上突出的部分,残留少许茶色云。头光按照此种像的惯例,涂著淡绿色,只是边缘括以浓绿色。从宝冠上飘起的白色丝带,清晰地浮现在头光背景上。12. 12. Any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores.&&&&&&众多无花无核有脉管的植物的任何一种,从根茎有真正的根,叶子舒展向上;由孢子繁殖。13. Release the brake lines and steer the kite upward once it's out of the water.&&&&&&放风筝制动油管和督导向上一旦它出水面。14. 14. The sunshine of postmeridian cover with thick honeysuckle and shine my face upward.&&&&&&午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚的一层忍冬,照在我微微仰着的脸15. The experiment is to obtain shock wave velocity, to obtain photographs reflecting surface of shock wave and upward surface of starch dusty bulk using shadow photograph system, to obtain photograph reflecting the structure within the starch dusty bulk using X photograph system.&&&&&&实验部分主要包括:利用激波测速系统测定了激波入射速度,利用瞬态阴影摄影系统获得激波阵面和卷扬粉尘云的形状以及X光摄影系统获得波后堆积粉尘内部的波系结构。16. The results were as follows:(1) After injection of PBZ intoLCV, the ISP-MAP relationship curve shifted upward at a higher ISP level withdecreased peak slope and MAP range w...&&&&&&结果如下:PBZ组,ISP-MAP关系曲线在高窦内压区明显上移;峰斜率、MAP变动范围明显减小;ISP-斜率关系曲线在15.96kPa处明显下移。Y组,ISP-MAP关系曲线在高窦内压区明显上移;峰斜率、MAP变动范围明显减小,阈压明显增大,ISP-斜率关系曲线在10.64、15.96kPa处明显下移。与PBZ组相比,Y组的峰斜率、MAP变动范围减小更明显。结果表明:中枢α_1或α_2受体阻断后,窦反射的敏感性明显降低,其中阻断α_2受体的作用尤为明显。17. Right Uppercut: Hold Wiimote parallel to ground, and then jerk upward.&&&&&&右下勾拳:右手直握与地面平行,然后向上戳。。。18. 18. Then, while keeping the rest of my body motionless, I curl the weight slowly upward.&&&&&&然后,同时把其余的我的身体不动,我袅袅的重量慢慢向上。19. Methods 11 cases with asymmetry of the submammary fold were treated with the semi-periareolar insion, and separated the retromammary space, and then cutted up-part of the breast tissue according to the value of asymmetry and fixed upward, and incised part of the skin also(9 cases were done mama augmentation simultaneously).&&&&&&对11例乳房下皱襞不对称患者,采用乳晕上缘半环形切口,游离乳房后间隙,根据双侧不对称的差值,将过低侧乳房的上极腺体组织弧形切除并向上与胸肌筋膜缝合固定(其中9例同期行隆乳术),切口上缘皮肤作适当切除。20. In the late cratonization phase from late Carboniferous to early Permian, the tectonic regime transformed from compaction to extension process in collision phase, the tectonic-magmatic activities were more and more strictly controlled by the new tectonic framework: the extensive development of continentalrift, eruption of volcanic rocks of double peak continental facies, massive intrusion of alkaline granite, upward invasion of basite and hyperbasite complex and diabase dike, accompanied by large-scale mineralization. Meanwhile, the products of magmatism evolved to silic and alkaline minerals.&&&&&&从晚石炭世至早二叠世的克拉通化晚期阶段,构造体制从碰撞期挤压变为后碰撞期拉张,构造-岩浆活动越来越受到新构造格局的控制:大陆裂谷作用广泛发育,双峰式陆相火山岩喷发,大规模富碱花岗岩的侵入,基性-超基性杂岩和辉绿岩脉的上侵,同时伴随着大规模的成矿作用,岩浆作用产物也向富硅、碱的方向演化。upward 词典解释1. 向上的&&&&An upward movement or look is directed towards a higher place or a higher level.upward的近义词&&&&e.g. She started once again on the steep upward climb...&&&&&&&&&&&她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。&&&&e.g. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.&&&&&&&&&&&她抬眼迅速瞥了他一下,然后眼睛又垂了下去。2. 上升的;升高的&&&&If you refer to an upward trend or an upward spiral, you mean that something is increasing in quantity or price.&&&&e.g. ...the Army's concern that the upward trend in the numbers avoiding military service may continue...&&&&&&&&&&&部队对逃避服兵役人数可能持续增多的担忧&&&&e.g. Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning.&&&&&&&&&&&今天上午纽约油价继续上扬。upward 单语例句1. A reading above 100 indicates an upward trend for the business climate.2. Despite the general upward trend, pay adjustments now owed more both to business and individual performances.3. A retreat and rebound behavior will provide a new low point for the calculation of a new upward trend line.4. The company was cautiously optimistic about the container shipping market as its logistics branch is expected to maintain upward momentum this year.5. The upward trend was led by cement, steel and some telecommunications sectors.6. The Sun and Deified Birds convey a kind of cohesive and centripetal force, reflecting the upward spiritual strength of the Chinese nation.7. The upward trend is irresistible and all the charting and technical signals suggest it will continue.8. What this country needs is preemptive monetary tightening to effectively check upward trends on prices.9. A report from Shenyin Wanguo Securities said the uncertainties clouding the property market are gradually wearing off and the industry has shown upward momentum.10. The tongue is then pulled upward at high speed, drawing a column of water behind it.upward 英英释义upward在线翻译adj1. directed up&&&&e.g. the cards were face upward&&&&&&&&&&&an upward stroke of the pen\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDadv1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position&&&&e.g. look up!&&&&&&&&&&&the music surged up&&&&&&&&&&&the fragments flew upwards&&&&&&&&&&&prices soared upwards&&&&&&&&&&&upwardly mobile&&&&Synonym: 2. to a later time&&&&e.g. they moved the meeting date up&&&&&&&&&&&from childhood upward&&&&Synonym: upward是什么意思,upward在线翻译,upward什么意思,upward的意思,upward的翻译,upward的解释,upward的发音,upward的同义词,upward的反义词,upward的例句,upward的相关词组,upward意思是什么,upward怎么翻译,单词upward是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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