
bacitracin是什么意思 bacitracin在线翻译 bacitracin什么意思 bacitracin的意思 bacitracin的翻译 bacitracin的解释 bacitracin的发音 bacitracin的同义词
bacitracin英 [?baes?'tre?s?n] 美 [?baes?'tre?s?n] bacitracin 基本解释名词杆菌肽,枯草杆菌抗生素手机查看bacitracin的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 bacitracin 即可bacitracin 网络解释1. 杆菌肽:1.1.5 杆菌肽(Bacitracin) 杆菌肽是一类主要含噻唑环的多肽化合物,可抑制细胞壁糖肽的合成,并可损伤细胞膜,改变细胞膜的通透性. 杆菌肽对革兰氏阳性菌有高度的抗菌活性. 双歧杆菌对本品十分敏感,其MIC通常<1.6μg/ml[3].2. 枯草菌素:枯草菌素 (bacitracin)是1945年Johnson等由枯草菌群中之一种Bacillus Subtilis var.Tracy株(1949年Meleney修正其菌名为Bacillus licheniformis var.Trac株).分离而得的一种锁环状多胜体抗生素...早自1948年Bacitracin(枯草菌素)就被美国FDA核准使用.在皮肤科方面多制造成外用药膏的剂型.枯草菌性可干扰C55-异戊二烯焦磷酸(C3. 枯草杆菌肽:bacitracin 杆菌肽素 | bacitracin 枯草杆菌肽 | back-page 登在报纸最后部分的4. bacitracin的翻译4. 杆菌:babies dummy 婴儿假奶咀 | Bacitracin 杆菌□ AT | Backscatter Electron Detector 背散射电子检测器bacitracin 双语例句1. When given buccally, bacitracin, aprotinin and sodium deoxycholate could increase the relative pharmacological bioavailability of insulin.&&&&胰岛素溶液中加入杆菌肽、屈来赛多及去氧胆酸钠后,给正常大鼠口腔喷雾给药,与皮下注射胰岛素比较,药理相对生物利用度分别有不同程度的提高。2. 2. When given buccally, bacitracin, aprotinin and sodium deoxycholate could increase the relative pharmacologipcal bioavailability of insulin.&&&&胰岛素溶液中加入杆菌肽、屈来赛多及去氧胆酸钠后,给正常大鼠口腔喷雾给药,与皮下注射胰岛素比较,药理相对生物利用度分别有不同程度的提高。3. 3. Two methods were in agreement with each other in the results of co-administration with bacitracin.&&&&对于杆菌肽基于酶抑制剂作用而起到的增加rHV2口服吸收的效果,两种方法给出了一致的结果。4. Bacitracin also had the effect and there was no statistical significance.&&&&这一点与主动转运或促进扩散吸收机制有共同点,但是内吞机制同样也需要能量的介入。5. 5. Apply a small amount of Bacitracin to your nipple immediately after breaking the blister.&&&&小泡破了以后立刻在乳头上涂少量的枯草杆菌抗生素。6. 6. It was also demonstrated the inhibitors could inhibit the activities of enzymes to a great degree, the bacitracin and casein showed the prominent effect.&&&&同时也证明了加入酶抑制剂能够对rHV2提供很大程度的保护,其中杆菌肽和酪蛋白的酶抑制作用比较突出。7. bacitracin7. However, diets supplemented with antibioyics and prebiotics could improve the growth of villus. Although Zinc bacitracin could decrease the Gram-positive bacteria, but it couldn`t suppressed Coli form. Added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis to the feed could increase the growth performance and decrease the number of Coli form in jejunum and ileum, and the results were better than added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis alone. The results show that mannanoligosaccharide posses the potential to replace the antibiotics as growth promoter.&&&&实验结果发现饲粮中添加抗生素与益生剂在体重、采食量、体增重与饲料转换率方面,均无显著影响,但在绒毛生长型态上均较对照组有较佳之表现;虽然锌枯草菌素有利於抑制革兰氏阴性菌,但是对於抑制大肠杆菌增殖的情形则不显著;饲料中同时添加枯草杆菌与甘露寡醣对肉鸡的生长性状与降低空肠和回肠中大肠菌群之表现,均优於单独添加甘露寡醣或枯草杆菌。8. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different doses o f dietary fiber of Tremella fuciformis Berk on lipid metabolism and inte stinal physiology in rats fed diets containing 1% cholesterol and 0.2% cholica cid. Forty-two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six groups in a 2× 3 factorial design and were fed diets containing different doses (0%、5% or 10%) of dietary fiber of TFB, with and without antibiotics 0.7g/100g of Nebaci tin (bacitracin: neomycin sulfate = 2:1, w/w) for 4 weeks. The parameters analyz ed included liver and serum lipid concentration, serum and caecal content of short chain fatty acids, fecal neutral steroids and total bile acids content. T he results showed that rats fed the diet with antibiotics had lower levels ofs hort chain fatty acids in serum and caecal content than rats fed diet withouta ntibiotics.&&&&中文摘要本研究乃欲探讨在有高胆固醇饮食条件下,摄取不同量的白木耳膳食纤维及添加抗生素对大白鼠脂质代谢及肠道生理的影响。42只 Wistar 品系雄鼠(重约260g),随机分为六组,每组饲料中均添加 1%胆固醇及 0.2%胆酸,并以添加或不添加抗生素[0.7g Nebacitin(bacitracin:neomycin sulfate=2:1,w/w)/100g dry matter]、白木耳膳食纤维量(0%、5%或 10%)作 2×3 factorial 之实验设计,实验期四周,分析血清及肝脏中脂质浓度,血清及盲肠内容物短链脂肪酸浓度,以及粪便中总中性固醇,总胆酸的含量。9. Triple antibiotic ointment containing neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin was launched in the 1950s in the United States as a prescription product and then was used over the counter since the 1970s to prevent superficial wound infections.&&&&三抗生素软膏含有新霉素,多粘菌素 B ,杆菌肽,20世纪50年代在美国作为处方药被推出,自70年代以来便作为非处方药用于防止表皮伤口感染。10. A total of 200 strains (z50% gentamicinresistant) from the United States were used for the cross-resistance study including Staphylococcus aureus (110), coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS; 50), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10), Escherichia coli (20), and other Enterobacteriaceae (10) tested against TAO, bacitracin, polymyxin B, neomycin, amikacin, gentamicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, and mupirocin. Fifty gentamicin-resistant isolates from each year () were used to determine the activity of TAO over time. Baseline resistance rates of TAO among 300 Australian isolates (AGARS Program, ) were also studied.&&&&来至美国的200株菌株( z50 %对庆大霉素有耐药性)用于交叉耐药性研究,其中包括金黄色葡萄球菌( 110株),凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌( CoNS ; 50株),铜绿假单胞菌( 10株),大肠埃希氏菌( 20 株)和其他肠杆菌属菌( 10株),检测这些菌对于以下抗生素的耐药性,抗生素为TAO,杆菌肽,多粘菌素B ,新霉素,丁胺卡那霉素,庆大霉素,链霉素,妥布霉素,莫匹罗星。年期间每年分离出五十株对庆大霉素有抗药性菌株来确定随时间的变化TAO对其的活性是否有所改变。300株澳大利亚分离的菌株(AGARS Program,)也对TAO的耐药性基准进行了研究。11. The results showed that znic bacitracin is not significantly effective on average egg production, average egg weight and feed conversionrate, but zinc bacitracin can significantly improve egg shell quality, reduce broken egg rate, and decrease fall degress of laying rate. znic bacitracin is not significantly effective on content of Ca, P, Zn, ALKP in plasma.&&&&&&试验被安排在日至7月30日进行。试验结果表明:杆菌肽锌对产蛋鸡平均产蛋量、平均蛋重及饲料转化率没有显著影响,但却可以明显改善蛋壳质量(P<0.05),并显著减少破软蛋率(P<0.01)。而且在夏季(32℃以上)蛋鸡产蛋率下降阶段可以减少产蛋率的下降幅度。杆菌肽锌对蛋鸡血液中Ca、P、Zn及ALKP含量的影响不显著。12. But the degradation of insulin in rabbit nasal homogenates was much more greater. Bacitracin can inhibit the degradation of insulin in the nasal mucosal homogenates. The enzyme extracts of nasal mucosal and serosal surface showed weak effect on insulin degradation.&&&&&&结果表明:大鼠鼻腔分泌液对胰岛素几乎没有降解作用;兔鼻粘膜组织匀浆物对胰岛素有明显的降解作用;酶抑制剂杆菌肽可以显著降低胰岛素的降解百分率;兔浆膜面提取液及粘膜面提取液的降解作用均较微弱。13. 13. Zinc bacitracin; egg pr blood index&&&&&&蛋鸡;杆菌肽锌;产蛋性能;蛋壳质量;血液Ca、P、Zn、ALKP含量14. bacitracin14. Bacitracin, aprotinin and sodium deoxycholate can in...&&&&&&杆菌肽、屈来赛多和去氧胆酸钠均能抑制口腔粘膜内胰岛素的降解。15. The study of effect of matching the feed phagostimulant-strawberry tasted flavor, enzyme, Acidifying and bacitracin zinc on lambs digestibility and growth performance.&&&&&&配伍添加酶制剂、酸化剂、诱食剂&草莓香精和杆菌肽锌对哺乳期羔羊饲料消化性及生长性能的影响研究。16. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD16. Zinc Bacitracin and penicillin, streptomycin, neomycin, chlortetracycline, colistin, which are synergistic antibacterial effect.&&&&&&杆菌肽锌与青霉素、链霉素、新霉素、金霉素、黏菌素等有协同抗菌作用。17. Those pathogens were susceptible to ciprofloxacin and novobiocin, however resistance to penicillin G, streptomycin, bacitracin and polymyxin B was produced.&&&&&&这些致病菌对环丙沙星、新生霉素等药物有很高的敏感性,而对青霉素、链霉素、杆菌肽和多粘菌素已经产生耐药性。18. A polypeptide antibiotic (similar to bacitracin) obtained from a soil bacterium.&&&&&&来源于土壤细菌的多肽抗生素(与杆菌肽类似)。19. Bacitracin is widely used in feed at home and abroad in a new ideal of broad-spectrum antibiotics.&&&&&&杆菌肽是目前国内外广泛用于饲料中的一种新型的理想广谱抗菌素。20. This will ensure the metabolism of strain breeding as soon as possible, to produce what we need bacitracin.&&&&&&这样可保证菌株尽快繁殖代谢,以产生我们需要的杆菌肽。bacitracin 英英释义noun1. a polypeptide antibiotic of known chemical structure effective against several types of Gram-positive organisms&&&&usually applied locallybacitracin是什么意思,bacitracin在线翻译,bacitracin什么意思,bacitracin的意思,bacitracin的翻译,bacitracin的解释,bacitracin的发音,bacitracin的同义词,bacitracin的反义词,bacitracin的例句,bacitracin的相关词组,bacitracin意思是什么,bacitracin怎么翻译,单词bacitracin是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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白木是什么意思 白木在线翻译 白木什么意思 白木的意思 白木的翻译 白木的解释 白木的发音 白木的同义词 白木的反义词 白木的例句
白木 基本解释白木[bái mù]词典:白色木材,其树。白木 汉英大词典白木[bái mù]{林} whitewood手机查看白木的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 白木 即可白木 网络解释1. 1. whitewood:从对不同树种锯材的需求情况看,非洲的白木(whitewood),如白梧桐(wawa)、非洲白梧桐(samba)、珍珠沙比利(koto)和阿尤丝(ayous)锯材的销售情况总体上要稍好于redwood,如:沙比利(sapelli)、良木非洲楝(sipo).2. ramin:水曲柳(ASH),杉木(CHINESEFIR),樱桃木(CHINESECHERRY),水青冈/榉木(BEECH)等等.公司所批发的主要木材,木制品和木门树种包括:木材名称/俗称(国外商品名称)橡胶木(RUBBERWOOD),棱柱木/白木(RAMIN),娑罗双/柳桉(MERANTI),3. Shiragi:Shiraga 白神.
| Shiragi 白木.
| Shirahama 白滨.4. Shiraki:Shirakawa 白川. 白河.
| Shiraki 白木.
| Shirako 白子.白木 双语例句1. 1. 结果表明,白木粉的加入能改善聚氨酯膜的透气和透汽性能。&&&&The experimental results showed the air and water vapor permeability of polyurethane membranes are improved.2. 针对肺癌病人咳嗽、咳血等症状,例如有养阴润肺功有和食物有杏仁海蜇、百合、荸荠等,而藕节、莲子、柿子、鸭梨、山药、百合、白木耳等都有止咳、收敛止血的作用。&&&&For lung cancer patients cough, hemoptysis and other symptoms, such as Gong Yin lungs with and almonds in food jellyfish, lily, water chestnuts and so on, Ou Jie, lotus seeds, persimmon, pear, yam, lily, and others have cough tremella, the convergence hemostatic effect.3. 这里生长着古老的桃金娘树、本地种属的泪柏,还有稀有的白木。&&&&Here, ancient myrtle, endemic huon pines and rare whitey wood grow.4. 还有,蕨类植物在山谷里随处可见,最有名的是里白木(一种耐寒的蕨类植物,生长在海拔1600英尺的山上),但是绵马根和卷柏这两种蕨类植物只生长在阴暗潮湿的地方。&&&&Ferns are found in the valleys in a great variety, the most striking being the Gleichenia Dichotyma, , a hardy fern which covers the hills up to a altitude of 1, 600 feet. the following kinds grow only in damp shady spots: Asp and Selaginella or Moss fern.5. 又称白木耳,是一种已大面积人工栽培、被人们普遍接受的滋补食品。&&&&It was cultivated in large scales and was known as tonic food or health food.6. 白木耳可减少便秘照护过程对药物的依赖,避免其对住民健康的损害,达到促进住民身体健康的目的。&&&&Treemella may decrease the usage of medication during the constipation care, and avoid harming the residents` health.7. 7. 红木耳多醣与白木耳多醣的重量平均分子量分别为 1.29 × 106 和5.22 × 106 daltons。&&&&The average molecular weights of AP polysaccharide and TF polysaccharide were 1.29 × 106 and 5.22 × 106 Daltons, respectively.8. 本研究拟以白木耳饮食介入处理便秘问题,以了解长期照护机构住民便秘盛行率及机构针对住民便秘处理的照护模式,并评估白木耳食疗对长期照护机构住民排便的影响。&&&&The aims of this study are to realize the prevalence and strategy of constipation of the residents and to evaluate the treemella therapy`s impact on the sufferers` defecation.9. 注重:黑木耳是所有蕈类食品中,含铁量最高的,而且,它和白木耳一样,都是多糖类,有一定的抗肿瘤作用,加上黑木耳又可清肺益气。帮助身体排出纤维,向来皆为纺织业者和矿业从业人员的最爱,此外,红枣住址脾胃虚弱。血虚萎黄。血小板缺少症等等,因此,假如女性的脸色经常呈现黄色,多吃一些红枣,就可以看到气色红润,即使不用化妆品也能晶莹剔透。&&&&Attention: Black agaric is all gill fungus kind in food, the quantity that contain iron is highest, and, it and tremella are same, it is much saccharide, it is certain to have fight tumor action, add black agaric but fiber of eduction of body of gas of clear lung beneficial, help, the person that all along all is textile and mining industry from personnel of course of study love most, in addition, taste of red jujube address yellow, plaque lacks decline of frail, deficiency of blood and pathological changes caused by it disease is waited a moment, accordingly, if the female's complexion often presents yellow, eat a few red jujubes more, can see complexion is ruddy, although need not cosmetic also can glittering and translucent get rid of is appeared.10. 10. 中文摘要本研究乃欲探讨在有高胆固醇饮食条件下,摄取不同量的白木耳膳食纤维及添加抗生素对大白鼠脂质代谢及肠道生理的影响。42只 Wistar 品系雄鼠(重约260g),随机分为六组,每组饲料中均添加 1%胆固醇及 0.2%胆酸,并以添加或不添加抗生素[0.7g Nebacitin(bacitracin:neomycin sulfate=2:1,w/w)/100g dry matter]、白木耳膳食纤维量(0%、5%或 10%)作 2×3 factorial 之实验设计,实验期四周,分析血清及肝脏中脂质浓度,血清及盲肠内容物短链脂肪酸浓度,以及粪便中总中性固醇,总胆酸的含量。&&&&The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different doses o f dietary fiber of Tremella fuciformis Berk on lipid metabolism and inte stinal physiology in rats fed diets containing 1% cholesterol and 0.2% cholica cid. Forty-two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six groups in a 2× 3 factorial design and were fed diets containing different doses (0%、5% or 10%) of dietary fiber of TFB, with and without antibiotics 0.7g/100g of Nebaci tin (bacitracin: neomycin sulfate = 2:1, w/w) for 4 weeks. The parameters analyz ed included liver and serum lipid concentration, serum and caecal content of short chain fatty acids, fecal neutral steroids and total bile acids content. T he results showed that rats fed the diet with antibiotics had lower levels ofs hort chain fatty acids in serum and caecal content than rats fed diet withouta ntibiotics.11. 11. 非洲白木的木料,尤其用于装饰。&&&&&&The wood of an A used especially for veneering.12. 不伴有肾病或痛风病的高血压病人,可多吃大豆、花生、黑木耳或白木耳及水果。&&&&&&Not accompanying hypertension patient having nephropathy or arthrolithiasis disease, may eat the soybean, peanut, black fungus or phytin and fruit much.13. 兼营:腾胶粉、白木粉、青胶粉、上石粉柏木粉、桂叶粉、松皮粉等制香原料。&&&&&&Run: Proton powder, white wood powder, green powder, the powder Kashiwagi powder, bay leaf powder, raw materials¤incense powder system.14. 白木14. 目前所采用的木材有进口欧洲榉木、枫木、白木、橡木&&&&&&All the products was made skillfully and of garanteed quartity.15. 他坐着没动,不错眼珠的钉着那破车把,那两块白木碴儿好似插到他的心里。&&&&&&He sat motionless, his eyes riveted on the broken shaft as if it had pierced his heart.16. 因此,本文研究了红木和中国传统家具的关系,并首次通过实验及换算等手段,将红木的物理性能找出来,使之和非红木有定量的比较的可能,从而分析红木和白木的优缺点。&&&&&&As such, this thesis studied the relationship between redwood and the traditional Chinese furniture and for the first time, using experiments, substitutes and so on, we derive the physical characteristic of redwood.17. 白木树如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树人为去叶对紫椴幼树叶片净光合速率的影响&&&&&&Any of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree, basswood, or cottonwood. Effect of Artificial Defoliation on Leaf Net Photosynthetic Rate of Tilia amurensis Young Trees18. 差示扫描量热分析显示,白木通籽油微胶囊的玻璃化转变温度和热溶解温度较高,表明白木通籽油微胶囊在常温贮藏时处于玻璃态,贮藏稳定性较好。&&&&&&DSC analysis exhibited that the microcapsules had high glass-transition temperature and thermal melting temperature, which indicated good storage stability.19. 可是他的妻子对那白木地板和那火光熊熊的大壁炉,对那些锡镴盘子和嵌磁的橱,还有狗窝,以及他们通常起坐时可以活动的这广阔的空间,表现出那样的喜爱,因此他想为了妻子的舒适而收拾客厅是多此一举,便放弃了这个念头。&&&&&&Indeed, he would have carpeted and papered a small spar but his wife expressed such pleasure at the white floor and huge glowing fireplace, at the pewter dishes and delf case, and dog kennel, and the wide space there was to move about in where they usually sat, that he thought it unnecessary to her comfort, and so dropped the intention.20. 小木屋的原材料是来自斯堪的纳维亚的上等白木,由于它体积过大而不能再店内展示,消费者只能通过乐易购的网站来订购。&&&&&&Manufactured from high-grade Scandinavian whitewood, it is only available from Tesco's website as it is too bulky to pick up instore.白木是什么意思,白木在线翻译,白木什么意思,白木的意思,白木的翻译,白木的解释,白木的发音,白木的同义词,白木的反义词,白木的例句,白木的相关词组,白木意思是什么,白木怎么翻译,单词白木是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Neomyzus是什么意思: 新瘤蚜属
genus neomysphr. 水属(营水陆两栖动物,以水生昆虫为食,偶尔也食两栖类和小鱼,广泛分布于亚洲及欧洲北部)
neomys fodiensphr. 水
neomys anomalusphr. 南欧水
neomycin A新霉胺,新霉素A
neomycin and hydrocortisone ointment新氢松软膏
neomycin B新霉素B
neomycin B glucoside新霉素B葡甙
neomycin B hydrochloride盐酸新霉素B
neomycin sulfate ointment硫酸新霉素软膏
neomycin sulfate【医】 硫酸新霉素
neomycinn. 新霉素
neomysn. 水属
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NEOMYCINENEOMYCINE 双语例句1. PCC 7120, by the triparental conjugation transfer method. Screening of positive clones were performed on BG-11 agar plates supplemented with neomycine. PCR amplification of&&&&通过对转基因藻的最适生长条件测定发现,转基因藻株的最适生长温度为30℃,最适pH值为9.5~10.5,在调整了环境因子的基本培养基中,GMs藻株与野生2. Then transformed it into Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 by the triparental conjugation transfer method. Gained transgenic sp. PCC 7120 harboring pDC-GMs by screening with neomycine.&&&&利用三亲接合转移法转化鱼腥藻7120,通过相应抗生素筛选并经继代培养后得到含有目的基因的转基因藻GMs藻株。NEOMYCINE是什么意思,NEOMYCINE在线翻译,NEOMYCINE什么意思,NEOMYCINE的意思,NEOMYCINE的翻译,NEOMYCINE的解释,NEOMYCINE的发音,NEOMYCINE的同义词,NEOMYCINE的反义词,NEOMYCINE的例句,NEOMYCINE的相关词组,NEOMYCINE意思是什么,NEOMYCINE怎么翻译,单词NEOMYCINE是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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