
> 华为P20又闹出“乌龙”,但实际上这已经不是第一次
3月28日,华为在巴黎召开了一场声势浩大的新品发布会,正式对外发布了2018年旗舰P20系列。P20系列的最大的卖点便是相机。其中,华为P20 Pro采用黑白+彩色+变焦的徕卡三摄方案,配合华为三摄变焦技术,最高可支持五倍三摄变焦。同时华为P20 Pro是目前唯一一款达到1/1.7英寸的传感器面积的手机产品。因此在同样的光线环境下,它可以拍出画面亮度更高,噪点更少的照片。在知名相机评测机构DxOMark的评分中,P20Pro更是拿下了惊人的109分(其中拍照 114 分,视频 98 分)!位列目前手机排行榜首位!在发布会上,华为自信地用自家的旗舰与iPhone X、三星S9、Google Pixel等多款一线拍照旗舰做对比,俨然一副“拳打苹果,脚踢三星”的节奏。也正是因为这一举动,发布会上的一幕引发了一部分网友的质疑。在28号的发布会上,华为在展示P20 Pro夜景成像时,拿出了三星S9+的样张做为对比。从中可以看到,华为P20 Pro拍出了星空映衬下的雪山,非常漂亮。而对手S9+则是漆黑一片,几乎看不出任何景色。但有细心的网友发现,就在样张下的参数栏上。可以清晰地看到,华为是使用了30s的长曝光,以及3200的ISO值。对手S9+,则是10s的曝光时间,ISO值也是800,远低于华为。很明显,这并不是一个公平的对决,至少看上去并不是。更尴尬的是,华为还把三星S9+的参数给弄错了。众所周知,S9+支持F1.5和F1.9的可变光圈,但华为列出的参数配置中,赫然写着“F1.8”。我们有理由相信,凭借P20系列强大的相机硬件配置以及深厚的软件调校功力,华为P20的成像质量和三星S9这个级别的对手有得一拼。但这种“乌龙”的出现,让人不得不对华为在对比测试的严谨性产生一些怀疑。事实上,华为已经不是第一次在样张问题上出现问题了。早在P9年代,华为在其Google+主页上发布了一张在弱光环境下表现堪称完美的人像照片,并辅以“我们拍摄了Deliciously Ella在日出时的漂亮照片。#HuaweiP9的双徕卡摄像头使得这种弱光情况下的拍摄很有乐趣。重新发明智能手机拍照,与我们分享你在日出时的照片”的文字描述。但不幸的是,这张照片被国外网站分析EXIF信息后,发现其并非由华为P9手机拍摄,而是使用佳能EOS 5D Mark III所拍摄。由此引发外媒对于华为P9广告涉嫌虚假宣传的质疑。面对质疑,华为事后也做出了道歉,删除了照片。并且给出了说明:谈到此张照片确非P9拍摄,其也并非有意模糊误导用户,分享照片,也只是为了激发用户灵感“。但是面对负面新闻,事情总是不会那么轻易完结。就在之后不久,华为P9再次曝出了样张作弊的传闻。当时华为官微转载发布了一篇名为《P9媲美单反,专属单反RAW,98%的人不知道怎么用~!》的文章,这篇文章介绍了支持RAW格式,对于照片后期修正的强大效果。但随后不久,摄影师阿卓就发布了一篇《华为P9媲美单反?然而照片就是单反拍的啊……》 的文章,指出这篇华为P9的帖子里的照片都是其拿佳能5D3、小米3拍摄的。随后在引起大规模转载、讨论之后。华为官方进行了道歉说明,在支付合理赔偿之后获得了对方谅解。不仅仅是拍照样张,去年闹得沸沸扬扬的“内存门”事件,也给华为P10抹上了不少污点。去年4月14日,贴吧有网友曝光出,他们拿到的华为P10在读取速度方面各有不同,大致分为三种层次,200MB/s、500MB/s和700MB/s。在问题被曝出之后,网友们选择将测试软件统一,然后重新测试并记载。在重新测试的结果出来之后,网友们认定,华为P10的确在闪存方面有问题,而且不管是标配还是顶配,都有不同水平的混用。一时间在贴吧、论坛、微博、知乎等平台上,关于华为P10闪存的相关内容增加,更多的用户开端关注这个问题,同时表示确实存在这种情况。也就是说,在华为P10系列手机中,华为混用了这三种闪存芯片,也就是说网友们花着同样的价钱,买到的产品是不同的,最差的买到eMMC,好一点的用着USF 2.0,运气最好的买到USF 2.1。在事件发酵之后,华为官方发布了微博,表示的确存在混用问题,他们采用的只是业界通用的方法,而目的也就是为了保证供货稳定。同时华为高级副总裁余承东也在微博上表示,这次的问题是由于要处理供货而产生的,固然有些用户运用的是较为低价的eMMC芯片,但是其功用和USF是没有差异的,由于华为曾经做了优化。同时,这件事是友商的争光,华为并不需求负主要义务。随后,余承东发布了第二篇公关稿,照旧没有正面答复问题,而是表示跑分、配置、规格什么的并不重要,存储问题并不是问题。显然,对于官方的这种回复,消费者并不买账。上述种种负面事件,无论是有心还是无意,都是对华为几十年所塑造品牌形象的挑战与侵蚀,也是对消费者对其产品信心的极大打击。从某种程度来看,华为近两年来曝出的各种“作弊”事件,其根本原因在于华为手机一直以来所采取激进型产品营销策略。不可否认,华为手机近两年来获得了飞速的发展,一跃成为国内数一数二的手机品牌。同时,近两年华为还加快了向海外市场进军的步伐,在欧美等市场获得了骄人的成绩。从最近华为官方公布的数据来看,华为手机2017年的出货量达到了1.53亿台,全球市场占有率突破了10%。在欧洲市场,华为长期占据着优势。特别是华为的旗舰P系列和Mate系列,直接针对的就是三星、苹果等一流手机厂商的旗舰。并且,通过多年的努力华为手机还成功的占领了中高端市场,给之前一直都只能靠“性价比”国产厂商树立了典范。随之而来的,还有华为极具膨胀的自信心。这一点,从近些年华为官方口径中不断涌现出的“全球第一”“超苹果”“超三星”的言论就足以看出来。这种源自大厂的自信,也一定程度上影响了华为的营销策略。官方似乎总是乐于在产品上个消费者营造一个超高预期,借此传达出一种“我并不比你们差,甚至能吊打你”的主观印象。实际上,就产品本身而言,华为手机的表现是有目共睹的。自主研发的麒麟芯片、与徕卡合作的相机等等都是其独到的卖点。凭借这些核心技术,华为完全可以稳扎稳打,步步为营。但目前华为表现出来的这种激进的营销方式,未免会让人觉得它过于浮从另外一个角度来看,包括此次P20在内的多次华为手机的“作弊”事件中可以看出,过分强调一部手机的单一化卖点,并不见得是一件好事。拿华为P20系列来说,其核心卖点无疑就是相机,“徕卡认证+三镜头”的配置可以算的上是独步天下。很显然,华为看到了目前整个消费群体对于智能手机拍照的刚性需求。进而,华为着力强调了其手机成像的卖点,并加以强化。所以在很短的时间内,华为成功的让消费者记住了华为手机“徕卡镜头”的称号,给消费者树立了华为手机独特的差异化卖点。但凡事都有两面性。单一的卖点固然能够让华为在段时间内获得“吊打”“完爆”竞争对手的效果,在某些方面做到弯道超车(例如P20的相机)。但对于华为来说,相机是消费者选择华为手机的关键点,也是对于华为手机信任的基础。这样的核心卖点一旦出现“丑闻”,就会让之前积累起来的信任瞬间崩塌。事实上我们可以看到,这样的事情已经在一次次的上演。作为一个拥有全球视野的国产手机品牌,华为应当反思。
正在加载......【膜米评测】华为P20/P20 Pro相机部分——DxoMark翻译(P1)
【膜米评测】华为P20/P20 Pro相机部分——DxoMark翻译(P1)
今年华为P20/P20 Pro横空出世,很多人对于DxoMark的109分不服,我们于是摘录了在DXOMARK的对于P20 Pro的一个描述(百度翻译中文)。让大家看下DXOMARK究竟测得合不合理DXOMARK对于华为P20/P20 Pro的原文The Huawei P20 Pro is the Chinese manufacturer’s latest flagship smartphone, and in terms of camera tech, is arguably the most innovative device we’ve seen in quite some time. A quick look at the device’s back plate reveals that the P20 Pro is the first smartphone to feature a triple camera setup. However, Huawei hasn’t simply slapped a third sensor and lens onto its current dual-camera system. The new model stands out among its peers in several ways:The Huawei P20 Pro triple camera: The main camera is at the center, the monochrome module at the bottom (left in this image) and the tele at the top (right).At 1/1.78″, the main camera’s sensor is unusually large—approximately twice the size of the Samsung Galaxy S9’s 1/2.55″ chip. Despite a slightly slower f/1.8-aperture lens, the RGB main camera sensor of the& P20 Pro captures approximately 20 percent more light than the smaller sensors used in most competing models. This sensor is also helped by the B&W sensor which also catches a lot of photons.The main camera sensor uses a Quad Bayer structure with a total pixel count of 40Mp. It outputs data binned in 2 × 2 pixel units, resulting in 10Mp image output.With an equivalent focal length of 80mm, the P20 Pro’s optically-stabilized tele-camera offers a significantly longer reach than the 2x tele-modules in the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy devices. This is possible because the main camera in combination with the 20Mp monochrome secondary sensor is already capable of delivering decent zoom detail at a 2x zoom factor. As a consequence, the engineers have been able to focus on squeezing a longer reach out of the P20 Pro’s tele-lens. The Tele also outputs 10Mp image.As with previous high-end Huawei smartphones, the monochrome camera serves several purposes: it helps with depth estimation for the simulated bokeh effect, and the fine detail and low noise levels of the monochrome sensor improve image quality when zooming and in low light.Key camera specifications:Triple camera setupMain camera: 40Mp, 1/1.73″ RGB sensor with Quad Bayer structure, f/1.8-aperture lens with 27mm equivalent focal lengthSecondary camera: 20Mp, 1/2.78″ monochrome sensor, f/1.6-aperture lens with 27mm equivalent focal lengthTele-camera: 8Mp, 1/4.4″ RGB sensor, f/2.4-aperture lens with 80mm equivalent focal length, and optical image stabilizationAperture mode default eq. focal length: 55mmPDAF&on main sensor4K video (not default mode)960 fps slow-motion video at 720p6.1″ display, 2240 x 1080&resolutionKirin 970 chipsetAbout DxOMark Mobile tests: For scoring and analysis in our smartphone camera reviews, DxOMark engineers capture and evaluate over 1500 test images and more than 2 hours of video both in controlled lab environments and in natural indoor and outdoor scenes, using the camera’s default settings.&This article is designed to highlight the most important results of our testing. For more information about the DxOMark Mobile test protocol,&click here.&More details on how we score smartphone cameras are available&here.Test summaryWith an overall score of 109&points, the Huawei P20 Pro sets a new benchmark for smartphone cameras on DxOMark.com, outscoring all of its closest rivals, such as the Apple iPhone X, the Google Pixel 2, and the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus by a margin that is close to or higher than 10 points. Much of this is due to the Huawei’s outstanding still image capabilities that earn it an unprecedented Photo score of 114 points. The large sensor in the main camera combined with the B&W sensor allows for excellent low-light performance and class-leading& the dedicated 80mm equivalent tele-lens in combination with the high-resolution monochrome chip, delivers the best zoom performance we’ve seen on a smartphone to date. The monochrome chip is also used to help generate the P20 Pro’s excellent bokeh-simulation.And the P20 Pro is no slouch either in video mode, thanks to class-leading image stabilization, a good autofocus, and very low noise levels. At 98&points, it just manages to push the Google Pixel 2 off the number one spot in the video ranking, making the P20 Pro the best all-around mobile device for imaging that money can currently buy.Bright lightThe Huawei P20 Pro delivers excellent image in all bright-light conditions. Exposure is usually spot-on and the dynamic range is one of the widest we have measured on any smartphone, making the Huawei ideal for shooting in difficult high-contrast situations. Images are sharp across the&frame, with pleasant textures and a lot of detail. Noise is very well under control, too, with virtually no&grain&visible in areas of plain color, such as blue skies.The P20 Pro’s autofocus system works reliably and swiftly in all situations, and color&rendering is generally very pleasant, with only very occasional orange or pink color casts noticeable. We also observed a slight loss of&color saturation&and some&aliasing&and halo&artifacts&in some specific high-contrast scenes.In bright light, the P20 Pro delivers excellent image quality, with pleasant colors, good detail, and very low noise levels(意思指在白天环境下华为P20很纯净没有噪点)Low light and FlashThanks to an unusually large (by smartphone standards) 1/1.73″ sensor in its main camera, the Huawei P20 Pro delivers class-leading low levels of noise, making it the smartphone of choice for any kind of photo and video shooting in low light and indoor conditions. In the night shot comparison below, you can see that the Huawei sample shows better detail and significantly lower noise levels than the competition from Apple and Google.In addition, autofocus, auto&white balance, and exposure all operate reliably down to very low light levels. It also maintains pleasant&color rendering&when the light gets dimmer, making the P20 Pro a very easy pick for any low-light smartphone photographer.华为P20 Pro 大小2.9MiPhone X由于图片过大无法上传。Using the LED flash on a smartphone is generally a bad idea, but the Huawei P20 Pro’s is the best flash we have tested on a smartphone, delivering good exposure and detail in a repeatable fashion. Again, noise levels are very low, making flash use a real option on the Huawei.Zoom and BokehThe Huawei P20 Pro comes with a two-pronged approach to zooming. A dedicated stabilized zoom lens with a long 80mm equivalent focal length takes care of the long-reach images, while the main RGB sensor in combination with a secondary high-resolution monochrome chip is capable of delivering good zoom results at medium-range (around a 50-60mm equivalent focal length).As a result, the Huawei P20 Pro excels in the zoom category, delivering results that are a cut above the rest. The detail in zoom images is unprecedented for smartphones, especially for medium- and long-range shots, and noise levels are low in all light conditions, making the P20 Pro by far your best option if zooming is high up on your list of priorities.The monochrome secondary camera setup also helps deliver very good results in bokeh mode. Depth-estimation is very precise, resulting in very good subject segmentation and only minor artifacts. At default settings, the&blur&strength and transition are pleasantly natural. In addition, the Huawei also blurs the image areas in front of the subject, getting you bokeh mode results that are as close as it gets to a DSLR, and the best for all current smartphones.Photo scores explainedWith a total photo score of 114, the Huawei P20 Pro is currently the highest-ranked smartphone for still image capture by quite a margin. The overall Photo score is calculated from sub-scores in tests that examine different aspects of its performance under different lighting conditions. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at these image quality sub-scores.Exposure and Contrast (93)The Huawei P20 Pro does a very good job in terms of exposure. Target exposure is spot-on in most situations, even in very low light, and our sample images show very good dynamic range that is a touch better than for most of the direct competitors. This is especially noticeable in difficult high-contrast lighting conditions in which the Huawei is capable of preserving a lot of detail in the bright parts of a scene.The P20 Pro does an excellent job in the difficult backlit portrait scene below. Exposure on the subject is very good. At the same time, the camera is capable of preserving a lot of the bright background detail. Subject exposure is good with the iPhone X, but most of the bright background is clipped. The Google Pixel 2 comes close, but does not quite match the Huawei.The studio sample below was taken at an extremely low light level of 1 Lux, approximately equivalent to candle lighting. In these extreme conditions, the P20 Pro manages to capture an image that is slightly underexposed, but still usable.Color (85)The P20 Pro’s color rendering is pleasant in bright light and indoor conditions, and even in very low light, where many devices struggle with color, the camera’s color rendering is still acceptable. In addition, the white balance system works accurately in almost all situations and adapts swiftly when&illumination&changes. On the downside, some fine colored detail can occasionally be a little undersaturated when viewed up-close, and we sometimes observed a very slight pink or orange cast in bright light.&Color shading&is occasionally also just about noticeable in bright and low light. Overall, though, you’ll struggle to see any of these imperfections in real-life images.Autofocus (98)The Huawei P20 Pro’s autofocus system performs very well across all shooting situations, resulting in a very good autofocus score of 98&points, one of the best for all current smartphone cameras. The autofocus is very fast and accurate, and produces repeatable results in all light conditions.As you can see in the graph below, the P20 Pro autofocus is very quick and delivers consistently accurate results, even at a low light level of 20 Lux. This is true for both a short and longer delay before capture.Texture (72) and&Noise (79)In part thanks to its larger-than-usual main camera sensor, the Huawei performs very well in terms of detail and noise. The two parameters are closely interdependent, and the P20 Pro’s&image processing&finds a very good compromise between the two. Processing puts a slight emphasis on&noise reduction&and as a result, noise levels are very low in all light conditions, and the P20 Pro’s score for noise is one of the best. In bright light, image noise in blue skies is pretty much unnoticeable, and noise is very well-controlled and pleasantly finely-grained down to very low light levels.However, the camera is not only capable of keeping noise down, it also renders fine textures very well. A slight loss of very fine detail is noticeable when inspecting bright-light images up-close, but overall, the Huawei is up with the very best in terms of image detail, and it preserves good levels of detail across all light levels. Looking at the sample crops below, you can see that our test scores translate into image results: the Huawei P20 Pro currently offers the best detail/noise trade-off in the smartphone world.If you click through to the full-size versions of the night portrait below, you can see that the Huawei P20 Pro is capable of preserving good image detail while producing very low levels in these conditions. This is particularly noticeable on the skin tones and makes the Huawei the smartphone of choice for low-light portraiture and shooting in dim conditions in general.Artifacts (71)Artifacts are generally pretty well-controlled on the Huawei P20 Pro, but some points are deducted for aliasing (moiré patterns), which can be noticeable in&HDR&images. We also observed a halo effect around some edges and occasional&color fringing&in those images. You will have to look very closely to spot any of these imperfections, however.Flash (92)The LED flash on smartphones is usually best reserved for emergency illumination. However, if you&really&have to use flash, the Huawei P20 Pro is the best smartphone for that purpose. Flash performance is generally repeatable, and without any ambient illumination, white balance, color rendering and target exposure are all good. Noise is well-controlled, too, and image detail is nicely preserved.On the downside, some very slight color shading is noticeable in some shots, and occasionally the camera processing does not correct for red-eye effect. When ambient light levels are at 5 Lux, the results are practically identical to the “pure” flash images.MOBILE REVIEWHuawei P20 Pro camera review: Innovative technologies, outstanding resultsPosted on&March 27, 2018&by&Lars Rehm109MOBILEThe Huawei P20 Pro is the Chinese manufacturer’s latest flagship smartphone, and in terms of camera tech, is arguably the most innovative device we’ve seen in quite some time. A quick look at the device’s back plate reveals that the P20 Pro is the first smartphone to feature a triple camera setup. However, Huawei hasn’t simply slapped a third sensor and lens onto its current dual-camera system. The new model stands out among its peers in several ways:At 1/1.78″, the main camera’s sensor is unusually large—approximately twice the size of the Samsung Galaxy S9’s 1/2.55″ chip. Despite a slightly slower f/1.8-aperture&lens, the&RGB&main camera sensor of the& P20 Pro captures approximately 20 percent more light than the smaller sensors used in most competing models. This sensor is also helped by the B&W sensor which also catches a lot of&photons.The main camera sensor uses a Quad Bayer structure with a total&pixel&count of 40Mp. It outputs data binned in 2 × 2 pixel units, resulting in 10Mp image output.With an equivalent focal length of 80mm, the P20 Pro’s optically-stabilized tele-camera offers a significantly longer reach than the 2x tele-modules in the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy devices. This is possible because the main camera in combination with the 20Mp monochrome secondary sensor is already capable of delivering decent zoom detail at a 2x zoom factor. As a consequence, the engineers have been able to focus on squeezing a longer reach out of the P20 Pro’s tele-lens. The Tele also outputs 10Mp image.As with previous high-end Huawei smartphones, the monochrome camera serves several purposes: it helps with depth estimation for the simulated&bokeh&effect, and the fine detail and low&noise&levels of the monochrome sensor improve image quality when zooming and in low light.The Huawei P20 Pro triple camera: The main camera is at the center, the monochrome module at the bottom (left in this image) and the tele at the top (right).Key camera specifications:Triple camera setupMain camera: 40Mp, 1/1.73″ RGB sensor with Quad Bayer structure, f/1.8-aperture lens with 27mm equivalent focal lengthSecondary camera: 20Mp, 1/2.78″ monochrome sensor, f/1.6-aperture lens with 27mm equivalent focal lengthTele-camera: 8Mp, 1/4.4″ RGB sensor, f/2.4-aperture lens with 80mm equivalent focal length, and optical image stabilizationAperture mode default eq. focal length: 55mmPDAF&on main sensor4K video (not default mode)960 fps slow-motion video at 720p6.1″ display, 2240 x 1080&resolutionKirin 970 chipsetAbout DxOMark Mobile tests: For scoring and analysis in our smartphone camera reviews, DxOMark engineers capture and evaluate over 1500 test images and more than 2 hours of video both in controlled lab environments and in natural indoor and outdoor scenes, using the camera’s default settings.&This article is designed to highlight the most important results of our testing. For more information about the DxOMark Mobile test protocol,&click here.&More details on how we score smartphone cameras are available&here.Test summaryWith an overall score of 109&points, the Huawei P20 Pro sets a new benchmark for smartphone cameras on DxOMark.com, outscoring all of its closest rivals, such as the Apple iPhone X, the Google Pixel 2, and the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus by a margin that is close to or higher than 10 points. Much of this is due to the Huawei’s outstanding still image capabilities that earn it an unprecedented Photo score of 114 points. The large sensor in the main camera combined with the B&W sensor allows for excellent low-light performance and class-leading& the dedicated 80mm equivalent tele-lens in combination with the high-resolution monochrome chip, delivers the best zoom performance we’ve seen on a smartphone to date. The monochrome chip is also used to help generate the P20 Pro’s excellent bokeh-simulation.And the P20 Pro is no slouch either in video mode, thanks to class-leading image stabilization, a good autofocus, and very low noise levels. At 98&points, it just manages to push the Google Pixel 2 off the number one spot in the video ranking, making the P20 Pro the best all-around mobile device for imaging that money can currently buy.Bright lightThe Huawei P20 Pro delivers excellent image in all bright-light conditions. Exposure is usually spot-on and the dynamic range is one of the widest we have measured on any smartphone, making the Huawei ideal for shooting in difficult high-contrast situations. Images are sharp across the&frame, with pleasant textures and a lot of detail. Noise is very well under control, too, with virtually no&grain&visible in areas of plain color, such as blue skies.The P20 Pro’s autofocus system works reliably and swiftly in all situations, and color&rendering is generally very pleasant, with only very occasional orange or pink color casts noticeable. We also observed a slight loss of&color saturation&and some&aliasing&and halo&artifacts&in some specific high-contrast scenes.In bright light, the P20 Pro delivers excellent image quality, with pleasant colors, good detail, and very low noise levels.Low light and FlashThanks to an unusually large (by smartphone standards) 1/1.73″ sensor in its main camera, the Huawei P20 Pro delivers class-leading low levels of noise, making it the smartphone of choice for any kind of photo and video shooting in low light and indoor conditions. In the night shot comparison below, you can see that the Huawei sample shows better detail and significantly lower noise levels than the competition from Apple and Google.In addition, autofocus, auto&white balance, and exposure all operate reliably down to very low light levels. It also maintains pleasant&color rendering&when the light gets dimmer, making the P20 Pro a very easy pick for any low-light smartphone photographer.Huawei P20 ProApple iPhone XGoogle Pixel 2Using the LED flash on a smartphone is generally a bad idea, but the Huawei P20 Pro’s is the best flash we have tested on a smartphone, delivering good exposure and detail in a repeatable fashion. Again, noise levels are very low, making flash use a real option on the Huawei.Zoom and BokehThe Huawei P20 Pro comes with a two-pronged approach to zooming. A dedicated stabilized zoom lens with a long 80mm equivalent focal length takes care of the long-reach images, while the main RGB sensor in combination with a secondary high-resolution monochrome chip is capable of delivering good zoom results at medium-range (around a 50-60mm equivalent focal length).As a result, the Huawei P20 Pro excels in the zoom category, delivering results that are a cut above the rest. The detail in zoom images is unprecedented for smartphones, especially for medium- and long-range shots, and noise levels are low in all light conditions, making the P20 Pro by far your best option if zooming is high up on your list of priorities.Wide-angleMid-range zoomLong-range zoomThe Huawei P20 Pro delivers fine details even with 4x zooms (crop of the long range shot)The monochrome secondary camera setup also helps deliver very good results in bokeh mode. Depth-estimation is very precise, resulting in very good subject segmentation and only minor artifacts. At default settings, the&blur&strength and transition are pleasantly natural. In addition, the Huawei also blurs the image areas in front of the subject, getting you bokeh mode results that are as close as it gets to a DSLR, and the best for all current smartphones.Huawei P20 ProApple iPhone XGoogle Pixel 2Photo scores explainedWith a total photo score of 114, the Huawei P20 Pro is currently the highest-ranked smartphone for still image capture by quite a margin. The overall Photo score is calculated from sub-scores in tests that examine different aspects of its performance under different lighting conditions. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at these image quality sub-scores.Exposure and Contrast (93)The Huawei P20 Pro does a very good job in terms of exposure. Target exposure is spot-on in most situations, even in very low light, and our sample images show very good dynamic range that is a touch better than for most of the direct competitors. This is especially noticeable in difficult high-contrast lighting conditions in which the Huawei is capable of preserving a lot of detail in the bright parts of a scene.Huawei P20 ProApple iPhone XGoogle Pixel 2The P20 Pro does an excellent job in the difficult backlit portrait scene below. Exposure on the subject is very good. At the same time, the camera is capable of preserving a lot of the bright background detail. Subject exposure is good with the iPhone X, but most of the bright background is clipped. The Google Pixel 2 comes close, but does not quite match the Huawei.Huawei P20 ProApple iPhone XGoogle Pixel 2The studio sample below was taken at an extremely low light level of 1 Lux, approximately equivalent to candle lighting. In these extreme conditions, the P20 Pro manages to capture an image that is slightly underexposed, but still usable.Huawei P20 Pro, 1 LuxColor (85)The P20 Pro’s color rendering is pleasant in bright light and indoor conditions, and even in very low light, where many devices struggle with color, the camera’s color rendering is still acceptable. In addition, the white balance system works accurately in almost all situations and adapts swiftly when&illumination&changes. On the downside, some fine colored detail can occasionally be a little undersaturated when viewed up-close, and we sometimes observed a very slight pink or orange cast in bright light.&Color shading&is occasionally also just about noticeable in bright and low light. Overall, though, you’ll struggle to see any of these imperfections in real-life images.Huawei P20 ProApple iPhone XGoogle Pixel 2&Huawei P20 ProApple iPhone XGoogle Pixel 2Autofocus (98)The Huawei P20 Pro’s autofocus system performs very well across all shooting situations, resulting in a very good autofocus score of 98&points, one of the best for all current smartphone cameras. The autofocus is very fast and accurate, and produces repeatable results in all light conditions.As you can see in the graph below, the P20 Pro autofocus is very quick and delivers consistently accurate results, even at a low light level of 20 Lux. This is true for both a short and longer delay before capture.Huawei P20 Pro autofocus performance at 20 LuxTexture (72) and&Noise (79)In part thanks to its larger-than-usual main camera sensor, the Huawei performs very well in terms of detail and noise. The two parameters are closely interdependent, and the P20 Pro’s&image processing&finds a very good compromise between the two. Processing puts a slight emphasis on&noise reduction&and as a result, noise levels are very low in all light conditions, and the P20 Pro’s score for noise is one of the best.&在华为P20得分中,每一项差不多都是80分左右,除了Flash得分92,很少破100,所以不知道DXOMARK这个是怎么得到的,考虑字数,明天发P2。谢谢大家支持


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