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实体面授智课APP智适应学习最具成长性的教育品牌年度影响力教育品牌我最信赖的教育品牌年度创新成长企业百强年度新势力教育机构|||客服热线:400-011-9191智课教育韦晓亮建议直达微信:zkjywxljyzd联系我们关注我们||||||||咨询站内信托福路上的坑,你遇到过哪些?托福路上的坑,你遇到过哪些?月亮教育百家号很多时候,各位小伙伴在备考托福的时候,会选择看一些高分学霸、考托友人的备考经验,想尽可能的让自己的备考计划更加全面和具有条理性。但是,即使这样,还是与高分擦肩而过,究竟为什么?今天主页君就来为大家送福利了,有了这些“老司机”的神助攻,托福满分不是梦!大部分童鞋在决定考托福之前估计都没有认真思考过中间会遇到的各种困难,完全凭着“哥们天不怕地不怕,就怕自己没文化”的满腔热血,义无反顾踏上了杀托之路。然而这条路其实并没有想象中简单,作为资深潜水员。今天主页君就为大家简单介绍下杀托路上最让你苦恼的坑,填坑的办法也双手奉上。漫漫托福路,口语第一步 多少英勇的小伙伴栽在了口语这道坎儿上 许多童鞋往往是语法信手拈来 然而一到实际对话,只能是 “张不开嘴,跟不上溜,你说难受不难受” 背了辣么多单词,刷了辣么多TPO 到最后一开口浓浓的本土气息迎面扑来 怎么可能不难受 没关系,既然主页君敢把这个坑揪出来 自然有办法帮你填平TOEFL-KILLER STUDIO托福口语满分教练!TOEFL-KILLER STUDIO执行校长!国内托福培训类畅销书籍“托福口语满分之道”作者。前北京新航道学校校长,托福口语一线教学10年,曾教授出上千名托福口语满分学员!被学生亲切的称为“BT神”!新航道北美考试院托福口语教研组组长;马俊华老师擅长用简单粗暴的方式帮助考生迅速提高托福水平!别怪主页君没有告诉你业内可是有一句流传甚广的顺口溜:“俊华老师一出手,满分轻松就到手”托你的福,托福写作真不是一般的难 世界上对可怕的事情是什么? 不是书到用时方恨少 而是明明背了很多自认为很有用的托福段子 然而拿起笔来却发现 真的是一个有用的都!!没!!有!! 对于中国学生来讲 托福写作最大的门槛其实不是题目太难 不是理由太难想、也不是字数太多难以完成 那到底是什么,容主页君卖个官司 还是让我们的孟涛老师告诉大家吧TOEFL-KILLER STUDIO 托福写作主讲!写作一线教学15年!前济南新东方执行校长!孟老师擅长用“庖丁解牛”的讲法让广大考生迅速理解到底考官想听到什么,孟老师更擅长逻辑推理让考生的文章意味无穷!孟老师教授过上千名托福写作、SAT写作、ACT写作满分学员!同学们称孟老师是“写作大神!”,但孟老师自嘲只是做到了“匠心”而已。都说得听力者得天下 可想而知听力的重要性 不知道有多少童鞋思考过托福听力的存在到底是为了什么 难道仅仅是想让我们去屎么 当然是 开个玩笑,当然不是 知其然才能知其所以然 所以,想迈过这道坑 我们就要搞清楚TOEFL听力到底要考什么 想搞清楚听力到底是怎么一回事 就要认真听听咱们陈政老师的讲座啦TOEFL-KILLER STUDIO 托福听力主讲!托福听力一线教学10年!前沈阳新东方执行校长!陈老师曾多次突破最短提分记录!在陈老师的帮助下,很多孩子经过4小时、6小时托福听力课,托福听力从个位数提高到27分甚至30分!被学生亲切的称为“听力提分加速器”!以上几个大坑你都经历过吗 就在本周,托福大神免费公开课各路名师为你指点迷津 是的,你没听错,是免费的 而且时长长达20小时想要跳过口语、写作、听力的坑 这次盛宴绝对不容错过 瞧主页君这记性 还有很重要的一点忘了说 本次公开课限额1000人 想要成为1000名辛运儿中的一员 那就赶紧报名吧长按并识别下面二维码, 开启走向人生巅峰的神奇之旅!本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。月亮教育百家号最近更新:简介:分享青少年教育方法与身心知识作者最新文章相关文章2016托福top真题有多少套_百度知道
托福2015年真题完整套题20套,淘,宝,搜托福真题 电子版。首先说明一下,这些真题资源实际上统统来自美国,从官方流传出来的,你知道这点即可,后面的话不能再说了,你懂的。出自ETS,绝对的官方流出版。这20套题包含完整的听说读写4科,还包括听力音频,以及音频文稿。
托福考试是一个英语积累的过程,不能急躁,备考方法很重要 。如果你的英语水平已经到了那儿,考试成绩不理想,那是不熟悉题型或做题技巧欠缺的问题。这时要短期提高成绩很容易。你可以看一下《托福资料大全》,可以在这里下载和查看托福词汇的资料,如果我们的水平还没到,想短期实质性地提高是不现实的。当然,多长时间叫“短期”也因人而异。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。托你的福满分计划托福真题课有用吗? - 知乎5被浏览254分享邀请回答0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起写回答您当前的位置:
& 托福口语教育类话题思路解析
导读:教育类的话题也是托福口语考试中常见的话题之一。同学们面对这样的话题,应该从何入手呢?今天我们就来对这类口语话题进行重点解析,让我们一起来看看吧!一.问题:Some students like to take notes in class, others prefer to mainly listen to the teachers Which one do you prefer? Explain why.二.思路分析:首先表明自己的态度,我
  教育类的话题也是托福口语考试中常见的话题之一。同学们面对这样的话题,应该从何入手呢?今天我们就来对这类口语话题进行重点解析,让我们一起来看看吧!  一.问题:  Some students like to take notes in class, others prefer to mainly listen to the teachers Which one do you prefer? Explain why.  二.思路分析:  首先表明自己的态度,我选择做笔记。因为做笔记有这样两个好处:首先是可以帮助我回忆一些比较重要的知识点;另一方面是可以作为书籍的一个框架,再次看这本书的时候,可以迅速的帮助我回忆起这本书籍。可以帮助我节省时间。  那么该怎样在有限的时间内准备呢?  take notes  ? recall the important points --not everything discussed in the class are incl easy to forget  ? Serve as a brief outline of the primary contents. By reviewing these outlines, I can save a lot of time of screening the whole book.  大家在做笔记的时候只需要记录要点即可,不需要原原本本的写出一会自己要说的原文,但是做的笔记一定要清晰易读。  三. Sample:  I prefer to take notes very often during class. First of all, not everything discussed in the class are included in the textbook. Everyone’s memory is limited and no one can guarantee that he/she is able to recall what has learned during the class. So, the notes taken during the class can help us to recall the important points. In addition, it will be easier for me to review the subject when needed. Usually, the notes we taking during the class are a brief outline of the primary contents. By reviewing these outlines, I can save a lot of time of screening the whole book. Finally, taking notes can facilitate the process of memorizing important point.  四.句式:  1. I prefer to take notes very often during class.  首先在文章的开头表明了自己的观点!大家在做独立口语的时候在开头的时候一定要表明自己的观点,避免两头倒的论述。  2 .First of all, not everything discussed in the class are included in the textbook.  这是第一个一个论点。这个句型中discussed做后置定语来修饰everything,be include in是被动语态。  3. So, the notes taken during the class can help us to recall the important points  这句话点明了第一个论点,即记笔记可以帮助我们回忆那些重要的知识点。  4. In addition, it will be easier for me to review the subject when needed.  In addition是一个连词,大家在做练习的时候也要注意使用连词来表明段落和段落,句子和句子之间的层次性。这句话表明了第二个论点。  5 .Finally, taking notes can facilitate the process of memorizing important point.  这是第三个论点,如果时间有限,只需要说前两个论点即可。  五.历年考试真题:  1. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion. (05. 12.2; 07.10.17考题)  Sample answer:  Music and art should be important components(成分,科目) of the school curriculum(课程) because they have many uses besides recreation.  To study music is to study the basics. Through its study, students come into contact with(接触) other basic areas of the curriculum: math, science, social studies, languages, and physical education.  Apart from that, music, like reading, writing and speaking, conveys(传达) thoughts, ideas and feelings. It also provides an avenue for(提供方法/途径) developing self-expression and creativity.  On the other hand, art education in itself has tremendous value(具有巨大价值). Learning about the history, sharing ideas and knowledge, is always a good thing. Music and art, therefore, as important parts of our lives, should be taught in high school.  2. Do you think sports courses should be a required part of every school day? (06. 9.23; 06.11.3考题)  Sample answer:  From my point of view, sports courses form an essential part of children''''s education for many reasons.  First of all, doing sports helps maintain the physical fitness of students. Movement coming from physical exertion during exercise promotes circulation of blood to all parts of the body. Thus, it results in vigor and stamina which help to prevent diseases and sickness.  Moreover, exercise develops sportsmanship among students. When they play as a team, they are able to identify their role and worth to reach the same goal. It also helps enrich/promote/improve their friendship and personality.  Therefore, I think sports courses should be mandatory (必修的) in school.  3. Some students like classes where teachers lecture in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? (06. 10. 15考题) (中立)  Sample answer:  Both teaching and learning approaches are valuable and have relative merits.  Classes dominated by teacher''''s lectures are full of enthusiasm which stimulates interest. Then the interested people tend to learn more. Also, lectures provide a faster, simpler method of presenting information to the students. They are particularly useful for students who read poorly or who are unable to organize the material. While on the other hand, tutorial allows students to participate in discussions which put them in an active role rather than a passive one. However, neither of them is universal. Therefore, I can hardly say that I pr I think the choice should depend on circumstances including the subject to learn, the depth to explore and the quality that the lecturer or the discussing group have.  4. Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? (07. 5.18考题)
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