
* 百度拇指医生解答内容由公立医院医生提供,不代表百度立场。* 由于网上问答无法全面了解具体情况,回答仅供参考,如有必要建议您及时当面咨询医生
你好,正常人这个数值是在10以内的,你现在的确是 不能排除怀孕的可能性,现在出血可能...
* 百度拇指医生解答内容由公立医院医生提供,不代表百度立场。* 由于网上问答无法全面了解具体情况,回答仅供参考,如有必要建议您及时当面咨询医生
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作者:cxh61207 & 来源:转载 &
Explanation:Character&1(HEX&2)notvalidinSQLstatement. SQL0010SQLCODE-10
Explanation:Stringconstantbeginning&1notdelimited. SQL0029SQLCODE-29
SQL0007 SQLCODE -07&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Character &1 (HEX &2) not valid in SQL statement.&SQL0010 SQLCODE -10&& SQLSTATE 42603&&Explanation: String constant beginning &1 not delimited.&SQL0029 SQLCODE -29&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: INTO clause missing from embedded SELECT statement.&SQL0051 SQLCODE -51&& SQLSTATE 3C000&&Explanation: Cursor or procedure &1 previously declared.&SQL0060 SQLCODE -60&& SQLSTATE 42815&&Explanation: Value &3 for argument &1 of &2 function not valid.&SQL0078 SQLCODE -78&& SQLSTATE 42629&&Explanation: Parameter name required for routine &1 in &2.&SQL0080 SQLCODE -80&& SQLSTATE 42978&&Explanation: Indicator variable &1 not SMALLINT type.&SQL0084 SQLCODE -84&& SQLSTATE 42612&&Explanation: SQL statement not allowed.&SQL0090 SQLCODE -90&& SQLSTATE 42618&&Explanation: Host variable not permitted here.&SQL0097 SQLCODE -97&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Use of data type not valid.&SQL0099 SQLCODE -99&& SQLSTATE 42992&&Explanation: Operator in join condition not valid.&SQL0101 SQLCODE -101&& SQLSTATE 5, 54011&&Explanation: SQL statement too long or complex.&SQL0102 SQLCODE -102&& SQLSTATE 54002&&Explanation: String constant beginning with &1 too long.&SQL0103 SQLCODE -103&& SQLSTATE 42604&&Explanation: Numeric constant &1 not valid.&SQL0104 SQLCODE -104&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Token &1 was not valid. Valid tokens: &2.&SQL0105 SQLCODE -105&& SQLSTATE 42604&&Explanation: Mixed or graphic string constant not valid.&SQL0106 SQLCODE -106&& SQLSTATE 42611&&Explanation: Precision specified for FLOAT column not valid.&SQL0107 SQLCODE -107&& SQLSTATE 42622&&Explanation: &1 too long. Maximum &2 characters.&SQL0109 SQLCODE -109&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: &1 clause not allowed.&SQL0110 SQLCODE -110&& SQLSTATE 42606&&Explanation: Hexadecimal constant beginning with &1 not valid.&SQL0112 SQLCODE -112&& SQLSTATE 42607&&Explanation: Argument of function &1 is another function.&SQL0113 SQLCODE -113&& SQLSTATE 2, 42602&&Explanation: Name &1 not allowed.&SQL0114 SQLCODE -114&& SQLSTATE 42961&&Explanation: Relational database &1 not the same as current server &2.&SQL0115 SQLCODE -115&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Comparison operator &1 not valid.&SQL0117 SQLCODE -117&& SQLSTATE 42802&&Explanation: Statement inserts wrong number of values.&SQL0118 SQLCODE -118&& SQLSTATE 42902&&Explanation: Table &1 in &2 also specified in a FROM clause.&SQL0119 SQLCODE -119&& SQLSTATE 42803&&Explanation: Column &1 in HAVING clause not in GROUP BY.&SQL0120 SQLCODE -120&& SQLSTATE 42903&&Explanation: Use of column function &2 not valid.&SQL0121 SQLCODE -121&& SQLSTATE 42701&&Explanation: Duplicate column name &1 in INSERT or UPDATE.&SQL0122 SQLCODE -122&& SQLSTATE 42803&&Explanation: Column specified in SELECT list not valid.&SQL0125 SQLCODE -125&& SQLSTATE 42805&&Explanation: ORDER BY column number &1 not valid.&SQL0128 SQLCODE -128&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Use of NULL is not valid.&SQL0129 SQLCODE -129&& SQLSTATE 54004&&Explanation: Too many tables in SQL statement.&SQL0130 SQLCODE -130&& SQLSTATE 2&&Explanation: Escape character &1 or LIKE pattern not valid.&SQL0131 SQLCODE -131&& SQLSTATE 42818&&Explanation: Operands of LIKE not compatible or not valid.&SQL0132 SQLCODE -132&& SQLSTATE 42824&&Explanation: LIKE predicate not valid.&SQL0133 SQLCODE -133&& SQLSTATE 42906&&Explanation: Operator on correlated column in SQL function not valid.&SQL0134 SQLCODE -134&& SQLSTATE 42907&&Explanation: Argument of function too long.&SQL0136 SQLCODE -136&& SQLSTATE 54005&&Explanation: ORDER BY or GROUP BY columns too long.&SQL0137 SQLCODE -137&& SQLSTATE 54006&&Explanation: Result too long.&SQL0138 SQLCODE -138&& SQLSTATE 22011&&Explanation: Argument &1 of SUBSTR function not valid.&SQL0144 SQLCODE -144&& SQLSTATE 58003&&Explanation: Section number not valid.&SQL0145 SQLCODE -145&& SQLSTATE 55005&&Explanation: Recursion not supported for an application server other than the AS/400 system.&SQL0150 SQLCODE -150&& SQLSTATE 42807&&Explanation: View or logical file &1 in &2 read-only.&SQL0151 SQLCODE -151&& SQLSTATE 42808&&Explanation: Column &1 in table &2 in &3 read-only.&SQL0152 SQLCODE -152&& SQLSTATE 42809&&Explanation: Constraint type not valid for constraint &1 in &2.&SQL0153 SQLCODE -153&& SQLSTATE 42908&&Explanation: Column list required for CREATE VIEW.&SQL0154 SQLCODE -154&& SQLSTATE 42909&&Explanation: UNION and UNION ALL for CREATE VIEW not valid.&SQL0156 SQLCODE -156&& SQLSTATE 42809&&Explanation: &1 in &2 not a table.&SQL0157 SQLCODE -157&& SQLSTATE 42810&&Explanation: View &1 in &2 not valid in FOREIGN KEY clause.&SQL0158 SQLCODE -158&& SQLSTATE 42811&&Explanation: Number of columns specified not consistent.&SQL0159 SQLCODE -159&& SQLSTATE 42809&&Explanation: &1 in &2 not correct type.&SQL0160 SQLCODE -160&& SQLSTATE 42813&&Explanation: WITH CHECK OPTION not allowed for view &1 in &2.&SQL0161 SQLCODE -161&& SQLSTATE 44000&&Explanation: INSERT/UPDATE not allowed due to WITH CHECK OPTION.&SQL0170 SQLCODE -170&& SQLSTATE 42605&&Explanation: Number of arguments for function &1 not valid.&SQL0171 SQLCODE -171&& SQLSTATE 42815&&Explanation: Argument &1 of function &2 not valid.&SQL0175 SQLCODE -175&& SQLSTATE 58028&&Explanation: COMMIT failed.&SQL0180 SQLCODE -180&& SQLSTATE 22007&&Explanation: Syntax of date, time, or timestamp value not valid.&SQL0181 SQLCODE -181&& SQLSTATE 22007&&Explanation: Value in date, time, or timestamp string not valid.&SQL0182 SQLCODE -182&& SQLSTATE 42816&&Explanation: A date, time, or timestamp expression not valid.&SQL0183 SQLCODE -183&& SQLSTATE 22008&&Explanation: The result of a date or timestamp expression not valid.&SQL0184 SQLCODE -184&& SQLSTATE 42610&&Explanation: Parameter marker not valid in expression.&SQL0187 SQLCODE -187&& SQLSTATE 42816&&Explanation: Use of labeled duration is not valid.&SQL0188 SQLCODE -188&& SQLSTATE 2, 2E000&&Explanation: &1 is not a valid string representation of an authorization name or a relational database name.&SQL0189 SQLCODE -189&& SQLSTATE 22522&&Explanation: Coded Character Set Identifier &1 is not valid.&SQL0190 SQLCODE -190&& SQLSTATE 42837&&Explanation: Attributes of column &3 in &1 in &2 not compatible.&SQL0191 SQLCODE -191&& SQLSTATE 22504&&Explanation: MIXED data not properly formed.&SQL0192 SQLCODE -192&& SQLSTATE 42937&&Explanation: Argument of TRANSLATE function not valid.&SQL0194 SQLCODE -194&& SQLSTATE 42848&&Explanation: KEEP LOCKS not allowed.&SQL0195 SQLCODE -195&& SQLSTATE 42814&&Explanation: Last column of &1 in &2 cannot be dropped.&SQL0196 SQLCODE -196&& SQLSTATE 42817&&Explanation: Column &3 in &1 in &2 cannot be dropped with RESTRICT.&SQL0197 SQLCODE -197&& SQLSTATE 42877&&Explanation: Column &1 cannot be qualified.&SQL0198 SQLCODE -198&& SQLSTATE 42617&&Explanation: SQL statement empty or blank.&SQL0199 SQLCODE -199&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Keyword &1 not expected. Valid tokens: &2.&SQL0203 SQLCODE -203&& SQLSTATE 42702&&Explanation: Column &1 is ambiguous.&SQL0204 SQLCODE -204&& SQLSTATE 42704&&Explanation: &1 in &2 type *&3 not found.&SQL0205 SQLCODE -205&& SQLSTATE 42703&&Explanation: Column &1 not in table &2.&SQL0206 SQLCODE -206&& SQLSTATE 42703&&Explanation: Column &1 not in specified tables.&SQL0208 SQLCODE -208&& SQLSTATE 42707&&Explanation: ORDER BY column &1 not in results table.&SQL0212 SQLCODE -212&& SQLSTATE 42712&&Explanation: Duplicate table designator &1 not valid.&SQL0214 SQLCODE -214&& SQLSTATE 42822&&Explanation: ORDER BY expression is not valid.&SQL0221 SQLCODE -221&& SQLSTATE 42873&&Explanation: Number of rows &2 not valid.&SQL0225 SQLCODE -225&& SQLSTATE 42872&&Explanation: FETCH cursor &1 not declared with SCROLL.&SQL0226 SQLCODE -226&& SQLSTATE 24507&&Explanation: Current row deleted or moved for cursor &1.&SQL0227 SQLCODE -227&& SQLSTATE 24513&&Explanation: FETCH not valid, cursor &1 in unknown position.&SQL0228 SQLCODE -228&& SQLSTATE 42620&&Explanation: FOR UPDATE OF clause not valid with SCROLL for cursor &1.&SQL0231 SQLCODE -231&& SQLSTATE 22006&&Explanation: Position of cursor &1 not valid for FETCH of current row.&SQL0250 SQLCODE -250&& SQLSTATE 42718&&Explanation: Local relational database not defined in the directory.&SQL0251 SQLCODE -251&& SQLSTATE 2E000, 42602&&Explanation: Character in relational database name &1 is not valid.&SQL0255 SQLCODE -255&& SQLSTATE 42999&&Explanation: DB2 Multisystem query error.&SQL0256 SQLCODE -256&& SQLSTATE 42998&&Explanation: Constraint &1 in &2 not allowed on distributed file.&SQL0270 SQLCODE -270&& SQLSTATE 42997&&Explanation: Unique index not allowed.&SQL0301 SQLCODE -301&& SQLSTATE &&Explanation: Input host variable &2 or argument &1 not valid.&SQL0302 SQLCODE -302&& SQLSTATE 2, 2&&Explanation: Conversion error on input host variable &2.&SQL0303 SQLCODE -303&& SQLSTATE 2&&Explanation: Host variable &1 not compatible with SELECT item.&SQL0304 SQLCODE -304&& SQLSTATE 2, 22504&&Explanation: Conversion error in assignment to host variable &2.&SQL0305 SQLCODE -305&& SQLSTATE 22002&&Explanation: Indicator variable required.&SQL0306 SQLCODE -306&& SQLSTATE 42863&&Explanation: Undefined host variable in REXX.&SQL0311 SQLCODE -311&& SQLSTATE 22501&&Explanation: Length in a varying-length host variable not valid.&SQL0312 SQLCODE -312&& SQLSTATE 42618&&Explanation: Host variable &1 not defined or not usable.&SQL0313 SQLCODE -313&& SQLSTATE 0&&Explanation: Number of host variables not valid.&SQL0328 SQLCODE -328&& SQLSTATE 42996&&Explanation: Column &1 not allowed in partitioning key.&SQL0329 SQLCODE -329&& SQLSTATE 0E000&&Explanation: The SET PATH name list is not valid.&SQL0330 SQLCODE -330&& SQLSTATE 22021&&Explanation: Character conversion cannot be performed.&SQL0331 SQLCODE -331&& SQLSTATE 22021&&Explanation: Character conversion cannot be performed.&SQL0332 SQLCODE -332&& SQLSTATE 57017&&Explanation: Character conversion between CCSID &1 and CCSID &2 not valid.&SQL0334 SQLCODE -334&& SQLSTATE 22524&&Explanation: Character conversion has resulted in truncation.&SQL0338 SQLCODE -338&& SQLSTATE 42972&&Explanation: JOIN expression not valid.&SQL0340 SQLCODE -340&& SQLSTATE 42726&&Explanation: Duplicate name &1 for common table expression.&SQL0341 SQLCODE -341&& SQLSTATE 42835&&Explanation: Cyclic references between common table expressions.&SQL0346 SQLCODE -346&& SQLSTATE 42836&&Explanation: Recursion not allowed for common table expressions.&SQL0350 SQLCODE -350&& SQLSTATE 42962&&Explanation: Column &1 is not valid as key field for index or constraint.&SQL0351 SQLCODE -351&& SQLSTATE 56084&&Explanation: The AR is not at the same level and DB2/400 cannot transform the data type to a compatible type.&SQL0352 SQLCODE -352&& SQLSTATE 56084&&Explanation: The AS is not at the same level and DB2/400 cannot transform the data type to a compatible type.&SQL0357 SQLCODE -357&& SQLSTATE 57050&&Explanation: File server &1 used in DataLink not currently available.&SQL0358 SQLCODE -358&& SQLSTATE 428D1&&Explanation: Error &1 occurred using DataLink data type.&SQL0392 SQLCODE -392&& SQLSTATE 42855&&Explanation: Assignment of LOB to specified host variable not allowed.&SQL0398 SQLCODE -398&& SQLSTATE 428D2&&Explanation: AS LOCATOR cannot be specified for a non-LOB parameter.&SQL0401 SQLCODE -401&& SQLSTATE 42818&&Explanation: Comparison operator &1 operands not compatible.&SQL0402 SQLCODE -402&& SQLSTATE 42819&&Explanation: &1 use not valid.&SQL0404 SQLCODE -404&& SQLSTATE 22001&&Explanation: Value for column &1 too long.&SQL0405 SQLCODE -405&& SQLSTATE 42820&&Explanation: Numeric constant &1 out of range.&SQL0406 SQLCODE -406&& SQLSTATE 2, 22504&&Explanation: Conversion error on assignment to column &2.&SQL0407 SQLCODE -407&& SQLSTATE 23502&&Explanation: Null values are not allowed in column &1.&SQL0408 SQLCODE -408&& SQLSTATE 42821&&Explanation: INSERT or UPDATE value for column &1 not compatible.&SQL0410 SQLCODE -410&& SQLSTATE 42820&&Explanation: Floating point literal &1 not valid.&SQL0412 SQLCODE -412&& SQLSTATE 42823&&Explanation: Subquery with more than one result column not valid.&SQL0414 SQLCODE -414&& SQLSTATE 42824&&Explanation: Column &1 not valid in LIKE predicate.&SQL0415 SQLCODE -415&& SQLSTATE 42825&&Explanation: UNION operands not compatible.&SQL0417 SQLCODE -417&& SQLSTATE 42609&&Explanation: Combination of parameter markers not valid.&SQL0418 SQLCODE -418&& SQLSTATE 42610&&Explanation: Use of parameter marker is not valid.&SQL0419 SQLCODE -419&& SQLSTATE 42911&&Explanation: Negative scale not valid.&SQL0420 SQLCODE -420&& SQLSTATE 22018&&Explanation: Character in CAST argument not valid.&SQL0421 SQLCODE -421&& SQLSTATE 42826&&Explanation: Number of UNION operands not equal.&SQL0423 SQLCODE -423&& SQLSTATE 0F001&&Explanation: LOB locator &1 not valid.&SQL0428 SQLCODE -428&& SQLSTATE 25501&&Explanation: SQL statement cannot be run.&SQL0429 SQLCODE -429&& SQLSTATE 54028&&Explanation: The maximum number of concurrent LOB locators has been reached.&SQL0432 SQLCODE -432&& SQLSTATE 42841&&Explanation: A parameter marker cannot have the user-defined type name &1.&SQL0433 SQLCODE -433&& SQLSTATE 22001&&Explanation: Significant digits truncated during CAST from numeric to character.&SQL0440 SQLCODE -440&& SQLSTATE 42884&&Explanation: Number of arguments on CALL must match procedure.&SQL0441 SQLCODE -441&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: Clause or keyword &1 not valid where specified.&SQL0442 SQLCODE -442&& SQLSTATE 54023&&Explanation: Maximum # of parameters on CALL exceeded.&SQL0443 SQLCODE -443&& SQLSTATE 2Fxxx, 38501&&Explanation: Trigger program or external procedure detected on error.&SQL0444 SQLCODE -444&& SQLSTATE 42724&&Explanation: External program &4 in &1 not found.&SQL0446 SQLCODE -446&& SQLSTATE 22003&&Explanation: Conversion error in assignment of argument &2.&SQL0448 SQLCODE -448&& SQLSTATE 54023&&Explanation: Maximum parameters on DECLARE PROCEDURE exceeded.&SQL0449 SQLCODE -449&& SQLSTATE 42878&&Explanation: External program name for procedure &1 in &2 not valid.&SQL0451 SQLCODE -451&& SQLSTATE 42815&&Explanation: Attributes of parameter &1 not valid for procedure.&SQL0452 SQLCODE -452&& SQLSTATE 428A1&&Explanation: Unable to access a file that is referred to by a file reference variable.&SQL0453 SQLCODE -453&& SQLSTATE 42880&&Explanation: Return type for function &1 in &2 not compatible with CAST TO type.&SQL0454 SQLCODE -454&& SQLSTATE 42723&&Explanation: Function &1 in &2 with the same signature already exists.&SQL0455 SQLCODE -455&& SQLSTATE 42882&&Explanation: Specific name not same as procedure name.&SQL0456 SQLCODE -456&& SQLSTATE 42710&&Explanation: Specific name &3 in &2 already exists.&SQL0457 SQLCODE -457&& SQLSTATE 42939&&Explanation: Name &1 in &2 not allowed for function.&SQL0458 SQLCODE -458&& SQLSTATE 42883&&Explanation: Function &1 in &2 not found with matching signature.&SQL0461 SQLCODE -461&& SQLSTATE 42846&&Explanation: Cast from &1 to &2 not supported.&SQL0463 SQLCODE -463&& SQLSTATE 39001&&Explanation: SQLSTATE &4 returned from routine &1 in &2 not valid..&SQL0469 SQLCODE -469&& SQLSTATE 42886&&Explanation: IN, OUT, INOUT not valid for parameter &4 in procedure &1 in &2.&SQL0470 SQLCODE -470&& SQLSTATE 39002&&Explanation: NULL values not allowed for parameter &4 in procedure.&SQL0473 SQLCODE -473&& SQLSTATE 42918&&Explanation: User-defined type &1 cannot be created.&SQL0475 SQLCODE -475&& SQLSTATE 42866&&Explanation: RETURNS data type for function &3 in &4 not valid.&SQL0476 SQLCODE -476&& SQLSTATE 42725&&Explanation: Function &1 in &2 not unique.&SQL0478 SQLCODE -478&& SQLSTATE 42893&&Explanation: Object &1 in &2 of type &3 cannot be dropped.&SQL0483 SQLCODE -483&& SQLSTATE 42885&&Explanation: Parameters for function &1 in &2 not same as sourced function.&SQL0484 SQLCODE -484&& SQLSTATE 42733&&Explanation: Routine &1 in &2 already exists.&SQL0487 SQLCODE -487&& SQLSTATE 38001&&Explanation: SQL statements not allowed.&SQL0490 SQLCODE -490&& SQLSTATE 428B7&&Explanation: Numeric value &1 not valid.&SQL0491 SQLCODE -491&& SQLSTATE 42601&&Explanation: RETURNS clause required on CREATE FUNCTION statement.&SQL0492 SQLCODE -492&& SQLSTATE 42879&&Explanation: Data type for function &1 in &2 not valid for source type.&SQL0501 SQLCODE -501&& SQLSTATE 24501&&Explanation: Cursor &1 not open.&SQL0502 SQLCODE -502&& SQLSTATE 24502&&Explanation: Cursor &1 already open.&SQL0503 SQLCODE -503&& SQLSTATE 42912&&Explanation: Column &3 cannot be updated.&SQL0504 SQLCODE -504&& SQLSTATE 34000&&Explanation: Cursor &1 not declared.&SQL0507 SQLCODE -507&& SQLSTATE 24501&&Explanation: Cursor &1 not open.&SQL0508 SQLCODE -508&& SQLSTATE 24504&&Explanation: Cursor &1 not positioned on locked row.&SQL0509 SQLCODE -509&& SQLSTATE 42827&&Explanation: Table &2 in &3 not same as table in cursor &1.&SQL0510 SQLCODE -510&& SQLSTATE 42828&&Explanation: Cursor &1 for file &2 is read-only.&SQL0511 SQLCODE -511&& SQLSTATE 42829&&Explanation: FOR UPDATE OF clause not valid.&SQL0513 SQLCODE -513&& SQLSTATE 42924&&Explanation: Alias &1 in &2 cannot reference another alias.&SQL0514 SQLCODE -514&& SQLSTATE 26501&&Explanation: Prepared statement &2 not found.&SQL0516 SQLCODE -516&& SQLSTATE 26501&&Explanation: Prepared statement &2 not found.&SQL0517 SQLCODE -517&& SQLSTATE 07005&&Explanation: Prepared statement &2 not SELECT statement.&SQL0518 SQLCODE -518&& SQLSTATE 07003&&Explanation: Prepared statement &1 not found.&SQL0519 SQLCODE -519&& SQLSTATE 24506&&Explanation: Prepared statement &2 in use.&SQL0520 SQLCODE -520&& SQLSTATE 42828&&Explanation: Cannot UPDATE or DELETE on cursor &1.&SQL0525 SQLCODE -525&& SQLSTATE 51015&&Explanation: Statement not valid on application server.&SQL0527 SQLCODE -527&& SQLSTATE 42874&&Explanation: ALWCPYDTA(*NO) specified but temporary result required for &1.&SQL0530 SQLCODE -530&& SQLSTATE 23503&&Explanation: Insert or UPDATE value not allowed by referential constraint.&SQL0531 SQLCODE -531&& SQLSTATE 2&&Explanation: Update prevented by referential constraint.&SQL0532 SQLCODE -532&& SQLSTATE 2&&Explanation: Delete prevented by referential constraint.&SQL0536 SQLCODE -536&& SQLSTATE 42914&&Explanation: Delete not allowed because table referenced in subquery can be affected.&SQL0537 SQLCODE -537&& SQLSTATE 42709&&Explanation: Duplicate column name in definition of key.&SQL0538 SQLCODE -538&& SQLSTATE 42830&&Explanation: Foreign key attributes do not match parent key.&SQL0539 SQLCODE -539&& SQLSTATE 42888&&Explanation: Table does not have primary key.&SQL0541 SQLCODE -541&& SQLSTATE 42891&&Explanation: Duplicate UNIQUE constraint already exists.&SQL0543 SQLCODE -543&& SQLSTATE 23511&&Explanation: Constraint &1 conflicts with SET NULL or SET DEFAULT rule.&SQL0544 SQLCODE -544&& SQLSTATE 23512&&Explanation: CHECK constraint &1 cannot be added.&SQL0545 SQLCODE -545&& SQLSTATE 23513&&Explanation: INSERT or UPDATE not allowed by CHECK constraint.&SQL0546 SQLCODE -546&& SQLSTATE 42621&&Explanation: CHECK condition of constraint &1 not valid.&SQL0551 SQLCODE -551&& SQLSTATE 42501&&Explanation: Not authorized to object &1 in &2 type *&3.&SQL0552 SQLCODE -552&& SQLSTATE 42502&&Explanation: Not authorized to &1.&SQL0557 SQLCODE -557&& SQLSTATE 42852&&Explanation: Privilege not valid for table or view &1 in &2.&SQL0573 SQLCODE -573&& SQLSTATE 42890&&Explanation: Table does not have matching parent key.&SQL0574 SQLCODE -574&& SQLSTATE 42894&&Explanation: Default value not valid.&SQL0577 SQLCODE -577&& SQLSTATE 3&&Explanation: Modifying SQL data not permitted.&SQL0578 SQLCODE -578&& SQLSTATE 2F005&&Explanation: RETURN statement not executed for SQL function &1 in &2.&SQL0579 SQLCODE -579&& SQLSTATE 3&&Explanation: Reading SQL data not permitted.&SQL0580 SQLCODE -580&& SQLSTATE 42625&&Explanation: At least one result in CASE expression must be not NULL.&SQL0581 SQLCODE -581&& SQLSTATE 42804&&Explanation: The results in a CASE expression are not compatible.&SQL0583 SQLCODE -583&& SQLSTATE 42845&&Explanation: Use of function &1 in &2 not valid.&SQL0585 SQLCODE -585&& SQLSTATE 42732&&Explanation: Library &1 is used incorrectly on the SET PATH statement&SQL0590 SQLCODE -590&& SQLSTATE 42734&&Explanation: Name &1 specified in &2 not unique.&SQL0601 SQLCODE -601&& SQLSTATE 42710&&Explanation: Object &1 in &2 type *&3 already exists.&SQL0602 SQLCODE -602&& SQLSTATE 54008&&Explanation: More than 120 columns specified for CREATE INDEX.&SQL0603 SQLCODE -603&& SQLSTATE 23515&&Explanation: Unique index cannot be created because of duplicate keys.&SQL0604 SQLCODE -604&& SQLSTATE 42611&&Explanation: Attributes of column not valid.&SQL0607 SQLCODE -607&& SQLSTATE 42832&&Explanation: Operation not allowed on system table &1 in &2.&SQL0612 SQLCODE -612&& SQLSTATE 42711&&Explanation: &1 is a duplicate column name.&SQL0613 SQLCODE -613&& SQLSTATE 54008&&Explanation: Primary or unique key constraint too long.&SQL0614 SQLCODE -614&& SQLSTATE 54008&&Explanation: Length of columns for CREATE INDEX too long.&SQL0615 SQLCODE -615&& SQLSTATE 55006&&Explanation: Object &1 in &2 type *&3 not dropped. It is in use.&SQL0616 SQLCODE -616&& SQLSTATE 42893&&Explanation: &1 in &2 type &3 cannot be dropped with RESTRICT.&SQL0624 SQLCODE -624&& SQLSTATE 42889&&Explanation: Table already has primary key.&SQL0628 SQLCODE -628&& SQLSTATE 42613&&Explanation: Clauses are mutually exclusive.&SQL0629 SQLCODE -629&& SQLSTATE 42834&&Explanation: SET NULL not allowed for referential constraint.&SQL0631 SQLCODE -631&& SQLSTATE 54008&&Explanation: Foreign key for referential constraint too long.&SQL0637 SQLCODE -637&& SQLSTATE 42614&&Explanation: Duplicate &1 keyword.&SQL0642 SQLCODE -642&& SQLSTATE 54021&&Explanation: Maximum number of constraints exceeded.&SQL0658 SQLCODE -658&& SQLSTATE 42917&&Explanation: Function cannot be dropped.&SQL0666 SQLCODE -666&& SQLSTATE 57005&&Explanation: Estimated query processing time exceeds limit.&SQL0667 SQLCODE -667&& SQLSTATE 23520&&Explanation: Foreign key does not match a value in the parent key.&SQL0675 SQLCODE -675&& SQLSTATE 42892&&Explanation: Specified delete rule not allowed with existing trigger.&SQL0679 SQLCODE -679&& SQLSTATE 57006&&Explanation: Object &1 in &2 type *&3 not created due to pending operation.&SQL0683 SQLCODE -683&& SQLSTATE 42842&&Explanation: FOR DATA or CCSID clause not valid for specified type.&SQL0707 SQLCODE -707&& SQLSTATE 42939&&Explanation: Name &1 in &2 not allowed for distinct type.&SQL0713 SQLCODE -713&& SQLSTATE 42815&&Explanation: Host variable for &2 is NULL.&SQL0724 SQLCODE -724&& SQLSTATE 54038&&Explanation: Too many cascaded trigger programs.&SQL0751 SQLCODE -751&& SQLSTATE 42987&&Explanation: SQL statement &1 not allowed in stored procedure or trigger.&SQL0752 SQLCODE -752&& SQLSTATE 0A001&&Explanation: Connection cannot be changed. Reason code is &1.&SQL0773 SQLCODE -773&& SQLSTATE 20000&&Explanation: Case not found for CASE statement.&SQL0774 SQLCODE -774&& SQLSTATE 2D522&&Explanation: Statement cannot be executed within a compound SQL statement.&SQL0775 SQLCODE -775&& SQLSTATE 42910&&Explanation: Statement not allowed in a compound SQL statement.&SQL0776 SQLCODE -776&& SQLSTATE 428D4&&Explanation: Cursor &1 specified in FOR statement not allowed.&SQL0777 SQLCODE -777&& SQLSTATE 42919&&Explanation: Nested compound statements not allowed.&SQL0778 SQLCODE -778&& SQLSTATE 428D5&&Explanation: End label &1 not same as begin label.&SQL0779 SQLCODE -779&& SQLSTATE 42736&&Explanation: Label &1 specified on LEAVE statement not valid.&SQL0780 SQLCODE -780&& SQLSTATE 428D6&&Explanation: UNDO specified for a handler and ATOMIC not specified.&SQL0781 SQLCODE -781&& SQLSTATE 42737&&Explanation: Condition &1 specified in handler not defined.&SQL0782 SQLCODE -782&& SQLSTATE 428D7&&Explanation: Condition value &1 specified in handler not valid.&SQL0783 SQLCODE -783&& SQLSTATE 42738&&Explanation: Select list for cursor &1 in FOR statement not valid.&SQL0784 SQLCODE -784&& SQLSTATE 42860&&Explanation: Check constraint &1 cannot be dropped.&SQL0785 SQLCODE -785&& SQLSTATE 428D8&&Explanation: Use of SQLCODE or SQLSTATE not valid.&SQL0802 SQLCODE -802&& SQLSTATE 2, 2&&Explanation: Data conversion or data mapping error.&SQL0803 SQLCODE -803&& SQLSTATE 23505&&Explanation: Duplicate key value specified.&SQL0804 SQLCODE -804&& SQLSTATE 07002&&Explanation: SQLDA not valid.&SQL0805 SQLCODE -805&& SQLSTATE 51002&&Explanation: SQL package &1 in &2 not found.&SQL0811 SQLCODE -811&& SQLSTATE 21000&&Explanation: Result of SELECT INTO or subquery more than one row.&SQL0818 SQLCODE -818&& SQLSTATE 51003&&Explanation: Consistency tokens do not match.&SQL0822 SQLCODE -822&& SQLSTATE 51004&&Explanation: Address in SQLDA not valid.&SQL0827 SQLCODE -827&& SQLSTATE 42862&&Explanation: &1 in &2 type *SQLPKG cannot be accessed.&SQL0840 SQLCODE -840&& SQLSTATE 54004&&Explanation: Number of selected items exceeds 8000.&SQL0842 SQLCODE -842&& SQLSTATE 08002&&Explanation: Connection already exists.&SQL0843 SQLCODE -843&& SQLSTATE 08003&&Explanation: Connection does not exist.&SQL0858 SQLCODE -858&& SQLSTATE 08501&&Explanation: Cannot disconnect relational database due to LU 6.2 protected conversation.&SQL0862 SQLCODE -862&& SQLSTATE 55029&&Explanation: Local program attempted to connect to a remote relational database.&SQL0871 SQLCODE -871&& SQLSTATE 54019&&Explanation: Too many CCSID values specified.&SQL0900 SQLCODE -900&& SQLSTATE 08003&&Explanation: Application process not in a connected state.&SQL0901 SQLCODE -901&& SQLSTATE 58004&&Explanation: SQL system error.&SQL0904 SQLCODE -904&& SQLSTATE 57011&&Explanation: Resource limit exceeded.&SQL0906 SQLCODE -906&& SQLSTATE 24514&&Explanation: Operation not performed because of previous error.&SQL0907 SQLCODE -907&& SQLSTATE 27000&&Explanation: Attempt to change same row twice.&SQL0910 SQLCODE -910&& SQLSTATE 57007&&Explanation: Object &1 in &2 type *&3 has a pending change.&SQL0913 SQLCODE -913&& SQLSTATE 57033&&Explanation: Row or object &1 in &2 type *&3 in use.&SQL0917 SQLCODE -917&& SQLSTATE 42969&&Explanation: Package not created.&SQL0918 SQLCODE -918&& SQLSTATE 51021&&Explanation: Rollback required.&SQL0950 SQLCODE -950&& SQLSTATE 42705&&Explanation: Relational database &1 not in relational database directory.&SQL0951 SQLCODE -951&& SQLSTATE 55007&&Explanation: Object &1 in &2 not altered. It is in use.&SQL0952 SQLCODE -952&& SQLSTATE 57014&&Explanation: Processing of the SQL statement ended by ENDRDBRQS command.&SQL0969 SQLCODE -969&& SQLSTATE 58033&&Explanation: Unexpected client driver error.&SQL0971 SQLCODE -971&& SQLSTATE 57011&&Explanation: Referential constraint &4 in check pending state.&SQL5001 SQLCODE -5001&& SQLSTATE 42703&&Explanation: Column qualifier &2 undefined.&SQL5002 SQLCODE -5002&& SQLSTATE 42812&&Explanation: Collection must be specified for table &1.&SQL5003 SQLCODE -5003&& SQLSTATE 42922&&Explanation: Cannot perform operation under commitment control.&SQL5005 SQLCODE -5005&& SQLSTATE 42815&&Explanation: Operator &4 not consistent with operands.&SQL5012 SQLCODE -5012&& SQLSTATE 42618&&Explanation: Host variable not a numeric with zero scale.&SQL5016 SQLCODE -5016&& SQLSTATE 42833&&Explanation: Object name &1 not valid for naming option.&SQL5021 SQLCODE -5021&& SQLSTATE 42930&&Explanation: FOR UPDATE OF column &1 also in ORDER BY.&SQL5023 SQLCODE -5023&& SQLSTATE 26510&&Explanation: Duplicate statement name in DECLARE CURSOR.&SQL5024 SQLCODE -5024&& SQLSTATE 42618&&Explanation: Host variable &1 not character.&SQL5047 SQLCODE -5047&& SQLSTATE 42616&&Explanation: Error processing SRTSEQ or LANGID parameter.&SQL5051 SQLCODE -5051&& SQLSTATE 42875&&Explanation: Incorrect qualifier.&SQL7001 SQLCODE -7001&& SQLSTATE 42858&&Explanation: File &1 in &2 not database file.&SQL7002 SQLCODE -7002&& SQLSTATE 42847&&Explanation: Override parameter not valid.&SQL7003 SQLCODE -7003&& SQLSTATE 42857&&Explanation: File &1 in &2 has more than one format.&SQL7006 SQLCODE -7006&& SQLSTATE 55018&&Explanation: Cannot drop collection &1.&SQL7007 SQLCODE -7007&& SQLSTATE 51009&&Explanation: COMMIT or ROLLBACK not valid.&SQL7008 SQLCODE -7008&& SQLSTATE 55019&&Explanation: &1 in &2 not valid for operation.&SQL7010 SQLCODE -7010&& SQLSTATE 42850&&Explanation: Logical file &1 in &2 not valid for CREATE VIEW.&SQL7011 SQLCODE -7011&& SQLSTATE 42851&&Explanation: &1 in &2 not table, view, or physical file.&SQL7017 SQLCODE -7017&& SQLSTATE 42971&&Explanation: Commitment control is already active to a DDM target.&SQL7018 SQLCODE -7018&& SQLSTATE 42970&&Explanation: COMMIT HOLD or ROLLBACK HOLD not allowed.&SQL7021 SQLCODE -7021&& SQLSTATE 57043&&Explanation: Local program attempting to run on application server.&SQL7022 SQLCODE -7022&& SQLSTATE 42977&&Explanation: User &1 not the same as current user &2 for connect to local relational database.&SQL7024 SQLCODE -7024&& SQLSTATE 42876&&Explanation: Index cannot be created because of CCSID incompatibility.&SQL7026 SQLCODE -7026&& SQLSTATE 42896&&Explanation: Auxiliary storage pool not found.&SQL7027 SQLCODE -7027&& SQLSTATE 42984&&Explanation: Unable to grant to a view.&SQL7028 SQLCODE -7028&& SQLSTATE 42944&&Explanation: Unable to CHGOBJOWN for primary group.&SQL7029 SQLCODE -7029&& SQLSTATE 428B8&&Explanation: New name &3 is not valid.&SQL7031 SQLCODE -7031&& SQLSTATE 54044&&Explanation: Sort sequence table &1 too long.&SQL7032 SQLCODE -7032&& SQLSTATE 42904&Apple-converted
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