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发表于:07-04-27 15:28
发表于:07-08-12 14:27
&&&&&&& 2005年,中国成为世界第四。2007年或2008年,中国可能超过德国,成为世界第三。如果不出意外,若干年后,中国产值有可能超过日本。在超过日本若干年后,中国产值有可能超过美国。中国超过美国之后,有可能长期保持世界第一。
发表于:08-01-17 11:56
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发表于:08-01-25 13:45
发表于:08-02-01 22:49
&&[第2版 02-01 22:52]
牛剑学术论坛负责人shu wenmiao 欺人太甚,居然为此事在美国社会学界到处给教授写信,全力败坏我的名誉。有教授私下把信全文转给了我。那就摊到桌面上,法律解决算了。
以下是引用 第5楼 风间隼 的话:
不是吧,搞到要对簿公堂那么严重? ...
发表于:08-02-26 20:32
Braudel Center, Binghamton University
Fernand Braudel
Center, Binghamton University
is No Alternative]。口号意在向所有政府传达这样的信息,即它们必须同意这些政策建议,否则他们将遭到增长缓慢和在可能面对任何困难的时候得不到国际援助的惩罚。
[伊曼纽尔.沃勒斯坦(Immanuel Wallerstein)版权所有,Agence
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May 11, 2007 Dr William Jones, Chairman Department of Chemistry University
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发表于:08-02-28 13:24
发表于:08-02-28 13:26
牛剑论坛法人代表shu wenmiao 是犯罪嫌疑人,是剑桥化学系一个博士后。律师和执法部门正在寻找这个人。
李 毅 博士
发表于:08-03-02 07:34
Criminal suspect wenmiao
Mar 2, 2008&&
To: A.Moore@hw.ac.uk
Personal Web pages Home pages
Dear Dr. A. J.
If I am not wrong,
this wenmiao shu,
, is the suspect of criminal activity, which I had looked for since May 2007.
Lawyers and legal authorities had look for him since then. &&
The criminal activities
of this wenmiao shu are attached. See two attachments.
If it is true,
this wenmiao shu should be a post-doctor in Cambridge, associated with Cambridge's
Chemical Department, in May 2007.
If it is true,
I would like to sue this suspect of criminal activity as soon as possible.
Is my hypothesis
right? Thank you very much for your clarification.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
2 attachments
Shu Wenmiao Case.doc
To Shu Wenmiao's boss.doc
发表于:08-03-05 00:18
&&[第2版 02-18 23:50]
李 毅 简 介 &
中国西北大学78级文学学士,北京大学社会学系修满研究生学分,美国密苏里大学(MU)社会学硕士,美国伊利诺伊大学(UIC)社会学博士。理论研究方向为唯物史观、世界体系论、社会发展大战略。方法论研究方向为定性社会学、历史社会学、比较社会学。学科研究方向为公共政策学、国际社会学、发展社会学、分层社会学。主要英文著作为University Press of America (美国大学出版社)
Structure and Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification
发表于:08-03-27 23:57
李 毅& 博士
这是我们讨论台海问题的国际大环境。我认为,台独突发事变的危险期在2005年底就基本结束了, 台海和平能够维持一个相当长的时间, 但目前没有任何可能实现和平统一的迹象。
2000年6月,在本人刚就任总统时,有关单位对国家认同所做的民调显示,自认是台湾人占36.9%、自认是中国人为13.1%、既是台湾人也是中国人有43.8%。去年11月由“国立政治大学选研中心”所发表有关国家认同最新的跨国调查,自认是台湾人大幅成长为60.1%、自认是中国人降到 4.8%、两者都是则为33.4%,短短六年多的时间,变化可以说非常的显著。此外,依据陆委会于去年9月所做的民调,75.8%的民众支持政府应继续积极推动参与“联合国”的工作,而且有超过七成的民众赞成以台湾的名义申请加入“联合国”,显示一个以“台湾优先”为核心价值的“台湾主体意识”已经沛然成形。
发表于:08-04-01 13:11
发表于:08-04-09 03:33
Yi Li&&dr.liyi@&&&&
&hide details
&11:50 am (15 hours ago)&
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture&&H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
"Linda Dwyer, Independent Scholar&"&&dwyer@mail.h-net.msu.edu&
Re: H-ASIA: Dr. Ann Kent on China, Tibet, and the Olympics
I disagree with
Dr. Ann Kent.
issue, just like Taiwan issue, is not an issue of democracy or human right,
but an issue of China's unification or separation.
Just like some
Taiwanese want Taiwan Independence, some Tibetans want Tibet Independence.
These Tibetans are separatists. If there are separatists in the United States,
Japan, Germany, Briton, France, or Australia, what are the results? They would
be cracked down without mercy. However, mainly because Western pressure, in
last two decades, Chinese government treated Tibetan separatists very softly
and weakly. &&
We are social scientists.
There are no good guys or bad guys here. If I am a Taiwanese, maybe I want
Taiwan Independence. If I am a Tibetan, maybe I want Tibet Independence. However,
if I am Chinese government, maybe I would treat the separatists much more harsh.
Dr. Ann Kent's
comments on Tibetan issue are very unprofessional, very un-academic, and very
Knaus, John Kenneth.
1999. Orphans of the Cold War: American and the Tibetan Struggle for Survival.
Conboy, Kenneth
and James Morrison. 2002. The CIA's Secret War in Tibet. University
of Kansas Press. &
Thomas Laird. 2002
Into Tibet: The CIA's First Atomic Spy and His Secret Expedition to Lhasa.
&&New York: Grove Press。
Garver, John W.
1997. The Sino-American Alliance: Nationalist China and American Cold War
Strategy in Asia.& M.E. Sharpe.
Ali, S. Mahmud.
1999. Cold War in the High Himalayas: The USA, China, and South Asia in
the 1950s. St. Martin's Press.
Goldstein, Melvyn
C.& 1997. The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet and
the Dalai Lama. University of California Press.
Melvyn C.& 1989. A History of Modern Tibet, :
The Demise of the Lamaist State.&& University of
California Press.
Tsering. 1999. The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet
since 1947. Columbia University Press.
Grunfeld, A. Tom.
1996. The Making of Modern Tibet.& M. E. Sharpe.
Smith, Warren W.&
1996. Tibetan Nation: A History of Tibetan Nationalism and Sino-Tibetan
Relations.& Westview Press.
Lee, Feigon. 1998.
Demystifying Tibet: Unlocking the Secrets of the Land of the Snow. Rowman
and Littlefield.
Christopher I. 1987. The Tibetan Empire in Central Asia: A History of the
Struggle for Great Power among Tibetans, Turks, Arabs, and Chinese during the
Early Middle Ages. Princeton University Press.
Andrew Martin. 2005. State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet:
Challenge of Recent Economic Growth. Copenhagen: NIAS Press.
Tucci, Giuseppe.
2000. The Religion in Tibet. New York: Kegan Paul.
Dawa. 2001. China's
Tibet Policy. Curzon Press.
The author of The
Structure and Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification (University
Press of America, 2005)
- Hide quoted text -
On 4/8/08, Linda Dwyer, Independent Scholar& &dwyer@mail.h-net.msu.edu&
April 8, 2008
Dr. Ann Kent on China, Tibet, and the Olympics
From: Darrell Dorrington&& Darrell.Dorrington@ANU.EDU.AU
In view of the imminent visit by the Australian Prime Minister to Beijing,
the following article, published by a distinguished local China and human
rights specialist, is very timely and thought provoking.
"Playing Games on Chinese."&&04 April 2008, by Dr. Ann&&Kent
Ann&&Kent is a Visiting Fellow in the ANU College of Law and author
Beyond&&Compliance: China, International Organizations and Global
Security (Stanford&&CA: Stanford University Press, 2007).
Darrell Dorrington
Australian National University
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发表于:08-04-11 12:18
from Yi Li &dr.liyi@ & hide details 8:57 pm (0 minutes ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 10,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Tibet and China issue - further observations
mailed-by gmail.com
Thank dear Jeannine for her vivid orientation. I disagree with her on both points.
The first is Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan language. Just like she said that, the
theocratic, feudal Tibetan society was wiped out in 1959. Currently, and in next
a couple of decades, Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan langrage are not in danger. Mainly
for political reasons, currently, Chinese government spends a huge amount of money
and energy to protect Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan language. However, in the long
run, it is really hard to say. The reason is the market economy. The market economy
has wiped out a huge amount of old Chinese culture and old Chinese languages in
an astonishing speed in last one hundred years, especially in last three decades.
In thirty years or fifty years, most part of the Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan language
may or may not be wiped out by the market economy. In fifty years, if it really
happens, in my view, so be it. In the processes of the modernization in the U.S.,
Japan, Germany, Britain and France, many things were wiped out, such as most part
of the religions and languages of American Indians. As a social scientist, it is
hard for me to say it is a good thing or bad thing. If it will not be wiped out,
so be it. If it will be wiped out, so be it. Do you want American government protect
or recover American Indian cultures or languages? It is your freedom, but I doubt
American government will care what you think.
The second is the status of Tibet, the so called Dalai Lama's non-violence, and
the future of Dalai Lama. Tibet is a part of China for 700 hundred years. After
the railroad reached Lasa, Tibet integrates with rest of China more rapidly mainly
because of the market economy. This is just the beginning. It will be faster. In
this world, I see no government will dare to separate Tibet from China. The so-called
Dalai Lama's non-violence is cheating, please see:
Knaus, John Kenneth. 1999. Orphans of the Cold War: American and the Tibetan Struggle
for Survival. PublicAffairs.
Conboy, Kenneth and James Morrison. 2002. The CIA's Secret War in Tibet. University
of Kansas Press.
Thomas Laird. 2002 Into Tibet: The CIA's First Atomic Spy and His Secret Expedition
to Lhasa. New York: Grove Press。
Garver, John W. 1997. The Sino-American Alliance: Nationalist China and American
Cold War Strategy in Asia. M.E. Sharpe.
Ali, S. Mahmud. 1999. Cold War in the High Himalayas: The USA, China, and South
Asia in the 1950s. St. Martin's Press.
Goldstein, Melvyn C. 1997. The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet and the Dalai
Lama. University of California Press.
Not only Dalai Lama's non-violence is a kind of cheating, but also, just like mentioned
many times by Dr. Kissinger, the non-violence of Gandhi was a kind of cheating
also. Someone else prepared for an independent war to seek Indian independence
from Britain, which was a major leverage for Gandhi threatened British government.
Current fourteenth Dalai Lama will die sooner or later. The Tibetan government
in India will disappear soon after the death of fourteenth Dalai Lama. There was
a thirteenth, and there will be a fifteenth. According to the constitution of Buddhism
Dalai Lama, Beijing will appoint and educate fifteenth Dalai Lama. I see the U.S.
and India have no way to change it. When fifteenth Dalai Lama, appointed and educated
by Beijing, takes care daily affairs of Tibetan Buddhism, this whole thing will
go away. It will take decades. It mainly depends on when the fourteenth Dalai Lama
Please educate me if I am wrong.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
- Hide quoted text -
On 4/10/08, wrote:
April 10, 2008
Further observations on the Tibet and China issue (and earlier postings)
From: Jeannine Chandler &&
Hello all:
I may be traversing previously explored territory here, but I would like to comment
on Dr. Wei's criticism of the Dalai Lama's use of the term 'cultural genocide'.
To my knowledge, this term began to appear with the concerted international Tibet
campaign/ movement of the late 1980s, early 1990s, as a purposeful means to bring
the Tibet issue to the international forefront without using terms that might offend
China such as 'status,' 'independence,' or 'nation-state.' Robert Barnett and Keila
Diehl have noted that Tibet's political agenda has been facilitated by the promotion
of this image of Tibetan culture as unique, and Tibetan Buddhism as endangered.
(See Robert Barnett, "'Violated Specialness': Western Political Representations
of Tibet," in Thierry Dodin and Heinz R&ther (eds.), _Imagining Tibet:
Perceptions, Projections and Fantasies_ (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001); Keila
Diehl, _Echoes from Dharamsala: Music in the Life of a Tibetan Refugee Community_,
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002).
I think Dr. Wei's analogy comparing the American Civil War with China's occupation/liberation
of Tibet is somewhat specious, given that slavery was a social-economic component
of American society, rather than its cultural core. With the Tibet situation, a
theocratic, feudal society did exist, but what is at issue here is the steps taken
to suppress, silence and eliminate the Tibetan religion (which is, in essence,
its cultural core), and other components of Tibetan identity, such as language.
In addition, Dr. Wei's point regarding footbinding and concubinage is similarly
flawed, as footbinding/concubinage were social customs and did not constitute a
Chinese cultural core. Thus I think we have to look at a broader cultural picture
rather than pick out individual temporary practices that did not serve as defining
cultural characteristics. I don't think anyone can argue that the issue here is
a fervent Tibetan desire to reinstitute corvee labor.
Regarding Dr. Li's comments on the Dalai Lama and Tibet's status, I would just
like to mention that for decades, the Dalai Lama has advocated non- violence, international
pressure and 'the Middle Way' as means to an autonomous Tibet. It is important
to note that once the Dalai Lama dies, the primary advocate for non-violence and
'the Middle Way' will disappear. With that, there will no longer be a bridle to
check the activism of the more radical and youthful elements of Tibetan society
(both within Tibet and in exile), many of whom have been pressing for more action
(and criticizing the Dalai Lama's promotion of autonomy over independence) as of
late. In the minds of many of these radicals, the value and efficacy of violence
in protest has been determined without a doubt in recent weeks as demonstrated
by the international attention directed at the Tibet issue. And to anyone who thinks
that this will go away after the Olympics, I would say, wait until next spring--not
only will there be the 50th anniversary of the March 10th movement, but also the
20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Years from now, we may see the
Chinese government wishing for the mediating presence of the Dalai Lama.
Jeannine Chandler
PhD candidate, History
University at Albany, State University of New York
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发表于:08-04-15 04:17
发表于: 4/11/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.liyi@ & hide details
8:57 pm (0 minutes ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 10,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Tibet and China issue - further observations
mailed-by gmail.com
Thank dear Jeannine for her vivid orientation. I disagree with her on both
The first is Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan language. Just like she said that,
the theocratic, feudal Tibetan society was wiped out in 1959. Currently, and
in next a couple of decades, Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan langrage are not
in danger. Mainly for political reasons, currently, Chinese government spends
a huge amount of money and energy to protect Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan language.
However, in the long run, it is really hard to say. The reason is the market
economy. The market economy has wiped out a huge amount of old Chinese culture
and old Chinese languages in an astonishing speed in last one hundred years,
especially in last three decades. In thirty years or fifty years, most part
of the Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan language may or may not be wiped out by
the market economy. In fifty years, if it really happens, in my view, so be
it. In the processes of the modernization in the U.S., Japan, Germany, Britain
and France, many things were wiped out, such as most part of the religions
and languages of American Indians. As a social scientist, it is hard for me
to say it is a good thing or bad thing. If it will not be wiped out, so be
it. If it will be wiped out, so be it. Do you want American government protect
or recover American Indian cultures or languages? It is your freedom, but I
doubt American government will care what you think.
The second is the status of Tibet, the so called Dalai Lama's non-violence,
and the future of Dalai Lama. Tibet is a part of China for 700 hundred years.
After the railroad reached Lasa, Tibet integrates with rest of China more rapidly
mainly because of the market economy. This is just the beginning. It will be
faster. In this world, I see no government will dare to separate Tibet from
China. The so-called Dalai Lama's non-violence is cheating, please see:
Knaus, John Kenneth. 1999. Orphans of the Cold War: American and the Tibetan
Struggle for Survival. PublicAffairs.
Conboy, Kenneth and James Morrison. 2002. The CIA's Secret War in Tibet. University
of Kansas Press.
Thomas Laird. 2002 Into Tibet: The CIA's First Atomic Spy and His Secret Expedition
to Lhasa. New York: Grove Press。
Garver, John W. 1997. The Sino-American Alliance: Nationalist China and American
Cold War Strategy in Asia. M.E. Sharpe.
Ali, S. Mahmud. 1999. Cold War in the High Himalayas: The USA, China, and South
Asia in the 1950s. St. Martin's Press.
Goldstein, Melvyn C. 1997. The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet and the
Dalai Lama. University of California Press.
Not only Dalai Lama's non-violence is a kind of cheating, but also, just like
mentioned many times by Dr. Kissinger, the non-violence of Gandhi was a kind
of cheating also. Someone else prepared for an independent war to seek Indian
independence from Britain, which was a major leverage for Gandhi threatened
British government. Current fourteenth Dalai Lama will die sooner or later.
The Tibetan government in India will disappear soon after the death of fourteenth
Dalai Lama. There was a thirteenth, and there will be a fifteenth. According
to the constitution of Buddhism Dalai Lama, Beijing will appoint and educate
fifteenth Dalai Lama. I see the U.S. and India have no way to change it. When
fifteenth Dalai Lama, appointed and educated by Beijing, takes care daily affairs
of Tibetan Buddhism, this whole thing will go away. It will take decades. It
mainly depends on when the fourteenth Dalai Lama dies.
Please educate me if I am wrong.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
- Hide quoted text -
On 4/10/08, wrote:
April 10, 2008
Further observations on the Tibet and China issue (and earlier postings)
From: Jeannine Chandler &&
Hello all:
I may be traversing previously explored territory here, but I would like to
comment on Dr. Wei's criticism of the Dalai Lama's use of the term 'cultural
genocide'. To my knowledge, this term began to appear with the concerted international
Tibet campaign/ movement of the late 1980s, early 1990s, as a purposeful means
to bring the Tibet issue to the international forefront without using terms
that might offend China such as 'status,' 'independence,' or 'nation-state.'
Robert Barnett and Keila Diehl have noted that Tibet's political agenda has
been facilitated by the promotion of this image of Tibetan culture as unique,
and Tibetan Buddhism as endangered. (See Robert Barnett, "'Violated Specialness':
Western Political Representations of Tibet," in Thierry Dodin and Heinz R&ther
(eds.), _Imagining Tibet: Perceptions, Projections and Fantasies_ (Boston:
Wisdom Publications, 2001); Keila Diehl, _Echoes from Dharamsala: Music in
the Life of a Tibetan Refugee Community_, (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2002).
I think Dr. Wei's analogy comparing the American Civil War with China's occupation/liberation
of Tibet is somewhat specious, given that slavery was a social-economic component
of American society, rather than its cultural core. With the Tibet situation,
a theocratic, feudal society did exist, but what is at issue here is the steps
taken to suppress, silence and eliminate the Tibetan religion (which is, in
essence, its cultural core), and other components of Tibetan identity, such
as language. In addition, Dr. Wei's point regarding footbinding and concubinage
is similarly flawed, as footbinding/concubinage were social customs and did
not constitute a Chinese cultural core. Thus I think we have to look at a broader
cultural picture rather than pick out individual temporary practices that did
not serve as defining cultural characteristics. I don't think anyone can argue
that the issue here is a fervent Tibetan desire to reinstitute corvee labor.
Regarding Dr. Li's comments on the Dalai Lama and Tibet's status, I would just
like to mention that for decades, the Dalai Lama has advocated non- violence,
international pressure and 'the Middle Way' as means to an autonomous Tibet.
It is important to note that once the Dalai Lama dies, the primary advocate
for non-violence and 'the Middle Way' will disappear. With that, there will
no longer be a bridle to check the activism of the more radical and youthful
elements of Tibetan society (both within Tibet and in exile), many of whom
have been pressing for more action (and criticizing the Dalai Lama's promotion
of autonomy over independence) as of late. In the minds of many of these radicals,
the value and efficacy of violence in protest has been determined without a
doubt in recent weeks as demonstrated by the international attention directed
at the Tibet issue. And to anyone who thinks that this will go away after the
Olympics, I would say, wait until next spring--not only will there be the 50th
anniversary of the March 10th movement, but also the 20th anniversary of the
Tiananmen Square Massacre. Years from now, we may see the Chinese government
wishing for the mediating presence of the Dalai Lama.
Jeannine Chandler
PhD candidate, History
University at Albany, State University of New York
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4/11/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.& hide
details 11:32 pm (0 minutes ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 10,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Regarding the article by Dr. Ann Kent on China, Tibet,
and the Olympics (comment)
mailed-by gmail.com
China already appointed a new Panchen Lama, the U.S. and India did not oppose
it. At same time, current Dalai Lama appointed another Panchen L no one
accepted it, including the U.S. and India.
Just like Joanna Kirkpatrick predicted, China will appoint next Dalai Lama.
Just like Joanna Kirkpatrick predicted, at the same time, 100,000 Tibetans
in India will appoint another Dalai Lama. Who cares? As long as the U.S. and
India do not oppose the Dalai Lama appoint by Beijing, and do not support the
Dalai Lama from India, the whole thing will go away. What the U.S. and India
will do? I do not know. It depends on the situation in the Middle East and
Pakistan. If American troops are still in Iraq and Israel-Palestine conflict
still going on, the U.S. will not support the Dalai Lama from India. If India
and Pakistan do not have an agreement on their boundaries, India dares not
support a new Dalai Lama from India. It looks like fourteenth Dalai Lama can
not live long enough to see agreements between Israel and Palestine, and between
India and Pakistan. Therefore, in my prediction, China will successfully appoint
and educate fifteenth Dalai Lama. China already did it many times, why you
think China can not do it now? Obviously, China can do better.
On Tibetan resistance, it is simply a very trivial thing. Guangdong province
was not a part of China. Guangdong people resisted many years. Qin and Han
dynasties spent a human amount of money and millions lives conquering and integrating
Guangdong province. Now, Guangdong province is number one province in China.
In 2007, the GDP of Guangdong province had surpassed the GDP of Taiwan province.
American Indians resisted many years, who cares? Historians focus on the results,
not the process.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
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On 4/10/08, wrote:
April 10, 2008
Comment on earlier post regarding the article by Dr. Ann Kent on China, Tibet
and the Olympics
From: Kirkpatrick
With reference to Dr. Yi Li's predictions of ultimate success of China
in establishing complete control of Tibet:
I would add just a note: factually speaking: although the Chinese government
has said they will name the next Dalai Lama, Dr. Li's prediction of this event
as ending Tibetan resistance doesn't conform wholly to various media reports.
The Dalai Lama is quoted in an
interview restricted to three journalists-"If my death comes when we are still
in a refugee status then logically my reincarnation will come outside Tibet."
So regardless whether China appoints their Dalai Lama, as they did with the
Panchen Lama, the exiled Tibetans (as well as many still in Tibet, judging
by recent resistances there) won't support the Chinese appointments.
Here is one press article on the topic, reported in news.com.au, November
http://tinyurl.com/63xgu9 I've seen many other similar reports, but for
brevity will not cite them here.
Joanna Kirkpatrick
Bennington College, ret.
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4/11/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.& hide
details 12:14 am (0 minutes ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 11,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Tibet and China - further historical observations
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I disagree with Professor Thomas Bartlett on Chinese history.
In Qin and Han Dynasties, Han Chinese did have a military advantage over nomads,
and they extend China to today's Xinjiang province.
Yuan dynasty exactly was a Chinese dynasty. The emperors of Yuan dynasties
themselves said many times that Yuan dynasty was a Chinese dynasty followed
Qin, Han, and Tang. I saw it in many historical literatures. I saw it by my
owe eyes in Qu Fu, Shangdong province, the hometown of Confucian.
Professor Thomas Bartlett made a big mistake here. Yuan dynasty was not the
Mongolian empire. Yuan dynasty was only one fourth or one fifth of the Mongolian
empire. Yuan dynasty came from the broken of Mongolian empire, which four or
five times bigger than Yuan dynasty. Yuan dynasty was a Chinese dynasty between
the Chinese dynasties before, and Chinese dynasties after. Tibet was a part
of Chinese Yuan dynasty, so Tibet was a part of China 700 years ago.
California and Hawaii are the part of the United State. It does not matter
for how long time. As long as they are a part of the United States, Californian
history and Hawaiian history are the part of American history.
Please educate me if I am wrong.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
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On 4/10/08, wrote:
April 10, 2008
Further historical observations concerning Tibet and China
From: Thomas Bartlett &.au&
Tibet certainly did not become a part of China 700 years ago. Tibet and
China were then two different regions which were both ruled by the Mongols
as parts of the Yuan dynasty. China was only one part of the Y
Tibet was another part of the Yuan dynasty. When the Yuan dynasty fell, the
Ming dynasty did not have any control over Tibet.
In general, the non-Chinese people could invade and rule China because of
the military advantage gained by their nomadic horse-riding culture. But
before the late 19th century, Chinese armies were not able to conquer and
hold permanently the non-Chinese lands. The Tang dynasty's power in Central
Asia was mainly accomplished by alliances with Turks, Uighurs, and other
militarily powerful non-Chinese peoples. The Tang's central power broke up
in rebellion immediately after the Tang army was defeated by the Arabs at
the Talas River. The key in that battle was the defection of the Turkish
forces from the Tang side to the Arab side.
The early Ming emperors Taizu and Yongle sent numerous military campaigns to
the north and northeast, into Mongolia and Manchuria, but they were never
able to hold and administer those territories directly, because the local
people were not culturally Chinese. At best, the Ming dynasty resorted only
to symbolic diplomacy such as they used with Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other
foreign neighbours.
China is the English word equivalent to "Zhongguo". 700 years ago,
"Zhongguo" was part of the Yuan dynasty, and Tibet was not part of
"Zhongguo". Tibet's leaders in the Yuan period were monks such as Phagspa
who was the teacher of Khubilai Khan. Khubilai Khan installed Phagspa as
head of the Xuanzheng Yuan, the Commission for Tibetan and Buddhist Affairs,
which was in charge of Buddhist establishments in China Proper, and also in
No Chinese officials were resident administrators in Tibet during the Yuan
it was entirely administered by Tibetans, assigned by the Mongol
That situation in Tibet contrasts vividly with the Yuan dynasty's rule in
China Proper, where dual staffing was used, so a Mongol or Central Asian
officer, called "darughachi", was assigned to oversee the Chinese local
Chinese official.
In early Qing, the Kangxi emperor employed Jesuit missionaries as resident
"foreign experts" to provide technical support in diplomacy with Russia, in
cannon making, in astronomy, and in cartography. Kangxi commissioned the
Jesuits to draw maps of the new Qing realm, using their advanced
mathematical and cartographic skills. A so-called "New Map of the Empire of
the Chinese" was published in the Netherlands in the late 17th century
around the same time. It shows a broken line around the territories of
China as it was known then. Outside that broken line was a region called
"Si Fan", meaning "western barbarians", which included Tibet. In the
official dynastic history of the Ming dynasty, published in 1750, all
references to Tibet are contained in the section called "Xiyu liezhuan",
meaning "Records of the Western Region", where the western barbarians lived.
In 1842 the distinguished Chinese scholar Wei Yuan wrote in "Sheng Wu Ji"
(Record of the Qing Emperors' Military Campaigns) that the so-called 17
provinces (of China Proper) and the 3 Eastern provinces (of the Manchu
homeland) were "Zhongguo". Wei Yuan further said that "Wei Zang" were to
the south of "Zhongguo", outside it.
But the definition of "Zhongguo" has been drastically expanded only since
the late 19th century, to include all the non-Chinese regions which were
conquered by Manchu imperialism. But many of the indigenous people of those
so-called "border regions" still have the same historical consciousness of
being something other than Chinese.
China exerted varying degrees of influence on Tibet, as it did on other
neighboring countries, during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, but nobody
then ever considered Tibet to be part of "Zhongguo".
Thomas Bartlett
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4/11/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.& hide
details 12:53 am (15 hours ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 11,
subject Re: H-ASIA: China and Tibet - revisiting the history
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I disagree with Professor Paul D. Buell from Western Washington University.
Professor Paul D. Buell made a big mistake on the nature of Yuan dynasty. Like
I said in my last response, Yuan dynasty was not the Mongolian empire. Mongolian
empire was several times bigger than Yuan dynasty, and Yuan dynasty came from
the broken of Mongolian empire. Yuan dynasty is a Chinese dynasty, just like
Chinese dynasties before it, and Chinese dynasties after it. Yuan dynasty itself
claimed it was a Chinese dynasty, followed Qin, Han and Tang dynasty.
Yuan dynasty took Tibet as a part of Yuan dynasty, and Tibet took itself as
a part of Yuan dynasty. Therefore, Tibet was a part of China 700 hundred years
ago. This is not new in China. Guangdong province was not a part China, but
a couple of independent states in Qin and Han dynasties. It takes time for
China integrating Guangdong province, so be Tibet.
Just like Californian history and Hawaiian history are a part of American history,
Tibetan history is a part of Chinese history.
Please educate me if I am wrong.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
- Hide quoted text -
On 4/10/08, wrote:
April 10, 2008
Revisiting history--in response to other posts on China and Tibet
From: Paul Buell &&
With reference to Yi Li's generalization about Tibet and China in history:
I presume by 700 years ago, Yi Li is referring to the submission of the
Sa-skya Pandita to prince Koden in the name of various Tibetan groups and
the later connection of his monastic group to Qubilai-qan and his house.
Leaving entirely aside that it was the Mongol state in East and Central Asia
that was involved, and not China, which was itself only a part of this
state, there were never any Chinese armies or even Chinese administrators in
Tibet during the period. Tibet in fact was, by the international standards
of today, entirely independent during the period, staffing its own
government, managing its own affairs and, to be sure, practicing its own
religion as it saw fit, not the case today. I suspect that if we had a time
machine and went back and asked 'Phags-pa, the first of Qubilai's official
chiefs of religion, why he had suddenly become Chinese he would have gasped
in amazement. But this Mongol-era connection is, in part, what the Chinese
claim is based. Tibet was no more a part of China during the period than was
any other Qubilai ally or subdued area, e.g., Mongol Iran, briefly Ca'adai
domains, northern Vietnam, Korea, etc., etc. In fact, if we want to press
things, China should today belong to Mongolia! The Qing connection with
Tibet was equally tenuous.
Paul D. Buell
Western Washington University
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4/13/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.& hide
details Apr 11 (2 days ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 11,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Tibet and China issues -from perspective of Korea
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Both California and Hawaii were not a part the United States, but they are
Both Korea and Vietnam were a part of China, but they are not now.
Taiwan, Xinjang, and Tibet are a part of China now, but they may get independence
later. Outer Mongolia already got independence.
This is the nature of this issue. Anything is possible. This is why Chinese
leaders have to fight hard integrating Xinjiang and Tibet as soon as possible,
and getting back Taiwan as soon as possible. Chinese leaders do not want Taiwan,
Xinjiang, or Tibet becoming another Outer Mongolia. Will China win? Under current
situation, my prediction is that, China will win.
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
On 4/11/08, wrote:
April 11, 2008
Tibet, China ... and Korea?? - a further perspective
From: Donald Baker &dbaker@interchange.ubc.ca&
This brief glimpse of Korean history suggests, first of all, the China's claims
to Tibet on historical grounds are as tenuous as claims to Korea would be.
Second, it suggests that China's claim today that Tibet is an integral part
of China may collapse sometime in the future as completely as Japan's claim
to Korea did.
Department of Asian Studies
University of British Columbia
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4/13/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.& hide
details Apr 11 (2 days ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 11,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Tibet and China - a correction
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After the fall of Qing dynasty, not a single ROC leader gave up Tibet. Sun
Zhongshan, Yuan Shikai, and Jiang Jieshi, all clearly and strongly claimed
that Tibet is a part of China.
There was a ministry within ROC government, named meng zang wei yuan hui, "Ministry
of Mongol and Tibet." The current Dalai Lama was appointed face to face by
the Minister of this ministry, Wu Zhongxin. (This ministry was still within
Taiwan government several years ago. I remember, several years ago, when Taiwan
invited Dalai Lama visiting Taiwan, Dalai Lama angrily pronounced that, what
he hated most in Taiwan is this ministry. )
In 1945, in a meeting of big powers, British PM Churchill questioned Tibet
as a part of China. Jiang Jieshi ordered Song Ziwen, Chinese PM, strongly criticized
Churchill, on the record. Jiang and Song reiterated that, Tibet definitely
was always a part of China.
ROC also had officials and army stationed in Tibet. When Mao won the civil
war over Jiang, Tibetan militants surrounded ROC officials and ROC army in
Tibet, took their weapons, and drove them out of Tibet.
During the Cold War, when the U.S. supported Tibet Independence, Jiang Jieshi
in Taiwan was very unhappy about it.
Please educate me if I am wrong,
Most sincerely,
Li Yi Ph.D.
On 4/11/08, wrote:
April 11, 2008
Republic of China's views re: Tibet--a correction
From: Peter Kovas &&
Please strike my remark that the leaders of the ROC did not challenge
Tibet's declaration of independence after the fall of the Qing dynasty. I
apologize for the mistake.
Peter Kovas
History Teacher,
San Francisco California.
4/13/ 发表主题: 继续讨论
from Yi Li &dr.& hide
details 1:58 pm (0 minutes ago)
H-Net list for Asian History and Culture &H-ASIA@h-net.msu.edu&,
Frank Conlon &conlon@u.washington.edu&
date Apr 13,
subject Re: H-ASIA: Tibet and China -- responding to recent post from Dr. Yi
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Tibet and China -- responding to the post from Stephanie Donald to Yi Li
From beginning, several scholars, including me, strongly appealed that, maybe
this is not a good place to discuss Tibet-China here, especially in a non-academic
way. However, this discussion is encouraged and continued. Stephanie Donald
wrote a very long comment, with four points, to my comments. Lai er bu wang
fei li ye. I have to response, without excuse.
I respectfully disagree with Stephanie Donald, point by point.
Stephanie Donald: "1. Yes, there have been human rights' violations across
the history of nation, state and empire building. Human Rights as a concept
has been pieced together to try and combat these abuses and cruelties. The
fact of multiple violations does not excuse them, or excuse contemporary Governments
from being challenged about them."
Li Yi: 1. No, something can not be challenged, something can.
The word "contemporary" used by Stephanie Donald here is completely wrong .
What is "contemporary?" In 1959, the United States built the State of Hawaii
and State of A at the same year, CIA directly fanned and supported Tibetan
separatist war, tried hard to separate Tibet from China. In 1961, to against
Tibet as a part of China, India started a war with China. Pentagon and CIA
trained thousands Tibetan modern warriors fought a guerrilla war in Tibet from
1959 to 1971. Is 1959 contemporary? Is 1961 contemporary? Is 1971 contemporary?
Current Dalai Lama was the head of the Tibetans who fought all these anti-Chinese
wars. Dalai Lama stopped the Tibet separatist war only after Nixon visited
Mao. Is Dalai Lama contemporary?
As I said again, again, and again, I do not blame anyone here. For me it was
a so beautiful strategic action for American president, to build State of Hawaii
and to start a separatist war in Tibet at the same year. For the same token,
I do not blame any Chinese leader to use any means, to integrate Tibet and
Xinjiang, to get Taiwan back, as long as it works. If someday, for Chinese
national interest, China fans and starts a separatist war in California and
Hawaii, no one have a moral right to blame Chinese


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