yield 英文英文怎么说

英语翻译He’s got a good little yield on him.这是一个专家做活蛇取毒时说的.大概是有很多蛇毒吧.怎么翻译才能通顺的说出字面意思
从它身上取了可观的/不少的蛇毒了get a good little yield出产/生产了相当多完全正确理解需要语境He可以表示人,如果专家说这话时He指的是人,那就是 他从它身上取;如果指的是蛇,那就是说“这条蛇已经产量不少了”的意思根据当时语境,很容易区分
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音标:[ ji:ld ]&&发音:&&过去式: yielded&&&过去分词: yielded&&&名词复数: yields&&&现在分词: yielding&&&
中文翻译vt.1.生出,产生(作物、报酬、利益等)。2.给与,让与;让渡;放弃(权利、地位等);交出。3.承认。4.让步;投降。 This land yields heavy crops. 这块地的产量非常高。 Cows yield milk. 乳牛产奶。 Sin yields bitter fruit. 罪恶招祸患,恶因生恶果。 Yield a fortress to the enemy 放弃要塞让敌人占领。vi.1.(土地等)生产作物,生产,有收获。2.屈服,服从;让步;听从,应允,答应 (to)。3.(因压力)弯曲,凹进 (to)。4.(疾病因医疗或药物而)好转。短语和例子The land yields well [poorly]. 这块土地产量高[低]。 Yield to persuasion [despair, temptation] 在劝说[失望、诱惑]下失去抵抗力。 The frost has yielded to the sun. 霜在太阳底下开始融化了。 Yield consent 答应。 Yield oneself prisoner 投降做俘虏。 Yield possession 让出所有权。 Yield precedence (to another) 让(别人)占先。 Yield submission 屈服,服从。 Yield the palm to 把胜利[荣誉]让给。 Yield the [a] point 在讨论的[某一]问题上让步。 Yield to conditions 答应条件。 Yield to none 不让给谁;不落人后。 Yield up the ghost [life, soul, breath, spirit] 死去。n.1.出产;产品。2.产额,产量。3.收获(量),收成;回收(率)。4.收益,利益。5.屈服;击穿;极限。6.二次放射系数。短语和例子a large yield 丰收;巨大产量。 Yield of counter 计算器效率。 Yield of radiation 辐射强度。&&&&总收益率... &&&&&&小区产量... &&&&&&对…让步;向…投降;由…接替; 屈服,服从; 屈服投降让步顺从; 屈服于,让出,放弃; 让步,屈服; 让步于; 让位于,屈服于; 听从于; 向…让步; 依人 ...... &&&&&&容许开采量(持续抽水量)... &&&&&&得色量... &&&&&&屈服值... &&&&&&回收率,成品率... &&&&&&资产的获利性... &&&&&&绝对产额; 绝对产量... &&&&&&临时收额... &&&&&&每英亩产量; 英亩产量... &&&&&&实际产量; 实际单重面积; 实际生息率; 实际威力... &&&&&&对收益的调整; 收益调整... &&&&&&洗炼得率... &&&&&&总当量... &&&&&&酒精收率... &&&&&&汞齐化率... &&&&&&畜产量... &&&&&&年产量; 年产值; 年伐量; 年收获量... &&&&&&出水量; 含水层水量... &&&&&&要价收益率(卖出收益率)... &&&&&&组装成品率... &&&&&&资产的获利性... &&&&&&相关的产量... &&&&&&盈利率... &&&&&&烨兴企业股份有限公司... &&
例句与用法The soil shall yield nothing to you .土地不会给你生长出任何东西了。There was no help for it but to yield again .无计可施,只好让步了。Yielding can properly be termed failure .可以恰当地把屈服叫做失败。Only persistent study yields steady progress .坚持学习,始能不断进步。The president had no alternative but to yield .总统别无选择,只好让步。Lady jane yielded up everything to her mother .简夫人什么都让母亲作主。The shares yield [pay] five per cent .这些股票可产生5%的利润。The street yielded no accommodation .满街找不到个住宿的地方。Rice yields will be higher than last year .稻产量将高于去年。Natalie yielded up a few giggles .纳塔利忍不住嘻嘻笑了几声。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释production of a certain amount同义词:, an amount of a product同义词:, the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of la "the average return was about 5%"同义词:, , , , , , the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"同义词:, , end resistance, as und "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"同义词:, consent reluctantly同义词:, , , , b "I grant you this much"同义词:, ,
stop fightingbe flexible under stre "This material doesn''t give"同义词:,
"The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year''s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"同义词:, , , , cause to happen o "His two singles gave the team the victory"同义词:, move in order to make room for s "The park gave way to a supermarket"; "`Move over,'' he told the crowd"同义词:, , , ,
"interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"同义词:, ,
surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another同义词:, , , be th "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"同义词:, , be fatally overwhelmed同义词:, give in, as to influence or pressure同义词:, ,
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求翻译:"A 10 cent tax per can could yield $140 billion in (revenue) over ten years. But the beverage industry is pushing back是什么意思?
"A 10 cent tax per can could yield $140 billion in (revenue) over ten years. But the beverage industry is pushing back
「一税10%百能可以产生$140元(收入)超过十年。 但这是餐饮业后推
“一种10分税每个罐头可能产生$140十亿(收支)在十年期间。 但饮料业推回
"10税款分每在(收入)超过10 年产生1,400亿美元能能。除了饮料工业正推回
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