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[emuch[1].net]Curriculum Vitae
PUB Ll CATIONS Journalar(ic ]e s Zhcng , Q , & Fu , X. (2003) , A ~(u &l y on (he Applica(ion 0 1& Mc(ada(a in Web In l&orrnatωn Rcsource Organiza(ion. Li brary and Information Service. 311. 78-82 , 25 Fu , X. & li. W.(2002)In(crne(μ ibraryon (hc Trcnds of In formation and Information Service. 292. 61-65八 S(udyClassifica( 仙 non (hcFu. X. (2002) , S(ud 剧。 n In(elligcn( Tr cnd~ in Th ir d Gcnera(ion Search Engincs , New Technology of Library and Information 5ervice , 97, 2H -30 & Fu. X. (2002). A S(udy 0 1& Kn owlcdgc Sharing in Kn owlcdgc Managcrncn( Sy (ems. Li brary and Information 5ervice. 298, 32-36U, 飞 N.,Fu. X. (2002) , An [n 飞咆 h( in !O China 飞 [n l&orma(inn Po licv in (hc 21 (Ccn !U ry Th rough i!S Tcn(h &Five Ycar Plan&' , Jo urnal of Information , 21(12). 6H-69 Fu , X. (2002) , S(ud 剧。 n Social Sc C! ors Orien(cd [n forma(ion Scrviccs. Jo urnalof Information , Annual 5upplement on Information and Li brary 5αence Research , 92 93 Fu , X. (2002) , AS(udy on E-B usincRs 403.46-47Lc g 的Ja (ion‘in China. China Information ReviewFu , X. (2001) , A S(udy 0 1& (he Changcs 0 1& CIO's Rolcs in China Internet Weekly , 128 , 12 [ -123Knowlcdgc-ba 刊 dEc onomyFu , x.. Li u , Z.H. &Li u , L. (200[). Rc~carch on Collcc(ωn DiHr ibution in Univcr~i(y &jb rarics in (he Tide 0 1& A川 algarna (μon , Jo urnaJ of Chinese Society for 50cial Sciences Jnformation , 121 , 5[-53 Confercnce papcrs Kelly. D. & F lI. X. (2006). Univcrsity 0 1& Nor(h Carolina's HARD Track Expcrimcn(s a( TREC 200S. [n E. Voorhecs &L. p , Buckland (Eds ,). T,月百D 2005 , 件。 ceedings of the Fourteenth Text Retrieval Donference 飞Nashing !O n. D. C.: GPO Fu , X. , Ci szck , T.. Marchωnini. G. &Solomon , P. (2005) , Anno(a(ing (hc Wch: An Explora(ory S(udy 0 1& Wcb Uscrs Necd I&or Pcrsonal Anno(a(ion Tools. In 阶 oceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American 50α ety for Jnformation Science & Technology (A SJ5& ηVo l. 42. Charlo((c. J'\c. Oc !O ber 28 -N ovcmbcr 2. 200S,Ci.\ Z 、T. & Fu , X. (2005). Hyperlinking: Frorn (hc In (c Tlll'l (0 (hc Blogospherc. In 丹oceedings of the 6th International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Associatωn of Internet Researchers (AoJR). Chicago , [L. Oc !O bcr 5-9. 2005k,Kelly. D.. Dollu , V. D. & F lI, X. (2005) , Th c loquacμ()us user: A documen( indcpcndcn( source 0 1& !C rms I&()r qucry expan 叩 n. [n 仲oceedings of the 28th AnnuaJ ACM JnternationaJ Conference on Research and Development in Information RetrievaJ (5JGJR '05) , Salvador. Brazi l. Augu S! [[ -[ 5.4 ? ? ?Develop techniques for eliciting additional in formalion from u 飞 er~ (beyond a short query) about their intormatωn prohlem 自 De velop technique for incorporating information abo Ul a user's ~earch contc X! in lO retrieval Eva luate the effectivencss of su ch tcchniques‘lnformation Synthes 刊 Project Research Assistan l, Januar v 2004 - June 2004 Principal lnvestigator: D r. Cathenne Blake ? De velop automatic methods to convert HTMLfiles to text t?les and format th em with certain ta gs that allow ea 电 y loading into databa 电 C Us er Centered Evaluation of 飞,Vcb Search Engine Quality Rcsea rch Team L巳 adcr , Scptcmber 2002 - Ju ne 200] ? Con 电 tructcd thcorctica l framcwork for eva luating the quality of 飞.vcb search eng ll1 e ? De veloped empirical framewor l:: for user centered evaluation of Wcb search servlces ? De signed user 飞 earch experiment to test lh e framewor l:: ? Analyzed both qualitativc and quantitative data from lhc experiment and modified lhe framewor l:: between Chine sc and Engli~h Intern et portal Graduate Research Assistan l, Februa ry 2002 - Junc 2002 Principlc lnvcstigators: Dr . Xiaoy ing Don g and Prof. Zhanghua Ma (Funded by UNESCO and Chincse National Foundation of Social Sciencc~) ? lnves l igated major information organization and rctrieval techn 叫 ues uscd by Chinese and English 飞&,&'cb search engines ? Explored and evaluated thc indices tor measuringωarch engine qualityComparative 飞 tudyAn 1 nvc 飞 tigation on Using Classi们 cation in Web lnformation O rganization Resea rc h Team L巳 adcr , Ma rch 2001- April2001 ? Conducted survey on how class 而 cation was used by major Internet portals 10 organize information resources ? Intc rviewed classification designers 01 two major Ch inese Web portals to gain an understanding oftheir con 龟 ideralions and practical concern 电 ? Proposcd suggcstions for improving classification design on 飞I{eb portals De sign ofNeed Based Chinese National Social Sciences Information Systcm in :&& etwor l:: En vironmen l Team Assistan l, Ja nuary 2001 - Ma rch 2001 Principlc Invcstigator: Dr. Le i Jj u (Funded by Chinese National Foun da lion for Social Sci巳 nce s) ? Part iιipalcd in designing survey questionnairc to invcstigatc the informat ion necds ofsocial scicnccs rcωarcher ‘ in China ? Collccted data from about 50 social sciencc 、 researchers in Bcijing PUB Ll CATJONS Jouroal artic lc s Zhcog , Q , & Fu , X. (2003). A ~!U dy on thc Application of Metadata in Wcb lnfor01ation Rc~nurcc Organizatino. Li brary and Information Service. 311 , 78-82 , 25 Fu , X. & Li. W. (2002). A S !U dy 00 the Trends of lnfor01ation lntcrne!. Library and Information Service , 292 , 61-65Classificat 仙 non th cFu , X. (2002) , S !U d 川 00 lntc 11igcot Trcnds in 丁llird Gcncration Search Eogincs , New Technology of Library and Information Service , 97. 2 树 30U ,飞 N.& Fu. X. (2002). A Study of Kn ow 1c dge Shariog in Kn owlcdgc Managcment Syste01s. Li brary and Information Service. 298, 32-36 Fu , X. (2002) , An ln 电咆 ht in !O Chioa 电 lntor01atioo Po licy in thc 21st Ccotury Th rough its Tenth &'Five Ycar Plan'.. Jo urnaJ o{ Jnformation , 21(12). 68-69 Fu , X. (2002) , Stlld 挝、 00 Social Scc !O r~ Jnformation , AnnuaJ Supplement on Jnf,ο 93 Fu , X. (2002) , AS !U dy 00 403.46-47E-Bll!;inc~sOricoωdmationl nfor01atioo ServiccsιJo urnalof and Li brary Science Research , 92Lc gis 1a tion in China. China Information ReviewFu , X. (2001) , AS !U dy ofthe Changes ofCIO's China Internet WeekJy , 128 , 121-123Role~ioKnowledge-haωd Ec ono01 、Librarie~Fu , X. , Liu , Z.H. & Li飞L. (2001). Rc~earch 00 Collcction Di~tributioo in Uoivcr~ity in thc Tide of An lalgamation , Jo urnaJ of Chinese Society for Social Sciences Jnformation , 121 , 51-53Confcreoce paper~ Kclly. D. & Fu. X. (2006). Univcr ity of North Caro 1i na's HARD Tγack E,飞 pen01ents at TREC 2005.10 E. Voorhccs &L. p , Buckland (Eds ,), T,月宦C 2005 , 件。 ceedings of the Fourteenth Text RetrievaJ Conference 飞Nashington , D. C.' GPO‘Fu , X. , Ci szck , T. , Marchωnini. G. & Solo01oo. P. (2005). Anootating the Wcb: An Exploratory Study of Wcb User Nccd for Per~onal Anootation Tools. ln 阶 oceedings of the 68th Annual M恒eting of the American 50α ety for Information Science & Technology (ASJ5& ηVo 1. 42. Charlolle. l\c. Octobcr 2R-Novembcr 2. 2005‘‘Ci~zck.T. & Fu , X. (2005). Hypcr 1i oking: Fro01 the l oternct to the Blogo~pherc. ln Pr oceedings o{ the 6th Jnternational and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoJR) , Chicago , IL , October 5-9 , 2005Kclly. 0.. Dollu , V. D. &Fu , X. (2005) , The lo quaciou~ u~er: Adocu01cnt indcpendent source ofter01~ for guery cxpan 圳 n. In Pr oceedings of the 28th Annua/ ACM /nternationa/ Co nference on Research and Development in Informa听on Retrieva/ (S/G/R '05) , Salvador , Brazi 1. AUglls t 11 -15.
-464 Ke l1 y. D.. Dollu , V. D , & Fu , X. (200 盯 Univer~ity 0 1' North Caro 1i na 、 HARD Track Expcrimcnt~ at TREC 200 4 . [n E. Voorhee~ &L p , 8uckland (Ed 叫 TREC 2004 Pr oceedings of the Thirteenth Text Retrieval Conference. Washington. D. C.: GPOLa i, M. S.. Fu. X. &Zhang , L Y. (2DD2). [nformation Resource Developmerll in China. ln 件。 ceedings to 2002 Information Resource ^'但nagem ent Association Jnternational Co nference. Seallle , Wa~hing lO n. May [9-22 , 20D2. HJ -96‘800k chapters Web Search Engine Mechanism. ln Don g. X. Y.. &岛也, Z. H (Ed 讥 Retrieval. Use and Services of Internet Information Resources , Chapter H, pp [2H- [52. Beijing: Peking University PressStud 挝、 onFu , X. (2003) ,Dong , X. Y., & Ma , Z. H. (Ed.) , Retrieva/. Use and Serνices of Jnternet Jnformation Resources. Chapter 9. pp. [53- [70. Beijing: Pc J.::i ng University PressServi时 [nXi n. M. D. , & Fu , X. (2003). Evaluation of Web Search EngincLa i, M. S.. Fll. X. &Zhang , L Y. (2D03). [nformation Resollrce 龟 Dcvelopment in China: Hi story. Prcsent Situation and Prob 1c m Di~cussion. ln Gcrry Gingrich , (ed.) Managing lT in Governmen l, Bu 电 iness & Communities. Hershey. PA: [RM Pres‘Postcrs Ciszek. T. & Fu , X. (2005). An An notation Paradigm: Th e Social Hyper 1i nk. To appear in Pr oceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS& η. Vo 1. 42 , Cbarlolle , NC. OC I. 2H-Nov. 2. 2005 EncyclopediaLa i, M. S.. Fu. X. &Zhang , L Y. (2D05). [nformation Rcsource Development in China. ln Mehdi Kh o row-Pour (Ed.). Encyc lope dia of lnformation Science and Tcchnology [-V‘‘Editcdcollcction~Li,1. F. , Fu , X.. & Feng. Q. H. (Ed.) (2004). SelectcdManagemcn l. Beijrng: ninghua Univer ity PressTra nslation~‘Reading 电 in [nformatωnFu , X. , Wang , X. J& & Ai , X 立 (200[) , Sccrets ofthe Mi nd - A Tale ofDiscovery and l,&lisla l:: en [denlily. Fuj他 n: llljiang Pllblishing House. (Chinese lrans lation co l1,己 cled by lh e National ubrary of 汇:hina. Th e original book: Cairns-Smith , A. G , ([ 999). Secrcts of lhe Mind - A Talc of Discovery and M附 lakcn Idenlity. N巳 w York: Springer-Verlag) Degrec lhesis Fu , X. (2003) , Evaluating the Qua 1ity ot Search Engines: User-Cenlcred Discu~sions on Evaluation Sιhcma and Comparalive Sludies on Chinese and Eng 1ish Search Engincs. (Master's Th esis. Peking Universily) TEACHING EXPERIENCES Teaching AssiHanl , Seplembcr 2002 - January 2003 Peking Univenity ? Le d lhe lab ses 川 n tor 50 tirsl-year ,lU denls in Iheir C Programming cla , s and 15 tOllrlh - year s lU denl in Mlll1imedia Technologies c13ss,Course Coordinalo r , March 2001 - June 2001 Bcijing Foreign S lU dies Un iver 、 &y ? lnvitcd 20 otmy classmales in Peking Cniversily 10 otfer l ntormalion Scminar Scries lor undergradllales in Beijing Foreign S lU d 如cs Universily ? Ar rangcd lhe limelable , presided over a11 01 lhc eminan and designed Ihc,grading 龟 yS \e m?Thc seminar was warmlv welcr& med by 100+ panicipanl,Teaching Assi Sl an l , Seplember 2()OO - Janllary 2001 Beijing Foreign S lU dies Univcr 电 &y ? Provided lab llllorial tor 4() second - year sludenls in lheir C Programming class Eng 1i sh leache r, March 1999 -J une 1999 Beijing 21st Cenlury Schωl ? Taughl Eng lish 10 abolll 30 elcmenlary school &;!udcnl llsing any ChincseA飞.\1, Igradc3-4)witho 川ARDS & HO NORS2()04 - 2()06 , Rescarch ^'‘ sislanlship , SILS , Ur-; C-C hapel Hi11; 2{)04 , Fll lU re Facll 1t y Fellowship , UNC -Chapel Hil1 2()03. Graduate School 比 rit Based Assislanlship , UNC-Chapel H 训 2{)03. Gradualion with D i!、 linclion , Pcking Universily 2()02 , Wusi (I,&lay 41h) Scho lar龟 hip , Pcking U 2()OI , Nokia Scholarship (Firsl Prize) , Pcking U 2()O l, 2()02 , Model Sludcnl , Peking U 2()OO , Gradllalion Wilh Dislinclωn , Bcijing Foreign Slud也自 U 2()OO , Besl Thesis Prize , Beijing Foreign Sllld 挝、 Univcrsity
, University-lovel Scholarship , Beij ing Foreign S lU d 陀 s Univenity 1997 , 1999 , Model Sludenl , Beijing Foreign Sludies UniversityOT H ER 飞.v O RKEXPERIENCESGraduale Assi 飞 lanl tor Exιhange Aftairs , Augusl 2()OI - AUgllSl 20()2 0忏 ice ot lnlernalional Relalions , Pcking Univcrsil、 Some major aClivilies incl11de Receiving His Exce l1 ency Prime Min 旧时 Guy Verhofstadl 01 Bc lg ium (March 2H ? 2{)02) ? Rcceiving 、 ce Chance l1 0r otlhe Univcrsily ofCambridge Professor Sir Aleι Brocrs and his delegalion (Apri ll 1- 14 , 20(2)C[O200() - Janllary 20D 1 Holy High lnve tmenl Consul1ing Company , Beijing ? Mado ovcra11 informa 川 n policy tor Ihe ‘ tarl-llp company Wllh more lhan 20 cmployees and saw 10 its implcmentalion ? Sel up lheωmpany's knowledge cenler and website飞,1a y‘ Databasc D e~igner , September 1999 - October 1999 Di'&t ance Le arning DepartmenL Beijing Foreign Studies Univcrsit 、 ? Designed the Se lf- Access Center Managemcnt Sy~tem for distance learningstudent 电LabSeptember 1999 - Ja nuary 20()() D i '&t anι巳 u巳 arning DepartmenL Beijing Fore 吧。 Studies Universit 、 ? Instrllc ted and assisted studcnts in theirωmputer lab scs~ 川 SA~sistant , As~istan t ,Li braryScptember 1999 - January 2()O() Rcsourcc Center of School ofEnglish La nguage Commllnication , Beijing Foreign Stlldie ‘ Unive rsity ? Designed the classification scheme for the schoollibrary wi th a collection of scvcral thollsand boo l:: s , pcriodlcals , disscrtations and multim 叫他 reading materials Intcrn Rcporter , Febrllary 2000 - April , 2000 Internationa l Ncw~ Department , Xinhlla News Agcncy and Domestic Ncws DcpartmenL China Daily ? A刊 istcd reporters in interv 陀 wing and writing/cdit ing new 飞 articles Intcrpretcr , November J2 - 14 , 1999 American Pavilion of 1999 China Intcrnational Education Exhibition in BeiJingIntcrn Editor and Annollnce r. Sllmmer 1998 』 地 ngxi TV Engli、 h News (the provincia l TV St a tion in my hometown) , Nanchang Jiangxi Resume: Contact.b& ad.a r&d r时 gmail 叩Bradley M AndrewsEducation1998. Slanlord University. BA in PsychoαlY S 用而 I &, ant coursework in Com flU ter Sc二 eooe (ot咱 .ct 。由 System 5 Design , D 血 Structur e5 , Java Prog rammi r&g , I nt田「削 and Soc ket Pr,句 ramming) 2∞&∞7 (anti啡ated). UC Berkeley. M as'怡陌 ol ln他 ,m 呈阳 ManaQement 句&山川 cωrsework in C∞ puter Sc ience (Ope rating Sy5tem Program町 ing , Networking)t回Technical CompetenciesHTML, C+-+ , C , XM lJX SL , SNMP Progrllmming Melh 创d吨 ies: Fundamenta 陆 0100 OOsign , Spiral M 。但&时回阳 are development Dalabases: Pos匈 e5 . 0r缸陆 S内.&附ySOl WebT筒。 logies: A& 缸 he , Java Se tvlets , Perl CG I, Ii TML Systems Administrlltion … …, Unux, SoI aris , Mac OSX … w 盹阳 dhcp, firewall , … m … , WII由叫 implementalionU咱u8ges:Java, J副,,~咆)t , Pe~ ,EJCperienceTeaching A旦且呈皿 Inlo Systems 250 - Com阳 ter- Ba5ed Communications Systems a .-.d Netw。阳 , UC 8e rkeley 8e rkeley , CA.叩问 H GId weekly 0倒ice hoors lor a graduate class on com阴阳 networ附 G 甜e ass啕 nments a r&d exams , answer que νstions , meet regularly.川酌&&,阳üles sor&&盟m~,ιand S灿.&川 Service Programs , UC Be rkeley. Berkeley , CA. 7 1'.2∞ 5才present part &, ipate in depa 吃 mental web and database so俺ware development e付 om Cα ,..阻Jsaw!阳 ations in Java. PHP , CoId Fusion , a r&d ASP Se rve as project manaqer lor vario创&&'俺ware development a r&d integration pro庐.& As a part-timeemp阳 yee ,..到坦国ResidentialM8nager , ResiOOntial Computing , UC 8erl& e 叼&怕回 CA . 612∞2 - 2003 胆创乓 Se rve as the Ger 町 al ManaQer 01 曾'& Office of R自由州副 ComflUb 咱 in Hω地问'&&刷咱 Services at UC .&,归咿呐&,h supports networki 咱 .00α&mflU ting in 8e rkeley's resωence halts. Resider回al COll'阳咱 employs almost 50 peopI e a.-.d has annual 趴Jdgets 01 approxima 叫&团伙 (staffing) , $6O k (部eratkms) , andS旧)-$3(lOk ü 时咄咄&)。 irectly supe 刑 se 5 em网。yees . Re50lve conllicts a r&d ensure eftective &.仰 、II'ith sometimes com叫阿tiesooI laborationbetwee 到 a 响可dely dlverseR叩k加伽 all a ..,., ct5 01 一…~&&问 support,… 叩… d…&'. .阳也tions (Macin 他 sh,over 6.000 clie们 s on our b&oadb 由-.d network and over 150 managoed de归叩 Windows , and L阳山) 趴?陆 ee ,到 'stems and 501 阳 are development efforts on mostly Unux a.-.d BSD 5y 血 ms that proviOO cri t &,剖 services suoo as 伽 shar 咚l , http , d 陷 p_ and dns Manage web arld print marketing campaigns lor cli四川 outreacn a r&d ooucali 陆何 Work closety with 0 阳& sta 呼 in Hω剑咽 a.-.d Dining IT Man均ement and aα囚scampω00&α~m,比:ees on t四 hn&,al, ~叫~, 厅lanaqemen飞时 reless tletwor lJ呵, and secu rity issues and training inUC 8e rke阳 V. Berke 町 CA. 1212。∞ 5 倍∞2. 1后侃3-812∞3suwω咱 01皇旦垦 .m垦且旦旦到宣!. Re 必 ential Com阳同arld software 00\伯阳pment efforts 01 the 011阳 e 011恒。 dentialCom阳tir&g in Housi r&g arld 。'&町 Seovioes at UC 8e rketey. wh &, h sup阳由 OOM'αking and oomp山、9 in 8e rkele y' s residence halts Directed a sta何 0110 町stem administrators arld pr咚l rammers re5p∞ sible 伽 W刷「归附 ung mo地.tIy Li nux a r&d BSD systems 伽陆t provωe critk 到 services such as h悔. database. dhcp , a 旷咱,m ManaQed a staff 01 6 techn &,al ∞ suHants that provide hardware , sottware , and ne 恼。rl&in9 5Upport to q 臂,~ ,'&圳op work5ta 阳 ns arld servers running Windows XP , MacOS X 副rId linux. F川 annec 阳、g -term technk二., strateQ 陆 00 自 W 创 1 as shcrt-term trooble sl1 ooting and anaty sJ s. Supervised a .-.d pa 邮 pated in the development 01 a wide ra叼e 01 dalabase -driven so阳&'国n ano悻川 oriented Perl environment with PostQres 10 旧Lcle database and 00111 we 纠b and command-nne interfaces Cα ed ane 归 ork management system to GOver appmximately 6 创xl oodes u阳 nQ SN口v1 P w~h Pe r1 ot尊严,ct5 in the middle and a w曲 lron t-er&d DesiQned and implemer 恰,. α&'胞 s-based auth耐阳a 阳 0&' 阳、e lor internal ops web 到怡 Manaqoosy' 他ms Implemented d叩 artme 削 .wid阳也&c umen tation e何 ort Th is e忻州 greatly enhanced oort四川皿'&阳 umentatior and has served as a resou 卧ce I(万归何 during various staff transitions aoo p&。如 ct har.doffs Created aoo implemonted 阳 wrements'dnven so 阳are develo伊&&此 m咀e1 based on t r.e spiral p&Ogramm 呵 m曲ω回咽γthat im p& oved our p&OC?到&'.何 &ω由仙咱 们阴阳阳th existing p 伊-c t mana~em凹此 '00. Installed , upgrade 江d , troubtes 俄 aoo repai red a ootw田 k 01 mosHy Cfsoo equipment that serves over 6,α)Q users Worked closely with ot r.e r sta何 in Housing 副r&d Dining IT aoo aωmss cam p&J s on IT committe民主S 副r&d working groopsII!'?? _ C .fl'!J , A,阳山..回阳阻阳叫 CA. B叫-~,γau~ht5 classes as lull-time teacher in a3 店也ompuler 旭b。eveloφed a yea~s curncu lum 01 be吁ginning aOO intermediate '&万τ而恰& ti协:eracy lor 6-Bth gra !le rs&时 as tT r…叫 entire s叫.型 &&ι.~. 句'?!,,!aJ~J;J~雪'.v.e!llP~ !lt 肉坦白血咄咄 Computir唱 Stanlord…Prioopal sottw 3[ e3[,抽回 int r.e Residential Computingaoo oom叫… resideooe hall ManaQed sc 阳 are de..剖opmoot effarts , iooluding a staff 01 6 developers. De veloped aOO main 副 ned a largeαlde crnlectian 01 Perl , C , Java, Ja~3SCfipt, aoo HTML Developed and maintained on川 00 databa 皿町stems incIud 吨 Sybase, α缸怆 mySQl, and F阳maker 。evelo倪d a tiered survey ap斜阳航}n with Java Se rvlet. Java A叩 lel. and s旭OOard w凶 (DHTML) oom严&nents Database obie由 served as the model I Qf a~ 阳回 α&mpooonts (surv理 y tak问.&四 tion , survey cre自恼。m appticatian , aoo re归;u Hs repo咐啕 a附.) Created a Java Serviet-based network re~is比硝∞.,周em w ith web Iront eOO 伽 use by over 6.000 ctier由&'& 50 i nlem副血& Impler 厅-.ented a Per卡 based Human Re 50U rces trad 吨{'创[)mitme 而, Hiring and Tr副阳咽)勾slemw肚 web Imnt,Depar1陀回 ntUniversity 阳&'阳 CA.9川的川自 &&αm 01 Stanford Ur甘眩目 ty, which supports'&' Spent m创 hs reorg阳 izing the depat1阳 e 阳 I code ba缸瓦侃侃呵 ups~吨hetti oode aOO unifyi咱脂刮目也om抽烟&&伽&臼mdevelopment and maintainabit il'j Served as Web de啕 er aOOWe伽n筒町 IQf both 由 tic and 句 namic (cgi 1 servfets) 晒b ∞们'&也 Worked with a diverseα&mmunity inc 叫咱 administrators, students , aoo other t四阳市al co-wo r!& ers outside the universityinsid伦.'&Jntero , SunMicra叫 stem s . Menlo Pa内, CA . 回 Administered a network 01 Sun SPARC , tnωPenliu町 1 , 800 App悟 M &,阿tosh compu 险 S 川 the Human-Co m p&J ter Interac1回归CIJ Labs at Sun Micrωystems Wmte a Pe 同 CGI-based web cale r&d a rin9 system thal inte r1 aωed with t r.e oorpαate scheduling 町 S 怡 m coo 句 ured systems , adminislered netw 剧唱k inlormation d 川ataba 凹币制阳.ted subnets ωing hubs , routers , a r&d e&&们 panets, 副内d maintained and used pmlessionalijrade video p&od 归uction equipment in ..妇。rd ing studiosC∞rdi&&t回 praje瞄耐……………h旦旦显2[,Consu ltinQ. Stanlord Univef副 ty. Palo 州 to. CA 剧组 7而 1 拥 8 planned laboralOl咽 s assignments , administer回 C 国 55 onlrne 由啕 ned grades in 8 αass 01 30 stodent CS100. Gavel e c1u r臼 p&epared ∞厅阳 u l um ,Micraα&m puter,res(孤山rces.ancTe.c坦国u旦且呈旦飞 Ps yclJ G ,甜甜 assi~nmentsConduct回 . . 陪&',回?orl s14Q - Sleep a r&d Dreams , Stanl&削 Unive&剖ty. Palo Alto , CA 1 /1994创,? lor an undergraduate class on ,指&,臼Iogy a r&d resear ci1 and exams , an临wered ques 筒。 ns , attended wee 到kJy TA meeti ng 严 &,1 4m kuEducation Ph .D. Sd& ol of I川… M~n平…& Sy'tom 啕 IJ ninrsi y o f ι.I ifo ,ni& ?c rkdcy坦 mMmw k 川」叮叩 巾 田 α问 m 叫由一 町 m」 m 叫 UiL 晶m 叮 m l,Scptcmbcc 川崎,\1.r 2(~ )f φu 旧 cxpeo ,~d), ~1.;- 21~ l')(p h .Dcx严ζ 佳句4υG P A?.A.rum I~U(六川amhi. ?此机 C olumh i.&&叩 h , m' ~)f,I Jnivc&; 'r , N&& , Yock,町 wmpntcc &, icnoc con ocntratiooM , )'川3.7G I' A. Do.n', &&kcc t mvmqι&,巾, Gcm zw SPN哩&&' ?crliLl Com,n'町 [()o k ~dnncc-d llnd crgrnd uat~ &O U&&, in I. ,,- .nd GPAH 旧nhoid , l :ni,-c&i 'lι γE chmcd IT mvtmw! adlJ ndcc tho .mpicc , of Co lurnhiùphil&, oph l't吨如 ; n GCrnl町 ~OG&& , hc Imrin& , Jl r&'.'& rt , Gcrm.n)', Sum mc 1 川 l R wcc~ 'upcr .;mm i,&, c GCfm.n J.n g 也事 CO&1= A&,.., dcd h'g h,-& g,-,.d c 川;&矿 ιN' on Z ..台 'ifo,i/ [沁削,b,-xaminanonln, ntutol ntcm,叫I&bdri d,Spaon , Su… 川 ()f Sp nì h6 wock NYU & I&&n&, rcd 叫叫严严Succc ,& flllly 川 可Ic tcd i ntcn 引民 咄 dy, ,I .ngll.gμndl;tcratu fCEmplu哩些旦1Rc &c飞 &chc'. Macklι t'oun d~onn , ~cw l nform血on A~Yo k, lunc,A叩忧 刷Colbhoratcd with Std.an Vcrhul&κ: hid of Re e:u ch) . nd thc T.也 Forco on N. ,;on.l Sccuri y in thc to fCSC.fCh Amcrican in阳lIigcn? ι nrg... 川zaO ( 明日 )n oeptual aη,m,che. to tcrrori ,飞m. .nd inio nn , ti&n , h.ring I&'&,-j,iom to , uPI&&& n&&,'ly dCC cnt r:;? ;7.e d n.叫…t&!' co,…,Rc=rch A&i, tan '. H川口'&啪&叫 Stanfo rd l ni'&Cf咄', J . n 阳、 叶 氢刷 C. mcd ou fO&'afc h fo r .l叫gc Ah &, ham So f~c. 山 or Fd low 】 &'叩 ign Poliey nd N.riomJ Sc curi& Aff.,,,, m f'&'-P:u町 fm . 川π ncc o n 飞 && e f叩 )n,,,, to t &, n, n2[]( ,nal e阳 ,hfO'& ho&:c d hy C .叩 .\l cI~,n I! nin&ity . nd [hc Gcofb~' In, citu筐。f γcch no lo灯,,Rc , caroh .-',,, i,,am , \, '&, jd l ..cam&,~, W..,hi n 帆 OC; V ~nd thc ? . lkam . S'p tomhcτ 阳 _ Augu.& 2(X )4 一… E叫 conditiom 川&nt 1''''1'''..1& ca严 c, ,,.…叫口严问&& publ i c .ti o叫 holpc .1n tc tho org a n i , .rion 吨。 oruhc[ 2ω11 con fcπncc in thc 1J.I(.; . nd pmndod ..&,吨tancc f&, ,,,, rld,,,idc 严 n!cc ,& Suco&-,, fu in W~,hington, DC 1M [() rn'o &&0'-';0., .&ignmon ,,& ? H.阳叽 Victn=:、 (.、盯立k吵、 nckcd 飞.1th DL Ann Hudod: , Sc nior Ad、币。 r fn, D0111仁&&: rac,- &&d G川'CrlUnc e. 'n .1 evdop 配w ,叩c,,& in \ ' io = ? 队')50'?'('. ?&,n旭 HCfZcgovm., . nd Croati. (8 、,ccb) . Workcd &&h .1川 ?c'Kkr卡 Co .Dì &,ctnr of STA R, ? ?ccμyc.:tr ccgi onal P&&g=tl阳'&汗noto womcn' ccn nomio.nd politic.1 dITclopmcm in d-.c P'问 t.Yug&, la ..? fcpublie. . Sc rvcd& pnndp.1町:r . nd rc&, .rc hcr on two 'uccc 制 gm.nt p'咿叫 ru l' SAID,…,Program Managcr A咱汩 a tc , r: ρ凹归 tc& EthlC' l n咄 tut c κ i il ) ,、时Bn g[ 风 DC, 【 k tohcr l(‘ 1 3 - J 叫y 刀 ú4 {p , rt timc) 川 0.1 with D ,. R.mnn Barquin , dlrCO'DC nf thc Clmpll'cr Lc , 1m';国民巾时毗,h o Brr~lking& l m muri 阻 Dc冗训 opcd g巴&nt pf吟 唱 &.1 , =d cd itc-d puhlk.rio n.. 阳帽t rcccncly ()t1 tl ,.- challcn~&( 龟 of [nfo rm rio n h.rinR '& he d 部 ul Cfl,,, γ',,&,, chi,可~ &&i 啦。汽 j 川&& H 呻 ki n&l!nivo r& io:v Cc泪阳forT.kntcdYOl由 (CrY),SUJ1l&&& 2W1芮忧&&叫囚田,& ,阳咆.,,,,,.,,川 川 t $阳。 mτNO coll 训,&,咆 ~o . b' 、时, CI mu阳 M 咒'& wml'阳&&'叹 '&'αr 任币阳&咀回 S 缸 'ru 皿 c 恼,n 川 m nd A 色呐叩 ru 由'& 吗. ndphi 阳阳1ψphy !. (1吨1&: Vri 配&町 1ι 民 R&&&&副叩川&&甜1 :川, && α , ou.-sc 肌 w伽 m 可&叩 叫叩耐 &阳川 l u,&,,,州叫 山叫&呻巾仨巾巾协阳 k 业 3 吨 严阳川 山牛、 EA .cademic Achieve mems and Recogr由ions ??SI~lS l'oU ,叫叫四川,&yoar of gradu.tc cduc.uon.commU:t&ι o f tlfofc ,&&,伺 m才 c&&& tI&,? ? ?Ac.dcmic rceo , d , of ~'ud u.ring pn 扣啊 &pn\& rru~1f阳 c ,'&可 )'c&', .nd ,ε'&臼 no morc th.& 饥问& ,,,机αoi ,&& dop.ftm &n tal h&n &,,,; un(krgndllat~ hOflO& hc.i 吁Jis.-i pli&& aM Pu &rish On linc 1?c Diocmbodi mcnt of Computcr f:f1 mo& Won f:&lumbi.、 IJ'~nry 1&& Y f: ontc& for 鄂吼归 n吧,.吨 d f&,c .,ch'n~ &('.owb&,', .nd 1ndi . &, ;n 1&..& Bcrlin,& 1 p&: rson.l c&町 0& pmt lI mnc.tion &rlin , 21~)2 .....cαpttd by rhc Ik rlin f:o&,,,rti田n [() cnmU in Gmn.n un πm归e&& 归 dy ph ilmoph ,.. ;当 2 IJecttd Vic c Prc.idc& t m 川b..\ .w:&d 川 u…& 川 r&.J t叩 2 制川1 叫 .ward, ;ndudo Ou' 阳,;】 ng Attll mc:)' Award (Amcrie.n Mod: γri .J R咱 n.IT,ωm.:uncnt. 2(1()t },....1I Amcrican \&('itno &, A&.,., 品川 0 叭 陆 N 硝 a oon.l 仙 Ch町 F 们侃,hip In忧阳『民 0&1' 笠吨,,~,缸筐 .\loà τ饲&'刻 'T 韦 付&&凡归~ f&&.,., dcd dC p1 'tnK& t:o l h &阳&., c ρlumhi. L r叫,&Cr&'y&, ,(队《啊咽眩 nc.n 如d: Tri 叫划 Rcg~ln .J Toum.mm ,-拟肖 询 句扭?~ ,凹 l皿 A恤川叮 λ飞&阳 &? ud (口 川 T叮,,,喂 guc 1m; 忧忧山 adon.l ~h&& 咄 kùntcf 阳 T.kntcd旧民 γ ri.l T,盯&&川 &m 阳1m C&电 γa 比Ic Un 阳伺、咀℃川巧''''句?Acccptcd '''1:0 rnc\' outh íC fY) .dmmi , tcroo by Jo巾n&H ,呐 m lJ niw &, i,y ,Researc h and PresentauonsJonc 飞仁\&('. & .~lQ . cdù lnno ,&&&,&c Impr 叽照'& Con,呵 &encc, of , he Nc !W,吹 Strucnuo 如 lnnov由 n.nd in Gloh.1 P()li &&c♂ Submittcd fo r public.rion ~t H sc严 cmbcr 21~ 匀 f 刷万维,~叩 &1 Jn 用 -;0..1 A?;';&,Lo.min~jon 飞 C二W 飞 mhnc lmp&'''~ &n )\, hmgc mcn t: C..e 州 dK& ()f 征创 W 队_'bò'&吨 rncNctwmkcd \X:&,ld.& 也 IOS几乎缸 mbcrK&& &&,, w. ,-& {P,e :IC nted ., toc lJ ni...-c r&tv of Ox fnrà. Oxford lntcmct In ,,;',,,o. & Safctv m d Sc curitv in ~2(_ 吟&tc . nd thm c,,'di~,町 εnh.flcl Ll毡 tactoc‘'OHud&d:, II ,, 'M Jo肌飞 C\,&. D&'TO&7&tI呻喀彻 A(,,1ú (:且 K 得 '&π O}&& .nd cririquo, mcài. 吨cctor 咄LppOrt .rou&d thc mrld. dn-c k&pe d ()u' 时也严严& 也悦。d 阳 thc F&,d F&und.o&n ~nd A吨&en l n恼tutc in (Jc tobcr 20rnTht &.h&伽 '1gt ifJ, 所 &,,,Jii, n J &mng: &1&&& 刃!g :I.;.:ti.明ai Jmmf1 &&,1 Cir. ill ih&助&J J~ 乙bt Po.萨 比 9! 11 r: r~ (2(町叫 A,,;&n cd ,ring 'or thi , rcpo rt on &,form.n o n 础 .&n~ &&'c伊 &、严hli , h cd hy , hc ? ,,~&ki ng'飞 ln ,rin,~on rrs. C()mpu 阳I; ,hic, In uruto_.nd .~,con u~l S.巾. fC C&'1'or:::&,on,Skilli? ? ? ? ? ? ?,.cthal SA1)二Str o吨 wnnng 也ility ('1辅【&crccnrik& n vc rb.1 R h: 6_ l! on.n 位也 .1wriri ng p& rtion of G 民 I-:;?'ì'&!,,-'rccnri k nnS'm ng prc&&ntation and public 'p&:dring 毗山伺 dcmon哨阻飞 d thrOl&哩 , ,,弓&c ricncc . nd n.&rd & n 机 lod: T ri.l p&宅\&m Profid?lCV in Gcrm= and S严m唱h.'M ,tro n毡 .hi li tv.M in l:C rc &t in l emu吨 t'orci伊 latlgu&gC'_ F.c山町、.-ith toc h no Jo~&f .ndα&mpu 如何 Tcchnicol , ~ill, inclndo \\'由,i ,c d&,'à'pm Cflt, J 的'& pmg f&l mm&'g d.tab ..&, dovdopmcn飞 'M &, mo ,,, f&',,, re cn♂ nccn ngs ,叫, kill. … thcmatlC&, &&0'吨 .nd d,,,.叫&, i ,_ Succc&fully 叫时 ar.n严问cd m.'白…缸 C&l,皿训'. includi吨 m叫ηnri.hk calculu飞 d 开口mrial c吨 &,ri&m..nd d 盯 crc flLuh h ,-ent planmr喝,&, ε'onfcrcncc f.c山 tari&n ,k川,_ scπ'?μd&, P 旧尹 mzor fOl '\丸&,Id Ln毡' '('~)flf1 ocring 1!ld l..c, ,,&n.' I.o.mod& conforc flCn B柑 'on. I1 K in Ocmbcr 200.1 !\d , p &,bility &0 fOrclgn culture , . nd cx p&: ricnü' [,,; ng .hmad_ 1,,-00 in J.p 叫 G ,' rrnanv. ~nd S&.in 缸ld h. .-c bccn ~&igncd t()n 飞'iotn.m ond thc B.Jbm户 tr.nlcd oxttn,π'clv 巾oughout A i& Nmth .~州~ I :.uropc 时 Contnl Amcric 1.,References A&,il.hk upon rcqnc& Carrie BurgenerJ旦 _~~_&I.,2::~_,~'-也, - ;.,&&,但在与回言比.Soi, -715.252.3727EducationCur l'fl nl 川叫 ofC8l1 tom18Ber叫Barbley,CA~ ,阳山 & ~,蜡 Inf &?lm 8阳Ma M I)M1 ~ n!and Syotem.Expectec 甸回atio&、'&同回跑跚跚:阳 oo.~叫&叫-阳叫附Ma_ 01 F1 ne Art.: DMlon.OO rechno 句,&&伽..c凶 =, 阳sh. Flft$ h Act oo Sα制7 问ISQL PHP , D曾回。, &吨 & Prog&amming , De啕晴、g Educatlo代 De& !Y&'d Play , C剧abora!ion 凶cojio, and Spe ctacu!ar E耻响&&&&& i n 胁伽 γ w …伽 & 时 81 ,,&, ;&Iom&.&'& Cllp! ureD… S细 le:ila. I&'''''''''…叫 GPA: 3.81跚跚 U n l_ 剧。叫町'帆副 ...en.Polnl_… …'I iSU?l Base. .o. SP. ....,.,., . .叫 W l?f'd . 8 ....' ''''' .…&&副 .nc. 叫 ter Inlorma阳 S 归IfI ms: S叩…川 . ,&…GPA:3.S4'&呻.i. 8nd De~盼, ~&ω,'& Hard晒 '& ft r&::i Ne 附 &咱 DatBb8... De'1g&1 (wt由阴晴&&81 Dnl.c陆) Mlnor: TflC hnologyend N 制IoIed I. An: SO'恰_,0ω 咽 .:W曲 。晒gn , Aa州 3 DStudio '&阳 eM ..... Indej&ender四 .tudy cre ..由、. . vi~uru j &&u& 0I1he UWSP CtIm阳 的 M由 叫 FI&& hCum Laud/:~xpe_ri_enc~T eaching/ lnstructionS地&ft ng 201M&坠'&、mer20侃出 .&&ty 01 Wl..,翩翩 S&'&&&.Polnt _ SlIWens Poln l, w1阳OItIm ProI,剧院 W础 ?I'Id Digi四 Medi!l… … 川……… T叫 C凶 咄 ~ ~ 问Dig i tol Med l.. cr叩 & 叫 G 叩~.……………&叫 && Ih e WDMD currl:::ulumα~m 阳e α ' &妃 181 r.:&&& τa吨)111 lhe l i& lI & ,&'11&, &&&,inar!pro扣&,ω~_ Stud&!nIS wo呐~ ed In a 1 &&'& 01 111.噜 他的暗&&&四晒创&'阳恼m . tarI 1 0 fU而~刷刷&血p&&, ons S叫&叫-,侧叫阳(&创 IAdi unc:t Pr?...&&t叫归 恼。 &阳 red&&progrnmm 叼 M回~ &幽 fo& &&&BFA in De也姐,& 00τ '~~ 吨. & 啤如 I'ldia Prog&,mmi咱 , ~帽' . n... d回.., 阳&,M mfdft ftrtlsts pr叫邸' 辆&ere &Ie .e间~ &画 、9 R MI1 Action S叫某问… &&叫翩翩叫叫… .w 由副&&& a四、me, 200企&~,帽~怆01问阳叩 or:01 o.. .i(沪NewY&?I1&. N~阳 叫 .. … l … & 叫-&Codelna!r ucto. 10. MFADT D1g ltal 8001 Ca呻 new M FAnγ … forth e 旭.. T a吼叫叫 ~, 叫时 ,~-创恒、&Sprlng 皿F翩翩阳 ooonsSe hool 01叫-阳叫~γ… … '-'恤阳 t叫?… &' ~ 叩&呵町伽.- '叩J!ation b a$ ic C 叫…. =… o! gsteo 叫00,00 bMrd. , computel h…挡回 Idass. T opi&: s …&& others.Design & Technical S...&....拙l5: V. lK&o Re....rch L.b Be阳 ley _ Berke刨&阳饱m.hip' 1 M.町 -,四&刚到. .啕回回h time-basedt绳刚、9 均 S阳m., and mOI:刘Ie 叫阿 11 1;&,appIc ation. . TeamLe甜 伽 u,~, E耻僧但e-, &&&,,: -h )'&Ii =& : &-'&… - - … . 2005: Unl v.rs ll)l 01m._市 γ.. m 边M 阳&、e αx咽 M 割,&叫 Reoearcn ^ ,刷刷..,呻 C叩阳 比如抽烟 M' 时Ie…..锺 ft , o hBer1&eley _ B叫& Med ia MeiaMta 2 川 I &, e ,,,,, 阳叫阳 o! M MI恨曲而啕世'& 20004-- 2005 ..,阳创 y ~ar end 创h ~ ..ummer o! 2005 NYOc l obe& _Nove…… RIIICo.ds _ 阳 V &&I1I, …叫…叫钊t 叫…呻 U嗡.., -&&&& 01 ……&&翩翩闸,叫 叫叫& 叫叫A …咱 :哟...…, 叫阳时M刷刷..-翩'''-''-向剧蝴鱼聊、. .&阳&ω咖刷 e‘e一&&&....叫 11. t P ! l I Y … -… … ……叫一… …-…崎叫网&……阳....,..呻 l嗣叫{叫........呐啕…明阳时阳附 ~. ,....~,.!-. .旷_~,&.-. JM~副田_..,?, ..副.M~争回内,比哩d 句,皿d ,. &&&IS ..魄....叫~ 剑~&..l 栩蝴.饱 ..内II 'SOOI: 刷鹏协刷刷刷UOIIIU60ae l:l明耶啊..~‘M尊庐副~.... .....,,&S. POII&& 倒闹剧怡..则......句~..、'oO_-^ ……..叫' …A 阳 M阳晒… 叫叫.-用…,,,.叫 lOY:!~ 00IIl u! ..101''.幽j(j 'IN'III ~'& 1)&酬,咱-害怕闵.'缸附加呼-.伽凶...翻崎l.&f &' ~)O &''''''。四阳啕~-侧:JY,。血唱-,叫a.oodro-?uos... ($OOOl 阶刷}峭耀-响 ω..... ..,-0:) ...具袖-峭内,.川崎咆叫,..,.阳胁'巅,甸量&咱刷崎仇&':J&_N 队&'IJ~~句句 啕..阴阳.~刺 帽&例 '&&帆4I'OQ .I)t,刷阿..'叫,、, 、.~副国&&& ..民-可, &'&&刷N ~I:I 'a...,刘国比畸阳&& -品~.时阳帽^ 恤蝴民J ~A:.ouIlN~刷。伊甸忡。..咧阳酣 I-Sct ~…呻。……叫.,……d 叫&。盹M间叫……&时叫刷…O!P&I&I ~ ~问叫叫 M ._.咀描_^ k畸叭 U忖~~ '&,明,.帽。翩翩. .咆&'&&凶刷Y& 哺毡剑 . ....,句削 I~'&崎, ~,、 ~N& V'tO~蝴 {础,J _喃&阳啕…?问 ..... … ~..他d 阳y '~..&;现X 饨'ro-'凰峭明&必恤尴啕回叨 ...敬佩~刷剧......&俐。_.阳嗣问 叫. (&&!鸥DOIIIO &&'P!hI ?Ui&VIIS VfPIi'n吗.'''I'''l~ _&句句 ~桐刷 ε刷刷阴阳&早剧院.血掏』回黯宫&啕仇睛。 U咽'睛..& ~~、,、居呻剧目?笛~.民-咆&'&&庸&削&、.... 洲 国比畸饵&&~川的唱&闲制幽^'梳&&,战,。民M',V'tO~'咧 llul&lti ..P&ft刷叫.....P&ft.....阳 阴阳t阳叫.叫吨町…叫叫制'…… &&ω ………盹……呻时 . .........田~.躺倒,叫队剿._-咱&'.刷刷阁缸-,,0.顷-&掬刷罔掏4 阅睛~郁郁锦队.阳......。 国碍事响 剧.~尊崎曲fV.l :.阳幽帽 M咱 噜崎啦&叫d 地阳d 钝A 酬, ,, .刷刷OtI' &捕曦翩翩例富UOn9U9lSUl lJ'd '8饥JOne剖 Iqnd.~ 11'''''''…(时……'? a,..& 0\…..………叫…U帆… -&'&………&、崎j‘'栩-回榈 ~...o,.&&,蜘啕咆局A 摘侧--商………'国……………缸..........~圳格制凶~& &&崎--盼.,A回到一--一-…四…峙&…-………&… …阳& 叫…&一一 … …& ,',& .', .w Iι 叫 .....‘嘟汩..值.蝴_........闺&…‘&&队-崎.-幅幅'蛐 &…町叫四&.....白阳………..…._.山,叫叫………吨凹. '&'&…{叫&呐叫 - 啊 .时 …-'唱X &&& d Hd dSV)doDs‘-崎饲&',.栩&庵--恤咀-_.翻~.民甸蛐队-而_.......叫凹………鸣叫叫…叩………… Curriculum Vitae liangping Chen , Ph.D Assist皿 t Professur Schuol uf Libr.rrv anù Jnfurmatiun Science University of Nurth Tellas Email: .ill!;hen重旦旦旦 URL: Htt 且:I/rruu. l i s .unt. ed u 209 In formatiun Science Bu i1 ding P.O. BOX 31 1068 De ntun , Tχ76203 Phone: (940) 369-8393 Fax: (940) 565-3101,I!:ducatiun阳 D.Infurmatiun Transfer. Syracuse University , NewY呐拥3DI叫atwnTh e Consrrucrion. Chinese Cmss LmUsι and 阳 ageEvaluarirm o[ a Lexical T&nowledge Base for Engiish !nfonnarion RetrievalBeijing , ChinaAdvisur: D r. Elizabeth D . Liddy M.S. In formation Science. Li br .rry of Ch inese Academy uf 1995丁nesisScience~ ,Building an AUlrlmaric !ndexingAd川 sor:Ex严n S)'.fte&呐r Acces.I?ngSciemific Dοcument.'iPruf. l ingfang XueScien(ιWuhan8 .S.InformationUniversity. Wuhan. Ch ina, 1988Profl 创:sional lf2C则4Ex (K'';f' ocf'- Current. As别 stant Pru fessor. School of Li bnuy and Jnformation S&.:i ences , University ofNorth Texas5f2000 - 11J2()()3. Resear由 Analyst , Center for Natural Language Processing, Sch{}{}l ofJn[&onnation Studies , Syracuse University1\1 1 酬 - 4尼跚 Or &ld旧teAssistant , Sch{)()1 of In formation Studies. Syracuse University Information Institute of the Ministry of Electron ics4fl995 - 811998.Jndu.~try.6/ 19剧 -311 附 Chin巳 eRes&组rch A怡。ci ate.8 eijing. ChinaResearchAssistan t. Wuhan Document础。n and Infonnation Center Academy of Scienιes 、/V uhan. China Jiangping ChenResea 毗 Interestslmelligent 111j; ο rl!Uifion Access: Cross-Language In funnalion Retri evaI. Aulumatic Question Answering Narural La nguage Proce.f.l ing: Informaliun Extraction , Chinese InfurmationProce叫Digiral Li braries: Autumatic Meladata Generation , Auωmalic Oassificalion and Clusteringlnfomwrion 苟且 m,~Design & Analysis: Web Database Syslems. Information Evaluatiun and Usubility SludiesSystem当T~achingSLIS5970 田 lf002l005:Oala Modeling for Information Professionals'&八N飞NSLIS : OynamicConlrol StructU;C 队指LanguageIn ler四川SLIS 5900: Special Prublems onInfonnalion RetrievalSLIS : Infonnalion RetrievalSLIS ; Special Prublems on Autumatic Queslion Answering SLIS6唰 7 !O;SpeciaI Prublems on Cru s Language In formatiun Retrieval,Publications Chen , Jiangpin~σα副 lexical knowledge base 叩proach for En glish-Chinese crusslangu 盘 ge infonn 诅 lion retrieval. Journal of r.加 Americal1 Sociery for Injormation Science and Technology , 57(2) , 233-243ACben , Jian j! Li , R Yu , P G r二 He: Chin , P饨; Li , Fei and Xuan , Cong. (2阳5). Chine 忧 QA and CLQA: NTCIR-5 QA experiments al UNT. Proceedings of N下 CIR-5 workshop , Tokyo. Japan. Oecember 2田 5.A vailable at h Nn ,l/re&&&T ch.nii RC. i nln l cir/wnrkshnnl阳l in~_阶f)('r.t.,din&-~号刷Jn .QA企ITC旦旦E盟主王k且旦fCben , J Li. Rowena and LL Fei 阻四). Ch inese informalion retrieval usin~ Le mur: NTCIR-5 CJR experiments at UNT. Pnx: eedings ofNTCIR-5 worksho严 τokyo , Japan , December 2阳 5. Avail拍\e at h 110:11 b.nii.ac. i r oceedin l': s5/datalCUR/NTC IR5CLI坠坠皿L皿f………Chen , Jiangping (2回到 Toward a unil?ed retrieval outcome analysis framework for m州 \:mpJaj!e information retrievalαrdine proreedings of2∞ 5 刷刷al COI! 如ence q 扩 the Ameriα n Societyfor 向formatiol! 段 ience and Technology , Charlotte. Nonh Carolin丛汇)ctober 30-November 1. 2 明)5 Jiangping ChenDiekema. Anne & Chen. Jian四吨。回到 Experimenting wi 白白巳 alllomatlc asslgnmenl of e也 lcational 山ndards to digital 1池町 content. Pmceeding.1 012阳 Joinr 。叫ference on Digiral Ubraries , Denv er. Colorado. June 7-1 1, 2阳 Chen , Jiangping (2回到 Establishing yOllr own knowledge Contribllted Paper for η&ω T, Ubrm η yA阳 A u灿川&. Tπχ 专ba忧 for ref,巳rence serVl臼ixChen. Jiangping: Oe. He: Wll. Yan and Jiang , Shikun. (2α )4). VNT at TREC 2(1 )4 question answering combining multiple evidenc因 Online Pr 民eedings ofTREC 2(阳 Availab1e at: bt旦旦旦皇吨;~旦旦但由哑B且11四豆豆豆咀型企业旦坠,g~.Diekeπ队 Anm二 Yilmaze1 .Ozgur: Chen. J Harw ell. Sar油. He. L. & Li ddy E1izabeth D . (2倪鸿). Finding Answer.-o ωc,刀 p1ex Qllestions. In Maybllry. M.(Ed.) New Di rections in Qllestion Answering. AAAI-MIT Press. 141-152Chen , Jiangping (2田 3). Th e ωnstru{川 m , llse , and eval11ation of a lexical knowledge base for Eng1i sh -Chim时 cross langllage information retrieva 1. PhD dissertation. Syrac 山e Univ ersity Diekema. Anne: Yil 叩1. O Chen. J Harw ell. Sarah and Liddy 凹 izabeth D. (21四) Wh at do yo 也 m,皿η Findi ng amwers to comp1ex Ij uestions. A4A 1 斗JrJng Sympo.lium: New Directio n.1 in Que .Hion An.m'ering 2ω'3: 87-93 Hsiao. W Chen. J and Liddy , E 1i zabeth. D. (2阳3). A Web apf地】cation for Eng1i sh- Ch inese Cross Language Patent Retri eva 1. In Proι:eeding.r 015'& lntemational Cm沪rence on Enterprise lnformation Sy.rtems. Angers-France Diekerna. Anne凡 Chen , J McCracke n. Nancy: Yilrnazel , Ozgllr and Liddy , Eli zabeth D. (2002). Qllestion answering: CNLP at the TREC- II qllestion a川 ellng track. In: Proceedings of }户 Text RErrin四 1 Conlerence Qin , Ji an and Chen , Jiangping (2002). Int巳gration of a re~、ollrce-orienled vocabulary wi由 know1edge-oriented 叽x:abulary system. Journal ofAc a4emic Ubraries. 20山. 2-8 Chen , Jiangping: Diekema , A Ta fTet , M M{&C racken. Nancy: Yilrnaz冗L Ozgur amlL时 dy 日旧lbeth D. (2002). Qllestion 诅 nswering: CNLP at Ihe TREC-IO qllestion answering trdck. Proceedings of 1仇 h Text RErrieval Co呐 rence.485-494 Qin , Jian and Chen , Jiangping (2001). A mllhi-layered , muhi-dimensional repr恕也ntatlOn of digital educational resources. IFlA .mrellite COTllerence on Subjecf Retrieval in a N,灿 orked En l&i ronmelll. Ohio. August. 21归 1Dieken也 ALiu, X Chen. Jiangping: Wa:n g. Hudong: McCracken. Nanc扒 YilmazeL OZgllf and Liddy 日 izabelh D. (2叩 1). Quesl? ofl 皿swering: CNLP al th 巳 TREC-9 Ij uestion answering track. ProceediTl gs oj 灿 Text RErrieval Co呐rence , 412-421N,.Chen , Jiangp ing (1 996). Di吼叫 buted database systems and their application 、 Technology 01 Ubraη and lnj.ο l7Tlation Sen'ice. 29-31. No. 3La 3! U[ld a!ed: 12 t2 9i1 l5 Jiangping ChenChen , Jianh 'P ing (1995). Enham:ing the usability of document datab旧 s---design implementation , and servic巳 Proceeding.~ of Symposium on lnfnnnari.ρ n Dataha.~e Con81rucl?on , pI59-[66. Chen , Jiangping ( 1995). Automatic indexing expert system Abstract of T而esi s. Lihrary & 1, 咐?nnation, No. 3for 忧 entificdocumentsXue , Jing fang and Chen , Jiangping (1992). Chinese dl阳memary database 0甲 S pectro吕 scopy 皿 and 植削 tomlc moJ~ 仅忘:ular ph 均 yS1Cωs: 油 abstra 缸比川 臼 t s. 口 ci fο JDATA BULLE 盯 TlN扣 s m 削&叫&叫 刊 z 扩咐 t fic 萨Program a! 时 ,dA 抽 阳 b 耐 M m 配&矶 矶? s Cο汽扩旷?它 ?rence. p[24. Vo 1. 24. No. 2Proceedi 川 &g ρS of μ 13t, 仇 hh 加 'nten 凯附阳 阳 r 础 onalCODATA aCben , Jiangping ( 1991 ). Th e construction issues of domain-specit?c abstract database system! 、 Paper presented at tbe first worksbop of Library and lnfonnal? on Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Wuhan Branch. November, 2 四 1. Wuhan , ChinB Xue , J Duan. Sbouchang and Cb en , Jiangping (199 [). Subject indexing practi臼 fo r constructing a domain-specific documentary dat油旧时7171uuion P时e.!.~ional Research. 36-38. No. 1 Confereoce PreseotatloDS, Talks, aod Posters Chen. 且 J mεm 旺 叫 吨 n 四P g 阴 胆m 吨 吕 σ田 5 匀).To 川w 、 却阳咄 皿,ru飞让 M 1a山 u川 m it?e( ASIS T' 05 Annual Ct 正 n 旧t,陀 nce. 1. 2005Char 时 '10ω1 旧 恒& t】 lan 吨'&盹 咆 a gμe inf 仙 om 咀lat 血 ti01α】 retne 凹 va1. 阶 PY 陀e&臼'&'忧 ed 础 atNort 由 th Ca 町.rolina. Oct 二又【 ober 页 34 仆 }-NovemberLiddy. Elizabeth D.; Chen. J Fim比ran , Christina M.; Diekema. Anne R.; Harwe l1, Sarah c.; Yilmaze1. Ozgur. (2回到 A Retrospective on Generating & Evaluating Automatic Metadata for Educational Resources: A Holistic Program ω。 ster).9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Techno 咱 ~y for Digi tal Li braries (ECDL 20(5) September 18-23 , 2阳 Vienna. A 山,&, Chen , Jiangping (2田 5). Infoττlation access across languages.lnfonnal Talk at the School 0 1& Library and Informal?on Sciences. University of North Texas. April 13. 2阳cl&en , J iangpingο回到 Establishing YOllr Own Knowledge Base for Reference Service Presented at: Texas Library Association Annual Conf( 巳rence , April 5 日:, Austin. TχChen , Jiangping (2田坏 C LIR and CLQA using available 1i nguist比&泊 urces and NLP tools - our partici阳tion in NTCIRδTalk at the meeting 01&旦旦工l,.,旦旦旦臣且d Infonnation T et: hnolo 1'ies Re.' ie arch Gro up. April 1, 2005. Chen. J iangping. 四川). UNT at TREC 2朋4: question answering 山时 mm~πultipk evidences. Poster presented at 2阳4 Texf Rerrieml Ctm卢rence 仔1lECj, Gaith 巳rsnurg 岛四, November, 16-- [9 Chen , Jiangping (2∞4). Please give me the answers. not documents! - Auto口 .tlC Question Answering (QA) using Natural Lan gu 咆e Proces川 &g 阳L凹 . lnfnnnal Talk at the School of Li brary and In fonnation Sciences. University of No rt?1 TexωM皿h 3 1. 2仪M Jiangping ChenDiekema. Anne. Chen. Jiangping and Liddy. Elizabeth D. (去回到 Standard Connection Poster presented at 2003 National Science Digital Library All Projocts Meeting , w,与hington , DC., November 2凶 3Ch en. Jiangping and Diekema, Anne. (2因 3). Current Progres、 in Alltomatic Questior& Answering: Ch allenge or Oppo眈 unity ? Presented at ASIST Annllal Conference Lo ng B叫 Cali l'omia.Oct巾r. 2003 Ch en. Jiangping. (2阳 3). Award-winning disse r1ation 严 oposal: the construdion. use evalllation of a lexical knowledge ba s.e [or En glish.Ch ine忧 cmωlanguage in fo rmation retri 叫 Presented at ASIS&T Annual Conference. Long Beach Califomia. üctober 四日植时Chen. Jiangping (2003). Researιh on the lex ical know1edge base 江.pproach for cro恼 langllage information retrieval. Poster prωented at 2阳3 ALISE Annual Con l'erence , Philad e1 phia. Janllary. 2003 Chen , Jiangping: Diekema. Anne lI nd Liddy. Elizabeth D. (2002). Standard Connection Poster presented at 2田2 National Science Digital Libr町 All 阶可 ects Meeting Washington. DC., November 1(K)2 Chen. J ian四 ing: Diekema, Anne: Yilmaze1. OZgllf and L山ly 日 izabe由 D. (2002) Alltomatic qu estion and answering in aerospace domain. Pre sented at the 4曲 Intemational VRD Con fer町 Ch icago, n 1inois , November 2002 Zhang , Ping and Chen , Jiangping ( 1999) 、Nh at is W巳b US lI bility An阳ay? .A Conceptual Study on Usabi li ty in the Web Environment 阿nted at Mid-year confe rence of AS IS , May 1999τ 'echnicalReportsChen. Jianh 'P ing , (2 (J()2) , Eng1i sh.Chinese Cross Lan gua巴巴 Patent Retrieval Sy 叫 'ffi ProJoct Repo r1, Center for Nlltural Lan gullge Proce~州nιSyrac且也 Univer~ity Liu , Xiao}' Diekemll. Ann町Chen , Ji angping: Wang , Hudong. (2000). &CNLP TREC9 Q&A Effor1町 A S&口 mary of Approllch And System Documemation.& Final 陀萨川 to Center 位 )f Natural Language Proc essing , Syracωe UniversityL 山Z ResearιhCh en. Jiangping (1997) , A new 叩prollch to document organization repo r1 . In foπnation Institute of the Ministry 0 1' EIα:trunics Industry.∞4R巳 portNumber: QB97Prof.自植 ionaland Acad&,m? c Assoclation M&'mbership for Scientific and Technical Information fC SS1Tlln问。n Sci叩 &Tcch山 (ASI S&TI19阳 - 19四 mina S田etv1999 2(K)2 -Merican Societv I'o r Associationfor 臼ffiDul?n l!Madùnerv (ACM) Jiangping Chen2创)3-Association for Lib nlf'l amllnformationScience 四川 ion (山日Aw挡&也2阳Junior Fa川cultySummer Research Fellowship , LTniversity of North Texas Fellowship_ Syracuse University2(K l3ISUASIS&T Ooctoral D issertation Proposal Awardωu础e2悦Xl- 20()1G阳园&Graduate Fellowship , Syrdcuse U ity2006 PL &Th e development 0 1' '1 ntroduction to Intelligent Information Access 山 a blended course&, Learning Enhancement Grant , Un ivers& ty of North Texas , S8 ,()(X}2悦 5PL (C o- PI: D r. William E. Moen) , &Author&; @Your LibraryW出 System& , Association of Aπlenc 血 Publishers可 $1 L 22{)Database2阴 5PI, &Th e d 时 pmenl uf SLl S 5970 Dalabase Mud e1 ing and D ign for lnfom \a lion Pr ofessionals as a Web-based Course& , Leaming Enhancement Gmn t. University of North Te:tas , $6 ,7482005 PL '.Co时 I ?L n巴 W由 Min i n包皿 d In fo rmation Ex t:r action fo r Cross La吨 uage In fomlation Retrieval& , Junior Faculty Research Gra时, University 0 1' North T exas.$3 ,阳)Prop值al sSu bmitted bul nol Funded2005 P I, &CAREER: Cross Lan guage Qu时 ion Answering Coηbining Lexical, Syntactic , and Sem刷ic Evidences with Maximum En tropy Models& submitted to NSF , no{ funded2 阳4Co-PI. (PI : D r. Anne R. Oiekemωc,呻 1 : Dr 日 izabeth 0 , Liddy) , &REFLEX LEX: A Methodology for Combinatory L口 ical Resoupαs& in respond 10 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) 04-01 阳 not fundedSen'ice 10 the Profession Reviewer , Confer巳 San Francisco , CAJournal2阳 5ceon De sign for Use r eXperience(dux2 回到 Fort Maso~2004 Refer民 T exts01 Nawral La nguage Engineering , Special issue on Par .l llelLa 3{ U[ld aled: t2 t2 9i1 l5 Jiangping Chen2创)4Referee , ITIE Conference(lnfoπnalionTechnology in&l u~alion) 2皿4lntemational2(K l4S~rviceSludenl Chapler 0 1' the Year. AS lS&T tu th~ Organizatiun Advisor, UNT & TWU Ch inese Stlldent叫Committ~克队 SchoolSchol 叫叩也 llOn2(Kl5-2刷 Facul ly Committee on2005-2 田)6of Libr.rry and lnfonnationSc肥nce~ ,UNTCurriculum C例nmittee , School 0 1' Library and lnformation Sciences. UNT Committee , School 0 1' L ibrary and ln formation UNTZ悦〉牛 2005 Co-Ch缸瓦 CllrriculumScience~ . 2悦〉牛 2005Co? ChaiL COA Curriculum Working Group. School of Library and Jn fonnation Sciences, UNT COA Student Working Group. School of Libr.rry and Jn fonnation Sciences.ur守T2 田)4 -2 阳 '52(K l4 Jn fonna l?on T echnology Knowledge & Skil b Committee, School 0 1' Library amJJnfo盯mation Science 爪 UNT 2(四川口 S叫叫 ittee ,School 0 1' Jn fonnal?on Studies. Syrdcuse UniversityStlldie 队 Syracu~el 唰 -2酬阳 D .Admission Committee. School of JnformationUni、 erslty ChristoSims工319jose phine I berkel町,臼 94703 I t: 415.260.8269 e: chris!o@sims.berkeley.edll些胆些&&些Digltal Youth Research 脚。'ject I UC Be rkeley I Berkeley, CA Graduate Student R笛 ean: her (Seplember 2 ∞ 5 阳的也响。 Working under Pe ter lyman (UC Berkeley) and Mimi lto 仙 5C Annenb凹 g Center) on a $3.3 Million Ma c.A rthur grant to study how yOll!hs' informal use of digi!al media a怀ec!s ζommllnication , learning , know ledge , and pla萨 ? Conducted 12 凶叫eek ethnographic field S!lldy of 11-1 5 year old kids enrolled in an arts and techηology program for children from !he Bayview and Hunters Poin! neighborhoods of 5an Frand‘ m .Des唱 n and perform interv昭w and d旧 ry protoLOls to asses yout h's everyday l1 ses of digital med ia ? Draft analysis memos leading!o a rep。此 to Mac.Arthω 白的 spnng Re 5e arch Be rkeley I Berkel吨 ζA Resea n: h Intem (5ep!ember 2田 5 - March 2曲创 Working under Marc Oavis' Sodal Me dia group at the recently launched research wllaborative between Yahoo! and UC B凹 kele萨 ? A;,因s IlSer needs , develop informa!ion architecture , and design user interface prototypesYa h 田!Garage Onema Research I UC Be rkeley I Berkeley, ζA Deslgner, l.Iser Ex阳 rlence Gro叩 (May 2005 - AUgllSt 2005) Me mbe r of Marc Oavis' resea rc h gro叩 focused on ~en abli吨 media wnSllmers to become media producer豆& ? Des咆 n info rmation vis l1 a\izations a同 d &陷 er interface proto!ypes for desktop and mobile a叩 lications that leve rage temporal , spatial and social metada!a for multimedia c叩ture . llse and reuse Jan Krukowski &臼 mpany I New Yo rk, NV lnteractlve Medla Produ饵 r Uanuary 2002 阳γ 200 5) lnformatlon An: hltect 8. Interactlon De slgner Uune 2000 归 nllary 2002) Oversee information arch itect l1 re , user interface de如 gn , mullim时 ia wntent developme时, anc programming of Web s陡的 CD.ROMs. DVDs. and in teractive environmen臼 for marketing agem:y focused on the not.for profit sector. ? Conduct qualitative needs assessment through individual interviews with stakehol白白 and fOCllSed group and usability t臼创 ng with l1 SerS; help develop Sl1 rvey instruments for quantitative market research ? Draft information arch itectllre and user in terface wireframes ? Proto!ype 凶 er in terfaces and story.board scenarios for inte ractive experienζ 囚 ? Contribute to , and manage , !eam ofwrite厅.s, animators , 3.D mode le rs , programmers , photographers, videographers , and editors for multimedia content creation. ? Act as primary in!erface with dient ? Work received numero l1 s awards indlld in g: Ma cromedia 5ite ofthe 阳机 UCDA Gold. 5il阳 and )l1 dge's C CASE Gold ChristoSims工319jose phine I berkel町,臼 94703 I t: 415.260.8269 e: chris!o@sims.berke\ey.edllEd& 田园。nUC Be r1l:el町 I School of Informatlon (formerly SIM S) I Ber1l: eley, CA Masters expec!ed , May 2007 ? Gradllate fello响 ship. ? Noteworthy COllrSeS: Elhnographic practice Oean Lave); Informalion ViSllalizat刷刷刮 Hea rs t}; lnd llstrial Design & Hllman Factors (Ken Goldber g) Bowdoin Colleg e I Bruns wick, ME Ba che\or of Arts in Emnomi c.s, June 2000 ? Phi Beta K 511mma Cllm L Wriling T Ewnomics P Graduation AwardCompu饵 rSkillsProto!y ping Tools: Adobe 川 lllstrator, Pho!oShop , InD Qll且 rkXPress Mauomedia Flash ? Compllter LangllageS: Java , XML , X5 LT, XPATH , HTML , C55, ActionScript.Des唱 n &? Chen Universily of Pennsyl、'3ma Dc partment ofCompU lC r and lnforma l? on Science 3330 Walnul SlT ect. uwine Ha l1, C1S Dcp l Phi ladclphia, PA. 19104 omce: (1 15) 573- ...咄咄 r ?-&. llnenn.MI叶 nO V1noJi盯古ngHomc Addrcss 32 Marvin Lanc Pi scalaway , NJ , Ollll54 Cell phone: (7 32) 66 1\-7728, m沪'g创 cis.upenn.cduEducationlIn;l'cr毡ity (Jf Penmyfl'uniu, Philudelphi.的 PA, ιrSA Dcpartmcnt ofCompu 町 and ln仕 rmation Sciencc Dis St.'I1. ation: Towards High-p时 Dnnancc Wor证Ph. D. candidalc 200 [ - PresSmω Di sambigl剧。,0by Combining RichLing 阴 m 阳 s) J 川咐 ,,1 即 d y, 2∞6 创Advisor: Martha S , Palmer Commillce Mω ,bα附 Joshi K. Aravind, Claire Cardie,代以cmal M?! ch P. M (chair) , Lyle H. UngarPA. USA Dc partmcnl ofCompuk'r and lnfonnation SciencclJni,'c&,jψ tJf p f' nmyll'uniu p,加 ludelphiu,e义.aminer),,M.S.2 阳JQ - 2∞ lninghull Univer霄'iry, Beijing . China Departmcnt OfCompulcr Sιencc 8nd Te 、 hnologyM.E.I9982侃到0,B.S. 1994199RResearch Interests M~εhinc 1cam in 咆 g and fcalure 臼 c ∞'.罚n 倪ring for nan阳1 旭n 吨,.恤.,萨, 严 p '&ωUωe 创 '&别 sing (NLP 川)八 ulom3 剖&忧 c阳 w md 削钊 d 曲 samb 问 毡 1 g. ,叫川&叫 G 阳,,; 四&阳 ω m咱 s 忧叫, m. 删 刚 n t川 ically ∞ C0旭恤 rgc- s阳 lcscman 川&也 c&'阳 onomlC 凶 s.cxtrac11叽 machinc 1ra11刷刷NLP applications 10 infonnation rctricval , and bioinfonnatics.i n f&∞ma11011Research Experi('nc('Depurtmenl of CrJmpu?r und 1nf&()n 5ciena, Ph. D. CandidQuι.'niwr.,';tyof Penn.,). 巾 m. 100 /-1006High pt.-'Tlimnan也'&严rvised word sensc di ,ambig&削ωn (WSD) Ihroughωmbining 1inguis l?cally m01ivalcd fcarurcs and a smoolhed Maximum Enl呻y (M axEnt) modc l. Th e system 时icvcd highcr aCC LlrilCy 归 n prcvious OOSI S)'SICmS on Ihc SE l\' SEVAL2 English vcrb 削Unsupel内 scdadivc1 1.'川arningc1&足以~ngand active lcaming meth创 s for WSD. EM c1 ustering for Chincsc 、.'crb senses and for English VCT也~,也应 C 山 tcring-bascd fcatllI毡 SClectωn for WSD. Noun and semi-au10malically crcalcd 110un taxonomics , uscd lor s臼nar山 C fcatUfω 岛 、N5 DNominal ~'11叫削 cC1ion for lhe L 'h inc s.e AUlomalic C刷刷刷刷刷 (CAC E ) P叫 cct (summcr 2003 , summer 2 则创 Bωsling and TAG (Trcc Adjoining Grammar) Supcrtagging for template re 1ation dctecti011. a subt础。 r thc MUC -7 inl &ormation extractio11 lask ( 1)DepartmenlofC&mpιrli!rMUSler51 ω dent,5?ence d: Technology , Tsinghull S M ior College 51UdetlfUn;,&t!&,.iη, 8叼:ing,Chinu 199 7 -1000r叫iti on .Visua !i zation. Adimeru 币ioncla. ~sit1cation al阴阳 b凶 cdR时也 stingu 始hingrcduct?on , and elassification algori也 ms for Chincsc charac1t.'T on Mahal an曲曲 ~CC 削 dimension r山剧, well-sim i1 ar handwrilk'1l Chinωe characlC rs Jmymg创α ,呵&,nn.民'&Jinying Chen. p晤&Honors and Awards ? Graudate s阳de 削 research fe l1 0wship from 也c De panmcnt of C?mpU!~r and [nfi 旷m剑 m& Sciencc Uniwr ity 0 1' Pennsylvania. Sep'- 2α)() - pr&.' 飞 ? Tsinghua-Motorola Outstanding Sludcnt Scholarship , 10p 3 among ovcr 50 gJ恼duate srud m1 IS in 让\0 Dcpartmenl 0 1' Compu lC r Sc町\cc and Tc也hnology , Tsinghua University Oc1. 1999 ? Honor of Exccllenl St l1dent 01' T瓢nghl1a Uni 飞 crs?ly , top 10 among ovcr [50 undcrgradualc S阳dcnls in Ihe Depanm~'D t of C? mp Ul er Sci m1 ce and Technology, Tsingh凶 Unive川y . Nov. [997 ? Tsing灿灿 Darcn Ch cn Schobrship, top 5 among uver 150 undergrad ll3心 studcnls in thc Depanmcnt ofComputer Scicnce and Technology, Tsinghua Universily. :\Iov. 1996 ? Honor of Excell m11 Student of Tsinghua University. 10p 10 among ovcr [50 uηdergradllate sludcnL~ in lhe Ikpartmcnt uf C? mpllter Sci∞ ce and Technology , Ts inghua Univcrsity. Nov. [995 ? Fi r t Pri ~c in the Ten由 National H咆h Schω1 Stud m11 Cun 必t in Physies in Tianjin 自归 nsorcd by Chinese Physieal Sωiely and Ti anjin Physiω1 写明 ely. T,叩 [0 among over Lα)Q compclition panieipanls in Tianjin area. Nov. 1993,,,Public提 tlU ns? ??XIIC , linying Chcn and Martha Palmer. Ahgning Fcatures w 恤 Sensc Dis l? netion Dimcnsions. Submincd. Jinying Chcn , Andrcw Schcin. L内 U吨ar and Manha Palm t.'f, An Empirical Srudy of 叶ιBcha~ior 0 1' Active Lcaming lor Word SL 't\ SC Di创作lbiguation. Acc叩ICd by Huma& L 叫&泞e Te~h,叫咱~ω&fen.&ce - Nr川h Aca& cMpler '1' t加 As,mc!ulùm for Compulalùmaf Li&.&I&& u&&ual m饵 W (HLT-NAACL) 2()( 任 New Y ork City Jinying Chcn and Mar阳 Palmcr. Clusk 'T? ng-bascd F叩 Sclcction for Verb Scnsc Disambi胆 tion. Jn P 1Y}{&eedi&gs of Ihe 2()05 IEEE 阳onal C问jèrenn ο& Natural Language Proa.& , .ing a&d K,阳..../edge E.明neering (IEEE NLP-K E. 20四 pp.36-4[.OctNia且WCn弛 N创刊阳,因1 削, 2 阳?????Jinying Ch en and Martha PalmL 'f. TowaJ也 Robust 刷刷 Pcrfonnancc Word Scn ,~ Disambig幽 tion ofEnglish Verbs U8ing R协七咱listic Feat川龟 [n Proceedi&K-'. ,~扩即 2nd '&remutùmu! Jo;m C.叫ference 0& Na/!i raf Lan伊I{e Proι'e,I,,&I1Ig 川CNLP20f!匀, pp 933-944. Oc!. [ [ - [3 , Jej u, Korca , 2创览 Martha Palm 飞:\Iianwcn Xuc二 01ga B Babkc山~a1aya, Jinying Ch w and Bc币IJannn Snyd 、 r. A Parallcl Propo刷刷 Bank !I for Chincsc and English , in Pmω 叫什g.' ofl,加 2005 ACL Wor?.'呐叮7'& Fro&l;er., i& AlI n&/ali& ,, 11: Pie in lhe Sky, p币 61-68. Jun 、 29, 八 nn Arbor , Michi gan , 2005 Jinying Ch w and Martha Palmcr. Unsupcrviscd Lcarning of Chinesc Verb Senses b~ Using 3D EM Clustcring Model wi由阳 ch Li nguistic Featurc.. ln Proceedi&g,'. (!f Ihe 例&,,1,ω ;onal Lillgu'sl., (ACL 叫 pp. 295-302. July 2[ -23 , 42nd An&&al 抽e/;&g '1 G Barc c1 ona, Spain , 2∞4 Jinying Ch w , Nianwcn Xue and Martha Palmer. Using a Sm∞ hing Maximum Enlrop~ Mod怯1 for Chinesc Nominal 日gging (poster pn飞cntation), ln Procee,在&g,'. of 1加 ht [&Iernalionu[ Jo;nl Gυ&Ière&α&& Na/u,.u[ μ咱mge Pro&:e,川略 pp.493-5田 March 22 24, Hainan [sland , China, 2004 Libin Shen and Jinying Chcn. Using Su防吨 in MUC -7 Templatc Rc1 ation Task Te&:hnical Reporl, MS-CIS -02-26 , CIS 0叩L , Uni\'~'TSily o1' PL'D nsylvan叽 2∞ 2 Jmymg创α ,呵&,nn.民'&Jinying Chen. p晤d??Yijiang Jin aml Shao川 Ms. Th e Visual?叫 AlI al阳 ()f Handwtiltcn Chincse Characlers in 刊eir Featur毡 Space. Journai υ&/ Chin ω 10 户~,阳n PrQ阳 smg VoL 14 , No. 5, pp42 -4 8, 2阳&。 Jinyin 咆 Chcn, Yijiang Jin and Shaopiog Ma. A Leaming Algotithm D 地∞ting thc Similar ChioL &S e C' Bouodary B 出dαηUnequal-Contraction of Dimonsion. 10 Pr&.κm伽&gs ofl&& 3'& World ζm硝陀S.\' on Intdligent Con !ro! and Au/omution , pp. , v 创 4. Juoe 28-July 02 , Hcfei , China, 2ωmJiny吨 Chcn,Oral Preseotations () ? &T owards Robusl H胁 Performance Word Sense Disambigt且阳n by Combining Rich Linguis山 c Knowledgc and Machinc Leaming 队仇thods&, in thc 7由民飞on ElI ginceting Graduatc Rcscarch Symposium, Fcb. 15 , 2006 阳al Wc Lc amcd lrom Su严 rviscd Wo叫 SL 'IlSC Di ,ambiguation 阳 English Vcrbs& in a ~isit 10 thc CL '11 tcr for Spoken Languagc Rcscarch 剑 Univcrsity of Colorado. De c. 7,刀lO5?? ???FcatUIT SelutiOIl li:J r Vcrb Scn c Disambigualion& in the 2005 lEEE ,,,肝national Confc陀,、ce on Natural Language Processing and Kn owlcdge Enginceting (l EEE NLP 旺 2∞ 5)i1l W山盹Chilla, Oc1. 30, 2 阳 &Towards Robu吼叫 gh Pcr l&urmance Word Sensc Dis.ambigu础。,n 0 1& ElI glish Verb! Using Rich Li nguislic F凶阳阳& in the 2nd lntcmaliooal Joint Confcrcnce on Nallrral Lallguagc Pr occssing (lJCNLP2 ∞ 5) illJcju, Korea, OcL 13 , 2四 5 &lInsupcrvisc 咀 Lcaming o l&Ch incsc Y.创'b Senscs by U剖IIg an EM Cluslcring Modcl Wi1h Rich Li nguislic Fcal回 cs& in 由 c 42nd ^nnual Mceting ofComputational Linguisl&; (^CL 04), in Barcclona, Spai口, July 23 , 2 协4 &Fine-grainod and co缸瓦:L'-graincd S吨lt.'f\ol~训00 Word S 呗 sc Disambigωlω,n& in ARDA (Advanccd Rcscarch and De ve问lmcn1 AClivity)'s visit at thc Compu 町 and lnfonnalion ScierωD叩artmcnt at lhc Uoiversity 01& Pcnnsylvania, Aug. 22, 2∞ 3&Cluslctillg-baωd,Other Profenional Activities ? the Co mputatio 1l 81 Lillguist ,' Luoch (CLUNCH), &'飞。ndcd by abo回到 faculty mcmbcrs and srudcnt、 m凶 oly from 由e Departmen且 of Com 、 uta Scicncc and lnfonnalion and the D叩 artmL'11 t 0 1& Li llguislics, Univcrsily 0 1& p~咐、咀 a. Spring, 2 ∞ 3 Tea 、 hing assis1ant for thc graduate-levcl coursc CIT594 11 pro♂ramming La nguage alld T-ωhlliqucs, which is oticn Wd ωm剧 cr s1udcm1s in 1he D句&lrtment 0 1& Co mplltcr and Inform 3l ion Scicncc, University of Pcmnsylvania. Spring, 2002 Programming Languages Teaching assistan1 for 山也 graduate-level c。山&口曰 00 which is otientedωPh .D, stu,k'1&‘ m 山 e Dcpartmmt 0 1& Computa and lnlormation Scicncc , Univcrsity of Pcnnsylvania. Fa l1, 2ωl Teaching a隘的 s1an1 for 由 c und町'graduate-lev(才 ∞ urse &10町oduction 10 Artificial Intcllig川剧 in lhc Dιp3Ttmc旧 of Computer Scicnce and Tcchoology , Ts inghua UniveT飞:ity. Fa l1, 1998 Partic ipation in the edi totial 阳rk (co l1 ecting and cdi1ing 如&&∞ vocabul町 entries) for a m呵。rωmpu 町 diCliollary - EnX1i.l' h-Chine&& D ¥ rW1UJη ol Com严山'r.\' und MultJmediu (p闹闹led by Ts inghua University Prcss. 2 (0 3) in Tsin噶:hua University undcr the Sllp&llvision or Dr, Fu. :w ng Lin. Summcr, 1998Organi~ '1& 0 1&巾的D W川cckly 始minar,?,? ??Reference Joshi K. Aravind , PhD 恒生iCà.Ji旦旦坠且坚匹咀民215 -89H - H540} jinYlng(&结α ,呵&enn. 民主AJinying Chen , page&Martha S. Palm叽 PhD (t.恤业J!.f.d.mer.@?.Q豆J:ru!,皿血, 303 -492- 13∞) Lylc H_L&ng哑, PhD (血革延峪旦且应皿且且 215-898-7449) Gilok ChoiSchool 0 1' Informatiun U ity 0 1& Texas al Austin 1 Univor别tv Station. D7000Austi n 四 78712-03四Email: higil生鱼立豆豆坠.om Phone: 512.241.05 抖 Homepage: http: /. 阳 ww.choi go.nameEducation2∞ 2Admitted 10 Docloral Program School ()f Infonnalioo, University of Texas at Austinl\1 asler of Arts1998in CommunicationEwha Un iversity , Sooul , Korea Th esis: Analysis of Public Interests 0 1' Korean Public A刷r Channel 1994 8achelor of Arts in Journalism and Broadcasting Ewha University , Seou! , Koroa AreasR臼e 盯'cbhuman-comp U!er in teraction , usεr imerface design. l附 ability studies and methods. Web based applicatio?S由 ree dimensional virtual environments可 muhimedia. dalab a.\osR臼四rchProjectsUsability ?Studi凶 002 , 2005-current$ec ond Language Learn皿 g Websites?Joint re叫&'由 Profs. Liu Min in In.wruct.叫 Technology and other doctoral students in Foreign La nguage Ed~ 止气anofl Crealed II忧r scenanos for usabilily tests儿 d&飞吧loped user response questionnaire, conducted usabi1ity tests. and wrote a paper2 , 2004- 口2(记4Online Font Locating Tool Proje('t ? Performed a rese叫 on users' satisf:叫 ion when us in包皿 online visual tool to identify and locate fonts wi由Profs Hs ing- 1i ang Chen De veloped a w巳:b-based 叩 plication f,田 survey , conducted statistical analyses , and wfote researιh papers? 6. 2003-8.2田4Microsofi ? ? ?ClearTy~ Prυ'jectMicr叫…… project with Profs. Andrew Dillon and Randolph Bias Performed a 0 1& ~tudi es on user response to ClearType text enhancement technolo盯 Developed web-based ap抖 1日 tions for experiments 正 onducted experiments and statistical analyses , and wrote research repOlts.…9. 2003-4.2(泡4?igital ? ? ?Vid阳Li hraryProjectResearch assistant for Pr ofs. Hsing-I】叫 Chen's v阳 library project Investigate stud 巳 nts' 陀哨pon! 忧。&'&←cJ?; s video l 鸣 e and a lmiversity wid巳 digital video librJη De veloped a web-b且、ed application I&or survey , conducted statistical analys &s. and wrote resεarch re亨ornEx pt! nence1.2(泪6-5.2αJ6W~bsite Th世veloperfor-Fa主战 T口?convert a stat比 JavaScript {ra! webs ite (http://ooollat瓦巳 ntral. bfl.utexas.eduf) into a dynamic webpage generated from the existing da!ab? 咽Projed 叩h tree in 0 ,…9 , 2005- J.2 因元Website ?e veloper (imemship) for the ARMA (Asso 飞lauon of In forrnation Management Professionals) ? 陀desi gn 由e original ARMA Austin Cha严er website(htlp:llw 飞ww.arrna-austin.orgf)9 , 2脱丁5-5.2 饥渴Teaching Assistant for Under.wanding and S e/l' ing and Digiral Media Design!. School of In formation University of Tex&!.\ at Austin、,vebsiteu.~er.~6. 2005-R. 2005? ?9.2004-5 , 2 例l5?e veloper for -Fa吠 Tex Project develop a web、 ite for Ethnicity , 0姐l阳re and 8ubstance u.~e Disorder (www.utexa时,&汕 coursesld i n i tlo/i n de x. htm ) develop a new search scheme and administration pa也.es for Texa.~ German Dia[ect Project (htlp:llwww.tgdp.or的Teaching A监istant for Undersranding and S e/l' ing Users and Di!, rital Media Design 1, Sch()(让 ol& lnforrnalion. University of Te xas at Austin 6. 2003- 8.2 田l4Resea r ch Ass istant , Schoul of Information , University of T&ωat Austin ? a s-巳 ries of stud比 ι on user responses un ClearType text style ? sponsored by Microsoft Co甲ürallon T eaching Assi stant for Undersranding and S e/l' ing Users School of Information. U ity of Texas at Austin Web Invel o~r a nd Usability Sp~ialist (intemship) , rr AL (Institute ror T echnology and Le aming). U ity of Texlls at Austin ? lest usability of Universi ty ofTexas websile in leπns of accessabi lity (particularly focused on disability) ? create captioned videos usin包 Quick Tim巳Pro and SMIL (Synchronized Multimed 地 Inlegralion Language) Int e rface Des igne r (intemship) for CourseShare.coIT& ? create new web pages and maintaining Ihe comp出 Wweb、 ite7-8.2阳 31-6.2田 37- 12. 200 12- 10.1 997Resea rch Assistant , Korean 8roadcllsting Inslilule ? re~ 、earch on media re包ulation pol比y in Eurupean Countnes Resea rch Ass i.o.t ant. Korean Press Institute ?


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