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阿迪达斯的沸腾香水的英文是什么?是sport fever 还是game spirit?_百度知道
阿迪达斯的沸腾香水的英文是什么?是sport fever 还是game spirit?
最近想买adidas的沸腾香水,英文是sport fever 还是game spirit ?谢谢大家的关注!
sport fever
GAME SPIRIT运魅sport fever 沸腾
《新概念英语》美音版---第四册第06课 The sporting spirit
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The sporting spirit 体育的精神
First listen and then answer the following question.
How does the writer describe sport at the international level?
I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce if from general principles.
Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as a the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level, sport is frankly mimic warfare. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe -- at any rate for short periods -- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.
New words and expression
n. 无节制的,放荡
adj. 竞争性的
n. 地方观念,爱国主义
adj. 野性的
adj. 好斗的
mimic warfare
n. 行动,举止
adj. 荒唐的
现在开展的体育运动几乎都是竞争性的。参加比赛就是为了取胜。如果不拚命去赢,比赛就没有什么意义了。在乡间的草坪上,当你随意组成两个队,并且不涉及任何地方情绪时,那才可能是单纯的为了娱乐和锻炼而进行比赛。可是一量涉及到荣誉问题,一旦你想到你和某一团体会因为你输而丢脸时,那么最野蛮的争斗天性便会激发起来。即使是仅仅参加过学校足球赛的人也有种体会。在国际比赛中,体育简直是一场模拟战争。但是,要紧的还不是运动员的行为,而是观众的态度,以及观众身后各个国家的态度。面对着这些荒唐的比赛,参赛的各个国家会如痴如狂,甚至煞有介事地相信 -- 至少在短期内如此 -- 跑跑、跳跳、踢踢球是对一个民族品德素质的检验。
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英语演讲比赛稿-the spirit of sports
英语演讲比赛稿the spirit of sports演讲稿和发言稿英语演讲比赛稿the spirit of sportsofsportsspiritthe演讲比赛英语Good afternoon, dear teahers. I’m ver glad to be here to have a speeh. The topi of m speeh is the spirit of sports .As far as I’m onerned, I’m a sheer amateur of sports, being fasinated b simming, running, mountaineering and so on. I ouldn’t agree ith these perspetives from people ho dislike sports, beause ou’ll feel greatl relieved after being drenhed in seats b sports. Sports an also help ou forget our orries and stress, feeling unpreedented relaxed.As is knon, a health bod is extraordinaril ruial. Moreover phsial exerise undeniabl exerts a far-reahing influene on keeping ourselves fit. In taking part in out-door sports, e are loser to nature and an take in fresh air. The beaut of nature ill keep us lear-headed, hih is essential to our health. Besides sports an stimulate the irulation of blood and help to exrete the astes in the bod. It also an ork up our appetite and ativate or digestion. In a ord, sports an give rise to a strong bod for us.In ontemporar soiet, ith the inreasing fous on health, people in ever expanding numbers join the trend of doing sports and begin to aept more and more sorts of fashionable sports, ranging from hiking to ping. From this phenomenon, e an see not onl do sports pla a signifiant role in health, but also la a solid foundation for human beings’ spirit.Taking hiking for example, it’s a blend of man and nature pletel a to travel, and also a kind of sports that not onl need our phsial strength, but also need the patiene, perseverane and persistene. At the beginning of limbing a mountain, ou’ll be exiting ith the fantasti sene of mountain, river and ater. Hoever, after a half a, ou’ll fell so tired and exhausted. The limbing road bees more and more steep. At that time, it requires our persistene and determination to onquer arduous situations. It just likes the life, the loser the suess is, the more diffiulties ou must endure.From m aspets, the enhantment of sports is that it’s a hallenge for the limit of our bod --- both a sort of health and popular life and an refletion of optimisti and positive attitude. Just like noadas, the development of Olmpi games is harmonious and prosperous, for the reason that it’s not onl for shaping human’s bod, but more for pursuing a king of spirit --- faster, higher, stronger.This is m speeh. Thank ou.
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Operating from Immanuel Baptist Church in Somerstown, Southsea, Spirit in Sport is a not-for-profit Community Sports Organisation that aims to bring adults and children of all abilities together to have fun, make friends, and keep fit & healthy through a wide range of physical activities. Primarily run by a team of dedicated volunteers, we pride ourselves on using only qualified Sports Coaches to deliver fun sports sessions for a broad range of people including new mums, students, children with behavioural difficulties and young men.
Spirit in Sport Activities:
Children’s holiday sports, crafts and cooking camps
Family activity sessions
After-school clubs
Men’s football tournaments
Cricket leagues
Table tennis
The Christian faith is the cornerstone of Spirit in Sport and Spirit in the Community
It spurs us on and motivates the leadership team to do its best in everything it does. We believe that every human being is loved and valued by God. Putting our faith into action means working alongside the members of the local community to meet their needs and support them in achieving their potential.
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