
claimed基本解释v.要求(应得权利)( claim的过去式和过去分词 );声称;需要;夺走claimed的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Democrats claimed that their health law would lower costs .民主党声称他们的卫生法会减少花费。Over time , the racers have claimed an ever larger slice of the cake .随着时间的推移,参赛者要求分到的蛋糕越来越大块。Terrorism in turkey has claimed lives , foreign and local , for decades .几十年了,土耳其恐怖主义已经夺走了很多生命,有国外的也有国内的。I claimed to sleep six hours a night .我声称自己每晚只睡六个小时。An al-qaeda-affiliated group in yemen claimed responsibility .也门一个基地附属组织声称对此事负责。
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英语常用词用法详解大词典——advance (上)
英语常用词用法详解大词典——advance (上):advance
 v. ( advancing)  双解释义  1.vt. & vi.前进,发展; 促进 cause sb/sth to develop, improve or move forward  2.vt. & vi.提高,提升 raise, increase prices, etc.  3.vt.提出put forward
  advance & &&  v. ( advancing)&  双解释义&  1.vt. & vi.前进,发展; 促进 cause sb/sth to develop, improve or move forward&  2.vt. & vi.提高,提升 raise, increase prices, etc.&  3.vt.提出put forward&  4.vt.提前 bring forward an earlier time&  5.vt.预付,贷(款项等) pay or lend money before it is due&  基本要点&  1.advance用作动词的基本含义是指空间或时间“在前面”或“向前进”。&  2.advance用作及物动词作“促进”“发展”解时,可与表示事业、知识等的名词连用,也可接动〔植〕物名词表示“加速成熟”; 作“提升”解时,可与表示职务、级别、官衔等名词连用; 作“提出”解时,可与表示计划、建议、看法、理论、学说等名词连用; 作“提前”解时,可与表示时间、日期等名词连用,也可与“会议”等名词连用; 作“预付”解时,可与表示款项、有价值的东西等名词连用。&  3.advance用作不及物动词作“前进”解时,可用于具体地点,也可用于理想目标; 作“提高”解时,可用于物价上涨,数量增加或质量、地位的提高等。&  4.advance作“预支”解时可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。&  5.advance可用于被动结构。&  6.advance的过去分词advanced可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语。&  词汇搭配&  ~+名词&  ~ a concept 提出一种思想&  ~ a plan 提出一项计划&  ~ a principle 提出一条原则&  ~ a programme 提出一个方案&  ~ a suggestion提出一项建议&  ~ an idea 提出一个主意&  ~ an opinion on the matter 就此事发表意见&  ~ human culture 促进人类的文化发展&  ~ money to sb 预先付钱〔贷款〕给某人&  ~ one's new theory of life 提出关于生命的新学说&  ~ peace and friendship 促进和平与友谊&  ~ production 发展生产&  ~ reasons 提出理由&  ~ sb a month's salary 预付某人一个月的薪水&  ~ sb's interests 提高〔改善〕某人的利益&  ~ the cause of human progress 促进人类进步事业&  ~ the cause of peace 促进和平事业&  ~ the development (of...) 促进…的发展&  ~ the friendly relations 发展友好关系&  ~ the growth of wheat 促进小麦生长&  ~ the left foot 左脚前移&  ~ the movement to a new stage 把运动推向一个新阶段&  ~ the prices of the goods 提高商品价格&  ~ the relations between the two countries 促进两国关系发展&  ~+副词&  ~ aggressively 盛气凌人地向前进&  ~ boldly 大胆提出,大胆推进&  ~ cautiously 谨慎地提出&  ~ quietly 悄悄地前进&  ~ rapidly (价格)猛涨,(传染病)流行得很快&  ~ reluctantly 勉强预支&  ~ sharply (物价)陡涨,急剧上涨&  ~ slowly 缓慢地前进&  ~ steadily 稳步地前进&  ~ suddenly (价格)突然上涨&  ~ timidly 胆怯地提出&  ~+介词&  ~ by rushes 突飞猛进&  ~ by strides 大踏步前进&  ~ (prices) by 5% 涨价5%&  ~ (a person) from a lectureship to a professorship 把(某人)从讲师提升为教授&  ~ from Friday to Wednesday 从星期五提前到星期三&  ~ in knowledge 学识上有长进&  ~ in office 升职&  ~ in one's position 职位晋升&  ~ in one's studies 学习进步&  ~ in prices 涨价&  ~ in rank 升级&  ~ in stature 个子长高&  ~ in the world 发迹,出头&  ~ sb (money) on sb's salary 预付某人薪金&  ~ sb to the position of manager 提拔某人任经理&  ~ sb to the rank of colonel 晋升某人为上校&  ~ with big strides 大踏步前进&  ~ within a few feet of 前进到离…几英尺之内&  句型例句&  用作不及物动词&  ▲S+~(+A)&  From that time on, science advanced more quickly.从那时起,科学发展更快了。&  Though technology did not advance very rapidly in the Middle Ages, substantial progress was made.虽然在中世纪技术发展不太迅速,但是仍然有很大的进步。&  She advanced greatly in her knowledge.她在学识上大有长进。&  This tribe advanced in civilization.这个部落逐渐文明起来。&  The procession advanced with a slow step.游行队伍缓慢地前进。&  Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。&  If prices continue to advance, poor people will find it hard to live.如果物价继续上涨,穷人的日子就更不好过了。&  Prices have advanced 15 per cent during the past year.去年一年内物价上涨了百分之十五。&  The wages advanced, so did the cost of living.工资增加了,生活费用也提高了。&  He advanced in office.他的职务提升了。&  He advanced to meet the guests.他走上前去迎接客人。&  用作及物动词&  ▲S+~+n./pron.&  The general advanced the soldiers.将军指挥士兵前进。&  They advanced him over the heads of his seniors.他们将他的职务晋升到高于他许多前辈的位置上。&  They talked glibly about unity but never did anything to advance it.他们大谈团结,却从未做过任何实事来促进团结。&  That pact didn't advance peace among nations.这一公约并未促进世界和平。&  Such books are likely to advance your knowledge of European history.这类书可能会增进你有关欧洲历史的知识。&  He married the boss's daughter to advance his chances of promotion.他与老板的女儿结婚,以便增加晋升的机会。&  They have further advanced the prices of these goods.他们已进一步提高了这些商品的价格。&  They advanced the price of gasoline twice in one week.在一个星期内他们两次提高汽油价格。&  The biologist advanced a new theory of life.这位生物学家提出了一个有关生命的新学说。&  He advanced a large claim for damages.他提出了一大笔损坏赔偿要求。&  Let us advance the meeting a few days.让我们把会议提前几天。&  Is it possible to advance the date of wedding?婚期可能提前吗?&  The rain greatly advanced the spring crops.那场雨使春季作物的成熟期大大提前。&  I advanced 200 pounds more on these books.这些书我又多预付了200英镑。&  He wrote requesting his father to advance £500 for the project.他写信请求父亲为此项工程贷款500英镑。&  ◇ 用于be ~ed结构&  He was soon advanced in office.他很快就被提职了。&  Research is also advanced by frequent conferences to exchange experience.经常开会交流经验也促进了研究工作的发展。&  The prices of these goods have been advanced.这些商品的价格提高了。&  Many diverse views have been advanced.大家提出了许多不同的看法。&  The congress holds one session each year. When necessary, the session may be advanced or postponed.大会每年召开一次会议,必要时,会期可以提前或推迟。&  The time of departure was advanced an hour.出发的时间提前了一小时。&  用作双宾动词&  ▲S+~+pron./n.+n./pron.&  If you are hard up,I can advance you some money.如果你手头紧,我可以借给你些钱。&  He asked the employer to advance him a month's salary.他要求雇主预支给他一个月的薪水。&  ▲S+~+n./pron.+to pron./n.&  The firm advanced wages to him.公司预付了工资给他。&  The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer.银行经常贷款给农民买种子和肥料。&  ◇ 用于be ~ed结构&  Fifty dollars were advanced to him on his salary before the work was done.在工作完成以前我就已从他的工资中预支了50美元给他。&  其他&  ▲v-ed as Attrib.&  She was cited as an advanced worker.她被评为先进工作者。&  This book is written only for the advanced students.本书是专门为高水平的学生而写的。&  We must acquire advanced science and technology.我们一定要把先进的科学技术学到手。&  We must learn their advanced techniques.我们要学习他们的先进技术。&  Some of them are engaged in advanced studies.他们有些人在进行高级研究工作。&  He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage.他的癌症已经到晚期了。&  He passed away in Beijing at the advanced age of 90.他以90高龄在北京逝世。&  ▲v-ed as s-Compl.&  His ideas are advanced, and only a few people could understand him.他的思想是先进的,只有少数人能理解他。&  Tom is most advanced of all the students.汤姆在这些学生中学习最好。&  His tuberculosis was far advanced that he could not be cured.他的肺病已经严重到无法治疗了。&  常用短语&  ?advance against  (v.+prep.)&  向(某人)发起进攻 threaten by moving towards, usually a person&  ▲advance against sb/sth&  The forces of the enemy advanced against them.敌军向他们步步逼近。&  Our soldiers advanced bravely against the enemy.我们的士兵勇敢地向敌人挺进。&  ?advance on〔upon〕  (v.+prep.)&  向(某地)推进,进逼,向(某人)发起进攻 threaten by moving towards&  ▲advance on〔upon〕 sb/sth&  The soldiers advanced on the enemy.战士们向敌人发起进攻。&  The two men advanced on each other with drawn revolvers.这两个人都拔出了手枪,一步步相互逼近。&  We advanced on the enemy's position under the cover of darkness.我们在夜幕掩护下攻击了敌人的阵地。&  The enemy advanced on Rome, and at last conquered it.敌人向罗马推进,最后征服了它。&  ?advance to (v.+prep.)&  1.推进到…,来到…,进入… reach, come as far as, usually a place&  ▲advance to sth&  Then he advanced to the rostrum.然后他向主席台走去。&  The troops advanced rapidly to the river.部队迅速推进到河边。&  The enemy have advanced to the edge of the forest.敌人已经来到森林边缘。&  2.发展到… improve or move forward&  ▲advance to sth&  Because of reform and opening,China's industrial technology is advancing to ever-higher levels.由于改革开放,中国的工业技术正向着越来越高的水平发展。&  We advanced from victory to victory.我们节节胜利。&  3.使晋升到…,使提前到… bring forward to an
reach (cause to) (usually position, rank, etc.)&  ▲advance sb to sth&  The colonel advanced him from lieutenant to captain.上校把他从中尉晋升为上尉。&  ◇ 用于be ~ed结构&  The date of the meeting had been advanced from June 10 to June 3.会议日期从6月10日提前到6月3日。&  He was advanced to the rank of colonel.他已晋升为上校。&  He was soon advanced to the position of Secretary of State.不久他就被提升为国务卿了。&  He worked so well that he was soon advanced to a higher position.他工作得很好,很快就得到了提拔。&  She was advanced from vice-president to general-president of the company.她由公司副经理被提升为总经理。&  The date for the delivering of the lecture has been advanced to the end of the month.举行讲座的日期已提前到本月底。&  ?advance towards  (v.+prep.)&  ▲advance towards sb/sth&  1.向(某人或某处)推进,逼进 come nearer sth, sb, or a place&  As I advanced towards the sleeping dog, it snarled and struck at me.我朝那睡着的狗走去,它狂吠着向我扑来。&  The enemy is advancing towards the castle.敌军正向城堡进发。&  The storm is advancing towards the city.暴风雨正向这座城市袭来。&  2.开始成为或到达某种状态 begin to become or reach sth, such as a state&  〔说明〕 advance towards作此解时通常不用于被动结构。&  The world political system is advancing towards disorder.世界政治体系正处于混乱状态。&  These youngsters are advancing towards maturity.这些青年人正在逐渐成熟。&  词语辨异&  ?advance against, advance on〔upon〕, advance to, advance towards&  这组短语的共同意思是“进攻”,它们之间的区别是:&  1.advance to后只接“地点”; advance against后只接“人”; advance on〔upon〕与advance towards后可接“地点”,也可接“人”。&  2.接“地点”时,用towards表示“方向”; 用to表示“抵达”; 用on虽表示方向,却意在“抵达”,力图“攻占”。&  ?advance, further, promote&  这三个词的共同意思是“促进”,都用作及物动词。它们之间的区别是:&  1.advance强调的是效果; promote强调的是外界的有利条件。例如:&  Selfless patriots advanced the cause of liberation.无私的爱国者促进了解放事业的发展。&  A good example serves to promote good manners in the young.好榜样可促使青年人讲礼貌。&  2.advance的动机一般是好的; 而promote有时指带有特殊动机的援助。例如:&  He promoted his own welfare at the expense of others.他不惜以他人利益为代价换取自己的利益。&  3.promote一般指发展积极因素; advance主要指发展积极因素,偶尔可指消极的副作用; further则不带任何色彩,既可指发展积极因素,也可指追求消极目的。例如:&  We'll do all we can to further your plans.我们将竭尽全力推进你的计划。&  Crisis conditions furthered the spreading of rumours.危机更加剧了这种谣言的传播。&  ?advance, proceed, progress&  这三个词的共同意思是“向前进”,都用作不及物动词。它们之间的区别是:&  1.在词义上, advance 是“前进”; progress是“进步”; 而proceed是“进行”,即开始或继续按一定程序进行。例如:&  Slowly but surely they advanced towards their objective.他们缓慢地,但稳步地向着目标前进。&  The boy's piano-playing is progressing.那男孩的钢琴弹奏在进步中。&  The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.会谈是在友好的气氛中进行的。&  2.advance和progress常可互换。例如:&  Have you progressed〔advanced〕 in your studies?你在学习中取得了进步吗?&  不过, progress注重目的性,而advance更注重效果。另外progress常可用于比喻义。例如:&  In three hours we hardly progressed at all.有3个小时我们简直寸步难行。&  3.proceed可接动词不定式,而advance和progress不可。&  4.祈使句中proceed用得多,例如:&  Let's proceed to the next item.咱们进行下个议程吧。&  ?advance, move on&  参见move条。&  正误解析&  1.指挥官命令部下缓慢前进。&  [误] The officer directed his men to advance forward slowly.&  [正] The officer directed his men to advance slowly.&  [析] advance本身的意思就是move forward,在句中用了advance就不可再用forward修饰。&  2.部队毫无畏惧地向敌人进攻。&  [误] The troops advanced to the enemy fearlessly.&  [正] The troops advanced against the enemy fearlessly.&  [析] advance是不及物动词,其客体须由介词引出。advance to表示“向…进发”“向…前进”, advance against表示“迎击”“向…进攻”。&  n. &(advances)& 
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