
As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years,he had every_______for the job.横线处应该填qualification还是quality呢,为什么,字典里的quality名词 1.质,质量2.特性3.品质4.实质5.身份,地位6.才能,本领7.高位,显赫的社会地_作业帮
As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years,he had every_______for the job.横线处应该填qualification还是quality呢,为什么,字典里的quality名词 1.质,质量2.特性3.品质4.实质5.身份,地位6.才能,本领7.高位,显赫的社会地位8.音色,音质9.【逻】(命题的)质10.【主英】(内容比较严肃的)大报;高级报刊形容词 1.优良的,优质的,高级的2.上流社会的3.(报刊)内容严肃的
填qualification,因为根据as引导的这个状语从句看,强调的是他的工作经验,所以是有“资格”拥有这份工作.qualify才是qualification的动词形式.而quality也是名词,但它指的是人具有的“品格”,“品性”.如:He shows quality of leadership.
qualification,bcauz it's a noun n quality is a verb
填qualification(n.) .它是qualify 的派生词,是资格的意思,qualify是使。。。有资格(v.)quality是质量的意思,不通
您可能关注的推广1.---all the inventions have in common is ----they have succeeded.A.what waht B.that that C.waht thatD.that what2.Why don't you bring ---to his attention that you are too busy to do it?A.that B.what C.that D.it_作业帮
1.---all the inventions have in common is ----they have succeeded.A.what waht B.that that C.waht thatD.that what2.Why don't you bring ---to his attention that you are too busy to do it?A.that B.what C.that D.it
/question/.html?si=1 这里解释得很好
1. C what that2. D it
what指代they have succeeded,做主语.that引导后面的从句.D
it 指代that后面的句子,即:you are too busy to do it.□36:The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_____up to half will be from overseas.A.in which B.for whom C.with which D.of whom□37:He is_____teacher that all of us like him.A.a such good B.such good a C.a so good D.so good a 为什么是D 不是C□38:I didn’_作业帮
□36:The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_____up to half will be from overseas.A.in which B.for whom C.with which D.of whom□37:He is_____teacher that all of us like him.A.a such good B.such good a C.a so good D.so good a 为什么是D 不是C□38:I didn’t ______her to see the painting until it was finished.A.intend B.mean C.plan D.schedule为什么是A 不是B□39:—May I have a look at your photo album[册子/唱片]?—Sure._______.I’m not engaged at the moment anyway.A.It makes no difference B.Take your timeC.Look at it slowly D.I don’t care at all□40:He is such a man who is always________fault with other people.A.putting B.seeking C.finding D.looking for为什么是C不是D 那B的用法呢□43:—How did you enjoy the performance last night?—__________!My favorite singer lost his voice and didn’t even appear.A.What a failure B.What a disappointmentC.How awful D.What dissatisfactory为什么不是C 是B□45:________all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.A.To gorw B.Growing C.Grown D.Grow为什么不是C 被种的...而是B?□46:—Do you like______here?—Oh,yes.The air,the weather ,the way of life.Everything is so nice.A.this B.these C.that D.it为什么是D 不是B□48:Having learned______skillfully,she went on learning________.A.swimming B.swimming C.to swim D.to swim为什么是D 不是C?□49:—Could I make it 14th July?—_________.A.You can manage it B.That’s fine with meC.No a bit of it D.Go ahead with it
36D关键1:up to half will be from overseas.超过一半来自海外指什么?指20个studens,是人关键2:是定语从句吗,该用哪个介词,那我把句子拆分还原就行了啊The course normally attracts 20 students per year.up to half 【of students】 will be from overseas所以,综上,用of whom,其中whom=students,定语从句练习做多了自然会有感觉37D首先,这是语法,只能这样用,没有为什么其次,such+名词性词组,so直接加形容词或副词,然后加名词最后such和so的用法很好搜到,不罗嗦参考百度/s?wd=such+so38
句型一:intend to do sth. 想要,打算,意指
e.g. I intended to come to your house last night but it is raining right now. Shall we make it another day?I intended to have called on you, but I had an unexpected visitor.=I had intended to call on you, but I had an unexpected visitor.注意:表示“本打算做某事时”,intend形式的选择,应该注意参照动作的时间.句型二:intend sb. to do sth.
e.g. We intend them to take over.句型三:intend…for…/be intended for…
This school is intended for the blind.至于mean,意思不对吗,你觉得在这里是什么意思39B表示慢慢看,随便看,符合他们的习惯A无关紧要;没差别C中国式思维模式回答,不合适D我一点不在乎40find注重找的结果,look for 注重找的过程表面上时look for 对,但实际上find fault with是词组,表示找茬,过不去,强调无聊的人找茬在乎的是结果,至于进行时表示他一直以来就喜欢找茬.反过来想,look for,如果没上下文,像我们老师说的,他吃饱了没事干,一直找寻别人的过失而不遗余力seek用法?seek【及物】一般与knowledge,pleasure,employment【抽象】等搭配.. seek knowledge是"求知",seek pleasure是"寻欢作乐". 不及物时,for 那么探寻真理,答案等等强调过程43文字游戏而已,那我‘狡辩’一下问演唱会怎么样?是演唱会的感想那么回答者的【希望】在于这个我最爱的歌手,但他几乎没上场,所以我在演唱会感到【失去希望】,是回答者失望的由来至于ACD,我局的演唱会糟糕,失败,不满意,还不至于,关键词My favorite singer ,我最爱的,问题是【你觉得演唱会怎么样】,我的回答是中肯的,【失望的情感是】因为最爱的歌手没来ACD太消极了!演唱会又没惹他45关键点一:grow有没有被动【种植】的意思有被动,表示被种植;【生长】的意思无被动,因为自己长关键点二:wild这里的信息表示是野生所以选B,这里的倒装句不是关键点46无指定代词it如果你问为什么不选B,那么举例子what is in your bag?回答books意思就是提问者问的肯定是单数.48learn doing sth. 学做某事 learn to do sth. 试着学做某事效果更好,仅此而已49B我可以定在714吗A你可以做到的B对我来说很好C一点也不D继续(鼓励)
has drawn C..have drawn B.A;s effort to cut the homework burden
of primary and middle school students ______mixed reactions(
)the government&#39.have been drawn D
has drawn C。不用说什么主动表被动等等.have been drawn D。只剩下B, 不可能被动.A。(被动后加by才会跟名词引出执行者)排除CD.has been drawn答。也不是这么回事,排除AC;s effort to cut the homework burden
of primary and middle school students ______mixed reactions, 三单作主:主语是effort.:政府的努力引起了反响。简析。简译:B.have drawn B(
)the government&#39。 Draw后还有名词reactions
the government&#39the government&#39.引起了多方的反映.
为了减轻中小学生的课业负担;s effort 这是主语,政,府的这个努力,effort 显然是单数的.自然不能用被动D不对,府的努力,比较长;s effort has drawn mixed reactions.政.( to cut the homework burden
of primary and middle school students )这是个目的状语
主语是effort,动词用单数形式,所以排除A和Cdraw the reaction得出反应。 综述,选B,解释为政府在小学和初中学生里减轻家庭作业的负担的努力得出了不同的反应
应该选择B项 英语中有很多动词如act,break,catch,cut,clean, drive,draw, let,lock,open,sell,read,write,wash,wear等,当它们被用作不及物动词来描述主语特征时,其主动形式常用来表达被动含义。另外,像 owe,beat,cook,bake,print,build,make等,有时可以用主动形式表达被动含义。故 draw 用其主动语态,表被动结构,effort 是不可数名词,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式has
D: 主语是effort,单数形式,而且是现在完成时的被动语态;
主语是effort,单数 因此是 has。effort与drawn之间是被动关系,因此选择 has been drawn。
没有被动概念 选B


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