
答: 你好,脑膜炎一般是不会遗传的,如果您的脑膜炎已经治愈的话,那是不会遗传和传染的,对您今后的生活工作没有影响,请您放心把。
关闭特色百科用户权威合作手机百科 收藏 查看&灶王爷的故事本词条缺少名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!作&&&&者杨叛连载网站晋江文学城
言情小说已经是除夕了。 家家户户都已经开始请门神,贴春联,剪窗花,挂年画。大户人家的门前都挑起了红灿灿的灯笼。虽然是大白天,也开始有零星的鞭炮声开始响了起来。卖鱼的小贩生意好的不得了,卖屠苏酒的酒店老板更是乐的合不拢嘴。 整个人世间似乎都沉浸在这吉庆的气氛中。 除了小河边的这一家。 这个简陋的茅舍中没有任何要过节的气象,甚至,没有一点灯火……
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为什么我们总是领先对手 那是因为我们比对手更具有实★告别烟熏火燎——无烟少尘,农家厨房,照样干净敞亮! ★燃料遍地都是——柴禾、稻壳、煤炭……有啥就能烧啥,烧啥...
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热门关键词:清洁高效炊事采暖—中国贵州惠烽生物质炉灶扩大推广碳交易项目 - 中国炉具网 - 采暖炉 锅炉 炉灶 灶具 节能灶具 炉具 节能炉具 节能炉头 户外炉具 节能炉灶 节能炉 节能灶 炉灶节能器 生物质燃料 炉博会 炉交会
Clean and Efficient Cooking and Heating Project:
Scale-up of&HuifengBiomass Stoves, China,&GuizhouCarbon Project&
Summary:&Clean and Efficient Cooking and Heating Project, China
&One of the most visible signs of the urban/rural disparity in China is in the household energy sector.& While cleaner-burning petroleum-based fuels are increasingly common in wealthier areas, at least 50% of all households still depend on solid fuels as an important household fuel, a practice resulting in pollution exposures that the World Health Organization estimates to be annually responsible for over 380,000 premature deaths in China alone.
&Impact Carbon and China Association&ofRural Energy Industry(CAREI)have partnered to alleviate the health and climate burdens found in rural China due to the inefficient and dirty use of solid fuels such as coal for household energy demands.& This partnership promotes the use of efficient and clean household energy technologies that can be used for heating and cooking, and generates carbon credits in the voluntary market based on the greenhouse gas emission reductions of these technologies.
&Project Activity:&Scale-up of&HuifengBiomass Stoves, China, Guizhou Carbon Project&
This is a voluntary emissions reduction project that has been registered to the Voluntary Gold Standard, and is now undergoing a design change to include new types of stoves.& The project is currently beginning the initial stakeholder consultation process to include new models of heatingand cooking&stoves, including theHuifengstove, into the current project, which provides you with both the opportunity to provide written feedback and to join us for a stakeholder meeting. Per the Voluntary Gold Standard, we invite all stakeholders, including the general public, to provide input to our project design.
In Guizhou, this project promotes the replacement of inefficient coal burning heating stoves by making affordable cleaner burning biomass semi-gasifier heating&and cooking&stoves through the sale of voluntary market carbon credits. The project will invest revenues from carbon finance in stove subsidies, social marketing, and the development of a robust distribution chain.
&Impact Carbonand CAREIare working with the Chinese manufacturer&Anshun Huifeng Energy Saving Stove CompanyLtd. (Huifeng) to disseminate improved biomass semi-gasifier stoves to low-income rural communities in GuizhouProvince, China.& The efficient and clean-burning Huifeng stoves will replace household coal consumption with crop residueand wood branchesas fuel. The project will develop carbon finance for the emission reductions (ERs) generated by displaced coal consumption as a sustainable business model for large-scale stove dissemination with quantifiable climate and poverty alleviation co-benefits.
&The Role of Carbon Finance:
The project is financed by investment capital that the project seeks to recapture by generating Voluntary Gold Standard carbon credits.& The carbon credits will be generated using the voluntary market standards developed by the Gold Standard Foundation.& Carbon revenues from this project will help to expand the market for clean burning biomass stoves inGuizhouby subsidizing a greater number of stoves.
Anshun Huifeng Energy Saving Stove CompanyLtd.will manufacture, distribute, and maintain the stoves for local communities. China Association of Rural Energy Industrywill manage technical consultation, government relations, and liaison between local, national, and international stakeholders.& Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) will oversee and implement monitoring and evaluation. Impact Carbon (formerly CEIHD) will manage the development of the carbon asset.
中国在户用能源使用方面存在着明显的城乡差别。尽管清洁燃烧的石油类燃料在较富裕的地区使用日益普遍,但至少50% 的用户仍然主要使用固体燃料。据世界卫生组织估计,中国每年有超过380,000人受此产生的污染而过早死亡。美国碳影响组织和中国农村能源行业协会合作研究如何缓解在中国农村使用煤等低效非清洁的固体燃料引起的健康与气候问题,并促进高效清洁户用能源技术在中国户用采暖和炊事中的应用。通过应用这些技术可以产生温室气体减排量,从而在自愿减排市场进行碳交易,为清洁能源的大范围推广提供资金的可持续保障。
该项目为自愿减排项目,已经在联合国黄金标准组织注册,现在正在进行包括新型炉灶的设计改变。目前进行的项目前期利益相关方咨询过程,是将新型的惠烽炊事烤火炉纳入该项目。该过程包括提供书面反馈意见和参加我们的项目利益相关方会议。根据自愿减排的黄金标准,我们将邀请包括普通公众在内的所有利益相关方参加咨询会,并提出对项目设计的看法和建议。 项目通过在自愿减排国际市场销售碳信用额获得的资金,在贵州推广高效清洁燃烧的生物质炊事烤火炉,从而替代低效燃烧的煤炉。该项目还会从碳交易补贴,市场营销和一个发展强有力的销售链获得收益。美国碳影响组织、中国农村能源行业协会与贵州安顺惠烽节能炉具有限责任公司合作在贵州低收入的农村地区推广改进型生物质炉灶。高效清洁燃烧的惠烽炉灶使用农作物和林业废弃物作为燃料,可以替代户用煤炭的使用,从而达到从产生的温室气体减排信用额获得资金,建立规模化推广生物质炉灶的可持续发展商业模式,同时还可以改善当地环境和农民的健康与贫困状况。
Invitation to Initial Stakeholder Consultation
Dear Sir or Madam,
We invite you to provide input to the design of a project intended to fund the dissemination of Huifeng clean and efficient semi-gasifer biomass stoves by creating and selling voluntary emissions reductions which are known also as carbon offsets. This project is the result of partnership between China Association ofRural Energy Industry (CAREI), Impact CarbonUSA,&Anshun Huifeng Energy Saving Stove CompanyLtd. and other relevant partners.
This is a voluntary emissions reduction project that has been registered to the Voluntary Gold Standard, and is now undergoing a design change to include new types of stoves.& A brief non-technical description of the project is attached to this invitation.The project is currently beginning the initial stakeholder consultation process to include new models of heating and cookingstoves, including the Huifeng stove, into the current project, which provides you with both the opportunity to provide written feedback and to join us for a stakeholder meeting. Per the Voluntary Gold Standard, we invite all stakeholders, including the general public, to provide input to our project design.
Written feedback can be provided by emailingwith direct feedback, or to request a template with which to review the project. Emails received before February20, 2012can be included in the formal stakeholder consultation process.
The meeting will be held at theHuangguoshudadao Huarong Group meeting room, Anshun City, GuizhouProvincefrom 09:00am to 12:00am on 23/02/2012.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. We look forward to receiving your comments and/or having the pleasure of meeting you in person on 23/02/2012.
Chen Xiaofu & CAREI&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&(31567)&&&&&&&
Li Hui &Anshun HuifengCompany Ltd.& (4137)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Jimmy H. Tran- Impact Carbon, USA&&&&&&(+1 415 968 9087)& &
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 利益相关方咨询会议邀请函&
&&&&&&&&& 我们诚挚的邀请您参加中国贵州惠烽生物质炉灶碳交易项目利益相关方咨询会议,希望得到您对项目设计的看法和建议。该项目通过产生减排量进行自愿碳交易来获得推广惠烽清洁高效生物质半气化炉所需资金。由中国农村能源行业协会、美国碳影响组织、贵州安顺惠烽节能炉具有限责任公司及其他相关合作方共同实施。 该项目为自愿减排项目,已经在联合国黄金标准组织注册,现在正在进行包括新型炉灶的设计改变。目前进行的项目前期利益相关方咨询过程,是将新型的惠烽炊事烤火炉纳入该项目。该过程包括提供书面反馈意见和参加我们的项目利益相关方会议。根据自愿减排的黄金标准,我们将邀请包括普通公众在内的所有利益相关方参加咨询会,并提出对项目设计的看法和建议。您可以通过发送电子邮件直接提交书面反馈,或者要求提供项目的评论格式。在日前发送的电子邮件将被计入正式的利益相关方咨询过程。
陈晓夫&中国农村能源行业协会 (31567)
李 惠&安顺惠烽节能炉具有限责任公司 (4137)
杰 米&美国碳影响组织 (+1 415 968 9087) jtran@impactcarbon.org
省农业主任 冯仕兰
安顺经贸局局长 陈之全
安顺经贸局科长 杨振刚
市林业局副局长 刘朱莲
西秀区农业局局长 田力书
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市知识产权局副局长 李素英
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市农委主任 汪德芳
市林业局局长 潘登岭
市妇联主席 李朝华
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市工商联党组书记 吴玉生
市环保局副局长 刘芝伦韩国传统地热取暖,烧灶整个屋子都很暖和,怎么回事?_百度知道


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