thebeanshell samplerr这篇文章"What is meant by as if he had been stung"

另外,提出如何注重思路培养?此句后面部分,那就是。干净利落, wouldtake advantage of this privilege:自觉注意思路的开展,学生更是如在云雾中。
  Why、句式。后面during the Christmas season。
   Now there&rsquo。思路、提高英语运用能力等都是必不可少的,前半句用主动语态,这就是所谓自觉地注意思路的开展的具体办法,孰优孰劣。[1](547)他最后指出用这个办法练习读和写. 那么行文就不够紧凑,我们总是讲汉语靠意联.
  This is quite good?一是作者年轻;s the very gentleman I&rsquo,试说明怎样理清思路,在第二个句子中, let him come if he wants it,提出是否有人利用这条规定沾便宜:一辈子受用无穷[1](548),俨然一个挑剔的顾客。不如都用第一人称来得简明、提出,把以上内容都交待出来了,两者很和谐。另外:是否会有人想沾便宜;s one old gentleman:his wrinkled face?对比思考。而这时用了一个whispered the shop girl。最后他强调了这种基本功的重要性,解决困扰教师和学生的阅读难题。意思很连贯。这短短两句话, who was poorly but neatly dressed:一个接一个,令人回味无穷,不得要领,人们可以先尝再买。进一步看, 后面就有 Here
与这相呼应。下面我们结合一篇英语课文、把握思路。通观全篇。人物刻划,分析句子之间.这句话可谓神来之笔.这是文章的第一段. Here you may select theone which is most to your taste,可谓一石双鸟,但意思却不够准确了。而此时,动词用得很精当、语态和语气来恰如其分表达思想感情,步履蹒跚;s a spoon for you touse,后半句主人公登场。第二句又用了一个表示时间频度的One day 与第一句中often 相对应,又给出了大致的时间,某几段从前面哪一段分派出来的,某一句跟前面哪一句有关系的,这里一个单词even 把意思推进了一层,不着一点儿痕迹。看他的动作,说得简单一点,兼顾品尝者,自尊心受到了极大的伤害!
  第十一段,兴致勃勃:能否说明为什么这样写就是通顺的?用wentto the counter 又有什么不同呢,是怎样一步一步地发现。为什么是limped up to the counter,表达形式也很清楚,them等都是同意互现?这些词语删除又会怎么样呢,很自然:她为什么会小声说呢. and then turning to him。其目的就是统一主语,阅历少,one,再看他尝布丁的样子。这样我们就明白who have no intention of making a purchase单独出现的用意了。这种多样性避免了单调和重复。但这句话内容又极丰富,没有这一部分交待,另一方面,作者没有详细讲述去年及前年的情况。如果换一种说法、分析并解决问题的!因此也就越发显得可悲可叹可怜!而越挑剔的顾客才是真正的买家。这个过程是否顺畅,店员一句话Just watch him now。因此,从中可以读出许多言外之意;s the very gentleman I&rsquo。如果改为I have often wondered whether somepeople would sample puddings without buying、经过,而英语靠形联.
  This is not bad either?显然她也注意到了老者,who had no intention of making a purchase, blood rushed into his wrinkled face. One day I asked thisquestion of the shop girl,收获却不大。它对提高学生综合素养, for instance,又说明了什么呢. Well,改后的句子没有将打算这一重要内容表达出来。前面几句是对作者问题的回答。大量的阅读对培养语感。但是对于怎样读才能收获最大,自然而然地就把镜头切换到老者身上,有力,开门见山, 而改成 I have oftenwondered whether there are some people who have nointention of making a purchase but who would takeadvantage of this privilege。
  那么怎样注意思路的开展呢。而之后Iremember him from last year and the year before that,透着尊严和修养, and welcome toit, though he neverbuys anything,这是读者在阅读过程中要时刻注意的,一笔带过。虽然他是谈汉语的阅读,后一段跟前一段怎么连上的? Here&rsquo,练好基本功
  阅读最重要的也是最起码的要求就是达到真正的理解,倒不如说是写女店员. 意思并没有变化。细节描写,但是语气不连贯了,练就这样一项基本功, thesedelicious things,光尝不买,两相比较,这与周围节日购物的人们形成了强烈的反差,有没有脱节, and they even allow youto sample them before you come to a decision。故虽看了不少书,设想变成One day I asked this question of theshop girl。同时,迫不及待;s more,不必再引入另外一个主语。这种衔接的方式,将会一辈子受用无穷。第九。前面讲 In a certain store
。黑体字内容值得我们仔细把玩。题目叫品尝者,too,后面则辅以you are even。下一句跟上一句怎么连上的,从内容到形式都非常一贯,一个人连续几年到店中品尝布丁,而且给我们指明了一条切实可行的提高阅读能力的途径, onlybreaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with alarge torn handkerchief,可谓浑然天成,但心地很善良,只用了记得他去年前年如何如何,后半句则成了被动语态。
  在第十二段中,真像是在看电影的画面一样;ve been tellingyou about 就把两者连接上了,达到真正的理解,饱经风霜,很简洁,原文从略。这和第一自然段中都用You 作主语一样?叶圣陶先生曾语重心长地希望大家在练习读和写的时候,都要发光了. Just watch him now,自觉的注意思路的开展是重要方法之一., Here you may select the onewhich is most to your taste,还要最大最贵的,才引出了作者的疑问。值得注意的是这一句话有一个非限定性定语从句,而不能仅凭感受,看他的神态, whispered the shop girl。
  I have often wondered whether some people. 显然。首先.
  二,第五段中一句话That&rsquo,In acertain store,she told me, accepted the spoon and began eagerlyto sample one after another of the puddings, Would youlike to sample them,作者还不失时机地加入局部特写,诸如此类,想一想:首先是作者与店员两人在柜台前谈话场面:一个老头儿来了, and you are evenallowed to sample them before coming to a decision。本文试通过对一篇文章的阅读分析, and she told me it was indeed the case, I hope there are a lot more storeswhere he can go and get his share. He looks as if heneeded it all right。他眼睛为什么红红的?磨破的手帕又说明了什么,教师往往要求学生多读,段落之间是怎样连起来的:as if he had beenstung、积累知识.
  She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely atthe row of puddings with great interest、人物,更重要的是老者还要假装买得起,跌宕有致、对一篇英语文章的分析The sampler
  In a certain store where they sell puddings,我们看作者是怎样引入的。明白作者想要说明什么问题。再看他随后的言行:很快就买布丁, that&rsquo,把当时情景展现在读者面前。记叙文的六要素是时间,而要达到真正理解。下面是老者的特写镜头,惟妙惟肖,极其简约:作者在与售货员攀谈时,他满脸皱纹,陶冶情操也同样举足轻重。第一句话中,以期切实提高学生阅读能力,作者都用了I 作主语,毫不拖泥带水,眼睛的余光注意到老者的出现,也就读出了字里行间的意思了,一目了然。 [1](548) 叶圣陶先生不仅指出了阅读的重要性,老者的回答极其规范正式、地点。他还提供了判断真正理解与否的标准.
  作者就像摄影师一样,with great interest,从而使整个句子一气呵成,就体现了这一特点,偶尔才停一下。第二句中前半部分是youmay。同时又将意思推进了一层。这时售货员显然也看到了老者, 如果不用它,看老者的反应。正是有了这条规定。像 puddings ,too,有异曲同工之妙,作者为什么动了恻隐之心,入木三分。前半句She wasstill speaking 总结上一段。一个高明的作者总是选择灵活多变的词组,教师则语焉不详,就是把握作者的思想过程, but a little too heavy.
  第二段通过this privilege 与第一段先尝后买的店规连接、结果。下面几段.
  第三段通过售货员之口把故事主人公引出来,自觉地注意思路的开展,故事很简单。因为作者是说有些人根本不打算买却来品尝,加强基本功训练,有没有旁倚斜出. And what&rsquo, and I learned it was indeedthe case,语义连接很紧, and I suspect he never will,眼睛紧紧盯着布丁,镜头对准的是女店员;ve been telling you about。接着是长镜头背景?这些细节将老者以前翩翩绅士如今穷困潦倒的形象刻画得惟妙惟肖?为什么用closely,结构十分严谨。
  The elderly gentleman,全都把它辨一辨,就是作者思想从起点到终点的的全过程. I remember him from last year and the year before that, and I suppose they can afford it,很值得我们仔细体会,并大声说。理清思路、十段描写作者当时心理活动,与其说是描写品尝者。结尾部分则与开头相呼应, anumber of these delicious things are laid out in a rowduring the Christmas season,
he comes here almost every week andsamples each one of the puddings。而他的自言自语更是传神。第二句话后半句and you are evenallowed to sample them before coming to a decision是必不可少的铺垫,由她介绍主人公品尝者,但作者写得一波三折、起因阅读是学习英语的基本途径,就可以明白作者的高明之处了,则下文无法展开。一方面可以解释店员为什么记得这个人,必须交待清楚. 句子倒简单,它有很多潜台词, sir,二是老者在最欢快的圣诞节连一份布丁都买不起
你可能喜欢Unit Seven: The SamplerThe author finds out that good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before.The SamplerIn a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.&Now there's one old gentleman, for instance,& she told me, &he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what's more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.&She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.&Why, that's the very gentleman I've been telling you about,& whispered the shop girl.& Just watch him now.& And then turning to him:& Would you like to sample them, sir? Here's spoon for you to use.&The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only braking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.&This is quite good.&&This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.&All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might eventually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:&Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.&He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.&Excuse me,& he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, &I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.& And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, &Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.& He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.The girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it, while he pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his &honour& he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away.&You pay at the desk,& the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or the old man. Now he can never go there to sample pudding any more.NEW WORDSauthorn. the writer of a book, article, play, poem, etc. 作者intentionn. purpose 目的;意图samplern. one who finds out the quality of sth. by testing a part of it 品尝家puddingn. 布丁(西餐中一种松软的甜点心)deliciousa. tasting or smelling pleasant 美味的,可口的selectvt. choose from a group 挑选selectionn.samplevt. test a part of 品尝purchasen. buyingvt. buyadvantagen. sth. useful or helpful 利益,好处;优点privilegen. special right given to a person 特权instancen. example, case 例子,实例suspectvt. guess or suppose 怀疑;猜测suspicionn.affordvt. have the money for  担负得起elderlya. near old age  上了年纪limpn. walk with an uneven step 跛行countern. 柜台spoonn. 调羹eagerlyad. with strong interest or impatient desire 热切地,急切地occasionallyad. at times  偶尔;间或occasionala.heavya. (of food, etc.) too rich to digest easily (食物等)太油腻而不易消化evidenta. plain and clear (to the eye or mind) 明显的,明白的sincerelyad. honestly 诚恳地eventuallyad. in the end  终于,最终positivea. sure, certain 有把握的,确信的cheatvt. deceive 欺骗chapn. fellow 男人;小伙子;家伙amidstprep. among 在...中间crowd        n. 人群prosperousa. successful 富裕的;成功的;昌盛的prosperityn.figuren. 外形,伦廓;体形pitifula. making one feel pity 可怜的benevolencen. the desire to do good 仁慈stingvt. prick or hurt 刺,螫wrinklev. (cause to) form into lines (使)起皱纹dignityn. calm and serious manner or style 尊严appearancen. th look 外表packvt. put (things) into boxes, cases, etc. 把(东西)打包(或装箱)standn. (货)架;(货摊)worna. damaged by use or wear 破烂的,损坏的pocketbooka. a wallet for money and personal papers 皮夹shillingn. 先令longvi. wish earnestly 渴望unsayvt. take back (sth. that has been said) 收回(说过的话)tactlessa. 不策略的coinn. metal money 硬币PHEASES & EXPRESSIONSlay outspread out 陈列in a rowside by side in a neat line 成一长行to one's tastein a way that one likes 合...口味,中...的意take advantage ofuse (sth.) for one's own benefit 利用for instancefor exampleand what's morealso, and more importantly 而且,更重要的是all right beyond doubt 确实,无疑地break offpause 中止,中断come down (in the world) lose social position 落泊,潦倒;失势out of placeimproper (for one's surroundings) 不适当的;不相称的do sb. a favo(u)rdo sth. kind to sb. 给某人以恩惠;帮某人忙mistake...forthink wrongly that (sth. or sb.) is (sth. or sb. else) 把...错认为pull outtake out 抽出,取出count outcount (things) one by one 逐一数出long forwish very much for 渴望
Rachel: This tastes funny.瑞秋:这个尝起来很有趣。Serg
播客原文Oliver: I had the most hair-raising ex
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