
1.白雪公主自己一个人在大森林里走着,走着。她又冷又饿。 于是,她找到一棵大树,蹲在大树底下,从兜里面掏出一根火柴。 “嚓“的一声划着了火柴想暖和暖和自己的小手。突然她看见了奇异的幻象,旁边的树都燃着火焰!她用手摸了摸树,天啦!这不是幻象,是火柴把树点燃了!她赶紧跑,跑得越来越远……当她跑到一棵树下时,蹲下,睡着了。2.后妈,你怎么了?为什么表情这么奇怪?难道是买的股票下跌了?不会吧?!我的钱可全都买了网络股票了!这下惨了!3.从此以后,白雪公主生活在小矮人家里,直到一天……
1.白雪公主自己一个人在大森林里走着,走着。她又冷又饿。 于是,她找到一棵大树,蹲在大树底下,从兜里面掏出一根火柴。 “嚓“的一声划着了火柴想暖和暖和自己的小手。突然她看见了奇异的幻象,旁边的树都燃着火焰!她用手摸了摸树,天啦!这不是幻象,是火柴把树点燃了!她赶紧跑,跑得越来越远……当她跑到一棵树下时,蹲下,睡着了。1. Snow White was walking alone in the big forest feeling cold and hungry. So, she sat down underneath a large tree. She took out a match from her pocket and lighted it to warm her little hands. Suddenly, she had a strange vision, all the trees around her were on fire! She touched the tree with her hand, oh God! This the tree was really ignited by the match! Quickly she scurried away, further and further……… 2.后妈,你怎么了?为什么表情这么奇怪?难道是买的股票下跌了?不会吧?!我的钱可全都买了网络股票了!这下惨了!2. “Stepmother, what’s wrong with you? Why do you look so strange? Is it the stock market crashes? Oh no, I have put all my money on the network stocks! I’m in big trouble! (或者 I will lose my shirt!)
”3.从此以后,白雪公主生活在小矮人家里,直到一天……3. Snow White lived ever after in the dwarfs’ home, until one day…………..【英语牛人团】
1. The Snow White princess on large forest walk and walk on. She was cold and hungry. So, she found a big tree, squat down in the big tree, from my pocket face took out a match. &Cha& with a match struck the warm to own small hand. Suddenly she saw a singular vision, next to the tree is burning with fire! With her hand touched the tree, the day! This is not an illusion, the tree is a match lit up! She hurriedly run, run faster and far......
When she ran to a tree, ducks, and fell asleep.
2. The empress mama, what happened to you? Why so strange expression? Don't be buy shares fell? Can't? ! My money can buy all the network stock! This is terrible!
The Snow White princess on large forest walk and walk on. She was cold and hungry. So, she found a big tree, squat down in the big tree, from my pocket face took out a match. &Cha& with a match struck the warm to own small hand. Suddenly she saw a singular vision, next to the tree is burning with fire! With her hand touched the tree, the day! This is not an illusion, the tree is a match lit up! She hurriedly run, run faster and far......
Empress mama, what happened to you? Why so strange expression? Don't be buy shares fell? Can't? ! My money can buy all the network stock! This is terrible!
Since then, the Snow White princess live in small dwarf home...
1 snow white herself a man walking in the forest, walk. She was cold and hungry. Then, she found a tree, sitting under a tree, from the inside pocket and pulled out a match. &Kill& a sound struck a match to warm her fingers. Suddenly she saw a strange illusion, beside the tree burning flame! She stroked the tree, day! This is not an illusion, the tree is lit match! She run, run farther and farther ... ... When she ran into a tree, squat, asleep. 2the stepmother, do you? Why look so strange? Is buying stocks down? That won't happen, will it. I have all the money to buy shares in the network! This is terrible! 3 henceforth, the snow white princess living...
1.Snow White herself a man walking in the forest, walk. She was cold and hungry. Then, she found a tree, sitting under a tree, from the inside pocket and pulled out a match. &Kill& a sound struck a match to warm her fingers. Suddenly she saw a strange illusion, beside the tree burning flame! She stroked the tree, day! This is not an illusion, the tree is lit match! She run, run farther and farther ... ...2.stepmother, do you? Why look so strange? Is buying stocks down? That won't happen, will it. I have all the money to buy shares in the network! This is terrible!3.From then on, the snow white princess living in the dwarf home, until one day ... ...
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High content of fluoride solution &high-fluoride solution&
high-fluoride.jpg : Originally posted by mac194 at
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high-fluoride.jpg 太感谢了!!! : Originally posted by mac194 at
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出门在外也不愁求翻译有关清明节的英语作文,急急急在线等(我给中文,高手请负责翻译) 上一周就是清明节,那一天我们清早就动身准备登山祭祖,我们需要带足够的水和食物,雨具和防晒用品,还有_百度作业帮
求翻译有关清明节的英语作文,急急急在线等(我给中文,高手请负责翻译) 上一周就是清明节,那一天我们清早就动身准备登山祭祖,我们需要带足够的水和食物,雨具和防晒用品,还有
求翻译有关清明节的英语作文,急急急在线等(我给中文,高手请负责翻译) 上一周就是清明节,那一天我们清早就动身准备登山祭祖,我们需要带足够的水和食物,雨具和防晒用品,还有一些为墓地除草的工具,我们还要在墓前点上蜡烛,烧上香,供上鸡肉和猪肉,还有茶水。很显然这些东西最后都要落入我们的腹中。最后一步是放爆竹,这些程序都是简单而又繁琐的。到了午后时分,竟然下起了暴雨,雨滴熄灭蜡烛,我们在无奈之下只能缩短祭拜时间,匆忙且狼狈的逃离山上。这就是我清明节的一天,匆忙而又充实!
不会,你上几年级呀英语翻译,急!在线等答案Most of this interest in other nations and places is good if it goes deep enough.We need to know more. If we can keep our heads on our shoulders, the wider knowledge and experience which are coming will help the world _百度作业帮
英语翻译,急!在线等答案Most of this interest in other nations and places is good if it goes deep enough.We need to know more. If we can keep our heads on our shoulders, the wider knowledge and experience which are coming will help the world
英语翻译,急!在线等答案Most of this interest in other nations and places is good if it goes deep enough.We need to know more. If we can keep our heads on our shoulders, the wider knowledge and experience which are coming will help the world to better days. The earth seems to be getting smaller because men's experience is getting wider.All sorts of new ways of living and new ways of doing things have come to us in the last fiffty years.Stranger things are coming .Men can today travel through space to the moon, though only a very small number of them have done so.The price is too high for most countries to send even one man there for the present.
楼主你的题目 急急急!!哈哈在线等题目
额 那我也来赚两分问一句楼主你的题呢?


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