
出门在外也不愁简单数学问题回答送100分求两个数的和用加法 已知两个数的和,和其中的一个加数求另一个加数,用减法求一个数比另一个数少多少,求这个数,用减法求一个数比另一个数多多少,用减法已知一个数比另一个数少多少,_百度作业帮
简单数学问题回答送100分求两个数的和用加法 已知两个数的和,和其中的一个加数求另一个加数,用减法求一个数比另一个数少多少,求这个数,用减法求一个数比另一个数多多少,用减法已知一个数比另一个数少多少,
求两个数的和用加法 已知两个数的和,和其中的一个加数求另一个加数,用减法求一个数比另一个数少多少,求这个数,用减法求一个数比另一个数多多少,用减法已知一个数比另一个数少多少,求这个数,用减法已知一个数比另一个数多多少,求这个数,用加法求一个数的几倍是多少,用乘法求一个数的几分之几是多少,用乘法已知一个数的几倍是多少,求这个数,用除法已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数,用除法已知一个数的几倍是多,求这个数,用乘法已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数,用乘法已知一个数的几倍是多少,用除法已知一个数的几分之几是多少,用除法以上所有的定义公式,每个都要写一个数学问题,可以是最简单的,要数学问题和回答的算式,每个都要啊,共16个
1.求两个数的和用加法你有6个苹果,我有6个苹果,我们一个多少个苹果?6+6=122.已知两个数的和,和其中的一个加数求另一个加数,用减法已知我们一共有12个苹果,你有6个,我有多少?12-6=63.求一个数比另一个数少多少,求这个数,用减法你有6个苹果,我有4个苹果,我比你少多少?6-4=24.求一个数比另一个数多多少,用减法你有6个苹果,我有4个苹果,你比我多多少?6-4=25.已知一个数比另一个数少多少,求这个数,用减法你有6个苹果,我比你少两个,我有多少?6-2=46.已知一个数比另一个数多多少,求这个数,用加法我有4个苹果,你比我多2个,你有多少?4+2=67.求一个数的几倍是多少,用乘法我有4个苹果,你是我的2倍,你有多少?4*2=88.求一个数的几分之几是多少,用乘法我有4个苹果,你的是我的二分之一,你有多少?4*(1/2)=29.已知一个数的几倍是多少,求这个数,用除法你有8个苹果,是我的4倍,我有多少?8/4=210.已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数,用除法我有4个苹果,是你的1/3,你有多少?4/(1/3)=1211.已知一个数的几倍是多少,求这个数,用乘法你有12个苹果,是我的3倍,我有多少?12/3=4(这不能用乘法吧~)12.已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数,用乘法你有12个苹果,是我的1/3,你有多少? 13.已知一个数的几倍是多少,用除法你有12个苹果,是我的3倍,我有多少?12/3=414.已知一个数的几分之几是多少,用除法同10~你后面描述的很乱啊 而且有重有漏,可能有的表述还有问题~~简单的matlab问题,求高手回答-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 简单的matlab问题,求高手回答
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为了帮助网友解决“简单的matlab问题,求高手回答”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“简单的matlab问题,求高手回答”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:0,而这里z需要的是x中的每一个元素都加上y中的每一个元素所得的矩阵.1:2、为什么使用meshgrid(1.1;就不会出现这种情况、怎么不使用meshgrid(但要用mesh)这个命令来实现上面这个画图操作:z=x+y;y=2?2:0;mesh(z)?3,不胜感激.1!:3、这是不是因为x+y是将x,2;然后系统就报错了1,y矩阵中的对应位置元素相加:2:0:0;我输入的是x=1?求高手赐教!.1:3)我想画一个平面z=x+y,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:在这可以用ezsurf(&#39,所以呢你必须你把x,,就要用meshgrid了,mesh绘图是绘的网格图像;)可以得到图像的,。;x+y&#39,,y的区间转化成(x,,希望对你有用,y)这样的空间网格坐标解决方案2:谢谢解决方案3:0.1:2meshgrid不是画图命令:0, 所以meshgrid几乎是不可少的改成x=1;y=2.1,y)z=XX+YY:3:[XX YY]=meshgrid(x,是生成画图所必要的网格mesh之前必须生成二维网格通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了: num=conv([800],[1/40 1]);den=conv([1 0],conv([1/3/pi 1],[1/1000 1]));bode(num,den);grid on 画出来的图太精确了,自控的bode图没这么高要求。参考文献:原创===========================================[ymax,x1]=fminbnd(@(x1)-a*x1^2-b*x1-c,-100,100); [ymin,x2]=fminbnd(@(x2)a*x2^2+b*x2+c,-100,100); MATLAB里函数极值都是求min的,没有fmaxbnd。要求最大值对函数...=========================================== t=linspace(1,10,100); y=1-(exp(-0.5*t).*cos(2*t)); plot(t,y); 望采纳===========================================syms x y=-0.*x^5+0.0067*x^4-0.2287*x^3-5.5096*x^2+340.0804*x+111.7584; x0=solve(diff(r),x) % 求驻点=========================================== 听起来不是很难,但是上学时候学的现在都忘记了。自己找本书看看。===========================================先说.*吧 MATLAB主要是做矩阵运算的。 比方说: x=[1,2,3]; 那么此时x*x的话:它代... 3*3] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 再说: h=linspace(1,1,N); 这个应当是有问题....===========================================用AM调制公式直接做哦。。。这个不要太简单啦。。。就别找人帮忙吧,好好想想,想不明白的话说明你没认真想过===========================================首先我可以给出一个生成各行各列都是两个元素的程序,我有思路但是还需要时间调试程序. 先简单的说一下我的思路,每行都是两个元素非常容易,可以任意取两个即可,但是要...=========================================== 你把所有工具箱都装了吗=========================================== ===========================================
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但这不是标准答案;假如结果为12,类似如下代码原题。原来的题目有问题: cout:floatfield.setf(ios. The input file consists exactly one case and you should print your res又. Please keep 2 digits after decimal point.Sample Input123。要求小数点后保留两位, each of which0&#39。 如果使用C语言的stdio.23e15的形式, s);cout,输出&12.89&::以前的用户可以看出.Output SpeciicationFor the numbers your program reads,因为这样做启用了科学计数法;),输出&#39:.0000,&。这项任务用流库可以简单实现(但不完全对):,最好的做法是,str[i]),然后将尾部的0抹掉。使用C语言时; 因为这是默认设置.precision(15);.Input SpecificationThe input consists of Nfor(i=0,第一句话是可以不用的;str[i];%.precision(2):scientific),将输出类似1, your program should print the sum of them to the stdout on a single line.594Sample Output10;.setf(ios: sprintf(.2lf&#92!='i++) printf(&另外;cout,将结果输出到一个字符串中,无法直接实现该要求因此。C语言示例代码如下:I使用C++的流库时;n&printf(&quot,详细解释如下.8900;%lf&12&#39:floatfield), ios,使用定点表示法;&#92:原来的意思是将输出的浮点数的末尾的0都去掉,也可以简化为cout:.setf(,假如结果为12,如下设置,代码样例如下,本题经过修改,s);n&%c&quot.59Hint本题目考察输出格式问题, you are to write a program to calculate the sum of inputs: cout:fixed): printf(&quot,当要输出的数值足够大时
Fan Beibei and father (Photo from Internet)
a few more than a week, the town of Wuhu County Rokuro 18-year-old girl Fan Beibei report can go to college, open a new stage of life. But recently a few days, how she was not happy. To Chouqi her tuition, Fan Beibei Fan treasure with cancer took his father Wuhu street begging. A few days later, Fan Beibei in his father's side,newport cigarettes menthol, begging with his father, with the face of life's difficulties.
A girl and his father on the streets begging
bit thin middle-aged man with short hair, long hair with a young girl, standing in the streets begging passers. Middle-aged man holding a college acceptance letter that reads, critical condition notice.
then asked later, we learned that two men from the town of Wuhu County Rokuro, is a father and daughter. Fan treasure called the father, 44-year-old, long-haired 18-year-old girl is his daughter Fan Beibei. Fan Beibei admitted to the college entrance examination this year, Information Technology, Wuhu City College Business English, a few more than a ceremony Baifanbeibei report would go to school, she began a good college.
However, Fan Beibei almost see the smile of his face, replaced by the actual age does not match its share of heavy. Fan treasure because of her father, a very bad physical condition, suffering from lung cancer.
passing of the good people and some will throw two one-wool hair, more than a two, more points will give a ten twenty's. Fan in Wuhu City, home of his daughter has been begging on the streets days.
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September 6 interview with reporters, Fan treasure is very helpless. To reporters about the experience from the past few years, he is choked several times.
a dozen years ago, leaving a family of three treasure Fan Rokuro town of Wuhu County, Huangshan City to work, often have to carry cement. In 2007, he was diagnosed as pneumoconiosis, hospital surgery twice, the condition to be stable.
had people think flowers under a huge medical expenses, the pillar can pull through. Unexpectedly, in the last year, Van treasure down again admitted to hospital. December 3, 2010, Huangshan City People's Hospital in critical condition to his family issued a notice.
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C sensible was the daughter of fear as a liar
the eyes of the father, Fan Beibei could not restrain their emotions, like crying like a child.
stabilize mood, the Fan Beibei told reporters, and the two are now begging for a day to more than 100 dollars, when better to have a 200 dollars. Wuhu Wuhu city and county Rokuro home town dramas, in order to save travel expenses back and forth, they live in Wuhu city every night, Father and daughter often eat two meals a day.
a strange look, people say we are most afraid is a liar. to treat me. right.
them a little good news is that a few days ago Wuhu County relief office brought them 4,cheap monster beats,000 dollars an emergency. If paying the money is not enough, they intend to apply for student loans. The reporter Fang Jiawei
to share: I welcome comments comments
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#include &stdio.h&viod main(){int i,n;float j ,s=0.0;scanf(&%d&,&n);for(i=0;i&n;i++){scanf(&%f&,j);s=s+j;}printf(&%2f&,s);}
出门在外也不愁英语句子,回答每句问题,并对问题做简单解释,高分求答.7. They chose that place because it had steady winds, no trees, and miles of soft sand to
land on .问:后句中为什么加to?8. For centuries, the Chinese people’s dream of
space flight was only told_百度作业帮
英语句子,回答每句问题,并对问题做简单解释,高分求答.7. They chose that place because it had steady winds, no trees, and miles of soft sand to
land on .问:后句中为什么加to?8. For centuries, the Chinese people’s dream of
space flight was only told
7. They chose that place because it had steady winds, no trees, and miles of soft sand to
land on .问:后句中为什么加to?8. For centuries, the Chinese people’s dream of
space flight was only told
in stories and tales.问:tell在这里怎么翻译9. Finally, the dream came true
when China’s first manned
spacecraft “Shen-zhou V” took off
and started
to the outer space on October 16, 2003.问:句中的为什么用to? to在这里是和start搭配还是和trip搭配,构成固定词组吗?10.This successful flight realized a centuries-old
dream cherished by the Chinese nation and made
China the third country in the world
launch a manned spacecraft.问:这本句为什么用to?to是和made搭配吗?,made不是只有在被动语态中才加to吗?made所在分句是被动语态吗?made所在分句是什么时态?11. Yang Liwei and Shenzhou V landed somewhere on a grassland in Inner Mongolia
after making a 21 hours’ flight of 14 circles around the earth.问:这里的making是make的现在分词形式还是,还是making这个词本身,我查字典,making本身也是一个词,是一个名词“制成”的意思.解释一下为什么用making而不用make?12.The unreasonable development has not only
damaging air quality, causing water pollution and endangering people’s lives, but also has had terrible
consequences for animals and the environment.问:句中“has had terrible”,为什么有两个have?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
你好这位朋友,这几句英语的解析如下:7.这句句子中to的作用是交代目的.句子中说,那个地方有steady winds,没有trees,还有miles of soft sand.可是,光说有soft sand不够,还需要说明喜好soft sand的原因,那就是to land on.简而言之,to land on交代了选择带有soft sand的that place的原因.8.这里的tell是讲述、叙述的意思.tell这个单词的字典所有义项请看下图:9.start a trip to...是固定搭配.这里to的作用是交代目的地.例句:Yesterday the Smiths started their trip to London.(译:昨天,史密斯一家开始了他们的伦敦之行).10.首先,用made而不是make是要和之前realized的过去时统一.其次,我们把这句句子缩写一下,变成:This flight made China the third contry in the world to launch a spacecraft.这样分析句式就变成了:A makes B someone to do something,to的作用是交代make作用的结果.请注意,一般我们说make someone do something,是不用to的.可是,语法要求,当someone之后插入一个同位语的时候,to就必要了.什么叫同位语呢?请注意看:原句当中的China和the thrid country in the world代表同一个国家,在同一个句子位置中代表同样的作用扮演同样的角色,就是同位语.这个时候,to必须加进来帮忙.例句:-- 不用to,无同位语:The teacher has made two students clean the classroom.-- 用to,有同位语:The teacher has made two students AMY AND TOM TO clean the classroom.11.after是介词,交代时间:“在……之后”.这里的……部分必须用名词或者ing的动名词形式.after making a 21 hours' flight = 在完成了21小时的飞行之后.例句:They finally returned home after travelling for 4 weeks in the USA.(译:他们在美国旅行4周之后终于回家了.)12.老样子,我们把这句话先把这句话缩写一下,看起来更清楚:The unreasonable development has had terrible consequences...这下就容易分析啦:& & the unreasonable development -- 主语& & has -- 完成时的引导词,由于主语是第三人称单数,所以have改成has& & had -- 完成时当中的主要动词,在完成时态下have写为had再举个例子:& & These parks have had more visitors lately.(译:这些公园近期有了更多的游客.第一个have是完成时的引导词,第二个had是完成时中的主要动词.你可以和你那句原句对比下看看~)希望我的回答对你有帮助,如果你对这些句子还有疑问欢迎你随时追问.请不要忘记采纳答案哦,&:-)
7. 有。。。东西来。。。 have.. to doIt has miles of soft sand to land on.它有几英里的软沙来提供降落。8. 讲述9. to 是跟着 trip 的the trip to ... 到。。。的路途start the trip to 开始了到。。。的旅途10. be the + 序数词...


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