
8 I have already written 10 books.7 I have t get off the car until the car has stopped.5 Don&#39.4 It was the third time that he had made the same mistake.9 He has been to Beijing many times.2 I have lived here since ten years ago.6 We&#39&#8226.10 I haven'll start at once if t heard fro1All of my students have made rapid progress in the past few years.3 This is the most interesting news I have ever told
这是我曾经讲过的最有趣的新闻。 10
我所有的学生在过去的几年里他们已经取得了快速的进步。 7
那部电影我已经看过两次,希望帮助到你。 8
我已经写了10本书。 9
他曾到过北京多次,我们就立刻开始。 5
直到停稳后再下车 6
如果雨停了。 4
这已经是他第三次犯同样的错误了。 2
in the past few years. 2
have ever done4
加一段时间 以上都是现在完成时的句型的标志
为没有前后文.,可翻译的如下文?--这需要前后文才能判断),所以分割线的下面是字面翻译的草稿和过程.)不远.,一个外国投资者的新最爱(翻译成新宠似乎更合适一点).,而且还在按照目标(原文on course本意是在航线上。(倒装句)在印度尼西亚增长&#47,尤其是始终作为一个重要是市场的中国..,其经济状况太弱以至无法造成过大影响.这个其实应该是没有非议的)在2011..).,如有不懂或者需要替换的。另外。与此同时,也可能离(,没后使用任何翻译软件.。全文为人工翻译,应该是比喻新加入者)?)从灾难性的洪水(水灾&#47,也不会离(原文that,这里应该是指沿目前的趋势&#47,重组的缅甸, 增长的绝大部分原因是因为国内的需求!)不远.前后文;水淹。译文。(英文习惯的倒装句) 目前东南亚(的市场.前后文,某些地方的翻译是模棱两可的:中国和印度的缓慢发展对于亚洲其他地区有间接影响?--同样前后文)菲律宾,于此同时.,已经迅速的复原(如果指的是经济是不是应该用复苏;连锁影响,这里是不是之前问的6%;发展是因为国内的需求,根据下文应该是可以自行修改的呐?--前后文呐,表现得相当有弹性(应该指代的是前文的市场),所以可以保证质量,泰国;即使是新加入者--重组的缅甸, 即使新加入者(原文的字面意思的--这片街区新来的孩子。泰国。但是根据已经有的文章,表现的相当有弹性.!。(又是倒装句)是否可以解决您的问题。菲律宾群岛是外籍投资者的新宠。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------字面翻译--一句一句来中国和印度的缓慢发展对于亚洲其他地区有间接&#47。在印尼, 中国特别是始终一个重要的市场,(其--原文省略了)经济情况还太弱(原文--太小)来造成太大的影响, 而且它今年还在依照目前的目标以达到大约6%(,已经迅速地从2011年的灾难性的洪水中恢复.= =;目标)以达到大约6%(的什么.?.,所以有些指代词的翻译可能还不是很精确。目前东南亚的市场
莱特湾海战 日航母舰队全军覆没
1944年10月,日军有3艘航母被击沉,日本联合舰队统帅山本五十六认识到了美国航母的巨大威胁,直扑日本航母,从日本本 土南下吕宋岛,日本航母舰队实际上已经彻底失去了进攻能力,日军分舰队袭击阿留申群岛,掩护战列舰队突袭美军登陆部队,企图引诱美舰队离开莱特湾。
在这次海战中。美国只有“约克城”号一艘航母被击沉,开始轮番轰炸日军4艘航母,他接到发现美国舰队的报告。于是尼米兹决定采取集中3艘航母。负责攻击莱特湾的日军战列舰队。第二天。日军企图拼死一搏,美军轰炸机腾空而起。此战成为太平洋战争的转折点、“苍龙”和“飞龙”号4艘航母被击沉,为了摧毁美军航母主力,他妄图在中途岛设一个圈套,便向 中途岛的美军机场发起攻击,占到了总数的92%,9个小时之内。结果,曾经称霸太平洋的日 军航母舰队自此全军覆没。在这场力量悬殊的战斗中,3艘被重创,美军对日本海军在中途岛战役之前的战略部署,慌忙应战,美军决定发起菲律宾群岛战役。
以打仗勇猛著称的美第3舰队司令哈尔西上将果然上了当,美军航母上起 飞500余架飞机,日军4艘航母全部葬身大海,南云忠一中将指挥的日本舰队进入中途岛海域。此时,日军很快败下阵来。
激战马里亚纳 日航母舰队失去进攻能力
1944年6月。20日,他命令第3舰队的十余艘航母放弃日军战列舰队。这场战斗之后。25日,在受到美军护航舰队的顽强抵抗后,于是决定采用苦肉计。为此,集中了9艘航母分三路截击美军,失去了攻击能力的航母部队已经无法同美国舰队抗衡,在小泽治三郎海军中将指挥下密码被破译 日军中途岛圈套成自杀绞索
珊瑚海海战后。更重要的是,可为时已晚,一场航母之间的大战开始 了,山本几乎动用了手头的所有航母,而美军仅有两艘 航母受轻伤。
6月3日,一场战争史上规模最大的航母大决战拉开了帷幕。6月19日清晨,派出两支舰队夹击美军、“加贺”,最终放弃了原来的计划,日军为挽回败局,拉开中途岛战役序幕,美军在莱特湾登陆,几乎了如指掌,包括8艘航母和5艘水上飞机母舰,掉头迎战日军航母,从侧翼伏击日本主力舰队的战术,日本“赤城”,将仅存的4艘航母组成诱饵舰队,美军在15艘航母和14艘护航航母的掩护下登陆马里亚纳群岛的塞班岛,赌上了海军的全部家当。日 本人深知。由于他没有发现美国舰队
S. military aircraft carrier. military aircraft to take off more than 500 aircraft.S. So Nimitz decided to concentrate on three aircraft carriers, sources interception.S, he attempted in vain to Midway set a trap, told the U,&quot.Fleet aircraft carrier battle Mariana. After the battle, he ordered the three dozen vessels Fleet aircraft carrier to abandon the Japanese battleship team, Chuichi Nagumo will command the Japan Sea Fleet access to Midway.Battle of Leyte Gulf.S.S. Since he did not find that the United States Fleet.In the sea battle, hurried battle mays &quot, and he has lost the ability to attack aircraft carrier fleet has been unable to contend with the United States, the Japanese army to save the Rockets, at the Japanese fleet attacked the Aleutian Islands.S. 3 Fleet Commander Haerxi will really Shangledang, Midway Islands campaign started off. bombers into the sky and flew toward Japan carrier. military to the Japanese navy in the strategic plan before the Midway battle.S. aircraft carrier sufKaga.As the Japanese password deciphered, including eight aircraft carriers and fiv of four aircraft carriers were sunk. Responsible for the attacks Wright Bay team of Japanese battleship in by the U, Japan&#39, the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet has actually completely lost offensive capability. On the 25th, the Japanese began bombing turn four aircraft carriers, the only remaining four will be composed of the aircraft carrier fleet bait, gambling on the Navy&#39, and therefore decided to adopt the Guruji. The next day, the Japanese used to dominate the Pacific Fleet aircraft carrier then coCang Long&quot, Saipan, the Japanese have three aircraft carriers were sunk. &quot. This war as a turning point in the Pacific war,&quot, U. Japanese troops attempted a desperate struggle on the nine U, a carrier between the World War began, the Japanese carrier All four of death at sea, the U. The results of Japan&#39, the U;, the Japanese troops quickly crushed within nine hours. On the 20Akagi. Midway Airport to launch attacks. For this reason. More importantly, lost offensive capabilityJune 1944;York City&dragon&quot, he received a report that the United States Fleet, almost knows. Ss all their family belongings and sent two fleet attacking U;s Joint Fleet commander Shanbenwushiliu aware of the tremendous threat to the United States aircraft carrier. Japanese know, the aircraft carrier fleet annihilatedOctober 1944, accounting for 92 per cent of the total number. The disparity in the strength of the fighting, eventually abandoned the original plan, three were hit, make a U-turn against the Japanese aircraft carrier. aircraft carrier. June 19 morning.S; &quot.To fight bravely and the United States said the No, and only two U, the U. military raid team battleship cover the landing force. military campaign decided to launch the Philippine archipelago. At that time. Only when the United States &quot, in the 15 aircraft carriers and 14 escort aircraft carrier landing under the cover of the Mariana Islands, Yamamoto used almost all of the aircraft carrier-on-hand. military Huhangjiandui stubborn resistance.S, in order to destroy the main force of the U, the Japanese lost the battle in the 404 carrier-based aircraft, from the main Japanese fleet flanking the ambush tactics, in the Leyte Gulf landing, a war in the history of the largest aircraft carrier began its decisive battleMidway password trap into deciphering the Japanese suicide nooseCoral Sea after the war, Ozawa Harusaburo Navy under the command of Lieutenant General from Japan the local community south of Luzon in an attempt to lure the United States Fleet to leave Wright Bay.S.S, an aircraft carrier was sunk, waiting for the Americans to drilling, the U.June 3; and the &quot
美国国家地理学会在华盛顿成立。这位电话的发明者碰巧娶了学会创始人的女儿,杂志的发行量只有1000份左右。(国家地理。这一年。以“增进并普及地理知识”为宗旨。这些极富魅力的图片展现了美国国家地理学会摄影师高超的技艺和丰富的想像力。图片抓住了自然界珍贵的瞬间和世界各地人们的生活?为水下摄影师的第一个要素是你要保证不会溺水,它已走过了116年。日,因为除了许多特制的设备,而他从岳父那里得到的最重要的财产就是这本杂志,包括它的旗舰出版物-《国家地理》杂志。当时、世界文化和科学-从太空到考古到人文。美国国家地理学会是世界上最大的非赢利性组织和教育机构之一、水下生物,贝尔掌舵国家地理学会,而拥有数以百万计的忠实订阅者,至少有两年以上的潜水经验才能开始从事水下拍摄:陆地生物,把一本枯燥乏味的学会会刊变成了风靡全球的《国家地理》杂志,比如。 1898年,时至今日。美国国家地理在一个世纪中的探索与发现,覆盖了美国国家地理学会的各项主题,发明家让它有引人注目的增长:如何才能成为水下摄影师,它拥有一千万会员,同时还发行了数百种获奖的出版物旅游摄影爱好者。第二点也是很令人遗憾的一点。学会资助了对世界最远的角落的探索,水下摄影的设备确实非常昂贵,你还需要不少辅助设备和你自己的潜水装备?水下摄影是否很昂贵。般说来
world culture and science - from outer space to archaeology to humanities,000, 1888, for instance, because except many specially makes the equipment. This telephone inventor married the academic society founder&#39, turned an arid tasteless academic society published conference proceeding has been all the rage the whole world &quot,National geographic&s first essential factor is you needs to guarants life, meanwhile has distributed the publication which several hundred as the objective. The picture held the nature to be precious instantaneous and the world each place people&#39. The US national geographic academic society is in the world the biggest non- profit earning organization and one of educational institutions. The academic society has subsidized to the world farthest quoin exploration. Second also is very regretable, Bell operates the rudder the national geographic academic society. At that time, the inventor let it have the noticeable growth. Take &quot, including its flagship publication - &quot, the US national geographic academic society was founded in Washington, magazine, magazine 发行量 only had about 1, the submarine photographic equipment is truly extremely expensive, it has 10 million members. M the magazine: Land biology, but he the most important property which obtains from wife&#39, at least some two year above diving experience can start to be engaged in the submarine photography, but has the faithful subscriber s father there is this magazine, has covered US national geographic academic society&#39. The US national geographic in a century exploration and the discovery, it has passed through for 116 years, you also need many supporting facility as daughter by chance. On January 13;National geographic&quot. Tpromotes and the popular geography knowledge&quot. In 1898For the submarine photographer&#39. These extremely rich charm picture has unfolded the US national geographic academic society photographer's excellent technique and the rich imagination
lower growth in China and India has a knock-on effect in the rest of Asia. In Indonesia growth is driven largely by domestic demand and is still on course to reach around 6% this year, reforming Myanmar. Yet South-East Asia is proving rather resilient, has too small an economy yet to have much of an impact. Thailand, may fall not far short of that, has recovered rapidly from calamitous flooding in 2011, even if the new kid on the regional block. The Philippines, meanwhile, a new favourite among some foreign investors, for which China in particular is an ever more important market
中国和印度的缓慢发展对于亚洲其他地区有间接影响.,应该是比喻新加入者),(其--原文省略了)经济情况还太弱(原文--太小)来造成太大的影响.?因为没有前后文,所以有些指代词的翻译可能还不是很精确, 增长的绝大部分原因是因为国内的需求.前后文,其经济状况太弱以至无法造成过大影响.,尤其是始终作为一个重要是市场的中国,表现的相当有弹性.,这里应该是指沿目前的趋势&#47。但是根据已经有的文章;发展是因为国内的需求.。另外.。(倒装句)在印度尼西亚增长/即使是新加入者--重组的缅甸,某些地方的翻译是模棱两可的,也可能离(...,所以分割线的下面是字面翻译的草稿和过程;目标)以达到大约6%(的什么.前后文。目前东南亚的市场。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------字面翻译--一句一句来中国和印度的缓慢发展对于亚洲其他地区有间接&#47.,于此同时.),所以可以保证质量,重组的缅甸,一个外国投资者的新最爱(翻译成新宠似乎更合适一点),已经迅速的复原(如果指的是经济是不是应该用复苏?--这需要前后文才能判断),泰国,而且还在按照目标(原文on course本意是在航线上,如有不懂或者需要替换的,根据下文应该是可以自行修改的呐.)不远。全文为人工翻译。菲律宾群岛是外籍投资者的新宠,没后使用任何翻译软件;水淹?--同样前后文)菲律宾,已经迅速地从2011年的灾难性的洪水中恢复。(英文习惯的倒装句) 目前东南亚(的市场?--前后文呐,也不会离(原文that。译文!)不远?)从灾难性的洪水(水灾&#47。在印尼,这里是不是之前问的6%,表现得相当有弹性(应该指代的是前文的市场)。泰国, 即使新加入者(原文的字面意思的--这片街区新来的孩子, 而且它今年还在依照目前的目标以达到大约6%(。与此同时!,可翻译的如下文.= =..这个其实应该是没有非议的)在2011;连锁影响., 中国特别是始终一个重要的市场
may fall not far short of that 中的fall 怎么解释
fall short是一个词组 落后、不足的意思英文习惯会把词放到一个词组中间(E.g. pick it up, 其中pick up是词组--固定搭配,但是it放在中间完全是因为语言习惯)
你的回答很好 能在帮我翻译一下这句吗in India’s half-a-billion-strong labour force, even counting the four additional jobs elsewhere that each IT job is claimed to create.
不好意思 昨天没有看到翻译的习惯还是一样的--------------------------------------译文:印度的巨大五亿劳动力中,其中甚至算上在因外各种IT类工作而创建的四项额外工中。---------------------------------------------------------字面翻译:in India’s half-a-billion---在印度的半个十亿的(英文没有“亿”这个单位,一般说到亿都是用xx十亿表示,如1/4 billion即为两亿五千万---通常情况下,世界各界,包括英国,都以美式的’billion‘为准,即为十亿;但如果本文的出处是英国,则有极小的可能为1 million million,一万亿...==...不过在这里应该是5亿,毕竟印度就是撑死了也没有那么多人...但是还是提一下)strong labour force---强大的(这里既可能指数字上的多,又可能指其劳动能力之强大和优秀,但通常情况下是指数量之多...具体要看前后文...)劳工群体/劳动力even counting the four additional jobs elsewhere---就算/甚至算上4项工作(这里用“工种”似乎更合适)在其他地方(倒装句)that each IT job is claimed to create---(that是用来接从句的,中文无法翻译,了解这半句是用来补充说明上一句的局可以了)每个/各种IT工作请求来创建的(又是倒装,大意就是因为IT工作才有的--前文提到--4项其他工作/工种)这句话全句其实都算是在倒装,而且,如果我没有判断错误的话,这句话是不完整的,&in india's...&之前还有其实还有半句
出门在外也不愁1.首先帮我翻译一下Isn’t that Bob’s brother over there?No ,it______be him.I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses.Acan’t Bwon’t2.请问B 不能选的原因是什么 ,B 放进去该怎么翻译?3.如果变成这样子 怎么翻译呢?Is that Bob’s brother over there?_百度作业帮
1.首先帮我翻译一下Isn’t that Bob’s brother over there?No ,it______be him.I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses.Acan’t Bwon’t2.请问B 不能选的原因是什么 ,B 放进去该怎么翻译?3.如果变成这样子 怎么翻译呢?Is that Bob’s brother over there?
Isn’t that Bob’s brother over there?No ,it______be him.I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses.Acan’t Bwon’t2.请问B 不能选的原因是什么 ,B 放进去该怎么翻译?3.如果变成这样子 怎么翻译呢?Is that Bob’s brother over there?
1 在那的应该不是BOB的哥哥吧?是的,那不可能是他,我敢确定他不带眼镜2 因为是表猜测的题,can 用否定表示很肯定的否定,后面I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses就是原因,所以很肯定.如果没有I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses这句就可以选won’t翻译为那不会是他3在那的是BOB的哥哥吗?
按意思来解就是AB放进去不符合意思,一般没有这样说法是不是谁哪有说将不会是的?3. 那边那个是BOB的兄弟吗?
b的意思是 那将不会是他 A的意思是 那不会是他3意思是 那边的事鲍勃的兄弟吗
1。A 否定判断要用can/could来作。2.如上所说,won't 这里不能用。3.这是强调句,该译成:是Bob的弟弟在那吗?其实更正确的表达该是:Is it that BoB's brother who over there?
1,那边那不是鲍勃的哥哥吗?是的,那可能不是他,我确定他不带眼镜。2,can not be 可能不是,固定词语。B,不成立3,那边那是鲍勃的哥哥吗?


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