
如图4,王华晚上由路灯A下的B处走到C处时,测得影子CD的长为1米,继续往前走3米到达E处时,测得影子EF的长为2米,已知王华的身高是1.5米,那么路灯A的高度AB等于A.4.5米  B.6米C.7.2米 D.8米
某村有一口水井,水面比井口低3米,一只蜗牛从水面沿着井壁竖直向井口爬,第一次向上爬了0.5米后又向下滑了0.1米;第二次向上爬了0.42米后却又向下滑了0.15米;第三次向上爬了0.7米后却又向下滑了0.15米;第四次向上爬了0.75米后却又向下滑了0.1米;第五次向上爬了0.55米后没有下滑;第六次向上爬了0.48米,问蜗牛有没有爬出井口?From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In , a 2–3–4 tree (also called a 2–4 tree) is a self-balancing
that is commonly used to implement .[] The numbers mean a
where every
with children () has either two, three, or four child nodes:
a 2-node has one , and if internal
a 3-node has two data elements, and if internal h
a 4-node has three data elements, and if internal has four child nodes.
2–3–4 trees are
of order 4; like B-trees in general, they can search, insert and delete in (log n) time. One property of a 2–3–4 tree is that all external nodes are at the same depth.
2–3–4 trees are an
of , meaning that they are equivalent data structures. In other words, for every 2–3–4 tree, there exists at least one red–black tree with data elements in the same order. Moreover, insertion and deletion operations on 2–3–4 trees that cause node expansions, splits and merges are equivalent to the color-flipping and rotations in red–black trees. Introductions to red–black trees usually introduce 2–3–4 trees first, because they are conceptually simpler. 2–3–4 trees, however, can be difficult to implement in most programming languages because of the large number of special cases involved in operations on the tree.
are simpler to implement, so tend to be used instead.
Every node (leaf or internal) is a 2-node, 3-node or a 4-node, and holds one, two, or three data elements, respectively.
All leaves are at the same depth (the bottom level).
All data is kept in sorted order.
To insert a value, we start at the root of the 2–3–4 tree:-
If the current node is a 4-node:
Remove and save the middle value to get a 3-node.
Split the remaining 3-node up into a pair of 2-nodes (the now missing middle value is handled in the next step).
If this is the root node (which thus has no parent):
the middle value becomes the new root 2-node and the tree height increases by 1. Ascend into the root.
Otherwise, push the middle value up into the parent node. Ascend into the parent node.
Find the child whose interval contains the value to be inserted.
If that child is a leaf, insert the value into the child node and finish.
Otherwise, descend into the child and repeat from step 1.
To insert the value "25" into this 2–3–4 tree:
Begin at the root (10, 20) and descend towards the rightmost child (22, 24, 29). (Its interval (20, ∞) contains 25.)
Node (22, 24, 29) is a 4-node, so its middle element 24 is pushed up into the parent node.
The remaining 3-node (22, 29) is split into a pair of 2-nodes (22) and (29). Ascend back into the new parent (10, 20, 24).
Descend towards the rightmost child (29). (Its interval (24 - 29) contains 25.)
Node (29) has no leftmost child. (The child for interval (24 - 29) is empty.) Stop here and insert value 25 into this node.
Consider just leaving the element there, marking it “deleted,” possibly to be re-used for a future insertion.
To remove a value from the 2–3–4 tree:
Find the element to be deleted.
If the element is not in a leaf node, remember its location and continue searching until a leaf, which will contain the element’s successor, is reached. The successor can be either the largest key that is smaller than the one to be removed, or the smallest key that is larger than the one to be removed. It is simplest to make adjustments to the tree from the top down such that the leaf node found is not a 2-node. That way, after the swap, there will not be an empty leaf node.
If the element is in a 2-node leaf, just make the adjustments below.
Make the following adjustments when a 2-node – except the root node – is encountered on the way to the leaf we want to remove:
If a sibling on either side of this node is a 3-node or a 4-node (thus having more than 1 key), perform a rotation with that sibling:
The key from the other sibling closest to this node moves up to the parent key that overlooks the two nodes.
The parent key moves down to this node to form a 3-node.
The child that was originally with the rotated sibling key is now this node's additional child.
If the parent is a 2-node and the sibling is also a 2-node, combine all three elements to form a new 4-node and shorten the tree. (This rule can only trigger if the parent 2-node is the root, since all other 2-nodes along the way will have been modified to not be 2-nodes. This is why "shorten the tree" he this is also an important assumption for the fusion operation.)
If the parent is a 3-node or a 4-node and all adjacent siblings are 2-nodes, do a fusion operation with the parent and an adjacent sibling:
The adjacent sibling and the parent key overlooking the two sibling nodes come together to form a 4-node.
Transfer the sibling's children to this node.
Once the sought value is reached, it can now be placed at the removed entry's location without a problem because we have ensured that the leaf node has more than 1 key.
Deletion in a 2–3–4 tree is O(log n), assuming transfer and fusion run in constant time ( O(1) ).
(1998). Sorting and Searching. . Volume 3 (Second ed.). Addison–Wesley.  .. Section 6.2.4: Multiway Trees, pp. 481–491. Also, pp. 476–477 of section 6.2.3 (Balanced Trees) discusses 2-3 trees.
Sedgewick, Robert (2008).
(PDF). Left-Leaning Red-Black Trees. Department of Computer Science, Purdue University.
Ford, W Topp, William (2002), Data Structures with C++ Using STL (2nd ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall, p. 683,  
(2002), Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, ,  
Grama, Ananth (2004).
(PDF). CS251: Data Structures Lecture Notes. Department of Computer Science, Purdue University.
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下列有机物的命名正确的是A.3,3-二甲基丁烷B.3-甲基-2-丁烯 C.2-乙基丁烷D.2,3,5–三甲基己烷
D试题分析:烷烃的命名原则是:找出最长的碳链当主链,依碳数命名主链,前十个以天干(甲、乙、丙...)代表碳数,碳数多于十个时,以中文数字命名,如:十一烷;从最近的取代基位置编号:1、2、3...(使取代基的位置数字越小越好)。以数字代表取代基的位置。数字与中文数字之间以- 隔开;有多个取代基时,以取代基数字最小且最长的碳链当主链,并依甲基、乙基、丙基的顺序列出所有取代基;有两个以上的取代基相同时,在取代基前面加入中文数字:一、二、三...,如:二甲基,其位置以 , 隔开,一起列于取代基前面。如果含有官能团,则含有官能团的最长碳链作主链,编号也是从离官能团最近的一端开始,据此可知选项D正确。A应该是2,2-二甲基丁烷,B应该是2-甲基-2-丁烯,C应该是3-甲基戊烷,答案选D。点评:该题是高考中的常见考点和题型,属于基础性试题的考查,试题基础性强,侧重对学生基础知识的巩固和训练,旨在考查学生灵活运用基础知识解决实际问题的能力。该题的关键是明确有机物的命名原则,然后结合题意灵活运用即可。
有机物的命名:(1)烷烃的习惯命名法:分子内碳原子数后加一个“烷”字,& 就是简单烷烃的名称,碳原子的表示方法: ①碳原子在1~10之间,用“天干”;&&&&&&&&&& ②10以上的则以汉字“十一、十二、……”表示。 (2)烷烃系统命名法命名的步骤 ①选主链 A. 主链要长:选碳原子数多的为主碳链 B. 支链要多:当两链碳原子数目相同时,支链多的为主碳链 ②编号位,定支链: A. 支链要近:应从支链最近的一段编碳原子序号 B. 简单在前:若不同的支链距离主链两端等长时,应从靠近简单支链的一段开始标碳原子序号。 C. 和数要小:若相同的支链距离主链两端等长时,应从支链位号之和最小的一段开始编号。 ③取代基,写在前,编号位,短线链: A. 把支链作为取代基,2.3.4…表示其位号,写在烷烃名称最前面 B. 位号之间用“,”隔开,名称中阿拉伯数字与汉字之间用“—”隔开 ④不同取代基,繁到简;相同基,合并算。 如: (3)烯烃和确定的命名法: ①首先选择含有双键的最长碳链作为主链,按主链中所含碳原子的数目命名为某烯。主链碳原子数在十以内时用天干表示,如主链含有三个碳原子时,即叫做丙烯;在十以上时,用中文字十一、十二、……等表示,并在烯之前加上碳字,如十二碳烯。 ②给主链编号时从距离双键最近的一端开始,侧链视为取代基,双键的位次须标明,用两个双键碳原子位次较小的一个表示,放在烯烃名称的前面。 ③其它同烷烃的命名规则。 (3)苯的同系物的命名:“苯的同系物命名是以苯作母体”,我们再结合烷烃命名的“近、简”原则,不难发现,当苯环上连有多个不同的烷基时,烷基名称的排列应从简单到复杂,环上编号从简单取代基开始,例如苯环上有甲基、乙基、丙基三个相邻的取代基时,应将甲基所在碳原子定为一号碳原子,命名为:1-甲基-2-乙基-3-丙基苯 (4)烃的衍生物的命名: 最长碳链,最小编号,先简后繁,相同合并。名称一般由4部分组成:构型+取代基的位置和名称十母体名称+主要官能团的位置和名称。 ①主链选择:选择含“母体”官能团的最长碳链为主链(烷烃则以取代基最多的最长碳链为主链),称某烷、烯、醇、酮、醛、羧酸等。 ②碳链编号:从靠近“母体”官能团最近的一端开始编号(烷烃则以离取代基最近端开始编号);若分子中仅含有双键和三键时,应以官能团的位次和最小为原则编号。双键和三键位于相同位次时,宜给双键最小的编号,繁杂的取代基可另行编号。 ③书写:先简后繁,相同的取代基合并,取代基含官能团时,书写次序一般按以下“母体选择次序”书写。在多官能团化合物名称中应按“母体”选择次序,在前的先写,并注明位次(同时应注意短横、逗号的使用)。若词尾仅为“几烯几炔”时.不管炔键在主链的位置如何,炔总是放在名称最后。 ④脂环化合物主链选择及编号:环烷编号从最简单的取代基开始,当环上含有其他官能团时,则以“母体”选择次序为原则,编号从与“母体”官能团相连的碳开始。 ⑤芳环化合物的命名:环上有多种取代基时,按母体选择次序,排在前面的为母体,并依次编号,取代基位次和应最小。稠环芳烃、萘、蒽、菲从a碳开始编号。杂环芳烃一般从原子序数较大的杂原子开始编号。 母体选择次序: 季胺碱(盐)或正离子>羧酸>磺酸>酯>酰卤>酰胺>脒>腈>醛、酮>醇>酚>硫醇>胺>亚胺>醚>硫醚>卤素>硝基)>烯、炔>烷>芳烃 在多官能团化合物的命名中,按上述母体选择次序,排在前面的为母体,后面的为取代基。烷基大小次序按原子序数大小逐个依次比较: 异丙基>异丁基>异戊基>己基>戊基>丁基>丙基>乙基>甲基
366862367333395484960133491223657843,4——二甲基辛烷 2,2,3,3——四甲基戊烷 结构简式怎么写_百度作业帮
3,4——二甲基辛烷 2,2,3,3——四甲基戊烷 结构简式怎么写
3,4——二甲基辛烷 2,2,3,3——四甲基戊烷 结构简式怎么写
解析:(1)3,4——二甲基辛烷CH3 - CH2 - CH - CH - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3| |H3C CH3(2)2,2,3,3——四甲基戊烷H3C CH3| |CH3 - CH - CH - CH2 - CH3| |H3C CH3
解析:(1)3,4——二甲基辛烷CH3 - CH2 - CH - CH - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3


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