这个轿车跑得比那个卡车快两倍 The car runs()()()thatdump truckk.

1)……倍数+形容词(或副词)的比较级+thanThis rope is twice longer than that one.这根绳的长度是那根绳的三倍。(是我们教室的六倍)The car runs twice faster than that truck.这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍。(比那座小山高三倍)也可用。This big stone is three times as heavy as that one.这块大石头的重量是那一块的三倍。(是那辆卡车的三倍)(2)……倍数+as+形容词(或 much)或副词+asAsia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。(比那根绳长二倍)This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍,height…)ofThis street is four times the length of that street.这条街是那条街的四倍长。(这块石头比那块重二倍)The plane flew ten times as high as the kite.那架飞机飞行高度是那个风筝的十倍。This hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。(高出九倍)(3)……倍数+the size(length
例如。The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year,由“倍数+ the size(length. 表示“……比……大几倍”:Our factory is twice as big as theirs,amount……)”结构组成。The production of grain has been increased by four times this year。例如&#160. 今年粮食产量增加了4倍. 地球是月亮的49倍大。2:The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon:This box is three times bigger than that one。[注] 一倍用once. 这个盒子比那个盒子大三倍. 今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。3;表示“几倍大小(长短. 我有你三倍那么多,两倍用 twice,由“倍数+ as +形容词+ as +”结构组成、还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍;数量)”. 表示“……是……倍”。例如. 我们的工厂是他们的三倍。I have three times as many as you。4,由“倍数+形容词(副词)比较级”结构组成
  1.... times+形容词(副词)比较级+than...
  This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍。(是我们教室的六倍大)
  The car runs twice faster than that truck. 这辆轿车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍。(是那辆卡车的三倍快)
  2.... times+as+形容词(或much)或副词原级+as...
  The big box is four times as heavy as the small one. 大箱子是小箱子的四倍重。
  Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。
  Ten is twice as much as five. 十是五的两倍。
  The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. 那架飞机飞行高度是那个风筝的十倍。(高出九倍)
  3.... times+the+名词(size, height, weight, length, width)+of
  Your playground is 900 metres wide, three times the size of ours. 你们操场有900米宽, 是我们的三倍。
  This street is four times the length of that one. 这条大街是那条街的四倍长。
  This big tree is four times the height of that small one. 这棵大树的高度是那棵小树的四倍。(比那棵小树高三倍)
  也可译成: The height of the big tree is four times that of that small one.
  4.... times+more+名词(可数, 不可数)+than...
  There are four times more books in our library than in yours. 我们图书馆藏书(数量)是你们图书馆的四倍。(多三倍)
  We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year. 我们今年生产的粮食比去年增长一倍。(是去年的两倍)
  5.... times +as many(或much)+名词+其它&&
  There is three times as much water in this pot as in that one. 这个壶里的水(量)是那个壶里的三倍。
  There are five times as many students as we expected. 到的人是我们预计的五倍。
  6.... times+over+被比对象表示&增加&&倍&。如:
  The grain output in that village was twice over that of 1978. 那个村的粮食产量比一九七八年的增加了两倍。
  7.... times+that of+被比对象&是&&倍&。如:
  In this workshop, the output of July was 3. 5 times that of January. 这个车间七月份的产量是元月份的三点五倍。
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初三英语上册(北师大版)Unit 3 The Media
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Ⅲ.情景交际 1.(2009·陕西高考)—My mother is preparing my favorite
dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay?
—    .And I'll be glad to meet your parents.
A.I think so     B.I'd love to
C.I'm sure
D.I hope so 解析:考查交际用语。上文的“Go with me and have a taste,okay?”是向对方发出邀请。而对别人的邀请,肯定的回答应该是B项,如果是否定的回答,则用“Sorry,but...”。 答案:B
2.—It is said that our celebration party of the New Year's Day
will be given up.
—Oh,no!    .
A.I am looking forward to it  B.I hope so
C.I'm afraid not
D.It doesn't matter 解析:考查交际用语。由答语前半部分的内容及句末的感叹号可推知说话人一直在盼望新年晚会,不希望它被取消。 答案:A
3.—Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends
but also makes us feel better.
—    .
A.I'd love to
B.I'm with you on that
C.It's up to you
D.It's my pleasure 解析:考查交际用语。句意:面带微笑不但有助于我们交朋友,而且能让我们感觉更好些。B项“我同意这点”,符合语境。A项“我很乐意”;C项“你拿主意/由你决定/你说了算”;D项“这是我的荣幸/不客气”,用于回答别人的感谢,相当于My pleasure。
4.(2009·福建高考)—Bruce,I really appreciate your handwrit-
-    .
A.I practice every day  B.Thank you very much
C.No,I don't think so
D.Well,it's not good enough 解析:考查交际用语。回答别人赞美、表扬之类的话时,应该用表示感谢的答语,所以B项正确。A、C、D不符合英语的语言习惯。 答案:B
use up      用光,耗尽(及物动词短语) give out
run across     偶遇 run after
追赶;追求(异性、时尚等) run back over
回想,重温(旧事) run for
竞选 run into
One day I happened to run across her. 有一天我碰巧见到她了。 Mary likes to
every new fashion.玛丽喜欢赶时髦。 The bus went out of control and
ran into a wall. 公共汽车失去控制,撞到了墙上。 ?run after 2.(2010·安徽蚌埠二中高三质检)My money     .I must go
to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I've none
A.has run out
B.is running out
C.has been run out
D.is being run out 解析:run out“用光,耗尽”,不及物动词短语,根据句中“before I've none in hand...”可知,钱还未完全用完,故用进行时表将来,选B。
rely on依靠,依赖
rely on (one's) doing
依赖(某人)做……,指望…… rely on sb.to do     依靠/指望某人做 rely on sb.for sth.
依赖某人某事 rely on it that从句
相信/指望…… rely on one's own efforts/strength 自力更生 Don‘t rely on going abroad for our holiday;we may not be able to afford it.不要指望去国外度假,我们可能负担不起 费用。 Don't rely on him to do anything—he's just a talker. 什么事都不要依靠他——他光会说空话。 We
our supply of cheese. 我们靠他提供奶酪。 You can
that it will rain this weekend. 你放心好了,本周末一定下雨。 We must rely on our own efforts.我们必须依靠自己的努力。 ?rely on him for ?rely on it 3.I think I can come,but don't     .
A.depend on
B.rely on it
D.make it 解析:句意:我认为我能来,但也不一定。rely on it“指望,依赖,放心好了”;make it“成功”
under way在进行中
The research is under way.这项研究正在进行之中。
under construction    在建设中 under attack
遭受攻击 under repair
在修理中 under control
在控制中 under discussion
在讨论中 under study
在研讨中 under examination
在检查中 under consideration
在考虑中 under treatment
在治疗中 Road projects are
.道路工程正在施工。 I can't use my office at present;it is under repair. 我目前不能使用我的办公室,它正在维修。 That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.这跟讨论的主题完全不相关。 Your proposal is
. 你的提议正在考虑中。 ?under consideration ? ?under construction 4.The firefighters soon got the fire in the building    .
A.under attack
B.under control
C.under construction
D.under study 解析:由句意可知是控制住大火,故用under control“在控制中”。
more than six times what is was in 1800是“倍数+what从句”的形式,意为“是(比)……的……倍”。 倍数的表达方式有: (1)A+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B,表示
“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。 The world's population has grown to more than six times what it wasin 1800 .目前的世界人口与1800年相比已经增长到那时的六倍多。
B的多少倍”。 (3)A+倍数+the size/height/length/width,etc.+of+B,表
示“A是B的多少倍”。 (4)A+倍数+what-从句,表示“A是……的多少倍”。 The car runs twice faster than that truck. 这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍。 There are five times more books in our library
in yours.我们图书馆里的书比你们图书馆多五倍。 Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 This hill is
of that small one. 这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。 The length of the road is three times what it was four years ago.这条路是四年前的三倍长。 ?than ?four times the height The Yongle Bell in the Great Bell Temple is      a man. A.as three times tall as   B.three times taller as C.three times as tall as
D.as three times like 解析:句意:大钟寺里的永乐大钟是一个人的三倍高。此题为倍数表达法的考查,其结构为:倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as,故C正确。 答案:C
Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.He sat at the table     (read) China Daily. 答案:reading 2.He sent me an E-mail,     (hope) to get further
information. 答案:hoping
3.    (check) for several times, we decided not to do it
again. 答案:Having been checked 4.The problem is quite      (puzzle). 答案:puzzling
5.Everyone thinks this is an     (interest)film. 答案:interesting Ⅱ.单项填空 1.     such heavy pollution already,it may now be too
late to clear up the river.
A.Having suffered
C.To suffer
D.Suffered 解析:句意:当河流受到严重污染时,现在要清理它已经为时过晚了。很明显,“污染”在前,“清理河流”在后,应用分词的完成式,故选A项。 答案:A
2.     a reply,he decided to wait again.
A.No receiving
B.Receiving not
C.Not having received
D.Having not received 解析:在v.-ing形式的否定式中,否定词应置于其前面,排除B、D两项;从句意来看,“未收到答复”在前, “决定等待”在后,故选C项。 答案:C
3.     anything about the accident,he went to work
A.Not known
B.Known not
C.Known not
D.Not knowing 解析:句子的主语he与know之间是主动关系,故用现在分词形式作状语。全句相当于Because he didn't know anything about...。 答案:D
4.“Can't you read?”Mary said      to the notice.
A.angrily pointing
B.and point angrily
C.angrily pointed
D.and angrily point 解析:句意:Mary指着告示生气地说:难道你不认字吗?本句的谓语动词是said,pointing...作伴随状语。
5.(2010·湖南衡阳八中模拟)After the Six-Party Talk in Beijing,
an agreement was reached      that North Korea would
abandon      nuclear weapons.
A.stating;to develop
C.to state;to develop
D.states;developing 解析:现在分词stating作agreement的定语;abandon后面接动名词作宾语,因此本题的答案是B。 答案:B
6.     Gong Li,how many of her movies do you really
A.Talking of
B.To talk of
C.Talked of
D.Talk of 解析:考查固定结构。talking of是固定结构,表示“谈到,谈起”。
7.(2010·江苏南通检测)     that Bob had got promoted,
his friends came to congratulate him.
B.Having heard
D.To hear 解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。动词hear与其逻辑主语his friends之间是主动关系,且“听说”这一动作发生在谓语动词“来”之前,故应该用现在分词的完成式。句意:听说Bob得到了提升,他的朋友都来向他表示祝贺。故答案为B。 答案:B 8.Mr.Parkinson stood up and left the room,     the
door behind him.
D.to close 解析:因句子的主语Mr.Parkinson与close是主谓关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。D项表示目的或结果,不合题意。 答案:A Ⅰ.选词填空
1.Pollution is very bad for the people who       the
river for water. open the floor,wipe out,in the form of,under way,focus on,rely on
答案:rely on
2.Two special government projects are also        to
protect the river. 答案:under way 3.The projects         problems along the Yangtze
River such as water conservation. 答案:focus on 4.Help          money will be welcome. 答案:in the form of 5.Now we will         for discussion. 答案:open the floor 6.In addition,many sea creatures are         
fishing boats. 答案:being wiped out Ⅱ.完成句子 1.这个印刷错误造成了很大的混淆。(lead)
This misprint            great confusion. 答案:led to 2.她从大批的求职者中被选中承担这项工作。(pick)
She        from dozens of applicants for the job. 答案:was picked out 3.那家公司急欲开辟新的市场。(expand)
The company is eager        new markets. 答案:to expand into 4.从证据来看,他显然是有罪的。 (obvious)
           he is guilty according to the evidence. 答案:It is obvious that 5.他不仅讲得更加准确,而且讲得也更加轻松。(not only)
           ,but he spoke more easily. 答案:Not only did he speak more correctly 解析:由句意可知,目前的情形更糟了。situation指某一时间由各种情况造成的“情形,处境”。case“案件,事例”;condition“条件,状况”;state“状况”。 答案:D
responsibility n.责任,职责
have/take/accept/shoulder responsibility for...               承担……责任 avoid/escape the responsibility
回避责任 on one's own responsibility自作主张地,自负全责地 take full responsibility for
对……负完全责任 a sense of responsibility
responsible adj.   
有责任的,负责的 be responsible for
对……负责 be responsible to sb.     (向主管者或上级)承担责任
She could have refused to take responsibility for the situation.对此情况她完全可以拒绝承担任何责任。 It is impossible to
. 逃避责任是不可能的。 I did it
. 我做的这件事,由我自己负责。 The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有更多的责任感。 Everyone should be responsible for his work. 每个人都应对自己的工作负责。 ?avoid/escape the responsibility ? ?on my own responsibility 4.The headmaster decided to have a word with whoever is
    this matter.
A. responsible for
B. in the charge of
C. operated
D. connected for 解析:根据句子意思和短语搭配选择be responsible for“对……负责”。in the charge of“由……负责,被……负责”。 答案:A raise vt.引发;提出;唤醒;提高;解除;饲养;筹集
raise a subject    提出一个问题 raise a family
养家糊口 raise money
筹款 raise prices
提高价格 raise one's spirits
打起精神 The old man likes raising rabbits,chickens,dogs and horses. 这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、狗和马。 How were they going to
it? 他们怎样来为此筹集足够的资金呢? raise enough money for arise,rise,raise 
(1)arise表无形的东西(如困难,问题等)“出现,发生”,是不及物动词。 A storm arose during the night.夜间暴风雨大作。 (2)rise指具体事物的“上升,升起”,也是不及物动词。The sun rises in the east.太阳从东边升起。 (3)raise为及物动词,“使……上升,举起,提高”等。 He raised his hand.他举起手。 5.(2010·东北师大附中高三摸底)New problems      as
they searched further.
D.arrived 解析:句意:随着他们进一步调查,新的问题产生了。arise“产生,出现”;rise“上升,升起”;raise“提出,提高”,是及物动词;arrive“到达”。 答案:B
advise vt.建议;劝告;提供意见
advise doing     建议做 advise sb.to do
建议某人做 advise sb.against doing
建议某人不要做 advise (sb.)that/which/what/whether...sb.(should)do
advice n.      建议,劝告 ask for one's advice
向某人征求意见 give advice on
就……提出建议 follow/take one's advice听从某人的劝告
He advised going slowly.他建议走慢点。 I advised him to eat more organic food. 我建议他多食用有机食品。 I would
having a party this weekend. 我劝你们本周末不要举行晚会。 I came here specially to
. 我是专门来向你征求建议的。 You will be happy in future if you follow my advice. 如果你听从我的劝告,你将来会幸福的。 ?advise you against ?ask for your advice 6.The man is weak in health,and is advised by the doctor
     more exercise.
B.should take
D.to take 解析:advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”,句中用了被动式:sb. be advised to do sth.。 答案:D
remain vi.留存;剩余;逗留link-v.继续,依然;保持,仍是
remain at/in      
停留,留下 remain to be done/seen
有待于做/观察 remain+adj./n./v.-ed/v.-ing/
(2)remains n. [pl.]
残留物;遗体 (3)remaining adj.
剩余的(作前置定语) They remained there all through the year. 他们在那里一直待到了年底。 Much still remains
.还有很多事要去做。 When I got back home,he remained listening to the radio. 我回到家的时候,他还在听收音机。 Train fares are likely to remain
. 火车票价很可能会保持不变。 ?to be done ?unchanged remain,stay 
(1)作连系动词时,意为“继续保持某一状态”,二者常可互换;但remain着重指在别人已离去或事情有变动后,仍继续停留或保持原样,主语可以是人,也可以是物;而stay的主语通常是人,仅指“停留,逗留”。 (2)表示“剩下”,用remain而不用stay。 (3)表示“在某处(住下)”,用stay而不用remain。 [以练促记] 用remain或stay的正确形式填空 ①The shop
open till night. ②He
in a hotel for a month when he was in Beijing. ③Little of the original architecture
. remains/stays
stayed remains 7.Please remain     ;the winner of the prize will be
announced soon.
A.seating        B.seated
D.to be seated 解析:seated作表语,表示状态。
effort n.努力;艰难的尝试
make an effort/efforts to do sth. 努力去做某事 make every effort to do sth.
尽一切努力去做某事 spare no effort(s) to do sth.
不遗余力地去做某事 with (an) effort(=with difficulty)
费力地,使劲地 without effort     
 毫不费力地 I decided to make one more effort.我决定再作一次努力。 But I assure you that we will
your evening here a pleasant one.不过我向你们保证我们将竭尽全力使你们今晚在这里过得愉快。 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 He spoke slowly and with effort.他讲话很慢,很吃力。 The little boat rolled down the river
with the wind behind her.小船乘着风轻松地顺流而下。 ?make every effort to make ?without effort 8.Lily succeeded, for she had made the greatest     and
got over plenty of difficulties.
D.energy 解析:make the greatest effort“作最大的努力”,其他选项不合句意。
appreciate vt.赞美,评价,欣赏,常识,鉴赏;感激;领会,充分意识到;重视
appreciate sb.      
赏识某人 appreciate(one/one's)doing sth.感激某人做某事 I would appreciate it if...如果……,我将不胜感激
appreciation n.     感激,欣赏;鉴赏力 have an appreciation of
评价,鉴赏;理解 show sb.your appreciation    对某人表达你的感激之情
I appreciate their invitation.谢谢他们的邀请。 At last people began to appreciate him. 最后人们开始赏识他。 We would much
you could do us that favour. 要是你们能帮我们这个忙,我们将非常感激。 Thank you for your appreciation.谢谢你的夸奖。 The writer
or an easy understanding of something. 这位作家对某事物有敏锐的鉴赏力或很强的理解力。 ?appreciate it if ?has a sensitive appreciation 9.(2010·福州月考)As I will be away for at least a year,I'd
appreciate    from you now and then     me
how everyone is getting along.
A.hearing; tell
B.to hear; tell
C.hearing ;telling
D.to hear; to tell 解析:appreciate后面跟名词或v.-ing形式;第二空处为v.-ing形式作伴随状语。
in addition另外,此外
There is,in addition,one further point to make. 此外还有一点要说明。
in addition to“除……之外还”,一般位于句首。 besides“除了……以外,还包括……”。 except“除……之外(不包括)”。 except for“除了……”,表示除去整体中的一部分,除去的部分和整体不是同一类;用以表明一个物体整体上很好,但在细节上有不足。 except that/when“除了……”为连词,后接句子。 apart from既含有“除了……还有”,也含有“排除……在外”之意。 In addition to/Besides an album,I gave him a pen and a pencil. 除了一本照相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 The street was empty
a cart. 除了一辆马车外,街道空旷一片。 I would buy the suit,
it costs too much. 如果不是它售价太高的话,我本想买下那套衣服。 Apart from English,we study Russian and Spanish. 除了英语以外,我们还学俄语及西班牙语。 except for
except that
1.(1)Mr.Black is a professor of chemistry.    ,he is a
famous writer.
B.In brief
D.In addition 解析:句意:布莱克先生是一位化学教授,又是一位著 名作家。故用in addition“此外,另外”。in all“总共”;in brief“简言之”;in fact“实际上”。 答案:D (2)(2010·浙江菱湖中学模拟)     the names on the list,
there are six other applicants.
A.Except for        B.In addition to
C.Apart with
D.Except 解析:句意:除了单子上的名字,另外还有六名申请者。in addition to“除……之外还……”。except for常用作整体上描述,细节上加以补充;except“除……之外”。 答案:B run out (of)用完,耗尽;(合同等)到期;过期,失效
His money has been run out of and his patience is also running out.他的钱已用完了,他的耐心也要耗尽了。 My passport
.我的护照已失效。 ?has run out
 (2009·北京高考)假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为响应绿化祖国的号召,你班四月十二日去郊区植树,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍植树活动的全过程,给某英文杂志的“绿色行动”专栏写一篇以“Green Action in Our Class”为题的英文稿件。 注意:词数不少于60。 提示词:郊区suburbs Green Action in Our Class
April 12 is memorable because our class had a meani- ngful experience on that day.In the morning,we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees,talking and laughing all the way.Upon arrival,we began to work immediately.Some were digging holes.Some were carrying and planting young trees.Others were watering them.After getting the work done,we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees.Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action.Seeing the lines of trees,we all had a sense of achievement.We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment.
Ⅰ.高频单词点击 1.His
(方法)to the problem are wrong. 2.The
(数字)are not accurate. 3.The economic
(形势)has changed considerably. 4.The prescription of drugs is a doctor's
(责任). 5.His general
(状况)of health is fairly satisfactory. approaches
figures situation responsibility state
6.She could not live with the
(羞耻)of other people
knowing the truth. 7.This
(措施)will have much effect on it. 8.Our chief
(担忧)at the moment is the weather. 9.She
(提出)a very important question at the meeting. 10.She left,but I
(留下)behind. shame measure concern raised remained Ⅱ.重点短语回顾 1.
       另外 2.
扫除,消灭 3.
削减,缩减,减少 4.
自由发言 5.
以……的形式 7.
装备有……,储备有…… 8.
in addition  wipe out cut back on open the floor run out (of) in the form of
be stocked with pick out 10.
导致(结果) 11.
导致(结果) 12.
在进行中 result in lead to under way 9.
依靠,依赖 rely on 13.
集中,关注 focus on Ⅲ.常用佳句必备 1.The world's population has grown to more than six times
what it was in 1800. [信息提取] 此句用了倍数+what引导的名词性从句的用法。
[例句仿写] 现在的产量是十年前的三倍。 The production now is
it was ten years ago. three times what 2.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production
and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. [信息提取] my suggestion is后接表语从句,从句应用虚拟语气,其中should可省略。 [例句仿写] 我的建议是我们在那家新开的餐馆吃午饭。 My suggestion is that we
at the new restaurant. (should) have lunch 3.What if we run out of space? [信息提取] What if 倘使……将会怎样,其后从句要用陈述语序。
[例句仿写] 如果你爸爸知道这件事会怎么样呢?
your father knows about it? What if 4.In 2000,it was reported that 23.4 billion tons of untreated
human and industrial sewage was deposited into the river. [信息提取] 此句用了it is +过去分词+that...句型。 [例句仿写] 据说筹款超过了1万英镑。
that over £ 10,000 has been raised. It is said 5.破解疑难句 典 句 Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth has meant that not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising,but the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing. 分 析 本句为复合句,that引导的宾语从句中又含有not only ...but also...结构。not only置于句首,句子用了部分倒装。being put back into the river为现在分词作waste的定语。 试 译 工农业的飞速发展,加上人口的迅猛增长,不仅意味着从长江的取水量在增长,同时回放到长江的废弃物也在增加。 Ⅳ.交际用语必背 1.
that Peter has seen nothing of life.
,I like blue best.我个人最喜欢蓝色。
3.I totally
you because what you said is right.
it seems that it is reasonable.
it is very important.我认为这很重要。
It seems to me Personally agree with From my point of view I think figure n.数字;外形;轮廓;人物;人影v.认为;判断
keep one's figure   保持体态苗条 public figure
figure on/upon  计划,估计;仔细考虑 figure out
计算出;弄懂,弄明白 figure up
The above figure did not include workers. 上面的数字不包括工人。 I made out three figures moving in the distance. 我隐约看出远处有三个人影在移动。 How do you
?你是怎么保持体态苗条的? Please
the account.请把账目的总数加起来。 I figure that he is honest.我想他是诚实的。 ?keep your figure ?figure up 1.For many years I have been trying to      what it is that
makes Jack so angry.
A.carry out       B.figure out
C.watch out
D.make out 解析:figure out“弄明白”;carry out“完成,执行”;watch out“小心”;make out“辨认出”,作“理解,明白”讲时,常用于否定句或疑问句。根据句意,B为最佳答案。 答案:B
approach vt.& vi.接近,靠近n.靠近,接近;态度,方法
We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching.我们听见一辆车驶近的声音。 With the rainy season
,they decided to accelerate their paces in building the reservoir. 随着雨季的临近,他们决定加快修建水库的步伐。 ?approaching approach to...(做某事)的方法/途径;接近,靠近 at the approach of    在快到……的时候 make approaches to sb.
和某人打交道,设法接近某人 make an approach to... 对……进行探讨 The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.学校已决定采取另一种方法解决纪律问题。 The snow melted away at the approach of noon. 快到中午时,雪融掉了。 He
his boss.他设法接近他的老板。 ?made approaches to
2.In the lecture,the famous lecturer referred to three different
     to the study of physics.
A.means        B.methods
D.approaches 解析:选项中四个词都表示方法,只有approach后跟介词to表示“……的方法”。 答案:D
situation n.形势,情形
get into/out of a difficult situation陷入/摆脱困难的状况 the international/domestic situation国际/国内形势 save the situation
挽回局面,解救危局 They have got into a difficult situation.他们已陷入困境。 state,condition,situation 
(1)state指“状况,状态”,常构成搭配in a...state或in
a state of...。 (2)condition可数名词“条件,环境”;不可数名词“身体状况”,in good/poor condition。 (3)situation指某一时间由各种情况造成的“形势,状况,事态”。 The road is in a good state.路况很好。 After the operation,he has been
. 那次手术后,他的健康状况一直很好。 The two sides went into the situation in which they came into conflict.双方到了产生冲突的地步。 in good condition 3.With no rain for three months,and the food supplies running
out,the present      here is getting worse.
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