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process 过程;
procedure 程序;
proceedings 会刊;
procure 获得
Proctor 代理人
[计] 程序,工艺规程,方法,过程
It is generalize the known results by J . Yah ( Proc . Amer. Math. Soc. 98 ( 1986 ) 276 - 282 ).
推广了YanJ ( Proc.Amer. Math. Soc. 98 ( 1986 ) 276 ~ 286 ) 的结果.
Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5 %.
But in time, ever more powerful PC proc essors made continuous-speech anal ysis possible.
1. proceeding 进程
2. process 过程
3. Peoples Republic of Cork (Ireland) 中华人民共和国软木(爱尔兰)
4. Procaine Hydrochloride 盐酸普鲁卡因
5. Procedure n. 程序, 手续, 步骤; 常规的做法
6. Proceeding(s) 程序(s)
7. Proceedings of the IEEE 大叶大学
8. Processing n. 进程, 步骤, 数据处理, 整理, 配制
9. Processor n. 加工者, 处理器
10. Procurement n. 取得, 征购, 斡旋, 促成
11. Proposed Required Operational Capability 提出要求的工作能力
12. Puerto Rican Operations Center (US DoD) 波多黎各营运中心(美国国防部)
13. command procedure 命令过程
14. programmed computer 程控计算机
15. programming computer 程序计算机
16. protein C 蛋白C
SQL sys.dm_exec_cached_plans-顺义站长资源 ... Rule 规则 Proc 存储过程 Prepared 预定义语句.
10.3 通过虚拟文件系统(/proc)进行数据交互 19510.4 调试工具  用gdb调试用户空间程序  用gdbserver …
一般存储过程定义包括如下几部分: 1. 存储过程名称 CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name
或者:Create proc procedure_name 2.参数,输入参数,输出参数 @parameter_name1.
PROC procedure
PRIM primary 首要的,主要的PROC procedure 程序;手续;步骤PROG MEM ROM memory error 唯读记忆体错误
PRIM primary 首要的,主要的PROC procedure 程序;手续;步骤PROG MEM ROM memory error 唯读记忆体错误
PROC statement
problem-oriented language 问题语言PROC statement 处理叙述procedur analysis 程序分析
找错问题problem-oriented language问题语言PROC statement处理叙述procedur analysis
PROC Attribute
...用户可将常用的具有特定功能的程序段编写成子程序使用。一般过程定义伪操作的格式为:过程名 PROC Attribute……
积分 241, 距离下一级还需 19 积分
权限: 自定义头衔
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡下一级可获得
权限: 签名中使用图片
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
proc report data=AE_tab nowindows split='|' headline spacing=2&?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = &urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office& /&
& & column pag ord AEDECOD _2 _1 _0;
& & define pag / noprint order order=
& & define ord / noprint order order=
& & define AEDECOD / flow &System Organ Class - Preferred Term& left width=35;
& & define _2 / flow && && &Zemairal|__& &(N=&arm2, SY=&sy2)|n (%)|Events (IR, 95% CI)&&&width=30;
& & define _1 / flow && && &Placebo|__& &(N=&arm1, SY=&sy1)|n (%)|Events (IR, 95% CI)&&&width=30;
& & define _0 / flow && && &Total|__& &(N=&tot, SY=&sytot)|n (%)|Events (IR, 95% CI)&&&width=30;
& & title1 j=c& &&Table 14.3.1-2.5&;
& & title2 j=c& &&Summary of adverse events leading to death during the study with exposure adjusted incidence rates (frequencies)&;
& & title3 j=c& &&(Safety population)&;
& & title4 j=c& &&Page xxxx of yyyy&;
& & title5 j=c& &&&fline.&;复制代码1.&&j=c 是什么意思,是justify=center的缩写么
2. define pag / noprint order order=
& &define ord / noprint order order=& &这里为什么要加order=data3.&&spacing=2 是什么意思4 平时总是搞混order group display ,有什么好办法区别他们么
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
本帖最后由 lyfyb99 于
16:34 编辑
2. order=data 是说按照dataset AE_tab 中的records 顺序来显示
3. spacing=2指的是每列间隔2个字符
4. order指按此变量排序,常用在noprint的变量; group指的是对于该变量的重复值,只是第一条显示;display则显示该变量,重复值也都显示
总评分:&热心指数 + 1&
lyfyb99 发表于
2. order=data 是说按照dataset AE_tab 中的records 顺序来显示
3. spacing=2指的是每列间隔2个 ...多谢!
2005年—2007年:香港城市大学物理及材料科学系,超金刚石及先进薄膜研究中心研究员(Research Fellow)。师从著名纳米科技领域专家李述汤院士(Shuit-Tong Lee)、张文军(Wenjun Zhang)教授,从事准一维半导体输运特性、纳米器件制备、集成及应用方面的研究。曾领导多人研究小组进行纳米器件开发工作。
揭建胜教授长期从事低维纳米材料的可控合成、结构分析、物性表征以及相应新型微纳器件的设计、制备、性能的研究工作,在纳米材料与纳米器件领域取得了相当的成就。已在重要国际刊物Nano Lett.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Small、Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Phys. Chem. B等上发表SCI论文30多篇,平均影响因子4.4,论文被SCI检索引用420多次,其中第一作者论文被引用290多次,h-因子为11。包括Angew. Chem. Int. Edit、Prog. Mater. Sci.、Small等顶级期刊上的多篇综述性论文对申请者的工作进行了近20篇次引用和评论。
揭建胜教授的工作获得广泛关注,如Nature China曾两次在研究亮点专栏中报道了揭教授的工作,一次是以《集成光子学:纳米尺度的军队》为题报道发表在Appl. Phys. Lett.上关于无催化ZnO纳米线阵列合成的工作;另一次是以《光探测器:纳米带的新认识》为题报道发表在Nano Lett.上关于单根CdS纳米带光电特性的工作,后者也得到中国科学院、中科院理化所等多个网站的详细报道与高度评价。而发表在Chem. Phys. Lett.上关于n-型掺杂ZnO纳米带合成与表征的文章亦入选此期刊年度“Top-50 most cited articles”论文之列。近期关于合成规则有序多孔结构MgO纳米管的文章也被纳米专业期刊Nanotechnology的姐妹网站Nano techweb . org以短新闻的形式报道。还多次在美国材料协会(MRS)年会等国际国内学术会议上报告最新研究进展。
1、国家自然科学青年基金,基于准一维半导体高性能场效应器件的研究,1.12,万,主持人。 2、2008年度教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,基于低维半导体纳米结构新型微纳器件的设计、构建与应用研究,,50万,主持人。 3、中国高技术研究发展计划(国家863计划),基于II-VI族半导体纳米结构的光电子器件研究,,100万,主持人(副组长)。
长期致力于低维半导体纳米结构的制备、表征及应用研究,探索纳米材料在新一代电子、光电子、传感器等重要领域的应用。在Nano. Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、J. Mater. Chem、Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际重要刊物发表论文70余篇,被引1400多次,H因子=21,多篇论文被“Nature China” 等期刊与网站作为研究亮点报道。目前申请发明专利8项,已授权1项。担任Small、Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Phys. Chem. C、J. Mater. Chem等20多个国际期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,参与国家863、973等多项国家级研究项目。
1. Jiansheng Jie,Wenjun Zhang, Kuiqing Peng,Guodong Yuan, Chun-Sing Lee,and Shuit-Tong Lee, “The surface-dominated transport properties of silicon nanowires”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 18,
(2008). ( Impact Factor:7.496 )
2. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, Xiangmin Meng, Yanqing Li, S. T. Lee, “Photoconductive characteristics of single-crystal CdS nanoribbons”, Nano Letters 6,
(2006). (Impact Factor: 9.627 Times Cited: 37 )(Highlighted by Nature China, http://www.nature .com/nchina//full/nchina.2007.68.html)
3. Jiansheng Jie, Chunyan Wu, Yongqiang Yu, Li Wang and Zhizhong Hu,“Gallium-assisted growth of flute-like MgO nanotubes, Ga2O3-filled MgO nanotubes, and MgO/Ga2O3 co-axial nanotubes”,Nanotechnology20, 09). (Reported by Nano techweb . orgin Lab Talk: http://nano techweb. org/cws/article/lab/37727) ( Impact Factor: 3.31 )
4. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, S. T. Lee, “Single-crystal CdSe nanoribbon field-effect transistors and photoelectric applications”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 06). (Impact Factor: 3.596 Times Cited: 7 )
5. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, S. T. Lee, “Transport properties of single-crystal CdS nanoribbons”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 06). (Impact Factor: 3.596 Times Cited: 6 )
6. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, Xiangmin Meng, J. A. Zapien, M. W. Shao, S. T. Lee, “Heterocrystal and bicrystal structures of ZnS nanowires synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition”,Nanotechnology 17,
(2006). (Impact Factor: 3.31 Times Cited: 4 )
7. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Yiming Chen, Xinhai Han, Qingtao Wang, and J. G. Hou. “Synthesis and optical properties of the well-aligned ZnO nanorods on undoped ZnO film”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 05). (Impact Factor: 3.596 Times Cited: 71 ) (Highlighted by Nature China, http://www.nature .com/nchina//full/nchina.-5.html)
8. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Qingtao Wang,Yiming Chen, Xinhai Han, Xiaoping Wang, and J. G. Hou. “Synthesis and characterizations of well aligned ZnO nanorods on porous aluminum oxide template”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108,
(2004). (Impact Factor: 4.086 Times Cited: 41 )
9. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Gongpu Li, and J. G. Hou. “Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO:In nanowires with superlattice structure”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108,
(2004). (Impact Factor: 4.086 Times Cited: 25 )
10. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Jieping Fang, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Bo Xu, Qingtao Wang, Rongchuan Fang, J. G. Hou. “Growth of ternary oxide nanowires by Au-catalyzed vapor-phase evaporation”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108,
(2004). (Impact Factor: 4.086 Times Cited: 25 )
11. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Gongpu Li, and J. G. Hou. “Indium-doped zinc oxide nanobelts”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 387, 466-470 (2004). (年度Chem. Phys. Lett. Top-50 most cited articles) (Impact Factor: 2.207 Times Cited: 64 )
12. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Jieping Fang, Bo Xu, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Fanqing Li, and J. G. Hou. “Growth and properties of well-aligned ZnO hexagonal cones prepared by carbonthermal reaction”, J. Crystal Growth 267, 223-230 (2004). (Impact Factor: 1.95 Times Cited: 11 )
13. Guodong Yuan, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, X. Fan, J. A. Zapien, Y. H. Leung, L. B. Luo, P. F. Wang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “P-type ZnO Nanowire Arrays”, Nano Lett. 8,
(2008). (Impact Factor: 9.627 Times Cited: 5 )
14. Zhubing He, Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Wenfeng Zhang, Linbao Luo, Xia Fan, Guodong Yuan, Igor Bello, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Tuning electrical and photoelectrical properties of CdSe nanowires via indium doping”, Small5, 345-350 (2009). (Impact Factor: 6.408)
15. Xiujuan Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Wenfeng Zhang, Linbao Luo, Zhubin He, Chengyi Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Wenjun Zhang, Chun-Sing Lee, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Photoconductivity of a single small molecular organic nanowire”, Adv. Mater. 20, ). (Impact Factor: 8.191)
16. Wenfeng Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Zhubing He, Silu Tao, Xia Fan, Yechun Zhou, Guodong Yuan, Linbao Luo, Chun-Sing Lee, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Single zinc-doped indium oxide nanowire as driving transistor for organic light-emitting diode”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 08). (Impact Factor: 3.596)
17. Kuiqing Peng, Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Silicon nanowires for rechargeable lithium-ion battery anodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 08).
18. Wenfeng Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Linbao Luo, Guodong Yuan, Zhubing He, Zhiqiang Yao, Zhenhua Chen, Chun-Sing Lee, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Hysteresis in In2O3:Zn nanowire field-effect transistor and its application as a nonvolatile memory device”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 08).
19. Z. H. Chen, Jiansheng Jie, L. B. Luo, H. Wang, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, “Applications of silicon nanowires functionalized with palladium nanoparticles in hydrogen sensors”, Nanotechnology 18, 07).
20. Guodong Yuan, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Xia Fan, Jinxin Tang, Ismathullakhan Shafiq, Zhizhen Ye, Chun-Sing Lee, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Tunable n-type conductivity and transport properties of Ga-doped ZnO nanowire arrays”, Adv. Mater. 20, 168-173 (2008).
21. Mingliang Zhang, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, J. P. Hsu, N. B. Wong, “Millimeter-long and uniform silicon nanocables”, J. Phys. Chem. C
22. Yang Jiang, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Xiangmin Meng, Xia Fan, and S. T. Lee, “Photoresponse properties of CdSe single-nanoribbon photodetectors”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 17,
23. Yang Jiang, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Xiangmin Meng, J. A. Zapien, S. T. Lee, “Homoepitaxial growth and lasing properties of ZnS nanowire and nanoribbon arrays”, Adv. Mater. 18,
24. Xinhai Han, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Wallace C. H. Choy, Yi Luo, T. I. Yuk, and J. G. Hou, “Controllable synthesis and optical properties of novel ZnO cone arrays via vapor transport at low temperature”, J. Phys. Chem. B 109,
25. Xinhai Han, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Xuelian Zhu, and J. G. Hou, “Properties of Zn1-xCoxO thin films grown on silicon substrates prepared by pulsed laser deposition”, Thin Solid Films 491, 249-252 (2005).
26. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Bo Xu, and J. G. Hou, “Annealing effect on optical properties of ZnO films fabricated by cathodic electrodeposition”, Thin Solid Films 492, 61-65 (2005).
27. Chengyi Zhang, Xiujuan Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, Jack C. Chang, Chun-Sing Lee, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Facile one-Step growth and patterning of aligned squaraine nanowires via evaporation-induced self-assembly”, Adv. Mater. 20, )
28. Mingliang Zhang, Kui-Qing Peng, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, Rui-Qin Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Ning-Bew Wong, “Preparation of Large-Area Uniform Silicon Nanowires Arrays through Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching”, J. Phy. Chem. C 112,
29. X. Fan, X. M. Meng, X. H. Zhang, M. L. Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, W. J. Zhang, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, “Formation and photoelectric properties of periodically twinned ZnSe/SiO2 nanocables”, J. Phys. Chem. C 113(3), 834-838 (2009).
30. Zhenhua Chen, Hao Tang, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, Sing-Chun Lee, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Epitaxial ZnS/Si core-shell nanowires and single-crystal silicon tube field-effect transistors”, J. Crystal Growth, 310, 165-170 (2007).
31. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Bo Xu, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Gongpu Li, Qingshan Li, and J. G. Hou, “Non-aqueous cathodic electrodeposition of large-scale uniform ZnO nanowire arrays embedded in anodic alumina membrane”, Mater. Lett. 59,
32. Qihong Wu, Yurong Ma, Jiansheng Jie, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Rongchuan Fang, X. L. Chen, K. Wang, “Hole drilling of Inconel 718 by high intensity pulsed ultraviolet laser”, J. Laser Applications 15, 168-171 (2003).
33. Qihong Wu, Jiansheng Jie, Yurong Ma, Qingxuan Yu, Bin Miao, Guanzhong Wang, Yuan Liao, Rongcuan Fang, Xiangli Chen, and Kelvin Wang. “Study of superalloy topography during ultrahigh intensity nanosecond ultraviolet laser ablation”, J. Appl. Phys. 91,
34. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, and S. T. Lee, “Transport properties and device applications of novel semiconductor nanostructures”, 2007 CAS International Symposium on Nanomaterials Nanodevices and Thin Film Solar Cell, Ningbo, China(Invited Talk)
35. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Y. Jiang, and S. T. Lee, “DC plasma CVD synthesis of ZnS nanowires with heterocrystalline and bicrystal structures” 2005 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium R: Assembly at the Nanoscale -- Toward Functional Nanostructured Materials, Nov.28-Dec.2, Boston, USA. (Oral Presentation)
36. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Kuiqing Peng, Zhenhua Chen, Mingliang Zhang, Guodong Yuan, Linbao Luo, Chun-Sing, and S. T. Lee, “The role of surface states in the transport properties of Si nanowires prepared by chemical etching”, 2007 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium JJ, Nov.26-30, Boston, USA.
37. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, and S. T. Lee, “Photoconductive characteristics of single-crystal CdSxSe1-x nanoribbons”, Asia-Pacific Conf. Surf. Sci. Eng. 2006, HK.
38. Y. Jiang, Jiansheng Jie, W. J. Zhang, and S. T. Lee, “Homo-epitaxial growth of ZnS cross nanowires array and Its Photoluminescence properties”, 2005 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium R: Assembly at the Nanoscale -- Toward Functional Nanostructured Materials, Nov.28-Dec.2, Boston, USA.
39. Xinhai Han, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Qingtao Wang, and Dapeng Li “Optical properties of ZnO cone arrays and influence of annealing on optical properties of ZnO-Zn coaxial nanocables” Nanophotonics, Nanostructure, and Nanometrology, edited by Xing Zhu, Stephen Y. Chou, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5635 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
40. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Yuan Liao, Qingshan Li “Non-aqueous cathodic electrodeposition of large-scale uniform ZnO and CdO nanowire arrays” Nanophotonics, Nanostructure, and Nanometrology, edited by Xing Zhu, Stephen Y. Chou, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5635 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
41. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Bo Xu, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Qingxuan Yu “Preparation and optical properties of ZnO films by cathodic electrodeposition” Light-Emitting Diode Materials and Devices, edited by Gang Yu, Chuangtian Chen, Changhee Lee, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5632 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
42. Qihong Wu, Yurong Ma, Jiansheng Jie “Short pulse high intensity laser machining of Ni-base superalloy”, Proceeding of the Inter. Conf. On Engineering and Technology Science 2000, New World Press, ISBN 7-, V2. ), 1 edition.
使用计时器的  方法一:
时指定窗口句柄hWnd,nIDEvent中指定计时器ID,将lpTimerFunc置NULL从而不使用TimerProc;在窗口过程中处理WM_TIMER消息。,使用SetTimer中指定的hWnd和id。最好使用#define定义timer的id,例如:  #define ID_TIMER 1  SetTimer(hWnd,ID_TIMER,1000,NULL) ;  KillTimer(hWnd,ID_TIMER) ;  方法二:
调用SetTimer时指定窗口句柄hWnd,nIDEvent中指定计时器ID,lpTimerFunc参数不为NULL而指定为TimerProc函数的指针。这种方法使用TimerProc函数(名字可自定)处理WM_TIMER消息:  void CALLBACK TimerProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT message, UINT iTimerID, DWORD dwTime)  {  //处理WM_TIMER讯息  }  TimerProc的参数hwnd是在调用SetTimer时指定的窗口句柄。Windows只把WM_TIMER消息送给TimerProc,因此消息参数总是等于WM_TIMER。iTimerID值是计时器ID,dwTimer值是与从GetTickCount函数的返回值相容的值。这是自Windows启动后所经过的毫秒数。 使用这种方法时,相关函数调用的形式为:  SetTimer(hWnd,ID_TIMER,1000,TimerProc) ;  KillTimer(hWnd,ID_TIMER) ;  方法三:
调用SetTimer时不指定窗口句柄(为NULL),iTimerID参数自然被忽略,lpTimerFunc不为NULL而指定为TimerProc的指针。正如上面SetTimer的讨论中所说的,此时SetTimer的返回值正是新建立的计时器的ID,需将这个ID保存以供KillTimer销毁计时器时所用。当然,KillTimer的hWnd参数也置为NULL。这种方法同样用TimerProc处理WM_TIMER消息。  UINT_PTR iTimerID ;  iTimerID = SetTimer(NULL,0,1000,TimerProc) ;  KillTimer(NULL,iTimerID) ;  使用这种方法的好处是不必自己指定计时器ID,这样就不必担心用错ID。


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